Welcome June 7, 2015

Elder– Garry Handley 304-562-5949
Elder– Rob Prichard 304-743-3908
Elder– Brian Yost 304-757-6321
Andy Galford - Benevolence - 304-562-0148
Doug Shrewsbury - Building & Grounds - 304-562-3420
David Trader - Youth - 304-932-3211
Minister - Matt Oliver - Cell-304-840-1382, Office: 304-5250320; email: mattoliver@hurricanechurchofchrist.com
Custodian and Secretary -Keri Pauley - 304-395-3602;
e-mail: keripauley@hurricanechurchofchrist.com
Church website: www.hurricanechurchofchrist.com
The Hurricane Church of Christ exists to Love, worship, and
serve God, Love one another, Seek the lost, and
Make Disciples.
Sunday Morning Class
Sunday Evening
Life Groups meet throughout the
Sunday Morning Worship
Valley. If you are not in a Life
Group, ask how to get involved.
Wednesday Evening—7:oopm
Last Sunday Worship: 97
Offering Last Sunday: $2,109
June 7, 2015
Prayer Requests
James Holiday is having severe pain, the doctors are running tests.
8 – Danny Campbell
15 – Zack Erlandson
22 – Bonnie Pauley
23 – Sandy Rayburn
6 – Keith & Jenny Hall
12 – Doug & Erma Stowers
22 – Doug & Carrie Shrewsbury
Dee Sowards is having heart trouble and on continuous oxygen.
Anita Barnhouse will be starting her Chemo and Radiation in the coming week.
Jim Harper has cancer and will be put on a feeding tube.
Ray Tackett is hospitalized and not doing well.
Brett and Alicia White are searching for employment for Brett.
Others needing continued prayers:
Scott Walker, Billy Seanze, Philip Ellis, Viola Ellis, Sarah Withrow, Brandon Armstead, Wilson Armstead, Don & Sandy Rayburn, Roy Eagle, Don
Covert, Landon Wolfe, Darrin Zappia, and Men & Women of the Military
Hurricane Church Calendar
Potter’s Children’s Home needs help. Here’s what they need: hot
chocolate mix, dill pickle spears, toilet paper, canned yams, green
scrubbing pads, gallon-sized storage bags, and chunky peanut
VBS is coming! Are you fired up? Volunteers needed. See
Philindy Oliver or Tami Handley to see how you can help.
Office hours are now 9am-1pm Monday and Friday.
The Northside Church of Christ Youth Group will be visiting July 2531. If you can help with housing see one of the Elders or Matt
Our food pantry is in need of peanut butter, jelly, and canned fruit.
Broadmore Nursing Home
28 Braley Care and Putnam Nursing
Home Devotion
28 VBS Kickoff
Order of Service
Song Leader: Rob Prichard
Communion Devotion: William Gill
Communion Servers: Lloyd Price,
Clinton Shrewsbury, Steve Browning, Jack Trader
Scripture Reading: Gary Johnson
Sermon: “Radical Words of Jesus:
Love is the Evidence, John 13:3435”, Matt Oliver