CONNECTION Our Savior Lutheran Church Mesquite, TX May 2015 Pentecost and the ‘60s: Where Cultures Collide It’s the 50th Birthday of the ‘60s. Recent documentaries about the ‘60s have chronicled the changes that have led us into an unwinnable war—the Culture War. Culture Wars do not use traditional armies or warheads. They breathe stereotypes, stir hatred, inflame passions. They use weapons of racism, prejudice, and ignorance. The skirmishes are everywhere around us. They can be found in the streets of Baltimore, the borders of the Southwest, the deserts of Syria, the pot shops of Colorado, and even the Supreme Court of the United States. Political parties entrench themselves for ongoing clashes. Muslim-Christian hostilities escalate. Denominations of Christianity have widening polarities of belief. Culture wars dominate our national discourse from state house to your house. These culture wars are about language, customs, ethnicity, economic status, lifestyles, dress, freedom of speech, morality, government, gun control, abortion, gay rights, death penalty, sexuality, marriage, drug use, privacy, censorship, religion, personal values … you name it and someone, somewhere is fighting about it. These undeclared wars are reaching a fever pitch… and sometimes they break out in violence and destruction. Times haven’t changed much. First century Jerusalem was a hotbed of culture wars. Roman oppression marked the dominant culture. But there were pockets of resistance. Jewish morality and theology defied Roman culture, creating seedbeds of animosity, polarity, and out and out revolt. Language disparity kept antagonists at a suspicious arms length. Systems of belief were at odds. Urbane Romans clashed with nomadic Jewish tribes. The stage seemed set for violence and destruction. Instead, the stage was set for Pentecost. Pentecost blew through the culture wars and broke down the barriers. Language? No problem. Ethnicity? Non-issue. Custom, dress, belief, race? Not an obstacle. It was an unprecedented display of power. What was the weapon, the force that broke through the culture wars, that brought peace out of hostility and unity out of diversity? What wind swept through Jerusalem like a blazing fire to ignite an unquenchable passion—no longer of hate. but of love? It was the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that brought together “Partians, Medes, Elamites, and Cappadocians,” comes to us in the middle of our culture wars: racial prejudice, religious bigotry, ethnic suspicions, moral preconceptions. Our antagonists have different labels today, but the Holy Spirit still comes. That first Pentecost was a veritable United Nations of Culture Wars between “Phrygia, Pamphylia, Mesopotamia, Pontus, Egypt, and Asia”. Today’s Pentecost hosts many more nations and ethnic groups, yet “Cretan and Arab”, Roman and Jew all are invited to sit down together and listen to a wind that still blows through our world today. You see, Pentecost teaches us that the collision of cultures does not need to bring catastrophic destruction. It can bring diverse forces together, promote understanding, heal wounds. Pentecost turns a culture of war into a culture of peace. This Pentecost Sunday (May 24) take time to listen. Listen to the sound of the rushing wind. Listen to the rustling whisper of God’s fiery presence. Listen to those who are so different, who are so at odds. Listen to the sound of walls coming down, of enemies made friends, of different languages speaking the same message. Come, Holy Spirit, come … to our culture wars today, and help us listen to the language of peace. OS L S u n d a y S ch o o l Pa g e Is it May already? My how time flies…. But we are still having fun in Sunday school classes learning about heroes of the bible! Come join us. We learn about a new hero each month. Our contest continues this month with one more hero before we break for the summer. Come and check out who we will be learning about this month! Last month the hero was Moses. The winner for the March Hero Logo contest is: Hayden Jacobs 1st Grade! Come to the Hero Bulletin board located in the east education wing to see all the winners. Thank you to everyone who who contributed their time and talent to making the Easter Celebration an awesome celebration! It was a wonderful Easter morning and great fellowship by all who attended. Education Director: Lisa Holmes Blessings to you and your family, Around the World in Eight Sundays Our Savior is Going Global. For eight Sunday evenings after Easter we will take a whirlwind tour of the world by hearing the Word from “ambassadors” of faith from other countries and sharing global cuisine that makes world travel both adventurous and enriching. Spanning four continents, we’ll listen, learn, and worship together with witnesses from other countries. Both our palates and our pieties should deepen from the experience. Our Sunday evening service will be transformed into an intercontinental faith journey of food, fellowship, and faith. We’ve already been to Germany, Sierra Leone, and Ethiopia, so keep your passports handy for our next stop. International May 3 5 & 6PM Global Smorgasbord Finland May 10 5PM Supper with Finland’s Finest Foods 6PM Guest Pastor Jarmo Tarkki India May 17 5 PM Supper with Eclectic Indian Food 6 PM Guest Pastor Gnana Segaran The Philippines May 24 Mexico 5 PM Supper with food from the Philippines 6 PM Guest Pastor Immanuel Ilagan May 31 6PM Worship with Pastor Portillo Esther, Ishtar, and Easter: A Supper/Study Group For Sunday Evening Worship What do you get when you cross a dinner theater with a Bible study with a worship service? You get a menu of delightful food for the stomach and laughter for the belly—just like the Persians of Esther’s time and the Jew’s of our time. The Book of Esther is an oddity in our Bible, featuring lavish feasts, merry entertainment, and vaudeville-type villains. Jewish people still celebrate its story with feasting and merriment, plays and pranks called the Festival of Purim. While Purim happens in the early spring, we’re going to try it in the summer—all 4 Sundays in June to be exact—with a Supper and a Study that will be unlike any worship service you’ve ever experienced. Details will be forthcoming as to the setting and style of supper (probably potluck at church), but we’re shooting for a 5pm Supper and 5:30pm Study/Service. Who is this Jewish heroine with strangely mythological characteristics? And why is Esther read in Christian Churches on the Eve of Easter? And, by the way, how many times is God mentioned in the Book of Esther? If that doesn’t whet your appetite for “Esther, Ishtar, and Easter”, then maybe a scrumptious supper will! Sign up in the centrum if you’re interested in learning more about the greatest heroine in the Old Testament. No matter how many sign up, we’re going to celebrate “Four Evenings with Esther” to celebrate the first month of summer. (This is a continuation of our “Around the World in 8 Sundays.” People enjoyed the supper/service format and this will continue that venue along with a bible study, worship, and Holy Communion as always.) Pentecost Sunday—May 24 Sunday Pentecost is the birth of the church. The Spirit came in rushing wind and tongues of fire to signal that New Birth. The color of the day is RED for the fire of the Spirit and the power of the Church. Wear Red slacks, dress, shoes, shirt, tie, coat, socks. Let’s make it a crimson celebration! You can make it shine! (If you are fluent in a language other than English, please contact Pastor Schelter.) 2015 Summer Movie Marathon Marathon events are big news makers… whether far away like the Boston Marathon or closer to home like the Cowtown Marathon. But the marathon that matters for this summer is a movie marathon of 3 stories of runners whose every step was a race of courage, determination, and faith. One runner is from the United States, the second from Great Britain, and the third from Iran. These 3 movies highlight faith and trust and hope for this summer’s “Flicks for Faith.” The times and movies are listed below. We’ll share a light potluck supper at 6:30pm, and follow with the movie at 7pm. The times are set. Get on your racing shoes. To the starting blocks. Ready. Set. Go… to Our Savior’s Summer Movie Marathon! Supper at 6:30, Movie at 7:00pm June 12 Unbroken June 24 Chariots of Fire July 17 Children of Heaven Spring Is In The Air… and Baseball is Around the Corner! Cap off a 4th of July weekend with a July 7 tip of the cap to the Texas Rangers. Sign up now for group rate tickets to see our Texas Rangers on July 7, 7:05pm, against the Arizona Diamondbacks, and keep th celebrating the 4 of July holiday with a half price $11 ticket. Sign up in the centrum and we’ll find out! (By the way, Hawaiian t-shirts will be given to the first 15,000 fans.) `tç U|Üà{wtçá Date 1 5 7 23 24 25 26 Name Herb . Salmons Marshall Hocker Ryan DeShazo Gregory Folkmann Marynell Murphree Jordan Castilleja Nora MacLaren Ashlyn Williams Shari Murphy Alexia Berger Clinton Murphree Paul Cross Remona Kurt Caleb Moore Elena Bohling Rachel Bolding Hannah Kardos Denise Bartosh Brian Murphy James Bartosh Carlos Cisneros 27 28 29 30 31 Nicholas Villegas Sydney Paige Karley Lewis Christina Gipson Helen Henson Brynna Williams 8 9 11 13 14 16 21 22 UtÑà|áÅ U|Üà{wtç Date 1 4 8 10 11 14 16 19 20 21 23 jxww|Çz TÇÇ|äxÜátÜ|xá Bobbie Jean McClatchey Date 2 15 26 27 31 Chris & Sally Kilgore Jerry & Kaethe Combs Ken & Paula Hester Steven & Kelly Belz Carlos & Barbara Cisneros 24 25 Years 19 53 43 20 40 27 29 30 31 Name Cindy Nash Martin Wardlaw Jr. Rigo Chavez Richard Krause Corbin Zimmermann Christie Nash Tessie Murphy Jessica Davis Elena Conoly Lou Mazza Timothy Murphy Baerbel Williams Ann Williams Ryan Hutchinson Rosa Cisneros Harrison Helm Kirk Helm Charles Skyles Caleb Moore Michael Anthony Christa Schelter Eric Enstrom Sydney Paige Connor Nash Clinton Murphree Shawn Sanders Paige Furr Worship Assistants 5/10-5/24 8:30 Assisting Minister Michael Conoly Greeter Jackie Howk Stephanie Jenkins Ushers Tom Stewart Patty Stewart Reader Communion Assistants Mark Hall Cindy Nash Mark Murray 5/31-6/14 11:00 Randy Peterson Matt McCabe Patti Preas James Bartosh Jon Cook Richard Mastin Robert Holmes Debbie Zimmermann Debbie Zimmermann Lois Schelter 8:30 Mark Murray Beth Shafer Dave Shafer Chris Lubben Michael Lubben Cynthia Lubben Sonja Conoly Thane Katz 11:00 Randy Peterson Lou Mazza Marie Mazza Chris Anderson David Anderson Matt Oliva Linda Oliva Lisa Holmes Richard Mastin Shari Murphy Acolytes 8:30am 11:00am May 3 Karley L. Logan J. Joshua E. Jonathan E. May 10 Ashley L. Cody F. Mackenzie R. Tessie M. May 17 Simon B. Sam J. Zainab N. Jaeden F. May 24 Christina G. Jasmine G. Caroline F. Oliva R. May 31 Morgan B. Athena L. Joshua E. Jonathan E. June 7 Logan J. Ashley L. Tessie M. Jaeden F. __________________ Connection Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Mesquite Texas Our Savior Lutheran Church 411 North Town East Blvd. Mesquite TX 75150 Office: 972-226-0510 Fax: 972-226-0722 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Permit # 98 __________________ Sunday Worship – 8:30am, 11:00am & 5:30 pm Sunday School - 9:45am Pastor – John Schelter Special Congregation Meeting May 31st A meeting of the congregation will be held at 12:15pm, May 31st, to discuss our relationship with Iglesia Luterana La Transfiguracion ELCA. We will vote on the possibility of renewing the contract allowing our sister congregation to share our space for worship. The meeting should be brief to allow us to get home (or our favorite restaurant!) in time for lunch. 2015 Seniors We will feature our proud Seniors in next month’s newsletter. If we have not contacted you for stats, please email the church or call the church office 972-226-0510. May 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Each Sunday 8:30am Service 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Service 5:30am Service FRIDAY 1 5 9:30am Mother’s Day Out 7:00pm Lighthouse for New Hope 6 5:30pm Confirmation 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 10 Mother’s Day 5pm Finland Dinner 6pm Pr. Jarmo Tarkki 11 12 9:30am Mother’s Day Out 13 5:30pm Confirmation 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 17 5pm Indian Dinner 6pm Pr. Segaran 7pm Youth Mtg. 18 19 9:30am Mother’s Day Out 10am NED Conference 20 5:30pm Confirmation 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 21 9:30am Mother’s Day Out 22 24 25 26 9:30am Mother’s Day Out 27 5:30pm Confirmation 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal 28 29 5pm Global Smorgasbord Dinner 6pm Worshiip 7pm Youth Mtg. 5pm Philippine Dinner 6pm Pr. Immanuel Ilagan 31 12:30pm Cong. Mtg. for Transfiguracion Bldg. Use 5pm Mexican dinner 6pm Pr. Portillo 2 9:00am Men’s Basketball 4 3 Bake Sale SATURDAY 7 9:30am Mother’s Day Out 8 9 9:00am Men’s Basketball 7-10pm Iglesia Building Use 14 15 16 9:00am Men’s Basketball 5:30pm Nadia Ismail Wedding 9:30am Mother’s Day Out 23 9:00am Men’s Basketball 30
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