CHUR RCH OF THE IMMA ACULA ATE HEART E O MARY OF A 1040 ALA AMEDA DE E LAS PULG GAS, BELM MONT, CAL LIFORNIA 94002 9 DAILY: SUN NDAYS: SUN NDAY: MOR RNING PRAYER: MASS S TIMES 8:00 AM A (ROSARY FOL LLOWING MASS S) 5:00 PM M (SATURDAY EVE E ) 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:330 AM & 5:00 PM M 7:40 AM A MON-SAT BULLETIN DEADLIN NE: 10:00 AM TUESDAY ASTORAL STA AFF PA REV V. STEPHEN H. HOWELL………… …………......PASSTOR REV V. JEROME M. MURPHY………… ………..…….PAR ROCHIAL VICAR REV V. MR. HENRY JACQUEMET A ……… ……….....…PER RMANENT DEACO ON REV V. MR. STEVEN G. G HACKETT…… ……….….….PER RMANENT DEACO ON REV V. MR. LEON P. KORTENKAMP ………………P … ER RMANENT DEACO ON MRS R . JULIE BRITTON N-KANZAKI…… …..DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATIION & YOUTH MINISTTRY MRS R . TERI GROSEY Y………………… ………………...SCHOOL PRINCIPPAL MS. KATRINA REYEES……………… ………..PRE-SCHO OOL COORDINATOR MRS R . TERI MARCON NI……………… ………………MUSIC U COORDINATTOR MS. GAIL TESI….… …………….…… …….PARISH OPER RATIONS MANAG GER MRS R . KAREN TURNE ER ..…………… ………..PARISH FINANCE MANAG GER PA ARISH OFFICE E TELLEPHONE FAX X WEB E SITE E-MAIL M PAR RISH AUCTION WEB SITE IHM M SCHOOL TELLEPHONE FAX X WEB E SITE E-MAIL M PRE E-SCHOOL TELE EPHONE (65 50) 593-6157 (65 50) 593-1665 ww (6 650) 593-4265 (6 650) 593-4342 www.ihmbelmon w ih hmoffice@ihmscchoolbelmont.orrg (6 650) 593-2344 BAPPTISMS: PAR RENTS WISHING TO T BAPTIZE CHILD DREN SHOULD CA ALL THE PARISH OFFFICE TO SCHEDULLE THE BAPTISM AND A TO SCHEDUL LE PARTICIPATION N IN OUR R BAPTISMAL PREPARATION R PROG GRAM. PLEASE CALL C TWO MONTH HS BEF FORE YOU WISH THE T BAPTISM. THE H PREPARATION MAY M BE DONE BEF FORE THE BIRTH OF O THE CHILD. PEN NANCE: SATTURDAYS: 4:15-44:45 PM OR AT OTTHER TIMES BY APPOINTMENT. AGE: MARRIA ARRANG GEMENTS MUST BE E MADE SIX MON NTHS BEFORE THE TENTATIVE DATE OF THE MARRIAGE BY B CALLING THE PARISH OFFICE. ANOINTIING THE SICK: THIS SAC CRAMENT IS FOR THOSE T WHO ARE ELDERLY, SERIOUSLY ILL, OR SCHEDUL LED FOR SURGERY Y. CONTACT THE E PARISH OFFICE TO SCHEDULE THE ANO OINTING IN CHURC CH OR AT HOME. IF IN HOSPITAL, REQUEST R THE CATHOLIIC CHAPLAIN OR A PRIEST FROM THE T PARISH IN WH HICH THE HOSPITAL L IS LOCATED, TH HROUGH THE NUR RSING STATION. COMMU UNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND: CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE F IF YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBE ER CANNOT A WOULD LIKE E TO RECEIVE THE E EUCHARIST ATTEND SUNDAY MASS AND AT HOME E DURING THE WE EEK. NEWCOM MERS: WELCOM ME TO OUR COMM MUNITY. YOU ARE E INVITED TO REG GISTER IN THE PARISH ON O EACH 2ND SUN NDAY OF THE MO ONTH IN THE VEST TIBULE AFTER MASS, BY Y COMING TO THE E PARISH OFFICE E DURING REGULA AR BUSINESS HOURS, OR O BY COMPLETIN NG A “WELCOME E CARD” FOUND IN I THE PAMPHLE ET RACK AT THE ENTRANCE E OF TH HE CHURCH AND MAILING M IT TO THE PAR RISH OFFICE. R.C.I.A. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIA ATION OF ADULT TS IS A PROCESS BY B WHICH ADULTS PREPARE P TO ENTE ER FULLY INTO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH H THROUGH H BAPTISM, CON NFIRMATION OR EUCHARIST. PLEA ASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE FOR MOREE INFORMATION. “Preach the Gospel at all times! Use words if necessary!” St. Francis of Assisi January 11, 2015 – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord EMMANUEL! – CHRISTMAS 2014 – GOD WITH US! From the Desk of Father Stephen Dear Friends: Today, in the Latin Catholic Church, we conclude the Christmas season. We have taken time during Advent to reflect on the presence of Christ in our lives and to consider how we make Him manifest in the world around us. We have celebrated the Nativity of the Lord in Bethlehem and considered the manifestation of the presence of “Emmanuel,” “God-with-us,” in His birth. We have celebrated the Epiphany of the Lord and considered His manifestation to the Gentiles, as seen in the visit of the Magi from Persia to Judea. Today, we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord and consider the manifestation of His identity as the Son of God at the Jordan River. In the Orthodox Churches and in the Eastern Catholic Churches, they celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, the Feast of the Theophany (Manifestation of God) at Epiphany. This includes a special Blessing of the Waters. As the waters of Baptism unite us to Christ, let us pray that our celebration of this great season of the Manifestation of the Lord will assist our Churches as they continue to strive for full unity in Christ. Let us consider how we, who share in the life of Christ by virtue of Baptism, can make Him and His presence manifest in our world today, by our lives and actions – here in Belmont, California and in all the places we work and travel. God Bless, Fr. Stephen H. Howell, Pastor See Bulletin Insert Regarding Solemn Vespers SOLEMN VESPERS AT I.H.M., 7:00 P.M., JANUARY 18, 2015 As we begin the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish will be celebrating a liturgy of Solemn Vespers at 7:00pm, Sunday, January 18, 2015. This will be a prayer service for the Parishioners of I.H.M. Catholic Church and for our good neighbors, the parishioners of our Sister Church, the Greek Orthodox of the Church of the Holy Cross. We will be praying especially for our fellow Christians who are suffering persecution in the Middle East and various places in the world. Archbishop Cordileone of the Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco will be the Presider and Metropolitan Gerasimos of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco will be the Homilist. A dessert reception will follow. Second Collection: Today and whenever we do not have a scheduled special second collection, our second collection will be for the necessary renovation and maintenance of the Parish facility. ARCHDIOCESAN ANNUAL APPEAL: Our 2014 Assessment is $96,200.00. We reached the 85% point in donations by December 31, 2014. We thank the 241 parishioners who made direct donations. We also thank all of you who donated to our second collections, taken for this purpose, since July 1, 2014. Presuming all of the pledges from I.H.M. paid directly to the Chancery are completed, this will enable us to pay the remaining $14,510.00 on this assessment without using funds allocated for other parish ministries. Again, THANK YOU! Special Collection THANK YOU to All Parishioners: • For your donation of $3,087.00 to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development • For your Thanksgiving donation of $769.00 to St. Francis Center, Redwood City, to assist the poor • For your donation of $5,836.00 to the Priests’ Retirement Fund • For your donation of $5,356.00 to the Retirement Fund for Religious • For your donation of $8,575.00 in gift certificates for the poor through our Youth Group’s “Giving Tree” • For your donation of $1,570.00 to our St. Vincent de Paul Conference, in lieu of donating poinsettias to the Church • For your “5th Sunday” donation in November of $3,878.00 to our parish Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society CELEBRANTS: January 17 & 18, 2015 READINGS FOR January 18, 2015 Sat. 5:00 pm – Fr. Stump, OFM, Cap. First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 (65B) Sun. 7:30 am – Fr. MacDonald Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 9:30 am – Fr. Murphy Gospel: John 1:35-42 11:30 am –Fr. Howell SUNDAY COLLECTION 5:00 pm- Fr. Murphy Weekly Collection to meet budget: $8,400.00 Collection for the weekend 1/4/15: $8,601.00 Average Collection this fiscal year: $7,362.00 I.H.M. Crab Blast – January 24, 2015 You are invited to a fun community building event sponsored by our Parish School. Family style pasta and crab dinner, live DJ and dancing at the San Mateo Elks Lodge, 229 West 20th Ave., San Mateo, CA 94403 on Saturday, January 24, 2015, 6:00-11:00pm. The cost is $70.00 per adult and $20.00 per child under 18. For questions or information, contact the I.H.M. School Office, (650) 593-4265 or e-mail MITIGATING GRIEF DUE TO DEATH AND DYING THROUGH OUR PRIOR PLANNING Death is an inevitable event most of us do not want to face, but there are things we can do today (beforehand) that will help our families and loved ones when this reality occurs. To assist with this need, here at Immaculate Heart of Mary, we are sponsoring three Thursday evening presentations on January 8th, 15th, and 22nd, 2015, between 7:00-8:30 pm in St. Michael’s Hall. Each will address a different aspect of these needs that will be faced by our families and loved ones when they are coping with death. This prior planning on our part can help to relieve the stress and grief that they will inevitably experience at that time. The topics are as follows: January 8th – “Walking and surviving the path of grief.” – Dr. Renee Duffey, Counselor, Archdiocese of San Francisco January 15th – “Prior planning in legal and financial areas to mitigate the grief of loved ones.” – Ms. Kathleen Durrans, Estate Attorney and Planner January 22nd – “Prior planning for a funeral and burial in the Catholic tradition to mitigate the grief of loved ones.” -Ms. Monica Williams, Director, Holy Cross Cemetery, Archdiocese of San Francisco -Mr. Alan Stanley, Funeral Director, Crippen and Flynn Mortuary Those who present these talks will not solicit business, but will share information and answer questions regarding the realities for which we can prepare in advance to assist our families and mitigate the effects of grief when a death should happen. Special thanks to Deacon Steve Hackett for helping to coordinate these talks. PRAY FOR: • Those who have died, Robert Byron Ward, Charles Joseph Stillian and those who have no one to pray for them. May they rest in peace. Amen. • Those who are newly baptized, Sai Neil Bhatnagar, Madeline Jane Brunner & Lucas Munoz Zambrano. May God always be present to them and may they continue to grow in “age, wisdom and grace.” • Peace in our world, for those who serve our country, at home and overseas; for all who suffer in any way due to war and civil disturbance, that God will assist all people toward reconciliation and peace. • Those who are sick or who suffer in any way, that God will assist them in their need. Especially, Valerie Abbey, Tom Anderson, Joe Andreano, Olga De Arguello, Harry Bach, Gen Barker, Fr. Bernard Brennan, Carl Brust, Margaret Charlton, Claire Daley, Grace Delagnes, Gerald de Wit, John Farbstein, August Ferrari, Mary Ferrari, Julie Fletcher, Roy Fong, Manny Galvez, Barbara Gartner, Greta Gipson-Lewis, Queen Gipson, Silva Guerbidjian, Griselda Guevara-MacDonald, Dottie Hall, Gary Harders, Fr. Xavier Harris, O.F.M., Anna Herdtler, Fr. Milton Hipsley, Catherine Hourigan, Henry Jacquemet, Leota Jones, Torin Jones, Joan Lee-Andel, Eve Lefcourt, Patrick Lobo, Jacob Loeffler, Vicki Logan, Rosemarie Maffei, Kevin Mapes, Carol Mateus, John McEvoy, Ken McQueen, Claire McVay, Jesse Montalvo, Donna Moynihan, John Nguyen, Don Oswald, Carter Pagan, Frank Parker, Brooke Seim, Bill Selenger, J. Svendsen, Ofelia Vallejo, Paulette Volante, Marc Weiss, Ted Wolfe, Francesca Zuniga, and for those who suffer alone and have no one to pray for them. IHM SCHOOL NEWS: Immaculate Heart of Mary School has served the children of our parish and surrounding neighborhoods since 1952. As a well established school, with a tradition of excellence and a strong Catholic identity, we are proud to be part of this community. Our Open House on Sunday, January 25th, begins our celebration of Catholic Schools’ Week. The theme for Catholic Schools Week – “Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service,” encompasses several concepts that are at the heart of IHM and a Catholic education: • Schools are communities comprised of small families, as well as, members of a larger community of home, church, city, and nation. • Three priorities of faith, knowledge, and service make IHM stand out from other institutions. IHM SCHOOL NEWS: (continued) • Children are taught faith – not just the basic tenets of Christianity, but how to have a relationship with God. • Children are taught academics, are held to high standards, and are helped to reach their potential. • Students experience service, giving of their time and effort to help others, as an expression of both faith and good citizenship. Open House: Sunday, January 25, 2015, 10:301:00pm Welcome Mass 9:30am This is a great opportunity to see first- hand the quality of our students’ work and the support of our community. We are accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year. Visit our website at or call the school office for information at (650) 593-4265. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Jan. 10-Sat. Jan. 11-Sun. 5pm- Priya & Cyril Paul (Living) 7:30am-Paul & Carole Pasquini 9:30am-For the People of the Parish 11:30am-Lucile Deis 5:00pm-Seta Jaghlassian (Living) Jan. 12-Mon. 8am – Special Intention Jan. 13-Tues. St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 8am – Natalia Susko Jan. 14-Wed. 8am –John Barulich Jan. 15-Thurs. 8am-Andrew Maxwell Jan. 16-Fri. 8am –The Bolger Family Jan. 17-Sat. St. Anthony, Abbot 8am –Mario Giovanzana 5pm –Patricia Luna Gallelo Jan. 18-Sun. 7:30am-Lee Meyers 9:30am- For the People of the Parish 11:30am-Lucile Deis 5:00pm- Priya & Cyril Paul (Living) TODAY YOU ARE INVITED….. after Mass to participate in producing our parish’s Annual Auction Dinner Dance. The bulletin insert describes the April 18, 2015 “A HEAVENLY AFFAIR’s” various committees. Event committee chairmen are present at the church doors to meet you, answer your questions and assist you in selecting an event committee. Your special participation will insure our heavenly Gala’s success. The ever present creativity and good will of all who participate are continually discovered and deeply appreciated. This event enables IHM to balance its annual operational budget which nurtures all parish programs and services. He will baptize with the Holy Spirit
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