CirCuit ridEr UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF RANCHO CORDOVA Email: Web: Facebook:UmcofRanchoCordova Pastor: Rev. Tina Ballagh; Administrative Assistant: Sonya Auer January 2015 Edition What is a Circuit Rider? Let’s learn more about the history of this phrase.... In sparsely populated areas of the United States it always has been common for clergy in many denominations to serve more than one congregation at a time, a form of church organization sometimes called a "preaching circuit." However, in the rough frontier days of the early United States, the pattern of organization in the Methodist Episcopal denomination and its successors worked especially well in the service of rural villages and unorganized settlements. In the Methodist denominations, congregations do not "call" (or employ) a pastor of their own choice. Instead, a bishop "appoints" (assigns) a pastor to a congregation or a group of congregations, and until late in the 20th century, neither pastor nor congregation had any say in the appointment. This meant that in the early days of the United States, as the population developed, Methodist clergy could be appointed to circuits wherever people were settling. Fruitfulness and Faithfulness Tour Last November, several hundred people attended the opening weekend of Bishop Warner H. Brown Jr.’s Celebrating Fruitfulness and Faithfulness tour with clergy and laity doing dynamic ministry. Bishop Brown preached, held a question and answer session, and highlighted the conference’s Imagine No Malaria efforts. Choirs from the various regions sang and churches shared highlights from their ministry. Other regional events will take place on the following dates: * Feb 21-22, 2015 in the Sacramento and Oakland areas; * Mar 28-29, 2015 in the San Jose and Peninsula areas & * Oct 17-18, 2015 in the Fresno/Visalia & Modesto areas. People are encouraged to attend the event most conveneint to them. For more information, visit Be sure to join us at Worship Sunday January 11, 2015 for a special guest, our Cal-Nev Conference Communications Director, Dr. Larry Hygh, Jr. ...continued on page 8... in this issuE… Along the Way ... page 2 Bible Study Classes ... page 5 EWASTE AND SHREDDING EVENT JANUARY 31 9:00am to 1:00pm Rain or Shine! New! Table for Six ... page 6 Emmaus Reunion ... page 10 1 by Pastor Tina Joy is a hundred, a thousand, a million different moments, activities, actions, events, and each one is like the song Mary sings. Each one is a brief reminder that God’s promises are for real and being realized each and every day. Each is a glimpse of the commonwealth of God that is and yet to be. Each one is – even if it is very short lived – a peek into what God dreams for the universe. One moment of joy can erase hundreds of moments of despair and heartache. One moment of joy can give you strength to continue partnering with God. One brief encounter with joy can give you the dedication to push on in your efforts to transform your life, the lives of others and the world. You see, we are living in the world that Mary sings about: “He has…lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry.” When Jesus came, joy came with him. With Jesus came a new world order – peace, hope, joy, and love were turned lose upon all creation and the priorities are no longer wealth, status and getting yours. Joy is the banner under which we face the world. It is our strength and shield. Joy colors all we see and hear and do. Joy that is untamed and unfettered; we know the secret, we have the answer, we get it. The world of pain and oppression, the world of separation and injustice, the world of power and greed has already come to an end. That is the source of our joy. That is why we can smile at the insanity of our post-modern world and sing “Joy to the world the Lord has come.” A relatively new Christmas song “If I Could Visit Bethlehem” gives us additional food for thought and action. Part of the lyrics go: “If Mary asked me who I was and what her child would do, I wouldn’t talk about the cross or tell her all I knew. I’d say “He’ll never hurt or kill, and joy will follow tears.We’ll know his name and love him still in twenty hundred years.” We know that Jesus is the coming of joy – the coming of a new world order – the coming of justice and peace. We’ve known this since his birth twenty hundred years ago. We know that time and time again, injustice and violence try to take back the world, but they can’t, because joy has been released. Every time peace is found, every time hope is born, every time love is made real joy resounds. Every time someone, somewhere helps another, every time words are used instead of violence, every time someone responds to treatment joy is known. Every single time a smile breaks out on the face of a poor person or a person who is hurting deep in their soul, every time a species is brought back from the brink of extinction, every time someone says “why not” joy rains down from above. So where do we find the joy Mary has in her heart? heart? How can we sing for joy? How can joy be found among the hustle and hassle of life in American culture now? Easy, just look around . You’ll find joy busting forth. Pause for a moment. You’ll even find joy leaking out of you. Share random acts of kindness o everyone you meet, you are giving the gift of joy. You know how to do it; You can make it happen! In case you’ve forgotten or don’t think you know how, I refer you to the movie “Scrooged.” At the ending, they sing together “Put a Little Love in Your Heart.” Here are the words: (Words and Music by Jackie DeShannon, Jimmy Holiday, and Randy Myers ) Think of your fellow man lend him a helping hand , put a little love in your heart You see it's getting late Oh, please don't hesitate, put a little love in your heart And the world will be a better place, and the world will be a better place For you and me, you just wait and see Another day goes by still the children cry, Put a little love in your heart If you want the world to know we won't let hatred grow Put a little love in your heart And the world (and the world) will be a better place, All the world (all the world) will be a better place For you (for you) and me (and me), You just wait (just wait) and see, wait and see Take a good look around and if you're looking down, put a little love in your heart I hope when you decide kindness will be your guide, Put a little love in your heart That’s what I’m talking about, living your joy each day. As partners of Jesus we share our joy with others as yet another way of celebrating Christmas – a way that emphasizes what can be when love and justice rule and have the last word. 2 Susannah/Friendship Circle Wednesday January 7 Ladies, please join us the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30am for refreshments followed by the meeting at 10:00am. This is a great time of fellowship, worship and doing the work God has in store for us. We invite all women of the church to attend any UMW functions! Women’s Spirituality Group Tuesday January 13 at 7:00pm at Tammy Rustmann’s home For more information, please contact Louise Underwood CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF HELPING AT SUSANNAH HOUSE? Our United Methodist Men’s Fellowship (UMM) includes several possibilities for young and older men to come together for fellowship, prayer and study together. We meet the second Saturday of each month at Brookfields on Folsom Blvd. in Rancho Cordova. This month we will be meeting on January 10 at 7:30am. All men 18-100 are invited to have breakfast with us, share devotional time, and discuss up-coming events. Our Wednesday morning breakfast fellowship gathers at McDonald’s on Folsom Blvd (near See’s Candies) on the 2nd Wednesday at 8:00 am. Our next gathering will be January 14! You are Welcome! Join us on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7:00pm for our United Methodist Men’s Bible Study. Location changes monthly. Contact Tom Steinbach for information. There is a project, in the VERY early planning stages! A California-Nevada Conference United Methodist Women (UMW) Volunteers in Mission (VIM) opportunity in being planned for October or November of 2015 at Susannah’s House in Knoxville, Tennessee. The group will spend four to five days working at Susannah’s House doing light maintenance, gardening, Bible stories, book group, cooking, and serving meals to members, and sharing stories. Rev. Rebekah, Susannah’s House Director has already found four UMW Members in Knoxville to host us during our time out there, eliminating much of the costs. But, there is still much to consider. Would YOU be interested? If you are interested in helping with the planning and/or participating in the project, please contact Rose Banchard at 209-639-5258 Thank You! Thank you to all who participated to make this season bright! from Our Children and their Nativity Play, all those involved in Living Nativity (cast and behind the scenes), Roger U. and all those involved with the Cordova Food Locker, Liturgists and Musicians, Gardeners, Giftwrappers & Deliverers and MORE! You have Blessed Us and Blessed God! 3 Umbr breel l a New Newss Red Umbrella Music & Arts, Celebrations Yellow Umbrella: Mission and Outreach Ministries “Be Our Guest” Dinner & Fellowship for everyone in our community January 21, 2015 at 5:00 Disciples are always in need! Contact Barbara Leard to find out how you can help. Also, Invitations are available in Adams Hall for you to share with folks in the community. Upcoming Committee Meetings: Sunday January 25 at 5:30pm in the Fireside Room An hour-long meditative candle-lit service of prayer, music, scripture and silence, to quiet the mind, open the heart and feed the soul… Taize is a time of prayer and praise, Thanksgiving and assurance practiced in community in the presence of God. Come and see. Experience this unique practice of contemplative prayer. May it feed and fill your own heart and spirit. Invite a friend, a neighbor for whom our Sunday morning worship is not at a time that fits their life or for whom the quiet centering is a better fit! TRUSTEES 1/11 after Worship FINANCE 1/12 at 6:00pm CORE TEAM 2015 1/26 at 6:30pm SPRC to be announced AD COUNCIL 2/11 at 6:30pm This winter, our growing breadth of musical expressions at UMCRC continue. You are invited to come be a part! *Finance Chair *Green Umbrella Chair (Intentional Faith Opportunities for ALL ages) *Children’s Ministry Coordinator (Sunday School and Children’s Events) for more information about these opportunities or more ways you can be a part, speak with Pastor Tina 3 4 Vocal Choir: Thursdays at 7: 00 p.m. Praise Band Thursdays at 5:15 p.m. The Wind Ensemble: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. The Chime Ensemble: Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Children’s Choir: Sundays at 11:30 a.m. The Green Umbrella NEW IN-FOCUS BIBLE STUDY STARTING UP! Christian Education & Stewardship We are repeating this 17-session series, which will focus on many of the main stories in the Old Testament as well as Jesus’ life as presented in the New Testament. Our first gathering will be a discussion on the Bible itself. All of IN-FOCUS meetings will be held on Saturday mornings, with our first meeting scheduled for January 3, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at Northstar Assisted Living & Memory Care, located at 2341 Vehicle Drive in Rancho Cordova. All 17 sessions will take place at Northstar in the lounge area on the third floor. Northstar has graciously offered to provide us with free fresh coffee during our meeting times. There is no cost, however we would like you to bring a Bible to each discussion group. This time of learning will be relaxed and a blessing for all! Any questions - please call Ver Joyce at 853-9976 FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT BIBLE STUDY This group meets twice a month and will be meet the first time on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Ver Joyce and Mike Salmon. Julia Pierce will be the discussion facilitator with Ann and Bill Livesay providing snacks. We are continuing our discussion with Session 3 of 6 of FACING THE ISSUES, and will focus on Social Concerns this date. The Scripture basis will be Luke 10:25-27. Please come by if you’d like to join us, we’d be blessed by your presence. Our second gathering will be held on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. and our host will be Judith Kummer. We will be meeting at Northstar Assisted Living and Memory Care, located at 2341 Vehicle Drive, Rancho Cordova. Our gathering will take place on the third floor, in the lounge area. Bill Ballagh will be the discussion facilitator with Ver Joyce and Mike providing the snacks. This gathering will focus on Corruption/Abuse which is Session 4 of 6 in the FACING THE ISSUES series. Scripture basis will be Mark 11:12-19 which has to do with the Temple Cleansing. All are welcome! Disciple Bible Study is on hiatus until Wednesday, January 28th at 10:00am and Thursday evening, January 29th. Travelling to the Promised Land” we begin the book of Exodus traveling 8 weeks together. Feel Welcome to join us; Pr. Tina leads. THE SEEKERS BIBLE STUDY We meet once a month in the homes of various participants. On January 5, 2015 a.m. we will be meeting at Ver Joyce and Mike Salmon’s. Mike will facilitate the discussion with Mildred Ennis providing snacks. We are starting a new six-session series titled FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS this month and the title of our first discussion is Roots, which is about the First Temple Visit and is based on Luke 2:21-40. If you can join us, we’d love to have you. Blue Umbrella: Evangelism, Christ Care, Membership Our UMCRC Christ Care Team Our Christ Care Team of caring Disciple/ ministers are visiting homebound and challenged members of our congregation all year long, sharing prayer, a listening ear, communion and spiritual friendship. If you know of someone who needs a special visit or is experiencing difficult times in their life, please let Julie Hughes and Pastor Tina Ballagh know. We will make a phone call and a visit soon. OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Have an interest in sharing some of your time and caring friendship being a part of the Christ Care Team? We are hoping to round out our team with students and with additional men of vaying ages/stages as well as women. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to those of you who have welcomed our newest Worship guests with a gift and a short ‘Welcome’ visit ! Kay Richardson, Carol Good, Mike Salmon and others! You are a blessing, Faithful Disciples! 5 The Resurrection Conversation Continues!!! Dear Sacramento UM Community and Colleagues, We are continuing our process of learning how to speak a new language in the Resurrection Conversation. On January 17th, from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm at Rancho Cordova UMC we will gather again to continue our work in learning how to turn from our assumptions about a dying church and to live into the Resurrection! We are Easter People, after all and know death and dying are just the beginning of something lifegiving. It’s my hope and expectation that all the Sacramento area congregations will send energetic, visioning layfolk and their clergy leader to attend AND participate in this ‘next step’ conversation. But don’t let the number stop you. Bring as many folks as you can!! Friends Eating And Sharing Together Restaurants have been chosen by members of our lunch group for all of 2015. We will begin the New Year by visiting the FOOD COURT which is located in the Koreana Plaza on Olson Drive in Rancho Cordova and we will dine at this new place on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. Come join the adventure as we enjoy the cuisine from countries throughout the world. This is a no-host event filled with fellowship and joy! Questions - call Ver Joyce at 853-9976. Our agenda is to empower ourselves and our people to move from death to life, from cynicism to hope; to challenge and invite you to participate, not in collective weariness or resignation, but in claiming a new sense of power and enthusiasm for what God is doing. I know; I know. Some are thinking, “So where is this going?” “Are we going to actually DO anything?” The answer is “absolutely.” Indeed, things are already happening. In Oakland we committed “a random act of resurrection” as nearly 70 people showed up at Elmhurst United Methodist Church to construct raised beds for a Community Garden the Church is sponsoring. That one day changed hearts and lives. That one day built relationships and moved us a step closer to living into the victory that God has won for us already. At the end of our day together we will emerge with at least one “act of resurrection” that we will undertake as a Wesleyan community. I look forward to seeing you all there and to sharing with you in this unpredictable and wonderful journey into the Risen Life. Please email Jasmine Johneon ( with the number of folks who are coming from your community by January 10th. Thanks so much for all you do! I am in awe of your work and your faith. Rev. Schuyler Rhodes, Superintendent, Bridges District California Nevada Annual Conference 6 As we go to press with information for our January 2015 issue of the Circuit Rider, people are continuing to sign up for this new weekend fellowship event. The name of the group is: TABLE FOR 6. On January 1 all who have already signed up will be notified as to who is in their group of six and they will meet for three consecutive months on the weekends. After three months, the participants will be reassigned into a new grouping for the next three months. Each group of six will determine where and when they want to meet. They may chose to go out for brunch after worship, meet for dinner on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening somewhere or have a potluck at one of the participant’s homes. It will be your choice! Great way to get to know your brother’s and sister’s in Christ! Please send Chelle Ellenberger or VerJoyce an email if you would like to join this group - it’s going to be enjoyable! Celebra tions THIS MONTH Celebrations 2 Pat Weeks 3 Dan Piotrowski 6 Melinda Vigil Christine White 8 Denise Lohmann 10 Joyce Reed 11 Judy Steinbach 13 Linda Lawrence 18 Jeanne Noworlinik 20 Jim Blawat Nathaniel Hubbell 21 Sonya Auer Perry Gebhart 22 Maudean Drobesh 23 Julie Hughes 26 Nicole Worrell 28 Pat Lennon 30 Marcus Adams JoAnn Brufladt :Youth Ministry News: 8 Bill & Tina Ballagh 28 John & Sue Butler Do you know of a birthday or anniversary that should be listed here? Please let our office staff know Calling All Senior High Youth You are invited tocome share the journey deep in faith and in mission response with Sr. High companions in Christ. As well, come learn and get better acquainted with congregational mentors that you will choose to journey through 2014 and 2015 alongside. Sunday School January Calendar This month’s curriculum is called “A Joyful Path” for both the Joyful Seekers and Jacob’s Ladder Teachers... Joyful Seekers: Fay K. & Dawn G. Jacob’s Ladder: Nancy V. & Ann L. The Christ Cafe will complete the “Finding Your Way Through the Bible” workbooks this month. Teachers...Mike & Emily Willis A CIRCLE of FRIENDS A new group is forming here at UMCRC for Young Adults who live with challenging and varied abilities every day and who are looking for creative expression, genuine friendships, warm welcome and fun with others! Listen for more news and watch for your personal invitation! And, we’ll be preparing these next nine months for our return trip to our Sierra Service Project site at Tsaile, AZ while serving here in the Sacramento area in mission to our neighbors from God. Invite a friend! Join us each 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Welcome to the Circuit Youth A revival movement for youth and young adults, from 12 yrs old to 30 somethings, who desire to gather together in worship and praise. The location for the revival is new every month. On January 2, we will be meeting at Fair Oaks UMC at 7:00pm. Our revivals are filled with worship, devotion, discipling, music, fellowship, team building activities, and more. The Circuit revival movement is open to all Christians and persons who are exploring what it means to live as Jesus calls us to live. If you are passionate about exploring your faith and about coming to know Jesus more deeply, come and join us as we bring Christian revival to our community. 7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1... A "circuit" (nowadays referred to as a charge) was a geographic area that encompassed two or more local churches. Pastors met each year at "Annual Conference" where their bishops would appoint them either to a new circuit or to remain at the same one. Most often they were moved to another appointment every year. (In 1804, the Methodist Episcopal General Conference decreed that no pastor was to serve the same appointment for more than two consecutive years.) Once a pastor was assigned a circuit, it was his responsibility to conduct worship and visit members of each church in his charge on a regular basis in addition to possibly establishing new churches. He was supervised by a Presiding Elder (now called a District Superintendent) who would visit each charge four times a year (the "Quarterly Conference"). Rural locations Because of the distance between churches, these preachers would ride on horseback. They were popularly called circuit riders or saddlebag preachers. These frontier clergy were never officially called "circuit riders," but the name was appropriate and it "stuck." Officially they were called "traveling" clergy (a term that is still used in Methodist denominations). They traveled with few possessions, carrying only what could fit in their saddlebags. They traveled through wilderness and villages, they preached every day at any place available (peoples' cabins, courthouses, fields, meeting houses, later even basements and street corners). Unlike clergy in urban areas, Methodist circuit riders were always on the move. Many circuits were so large that it would take 5 to 6 weeks to cover them. The ministerial activity of the circuit riders boosted Methodism into the largest Protestant denomination at the time. In 1784, there were 14,986 members and 83 traveling preachers. By 1839, the denomination had grown to 749,216 members served by 3,557 traveling preachers and 5,856 local preachers. This early frontier ministry was often lonely and dangerous. Samuel Wakefield wrote a hymn about the perils circuit riders faced. It describes the circuit rider's family anxiously waiting for his return, and the final stanza says: Yet still they look with glistening eye, Till lo! a herald hastens nigh; He comes the tale of woe to tell, How he, their prop and glory fell; How died he in a stranger’s room, How strangers laid him in the tomb, How spoke he with his latest breath, And loved and blessed them all in death. Praise & Pasta at Fair Oaks UMC Saturday January 31 The Choir is hosting a Praise & Pasta fundraiser for the music department in the Sactuary. There will be lots of music and lots of pasta! For ticket information and more details, please contact Dedra at the church office at 916-961-6631. 8 UMC Night at Sacramento Kings A United Methodist Night to Imagine No Malaria with the Sacramento Kings will be held on Friday, February 20, with their game against the Boston Celtics. A portion of California-Nevada Conference ticket sales will benefit the conference’s Imagine No Malaria initiative. The game begins at 7 p.m. Persons who purchase UMC tickets will gain exclusive access to watch program warmups beginning at 5 p.m. For more information, contact the UMCRC Church Office or Angela Franklin, (916) 374-1525, or 9 Emmaus Reunion Meeting, 1st Wednesday Our next Emmaus Reunion meeting will be Wednesday, January 7th at 7:00 pm in Adam’s Hall. Reunion groups help keep the feeling of the Walk to Emmaus alive in our hearts, and also serve future pilgrims. Please join us! Want To learn to Crochet a Scarf ? Making scarves for the homeless has become a tradition at our church. We have some requests to learn how and positive responses from those who can teach us. If interested, call Barbara at 638-3242. If you have any questions, please contact Tom or Julie Steinbach. De Colores! ...for February 2015 is Friday, January 16th For your Church planning, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18, 2015 The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of RANCHO CORDOVA 2101 Zinfandel Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-5227 Web: / Facebook: UmcofRanchoCordova Address Service Requested 10 January 2015 Edition
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