SUNDAY, JAN UA RY 11, 2015 | PA RA D E .CO M © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved OTT’ S WALTER SCOTT ASKS... MICHAELWEATHERLY Email your questions for Walter Scott to Not many actors have the kind of job security that Weatherly, 46, has found as Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo on the long-running CBS hit drama NCIS. You’re in your 12th year as Tony. What do you still like about your character? “He feels more fully realized and I understand him more, but the bad part is, what’s next for a guy like that?” to the show, I’ve learned so much about not just television and the professional side, but also how to be a better man.” Who inspires you? “Recently, I have just been absolutely absorbed in Sting. I’ve seen him in concert a few times recently, and the With NCIS the No. 1 drama in energy and the happiness he brings into the world, can you lead a normal the world is an extraordinary thing.” life? “Sometimes getting through You have a 19-year-old and also two an airport takes a couple of minutes little ones. Is fatherhood easier the longer, but that’s a wonderful thing. second time around? “It’s a lot easier It’s just a great affirmation of all the the second time around for a multitude hard work that we do.” of reasons. I have some wisdom, some You played Robert Wagner in The Mystery of Natalie Wood TV movie in 2004, and now he plays your dad on NCIS. What’s that like? “Since his coming Weatherly with NCIS co-star Emily Wickersham age on me. I have a steady gig, so that financial security makes a big difference and maybe, most importantly, having a partner, because I was separated and divorced very early in my first child’s life.” 5 Fun Facts About the Golden Globes Here are some fun facts about the Hollywood Foreign Press Association event that honors the year’s top achievements in movies and TV. Last year’s Golden Globe Awards was a rating’s bonanza, with the highest viewership in 10 years. Tonight’s telecast on NBC hopes to recapture that lightning in a bottle— and why not?!—with returning hosts Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. 1. The youngest Golden Globe winner ever is Ricky Schroder, who was 9 when he won Best New Star for The Champ (1980); the oldest is Jessica Tandy, at 80, for Best Actress in Driving Miss Daisy (1990). 2. Two former Miss Golden Globes (traditionally celebrities’ daughters, who bring out trophies during the show), Linda Evans and Melanie Griffith, later went on to take home awards themselves: Evans in 1982 for Dynasty, and Griffith in 1989 for Working Girl. 3. Meryl Streep holds the record for the most individual GG acting wins, with a total of eight. 4. When Jack Nicholson was honored with the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999, he mooned the audience. 5. The only cast members of TV’s Friends to win Golden Globes: Jennifer Aniston and Matt LeBlanc. Actress Lorraine Toussaint is a favorite of mine. I was wondering if the woman she plays in the movie Selma is still alive, and if she had a chance to meet her. —Mekeesha M., Raleigh, N.C. A: Amelia Boynton Robinson is alive and well at 103 years old, and Toussaint did indeed meet her, as well as several other real-life civil rights leaders portrayed in the film. The star of the ABC series Forever is joined in the new movie, about Martin Luther King’s historic Alabama marches of the 1960s, by David Oyelowo, Oprah Winfrey, Martin Sheen and Cuba Gooding Jr. COVER CREDITS: JACKSON BY JAMES DEVANEY/ WIREIMAGE/GETTY IMAGES; HUFFINGTON BY TOMMASO BODDI/WIREIMAGE/GETTY IMAGES; JACKMAN BY WALTER MCBRIDE/GETTY IMAGES; DEGENERES BY NOEL VASQUEZ/GETTY IMAGES FOR EXTRA; OPRAH BY DISCOVERY CHANNEL; CARROLL/OKUNG BY ROD MAR/SPORTS ILLUSTRATED/GETTY IMAGES; CROW BY DAN HARR/ SPLASH NEWS/NEWSCOM; COOPER BY TIME WARNER CO.; MCCARTNEY BY CHRIS MCKAY/ GETTY IMAGES; LIFESTYLE IMAGES BY ISTOCK PHOTOS; TIM RYAN BY AP PHOTO/SUSAN WALSH; DUNHAM BY JEFF KRAVITZ/FILMMAGIC/ GETTY IMAGES 2 | JANUARY 11, 2014 © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved NCIS BY CLIFF LIPSON/CBS; TOUSSAINT BY FREDERICK M. BROWN/GETTY IMAGES; NICHOLSON BY NBC/NBCU PHOTO BANK VIA GETTY IMAGES; STREEP BY TRAE PATTON/NBC/NBCU PHOTO BANK VIA GETTY IMAGES; EVANS BY ABC/BOB D’AMICO/GETTY IMAGES; TANDY BY NEWSCOM; POEHLER/FEY BY GAVIN BOND/NBC WA SC LTER Keep your prayers close at hand with this beautiful bracelet that can also be used as a decade rosary. Each of the glass beads features a multitude of color, with no two beads exactly the same. The bracelet is accented with a delicate crucifx and medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The stretch design allows for easy wearing. Guadalupe Aqua Glass Rosary Bracelet The Guadalupe Aqua Glass Rosary Bracelet will be sent to you in gratitude for your gift of $12 or more. Your donation will support the ministries of the Missionary Oblates as we serve poor and needy people in our missions around the world. Find comfort knowing this beautiful bracelet was blessed by an Oblate. Enl ed arg to sh ow det ail Thank you for your generous support! Availab le from th e Mission ary Oblate s $12 $20 $25 $30 $45 $____ Check/Money Order Credit Card # _______ _______ _______ _______ Exp. Date ____ /____ Signature (required)________________________________ Please send ___ Guadalupe Aqua Glass Rosary Bracelet(s). #204600 ($12 suggested donation each) Donate Now Toll Free At: 1-888-330-6264 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Central To request this item on our secure internet site, visit Name ____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City ________________________ State _____ ZIP________ E-mail _____________________________________________ #M15ADA154 Follow us on Facebook: Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows 9480 N. De Mazenod Drive • Belleville, IL 62223-1160 © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved WISDOM OF THE AGES A recent survey of nearly 70 people who’ve lived a century or longer revealed some interesting opinions and insights on love, life and family. Parade » A woman should never admit she’s wrong. L I K E U S AT FA C E B O O K . C O M / PA R A D E M A G a lotta The best U.S. President of the past 100 years, according to nearly 40 percent of the group, was Franklin D. Roosevelt. BULL Country comes to the Big Apple this month when the Professional Bull Riders, the premier bull riding organization with event broadcasts reaching millions of households around the world, roars into Madison Square Garden Jan. 16-18. As fans—and competitors—can attest, they don’t call it “the world’s toughest sport on dirt” for nothing! Go to for more info and tour dates. BELIEVE IT OR NOT! Reality Shock ($29), the 2015 collection of bizarre facts and far-out trivia from the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! folks, is a bounty for anyone who loves knowing that… » In the Solomon Islands, it is still common practice for men to purchase brides with payments of dolphin teeth. » In 2003, Hillcrest Middle School in Wilmette, Ill., had 24 sets of twins in a single grade. » The last hot dog and bun sold at a Montreal Expos home game in 2004 (before the team relocated to Washington, D.C.) went for $2,604 on Ebay—more than 700 times its original purchase price. ATTA ‘BOY’ TALK TOTHEANIMALS Boyhood, director Richard Linklater’s sprawling 2014 fictional opus that tracks 12 years in the life of a young man (and took as many “real-time” years to film), has just been released on Blu-ray and DVD. Don’t be surprised if the movie pops up in Oscar nominations this week. Did you know its original title, 12 Years, was changed to avoid confusion with 2013’s 12 Year A Slave? One of America’s most-loved TV personalities meets some keen critters—like Koko the gorilla, who knows sign language and understands some 2,000 words of English—on Betty White’s Smartest Animals in America, a two-part special Jan. 17 on Great American Country. » Never let a man know he’s right. » Today’s youth “seem smarter and sharper than when I was young.” » The key to a long life is to “eat dark chocolate and give lots of hugs.” » Today’s adults will likely regret “spending their money as fast as they get it.” —Source: Holiday Retirement, ALL ABOUT WHITNEY Actress Angela Bassett has a long list of TV and movie credits, but she’s behind the camera making her directorial debut with Whitney, a musical drama about the late singing superstar Whitney Houston, airing Jan. 17 on Lifetime. Yaya DaCosta stars as Houston, who died in 2012, and Arlen Escarpeta plays Bobby Brown, the rapper-singer-producer who became her husband. Yaya DaCosta as Whitney Houston 4 | JANUARY 11, 2015 © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved KOKO BY THE GORILLA FOUNDATION; FDR BY FPG/HULTON ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES Edited by Neil Pond / WHAT THIS PLACE NEEDS IS MORE CAPS AND GOWNS. Thanks to our work with local high schools like Henry Ford High, graduation rates are up 18%. And it can happen here too. To donate or volunteer, go to UNITEDWAY.ORG. BECAUSE GREAT THINGS HAPPEN WHEN WE LIVE UNITED. © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved T:10” THERE’S A LITTLE SMOKEY IN ALL OF US. 9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans. Which means 9 out of 10 wildfires can be prevented. So if you see someone acting irresponsibly, step in and make a difference. photo Jill Greenberg ©USDA Forest Service © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved Money Limit(ed) Addition I —Russell Wild, author of Bond Investing for Dummies IF AT YOYOU WA RET UR DO NT TO ENTRURN YOOR ON FSEE US Y CO UR OF EB. 2 UPON FICI 7, TODA AL Y! Hurry – respond ASAP. IT'S ABSOLUTELY FREE! OFFICIAL ENTRY COUPON $5,000.00 A WEEK "FOREVER" OFFICIAL RULES: ALL PRIZES GUARANTEED TO BE AWARDED AS OFFERED. NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY TO WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. A prize of $5,000.00 A-Week-Forever will be paid to the winner (and thereafter to one other natural person designated by the winner) of Giveaway No. 3080 if the timely returned winning entry for our February 27th SuperPrize comes from this promotion. Award subject to verification of identity and eligibility. Winner must sign an Affidavit of Eligibility within 30 days or alternate winner will be selected. Principals and employees of PCH and their immediate families are not eligible. Board of Judges’ decisions are final. Bulk entries will not be accepted. Not responsible for lost or mutilated mail. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission to use winner and secondary recipient’s name and photograph for promotional purposes. Subject to complete Official Rules available at website or mail address provided. Entry must be received by 2/6/15. SWEEPSTAKES FACTS: Giveaway No. 3080; End Date: 2/18/15; Est. Odds of Winning: 1 in 1,300,000,000. You Have Not Yet Won. All Entries Have the Same Chance of Winning. We don’t know who the winner is. Enter For Free. You don’t have to buy anything to enter. Enter As Often As You Like. You may submit additional entries by writing to the address provided. Each entry request must be mailed separately. Buying Won’t Help You Win. Your chances of winning are the same as someone who buys something. ZB552 MUST BE AWARDED! ❏ YES, I WANT TO WIN ON FEBRUARY 27TH! NAME ADDRESS STATE CITY 15-PB552T1 f you resolved to grow your retirement fund in 2015, you’re in luck: New rules and options will make it easier to sock away more savings. Annual contribution limits for those with workplace 401(k)s have increased to $18,000 (up $500) for people under 50, and to $24,000 for people 50 and older, a $1,000 bump. (Individual Retirement Account, or IRA, limits remain at $5,500 for people under 50, and $6,500 for people 50 plus.) If you have no plan, the new government-sponsored myRA is worth a look. The fund, expressly designed to kick-start a retirement portfolio, has the same contribution limits as an IRA, with no minimums and no fees. And your money, invested directly with the Treasury, is guaranteed to never lose value. The catch? Your return will be modest, and your balance can only grow to $15,000, at which point you must transfer it to another retirement account. (Check myra.treasury. gov for more info.) Note: IRAs and 401(k)s come in two flavors—traditional and Roth. Traditional products get you a tax deduction on deposits, but withdrawals will be taxed as income. Roth IRAs, 401(k)s or myRAs get you no immediate deduction, but withdrawals are tax free. MAIL TO: Publishers Clearing House Department of Contests P.O. Box 1294 Syosset, NY 11791-0460 OR GO TO: ZIP HURRY! NO ENTRY ACCEPTED AFTER FEBRUARY 6 © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved We have the AFFORDABLE solution! LIMITED TIME OFFER! $250 OFF* PURCHASE OF A NEW STAIRLIFT! EXPIRES APRIL 30, 2015 The WORLD LEADER in stairlifts Table Around the Light LAYERS OF The MOST TRUSTED name in the industry Aiming to eat lighter BUY DIRECT from the manufacturer and SAVE superfood veggie Works on ALL TYPES of staircases you on your quest. in 2015? This hearty, lasagna won’t sidetrack 1 1 2 6 4 1½ CALL NOW FOR YOUR FREE INFORMATION KIT AND DVD! 1-877-397-6983 The only stairlift to earn the Ease-of-Use commendation from the Arthritis Foundation. *Not valid on previous purchases. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Not valid on refurbished models. Only valid towards purchase of a NEW Acorn Stairlift directly from the manufacturer. $250 discount will be applied to new orders placed before April 30, 2015. Please mention this ad when calling. WHIPPED CAULIFLOWER Cut 1 head trimmed cauliflower into 1-inch chunks. Put in a large pot with 2 cloves peeled and crushed garlic and ½ cup whole milk. Bring to a boil over mediumhigh heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, covered, until cauliflower is very tender, about 20 minutes. Purée cauliflower and cooking liquid in batches in a food processor until smooth. Fold in ½ cup crumbled feta or blue cheese and serve. Serves 4. CAULIFLOWER, CARAMELIZED ONION AND KALE LASAGNA Tbsp olive oil medium onion, thinly sliced Cooking spray cups whipped cauliflower no-boil lasagna noodles cups coarsely chopped kale (microwaved 90 seconds) cups shredded Gruyère or Swiss cheese Chopped fresh parsley 1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook, uncovered, 10 minutes. Cover and cook until caramelized and browned, about 15 minutes. 2. Preheat oven to 350°F. 3. Spray a 9-inch square baking dish with cooking spray. Place ½ cup whipped cauliflower on the bottom of pan. Arrange 2 lasagna noodles on top. Layer on 2 cups kale, half the onions, ¾ cup cauliflower and ½ cup cheese. Arrange 2 noodles on top. Layer on remaining 2 cups kale, remaining onions and ½ cup cheese. Arrange 2 noodles on top. Spread remaining ¾ cup cauliflower over noodles, then sprinkle on remaining cheese. Cover with foil and bake 40 minutes, or until bubbly. Uncover and bake 10 minutes. Remove from oven and garnish with chopped parsley. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Serves 4. © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved MARK BOUGHTON PHOTOGRAPHY/STYLING BY TERESA BLACKBURN Do you or a loved one STRUGGLE on the stairs? FOR GUARANTEED VALENTINE’S DAY DELIVERY, CALL OR ORDER ONLINE BY JAN. 23, 2015: 1-800-369-5725 • I Love You Nothing is more romantic than the timeless message, “I Love You.” Now you can express your devotion with a pendant that speaks to the heart. Presenting the I Love You Diamond & Birthstone Pendant. Diamond & Birthstone Pendant FREE personalization! The 14kt gold-plated pendant is engraved with your names, and features two hearts set with Swarovski® birthstones of your choice. The reverse is inscribed with the tender words “I Love You.” A diamond accent in the bale provides the perfect finishing touch. What’s more, the pendant arrives in a luxurious presentation pouch, yours at no extra charge. Jennifer Available exclusively from the Danbury Mint, the I Love You Pendant is priced at $69 plus $750 shipping and service, payable in two monthly installments of $3825. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 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OPEnEr By CHrIS SCHMIDT/ISTOCK PHOTOS; DunHaM By T.LEOPOLD/GLOBE PHOTOS/ZuME WIrE T everyBody’s doing it he hottest well-being trend right now isn’t a hardcore workout or a fad diet. It’s a gentle, ancient practice that millions say is the antidote to the 21st-century stress that affects everything from job performance and sleep to your weight. We’re talking about meditation, and it has cheerleaders from all walks of life—entertainers, businesspeople, athletes, even government legislators. Oprah Winfrey, a longtime meditator, has teamed up with Deepak Chopra to offer a series of 21-day online meditation “challenges” that have drawn more than 3 million participants so far. Hip-hop tycoon Russell Simmons’ new book, Success Through Stillness: Meditation Made Simple (Gotham), aims to demystify meditation for the masses. He even inspired comedian/talk show host Ellen DeGeneres to take it up. In the business world, Huffington Post Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington meditates daily, calling it the “third metric” in success, after money and power. And meditation programs are used to help at-risk schoolchildren thrive in the classroom, and prison inmates cope with the stress of incarceration. Clearly, meditation is having a moment. And if you’re distracted while reading this — texting, checking email, thinking about what to have for dinner—it could help you, too. “The goal of mindfulness is to make you more focused and aware, so your mind and body can be in the same place at the same time,” says U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), Who can forget The Beatles, resplendent in hippie garb, meditating with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? Today, meditation is more mainstream, as calm-seekers from the boardroom to the playing field and the red carpet look for a way to relax, focus and be present. By virginia sole-smith who credits mindfulness for helping him prevent burnout. “I compare it to what athletes experience when they’re totally in the zone.” Ryan believes in mindfulness so strongly that he holds weekly meditation sessions on Capitol Hill. “Stress is bipartisan,” he says. “Mindfulness cuts through current political divides—it’s based on self-care, and preventing illness, and increasing overall well-being and can save healthcare dollars and promote individual responsibility.” Ryan’s goal is “infusing mindfulness into the different institutions in our country.” While meditation has roots in Buddhism, many people today practice a non-religious form of mindfulness that requires nothing more than sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. When your mind wanders— and it will—just refocus on your breathing. “It really is that simple,” says Ryan, who has written A Mindful Nation: How a Simple Practice Can Help Us Reduce Stress, Improve Performance and Recapture the American Spirit (Hay House). “Thanks to mindfulness, I’m calmer, more focused, and nicer to people around me. I believe this is something that can help many Americans who are struggling right now.” Body-Building for your Brain It’s hard to believe something so easy can be so powerful. “Mindfulness looks like you aren’t doing anything, but when we watch the brain in these studies, we see different parts lighting up and activating,” says LENA DUNHAM The creator and star of the HBO series Girls has been meditating since age 9 to help her cope with obsessivecompulsive disorder. “It has made it possible for me to weather certain challenges and storms and public moments that I didn’t ever imagine would be in my life,” says Dunham, now 28. january 11, 2015 | 11 © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved —Psychologist Elisha goldstein psychologist Elisha Goldstein, author of Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and SelfCompassion (Atria Books). “You can literally change your brain through this practice.” In the 1970s, molecular biologist Jon Kabat-Zinn decided to study “Buddhist meditation without the Buddhism.” KabatZinn, now a professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, had discovered meditation through a friend, and began to suspect it could improve both mental and physical health. He developed a program called “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” (MBSR) and documented how it worked to ease pain, suffering and stress in cancer patients, bone marrow transplant patients and even prison inmates. His findings were so compelling that over 250 hospitals around the world now use MBSR to promote patient well-being. And the evidence keeps growing. In a new Harvard study, brain scans showed that mindfulness meditation increased gray matter in brain areas associated with learning, memory and compassion, and a decrease in the part of the brain linked to anxiety and stress. Attention-Boosting for All of us Mindfulness is especially handy this time of year, when New Year’s resolutions typically include pledges to lose weight. “Food is one of the most popular applications for mindfulness because we all have to eat, every day,” says Goldstein. “But for most of us, eating has become this mindless activity that we do while we’re working, driving, watching television or looking at our phones. We barely even taste what’s on our plates.” And that piles on calories. Study participants who ate their lunch in front of a computer screen gobbled twice as many cookies an hour later as subjects who ate without SEATTLE SEAHAWKS Mindfulness helped the Seahawks win the Super Bowl last year. Coach Pete Carroll initiated the practice in 2011 to help fight stress and improve performance. “Meditation is as important as lifting weights and being out here on the field to practice,” says offensive tackle Russell Okung. distractions, according to recent research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. But mindfulness can help you reconnect with your body’s cues for hunger and satisfaction. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior found that learning mindfulness strategies helped participants eat more slowly—and eat up to 300 fewer calories a day. That’s pretty powerful stuff. Still, some critics of mindfulness are quick to dismiss it as another New Age fad like hot yoga or juice cleanses. But the proponents of mindfulness say that’s OK. “The beauty of mindfulness is that you can stop doing it, notice you’ve stopped, and then re-engage at any time,” says Goldstein. “We are continually learning from what did or didn’t work and beginning anew. And that’s mindfulness.” GooGLE The company’s “Search Inside Yourself” program was launched by engineer Chade-Meng Tan using science-based mindfulness practices to foster emotional intelligence, self-awareness and attention—all useful traits for those working in a fast-paced, competitive industry. 12 | january 11, 2015 © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved carroll: Tom DiPace/aThlon SPorTS; Tan By PeTer DaSilVa/PolariS/neWScom; huG By enrico Fianchini/iSTocK PhoToS “Mindfulness looks like you aren’t doing anything, but ... you can literally chAngE your brAIn through this practice.” Anxiety-Busting for Kids &teAchers Meditation can have huge benefits for children, too. “We’re always yelling at our kids to pay attention,” says Ryan. “But we never teach them how to pay attention. That’s where mindfulness comes in.” The Holistic Life Foundation, a Baltimore-based nonprofit, aims to change that with mindfulness programs for atrisk kids in the city’s poorest elementary schools. A pilot study of their program by researchers at Johns Hopkins and Pennsylvania State University found that fourthand fifth-graders who participated in the 12-week program were better able to handle chronic stress, experienced fewer emotional outbursts, and had less ongoing anxiety. Mindfulness can be a tool for educators, too. The U.S. Department of Education is now funding a major study on how mindfulness can help teachers cope with the pressures of overburdened classrooms. “When we’ve piloted these programs in schools, the teachers come back begging us to do more,” says Ryan. “They know it works and that they need this so they can be their best selves with our kids.” Mindfulness 101 It’s As EAsy As thIs Mindfulness is free, it’s portable, and you don’t have to be sitting on a pillow somewhere for an hour with your eyes shut to achieve it, says psychologist Susan Albers, author of Eating Mindfully. “You can do it at the dinner table, you can do it during a meeting at work, you can do it while driving your car.” Here are four simple ways to get started. Breathe Mindfully Sit in silence, breathing deeply. When your mind wanders, bring your attention back to your breath. hug Mindfully When you hug someone, take a few moments to focus on the sensation of the hug. “Don’t let go until you feel both bodies start to relax,” says psychologist Elisha Goldstein, who prescribes this meditation for couples he counsels, and does it himself every night with his spouse. “That act of touching will actually align your nervous systems so you feel more connected.” eat Mindfully This classic mindfulness exercise helps you pay more attention to your food so you enjoy it more while you eat less. It’s typically taught with a raisin but can be applied to whatever you’re eating. Here goes: continued on page 14 IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO INVEST IN A GOOD THING. Introducing Better FuturesTM —a whole new kind of investment with a greater return than money. When you invest, it helps kids go to college. Because a mind is a terrible thing to waste but a wonderful thing to invest in.TM ©2013 UNCF Invest in Better Futures at UNCF.ORG/INVEST © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved from page 13 Consciously slow down. Look at the raisin, touch it and smell it. Think about how it started out as a grape, shriveled in the sun, and became the treat you see before you. Then eat it very slowly. Take the time to taste it on all parts of your tongue, and notice how you respond: Do you like it? Does it taste sweet? Does it make you salivate? Chew slowly, feeling the raisin beneath your teeth, and then swallow and notice how you feel. The most affordable mobile medical alert works anywhere, even in the showerr. While most medical alert devices don’t work outside your home, the new GreatCall Splash is powered by the nation’s most dependable wireless network, so it works whenever, wherever you need it. 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FONEMED’s registered nurses and contracted physicians through MDLIVE, offer advice regarding health care decisions, may prescribe certain medications and make diagnoses. We are not liable for any act or omission, including negligence, of any FONEMED employee or contractor. The GreatCall Splash is rated IPX7, and can be submerged in up to 3 feet of water for up to 30 minutes. GreatCall is not a health care provider and does not provide health care services. Seek the advice of your physician if you have any questions about medical treatment. 5Star or 9-1-1 calls can only be made when cellular service is available. 5Star service will be able to track an approximate location when your device is turned on, but we cannot guarantee an exact location. Monthly service fee does not include government taxes or assessment surcharges. Prices and fees are subject to change. GreatCall,® 5Star,® GreatCall GoPlanTM and GreatCall LinkTM are trademarks of GreatCall, Inc. registered and/or pending in the United States and other countries. Copyright ©2015 GreatCall, Inc. Yo u h ave t o wa l k somewhere everyday, so turn it into a moving meditation: Focus on each step, what you see, how it feels, your surroundings, the weather and, yes, your breath, too. Don’t worry about your destination. “Walking meditation is not a means to an end; it is an end,” says Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. “Each step is life; each step is peace and joy.” © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved istock photos Call 1-866-869-8385 today or visit us at Slippers With The Comfort & Warmth Of A Sweater ONLY Dept 70407 © 2015 Dream Products, Inc. (Prices valid for 1yr.) Keeps Cold Out & Locks In Heat $1299 Save $7.00 Off Original Price! Wear Cuff Up Or Down! Black Can Be Worn Indoors & Outdoors Caramel FREE SHIPPING & HANDLING ON EVERY ORDER! 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Send Order To: 412 Dream Lane, Van Nuys, CA 91496 © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved Views Rediscovering life and love on the open road. I By Andrew Cotto n the midst of his grief after my mother died, my 72-year-old father began to ride a motorcycle again. He hadn’t been on a bike in over 40 years, since his first son—my brother, Chris— was born. But as he traveled rural Carolina roads on two wheels, whisking along at great speeds, carving turns into the asphalt, my father’s veil of sadness began to lift. ous topography to a place to share a meal and enjoy each other’s company before returning home. A hodgepodge of seniors from different backgrounds and different parts of the country make up this audacious gang, all who have become friends in a fashion fueled by a specific passion, one that brings exhilaration and meaning to a time of life often complicated by uncertainty. These are men and women who will certainly not go gentle into that good night. My father’s friendship with one gang member, a Tennessee gentleman named Gary Crabtree, offered him something particularly valuable. Both men had lost their wives to cancer and they often shared long conversations about the experience. But it 16 | JANuARY 11, 2015 © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved CHRIS JONES/MEDIA BAKERY journey back That’s when he joined the motorcycle club in his retirement community, Sun City Carolina Lakes, a “gang” of roughly 70 men and women who, like my father, love to ride. They also, like my father, love to eat, hence their motto: “Live to Ride, Ride to Eat.” And so they do. Every Wednesday and Sunday, weather permitting, the posse takes off en masse for a food destination—usually a barbeque joint or famous diner within a few hours of Indian Land, S.C. They take the most adventurous and scenic route, twisting through mountain- was Gary who first attempted an intimate relationship as a widower, falling for and eventually marrying a woman he had known for many years. Gary’s example inspired my father to be open to new love, and soon he met Arlene McCarthy, a successful, charming and independent Sun City resident. On one of their first dates, Arlene, who had never been anywhere near a motorcycle, bravely climbed on board my father’s Kawasaki 750, wrapped her arms around his waist and held on for dear life, screaming “Yahoo!” as they rocketed into the distance. On a Sunday ride last year, as the crew of riders collectively cruised along, my father’s dear friend Gary quietly veered off course and crashed on his side. Doctors and witnesses suspect that Gary had passed before hitting the ground. The gang agreed that leaving this life on your motorcycle, surrounded by friends, as Gary did, was a good way to go. I don’t know when or how my father will go, but I know, for now, he is happy and vital. He has friends and family and a passion that carried him out of shadows of grieving into the light of life. And in this, his 75th year, my father will keep riding on roads where the sun will shine on his shoulders and the pavement will blur below his feet, his new companion on the back of his bike and the motorcycle gang by his side. Yahoo!!! JANUARY 11, 2015 | 17 Get 25% OFF the new Touch3. Hurry, sale ends 1/17/15. Introducing the easy and affordable way to call, text and email. Simple meets smart with the GreatCall® Touch3, the new smartphone from the creators of the original, easy-to-use Jitterbug.® And now during our 25% Off Sale at Rite Aid and Sears, there’s never been a better time to buy a Touch3. EASY Now you can talk, text, email, download apps and browse the Internet with ease. Unlike other smartphones that are complicated with tiny icons and multiple screens, the Touch3 is easy to use right from the moment you turn it on. Everything you want to do, from texting to taking photos, is organized in a single list on one screen with large, legible letters. This simplified approach takes all the guesswork out of using a smartphone and puts everything right at your fingertips. SMART Built by Samsung, the Touch3 has an ultra-modern look and has been specially designed with GreatCall’s signature simplicity. The 4-inch display and full-size on-screen keyboard make typing effortless, while the built-in camera lets you capture and share photos anywhere. The Touch3 comes preloaded with GreatCall’s award-winning medical alert apps, including 5Star® and Urgent Care, so you can get the help you need wherever, whenever you need it. AFFORDABLE Other smartphones require excessive plans that make you pay for data you don’t need. Starting at just $249 per month, GreatCall provides a variety of data plans so you’re able to add the one that works best for you. Compared to other cell phone companies, you could save over $300 per year, making the Touch3 phone plans the most affordable on the market. NEW! Buy today and get a FREE Car Charger! Offer ends 1/17/15. To learn more, call 1-866-415-1591 or visit No contracts, no cancellation fees Full on-screen keyboard simplifies typing Dependable nationwide coverage Built-in 5-megapixel camera 100% U.S. -based customer service The 25% Off Sale exclusively at: Offer ends 1/17/15 and applies to new lines of service only. 25% savings based on list price of $14999. $300 savings calculation based on market leaders’ lowest available monthly published fees. Plans and Services may require purchase of a GreatCall device and a one-time set-up fee of $35. Coverage is not available everywhere. You will not be able to make 9-1-1 calls when cellular service is not available. Phone plans do not include government taxes or assessment surcharges and are subject to change. GreatCall is not a healthcare provider and does not provide healthcare services. Seek the advice of your physician if you have questions about medical treatment. GreatCall,® Jitterbug ® and 5Star ® are registered trademarks of GreatCall, Inc. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Copyright ©2015 Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC. Copyright ©2015 GreatCall, Inc. © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved A D V E R T I S E M E N T Itchy Senior Skin and What You Can Do About It It’s a fact of life: as we age, our bodies experience a number of changes. Some of these are obvious and expected, but others come as a surprise to many reaching their golden years. This includes uncomfortable – and often debilitating – itchy skin experienced by a large percentage of the senior citizen population. For people who have not experienced persistent itchy skin, this description can seem unbelievable, but for countless American seniors the problem is a daily fact of life. “Itching is a common problem as we age. The skin changes, often becoming thinner, drier and more susceptible to irritants,” says Vishakha Gigler, M.D., a dermatologist from Encinitas, California. “I often see seniors in my practice who are suffering from itchy skin. Medical conditions and certain medications can also be an underlying cause.” Whatever their reason for itchy skin, many seniors seek relief with over-the-counter treatments. The most common are topical creams and ointments that have been available for decades. Hydrocortisone-based steroidal products are the most widely known and used, but many people find they do not provide adequate or long-lasting relief. According to medical professionals, steroidal creams can be counterproductive for seniors suffering from itchy skin. Side effects can be severe and may include adverse reactions like thinned skin, allergic reactions and more itching. Oddly enough, even some topical allergy medications can result in allergic reactions. Fortunately, newer products have been introduced over the last few years that are proving to be highly effective at relieving itchy senior skin with few, if any, side effects. One such product is a soothing non-prescription gel known as TriCalm®. In a recent survey 97% Ask Marilyn By Marilyn vos Savant of dermatologists were likely to recommend TriCalm to their patients suffering from itch.* TriCalm is steroid free, which puts many seniors with aging skin at ease. Most users find it works better to relieve itchy skin, since other products may take up to 24 hours and require repeated applications to get the full benefit. A clinical study supports this view: TriCalm was 5x more effective than hydrocortisone 1% at reducing itch.** TriCalm works almost immediately, providing rapid relief from itch, whether due to “senior skin” or other itch-inducing nuisances like bug bites and poison ivy. Since the brand was introduced it has received wide recognition, including attention from several prominent national radio and entertainment personalities. This is due in part to TriCalm’s effectiveness as an itch reliever and because of the company’s money back guarantee. TriCalm’s “Itch Free Guarantee” promises that the product will relieve your itch, or you can return the empty tube for a full refund. TriCalm is available for purchase at several major retailers nationwide, including CVS, Walgreens and Walmart. For more information about TriCalm, including the Itch Free Guarantee, user reviews and where to buy the product, visit the company website: *2014 survey by Cosmederm Bioscience, Inc. **Data on file. does a filled freezer use more energy, or less? —G.L., Lindenhurst, N.Y. Say a freezer is filled (but not so full that air can’t circulate, interfering with its normal operation) with alreadyfrozen food and never opened. Also say an identical unit is empty and never opened. Their energy consumption should be about the same. But in real life, the filled freezer will be opened routinely to remove food (which, by the way, will not always happen to be the easiest and quickest to reach) and replace it with more food to freeze, necessary to keep the unit full. Because opening the door and freezing food is what causes energy consumption to rise, a full freezer should use more energy than one with less food. (Yes, opening the door of a full unit will allow less cold air to escape than opening the door of a lightly loaded one, because less air is present around the greater bulk of frozen food. But this fact would be overshadowed by additional openings and freezing larger amounts of food. Plus, the filled freezer had to work to freeze that large load in the first place.) Regardless, I think any difference would be minor. More important for savings is the purchase price of the freezer, its efficiency rating and features, the location in which the unit operates, setting its temperature no lower than safety requires, keeping compartments free of ice, and whether the door seals tightly. 18 | JAnuARY 11, 2015 © PARADE Publications 2014. All rights reserved
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