AGENDA SUTTER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Regular Meeting 5:30 p.m. Sutter County Superintendent of Schools Office Board Room 970 Klamath Lane, Yuba City, CA A full Board packet is available for review at the Sutter County Superintendent of Schools Office Reception Desk, 970 Klamath Lane, Yuba City, CA (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday – excluding legal holidays) and the Sutter County Superintendent of Schools’ website at Members of the public wishing to address the Board on specific agenda items, or any item of interest that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, will be given an opportunity to do so. At the discretion of the Board president, time limits may be imposed upon such presentations. No action may be taken on items not appearing on the posted agenda. 1.0 Call to Order 2.0 Pledge of Allegiance 3.0 Roll Call of Members: June McJunkin, President Victoria Lachance, Vice President Karm Bains, Member Jim Richmond, Member Ronald Turner, Member 4.0 Recognition of Visitors 5.0 Approve Minutes of the December 10, 2014 Regular Sutter County Board of Education Meeting – ACTION ITEM The minutes of the December 10, 2014, Regular Meeting of the Sutter County Board of Education are presented for approval. 6.0 Approve Minutes of the December 18, 2014 Special Sutter County Board of Education Meeting – ACTION ITEM The minutes of the December 18, 2014, Special Meeting of the Sutter County Board of Education are presented for approval. 7.0 Items of Public Interest to Come to the Attention of the Board Members of the public are given an opportunity to address the Board regarding items not listed on the agenda. No action will be taken. Sutter County Board of Education Agenda Page 2 of 3 January 14, 2015 8.0 First Reading – Board Policy, Administrative Regulation, and Exhibit – Bill Cornelius The following policies are being presented for a first reading by the Sutter County Board of Education: Board Policy BP 6011 – Academic Standards Administrative Regulation AR 1312.4 – Williams Complaint Procedures Exhibit E 1312.4 – Williams Complaint Procedures - Notice to Parents/Guardians, Students, and Teachers 9.0 Rescind Policies – Bill Cornelius The following Board Policies are presented to the Board for first reading to rescind: BP 6110 – BP 6111 – BP 6112 – BP 6113 – BP 6113.1 – BP 6114 – BP 6211 – BP 6310 – BP 6311 – BP 6413 – BP 6416 – BP 6418 – BP 6419 – BP 6510 – BP 6511 – BP 6512 – BP 6513 – BP 6514 – BP 6710 – Audio-Visual Services Coordination of District Programs Guidance Services Library Services County School Teachers Library Publication of Materials Developmental Programs Children’s Institutions Handicapped Pupils Conservation Education Gifted and Exceptional Children Driver Education Opportunity Schools Citizenship Programs Contracts and Services to Private Schools Nutritional Programs for Senior Citizens Rehabilitation Contracts Resource Centers Leasing of Equipment and Services 10.0 Accept 2013-2014 Sutter County Superintendent of Schools Audit Report – Gail Atwood – ACTION ITEM The 2013-2014 Audit Report prepared by Crowe Horwath will be presented. 11.0 Quarterly Surplus Report – November 12, 2014 and December 8, 2014 – Gail Atwood In accordance with Board Policy 3270, the County Superintendent of Schools prepares and presents a quarterly report to the Board of items under $25,000 in value that are being declared surplus. Sutter County Board of Education Agenda Page 3 of 3 January 14, 2015 12.0 Adopt Resolution No. 14-15-VI – Resolution on Local Reserves Cap – Bill Cornelius – ACTION ITEM The Sutter County Board of Education is calling upon the Legislature and the Governor to repeal SB 858, Section 27/California Education 42127.01. 13.0 Business Services Report – Gail Atwood 13.1 Monthly Financial Report – December 2014 14.0 Recess to Closed Session – Gail Atwood 14.1 Liability Claims (Gov. Code § 54954.5 and 54956.95) Claimants: Samantha Terriss and Jade Talamo, a minor. Agency claimed against: Sutter County Board of Education/Sutter County Superintendent of Schools 15.0 Reconvene to Open Session 16.0 Report of Action Taken in Closed Session 17.0 Items from the Superintendent/Board The Superintendent and individual Board members have an opportunity to report events, issues, and ideas to the Board. 17.1 Shady Creek Update 17.2 Legislative Update 17.3 Other 18.0 Adjournment Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. By request, alternative agenda document formats are available to persons with disabilities. To arrange an alternative agenda document format or to arrange aid or services to modify or accommodate persons with a disability to participate in a public meeting, please provide a written request to: Bill Cornelius, Superintendent, Sutter County Superintendent of Schools Office, 970 Klamath Lane, Yuba City, CA 95993, at least three working days prior to any public meeting. Agenda Item No. 5.0 BOARD AGENDA ITEM: Approve Minutes of the December 10, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Sutter County Board of Education BOARD MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTED FOR: X Action Reports/Presentation Information Public Hearing Other (specify) January 14, 2014 PREPARED BY: Cindy Stassi SUBMITTED BY: Bill Cornelius PRESENTING TO BOARD: Bill Cornelius BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY INFORMATION: The minutes of the December 10, 2014, regular meeting of the Sutter County Board of Education are presented for approval. Please include 18 copies of any background material you wish included in the packet. Unadopted SUTTER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES Regular Meeting December 10, 2014 1.0 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Sutter County Board of Education was called to order by President, June McJunkin, 5:30 p.m., December 10, 2014, at the Sutter County Superintendent of Schools Office, 970 Klamath Lane, Yuba City, California. 2.0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Victoria Lachance. 3.0 ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS June McJunkin, President – Present Victoria Lachance, Vice President – Present Karm Bains, Member – Present Jim Richmond, Member – Present Vacant (Trustee Area 1) Bill Cornelius, Ex-officio Secretary – Present Staff Members Present: Gail Atwood, Karen Bowen, Gayelynn Gerhart, Barbara Henderson, and Cindy Stassi. 4.0 RECOGNITION OF VISITORS The Board recognized several visitors at the meeting. 5.0 APPROVE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 12, 2014 REGULAR SUTTER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING A motion was made to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2014 Regular Meeting. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 6.0 Jim Richmond SECONDED: Karm Bains Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 REORGANIZATION OF THE SUTTER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 6.1 ELECTION OF BOARD PRESIDENT Board President, June McJunkin, opened nominations for the office of President. Karm Bains nominated June McJunkin for President of the Sutter County Board of Education. Sutter County Board of Education Minutes Page 2 of 6 December 10, 2014 A motion was made to elect June McJunkin to serve as President of the Sutter County Board of Education through December 2015. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Karm Bains SECONDED: Jim Richmond Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 6.2 ELECTION OF VICE PRESIDENT Newly-elected President, June McJunkin, opened nominations for the office of Vice President. Karm Bains nominated Victoria Lachance for Vice President. There being no further nominations, President June McJunkin closed the nominations. A motion was made to elect Victoria Lachance to serve as Vice President of the Sutter County Board of Education through December 2015. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Karm Bains SECONDED: Jim Richmond Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 6.3 OATH OF OFFICE – KARM BAINS AND JIM RICHMOND Superintendent, Bill Cornelius, administered the Oath of Office to the following Board members: Karm Bains who was elected to serve a long term (Area 3) and Jim Richmond who was elected to serve a long term (Area 2) in the November 4, 2014 election. 6.4 SET LOCATION, TIME, MEETING DATES, AND ADOPT 2015 CALENDAR A motion was made to adopt the 2015 Sutter County Board of Education calendar as presented. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Karm Bains SECONDED: Jim Richmond Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 Sutter County Board of Education Minutes Page 3 of 6 December 10, 2014 7.0 ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST TO COME TO THE ATTENTION OF THE BOARD None. 8.0 APPROVE SINGLE PLAN FOR STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT FOR FEATHER RIVER ACADEMY Gayelynn Gerhart, Principal at Feather River Academy, explained the purpose of the Single Plan for Student Achievement is to create a cycle of continuous improvement of student performance, and to ensure that all students at Feather River Academy succeed in reaching academic standards set by the State Board of Education. She stated the Feather River Academy Single Plan aligns with the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), accreditation, and school-wide goals. The Board had an opportunity to discuss the goals and ask questions. A motion was made to approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement for Feather River Academy. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 9.0 Karm Bains SECONDED: Victoria Lachance Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 APPROVE THE SUTTER COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS’ FIRST INTERIM REPORT 2014 – 2015 Barbara Henderson reviewed the 2014 - 2015 First Interim Report (July 1, 2014 – October 31, 2014) with the Board. The 2014 – 2015 First Interim Report reflects a positive certification based on current projections for the county office to meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year and subsequent two years. A motion was made to approve the Sutter County Superintendent of Schools’ 2014 – 2015 First Interim Report. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Jim Richmond SECONDED: Karm Bains Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 Sutter County Board of Education Minutes Page 4 of 6 December 10, 2014 10.0 SECOND READING – BOARD POLICIES, ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS, AND BOARD BYLAW The following Board Policies, Administrative Regulations, and Board Bylaw were presented to the Board for a second reading. BP 3100 – Budget AR 3100 – Budget BP 3311 – Bids AR 3311 – Bids BB 9222 – Board Resignation Gail Atwood reported BP/AR 3311 (Bids) will be brought back to the January 14, 2015 Sutter County Board of Education meeting for a third reading. A motion was made to adopt BP/AR 3100 – Budget and BB 9222 – Board Resignation. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 11.0 Karm Bains SECONDED: Victoria Lachance Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 SUPERINTENDENT SALARY COMMITTEE REPORT (2014-2015) The Superintendent Salary Committee met on November 12, 2014 with Assistant Superintendent, Gail Atwood, to discuss more current information regarding the Superintendent’s salary since their last meeting in June 2014. Ms. Atwood provided the committee with updated salary contract information for Superintendents in Region V County Offices of Education as well as nearby districts. In June 2014, the Superintendent’s salary was fourth from the bottom of the thirteen included in the survey. Although Sutter County Superintendent’s salary was adjusted at that time for 2013-14, the committee found the salary to now be fifth from the bottom of the group of thirteen superintendents’ contracts in the 2014-15 fiscal year. The committee recommended the 2014-15 Sutter County Superintendent’s Salary Schedule be adjusted by 5.75% and that 4.0% be maintained between steps. If the increase is adopted, the current Superintendent’s salary will still be below the midpoint among the other superintendent salaries surveyed. The committee also recommended the Sutter County Superintendent’s workdays continue to be set at a minimum of 220 days. Sutter County Board of Education Minutes Page 5 of 6 December 10, 2014 12.0 ADOPT SUPERINTENDENT SALARY SCHEDULE (2014 – 2015) A motion was made to adopt the new Superintendent Salary Schedule for 2014-2015. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Karm Bains SECONDED: Jim Richmond Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 13.0 COMMUNITY/STAFF/STUDENT RECOGNITION 13.1 DONATIONS – NOVEMBER 2014 Gail Atwood reported $3,909.27 in donations for the month of November 2014. Donations to date total $9,684.68. 14.0 BUSINESS SERVICES REPORT 14.1 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT – NOVEMBER 2014 Barbara Henderson reviewed the Summary Report of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances for the month of November 2014 with Board members. 15.0 RECOGNITION OF RETIREES The Sutter County Board of Education recognized the following retirements: Keri Gravert Business and Workforce Specialist Sutter County One-Stop 20 Years of Service Deborah Wellman Para-Educator of Special Education Special Education Programs 13 Years of Service A reception was held and plaques were presented prior to the Board meeting. 16.0 ITEMS FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT/BOARD 16.1 SHADY CREEK UPDATE Bill Cornelius reported new mattresses, bunk beds, and heaters have been purchased to help with pest control at Shady Creek Outdoor School. Sutter County Board of Education Minutes Page 6 of 6 December 10, 2014 16.2 LEGISLATIVE UPDATES Bill Cornelius reported his work as the Vice President of ACSA and his participation on the Legislative Committee for CSSESA has provided good connections with our local legislators. 16.3 OTHER AB 86 – ADULT ED Bill Cornelius reported Sutter County Superintendent of Schools will continue to operate the Adult Ed Program. Yuba College will take on the responsibility of becoming the fiscal agent. LEADERSHIP BLUEPRINT – MANAGEMENT TRAINING GOALS Bill Cornelius reported management staff will meet on January 12, 2015, to complete priority two (second semester) goals and accomplishments. UPCOMING DATES Bill Cornelius shared the following upcoming events with the Board: 17.0 January 5, 2015 – Bill Cornelius will take the Oath of Office. Donna Johnston, Sutter County Clerk-Recorder, will administer the oath at 9:00 a.m., in the Board Room, at 970 Klamath Lane, Yuba City. Board members were invited to attend. January 22, 2015 – Charter School Oversight Board Training, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., in the Board Room, at 970 Klamath Lane, Yuba City. Board members were asked to attend. December 18, 2014 – Sutter County Board of Education Special Meeting, 5:30 p.m., in the Board Room, at 970 Klamath Lane, Yuba City. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Jim Richmond SECONDED: Victoria Lachance Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 Agenda Item No. 6.0 BOARD AGENDA ITEM: Approve Minutes of the December 18, 2014 Special Meeting of the Sutter County Board of Education BOARD MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTED FOR: X Action Reports/Presentation Information Public Hearing Other (specify) January 14, 2014 PREPARED BY: Cindy Stassi SUBMITTED BY: Bill Cornelius PRESENTING TO BOARD: Bill Cornelius BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY INFORMATION: The minutes of the December 18, 2014, special meeting of the Sutter County Board of Education are presented for approval. Please include 18 copies of any background material you wish included in the packet. Unadopted SUTTER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MINUTES Special Meeting December 18, 2014 1.0 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the Sutter County Board of Education was called to order by President, June McJunkin, 5:30 p.m., December 18, 2014, at the Sutter County Superintendent of Schools Office, 970 Klamath Lane, Yuba City, California. 2.0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jim Richmond. 3.0 ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS June McJunkin, President – Present Victoria Lachance, Vice President – Present Karm Bains, Member – Present Jim Richmond, Member – Present Trustee Area 1 – Vacant Bill Cornelius, Ex-officio Secretary – Present Staff Members Present: Cindy Stassi 4.0 RECOGNITION OF VISITORS The Board recognized the applicants interviewing for the vacancy in Trustee Area 1. 5.0 ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST TO COME TO THE ATTENTION OF THE BOARD None. 6.0 INTERVIEW APPLICANTS – SUTTER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Five complete applications were received for the vacancy in Trustee Area 1, representing Live Oak Unified School District and Yuba City Unified School District by the end of the filing date, December 15, 2014. The applicants were introduced to the Board and spoke about their interests in serving on the Board and their knowledge of Board duties. 7.0 APPROVE PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT TO THE SUTTER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION A motion was made to appoint Ronald Turner to fill the vacancy in Trustee Area 1 created by the resignation of Rob Klotz, through December 2016. The provisional appointment is to be effective December 18, 2014, and Mr. Turner is to be seated immediately. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Karm Bains SECONDED: Victoria Lachance Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 Sutter County Board of Education Minutes: December 18, 2014 Page 2 of 2 8.0 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m. MOTION: ACTION: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Jim Richmond SECONDED: Karm Bains Motion Carried 4 (Bains, Lachance, McJunkin, and Richmond) 0 0 0 Agenda Item No. BOARD AGENDA ITEM: First Reading – Board Policy, Administrative Regulation, and Exhibit BOARD MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTED FOR: _ January 14, 2015 PREPARED BY: Action Cindy Stassi – Randy Page Reports/Presentation SUBMITTED BY: _X__ Information 8.0 Bill Cornelius________________________ Public Hearing PRESENTING TO BOARD: Other Bill Cornelius________________________ BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY INFORMATION: The following policies are being presented for a first reading by the Sutter County Board of Education: Board Policy BP 6011 – Academic Standards Administrative Regulation AR 1312.4 – Williams Complaint Procedures Exhibit E 1312.4 – Williams Complaint Procedures - Notice to Parents/Guardians, Students, and Teachers Please include 18 copies of any background material you wish included in the packet. BP 6011 Page 1 of 3 Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education Series 6000 – Instruction Academic Standards The Sutter County Board of Education (Board) shall adopt the California Common Core State Standards (CCCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics; the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS); and the English Language Development (ELD) Standards for student achievement which challenge all students to reach their full potential and specify what students are expected to know and to be able to do at each grade level and in each area of study. These standards shall reflect the knowledge and skills needed for students to be adequately prepared for postsecondary education, employment, and responsible citizenship. The Superintendent or designee shall provide the Board with the adopted standards which used a process that involves teachers, school site and administrators, students, parents/guardians, representatives from business/industry and postsecondary institutions, and/or community members. He/she shall ensure the proper articulation of standards between grade levels and the alignment of the standards with the Sutter County Superintendent of Schools’ (SCSOS) vision and goals, graduation requirements, college entrance requirements, and other desired student outcomes. He/she also shall ensure that the standards are easily understandable and measurable. (cf. 0000 - Vision) (cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements) (cf. 6146.5 - Elementary/Middle School Graduation Requirements) The SCSOS’ standards for English language arts, English language development, mathematics, science, health education, history-social science, physical education, visual and performing arts, world languages, career technical education, and preschool education shall meet or exceed statewide model content standards adopted by the State Board of Education or the State Superintendent of Public Instruction as applicable. (cf. 5148.3 - Preschool/Early Childhood Education) (cf. 6142.2 - World/Foreign Language Instruction) (cf. 6142.6 - Visual and Performing Arts Education) (cf. 6142.7 - Physical Education and Activity) (cf. 6142.8 - Comprehensive Health Education) (cf. 6142.91 - Reading/Language Arts Instruction) (cf. 6142.92 - Mathematics Instruction) (cf. 6142.93 - Science Instruction) (cf. 6142.94 - History-Social Science Instruction) (cf. 6174 - Education for English Language Learners) Sutter County Board of Education Approved: BP 6011 Page 2 of 3 Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education (cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education) SCSOS’ curriculum, instruction, student assessments, and evaluations of the instructional program shall be aligned with SCSOS standards. In accordance with Education Code 44662, standards of expected student achievement also shall be used in evaluating teacher performance. (cf. 0500 - Accountability) (cf. 4115 - Evaluation/Supervision) (cf. 6141 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation) (cf. 6143 - Courses of Study) (cf. 6162.5 - Student Assessment) (cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program) Teachers and school administrators shall receive ongoing professional development to inform them of changes in the standards and to build their capacity to implement effective standards-based instructional methodologies. (cf. 4131 - Staff Development) (cf. 4331 - Staff Development) The Superintendent or designee shall annually communicate the applicable standards to students and their parents/guardians to inform them of the expectations for student learning at their grade level. Staff shall continually assess students' progress toward meeting the standards, report each student's progress to the student and his/her parents/guardians, and offer remedial assistance in accordance with Board policy and administrative regulation. (cf. 5121 - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement) (cf. 5123 - Promotion/Acceleration/Retention) (cf. 6177 - Summer School) (cf. 6179 - Supplemental Instruction) The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that SCSOS’ standards are regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. At a minimum, SCSOS’ standards shall be reviewed whenever applicable statewide standards are revised and in response to changing student needs. Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 44662 Evaluation of certificated employees Sutter County Board of Education Approved: BP 6011 Page 3 of 3 Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education 51003 Statewide academic standards 60605-60605.9 Adoption of statewide academically rigorous content and performance standards UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 6311 State academic standards and accountability for Title I, Part A Sutter County Board of Education Approved: Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education AR 1312.4 Page 1 of 5 Series 1000 - Community Relations Community Relations Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures Types of Complaints The district shall use the procedures described in this administrative regulation only to investigate and resolve the following: (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4680-4683) 1. Complaints regarding the insufficiency of textbooks and instructional materials including any complaint alleging that: a. A student, including an English learner, does not have standards-aligned textbooks or instructional materials or state- or district-adopted textbooks or other required instructional materials to use in class. b. A student does not have access to textbooks or instructional materials to use at home or after school. This does not require two sets of textbooks or instructional materials for each student. c. Textbooks or instructional materials are in poor or unusable condition, have missing pages, or are unreadable due to damage. d. A student was provided photocopied sheets from only a portion of a textbook or instructional materials to address a shortage of textbooks or instructional materials. (cf. 6161.1 - Selection and Evaluation of Instructional Materials) 2. Complaints regarding teacher vacancy or misassignment, including any complaint alleging that: a. A semester begins and a teacher vacancy exists. b. A teacher who is not EL authorized to teach English learners cannot be assigned to teach a class with one or more English learners. (cf. 4112.22 - Staff Teaching English Language Learners) c. A teacher is assigned to teach a class for which the teacher lacks subject matter competency. Teacher vacancy means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year or, if the position is for a one-semester course, a position to which a single Adopted: Sutter County Board of Education Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education AR 1312.4 Page 2 of 5 designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the semester for an entire semester. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4600) Beginning of the year or semester means the first day classes necessary to serve all the students enrolled are established with a single designated certificated employee assigned for the duration of the class, but not later than 20 working days after the first day students attend classes for that semester. (5 CCR 4600) Misassignment means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential or the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position that the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to hold. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4600) (cf. 4112.2 - Certification) (cf. 4113 - Assignment) 3. Complaints regarding the condition of school facilities, including any complaint alleging that: a. A condition poses an emergency or urgent threat to the health or safety of students or staff. Emergency or urgent threat means structures or systems that are in a condition that poses a threat to the health and safety of students or staff while at school, including, but not limited to, gas leaks, nonfunctioning heating; ventilation; fire sprinklers; air-conditioning systems; electrical power failure; major sewer line stoppage; major pest or vermin infestation; broken windows or exterior doors or gates that will not lock and that pose a security risk; abatement of hazardous materials previously undiscovered that pose an immediate threat to students or staff; structural damage creating a hazardous or uninhabitable condition; or any other condition deemed appropriate. (Education Code 17592.72) b. A school restroom has not been cleaned, maintained, or kept open in accordance with Education Code 35292.5. Clean or maintained school restroom means a school restroom has been cleaned or maintained regularly, is fully operational, or has been stocked at all times with toilet paper, soap, or paper towels or functional hand dryers. (Education Code 35292.5) Open restroom means the school has kept all restrooms open during school hours when students are not in classes and has kept a sufficient number of restrooms Adopted: Sutter County Board of Education Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education AR 1312.4 Page 3 of 5 open during school hours when students are in classes. This does not apply when the temporary closing of the restroom is necessary for student safety or to make repairs. (Education Code 35292.5) (cf. 3514 - Environmental Safety) (cf. 3517 - Facilities Inspection) Filing of Complaint A complaint alleging any condition(s) specified in the section "Types of Complaints" above shall be filed with the principal or designee at the school in which the complaint arises. The principal or designee shall forward a complaint about problems beyond his/her authority to the Superintendent or designee in a timely manner, but not to exceed 10 working days. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4680) Investigation and Response The principal or designee shall make all reasonable efforts to investigate any problem within his/her authority. He/she shall remedy a valid complaint within a reasonable time period not to exceed 30 working days from the date the complaint was received. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4685) Complaints may be filed anonymously. If the complainant has indicated on the complaint form that he/she would like a response to the complaint, the principal or designee shall report the resolution of the complaint to him/her at the mailing address indicated on the complaint form within 45 working days of the initial filing of the complaint. At the same time, the principal or designee shall report the same information to the Superintendent or designee. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4680, 4685) When Education Code 48985 is applicable and the complainant has requested a response, the response shall be written in English and in the primary language in which the complaint was filed. (Education Code 35186) If a complainant is not satisfied with the resolution of a complaint, he/she has the right to describe the complaint to the Governing Board at a regularly scheduled meeting. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4686) For any complaint concerning a facilities condition that poses an emergency or urgent threat to the health or safety of students or staff as described in item #3a in the section "Types of Complaints" above, a complainant who is not satisfied with the resolution proffered by the Superintendent or designee may file an appeal to the Superintendent of Public Instruction within 15 days of receiving the district's response. The complainant shall comply with the appeal requirements specified in 5 CCR 4632. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4687) Adopted: Sutter County Board of Education Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education AR 1312.4 Page 4 of 5 All complaints and written responses shall be public records. (Education Code 35186; 5CCR 4686) (cf. 1340 - Access to District Records) Reports On a quarterly basis, the Superintendent or designee shall report, to the Sutter County Board of Education at a regularly scheduled public Board meeting, summarized data on the nature and resolution of all complaints. The report shall include the number of complaints by general subject area with the number of resolved and unresolved complaints. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4686) Forms and Notices The Superintendent or designee shall ensure a Williams complaint form is available at each school. However, complainants need not use the district's complaint form in order to file a complaint. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4680) The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that each district's complaint form contains a space to indicate whether the complainant desires a response to his/her complaint and specifies the location for filing a complaint. A complainant may add as much text to explain the complaint as he/she wishes. (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4680) The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that a notice is posted in each classroom in each school containing the components specified in Education Code 35186. (Education Code 35186) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 234.1 Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying 1240 County superintendent of schools, duties 17592.72 Urgent or emergency repairs, School Facility Emergency Repair Account 33126 School accountability report card 35186 Williams uniform complaint procedures 35292.5 Restrooms, maintenance and cleanliness 48985 Notice to parents in language other than English 60119 Hearing on sufficiency of instructional materials CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 4600-4670 Uniform complaint procedures 4680-4687 Williams uniform complaint procedures Adopted: Sutter County Board of Education Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education AR 1312.4 Page 5 of 5 Management Resources: WEBSITES CSBA: California County Superintendents Educational Services Association: California Department of Education, Williams case: State Allocation Board, Office of Public School Construction: (11/07,11/10,8/14) Adopted: Sutter County Board of Education Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education E 1312.4 Page 1 of 4 Series 1000 - Community Relations Community Relations Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures NOTICE TO PARENTS/GUARDIANS, STUDENTS, AND TEACHERS: COMPLAINT RIGHTS Parents/Guardians, Students, and Teachers: Pursuant to Education Code 35186, you are hereby notified that: 1. There should be sufficient textbooks and instructional materials. That means each student, including an English learner, must have a textbook or instructional materials, or both, to use in class and to take home. 2. School facilities must be clean, safe, and maintained in good repair. 3. There should be no teacher vacancies or misassignments. There should be a teacher assigned to each class and not a series of substitutes or other temporary teachers. The teacher should have the proper credential to teach the class, including the certification required to teach English learners, if present. Misassignment means the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position for which the employee does not hold a legally recognized certificate or credential or the placement of a certificated employee in a teaching or services position that the employee is not otherwise authorized by statute to hold. Teacher vacancy means a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the year for an entire year or, if the position is for a one-semester course, a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of a semester for an entire semester. 4. A complaint form may be obtained at the school office or district office, or downloaded from the school or district web site. You may also download a copy of the California Department of Education complaint form from the following web site: However, a complaint need not be filed using either the district's complaint form or the complaint form from the California Department of Education. Adopted: Sutter County Board of Education Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education E 1312.4 Page 2 of 4 Exhibit (2) 1312.4 WILLIAMS UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES COMPLAINT FORM: WILLIAMS UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES Education Code 35186 creates a procedure for the filing of complaints concerning deficiencies related to instructional materials, conditions of facilities that are not maintained in a clean or safe manner or in good repair, or teacher vacancy or misassignment. The complaint and response are public documents as provided by law. Complaints may be filed anonymously. However, if you wish to receive a response to your complaint, you must provide the contact information below. Response requested? ___________ Yes ___________ No Contact information: (if response is requested) Name: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________ Phone number: Day: _______________ Evening: ___________________ E-mail address, if any: ____________________________ Date problem was observed: ____________________________ Location of the problem that is the subject of this complaint: School name/address: ____________________________ Course title/grade level and teacher name: ____________________________ Room number/name of room/location of facility: ____________________________ Only the following issues may be the subject of this complaint process. If you wish to complain about an issue not specified below, please contact the school or district for the appropriate district complaint procedure. Specific issue(s) of the complaint: (Please check all that apply. A complaint may contain more than one allegation.) 1. Textbooks and instructional materials: (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4681) ___A student, including an English learner, does not have standards-aligned textbooks or instructional materials or state- or district-adopted textbooks or other required instructional materials to use in class. ___A student does not have access to textbooks or instructional materials to use at home or after school. This does not require two sets of textbooks or instructional materials for each student. ___Textbooks or instructional materials are in poor or unusable condition, have missing pages, or are unreadable due to damage. Adopted: Sutter County Board of Education Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education E 1312.4 Page 3 of 4 ___A student was provided photocopied sheets from only a portion of a textbook or instructional materials to address a shortage of textbooks or instructional materials. 2. Teacher vacancy or misassignment: (Education Code 35186; 5 CCR 4682) ___A semester begins and a teacher vacancy exists. A teacher vacancy is a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of the school year for an entire year or, if the position is for a one-semester course, a position to which a single designated certificated employee has not been assigned at the beginning of a semester for an entire semester. ___A teacher who lacks credentials or training to teach English learners is assigned to teach a class with more than 20 percent English learners in the class. ___A teacher is assigned to teach a class for which the teacher lacks subject matter competency. 3. Facilities conditions: (Education Code 17592.72, 35186, 35292.5; 5 CCR 4683) ___A condition exists that poses an emergency or urgent threat to the health or safety of students or staff including gas leaks; nonfunctioning heating, ventilation, fire sprinklers, or air-conditioning systems; electrical power failure; major sewer line stoppage; major pest or vermin infestation; broken windows or exterior doors or gates that will not lock and that pose a security risk; abatement of hazardous materials previously undiscovered that pose an immediate threat to students or staff; structural damage creating a hazardous or uninhabitable condition; and any other condition deemed appropriate by the district. ___A school restroom has not been cleaned or maintained regularly, is not fully operational, or has not been stocked at all times with toilet paper, soap, or paper towels or functional hand dryers. ___The school has not kept all restrooms open during school hours when students are not in classes and has not kept a sufficient number of restrooms open during school hours when students are in classes. This does not apply when temporary closing of the restroom is necessary for student safety or to make repairs. Adopted: Sutter County Board of Education Policies and Regulations Manual Sutter County Board of Education E 1312.4 Page 4 of 4 Please describe the issue of your complaint in detail. You may attach additional pages and include as much text as necessary to fully describe the situation. For complaints regarding facilities conditions, please describe the emergency or urgent facilities condition and how that condition poses a threat to the health or safety of students or staff. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Please file this complaint at the following location: (Principal or title of designee of the Superintendent) (address) Please provide a signature below. If you wish to remain anonymous, a signature is not required. However, all complaints, even anonymous ones, should be dated. _______________________________________ (Signature) Adopted: Sutter County Board of Education _______________________ (Date) Agenda Item No. BOARD AGENDA ITEM: First Reading – Board Policies to Rescind BOARD MEETING DATE: January 14, 2015 AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTED FOR: X_ ___ 9.0 PREPARED BY: Action Cindy Stassi Reports/Presentation SUBMITTED BY: Information Bill Cornelius________________________ Public Hearing PRESENTING TO BOARD: Other Bill Cornelius________________________ BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY INFORMATION: The following Board Policies are presented to the Board for first reading to rescind: BP 6110 – BP 6111 – BP 6112 – BP 6113 – BP 6113.1 – BP 6114 – BP 6211 – BP 6310 – BP 6311 – BP 6413 – BP 6416 – BP 6418 – BP 6419 – BP 6510 – BP 6511 – BP 6512 – BP 6513 – BP 6514 – BP 6710 – Audio-Visual Services Coordination of District Programs Guidance Services Library Services County School Teachers Library Publication of Materials Developmental Programs Children’s Institutions Handicapped Pupils Conservation Education Gifted and Exceptional Children Driver Education Opportunity Schools Citizenship Programs Contracts and Services to Private Schools Nutritional Programs for Senior Citizens Rehabilitation Contracts Resource Centers Leasing of Equipment and Services Please include 18 copies of any background material you wish included in the packet. Agenda Item No. BOARD AGENDA ITEM: BOARD MEETING DATE: Audit Report 2013 - 2014 January 14, 2015 AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTED FOR: X 10.0 PREPARED BY: Action Gail Atwood _______________ Reports/Presentation SUBMITTED BY: Information Gail Atwood _______________ Public Hearing PRESENTING TO BOARD: Other (specify) Gail Atwood ___________ ____ BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY INFORMATION: The 2013-2014 Audit Report will be presented to the Board. Please include 18 copies of any background material you wish included in the packet. Agenda Item No. 11.0 BOARD AGENDA ITEM: _______Quarterly Surplus Report BOARD MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTED FOR: Action X January 14, 2015 PREPARED BY: Jay VanDuzer SUBMITTED BY: Reports/Presentation Jay VanDuzer Information PRESENTING TO BOARD: Public Hearing Gail Atwood Other (specify) BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY INFORMATION: In accordance with Board Policy 3270, the County Superintendent of Schools prepares and presents a quarterly report to the Board of items under $25,000 in value that are being declared surplus. Please include 18 copies of any background material you wish included in the packet. Agenda Item No. 12.0 BOARD AGENDA ITEM: Resolution on Local Reserves Cap – SB 858, Section 27/California Education Code 42127.01 BOARD MEETING DATE AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTED FOR: X January 14, 2015 PREPARED BY: Action Reports/Presentation Gail Atwood SUBMITTED BY: Information Public Hearing Gail Atwood PRESENTING TO BOARD: Other (specify) Gail Atwood BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY INFORMATION: The Sutter County Board of Education is calling upon the Legislature and the Governor to repeal SB 858, Section 27/California Education 42127.01. Please include 18 copies of any background material you wish included in the packet. SUTTER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SUTTER COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RESOLUTION ON LOCAL RESERVES CAP SB 858, Section 27/California Education Code 42127.01 RESOLUTION NO. 14-15-VI WHEREAS, The County Board of Education and school district governing boards have the obligation to provide a quality education that is essential for an informed citizenry, a competitive economy, a fulfilling life for all students, and the foundation of our democratic society; and WHEREAS, The County Board of Education and school district governing boards are responsible for maintaining fiscal solvency of the school systems they govern; and WHEREAS, The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), based on the principle of subsidiarity, provides governing boards, working with interested stakeholders, with the authority to prioritize funds in order to provide quality education for all students, especially those who are English learners, from low income households and who are Foster Youth; and WHEREAS, Funds for crucial services for school operations, such as payroll, classroom materials, school construction projects, technology, home-to-school transportation, deferred maintenance, etc., often require successful ongoing cashflow management and disciplined planning, including the creation and maintenance of prudent financial reserves; and WHEREAS, County and School district reserve levels, as well as their fund balances, are determined by governing boards to meet local priorities and allow districts to save for potential future expected and unexpected expenditures and for eventual economic downturns; and WHEREAS, Community funded schools (Basic Aid Districts) receive funds only twice a year and must rely on adequate reserves to manage cash-flow for normal daily operations and for future purchases and unforeseen events; and WHEREAS, The statutory minimum for school district reserves for economic uncertainties ranges from 1 to 5 percent, depending on district enrollment, and covers between one to five weeks of payroll, or less than 20 days of total cash-flow; and WHEREAS, Prudent budgeting raises expectations for school districts to establish and maintain reserves above the statutory minimum; and WHEREAS, The Government Finance Officers Association recommends reserves equal to two months of average general fund operating expenditures, or about 17%; and WHEREAS, Rating agencies like Fitch or Moody’s typically assess the adequacy of a district’s reserves by comparing them to statewide averages, which have hovered around 15% for California unified school districts in recent years; and WHEREAS, The Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team emphasizes the need to assess cash on hand and fund balance together. There are many benefits to having a higher than minimum reserves including but not limited to; financial flexibility to absorb unanticipated expenditures without significant disruption to educational programs, protection against exposure to significant one-time outlays such as disasters, lawsuits, or material audit findings, protection against the volatility of state revenues, protection against the volatility of property tax revenues for basic aid districts, cash management/avoiding the cost of borrowing cash, protection against declining enrollment, protection against the expiration of parcel taxes, protection to cover increases in fixed and statutory costs, financial flexibility to shift resources as priorities set through the LCAP process change, planning for major projects such as information technology upgrades or deferred maintenance; and WHEREAS, On June 20, 2014, the Governor signed into law SB 858 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Chapter 32, Statutes of 2014), now embodied in California Education Code 42127.10; and WHEREAS, SB 858, Section 27 Education Code 42127.01, is now operative with the passage of Proposition 2 on the November 2014 state ballot, and requires school districts to spend their assigned and unassigned account balances down to no more than two to-three times the minimum level of the statutory reserve for economic uncertainties (depending on district size) in the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the State of California makes a payment of any amount to the Public School System Stabilization Account; and WHEREAS, Under SB 858, this provision, a deposit by the State of California of even $1 to the Public School System Stabilization Account would result in school districts throughout California having to spend down billions of dollars in their reserves and ending balances; and WHEREAS, It could take many years for the State of California to build up an adequate Public School System Stabilization Account; yet, in one year, school districts would be forced to spend down their reserves and ending balances to levels that could jeopardize fiscal solvency; and WHEREAS, The LCFF is not fully implemented, many school districts are still funded below their 2007-08 levels, and districts cannot survive another downturn without fiscally responsible reserves. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Sutter County Board of Education calls upon the Legislature and the Governor to repeal the language contained in Section 27 of SB 858 (Chapter 32, Statutes of 2014) now in Education Code 42127.01 immediately. Passed and adopted this 14th day of January 2015. AYES: ______ NOES: ______ ABSENT: ______ ABSTAIN: ______ June McJunkin, President Sutter County Board of Education Bill Cornelius, Ex-Officio Sutter County Board of Education Agenda Item No. BOARD AGENDA ITEM: BOARD MEETING DATE: Business Services Report – December 2014 January 14, 2015 AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTED FOR: PREPARED BY: Action Reports/Presentation X Whitney Hardison ___ SUBMITTED BY: Information Public Hearing 13.1 Barbara Henderson PRESENTING TO BOARD: Other (specify) Barbara Henderson BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY INFORMATION: The monthly financial report for December 2014 will be reviewed. Please include 18 copies of any background material you wish included in the packet. Summary Report of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance (Unrestricted and Restricted Combined) December 2014 Description Account Codes Original Budget Operating Budget Actuals to Date Projected Yr Totals Difference (Col D - B) 7/1/14 (A) 11/15/14 (B) 12/15/14 (C) 12/15/14 (D) (E) 2014-15 % Actuals as a % of Budget A. Revenues 1) Local Control Funding Formula 2) Federal Revenues 3) Other State Revenues 4) Other Local Revenues 8010-8099 8100-8299 8300-8599 8600-8799 TOTAL REVENUES B. Expenditures 1. Certificated Salaries 2. Classified Salaries 3. Employee Benefits 4. Books and Supplies 5. Services, Other Operation 6. Capital Outlay 7. Other Outgo 8. Direct Support/Indirect 9. Debt Service 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000-4999 5000-5999 6000-6999 7100-7299 7300-7399 7400-7499 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ 9,415,759 3,333,672 8,273,572 6,765,187 $ 27,788,190 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,008,884 7,972,075 4,711,138 857,865 5,691,021 81,952 597,217 (17,373) $ $ $ $ 9,415,759 3,609,187 8,354,100 8,024,068 $ 3,047,162 $ 773,834 $ 3,076,769 $ 602,423 $ $ $ $ $ 29,403,114 $ 7,500,188 $ 29,332,630 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,779,602 $ 3,370,826 $ 1,850,632 $ 411,088 $ 994,958 $ 126,370 $ 310,693 $ (4,480) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 29,698,585 $ 9,839,688 $ 29,846,589 $ (2,339,500) $ $ 52,781 $ 1,050,000 $ 244,612 $ 1,255,608 7,615,414 8,706,704 4,914,710 963,309 6,349,102 371,879 796,153 (18,686) 9,415,759 3,609,187 8,280,744 8,026,940 (73,356) 2,872 $ 7,615,414 8,730,984 4,920,165 976,797 6,409,131 373,879 838,905 (18,686) 26,902,779 $ 885,411 $ $ $ $ 178,759 247,836 - $ $ $ 242,612 1,255,608 - $ (69,077) $ (1,012,996) $ (997,219) $ (1,010,996) $ E. Net Change to Fund Balance $ 816,334 $ (1,308,467) $ (3,336,719) $ (1,524,955) $ F. Fund Balance (Fund 01 only) 1. Beginning Balance 2. Adjustments/Restatements $ 10,434,950 $ 10,434,950 $ - $ 10,434,950 $ - $ 10,434,950 $ - $ 11,251,284 $ 9,126,483 $ 7,098,232 $ 8,909,995 $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,000 2,446,972 7,449,174 1,345,138 - $ $ $ $ $ 10,000 2,396,449 5,209,098 1,510,936 - $ 10,000 $ 2,396,449 $ 4,985,080 $ 1,518,466 $ - $ $ $ $ $ Excess ( Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures Before Other Financing Sources and Uses (A5-B9) D. Other Financing Sources/Uses 1. Transfers In 8910-8979 2. Transfer Out 7610-7629 3. Contributions 8980-8999 Total, Other Fin Sources/Uses Ending Balance G. Components of Ending Fund Balance Designated Amounts 9711-9730 Legally Restricted 9740-9760 Assigned 9780 Restricted Economic Uncertainty 9789 Unassigned/Unappropriated 9790 (295,471) (513,959) (70,484) 24,280 5,455 13,488 60,029 2,000 42,752 - $ $ A B C D 32.4% 21.4% 36.8% 7.5% 25.6% E F G H I J K L M 36.5% 38.7% 37.7% 42.7% 15.7% 34.0% 39.0% 24.0% 0.0% 148,004 33.1% (218,488) 455.2% 2,000 N O P 21.8% 83.6% 0.0% 2,000 98.6% (216,488) - (216,488) - Explanation of Differences Net Change in Current Year Budget NOVEMBER 2014 Amount A B Explanation of Differences Local Control Funding Formula (8010-8099) $ - $ - County Office $ 10,467 Decrease Mandated Cost budget based on revenue received. Regional Occupation Program (ROP) $ 17,750 Increase DSTP Grant budget to match actual revenue expected. Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) $ (101,573) $ (73,356) Other Local Revenues (8600-8799) Special Education $ 1,790 One Stop $ 882 Textbook revenue from fee based class. Various departments $ 200 Net miscellaneous adjustments $ 2,872 $ - County Office $ 1,048 Feather River Academy (FRA) $ 23,578 Various departments $ Federal Revenues (8100-8299) Regional Occupation Program (ROP) C D E F G H Other State Revenues (8300-8599) Balance 13-14 Mental Health distribution. Revenue from See's Candy Fundraiser. Certificated Salaries (1000-1999) Classified Salaries (2000-2999) (346) $ 24,280 Feather River Academy (FRA) $ 5,525 Various departments $ Increase budget for break room project. Increase B. Castillo salary to Full Time status. Miscellaneous adjustments Employee Benefits (3000-3999) (70) B. Castillo benefits increased as employee was moved to full time status. Net miscellaneous adjustments $ 5,455 County Office $ 7,548 Special Education $ 2,519 One Stop $ 778 Increase budget for purchase of textbooks and software for classes. Educational Services (ES) $ 680 Budget for computer purchase. Shady Creek Outdoor School $ 503 Increase budget for camp supplies. Regional Occupation Program (ROP) $ 1,000 Various departments $ 460 $ 13,488 Books and Supplies (4000-4999) Create budget for break room update/remodel project. Budget for iPad Air 2 purchases for classrooms. Create budget for gasoline supply for new vehicle. Miscellaneous adjustments Explanation of Differences Net Change in Current Year Budget NOVEMBER 2014 Amount I J County Office $ 2,072 Budget for break room update/remodel project services and increase board budget for vacancy advertising. Special Education $ 18,564 Increase training budget for PECS Level 1 training and increase contract services budget for YCUSD counselor. One Stop $ 582 Increase budgets for real estate agent training course, and increase bus passes budget. Educational Services (ES) $ (680) Move funds to supplies for computer purchase. Shady Creek Outdoor School $ (505) Move funds to supplies for camp supplies purchase. Regional Occupation Program (ROP) $ (1,000) Move funds to supplies for gasoline budget. Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) $ 40,996 Increase budget for FRA Mental Health Counselor, Mental Health distribution to districts $ 60,029 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Regional Occupation Program (ROP) $ 17,750 Increase budget for Yuba County Office of Education pass through for Direct Support Training Program Grant. Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) $ 25,000 Increase Medi-Cal mini-grant set aside. Various departments $ 2 $ 42,752 Capital Outlay (6000-6999) Special Education K L Explanation of Differences Services, Other Operations (5000-5999) Other Outgo (7100 - 7299) N Miscellaneous adjustments $ - $ - Debt Services (7400 - 7499) Transfers In (8910-8979) $2,000 Special Education O P Miscellaneous adjustments Direct Support / Indirect (7300-7399) Various departments M Increase budget to replace Special Ed Admin copier. $ 2,000 $ - $ - Transfers Out (7610-7629) Contributions (8980-8999) Net Change in Current Year Budget $ (216,488) Funds from Fund 17 to replace Special Ed Admin copier. Agenda Item No. 14.0 – 16.0 BOARD AGENDA ITEM: Liability Claim – Closed Session – Action Taken BOARD MEETING DATE January 14, 2015 AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTED FOR: X PREPARED BY: Action Reports/Presentation Bill Cornelius SUBMITTED BY: Information Public Hearing Bill Cornelius PRESENTING TO BOARD: Other (specify) Gail Atwood BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY INFORMATION: Liability Claims (Gov. Code § 54954.5 and 54956.95) Claimants: Samantha Terriss and Jade Talamo, a minor Agency claimed against: Sutter County Board of Education/Sutter County Superintendent of Schools Please include 18 copies of any background material you wish included in the packet.
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