ADVERTISEMENT FOR TENDER Ret:- 20L5/ l2))l Date: 06/01/2015 Regional Directorate DAV Public Schools, Bihar Zone-|, AryasamajMandir Complex, Bailey Road, Danapur, Patna invites quotations from interested construction companies for construction of Boundary wall of DAV Public Schools, Bihta, Moriawa (Village) measuring 2600 M (approx) in length as per drawing and design of Architect and approved by DAV College managing Committee, New Delhi against the following terms & conditions mentioned below: 1. The lowest quoted rate/tender will be selected by the competent authority/Building sub- committee. Offered rates are negotiable. Standards quality materials be supplied. 2. 3. 4. Work must be completed by March'2015. 5. 10% deduction will be there and kept with the institution as an amount of retention for one year against defect liability period. 6. will be granted ln initial stage. However after starting the work and proper discussions taking advancement of work into account, some amo-unt rnay be granted but it can not be claimed. TDS will be deducted as per rules. 7. The seaLed quotations be sent to Asstt. Regional Director, lndependent Charge, DAV Public Schools, patna zone - l, AryasamajMandir Complex, New Bailey Road, Danapur, Patna. 8. Proper drawings & design by the technical expert be studied before submitting the tender. 9. Estimated expenditure (the quotations) should be given as per square feet inclusive of all the charges except fencing at the top. Fences at the top 2 %" height with five round barbed wires and 50 mrn m.s. angle bent at the top, be quoted separately per sq. feet 10.The details of the plan & design is enciosed herewith for concerete/brick work & barbed ll.lnterested parties are requested to visit the at Moriawa Village (7 KM from Bihta) site before quoting the rates. 12. Last date for submitting the quotations will be 15h Jan' 15. After that no entry will be No Advance accepted. committee deserve the right to cancel rhe tende's i'any complication due to over quoting of rates or other issues. 13. Building sub ?\ Jha ffi{ Principal cum ARD ,\ Patna Zone-l Managv M Dr. D. Ram DAV Public School DAV?u blic School DAV Public School Bihta Bihta Gola Road, Danapur, Patna. StfiftclP L CUM Director -,[/tt Rcgia/lal cHARGE) / tlf,lSieer,nexr -l E,l.V. Public Schools, Patna Zuni lddi0r. D Bim0A.V.P S DanaPUr, Patn. ril lij r"' ' 'ix'!d Teacher in charge j-.'....., KA P O O AN R .. o dDooiBd | ASSOCIATE D rrav (apoor d.Arch Crrd tu1 Arc. I T-KGp, M.Arch & U.O Washington (slroc Kaloo. B Arch(Fonsl chd MArch Univ. ot rLifois USA V eEla Xapoor B.Arch (fons) Clrandtga.r Un v S Ar.hitecls EngineeB, Cornpul€FAided Desigf USA 1008 Patrlpulra Calofy, Near l.,tolr€ DanreAcedem/ OFpos(e P&trl Mat Falna-800 0r3 1. A612-2267115 F a\ a612.22? 5621 'bogon Emal conlacrlakaD..rshiz REF.:DAV/0552i 201,1 ABSTRACT OF COST FOR BRICK BOUNDARY WALL FOR DAV PUBLIG SCHOOL, BIHTA (Designed for a maximum filting of f200mm, Ie 4,-0,,) Based on Bihar S.O.R'13 / DSR'13 Specimen Lengih = 2lvl, Height= 1.8M + 1.2N,i = 3.0tvl Total Lengrh = 2575R.Fi. Thus mult:plication fdctor = 396.00 BorinE. Providrng and insialling cast in situ sngle under reanted piles oJ specified diametre and length beo$/ ple cap n cernent concreie piles with mi 1r134:3 (1 cemeritlr/2 coarse sandt3 graded ston aggregate 20 mrt nominal size) lo carry a sat working load not ess than speciied excluding the cosl of steel reinfremeni but nctuding the cost o bo'i"g ,! 11 ber roflre-oLlot dlo tre tetg., o. tre o le ro be emoedoeo ,- p le cap etc d complete (Length oi pile for payment shal measured uolo lo the 300 mm dia p les Re _folceo ceme rt co.,eLe t\o. n beams,suspended floors roofs hav ng s ope upto 1S a. dnqs ba.ot ec ,c,.e5. c aJar tnle. odt os 1386 00 aif n/indow s lls, statrcases and spiral sta t cas upto fioor five Ievel exclllctingthe cost of centdng shultering, fin shing and retnforemenl wih 1:2:4(1 cement2 coarse sand14 graded sione aggregate 2 p mm nom nalsize). Aoo o. oeo--r 'o' o.o. a:rg respectvely ata lfloor eve s .i.;i;i-"a €r i 188.1 . ^"s Providlng M-1sgrade R.C.c. instead of t\,120 qrad in.ial Reinforced cement concret! wort< Gn thickness) inciuC ng. attached p lasters, butkesses, pllnlh and strlng courses, frllets, columns ptllars 188.1 ers abutments posts and struts, etc upt fioor fiv evei excluding cost of cenkng, shuitering finishin and reiniorcemert p ' "5 l,' c-' elr. I 5 coa-\e agqrcqate 20mm nontrna s ze "" ,O 3 g aOE sro '124.740 514 514 5 Centrng and shuiterrng nciLrdng struiting propping etc and removal of form for. Llnie s bear.s p inth bams grlders, bressuriers anc 1504 Scrm 5.14.6 CoLumns,Plllars, Pierc Abutments, Posts aDd Siruts gg1.g2 Som Reiniorcemenl 5.29 fot R.C.C. work straightening, cutting, bendlng, pacing BA includ ng in positior and bind no al conro ele 5.29 rE IVlid steel 8 0 mm dla Kq 11880.00 Kq 16236.00 Kq 13216 00 5_29_78 Thermo-N4echanicalLy Treated bars Tl\lTC 500_10mm dia. 5297C Thermo-tvlechan ca ly Treated bars TIVITC-5oo_12mm 1 4.25 Provlding and laying damp'proof Course 50 mm thlck wllh cement concrete 1t2:4(lcenrent:2i2 coarse sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) 426 Exka for providing and firixing water proodlng per materal ln cement concrete work in the propo lon k!l recommended by the manLlfacturels. 427 Appying a coat ot resldual petroleum bltumen 01 penetration 80/100 of approved quallty using 1.7 kg T98 00 I s per square metre on damp orool course 12 13 19.20 s0m 198.00 a Dlece of coth liqhtv soaked in kerosene oi tl t aiter cleaning lhe sudace with brushes and fnally with 10 5C 6.1 14A Brick work with brlcks of class designation 100A ir + 6.3A foundationg and p[nlh in ; Cement mortar 1 6 (1 cemeni:6 coarse sand l Extra for Brick $rorl( in superstruclLlre above plnth Cum level upto floorV cufir p of mi/: aster l2 mm 6ement 13 1'l Som 13.114 I 611 cemeni:6 coatie sand) 13 13 20 mm cemelrt p aster of mit ; '13.13.4 1 6(l cemenl6 coalAe sand) 1379 F nishing walls with water proofing cemeni paint of approved brand and manufact!re and of required 32016 2368.08 1358.28 shade to oive an even shade 14 Sqm 13.791 New !,/orl (ih ee or more coats) 13 113 Fonning groove of unifolm sze ln the top layer of \rashed stone grit piasier as per approved paitern 3726.36 using wooden batlen nalled to the under layer Fcluding remova of wooden battens Iepalr to the edges ol panels and inishlng the groove complete as pe. specrl -aLors ano o.'ecron o'Ihe Er giaeer-:rcharoes. 13113.1 15 mra wide and 15 mm deep qroove 15 228 Suppiy ng and Filing in pinth with 11_7 4 8870.40 Cum 29 7A Sqm 198 00 Lroe' oors l) \\ ra_'i': consoldal nq ard dress nq cornP ete 16 IVlelre Local sand anc Provding designaton 100 B one brck flai soing jo nts filed with local sand includ ng cosl of waterrng iaxes, royalty all comp ete as .itper building specficaton and directon of E/1, but exclud ng carr aoe cost of bI cks & sand Add caftiase of Materials with Loadlnfl\&jU osdins lasr---:':i1, i; I P_tr' ;}l \*-,-rG * ''/ .l Brick lead of (1 K + 7P) Stone chlps (200 KM P)from Koderma coarse sand (55 kmP) from KoiLwar Local sand (1k +2P) % No. 353.628 cum 35 Barbed fences at the top of wall after fixing 50 mm ms an8le bent at top as per design with 5 round wires. 425.100 29 700 229.65 Cement (kmP) Steel(kmP) 234828.4O Tone 46.332 2600 feet Rate;truoted per runninB feet for this item separately long & 2%'Hieh SITE FOR DAV PUBLIC SCHOOLAT S]HIA r .. i i, ii i i i: aiei ! i!ii rI ; Ei ;;::i:! , ,i ll Et ili l-l j 'tr!:i i -ii:;ri:i : :,:i:i:; ..;.;!!: I' 1.=:" i IE li .;-.,1:i: :i ji:: ;"11 :;; ; s rH [,€rTi;i lffl i El a 9---! i 1N.,1 Tr_ I l] xtP !n D p, 'ix) F* (/) l o t! A V) ! l::91 l::il ;:!::r.!ii -!:' ts N:::; :f I !t$i:j I 5E;i:; j l;6il : p il irlii*i i E i ,i:i D ad[0 I H
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