"TECHNICAL REPORT" Name of Work: CONSTRUCTION OF A LOW COST PIG SHED (2 Units) Estimated Cost: ` 64,822/- (Rupees Sixty Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Two) Background: The detail estimate with the drawings for the above said work has been prepared on requisition by the Joint Secretary, RMDD, Government of Sikkim. Design The structure consists of a single storey structure of size 3Mx5.8 M with a built up area of 17.4 sqm(187.22 sq ft). The architectural plan consists of a chamber measuring (8'4"x8'4") incorporating the closed and open partition within. Scope of Work: The estimate provides for the construction of a single storey RCC framed structure in M15 concrete on isolated footing. The partition walls are in half brick thick, where the peripheral partition being 4' with the 12mm thick cement plaster works in 1:3mix.The estimate also provides for front entry main door built in MS sections. There is provision for manger / water blocks which is built in plum concrete in 1:2:4mix. The roofing works is done with 24BWG GCI Sheet fixed in MS tubular section of square bars. Rates: SOR 2012 Mode of execution: Departmental. Time 1 Month. Submitted for kind administrative approval and financial sanction please. Assistant Engineer, AH,LF&VS Department, Govt. of Sikkim Divisional Engineer, AH,LF&VS Department, Govt. of Sikkim ESTIMATE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LOW COST PIG SHED (2 Units). Sl Particulars Quantity Rate Amount Manpower engaged for jungle clearance, site levelling including throwing 1 of spoils etc all complete. 3 x 2 = 6.00 6.00 200 /mday ` 1200 mandays labours days 2 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. Column 6 x 0.60 x 0.60 x 1.20 = 2.59 cum Floor area: 3.00 x 5.80 x 0.30 = 5.22 cum = 7.81 cum 7.81 cum 164.740 /cum ` 1287 3 Providing and laying hand packed stone soling in building works with clean hard selected stones all complete.(Manual Means) Footing: 6 x 0.60 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.32 cum Floor area: 3.00 x 5.80 x 0.15 = 2.61 cum = 2.93 cum 2.93 cum 560.280 /cum ` 1644 4 Providing & Laying in position cement concrete of 1:3:6 mix, including compacting curing etc.(stone aggregate 20mm down) all complete. Footing: 6 x 0.60 x 0.60 x 0.07 = 0.15 cum Floor area: 3.00 x 5.80 x 0.10 = 1.74 cum = 1.89 cum 1.89 cum 3821.970 /cum ` 7228 5 Providing and laying in position 1:2:4 mix reinforced cement concrete excluding the cost of form work, finishing & reinforcements but including curing etc. all complete. Foundation base 6 x 0.60 x 0.60 x 0.10 = 0.22 cum Pyramid 6 x 0.30 x ( )= 0.36 cum 0.60 3 RCC columns: 6 x 0.20 x 0.20 x 2.40 = 0.58 cum = 1.15 cum 1.15 cum 4849.11 /cum ` 5586 6 Providing, fixing and removing form work for casting R.C.C items as indicated below: (with locally available timber) Columns upto top: 2 x 6 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 3.60 sqm 3.60 sqm 608.86 sqm ` 2192 7 Supplying, bending and placing in position of tor steel reinforcement in all R.C.C works i/c cost of binding wires all complete. v.i.no.( 5 ) = 1.15 cum @ 80.00 kg /cum = 92.16 kg. = 0.92 qtl. 0.92 qtl. 6728.30 /qtl ` 6201 8 Providing U shaped drain of 23 cm (ht.) x 23 cm (width) internal dimension with 1:2:4 Plum concrete (1cement, 2 clean coarse sand, 4 clean hard selected stone chips of size 20 mm and down nominal gauge) in side walls thickness of 23 cm both side and 1:3:6 c.c mix complete, as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. = 6.00 mtr 9 Providing and laying first class brick work in half brick thick in superstructure of standard size bricks with 1:4 cement mortar ( 1 cement and 4 coarse sand ) including carriage of bricks upto work site and curing etc. all complete. 4 x 2.55 x 1.20 = 12.24 sqm 1 x 2.55 x 0.90 = 2.30 sqm 2 x 1.65 x 1.20 = 3.96 sqm 6.00 mtr 694.290 /mtr ` 4166 10 11 12 13 14 15 a) = 18.50 sqm 18.50 Providing and laying in position Plum concrete in 1:2:4 mix with stone aggregate of size 20mm down all complete. Manger and Water Blocks: 2 x 1.50 x 0.30 x 0.10 = 0.09 cum 4 x 0.45 x 0.30 x 0.10 = 0.05 cum 0.14 cum 0.14 Providing and laying 12 mm thick cement plaster of 1:3 mix in single coat including finishing even & smooth and curing etc. all complete. v.i.no.( 9 ) = 18.50 x 2 side = 36.99 sqm 36.99 Supplying, fabricating, fitting and fixing steel tubular trusses including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, welded and bolted including special shape washer etc as per the standard specification and design and direction of Engineer - in- Charge all complete. MS Tubular pipe (Square pipes): Columns (38x38)mm, 2.6mm thick: = 3 x 0.75 2.25 Rm = 3 x 0.45 1.35 Rm Purlins (38x38)mm, 2.6mm thick: = 5 x 2.4 12.00 Rm = 3 x 6 18.00 Rm = Rm 33.60 = 33.60 x 2.73 91.73 kgs 91.73 kg/mtr Providing, fitting, fixing of 24 BWG GCI sheet roofing with lapping of 150mm (two corrugation) with G.I. hooks, bolts and nut 8mm dia with bitumen, GI limpet washers filled with white bad including coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint, on overlapping of sheet excluding carriage all complete. 1 x 6.40 x 2.44 = 15.62 sqm 15.62 Providing, fitting & fixing of MS gate all complete. MS Gate (0.75x0.9)m: = 2.00 nos. 2.00 Carriage of stock materials on the surfaced road excluding loading and unloading of materials all complete. Cement 15 Kms v.i.no.( 4 ) = 1.89 x 4.400 = 8.32 bags v.i.no.( 5 ) = 1.15 x 6.400 = 7.37 bags v.i.no.( 8 ) = 6.00 x 0.254 = 1.52 bags v.i.no.( 9 ) = 18.50 x 0.213 = 3.94 bags v.i.no.( 10 ) = 0.14 x 3.200 = 0.46 bags v.i.no.( 11 ) = 36.99 x 0.147 = 5.44 bags = 27.06 bags say 27.00 bags say = 13.53 qtls Steel v.i.no.( 7 ) = 0.92 qtls = 14.45 qtls = 1.44 MT 1.44 (carriage of materials per MT/Km.) = 5.57 Loading and unloading of cement or steel by manual means and stacking. 1.44 16 Carriage of non stock materials on surfaced road all complete. A) Sand: 15 Kms v.i.no.( 4 ) = 1.89 x 0.470 = 0.89 cum v.i.no.( 5 ) = 1.15 x 0.450 = 0.52 cum sqm 639.14 /sqm ` 11821 cum 3441.42 /cum ` 496 sqm 132.300 /sqm ` 4894 kgs sqm nos. 65.580 /kgs ` 6016 853.440 /sqm ` 13327 1000 /nos ` 2000 MT 83.550 /MT ` 121 MT 153.580 /MT ` 222 v.i.no.( 8 ) v.i.no.( 9 ) = = 6.00 18.50 x 0.063 x 0.030 v.i.no.( 10 ) v.i.no.( 11 ) = = 0.14 36.99 x 0.223 x 0.015 = = 0.38 cum 0.55 cum = 0.03 cum = 0.55 cum = 2.93 cum = 5385.82 kgs = 5.39 MT = 5.57 (carriage of materials per MT/Km.) Loading and unloading of stone boulders / stone aggregates / sand / kankar / moorum. B) Stone 5 Kms v.i.no.( 3 ) = 2.93 x 0.950 = 2.79 cum v.i.no.( 8 ) = 6.00 x 0.115 = 0.69 cum v.i.no.( 10 ) = 0.14 x 0.500 = 0.07 cum 3.55 cum = 7808.46 kgs = 7.81 MT (carriage of materials per MT/Km.) = 5.57 Loading and unloading of stone boulders / stone aggregates / sand / kankar / moorum. 5.39 MT 2.93 cum 7.81 MT 3.55 cum C) Stone chips v.i.no.( 4 v.i.no.( 5 v.i.no.( 8 v.i.no.( 10 15 ) ) ) ) Kms = = = = 0.00 1.15 6.00 0.14 x x x x 0.890 0.890 0.106 0.445 0.00 cum 1.03 cum 0.64 cum 0.06 cum 1.73 cum = 3545.61 kgs = 3.55 MT (carriage of materials per MT/Km.) = 5.57 Loading and unloading of stone boulders / stone aggregates / sand / kankar / moorum. 83.55 /MT 87.000 /cum ` 255 27.85 /MT ` 217 87.000 /cum ` 309 = = = = 3.55 MT 1.73 cum 83.55 /MT 87.000 /cum Structure Cost= Deduction of 7.5% Contractors' Profit= Total= (Rupees Sixty Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Two) Only. Junior Engineer, AH,LF&VS Department, Govt. of Sikkim ` 450 ` 296 ` ` ` ` 150 70077 5256 64822 Assistant Engineer, AH,LF&VS Department, Govt. of Sikkim DETAIL FINANCIAL COMPONENT WISE BREAK-UP (LABOUR / SUPPLY COMPONENTS) FOR THE WORK "CONSTRUCTION OF LOW COST PIG SHED ( 2 UNITS )" Sl Particulars (A) Labour Components: Manpower engaged for jungle clearance, site levelling including throwing of 1 spoils etc all complete. 2 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m. 3 Providing and laying hand packed stone soling in building works with clean hard selected stones all complete.(Manual Means) 4 Providing & Laying in position cement concrete of 1:3:6 mix, including 5 Providing and laying in position 1:2:4 mix reinforced cement concrete excluding the cost of form work, finishing & reinforcements but including curing etc. all complete. 6 Providing, fixing and removing form work for casting R.C.C items as indicated below: (with locally available timber) 7 Supplying, bending and placing in position of tor steel reinforcement in all R.C.C works i/c cost of binding wires all complete. 8 Providing U shaped drain of 23 cm (ht.) x 23 cm (width) internal dimension with 1:2:4 Plum concrete (1cement, 2 clean coarse sand, 4 clean hard selected stone chips of size 20 mm and down nominal gauge) in side walls thickness of 23 cm both side and 1:3:6 c.c mix complete, as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. Amount ` 1200 ` 1287 ` 543 ` 1843 ` 723 ` 2046 ` 1375 9 Providing and laying first class brick work in half brick thick in superstructure of standard size bricks with 1:4 cement mortar ( 1 cement and 4 coarse sand ) including carriage of bricks upto work site and curing etc. all complete. 10 Providing and laying in position Plum concrete in 1:2:4 mix with stone aggregate of size 20mm down all complete. 11 Providing and laying 12 mm thick cement plaster of 1:3 mix in single coat including finishing even & smooth and curing etc. all complete. 12 Supplying, fabricating, fitting and fixing steel tubular trusses including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, welded and bolted including special shape washer etc as per the standard specification and design and direction of Engineer - in- Charge all complete. ` 3901 ` 164 ` 1615 ` 1985 13 Providing, fitting, fixing of 24 BWG GCI sheet roofing with lapping of 150mm (two corrugation) with G.I. hooks, bolts and nut 8mm dia with bitumen, GI limpet washers filled with white bad including coat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved paint, on overlapping of sheet excluding carriage all complete. 14 Providing, fitting & fixing of MS gate all complete. 15 Carriage of stock materials on the surfaced road excluding loading and unloading of materials all complete. Cement Kms 15 Loading and unloading of cement or steel by manual means and stacking. 16 Carriage of non stock materials on surfaced road all complete. Loading and unloading of sand. Loading and unloading of stones. Loading and unloading of stone chips. Total Labour Component (A)= ` 4398 ` 400 ` 222 ` ` ` ` 255 309 150 22416 B) Supply Components: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Particulars Sand Stone Stone chips G.C.I Sheets (3 'x 8') 12mm dia tor steel 8 mm dia tor steel Local wood M.S pipes. M.S Gate (2'6"X3') Cement. Bricks Mixed Nails. Carriage of materials. Quantity Unit Rate Unit 103.4 cft 21 cft 125.27 cft 18 cft 61.05 cft 30 cft 8 nos 745.5 nos 0.65 qtls 4965 qtls 0.25 qtls 4965 qtls 3 cft 317 cft 91.73 kgs 43.5 kgs 2 nos 800 nos 27 bgs 350 bgs 900 nos 9 nos 5 kgs 85 kgs 1 trip 1200 trip Total SupplyComponent (B)= Total Amount (A + B )= Rupees ( Sixty Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Two ) Only Junior Engineer AH,L,F& VS Department Govt. of Sikkim ` Amount ` 2171 ` 2255 ` 1832 ` 5964 ` 3227 ` 1241 ` 951 ` 3990 ` 1600 ` 9450 ` 8100 ` 425 ` 1200 ` 42406 ` 64822 Assistant Engineer AH,L,F& VS Department Govt. of Sikkim MGNREGA Harmonization of the SPWD SOR 2012 Estimate Total cost as per SOR 2012 Total supply component Total supply component - 7.5% contractor profit Total wage component Total wage component - 7.5% contractor profit Unskilled wage component (70%) Skilled wage component (30%) Unskilled Persondays (14514/200) Stone instead of stone chips (resulting in additional persondays of 61.05 x 12 / 135 Total persondays Local material of stone and local wood to be beneficiary contribution Revised supply component as per MGNREGA Revised unskilled wage component as per MGNREGA Revised Skilled wage component under MGNREGA Revised cost as per MGNREGA Contingency 1% Total cost Wage material ratio 64,822 42,406 39,226 22,416 20,735 14,514 7,902 73 5 78 38,275 12,090 7,902 54,913 549 55,462 22% 78% 12,090 46,725 Wage Material 19' OPEN OPEN 10' COVERED M.S GATE PLAN COVERED M.S GATE MANGER/WATER BLOCK PIG SHED SIDE ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION ANIMAL HUSBANDRY, LIVESTOCK, FISHERIES AND VETERINARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM. CONSTRUCTION OF A LOW COST PIG SHED (2 Units). JUNIOR ENGINEER ASSISTANT ENGINEER DIVISIONAL ENGINEER
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