January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord St. Sabina Catholic Church Belton, MO Pictured are Dick Bell and Louise McNelly at our Over 55 Christmas Lunch. 700 Trevis Avenue, Belton, MO 64012 Phone: 816-331-4713 www.stsabinaparish.org www.facebook.com/stsabinaparish Fax: 816-322-6196 Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday-Thursday and 9:00am - 1:00pm, Friday Our Parish Staff Rev. Jeff Stephan, Pastor Deacon Dwayne Katzer Deacon Mike Gates Zuiri Galeano, Receptionist and PSR Assistant Bridget Hernandez, Stewardship and Social Justice Kris Larkey, Pastoral Associate Biagio Mazza, Pastoral Associate Susan Ratigan, Liturgist Kirstie Roberts, Dir. of Religious Ed. and Youth Ministry Marta Roper, Pastoral Care Coordinator Jeff Shields, Bookkeeper Tracy Wheeler, Maintenance Mary Bultmann, Diocesan Victim Advocate Jenifer Valenti, Diocesan Ombudsman Weekend Mass Schedule 816-979-3157 X57 816-979-3150 816-979-3159 816-979-3151 816-979-3153 816-979-3158 816-979-3155 816-979-3154 816-979-3152 816-714-2387 816-812-2500 Saturday: 4:00pm (Confessions at 3:00pm - 3:30pm) Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am in English, 12:30pm in Spanish X50 X59 X51 X53 X58 X55 X54 X52 frjeff@stsabinaparish.org dwayne@stsabinaparish.org mikeg@stsabinaparish.org zuiri@stsabinaparish.org bridget@stsabinaparish.org kris@stsabinaparish.org biagio@stsabinaparish.org susan@stsabinaparish.org kirstie@stsabinaparish.org marta@stsabinaparish.org jeffshields@stsabinaparish.org tracy@stsabinaparish.org bultmann@diocesekcsj.org jeniferValenti@att.net Wellness Center 816-979-3090 Jeannine Midgett 816-979-3093 Patricia Moreno 816-979-3092 MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS FOR JAN 12 - JAN 16, 2015 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 8am 6pm 10am 8am 8am Prayer Service †Father Norm Rotert †Lucille Braden (Rehabilitation Center of Raymore) †Gary Wansing †Jim & Vera Hamburg SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 2015 4:00pm †Bud O’Connor SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 2015 8:00am †Chris Channer 10:30am †Jim & Vera Hamburg 12:30pm Spanish Intenciones de Gerzon Medina PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, January 11 - Domingo, 11 de Enero Donut Sunday 9:00am Blood Drive 9:00am PSR 10:00am RICA 11:00am Ensayo del Coro Hispano 11:00am Escuela de Religion 1:00pm Confirmation Search Retreat Meeting 1:00pm Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University 5:30pm High School Youth Open Gym 7:00pm High School & Confirmation Monday, January 12 - Lunes, 12 de Enero 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:30pm Uplift Marian Prayer Group Cub Scouts 7:00pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm CINE - Reunion del CINE NURSING HOME MASS SCHEDULE 2015 7:30pm Altar Society Meeting Jan 14 10:00am Jan 21 10:00am Jan 28 11:00am 7:00pm ESL 7:00pm Living Stones NURSING HOME MASSES Parishioners are always welcome to attend these Masses. If you would like more information on this ministry at St. Sabina, please contact Marta Roper at 816979-3154 or marta@stsabinaparish.org. Rehabilitation of Raymore Foxwood Springs Carnegie Village STEWARDSHIP “It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. On coming up out of the water he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, ‘You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.’” Mark 1: 9-11 Tuesday, January 13 - Martes, 13 de Enero 7:00pm Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary 7:00pm Green Team Meeting Wednesday, January 14 - Miércoles, 14 de Enero 9:00am Legion of Mary 10:00am Mass at Rehabilitation Center of Raymore 7:00pm Advocacy Team 7:00pm Choir Practice (10:30am Choir) 7:00pm Confirmation Sponsor Night As we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord and an appreciation of the Holy Trinity, we need to supplement that with our appreciation of two facets of our faith — prayer and liturgy. St. Therese of Lisieux called prayer “a surge of the heart.” Stewardship, of course, involves a conversion of the heart. Each of must strive for that conversion, and it is most easily accomplished through prayer and liturgy. - See more at: http:// www.thecatholicsteward.com/#sthash.EglI0X1P.dpuf Thursday, January 15 - Jueves, 15 de Enero STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE - DEC 28 8:00am Envelopes/Sobres: Plate/Canasta: Maintenance-Upkeep: Christmas: Funds on deposit with the Diocese: $ 14,892.54 $ 929.60 $ 362.50 $ 9,138.84 $166,155.05 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE - JAN 4 Envelopes/Sobres: Plate/Canasta: Maintenance-Upkeep: Solemnity of Mary: Funds on deposit with the Diocese: Page 2 $ 8,343.77 $ 928.50 $ 1,407.00 $ 794.00 $166,155.05 9:30am Quilters 7:00pm Baptism Prep in English 7:00pm Parish Pastoral Council 7:00pm RCIA 8:00pm Choir Practice (8am Choir) Friday, January 16 - Viernes, 16 de Enero Mass Saturday, January 17 - Sábado, 17 de Enero 3:00pm Confessions Sunday, January 18 - Domingo, 18 de Enero Catholic Home Missions Appeal Kids Liturgy 9:00am PSR 10:00am RICA 11:00am Ensayo del Coro Hispano 11:00am Escuela de Religion 1:00pm Confirmation Search Retreat Meeting 1:00pm Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University PASTORAL CARE FROM DEATH TO NEW LIFE DE LA MUERTE A LA NUEVA VIDA † Lucille Braden, mother of Melissa Frerking † Violet Rosati, Foxwood Springs † Gary Wansing, husband of Peggy Wansing MAY THEY REST IN PEACE. QUE DESCANSEN EN PAZ. PRAYER REQUESTS PETICIONES DE ORACIÓN Steven Armstrong Jennie Baylor Mary Ann Bays Allie Biondo Sonja Bornheimer Rita Cain Marvin Cohen Jane Coon Tyler Corlew Mary Curtis Mary Deal Paul DeMar Sidney Doane Robert Duffey Mary Jo Fisher Dick Garnier Joyce Giacone Vincent Giacone Mary Lou Haefele Gloria Hall Frank Hansel Cherie Hatfield Ella Hemmen Richard Hoedl Andy Huffman Teresa Kelly Carolyn Kessler Bill Locke Debbie Locke Jo Locke Rosa Maria Lopez Gerzon Medina Connie Medlock Rita Miller Doris Oberste Jim Ohnemus Pat Park Ann Ryan Lois Simpson Pat Simpson Caren Smith Joe Stanley Noah Stanley Lori Stewart Jean Tate Kathryn Ware Bob Westfall Mary Westfall Carmitia Yust BULLETIN PRAYER REQUEST LIST Parishioners who are ill, or who have a family member or friend who is ill, may request to have the person remembered on the Prayer Request List published in our weekly bulletin. Names will remain on the prayer list for two months but may be resubmitted upon request. Please remember permission must be given by the individual before the name can be published. To add or remove a name from the Prayer Request List contact Marta Roper parish office at 816-979-3154. SIX WEEK GRIEF RECOVERY GROUP Saint Sabina Grief Ministry will offer an adult mutual selfhelp grief recovery group. The group will begin the week before Ash Wednesday and meet for six weeks; sessions are about 90 minutes. Each session is designed around a particular focus. Interested in attending? We would love to hear from you to find out if a daytime or evening group would be best. If we have enough participants we will provide a daytime and an evening group. If you are interested in participating, please contact Marta Roper in the parish office 816-979-3154 or marta@stsabinaparish.org. SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY TEAM Our Advocacy Team strives to be a voice for those who feel they don’t have one and to serve our community. Currently we are working on identifying needs in our parish community, with the hope to look for ways to meet some of those needs. If you feel called towards this ministry, and helping “the least of these,” please join us at our next Advocacy Team meeting: Wednesday, January 14 at 7pm in room 8 of the education wing. STEWARDSHIP CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS APPEAL The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place next week. One way that this appeal works to strengthen home mission dioceses in the United States is by funding seminarian formation in poor dioceses. The blessing of seminarians places a financial burden on these dioceses, where educating each seminarian costs $35-40K per year. Your support is needed for these young men, so that they might go back and serve their parishes. Please strengthen the Church at home by making a generous gift to next week’s appeal. JESSE TREE Thank you to all who donated non-perishable food to our Jesse Tree this Advent. We were overflowing with donations, and had to place some in the gathering space to make room! Your donations will help many families this year. MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE NUMBERS NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness 816-931-0030 - Support. Education. Advocacy. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Available 24/7 ACI Mental Health Crisis Hotline 1-888-279-8188 - 24/7 Access, Multilingual Page 3 AREA INFORMATION DAPA - DEFERRED ACTION FOR PARENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY th On November 20 , President Obama issued an Executive Order expanding “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) to give “Administrative Relief” to parents of US citizens and permanent residents. This new action has been called Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA). In May 2015, the application process will begin. Please be careful to avoid frauds or scams from those that are charging a lot of money to process paperwork now. The application process will not begin until May. What parents of US citizens and residents can do now is work on gathering the necessary paperwork needed to apply for DAPA. The following is a listing of suggested items. If you need a letter from St. Sabina, please contact Kris in the parish office at 816-9793151. • Identity Documents • Proof of Parentage • Proof of US Citizenship of the Child • Proof of Lawful Permanent Residence of the Child • Proof of Continuous Residence from January 2010 to present • Proof of Physical Presence in US on Nov 20, 2014 • List of Residence Addresses from Jan 2010 to Present • List of Travels Outside the US since Initial Entry • Records from Any Past Immigration Violations Including Apprehension at the Border • Records of Any Arrests, Citations, Jail Time, Detentions, Court Proceedings SUPPORT OUR SEMINARIANS The 22nd annual “SUPPORT OUR SEMINARIANS” Benefit Dinner is dedicated to Our Lady of Knock and is scheduled for Friday, January 30, 2015. This event benefits seminarians from the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and Conception Seminary College. It promises to be an evening filled with fun and laughter, celebrating our Catholic faith, dining on wonderful food, and socializing with our priests and seminarians! We have two wonderful speakers: Archbishop James P. Keleher, Archbishop Emeritus, of the Archdiocese in Kansas, and Fr. Donald P. Farnan of St. Thomas More Parish in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph who will eulogize Bishop Raymond Boland. S.O.S. will be held at the Sheraton Hotel at Crown Center, 2345 McGee St., Kansas City, Missouri. The ticket price is $150.00 per person at tables of ten people. To reserve your place, or an entire table, or donate to the marketplace or VIP silent auction, contact: Martha Hodes at 913-2079893 or mmmh66@sbcglobal.net. Page 4 PARISH HAPPENINGS PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Our parish office will be closed on January 19 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. ESL SCHEDULE English as a Second Language classes are now being held on Tuesday nights at 7pm in the Juan Diego Room of the Education Wing. BAPTISM PREP - JANUARY 15 AT 7PM Baptismal Preparation class is scheduled for Thursday, January 15 at 7pm in the parish hall. To register for this class, please fill out a baptismal application and return it to the office prior to class. For an application, please contact Kris in the parish office at 816-979-3151 or you may download an application from our website at www.stsabinaparish.org. On the left click on Sacraments/ Celebrations, then click on Baptism, then Baptism Application (PDF). TRIP TO ROME AND AMALFI COAST MEETING On Monday, January 26th at 6pm in the parish hall, Fr. Jeff will meet with those interested in joining him on a trip to Rome and the Amalfi Coast. The trip is scheduled for October 29-November 7, 2015. A representative from Colette Travel will be here that night to explain more about the trip and to answer any questions. The trip includes a tour of Rome, including visits to the Vatican Museum, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Roman Forum, the Colosseum and more! The tour of the Amalfi coast includes visits to Ravello, Amalfi, Sorrento, wineries, Greek temples, the ruins of Pompeii and more. For a complete itinerary, please visit our website, http:// www.stsabinaparish.org and click on Travel to Rome with Fr. Jeff. TV RAFFLE WINNER Congratulations to John Cikan who won the 50”TV. Congratulations also to Ricardo Martinez and Chad Gardner who won $20 gift certificates to Chez Elle Creperie and Coffeehouse. Thanks to Ellen Trakas, owner of Chez Elle for her donation of $300 towards the cost of the TV and for the gift certificates. Thanks also to all who purchased raffle tickets to help raise funds for our 2015 Romero Celebration! ALTAR SOCIETY Shhhhhh. Is the Holy Spirit whispering to you to join the Altar Society in 2015? If so, please join us on Monday, January 12th, at 7:30 PM in the Juan Diego Room of the Education Wing. ADULT FAITH FORMATION REFLECTION ON THE FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD, YEAR B Today we celebrate the baptism of the Lord as well as our own baptism. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is the official close of the Christmas season. The season began with the birth of the infant Jesus, God with us, and ends with the adult Jesus acknowledged as God’s son, ready to take up his ministry and mission. Having publically given his life over to God in and through the external sign of baptism, Jesus is overshadowed by the Spirit who motivates and drives him to mission on behalf of humanity. While bringing closure to the Christmas season, this feast sets up entry into the season of Ordinary (Numbered Sundays) Time. Ordinary time plunges us into living out our baptismal commitment in imitation of Jesus’ mission and ministry. The readings for this feast offer rich material for reflection on who we are and what we are all called to as a result of our baptismal commitment and promises. The first reading from Isaiah invites us to drink deeply and eat freely from the rich fare that the Lord provides for all who desire to enter into a deeper relationship with God. Delving deeper into any relationship demands a change of mind and heart, attuned to the other as much as to oneself. In baptism, we openly express our desire to delve deeply into our relationship with God by renouncing our old ways and promising to attune ourselves to God’s ways, thoughts and lifestyle. For Christians, this is ultimately and fully expressed in the person of Jesus. Our response to the reading comes not from the psalms, but also from Isaiah, reminding us that in our baptism we “draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.” God is our savior and liberator. Our covenant relationship with God enables us to tap into the life-giving waters which provide the life and nourishment we need in carrying out God’s mission and ministry. The second reading from the first letter of John clearly affirms that in desiring to live in relationship to God, we become children of God, living in accordance to God’s will, perspective and mindset. Baptism cements our relationship with God, while the Spirit empowers us to use all that we have been given for the service of others. Jesus is our model who did not spare any effort in living out his love relationship with God and others. Neither should we. Mark’s baptism account is brief, focused on the insights that Jesus receives about his identity and mission as God’s son. Jesus’ baptism becomes the occasion for God’s affirmation of Jesus as “my beloved son; with you I am well pleased.” Our baptism is also God’s affirmation of us as “my beloved children; with you I am well pleased.” No matter how rich or poor, how gifted or not, how privileged or not, we are all children of God. Baptism becomes the public affirmation of our mutual love relationship with God and with all of humanity. This Sunday recall your baptism, even if it is just the date on which you were baptized. What does your baptism mean to you now? How does that commitment and call affect the way you live your life? Relish the reality that you are a child of God in whom God is well pleased. SCC BIBLE STUDY Biagio Mazza Pastoral Associate READINGS FOR SUNDAY, JAN 11, 2015 BIBLE STUDY AND SUNDAY READINGS 1st Reading: Isaiah 55:1-11 Psalm: Psalm 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 (11b) 2nd Reading: 1 John 5:1-9 Gospel: Mark 1:7-11 Catholics are mostly exposed to the Bible through the Sunday Lectionary Readings. In order to help us all enter into the Bible through the Sunday readings, we are offering study sessions that will provide an opportunity to read, to study background to the readings, and to reflect on how to apply the readings to our lives. We will gather on January 25 at 10:30am. All are welcome. Bring a Bible and a friend. To register for these sessions, please call Biagio at 816-979-3153. Page 5 YOUTH MINISTRY JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP Your next meeting will be January 21st, 7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall. HIGH SCHOOL AND CONFIRMATION CLASSES! Your next meetings will be January 11th & 25th from 7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall. Anyone who wants to play in the gym before the meeting can come up as early as 5:30pm. CONFIRMATION SPONSOR NIGHT Your next meeting will be January 14th, 7-8:30pm in the Parish Hall. A sponsor is an adult, 18 years or older, who is confirmed and in good standing with the church. Please contact Kirstie Roberts if you need help finding a sponsor. SEARCH RETREAT Our Confirmation retreat is coming up soon! Now is the time to clear your calendar for the weekend of February 6th - 8th! Details will be mailed to your home. PEER MINISTRY! Our team is preparing for the Confirmation Search retreat soon! Meetings will begin in January on Sundays from 1-4pm. These meetings are required for all Peer Ministers. Talks should be ready for a first presentation on the 11th! HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS LOCK IN! On January 17th we are packing up and heading to Legacy Park in Lee’s Summit for an overnight of fun! There will be swimming, basketball, volleyball, raquetball, a movie room, game room and room for pizza and snacks. We will leave St. Sabina at 8pm on the 17th and go to St. Margaret’s church for Mass and then head next door to begin the Lock In. We will return to St. Sabina at 6:30am. The cost is $20 per person. You are welcome to bring a friend and everyone must have permission slips. If any parents can help with driving or chaperoning, please contact Kirstie Roberts, 816-979-3155. PARISH HAPPENINGS DAVE RAMSEY WORKSHOP St. Sabina will host the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University beginning January 11th. Class Dates: Sundays 1:00pm -3:00pm January 11 - March 8, 2015 Millions of people have gone through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. For more information, please contact Corey Pointer at 816-585-8013 or coreypointer@att.net. SESSIONS BEGIN ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 AT 1PM Page 6 SCHOOL OF RELIGION DONUT SUNDAYS Please join our Second grade class on January 11th after the 8am and 10:30am Masses for donuts and orange juice. KIDS LITURGY Children from the Parish School of Religion will be sharing their gifts within the liturgy once a month. If your child would like to be a lector, gift bearer, usher or greeter, please visit the Youth Office and fill out a sign up form. Our next Sunday will be January 18th. FIRST RECONCILIATION SERVICE Our service for the children who have been preparing for the sacrament of Reconciliation will be on January 20th at 7pm in the church. Please arrive early so we can check everyone in before the service begins. FORM FOR COMMUNICATION WITH MINORS Parents and guardians must now sign a form giving permission for St. Sabina staff, specifically the Youth Director, Kirstie Roberts to respond to text messages, emails and phone calls from the youth of the parish. These forms are available in the back of the church with the PSR registrations and in the Youth Office. All volunteers with youth and children must attend one Protecting God’s Children workshop, submit to a background check and sign the policy on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry, (EIM). UPLIFT ORG. needs volunteers! If you would like to bring meals to the homeless on the 2nd, 4th or 5th Monday of any month, please contact Kirstie Roberts to sign up! This ministry is open to all parishioners age 14 and older. Volunteers must report to the Uplift Warehouse by 5pm and will be finished around 9:30pm. We have available spots for January! CHILD SAFETY The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: • Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18) and • Contact your local law enforcement agency or 911 and • After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or JeniferValenti@att.net, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. • The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Mary Bultmann at 816-714-2387 or bultmann@diocesekcsj.org for more information. EL SALVADOR SCHOLARSHIP DONATIONS NATIONAL MIGRATION WEEK Chiefs Raffles This year Fr. Jeff donated his Kansas City Chiefs season tickets to raise money for our five scholarship students in Cinquera, El Salvador as well as the community of La Loma, where we support one scholarship student. For each home game we sold 25 chances for the price of $20 a chance. We were able to sell all the tickets for each home game except the Chiefs/Chargers game on December 28th. However, even though we didn’t sell all the raffle tickets for this last game, we received additional donations for the scholarship fund. As of December 31st, we have raised $6,379. Thanks to all that have purchased raffle tickets and made donations. Student Profiles Each week since December 28th, we have been printing the biography of one of our scholarship students in the bulletin. Please read their stories and their testimonies of how your donations are enabling them to receive an education. January Delegation to El Salvador Please pray for our delegation that will be traveling to El Salvador the week of January 13th. Those traveling will be Nelson Rivera, Fr. Chuck Tobin, and Kris Larkey from St. Sabina, and Fran and John Jackson from Our Lady of the Presentation in Lee’s Summit. They will be spending several days in Cinquera, meeting our students and their families. They will also be visiting the community of San Rafael Cedros, which is the community supported by Our Lady of the Presentation Parish. They currently support 30 scholarship students. Continued Support Even though football season is over, please continue to support our scholarship students. To make an on-line donation, please visit our website at www.stsabinaparish.org. In the upper left corner click on on-line giving. If you need any assistance in setting up your on-line giving, please contact the parish office. National Migration Week takes place the first week in January. This year the theme is "We are One Family Under God," which brings to mind the importance of family in our daily lives. This reminder is particularly important when dealing with the migration phenomenon, as family members are too often separated from one another. “Migrants –including children, immigrants, refugees, and victims of human trafficking– are our spiritual brothers and sisters,” said Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, auxiliary bishop of Seattle and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration. “They often find themselves isolated, alone and separated from family, their ability to live out their lives in fullness severely restricted. Often family members are separated from one another because of deportation, detention, or related immigration laws that inhibit family reunification.” “We are all created equal in God’s image,” said Bishop Elizondo. “There is no such thing as an illegal human being. During National Migration Week we should not only pray for our brothers and sisters who are marginalized but also advocate that protections are provided to them, for they need them most.” Please pray for all families that are suffering due to separation. For more information, please visit http:// www.usccb.org/about/migration-and-refugee-services/ national-migration-week/index.cfm EL SALVADOR SCHOLARSHIP STUDENT Dear members of St. Sabina Parish, I hope that everyone is healthy and feeling blessed by Jesus Christ. My name is Tania Bellini Bernabe Alvarenga, I am 24 years old, and I am pursuing a degree to be an English Teacher at the University of El Salvador. I am very grateful for all of the economic help that you all have given me through the scholarship from the Center of Exchange and Solidarity (CIS) coordinated with the Association of Reconstruction and Municipal Development (ARDM). Thanks to all of the help that you all have given me I have been able to pay for school and transportation from my house to the University which is in the city of San Salvador. The association in charge of the scholarships in my town has assigned us to a representative with whom we meet the first Sunday of each month to inform them of our academic progress and of the community service that we are providing in our town. The community service projects vary depending on the needs that arise; some of my hours have been spent doing cleaning the community park and rivers we have, organizing activities for the children, participating in medical campaigns. I am currently in my fifth year of college education and I am confident that with God’s help I will start my thesis in 2015 and then graduate in 2016. All of this has been possible thanks to all of the help that you all have provided me with and have also provided for other young people like myself. One of my biggest goals is to graduate and work to be able to give back to the association so that they may continue to help other young people get a college education. I also hope that this association will continue because I believe that through this we can make our communities better. Once again I would like to say thank you and I pray that God will bless each and every one of you and your families and that he will provide the wisdom needed to live and serve in Jesus Christ’s name. Sincerely, Tania Bellini Bernabe Alvarenga Page 7 PARISH HAPPENINGS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS! Kevin Abrego, Dolores Aguilar, Teresa Aguirre, Maura Arenivas, Yamileth Bejarano Samaniego, Yesika Benavides, Rebecca Billesbach, Sally Boike, John Borgman, Ruth Brown, Mary Cisetti, Pamela Crosby, Emiliano Damian, Randy Dillon, Mike Ford, Samantha Franco, Connor Fuselier, Todd Fuselier, Antonio Garcia, Helen Gillespie, A.J. Goffoy, Maria Gonzalez, Karli Goulding, Lizbeth Gracida, Jasmin Guardado, Brianne Guerra, Michael Hammack, Marv Henrich, Mauro Hernandez, Kyara Hinojos, Melchor Hinojos, John Hirt, Brenda Huhn, Kathleen Kenyon, Kristi Klohs, Kalen Kronk, Hilario Landa, Keylee Mancha, Chris McClish, Ken McDonald, Flor Menjivar, Alex Mora, Tania Neri, Rene Nunez, Doris Oberste, Lindsey Park, Doug Pritchett, Arturo Ramirez, Matthew Ratigan, Juan Rocha, Rafael Rocha, Caleb Roseburrough, David Schmidt, Paschal Smith, Adam Strickler, Maura Trejo, Aa-Jay Trevino, Jose Valenzuela, Katheryn Vasquez, Ray Walker, Marie Wilburn, Cassandra Zamora HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! ¡FELIZ ANIVERSARIO! Jerry & Carolyn Folz Steve & Melany Martens Scott & Laurie Sigman Jose & Maria Toledo Mario Ramirez & Adela Negrete Ramon & Elsa Ramirez Johnathan & Selma Mosqueda Wilibaldo & Maria Solares 49 Years! 35 Years! 24 Years! 17 Years! 15 Years! 14 Years! 9 Years! 5 Years! 01/15/1966 01/11/1980 01/12/1991 01/14/1998 01/16/2000 01/16/2001 01/14/2006 01/17/2010 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY ECUMENICAL PRAYER SERVICE - JAN 19 January 18-25, 2015 is the annual observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme chosen for 2015 is Jesus said to her, “Give Me A Drink.” (John 4: 7). Throughout 2015, join Christians everywhere in praying “that they may all be one” joining our prayer with that of the Lord Jesus Christ. This year our Ecumenical Prayer Service in conjunction with the Week of Ecumenical Prayer Service Prayer for Christian Monday, January 19 at 7pm Unity will be held at St. Sabina Catholic Church St. Sabina on Monday, January 19th at 7pm. Please join us as we welcome our brothers and sisters from the Belton community churches for this prayer service hosted by the Belton Ministerial Fellowship. Page 8 WELLNESS CENTER THE MORE YOU WEIGH, THE BETTER MEDICAL CARE YOU’LL RECEIVE. “If you compare obese people with hypertension and thinner people with hypertension, you’ll find that more of the obese people are prescribed medication for it,” Brian Kit MD. A study in The American Journal of Cardiology theorizes that doctors are more likely to aggressively treat their heavier patients because excess weight is such a visible risk factor for heart disease. On the flip side, that same bias may delay medical care for thinner people. High blood pressure often goes undetected because many people have no signs or symptoms. Stop by the Wellness Center anytime during regular hours and we will be happy to take your blood pressure for you! WELLNESS SCREENINGS AND COACHING are offered the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 8:30am-11:30am. We will be open in January 17th and February 7th 2015. Don’t forget about Individual Wellness Coaching now being offered through the Wellness Center. This is a great way to take extra special care of yourself throughout the Holiday season! Please give us a call (816) 979-3090 to schedule your appointment. WELLNESS CENTER CLASS SCHEDULE Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Yoga 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Strength & Stretch 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. CDSMP 2:15 - 4:00 p.m. Zumba Gold/Yoga 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Gentle Yoga 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Restorative Yoga 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Beginning Stretch & Strength 1:00 - 2:00 p.m Strength & Stretch 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Yoga 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Gentle Yoga 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Boxing Beats 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Family Yoga 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Health Screenings 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Open Workout 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. AREA INFORMATION “COPING WITH LIFE ALONE” - PEER-TOPEER GRIEF SUPPORT "COPING WITH LIFE ALONE ®" is a Beginning Experience ® grief support program that meets each week for 7-8 weeks. The program helps those who have lost a love relationship due to death, divorce or separation move through the experience of grief and loss into a future with renewed hope. The sessions focus on topics of the grief process, changes in family and other relationships, trust, and coping with memories of your deceased spouse or dealing with your ex-spouse. The next program will meet on Monday evenings: Feb 2 - Mar 23 from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. For additional information, or to register, please call Cathy at (816) 540-4644. These sessions will be held at Holy Cross Church in Overland Park, KS, registration is necessary, to serve you better. – BANK – of BELTON JIM’S DISCOUNT MUFFLERS MEMBER FDIC Great Service • Great Prices Ph. 816-331-4888 HARDWARE-BUILDING MATERIALS-PAINT 617 North Scott Belton, MO 64012 P.O. Box 619 331-2211 Fax 331-0981 Discounts to Seniors 903 N. Scott - Belton, MO Ph. 331-0566 • Fax 322-2231 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Hours: Mon-Fri 7 AM-5 PM Sat 8 AM-1 PM BELTON TRANSMISSION AND REPAIR • Brakes • Shocks • Mufflers • Struts Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Eckhard Preuss Agent Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Domestic & Foreign Ron Gardella, Parishioner (816) 318-8955 Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 315 N. Scott, 8009 E. 171st PO Box 645 Belton, MO 64012-0645 Bus 816.331.4288 Fax 816.331.2907 eckhard.preuss.b5xr@statefarm.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 12800 2nd St., Grandview, MO 64030 Belton © GRANNY “GRAN’MA WISE” sez: “OH, FOR CRY’IN OUT LOUD!” Free Insured Estimates Roofing Specialists “ IF YOU ARE HEADED IN THE WRONG DIRECTION, REMEMBER GOD ALLOWS ‘U-TURNS!’” By B.A. Ray (if you can’t b.a. Ray, b.a. Sunbeam!) AND SONS ROOFING Ph. 816-966-8836 Doug Thurman — Parishioner • Concrete Steps • Splash Blocks • Specialty Products www.alliedconcreteproducts.com (816) 331-8909 Daniel Meissen New • Re-Roofs Repairs Teresa M. Kelly, D.V.M. Jennifer D. McCallum, D.V.M. Kenneth A. Vansickle, D.V.M. FOURWAY P L U M B I N G DRAIN CLEANING GARBAGE DISPOSALS FAUCETS • SINKS • TUBS TOILETS & SUMP PUMPS (816) 322-1013 Phone: (816) 331-0061 Fax: (816) 331-0443 17232 Bel-Ray Place 1001 E. North Avenue Belton, MO 64012 (58 Hwy) • Belton, MO Monday-Friday 8:00am-6:00pm Saturday 8:00am-12:00noon Air Conditioning • Furnaces Humidifiers • Air Filters SAME DAY SERVICE HOUSE CALLS REASONABLE RATES McGilley & George Funeral Homes Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans - Serving St. Sabina Since 1944 Allen L. Meyer 322-2995 Kibbey A. George Belton 611 Chestnut Funerárias McGilley & George ¡Sirviendo a nuestras comunidades desde el 1909! Directores: Allen L. Meyer y Kibbey A. George Planes Fúnebres Pre-Arreglados Benjamin Ortiz, Consejero de Servicios Familiares 522260 St Sabina Church SAME LOCATION 31 YRS MASTER PLUMBERS NICK & MARION BIONDO, JR. 331-1650 607 N. SCOTT, BELTON www.heartlandelectric.com Tel: (816) 318-8500 Residential-Commercial-Industrial www.jspaluch.com COLLISION REPAIR CENTER 20203 Holmes Rd., Belton, MO 64012 RICK HOWARD 816-322-1900 ST. THOMAS MORE PARISHIONER FAX 322-0705 COLLISION REPAIR SPECIALIST For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 ESCUELA DE RELIGIÓN DAPA GRUPO DE JÓVENES DAPA – ACION DIFERIDA PARA PADRES Su próxima junta será el 21 de Enero, de 7 a 8:30pm en el Salón Parroquial. El 20 de Noviembre el presidente Obama emitió una orden ejecutiva para expandir la “Acción Diferida para los llegados en la Infancia” también conocida como DACA para darles “alivio administrativo” a los padres de ciudadanos Estadounidenses y residentes permanentes. Esta nueva acción se llama Acción Diferida Para Padres (DAPA). El proceso para aplicar va a comenzar en Mayo del 2015. Por favor tenga cuidado de evitar fraudes o estafas de parte de las personas que están cobrando dinero ya para procesar el papeleo. Ya que el proceso de aplicaciones comenzará hasta en Mayo. Los padres de ciudadanos Estadounidenses y residentes permanentes pueden ya comenzar a reunir la documentación necesaria para solicitar la DAPA. Lo siguiente es una lista de los papeleos necesarios para solicitar la DAPA. Si usted necesita una carta departe de Santa Sabina por favor comuníquese con Kris en la oficina parroquial al 816-979-3151. • Documentos de Identidad • Prueba de Paternidad • Prueba de Ciudadanía Estadounidense del hijo • Prueba de Residencia Permanente del hijo • Prueba de Residencia continua de Enero del 2010 al presente • Prueba de Residencia en los EE.UU. El 20 de Noviembre del 2014 • Lista de Direcciones de Residencia desde el 1 de Enero del 2010 • Lista de Viajes fuera de los EE.UU. Desde su entrada inicial • Registros de cualquier violación de Inmigración incluyendo aprensión en la frontera • Registros de arrestos, citas, tiempo en la cárcel, detención, procedimientos judiciales NOCHE DE PADRINOS DE CONFIRMACIÓN Su próxima junta será el 14 de Enero, de 7 a 8:30pm en el Salón parroquial. Un padrino es un adulto confirmado que de un buen testimonia de vida. Por favor contacte Kirstie Roberts si necesita ayuda encontrando un padrino. LITURGIA DE NIÑOS Los niños de la Escuela de Religión compartirán sus dones dentro de la liturgia una vez al mes. Si su hijo o hija quisiera ser lector, portador de ofrendas, ujier o la persona que saluda, por favor visite la oficina del Ministerio Infantil/Juvenil para inscribir a su niño/niña. Nuestra próxima liturgia de niños será el Domingo, 18 de Enero. RETIRO DE CONFIRMACION Nuestro retiro de Confirmación se acerca! Marquen en su calendario y hagan tiempo para acompañarnos el Viernes, 6 de Febrero al Domingo, 8 de Febrero. Los detalles serán enviados por correo a sus casa. SERVICIO DE PRIMERA RECONCILIACION Nuestro servicio para los niños que se han estado preparando para el sacramento la Reconciliación será el 20 de Enero a las 7pm en la parroquia. Por favor llegue temprano para poder comprobar todo antes de que comience el servicio. CORRESPONSABILIDAD ARBOL DE JESÉ Gracias a todos quienes donaron comida enlatada al árbol de Jesé este Adviento. Llenamos el árbol con donaciones y hasta tuvimos que poner unas en el espacio de reunión para dejar espacio. Sus donaciones ayudarán a muchas familias este año. LLAMADO PARA LAS MISIONES CATOLICAS La próxima semana realizaremos el Llamado para las Misiones Católicas. Una manera en que este llamado funciona para fortalecer a las diócesis misioneras en los Estados Unidos es otorgando fondos para la formación de seminaristas en las diócesis pobres. La bendición de los seminaristas pone una carga financiera en estas diócesis en donde la educación de cada seminarista cuesta entre $35 a 40 mil dólares al año. Su apoyo es necesario para que estos jóvenes puedan regresar y servir en sus parroquias. Por favor, fortalezca la Iglesia en casa dando una generosa donación al llamado de la próxima semana. JUSTICIA SOCIAL EQUIPO DE DEFENSA (ADVOCACY TEAM) Nuestro equipo de defensa se esfuerza para ser una voz para aquellos que sienten que no tienen una y para servir a nuestra comunidad. Actualmente estamos trabajando en la identificación de necesidades en nuestra comunidad parroquial, con la esperanza de buscar la manera de satisfacer algunas de esas necesidades. Si usted se siente llamado a este ministerio, y a ayudar a "los más pequeños de éstos," por favor, únase a nosotros en nuestra próxima reunión del Equipo de Defensa: Miércoles 14 de Enero a las 7pm en la sala 8 del edificio de catecismo. Pagina 3 MINISTERIO HISPANO Párroco Padre Jeff Stephan (816) 979-3157 Bautismos Berenice Zayas (816) 799-7768 Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos Lupe Bencomo (816) 331-5677 Quinceañeras Kris Larkey (816) 979-3151 Grupo de Oración Allan Medina (816) 668-0089 Pláticas Matrimoniales Martina y Abelardo Arreola (816) 269-4956 Festividades Maria Rita López 816-301-1708 Coro Parroquial Arturo Piñon (816) 291-2742 Ministros de la Comunión Gloria Garcia (816) 559-1253 Comunión a los Enfermos Marta Sosa (816) 226-3239 Proclamadores de la Palabra Alejandro Torres (816) 699-2887 Acólitos Gerardo Arénivas (816) 719-7563 Acomodadores y Orden Jaime Martinez (816) 777-8848 Justicia e Inmigracion Wendy Mora 816-309-0011 Sacristía Manny Castillo 816-394-1460 Catecismo Kirstie Roberts (816) 979-3155 Adolescentes Kirstie Roberts (816) 979-3155 Alcoholicos Anónimos Oscar Castillo (816) 529-1113 Comite Romero Hilda Alvarado 816-876-5508 Pagina 2 PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES - 14 DE FEBRERO Normalmente cada Sábado Segundo de mes de las 10 am a 1 pm (Sólo para Niños de 0-6 años) Salón de juntas. Sótano de la Parroquia. Para niños mayores de 7 años requerirán una formación especial. Infórmate. PRÓXIMOS BAUTISMOS: llamar Kris a 816-979-3151 Favor de llenar su aplicación para asistir a las platicas con anterioridad. No se ofrece cuidado de niños. INGLES COMO SEGUNDO IDIOMA Nuestras clases de Inglés Como Segundo Idioma se llevan a cabo los Martes a las 7pm en el cuarto Juan Diego, en la Escuela de Religión. SEMANA NACIONAL DE MIGRACION La primera semana de Enero es la semana nacional de Migración. El tema de este año es “Somos Una Sola Familia Bajo Dios,” que nos recuerda la importancia de la familia en nuestras vidas diarias. Este recordatorio es particularmente importante con el fenómeno de la migración donde demasiado seguido las familias son separadas. “Migrantes – incluyendo a los niños, inmigrantes, refugiados, y víctimas del tráfico humano – son nuestros hermanos y hermanas espirituales,” dijo el Obispo Eusebio Elizondo, obispo auxiliar de Seattle y presidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos (USCCB) Comité de Migración. “Ellos muchas veces se encuentran aislados, solos y separados de sus familias, su capacidad de vivir sus vidas en plenitud es severamente restringida. Demasiado seguido los miembros de familias son separados por la deportación, detención, o leyes de inmigración que les impide reunirse de nuevo.” “Todos hemos sido creados iguales a la imagen de Dios,” dijo el Obispo Elizondo. “No hay tal cosa como un humano ilegal. Durante la semana Nacional de Migración debemos no solamente orar por nuestros hermanos y hermanas que son marginalizados pero también abogar para que ellos tengan las protecciones necesarias, porque ellos son los que más necesitan.” Por favor oren por las familias que están sufriendo debido a la separación. Para mas información, por favor viste la pagina http://www.usccb.org/about/migration-and-refugee -services/national-migration-week/index.cfm ORACION PARA LA SEMANA NACIONAL DE MIGRACION Padre Amoroso, Al recordar que la Sagrada Familia huyó de la violencia y que vivió durante un tiempo en el exilio, te pedimos que protejas a todas las familias que huyendo de la persecución buscan refugio, y les proporciones un lugar seguro y acogedor. Por los niños que viajan en medio de tantos peligros, a menudo solos y sin la protección de sus seres queridos, te pedimos que los reúnas con sus familias y los protejas de la violencia en el camino. Por todos los emigrantes, para que no se sientan obligados a emigrar, sino que encuentren oportunidades en su tierra natal donde puedan prosperar y vivir una vida plenamente humana. Abre nuestro corazón para que podamos ofrecer hospitalidad a aquellos que vienen en busca de refugio. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amen. 11 de Enero del 2015 El Bautismo del Señor La Parroquia Católica de Santa Sabina Belton, MO En esta foto aparece Claudio y su hijo Jaziel. 700 Trevis Avenue, Belton, MO 64012 Teléfono: 816-331-4713 www.stsabinaparish.org www.facebook.com/stsabinaparish Fax: 816-322-6196 Horarios: 9:00am - 5:00pm, Lunes - Jueves y 9:00am - 1:00pm, Viernes Personal de la Parroquia Rev. Jeff Stephan, Pastor 816-979-3157 Diácono Dwayne Katzer Diácono Mike Gates Zuiri Galeano, Recepcionista y Escuela de Religión 816-979-3150 Bridget Hernandez, Corresponsabilidad y Justicia Social 816-979-3159 Kris Larkey, Asociada Pastoral 816-979-3151 Biagio Mazza, Asociado Pastoral 816-979-3153 Susan Ratigan, Liturgista 816-979-3158 Kirstie Roberts, Dir. de Religión y Pastoral Juvenil 816-979-3155 Marta Roper, Coordinadora Pastoral 816-979-3154 Jeff Shields, Contador 816-979-3152 Tracy Wheeler, Mantenimiento Mary Bultmann, Diocesan Victim Advocate 816-714-2387 Jenifer Valenti, Diocesan Ombudsman 816-812-2500 Horario de las Misas del fin de semana Sábado: 4:00pm (Confesiones de las 3:00pm - 3:30pm) Domingo: 8:00am, 10:30am en Ingles, 12:30pm Misa en Español X57 X50 X59 X51 X53 X58 X55 X54 X52 frjeff@stsabinaparish.org dwayne@stsabinaparish.org mikeg@stsabinaparish.org zuiri@stsabinaparish.org bridget@stsabinaparish.org kris@stsabinaparish.org biagio@stsabinaparish.org susan@stsabinaparish.org kirstie@stsabinaparish.org marta@stsabinaparish.org jeffshields@stsabinaparish.org tracy@stsabinaparish.org bultmann@diocesekcsj.org jeniferValenti@att.net Centro de Salud - 816-979-3090 Jeannine Midgett 816-979-3093 Patricia Moreno 816-979-3092
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