ST. CATHARINE OF SIENA PARISH READING, PENNSYLVANIA Is 55:1-11: The “water” stands for Baptism but also for the word of God. Both will give us strength to keep moving, especially if we make use of daily Bible readings. I Jn 5:1-9: At baptism, we had the love of God placed in us as in a seed, and it bore fruit both vertically and horizontally toward God and neighbor. If we practice our faith by keeping the commandments, we end up victors over the world. Mk 1:7-11: The Spirit of God is seen coming upon Christ. The words of Isaiah are beginning to be fulfilled. Today’s Message - Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father. He is the light of the nations and the Lord of all creation. To Him be all glory and praise! CHOIR MEMBERS NEEDED -As the Christmas season concludes today with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the Voices In Praise Choir will soon begin preparations for the Lenten and Easter seasons of 2015. This would be an ideal time for new choir members to join the group. And we definitely have openings for all voice parts. You do not have to be able to read music, but a pleasant singing voice would provide a good foundation. The choir meets on Thursday evenings from 7 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Why not consider attending a practice this Thursday night to see if this would be a good fit for you? If you cannot commit to the choir at this time, we would be open to having temporary members for the Holy Week and Easter liturgies. For additional information or to discuss questions or concerns, please contact David Kostival, or 610-376-0755 or 484-332-8695. The start of a new year is the perfect time to try something new! The theme of the gathering of families in Philadelphia this September is “Love is Our Mission: the Family Fully Alive.” As we look forward to a New Year full of hopes and promises, we ask what God has prepared for us. Consider going to confession together as a family and experience God’s mercy. MARCH FOR LIFE - Immaculate Conception Church is running a bus to Washington for the March for Life on THURSDAY, January 22nd. There are still spaces available. All parishioner's from St. Catharine's are invited. The cost is $30.00 for adults and $15.00 for youth. Please call Dave Gibney at 484-332-1624 to get further information.. Remember.....the only voice they have is ours… JANUARY 11, 2015 Scheduling of Mass Intentions It has been a longstanding tradition in the Church to accept a donation for a Mass to be celebrated for the intentions of a person, living or deceased. The donation for a Mass is $10. Frequently family members desire to schedule Masses for specific days and times, and, as much as possible, we try to accommodate such requests. So that all parishioners may have equal access to desired dates and times for Masses, the following guidelines are followed: 1. Mass intentions with no particular date desired can be requested at any time. 2. Requests are on a first-come, first-served basis. 3. No more than 3 requests for the scheduling of particular dates per deceased and only 3 weekend Masses if more than 1 deceased is being remembered. 4. Mass intentions are not accepted for Christmas, Easter Triduum, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Requests of Mass intentions can be made during regular office hours. MASS BOOK - 2016 - The Mass Book for 2016 will open the week of January 19th . You may stop by to make your requests Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. PARISH MISSION: SAVE THE DATE! St. Catharine of Siena Parish is delighted to invite all parishioners to participate in a Parish Mission, hosted by the renowned and very popular Conference Speaker, Fr. Larry Richards of Erie, PA! Date: Monday, February 9, 2015 through Thursday, February 12, 2015 Time: Each night 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Place: St. Catharine of Siena Church Purpose: To help us grow in our love of God and give us hope and direction in our daily lives. Cost: Free! The Parish Council seeks volunteers to assist in promoting and preparing for this very exciting event to ensure its success. Please email the Council at or call the Parish Center to volunteer. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 CHILDREN’S LITURGY- during the 10:30 Mass BAPTISMS – during the 12 Noon Mass MONDAY, JANUARY 12 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION-after the 8 a.m. Mass until 9 p.m. PREP (LEVELS 6-8) –School GRIEFSHARE MTG. – 7 p.m.- Parish Center GUITAR CHOIR – 7 p.m. - Church TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 RCIA -7 p.m. – Parish Center DIVORCED/SEPARATED MTG. – 7:30 p.m. – Parish Center WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 LEGION OF MARY MTG. – 6:30 p.m. – Parish Center PREP (LEVELS 1-5 ) 6:45 p.m. – School THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 “SIENA STITCHERS” – 10 a.m. – Gathering Area K OF C MTG. – 7:30 p.m. – Social Hall YOUTH CHOIR – 5-6 p.m. – Church VOICES IN PRAISE- 7 p.m. - Church FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 AMERICAN HERITAGE- 4:30 p.m.-Social Hall SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 CHILDREN’S LITURGY –during the 10:30 Mass Youth Ministry News Junior High Youth Group/Kids for Christ - SAVE THE DATE: January 29th the Junior High Youth Group (6th-8th) is getting together with Kids for Christ (1st-5th) for a combined event. More details to follow at a later date. 1/21-22 Annual Vigil and March for Life in Washington D.C. Open to Senior High Teens. Only 25 spots available. You will not want to miss the high energy entertainment and vigil the night before the March as you meet other youth from around the country. Practice your civil liberty and let your voice be heard for those who have no voice. The cost is $25, which includes transportation, accommodations, and three meals. Please contact Jason Bingaman ( to reserve a spot and receive more information. LOCK-IN FEBRUARY FOR JR/HIGH ST. CATHARINE’S TEENAGERS - SAVE THE DATE: February 28th- March 1st (Overnight), 2015 - More information will be posted. Teenagers and parents who would like to be on the planning committee please contact Jason Bingaman at Sponsored by St. Catharine’s Youth Group MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, JANUARY 12 6:30 Barbara Malecki 8:00 Domenica Miller (1st Ann.) TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 6:30 Paul Arnold 8:00 Tom Gola WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 6:30 Margaret Soltys 8:00 Frank Mierzwinski, Jr. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 6:30 Catherine Kase 8:00 Charles J. McDonald (45th Ann.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 6:30 Helen Frey 8:30 Jerry Glaser SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 8:00 Sadie Formiconi 4:00 Dick Horrigan (2nd Ann.) 6:00 Mary Ann Reiley SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 7:30 Jocelyn Brown 9:00 Jim & Bridget Carroll 10:30 Chiara Rugolo 12:00 Earl Heintz (4th Ann.) Readings for the week of January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps 29 or Is 12; Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11 Monday Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95; Mk 1:40-45 Friday Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday Saint Anthony, Abbot Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Sunday Mark your calendars for the next Blood Drive for Sunday, February 1st, 2015 in the Social Hall. Institute for Catechesis and Formation Course Offering — ICF 105 — Christian Morality. This course provides an introduction to the fundamental teachings of Catholic morality and its foundations in Sacred Scripture, Tradition and Natural Law. Participants will examine virtue, conscience formation and make application to contemporary moral issues in the areas of health care, sexuality and social justice. One Great course — Three locations! Tuesdays, January 27, February 3, 10 & 17: 7 PM — 9 PM at Berks Catholic HS, or Saturdays, January 31, February 7, 14 & 21: 9 AM — 11 AM at Bethlehem Catholic HS, or Marian HS. Cost: $30. Registration form available at or call 610-289 - 8 9 0 0 x 2 2 1 o r E m a i l : *ICF Courses are meant for any adult Catholic looking to grow deeper and learn more about the Faith. There are no prerequisites for these courses.* ST. CATHARINE OF SIENA PARISH READING, PENNSYLVANIA PRAYER REQUEST FOR PRIESTS Monday 1/12 Tuesday 1/13 Wednesday 1/14 Thursday 1/15 Friday 1/16 Saturday 1/17 Sunday 1/18 Very Rev Luke Anderson, O Cist Rev Scott R. Ardinger Rev Eric R. Arnout Deceased priests Rev George Aschenbrenner, SJ Rev Achilles Ayaton Rev Msgr. Thomas D. Baddick Parish Nurse News - This month, dress in loose layers that you can add to or take off as needed. See more Web MD tips for weathering the winter at http:// Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage– The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post positions that follow it. The next program begins on the weekend of February 13 -15 at the Family Life Center in Malvern. For more information, or to register for our upcoming weekend, visit our website at: or call 1-800-470-2230. All calls are confidential. JANUARY 11, 2015 Weekend Mass Schedule January 17th - 4:00 Mass (Church ) Lector– Kathy Brent Cantor - Jay Yohn Organist - Joe Schwartz Altar Servers - E. Solecki - A. Sottosanti - S. Stankiewicz January 17th - 6:00 Mass (Chapel ) Lector - Not Available Cantor– Kate Bobb Organist - Joe Schwartz Altar Servers - T. Struniaski - K. Swavely - E. Tarquinio January 18th - 7:30 a.m. Mass (Church) Lector– Bruce Swist Altar Servers - R. Watts - R. Wentzel - D. Wertz January 18th - 9:00 a.m. Mass (Church) Lector - Ed Smith Guitar Group Altar Servers - R. Stoudt - C. Wasievelski - S. Wasievelski January 18th - 10:30 a.m. Mass (Church) Lector - Mike McCarthy Voices In Praise Organist - Dave Kostival Altar Servers - M. Vagnoni - E. Wright - B. Troung January 18th - 12:00 p.m. Mass (Church) Lector – Ursula Pledger Cantor– Michele Feeney Organist - Dave Kostival Altar Servers - T. Stasek - S. Stratton - A. Atkins ALTAR SERVERS LIST - WEEKDAYS Week of - January 12th– 17th 8:00 a.m.– M. Smith & C. Smith (Mon - Wed.) 8:00 a.m. –A. Speck & B. Troung - (Thursday. - Saturday) EXETER AREA FOOD PANTRY will continue to accept PERSONAL HYGEINE products and any non-perishable food item on an on-going basis. Bins are located in the back of the church. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. For more information, please contact Phil & Bonnie Blankenstein at 610-779 -6045. Catholic Schools Week January 25 - 31, 2015 We welcome all our parishioners to visit Saint Catharine of Siena School. SCS offers: • a challenging academic program in a Christ-centered nurturing environment • full-day and half-day pre-kindergarten • after-care program • many extracurricular activities • a variety of sports a great place to learn You are invited to Open House during Catholic Schools Week. Registration packets will be available. For more information call 610-779-5810. Sunday, January 25, 10:30 – 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 27, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. **Saint Catharine of Siena School is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. ATTENTION FAMILIES! Save the date for Faith Alive: The Family Fully Alive on Sunday, March 22, 2015. Come as a family and enjoy an evening of faith-filled activities, a guest speaker, and a family meal. The event will be held at St. Catharine of Siena Parish (4975 Boyertown Pike, Reading) from 6 to 8 PM. Registration details to follow in the coming months. Any questions, visit our website at FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING . . . memory writes on every page of the calendar. A support group offering caring presence, strength, and wisdom meets two Mondays a month at St. Catharine’s of Siena Church, Mt. Penn 19606, at 7 PM. To register call 610 370-1174. Separated/Divorced Support Group - a Christian peer support group for separated or divorced. Be with others who understand and have walked in your shoes, let us help you face your challenges, guide you through stressful and confusing times, develop new friendships and slowly rebuild your life. You will discover you are not alone. Please join us any Tuesday evening beginning at 7:30 p.m. at St. Catharine of Siena Parish Center, Perkiomen Avenue, Mt. Penn. Contact Bob Spencer 484-7060729 or Mary Ann Angelo 610-823-3886 for questions or further information. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven” “a time to be born…” Recently Baptized - Myla Elyse & Jacob Alexander Phiambolis Recently added: Tom Hafer, Barry Kline, Sr. , Erma Wernicki & Joseph & Shirley Nicholas & Please pray for our sick & our soldiers in harm’s way: Paula Abel, Sara Abraham, Anita Adamo, Mike Alfiero, Tony Angello, Anthony & Genevieve Antonucci, Tara Arnold, Barbara Ash, Kathy Barnes, Kailee Baxter, Donna Belanger, Harrison Bergstresser, Stella Bickleman, Val Billings, Catherine Blanchard, Michael & Kim Blair, Charles Bobb, Christina Boehning, Adolph Bomba, Edward Boris, Michelle Boucher, Thomas Brady, Robin Briand, Ellen Bricker, Frank Broga, Kathryn Brubaker, Robert Bruno, Robert Bryden, Emily Buelow, Glenn Burnish, Victoria Burnish, Jeannine Caffrey, Peg Cappel, Neil Carroll, Nancy Cassidy, John Cavallino, Mark Christ, Nancy Ciccone, Kevin Cleary, Alycia Cook, Lisa Costello, Jacqueline Cramer, Audrey Crilley, Joan Cronan, Alexa Cupitt, Linda D’Alessandro, Yvania Dawson, Tony DeAngelis, Theresa DeGeorgio, John Demangone, Julie Denunzio, Melissa DeWees, Arthur Dietrich, Jr, Carmela Donato, Henry Dolinski, Mildred Donnelly, Kate Doughton, Father Michael Drury, Becky & Chuck Drennen, Mary Manzella-Ernst, Jack Farrell, Pearl Fillman, Jennifer Flook, Jane Fordyce, John Fordyce, Rita Franco, Jean Freeze, Margaret Frisbee, Kim Furtow, Fabio Gabrielli, Jeanne Goodwin, Hall, Ken G., Anna Mae Gantert, Helen Gaunt, Jessica Gaydos, Donna Gentry, Grace Gerace, Pat Gerace, John Gerhard, Kathy Glaser, Larry Glaser, Johanna Goheen, Claire Griffith, Warren Haggerty, Linda Hall, Beverly Hannahoe, Bob Hamer, Eva Hare, Jason Heckman, Debbie Heberling, William Hedl, Robyn Hefferan, Diane Herbein, Dolores Hildebrand, Melissa Himmelberger, Ethan Himonitis, William Hinkle, Mario Hipp, Michael Hoover, Jeannie Hope, Siegried Hosey, Allison Howard, Jim & Joan Hunsburger, Karen Irey, Genevieve Iswalt, Matt Jablonski, Catharine Jagielski, Erick Jefferson, Blake Kauffman, Brad Kegarise, Elizabeth Kehlor, Trey Kelly, Jill Kemp, Maryanne Kenton, John Kiedeisch, Carolyn Kilyk, Sharon Kirkpatrick, Joyce Kleckner, Marilla Kleinsasser, Mary Klick, Benjamin Kline, Ginny Koch, Judy Koch, Helen Koehler, John Kogut, Mary Konopelski, Jim Kowalczyk, Tracy Larish, George Lenyo, Joseph Leonard, Kathleen Light, Elizabeth Lineaweaver, Joseph Lintz, Sandra Loden, Rosemary Ludwig, Olivia & Liam Lynch & family, Harriet Madara, Francis Madl, Dorothy Majeski, Eleanor Majka, Petrina Mangino, Julia Marason, Bill March, Megan Marino, Angela Marroccoli, Anna Mastandrea, Charles Mathews, Mary Mathews, Coral McConnell, Jacob McCue, Gary McGee, Rita McHale, Dorothy McGill, Charles McMenamin, Rosemarie McMenamin, Abbie McKinney, Barry Meng, Arthur Mengel, Susan Mertz, Nicholas Messica, Joseph W. Miller, Kate Mims, Jacob Mower, Goup Toy Moy, Gertrude Moyer, Thomas Muchanic, Cora Nacar, Margaret Natoli, Bill Norquist, Bernie Nowotarski, Virginia O’Brien, Grace Oliver, William Orth, Sr., Anna Ospina, Anna Paone, Gabriella Paone, Sophie Parslar, Landon Paul, Louise Pettyjohn, Peter Pietrzyk, Dolores Pikula, Pat Pinto, Doreen Piscotty, Donald Pisker, James Pisker, Anne Poserina, Johann Po, Mary Price, Kathleen Rainey, Thomas Joseph Rainey, Michelle Edythe Ray, Ricky Ricketts, Jack Ritz, Agnes Roach, Lynn Roberts, Barbara Rowe, Catherine Rudy, Mary Ryan, Dominique S, Baby Boys Scargills, Anne Schaeffer, Gladys Schell, Ann Schweitzer, Beth Serafin, Tom Shaaber, Garth Shannon, David Sharpley, Sr., Rosemary Shollenberger, Albert Shore, Dawn Siderowicz, Janet Smith, Patricia Smoyer, Tyson Snader, Gene Sock, Julie Staber, George Stenavage, Pam Stribbling, Helen Strohecker, Maria Stubblebine, Annabelle Stump, Earl Suchomelly, Cullen Sullivan, Marie Sullivan, Christine Szurgot, Stanley Szurgot, Carolyn Taraba, Frank & Hilda Thomas, Grace Thompson, John Tittle, Bella Tomalis, Jan Tomalis, Robin Trate, Michael Trivel, Wendy Tustin, Luanna Uhler, Jane Valeriano, Susan Velez, Rex Voelker, John Vogel, Alan Wachowicz, Marie Weber, Patrick Welk, Dave Wentling, Vera & Warren Wert, Leo Woelkers, Jim Wolff, Ann Marie Zawislak, Bob Zeiler, Sr. & Bob Zeiler, Jr. …and a time for peace.” ...a time to die: Marilyn Olshefsky, (sister of Rosalie Snyder); Sean Wertman, (son of Valerie & Roger Wertman & grandson of Josie Farrell); Al J. Sallett; Thomas Frank, (father of Heidi Senick, & grandfather of Michael, Melissa, Kimberly, Antonio & Ricardo Senick); George Reedy, (father of Judy Cameron) & all victims of war, and the 4,100 daily abortions. Ecclesiastes 3:11 To have someone from your family enrolled on our prayer list, please call the Parish Center. Names will be listed for one month unless the office is notified that the condition continues and prayers are still requested. Parishioners who are sick or hospitalized, in a rehabilitation facility or at home wishing to receive the Holy Eucharist may call the Parish at 610-779-4005. Pat White, Rich White II and Angie Wenberg & Family would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and Mass cards Flowers and Memorial donations in Dick's honor. The expressions of sympathy are greatly appreciated. It has meant a lot to feel all the support for our family in this sad time for us. Please keep us in your prayers. Sincerely Pat White We pray for the Gift of Peace in the world and the safety of those working for peace through the military services, especially: Airman First Class Michael Porcaro, Staff Sgt. Zak Ribble, Staff Sgt. John V. Nowotarski, III, Airman First Class Domenic Martino, Peter Hinsey, LC. Matthew Pawlik, Thomas Bristol, Ltc. Grant Vaughan, Col. Patrick Sullivan, Second Lt. Joshua Kline, Captain Kevin Madary, Sgt. First Class Andrew Spies, Sergeant Zachary Wendt, Major Jeffrey Brizek, Warrant Officer Gregory Van Horn, Captain Jeffrey Van Horn, Lt. Cdr. Allison Rosati Martin, Command Master Chief Marie Rosati Clark, Lt. Brandon Daughtry, David L. Busch, Zachary Deissler, Amy & Gregory Boland, Major Adam Sawyer, Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Sola, Lt. Mathew Stuber, Sgt. Nathan Essig & Lt. Cdr. Brian Blair. Please contact the Parish Office with your prayer requests or email them to Please call with addresses of military to Terri Mueller at 610-779-1766. ST. CATHARINE OF SIENA PARISH READING, PENNSYLVANIA TAX STATEMENTS Please note: If you would like a copy of your giving record for tax purposes, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket. If you would like your statement sent through email please print email address clearly on this form. You can also email with your request anytime at If you do not have a computer we can mail you a copy of your statement. Statements will be not be ready until the week of the 26th. Name: ______________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Phone:________________________________ Email ___________________ If you have any questions, please call Diane Sitler at 610-779-4005 . JANUARY 11, 2015 50+ CLUB NEWS The monthly meeting for the 50+ Club will be held on February, 2015 at 1:00 pm. The board meeting will be held on February 3, 2015 at 10:00 am. FEBRUARY 4TH: Super Bowl, donations of your favorite soup, with crusty bread. After lunch, then BINGO – BINGO - BINGO BUNCO will be cancelled until further notice. Our Officers for 2015 are: Michael Mullen – President Maria Bunch – Vice President - Treasurer - Harvey Snyder - Secretary – Mollie Ziemba 2015 TRAVEL PLANS PHILADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW: Thursday, March 5, 2015 - Leaving at 8:30 am from St. Catharine’s Church Bus will arrive at 10:00am for the opening. View the main exhibits, then at 12:30 pm enjoy a Garden Tea with a menu of Petit sandwiches, pastries, fruit and an assortment of fine teas, seating at 12:30 Rm 202, lasts 1-1/2 hrs. After the Tea, go to Sip and Savor, sample hundreds of free wines & spirits, expert-led-tasting presented by Fine Wine & Good Spirits, or to vendors to make your purchases. Also, Celebrity Studios that include hourly demonstration of Designer’s, Gardener’s and Garden to Table studios Leave Philadelphia at 4:30 pm to return home Cost: $90.00 Reservations are held with payment, only 50 reservations. For reservations, please contact Nancy Hoy at 610-7795409 or Marniece Lepore at 610-603-9023. We always welcome new members and encourage guests to join us at any of our meetings. Our meetings are held at 1:00 P.M. on the first Wednesday of every month at St. Catharine’s Social Hall on Route 562 in Exeter Township, dues are $5.00 per year. ALL ARE WELCOME THE RAFFLE TO BENEFIT ST. CATHARINE OF SIENA SCHOOL - The school community of St. Catharine of Siena is excited to announce our 2014 2015 major fundraising event. This undertaking will help to keep our children safe by making improvements to school security. We are hoping that many of you will consider purchasing Raffle Tickets to support our school community. Tickets are available for purchase at the SCRIP table before and after Masses. Tickets cost $35 each or 3/$100.
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