Women mark your calendar: There will be a Women`s SECOND

Lv 13:1-2, 44-46: The Lord instructs Moses and Aaron on the
legal prescriptions that are followed by those who have leprosy.
1 Cor 10:31-11:1: Paul directs that whatever is done should be for
the glory of God. Since he is acting in imitation of Christ, the
people should follow his example.
Mk 1:40-45: Upon request, Jesus cured a leper, reminding him to
follow the directions of the Mosaic law and to tell no one. Since
the cured leper spread the news of his cure, Jesus could no longer
openly enter a town.
Today’s Message - Jesus manifests the powerful, healing love of
God by curing the leper who was forced to live under severe
restrictions by Jewish legislation. He turned to Jesus in His need
and was filled with joy. We are called to imitate the healing and
compassionate Jesus.
Women mark your calendar: There will be a Women’s
Evening of Recollection given by Father Lamb on Monday,
March 9th. We will gather in the parish social hall from 6:00 PM
to 7:00 PM. for soup and social. There will be a Holy Hour in
front of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church from 7 PM to 8 PM.
during which Father Lamb will give a presentation on a Lenten
theme. Any questions call Maureen Vagnoni at (610) 370-0540.
There is no charge but please call and register so we can plan the
food. We will have a couple of hearty soups and some wonderful
bread in keeping with the spirit of Lent. Come out and bring a
Men of Saint Catharine’s Mark Your Calendars Now!
We are having a parish “Gentlemen’s Retreat” the weekend
of April 17,18 & 19, 2015 at IHM Spirituality Center at The
Villa Maria House of Studies in Immaculata, PA. The cost is
$150.00 per person. Our spiritual director will be Father
Lamb. For additional information contact Craig Wolf at 610507-5158 or Rob Katzenmoyer at 610-451-9267. The
theme of the weekend is “Come apart and rest
awhile.” (Mark 6:31)
February 18, 2015
Chapel: 6:30 am., 8:00 a.m.
& 9:30 a.m.
Church: 12 Noon* & 7 p.m.
*Because of the parking situation at the Chapel, the Noon
Mass will be at the Church.
Ashes that are blessed and distributed on Ash Wednesday
are processed by burning the palm distributed on Palm
Sunday last year and displayed in homes throughout the
We invite you to bring any palm you may have in your home
to Church and deposit it in the containers marked “Palm”
which will be located in the Church vestibule and Chapel
on Ash Wednesday.
FEBRUARY 15, 2015
Church law considers every Friday and the season of Lent as
penitential days and times. The practice of penance is part of our
faith and Christian life. When we do penance, we imitate Jesus,
who himself recommended it as necessary to His Followers, and
gave them the example of His prayer and fasting.
The Lenten obligation, as determined for Catholics in the United
States by our bishops, requires that fasting be observed on Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday. The law of abstinence is to be
observed on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent.
Who must fast? - All Catholics who are between the ages of 18
and 59. The obligation ceases when one begins his/her 60th year
on his/her 59th birthday.
Who must abstain? - All Catholics who are 14 years and older.
What does fasting mean? - The observance of fasting means
that those obliged may take only one full meal on the day of the
fast. Two lighter meals (not equal to another full meal) may be
taken to maintain strength according to one’s needs.
What does abstinence mean? - The law of abstinence forbids
the eating of meat. Voluntary abstinence refers to refraining from
lawful pleasures in a spirit of penance.
Can anyone be dispensed or excused from fast and/ or
abstinence? - Individuals for a just cause may be dispensed by
their pastor or by a priest with the faculty to do so. In our Diocese
all priests may dispense individuals who are committed to their
pastoral care. Those who are ill or have a similar serious reason
are excused from the observance of fast and abstinence.
Catholics are reminded that they should not lightly excuse
themselves from this obligation.
Are there other obligations which we should fulfill? - Catholics
are obliged to fulfill what has been called their “Easter Duty.” They
are required to receive Holy Communion during Easter time. In
the United States this obligation can be fulfilled from the First
Sunday of Lent until Trinity Sunday (March 9 to June 15, 2003.)
Those conscious of serious sin are reminded of the obligation to
confess their sins once a year. Catholics are encouraged to
make Lent a time of more intense prayer and to practice
almsgiving and other works of charity.
“…When you give alms, do not let your left hand
know what your right is doing, so that your
almsgiving may be secret.”
(Ash Wednesday’s
Reading) - During the Season of Lent, there will
be a second collection each weekend for special
needs : February 22nd
- Catholic Home
Missions Appeal (which includes Black & Indian
Please be generous during this
season of almsgiving.
BAPTISMS - 1:00 p.m. Church
CHILDREN’S LITURGY – during the 10:30 Mass
SCOUTS’ SUNDAY- 12 Noon Mass
PINEWOOD DERBY- 1 p.m. – Social Hall
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION-after the 8 a.m. Mass until 9 p.m.
GUITAR CHOIR- 7 p.m. – Church
ULTREYA – 7:30 p.m. – Social Hall
GRIEFSHARE MTG .- 7 p.m. – Parish Center
RCIA – 7 p.m. – Parish Center
BIBLE STUDY-7:15 p.m. – Pre School Rm (LAST DAY)
Mass Schedule – 6:30, 8 & 9:30 a.m.- Chapel & 12 Noon
& 7 p.m.-Church
“SIENA STITCHERS” – 10 a.m.-Gathering Area
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MTG . – 7:30 p.m. –Social Hall
YOUTH CHOIR- 5 p.m. – Church
VOICES IN PRAISE- 7 p.m. Church
STATIONS OF THE CROSS – 7 p.m. – Church
FISH FRY- 5-7 p.m.- Social Hall
CHILDREN’S LITURGY – during the 10:30 Mass
FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING . . . memory writes on every
page of the calendar. A support group offering caring presence,
strength, and wisdom meets two Mondays a month at St.
Catharine’s of Siena Church, Mt. Penn 19606, at 7 PM. To
register call 610 370-1174.
Are you unemployed, underemployed, or know someone who
is? At our next meeting, the Berks County chapter
of Joseph's People will discuss making the most of your resources
during a job search. The meeting will be held 7 p.m. Wednesday,
Feb. 18 at St. Catharine of Siena Parish Center, 2427 Perkiomen
Ave. in Reading. Information: josephspeople.org or send e-mail
to atticus0621@gmail.com.
Please note: If you would like a copy of your giving record for
tax purposes, please fill out the form below and place it in the
collection basket. If you would like your statement sent
through email please print email address clearly on this
form. You can also email with your request anytime at
dsitler@comcast.net. If you do not have a computer we
can mail you a copy of your statement.
Name: ______________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Email ___________________
If you have any questions, please call Diane Sitler at 610779-4005 .
6:30 Christine Carl Smith
8:00 Joseph Calabrese (13th Ann.)
6:30 Charlotte Purnell
8:00 John Melchiorre (1st Ann.)
6:30 Michael Ashcroft
8:00 Loretta & Edward Domin
9:30 Steven Bibbo
12 Noon Sean Wertman (CHURCH)
7 p.m. Norma Sneeringer (CHURCH)
6:30 Catherine Borst
8:00 Sharron Lash
6:30 Betty DeLuca
8:30 Dick White
8:00 George Geise
4:00 Father Larry Hess (1st Ann.)
6:00 Shawn Loeper
7:30 Daniel Stasek (1st Ann.)
9:00 Joseph McCullough, Jr.
10:30 Chiara Rugolo (2nd Ann.)
12:00 Marie Cambria (2nd Ann.)
Readings for the week of February 15, 2015
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32;
1 Cor 10:31—11:1; Mk 1:40-45
Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50; Mk 8:11-13
The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Gn 6:5-8, 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29; Mk 8:14-21
Wednesday Ash Wednesday
Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51; 2 Cor 5:20—6:2;
Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1; Lk 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51; Mt 9:14-15
Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and
Doctor of the Church
Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86; Lk 5:27-32
First Sunday of Lent
Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15
The National 40 Days for Life Campaign and Prayer
Vigil: February 18th to March 29th, 2015.
prayer vigil will be held in front of Reading Planned
Parenthood, 4th & Franklin Streets, Reading, from
7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday - Saturday. Be a 30minute witness for life. In 30 minutes, you’ll be seen
by the occupants of 600-900 cars.
Pray to end
abortion. Questions, Contact Pro-Life Berks, 610-3753395.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you."
Jeremiah 15
Monday 2/16
Tuesday 2/17
Wednesday 2/18
Thursday 2/19
Friday 2/20
Saturday 2/21
Sunday 2/22
Rev Richard C. Brensinger
Rev Michael J. Briggman
Rev Thomas R. Buckley
Rev James J. Burdess
Rev Douglas C. Burns, O.S.F.S
Rev Christopher S. Butera
The monthly meeting for the 50+ Club will be held on March 4, 2015
at 1:00 pm. The board meeting will be held on March 3, 2015 at 10:00
MARCH 4TH: St Patrick’s Day Celebration, wear your green.
Keyboard Music to entertain us. Cake and Coffee with Irish Cream
**APRIL 8TH: Speaker: Susan Staub – Spring decorations from
thing you already have in your home. Cake & Coffee
**NOTE: April date change, due to Holy Week**
Everybody’s Birthday Luncheon at Victor
Emmanuel’s at 12:00 Contact: Madeline Mullen 610-370-1298 by
March 6, 2015 Cost: $15.00 Members, $20.00 for Non-members
*Thanks to all members that donated soup and bread for our February
PHILADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW: Thursday, March 5, 2015 Leaving at 8:30 am from St. Catharine’s Church. Bus will arrive at
10:00am for the opening. View the main exhibits, then at 12:30 pm
enjoy a Garden Tea with a menu of Petit sandwiches, pastries, fruit
and an assortment of fine teas, seating at 12:30 Rm 202, lasts 1-1/2
hrs. After the Tea, go to Sip and Savor, sample hundreds of free
wines & spirits, expert-led-tasting presented by Fine Wine & Good
Spirits, or to vendors to make your purchases. Also, Celebrity
Studios that include hourly demonstration of Designer’s, Gardener’s
and Garden to Table studios Leave Philadelphia at 4:30 pm to return
home. Cost: $90.00 Reservations are held with payment, only 50
TOUR LONGWOOD GARDENS: Wednesday, April 29, 2015.
Leave St. Catharine of Siena Church on Boyertown Pike at 9:30 am,
arrive at 11:30 am, a 1 hour Tour of the Gardens. Lunch on your own.
Cost: $65.00. For reservations, please contact Nancy Hoy at 610-7795409. Checks should be mailed to Nancy Hoy at 24 Christman Rd.
Reading, PA 19606
We always welcome new members and encourage guests to join us at
any of our meetings. Our meetings are held at 1:00 P.M. on the first
Wednesday of every month at St. Catharine’s Social Hall on Route
562 in Exeter Township, dues are $5.00 per year. ALL ARE
FEBRUARY 15, 2015
Weekend Mass Schedule
February 21st - 4:00 Mass (Church )
Lector– Todd Tomczyk
Cantor - Michele Feeney
Organist - Dave Kostival
Altar Servers - D. O’Hara - S. O’Hara - V. Pfeiffenberger
February 21st
- 6:00 Mass (Chapel )
Lector - Joanne Pumariega
Cantor– Kim Kostival
Organist - Dave Kostival
Altar Servers - C. Paris - H. Paris - B. Martinez
February 22th - 7:30 a.m. Mass (Church)
Lector– Melissa Woodard
Altar Servers - E. Pawlik - M. Pawlik - M. Ream
February 22th - 9:00 a.m. Mass (Church)
Lector - Theresa Pauley
Guitar Group
Altar Servers - G. Reed - G. Perilli N. Perilli
February 22th - 10:30 a.m. Mass (Church)
Lector - Mike McCarthy
Voices In Praise
Organist - Dave Kostival
Altar Servers - J. Scoboria– C. Simcik - E. Simms
February 22th - 12:00 p.m. Mass (Church)
Lector – Ursula Pledger
Cantor– Leah Rile
Organist - Dave Kostival
Altar Servers - A. Smith -- A. Smith - N. Smith
Week of - February 16th - 21st
8:00 a.m.– E. Miller & A. Atkins (Mon - Wed.)
8:00 a.m. – R. Bernas & J. Bobb - (Thursday. - Saturday)
ALL TOO OFTEN WE forget to express appreciation to those
in service-oriented jobs, including priests, sisters and
brothers. We forget because we think, “It’s their job to
help.” Priests and religious aren’t superhuman. They need
genuine support from those they serve. Let them know how
you feel.
Parish Nurse News - Be true to your heart! Exercise
promotes a positive state of mind and sense of well being,
lowers blood pressure, and slows heart rate over a period
of time. (Principal Wellness Company, 3/07)
We pray for the Gift of Peace in the world and the safety of
those working for peace through the military services,
especially: Commander Daniel M. Simon, Airman First Class
Michael Porcaro, Staff Sgt. Zak Ribble, Staff Sgt. John V.
Nowotarski, III, Airman First Class Domenic Martino, Peter
Hinsey, LC. Matthew Pawlik, Thomas Bristol, Ltc. Grant
Vaughan, Col. Patrick Sullivan, Second Lt. Joshua Kline,
Captain Kevin Madary, Sgt. First Class Andrew Spies,
Sergeant Zachary Wendt, Major Jeffrey Brizek, Warrant
Officer Gregory Van Horn, Captain Jeffrey Van Horn, Lt. Cdr.
Allison Rosati Martin, Commander Master Chief Marie Rosati
Clark, Lt. Brandon Daughtry, David L. Busch, Zachary
Deissler, Amy & Gregory Boland, Major Adam Sawyer, Staff
Sgt. Jeremiah Sola, Lt. Mathew Stuber, Sgt. Nathan Essig &
Lt. Cdr. Brian Blair. Please contact the Parish Office with
your prayer requests or email them to dsitler@comcast.net.
Please call with addresses of military to Terri Mueller at 610779-1766.
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven”
“a time to be born…”
Recently Baptized: Aiden Michael Coppola
Recently added:
& Please pray for our sick & our soldiers in harm’s way:
Paula Abel, Sara Abraham, Anita Adamo, Mike Alfiero, Tony Angello, Anthony & Genevieve Antonucci, Tara Arnold, Barbara Ash, Kathy Barnes,
Kailee Baxter, Donna Belanger, Harrison Bergstresser, Stella Bickleman, Val Billings, Catherine Blanchard, Michael & Kim Blair, Charles Bobb,
Christina Boehning, Adolph Bomba, Edward Boris, Michelle Boucher, Thomas Brady, Robin Briand, Ellen Bricker, Frank Broga, Kathryn Brubaker,
Robert Bruno, Robert Bryden, Emily Buelow, Glenn Burnish, Victoria Burnish, Frances Byrne, Jeannine Caffrey, Peg Cappel, Neil Carroll, Nancy
Cassidy, John Cavallino, Mark Christ, Nancy Ciccone, Kevin Cleary, Donna Cocchia, Alycia Cook, Lisa Costello, Jacqueline Cramer, Audrey Crilley,
Joan Cronan, Alexa Cupitt, Linda D’Alessandro, Yvania Dawson, Tony DeAngelis, Theresa De Georgio, John Demangone, Julie Denunzio, Melissa
DeWees, Arthur Dietrich, Jr, Carmela Donato, Henry Dolinski, Mildred Donnelly, Kate Doughton, Father Michael Drury, Becky & Chuck Drennen,
Mary Manzella-Ernst, Jack Farrell, Pearl Fillman, Jennifer Flook, Jane Fordyce, John Fordyce, Rita Franco, Jean Freeze, Margaret Frisbee, Kim
Furtow, Fabio Gabrielli, Jeanne Goodwin, Hall, Ken G., Anna Mae Gantert, Helen Gaunt, Jessica Gaydos, Donna Gentry, Grace Gerace, Pat Gerace,
John Gerhard, Kathy Glaser, Larry Glaser, Johanna Goheen, Claire Griffith, Tom Hafer, Warren Haggerty, Linda Hall, Beverly Hannahoe, Bob Hamer,
Eva Hare, Jason Heckman, Debbie Heberling, William Hedl, Joey Hefferan, Robyn Hefferan, Diane Herbein, Dolores Hildebrand, Melissa
Himmelberger, Ethan Himonitis, William Hinkle, Mario Hipp, Michael Hoover, Jeannie Hope, Siegried Hosey, Allison Howard, Jim & Joan
Hunsburger, Karen Irey, Genevieve Iswalt, Matt Jablonski, Catharine Jagielski, Erick Jefferson, Elizabeth Kase, Blake Kauffman, Brad Kegarise,
Elizabeth Kehlor, Trey Kelly, Jill Kemp, Maryanne Kenton, John Kiedeisch, Carolyn Kilyk, Sharon Kirkpatrick, Joyce Kleckner, Marilla Kleinsasser,
Mary Klick, Barry Kline, Sr, Benjamin Kline, Ginny Koch, Judy Koch, Helen Koehler, John Kogut, Mary Konopelski, Jim Kowalczyk, Tracy Larish,
Kathleen Light, Joseph Lintz, Sandra Loden, Rosemary Ludwig, Olivia & Liam Lynch & family, Harriet Madara, Francis Madl, Eleanor Majka, Petrina
Mangino, Julia Marason, Bill March, Megan Marino, Tony Marino, Angela Marroccoli, Anna Mastandrea, Charles Mathews, Mary Mathews, Coral
McConnell, Jacob McCue, Gary McGee, Rita McHale, Dorothy McGill, Charles McMenamin, Rosemarie McMenamin, Abbie McKinney, Barry Meng,
Arthur Mengel, Susan Mertz, Nicholas Messica, Joseph W. Miller, Kate Mims, Jacob Mower, Goup Toy Moy, Gertrude Moyer, Thomas Muchanic,
Cora Nacar, Gordon Newmoyer, Joseph & Shirley Nicholas, Bill Norquist, Bernie Nowotarski, Virginia O’Brien, Grace Oliver, William Orth, Sr.,
Anna Ospina, Anna Paone, Gabriella Paone, Landon Paul, Louise Pettyjohn, Peter Pietrzyk, Dolores Pikula, Pat Pinto, Doreen Piscotty, Donald Pisker,
James Pisker, Anne Poserina, Johann Po, Mary Price, Kathleen Rainey, Thomas Joseph Rainey, Michelle Edythe Ray, Ricky Ricketts, Jack Ritz, Agnes
Roach, Lynn Roberts, Wayne Robinson, Barbara Rowe, Catherine Rudy, Mary Ryan, Mario Salvatore, Baby Boys Scargills, Anne Schaeffer, Gladys
Schell, Ann Schweitzer, Beth Serafin, Tom Shaaber, Garth Shannon, David Sharpley, Sr., Rosemary Shollenberger, Albert Shore, Dawn Siderowicz,
Janet Smith, Patricia Smoyer, Tyson Snader, Gene Sock, Julie Staber, George Stenavage, Pam Stribbling, Helen Strohecker, Maria Stubblebine,
Annabelle Stump, Earl Suchomelly, Cullen Sullivan, Christine Szurgot, Stanley Szurgot, Carolyn Taraba, Hilda Thomas, Lou Thomas, Grace
Thompson, Mary Thorne, John Tittle, Bella Tomalis, Jan Tomalis, Robin Trate, Michael Trivel, Wendy Tustin, Luanna Uhler, Jane Valeriano, Susan
Velez, Rex Voelker, John Vogel, Henry Von Spreckelsen, Alan Wachowicz, Marie Weber, Dave Wentling, Erma Wernicki, Vera & Warren Wert, Leo
Woelkers, Ann Marie Zawislak, Bob Zeiler, Sr. & Bob Zeiler, Jr.
…and a time for peace.”
...a time to die: John Gerhard, (husband of Gloria Gerhard) & all victims of war, and the 4,100 daily abortions.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
To have someone from your family enrolled on our prayer list, please call the Parish Center. Names will be listed for one month unless the
office is notified that the condition continues and prayers are still requested. Parishioners who are sick or hospitalized, in a rehabilitation
facility or at home wishing to receive the Holy Eucharist may call the Parish at 610-779-4005.
Delicious Fried Fresh North Atlantic Fish encrusted w/our own-made batter.
A.Y.C.E. Baked Mac & Cheese , Stewed Tomatoes , Shredded Coleslaw.
February 20th * March 6th * March 13th * March 27th / 5 - 7 pm
St. Catharine Siena Social Hall, 4975 Boyertown Pike (RT 562), 19606
Adults - $12.50
- Children (15 and under) $5.00
Purchase Tickets at Parish Office / After each Mass next to the script table
Or Contact - Bob Pauley - 610. 926.7526 / Robert.Pauley@sealedair.com
Pat Davis - 610.689.5535 / Patrickdavis7@ptd.net
Proceeds benefit Knights charitable endeavors and Council #14880
‘I will honor Christmas, in my heart, and try to keep
it all year.” Charles Dickens
Well Christmas is over and here we are now in Lent
and on into Easter. Can we keep the Spirit of gifting
with those in mind who need a little help? A little can
go a long way!$
FEBRUARY 15, 2015
$3.00 one day bus pass ___________________ job
February 20th * March 6th * March 13th
* March 27th / 5 - 7 pm
At the SCS Social Hall
$5.00 two one day bus pass ___________________
first week at work
*** See Ad in this bulletin for Fish Fry details ***
$10.00 ______________________________ help with
Homemade Chocolate Covered Easter
$15.00 ______________________________________
to invest in work boots
The Knights are making home-made chocolate covered peanut butter
and coconut Easter eggs again this year. The cost is $10 per box. Net
profits from this event will benefit the EXETER FOOD PANTRY.
Order forms will be available at all Masses in the back of the Church
beginning the weekend of February 7th. The Knights will also be
available to take orders in the back of the Church, next to the scrip table,
after each Mass starting the same weekend, or you may contact any
Knight to place your order.
Keep lights on and water flowing! (utilities)
$30.00 ________________________________10 one
day bus passes - first pay check - WOW!
$_______________________________ Other .. For
those in need
Make check out to Catholic Charities. Make a note
on your check how you want it used, and we honor
your gifting wishes. Mail to Catholic Charities, 400
Washington Street, Suite 100, Reading, PA 19601
ATTENTION FAMILIES! Save the date for Faith Alive: The
Family Fully Alive on Sunday, March 22, 2015. Come as a family
and enjoy a few hours complete with faith-filled activities, a guest
speaker, and a family meal (pasta, salad, rolls). The event is being
hosted by the Diocese of Allentown and will be held at several
locations and times in Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, and Schuylkill
Deaneries. The registration cost of $10/family includes dinner and
activities for the entire family and we encourage families with
children of all ages to attend!! Registration materials are available at
www.allentowndiocese.org/faithalive. Questions, please contact
Oyyam@allentowndiocese.org or 610-289-8900, ext.
EXETER AREA FOOD PANTRY will continue to accept
PERSONAL HYGEINE products and any non-perishable food item
on an on-going basis. Bins are located in the back of the church.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. For more
information, please contact Phil & Bonnie Blankenstein at 610-7796045.
St. Mary’s Church Lenten Pierogi Sale- each Friday during
Lent. Homemade Pierogi’s will be available in the Lower Hall,
12th & Spruce Streets, Reading during the hours of 11:00 a.m.
- 4:00 p.m. The cost of the Pierogi are: $7.50 per dozen for
frozen Potato and Sauerkraut, Cheese is $8.00 per dozen.
For more information, please call 610-376-6321.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Only orders placed by Sunday,
March 1st can be guaranteed. Orders placed after that
date will only be filled if there is product remaining after
those orders received by March 1st are satisfied.
Time Share Available from Vacation Villas of
Fantasy World, Kissimmee, Florida - Your
only commitment is to take over the annual
maintenance fee. The fee is currently $718.00
per year. This time share is one week per year
and is a 2 bedroom condo, sleeps six. For more
information please call the Parish Center at 610779-4005. If you would like to check out their
www.fantasyworldresort.com. Minutes from the
parks and 15 minutes from airport.