Baptism of the Lord January 10th & 11th 2015 As a Parish we pray at Holy Name Cathedral (411 South 5th St.) and Holy Rosary Church (204 Rosemont Ave.) Liturgical Schedule Triumph of the Cross @ Holy Name Closed for renovation, restoration, renewal Triumph of the Cross @ Holy Rosary Daily, Monday–Friday 7:00 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 5:15 p.m. Novena, Monday after 5:15 p.m. Mass Saturday 8:30 a.m., Vigil 4:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Confessions 10:00–11:30 a.m. Saturday, or by appointment Parish Office P.O. Box 908 Steubenville, OH 43952 200 Rosemont Ave. 740-264-6177 After hours urgent—press 4 for transfer Parish web-site: Parish E-mail: Pastor—Fr. Thomas R. Nau Parochial Vicar—Fr. Bradley Greer Director of Rel. Ed.—Barbara VanBeveren Catholic Schools R.C.I.A.— Drake McCalister Parish Nurses (740) 346-0660 Catholic Charities (740) 282-3631 AIM Women’s Center (740) 283-3636 Bishop John King Mussio Elementary ......................264-2550 BJKM Junior High School .........................................346-0028 Catholic Central High School .....................................264-5538 1 TRIUMPH OF THE CROSS — PARISH COMMUNITY NEWS CONFIRMATION SESSION – Those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation are reminded that we have a gathering on Sunday evening, January 11th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Holy Rosary Church Auditorium. Your generous contributions for the Christmas collection and end of the year are greatly appreciated. What will Fr. Nau do with all of this money? MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER INFORMATION NIGHT: Is your marriage as exciting to you now as when you were first married? Come to a Marriage Encounter information night to find out how to rekindle that excitement on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at Holy Rosary Church in the Marian Room at 204 Rosemont Ave. Call 740 -944-1884 with any questions. The answer is very simple; he will send $13,384.08 to the Catholic Schools for our December subsidy. He will send $11,967.00 to the Diocese of Steubenville as a major payment for the current year (July 14 –June 15) building and property insurance. Yes, those two items alone total more than $25,000.00. PRESENTATION ON CHURCH RELICS: Come learn about the Catholic Church’s teaching on relics. Fr. Vincent Huber, retired priest in residence at Blessed Sacrament Parish will be speaking on Wednesday, January 14th at 6:30 p.m. in the Marian Room at Holy Rosary. Questions and answer period following. Free and all ages are welcome to attend. Sponsored by the Triumph of the Cross Parish Council. Your generosity is appreciated and needed. Collection Totals: December 20 & 21 Regular Collection: $9,920.50 Loose Collection: $1,319.00 Arizona Mission Team in Gratitude: Thank you to all who supported Sam Ivkovich and the Arizona Mission Team. Triumph of the Cross Parish helped Sam to reach his goal of $1500, but he will continue fundraising so as to assist his team members with reaching their goals. Once again, thank you for your generous contribution, for by it you become co-missionaries with the team, for they could not spread the Joy of the Gospel without your help. God bless you. Children: $0.00 School: $0.00 Soup Kitchen: $1,016.50 Building Repair Fund: $176.00 Votive Lights: $232.00 Collection Totals: December 27 & 28 Regular Collection: $7,682.83 If you still wish to donate, please send a check made out to Franciscan University (Memo: Arizona) to the address of Development Office – Missions of Peace, Franciscan University of Steubenville, 1235 University Blvd, Steubenville, OH 43952-9902 or donate online by going to: scrolling down and clicking on Donate Online, and filling out donor information, making sure the designation is: Arizona. Please contact Sam Ivkovich for more information. 740-512-6774 Loose Collection: $1,067.00 Children: $6.30 School: $0.00 Soup Kitchen: $202.00 Building Repair Fund: $370.00 Christmas: $12,060.00 Votive Lights: $273.00 Collection Totals: January 3 & 4 Regular Collection: $10,053.25 DONUT SUNDAY Our next Donut Sunday will be held in the Holy Rosary Auditorium on January 18th following the 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 AM Masses. Loose Collection: $1,157.00 Children: $2.00 Please join our parish family in mingling with old friends and making new ones. Votive Lights: $269.50 2 School: $30.00 Soup Kitchen: $120.00 Building Repair Fund: $1,084.00 Solemnity of Mary: $4,208.00 INVITATION TO A CONFERENCE FOR SPIRITUAL RENEWAL: The Community of God's Love, a Catholic, Charismatic Community in Steubenville, cordially invites all parishioners to its seventh annual Miniconference on Saturday, January 31, 2015, at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Oratory, 700 Lovers Lane, Steubenville. CCHS ENTRANCE TEST Thursday, January 15th, 2015 The Catholic Central High School Guidance Department announces its pre-registration plans for the 2015-2016 school year. Present 8th grade students not attending Bishop John King Mussio Junior High are invited to join us for the entrance placement test followed by a tour of the high school. The students should report to the main lobby in the Catholic Central High School Building at 7:45 a.m. on January 15th. The day will conclude at approximately 11:00 a.m. In the event of a snow day or two hour delay, the test will be given on Wednesday, January 21st. Please pre-register for the day by calling 264-5538. The subject of the conference is the question, "How Can I Love Completely?" Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB, will address this question in two talks, reflecting on the two parts of the Great Commandment: love of God and love of neighbor. Father Boniface is a Benedictine monk of St.Vincent's Archabbey in LaTrobe, PA. He is a programming manager and host for "We Are One Body" (WAOB) Catholic Radio and an excellent, inspiring speaker who is able to move his listeners to internalize the Gospel message in their own lives. Catholic Education = Dividends for Life! SCRIP can earn FREE tuition money for you! BJKM Elementary SCRIP hours are: Tuesdays, 8am – 10am, Wednesdays, 1pm – 3pm and Fridays, 8am – 10 and 1pm –3pm. Over 70 retailers offer SCRIP. Buy like a gift card, earn free cash back on tuition accounts. Call Liz Borden 284-1870 or Barb Milewsky 264-7581 for more info. Anyone can buy SCRIP. Support Catholic Education today! The day will begin at 8:30 AM with Holy Mass, celebrated by Bishop Monforton, and conclude by 2:00 PM. Along with Holy Mass and the talks will be times of prayer and praise, personal testimonies about God's blessings and individual prayer ministry. Please pray for our catechetical program in the City of Steubenville. Check out our website for Information on our Religious Education in the City of Steubenville: There is no registration required for the Mini-conference and there is no fee for attendance. However, a free-will offering will be taken up to help defray the cost of the conference. GIVE TO THE LORD…….YOU FAMILIES OF NATIONS Psalm 96 The Image of the Holy Family, along with their donkey lying in a big heap, depicts complete exhaustion on their Flight to Egypt, struggling against great obstacles in an effort to protect their family, foster family life and preserve their family faith. “The future of the world and of the Church passes through the family.” - St. John Paul II “Not only will I say that the family is important for the evangelization of the new world, but that the family is important… is necessary, for the survival of humanity. If there is no family, the cultural survival of humanity is at risk. Like it or not the family is at the base” - Pope Francis Interview on Radio Cathedral July 30, 2013 THE FAMILY a Sanctuary of Life and Love: Is a central agent in evangelization, for it is here that children first learn of God, are brought to the sacraments, and are taught the values and virtues of the Catholic faith. Is the center of the parish and the community and the larger cultures as they live out their faith as public witnesses called to “give reason for their hope in Christ” (1 Peter3:15) Is a powerful witness to the beauty and necessity of God’s grace as they live out the Catholic faith with peace, patience and joy, even amid earthy struggles like the Holy Family BE NOT AFRAID FAMILY HOURS are much more then just a holy hour. Each Family Hour DVD beautifully combines devotion and catechism. While you are praying you are learning more about the Catechism and other spiritual topics along with hearing inspirational messages from St. John Paul II, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Francis Cardinal Arinze and other great spiritual teachers. The Church we pass on to the next generation will depend greatly on how well we address the challenges of our faith and the FAMILY today. For further information contact: Deacon Randy/Mary Ellen Redington 740-266-7255,Regis/Marianne Belback 740-284-1539, Sean/Jessica Lally 502-599-4482 To: Invitation to ALL Location: Holy Rosary Church Time: 7-8:00 p.m.; if unable to come, pray during this hour with us. Dates: Beginning: Tuesday January 20, 2015 ---then monthly on the 3rd Tuesday, January through October 3 PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Call Lil Meronoff for prayer requests at 740-264-5782 New this week: Julie Castner, Frank Tluckowski / SPECIAL INTENTION, Baby A., Baby David, Baby Michael, Emily, Jay, Jeffery, Julia, Owen, Paula K., Robin, Rylee, Sam, Sue, Taylor, Teresa - Richard Acconcia, Kyle Adler, Rose Alkire, Beverly Andreen, Edward Bucky Argentine, Barbara Bartemes, Ken Beck, Vicki Bedard, Claudia Bell, Michael Bowling, David Brown, Leonard Calabrese, Megan Campbell, Karen Canestraro, (young) Paul Carapellotti, Pam Cattrell, Josephine Chioda, Rita Ciancitta, Nancy Cicone, Elizabeth Clark, Robert Cochrun, Florence Constantino, Joanne Controguerra, Jim Corra, Dave Corsi, Chuck & Lisa Cowser, Hilda Cowser, Marilyn Crago, Livi Crum, Sarah Cutler, Tracy Dalanno, Elizabeth Dana, Kenny Davis (young), Douglas Day, Richard DeBias, Lou & Briana DiBacco, William DiLeonardo, Dave Dukich, Peggy Elliott, Frank Giannamore Jr., Marcia Gulan, Ben Gundrum, Paul Gundrum, Liz Hagerty, James Hamilton, Karen Hanzel, Sandy Herman, David Hill, John Holdinsky, Debbie Horston, Carey Howard, Mike Johnson, John Kaczmarek, Kitty Kakasick, Laura Kane, B. Karamanolis, Michael Keane, Kelley Kent, Carolyn Klonowski, Danny Kanfler, Lidia Kontra, Virginia Kovaleski, Dr. John Kuruc, Sharon Larkin, Carter Leimberger, Philip Lopresto, Betty Maley, Mary Clare Marciano, Wendy Marker, Carolyn Martin & Baby, B.J. & Connie Mavromatis, Robert McFarland, Betty McVanna, Justine Medley, Jeff Melnarcik, Pamela Merritt, Delores Michael, Janice Molinaro, Patsy Mondin, Terrel Murray, Helen & Elizabeth Noble, Tammy Nodianus, Diesirae Oliver, Mary Orenchuk, Pam Orlando, Alan Pease, Karen Pennell, Diane Pernick, Helen Petrella, Margaret Checca Puzzole, Jim Raha, Braiden Reed, John Reszke, Robert & Tosia Rhodes, Terry Richardson, David Riley, Mary S. & Family, Dr. Edgar Sanchez, Lil Scalise, Angelo Sciarroni, Carol Scott, Rose Sczruba, Robert Secret, John Sellaroli, Jay Showalter, Mary Slater, Charly Sloane, Ramona Snodgrass, Sara Snyder, Mary Ellen Summerville, Vera Talamonti, Betty Tarquinio, Patty Teramana, Eleanor Thomas, Susan Thomas, Jim Thompson, Lou Torack, Harry Toriscelli, Rod Torrance, Bernie Treglia, Tim Turner, Amber Tuttle, Barbara VanKamp, Anna Maria Vicar, Darene Waszkiewicz, Debbie Wells, Elizabeth Wilson, Stella Wilson, Jackie Woodburn, Linda Yanok, Louise Yaskanich, Steve Young, Beth Zdinak, Teresa “DeeDee” Zrinyi Ministry Schedule for 17 / 18 January 2015 Mass 4:00 pm at HR Eucharistic Minister Lector Deacon Adams ** Teresa Harold Olivia Lopresto Louise Lloyd James Harold Isabella Phillips Anita Gargala 5:30 pm at HR Altar Server Ian Phillips Donald Lawrence Shawn Arai Linda Lawrence Carolyn Grant Thomas Bensie Jeffery Bensie Dillon Arai 8:30 am at HR Deacon Adams ** David Carlson Susan Carlson Doug Lowry Wayne Beigel 10:00 am at HR Michael McFarland Deacon Redington ** David Skiviat Paul Nelson Christine Antonelli Elizabeth Loizzo Andrew Nelson David Antonelli 11:30 am at HR James Nelson Deacon Redington ** Elaine Sleever Sarah Keenan JoAnn Glauser June Baker Evan Moore Eileen Petrola Alvin Williams 5:30 pm at HR Alison Grimm Katherine Moore James Coyle Joseph Sciarra Dominic Argentine Carlo Fabian Kevin Ciarapica Note: * Changes are in italics. ** Indicates Ordinary Minister 4 The Week Ahead at Triumph of the Cross Mon - Fri 6:40 AM 8:00 AM SACRAMENTS Sacramental Information and registration forms are available at parish web-site Baptism: Call the Parish Office to register for a class. PRAYERS Morning Prayer recited at HR Church Rosary prayed at HR Church (also on Sat.) Weddings: Six month preparation required. Schedule the date with the priest. Funerals: Please schedule with the priest before publishing dates and times. January 11 Sun 6:00 PM Confirmation Meeting in HR Auditorium Sun 6:30 PM GS meets in Marian Room Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office. Communion to the Homebound – Please call the Parish Office. DEVOTIONS Rosary prayed Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m. Holy Rosary Church January 12 Mon Novena of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Miraculous Medal, Mon. 5:15 p.m. Holy Rosary Church January 13 Tue 8:00 AM SCRIP sold in HR Auditorium Tue 9:15 AM Rosary Prayer Group meets in Marian Room Tue 7:00 PM Parish Council Meeting in Marian Room Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Chapel in the basement of Holy Rosary Office; entrance around back (6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) For information call 740- 264-6088 or visit our website at: January 14 Wed 1:00 PM SCRIP sold in HR Auditorium Wed 6:15 PM EDGE meets in HR Auditorium Wed 6:30 PM Church Relics Presentation in Marian Room Hour of Prayer for Priests and Vocations: 1st Thursday, 9:00 a.m. Holy Rosary Church First Saturday Devotion: 8:30 a.m. Mass, 9:15 a.m. Rosary & DVD in Marian Room Contact the Parish Office at: 740-264-6177 January 15 Thu 9:30 AM School of Communion & Liberation in Marian Room Thu 11:30 AM Serra Club meeting in Marian Room Thu 1:30 PM Bible Study (Pslams) in Marian Room Thu 7:00 PM RCIA meeting in Marian Room Readings for the Week of January 11, 2015 Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/1 Jn 5:1-9 or Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7-11 Mon Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20 Tue Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28 Wed Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39 Thu Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45 Fri Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12 Sat Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17 Sun Next Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 Sun January 16 Fri 8:00 AM SCRIP sold in HR Auditorium Fri Noon Soup Kitchen at HN Cathedral Undercroft Fri 1:00 PM SCRIP sold in HR Auditorium January 17 Sat 10:00 AM Confessions at Holy Rosary Sat 7:30 PM Marriage Encounter Information Meeting in Marian Room Sun Bishop Emeritus Gilbert I. Sheldon Mon Rev. Jonas Shell / Rev. Sean Sheridan, TOR Tue Rev. Charles Mascolino / Rev. David Cornett Wed Rev. Chester Pabin Thu Rev. Joseph Martinkosky / Rev. Joseph Safraniec Fri Rev. Wayne Morris Deacon Thomas Maedke Deacon Lawrence Meagher Deacon Stephen Miletic MARCH FOR LIFE: The Upper Ohio Valley Right to Life group is sponsoring a bus to travel to the 42nd annual March for Life in Washington, DC, on Thursday, January 22, 2015. The cost is $40 for adults, and $25 for children, with a family cap of $150. Please call Kathy Bender to register or obtain more information, 740-544-6446, or email: Deacon Daniel Murray Deacon Stanley Piasecki Deacon Ralph Poyo Sat 5 Msgr. Patrick Gaughan Deacon Randall Redington PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS & DEACONS CONDOLENCES In Loving Memory of those who have Died (CCC 1405) “There is no surer pledge or clearer sign of this great hope in the new heavens and new earth ‘in which righteousness dwells,’ than the Eucharist. Every time this mystery is celebrated, ‘the work of our redemption is carried on’ and we ‘break the one bread that provides the medicine of immortality, the antidote for death, and the food that makes us live forever in Jesus Christ.’” With this great hope we pray for our sisters who have died: Connie Robinson By Dr. & Mrs. William Grant and Helen V. Morris —————————— Lottie Grajewski Rita Virginia Marciniak, 90, December 16 Constance K. Robinson, 90, December 23 By Mary Petrella, 81, December 26 Mark & Patty Reed May they enjoy the eternal banquet the Lord has prepared for them. Triumph of the Cross Mass Schedule for Jan 10 - 18 Sat 10 4:00 PM 5:30 PM at HR at HR Ramo Perrone by Stella Panella John Contalamessa by nieces Nancy Trippi & Barbara Ashmead & Families Sun 11 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM at at at at HR HR HR HR Lottie Grajewski by Walter J. Michalik Matthew R. Lacke by aunt Mary Kay Lacke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rinaldi by Lisa & Greg Besozzi People of the Parish at at at at at at at at at at at at at HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR Carmen & Lena DiCesare by Toby & Kerry DiCesare Joseph Francis DiGregorio by Family Lottie Grajewski by Belen Vargas & Family Special Intention of Richard & Gertrude by Family Michael Carapellotti by Ogden Family Patsy & Rita Controguerra by Camerlengo Family Paul & Ruth Mower by Jim & Geraldine Bryant James McMenamin by Family Jamie Vonville by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nau Joseph Plesich by Family Andrew Green by Huberta Siciliano Mildred Bettwy by Isabel Bettwy John Contalamessa by Rinaldo Saccoccia Mon 12 7:00 8:30 5:15 Tue 13 7:00 8:30 5:15 Wed 14 7:00 8:30 Thu 15 7:00 8:30 5:15 Fri 16 7:00 8:30 AM AM PM AM AM PM AM AM AM AM PM AM AM Sat 17 8:30 AM at HR Lottie Grajewski by Anna Marie & Paul Majewski & Family Sat 17 4:00 PM 5:30 PM at HR at HR Andrew Green by Lou Almonte FS Joe Rinaldi by Joe & Olga Pasquarella Sun 18 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM at at at at Ira Edward Hayes by wife Maria Hayes Albert Robert Havanas by Holy Rosary Choir People of the Parish Joseph Plesich by Joann, Shawn & Kim Mulrooney HR HR HR HR 6
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