2 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 PRAYER MEETINGS TODAY’S READINGS Bible Study Wednesday, 7:30PM (Parish Ctr) First Reading - Behold my servant with whom I am pleased; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11. Second Reading - God anointed him with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:34-38) or 1 John 5:1-9. Gospel - You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased (Mark 1:7-11). Cenacle of The Blessed Virgin Mary Every Tuesday, 7:30 PM (Church) Divine Mercy Cenacle on the 3rd Friday at 7:30 pm (St. Seton Room) Charismatic Prayer Group Thursday, 7:30 PM (St. Joseph Center) Legion of Mary Mon, 9:30am & 7:15pm (St. Vincent Rm) Portuguese Cursillo 1st & 3rd Friday, 7:00 PM (St. Joseph Center) Spanish Prayer Group (Grupo de Oración Evangelicación) Todo primer Viernes del mes, de 7:15pm-9:00pm 1st Friday of each month from 7:15pm-9:00pm “La Hora Santa” dentro de la Iglesia “The Holy Hour” inside the Church 2nd & 4th Viernes/Friday, 7 PM (St. Joseph Center) Sabado/Saturday’s at 7:00PM (St. Seton’s Room) Estudios Biblicos/Bible Study DEVOTIONS Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Daily ~ 8:30AM & 6:15PM Eucharistic Adoration Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri: 9am -6:15pm (AdorationChapel) Wednesday - 9 am - 2 pm (AdorationChapel) also Wednesday 2:00 pm - 6:15pm (Church) First Friday - 7 pm (Church) No Exposition on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays The Miraculous Medal Saturday Devotion 1st Saturday of each month after the 8am Mass Rosary with 15 minutes Meditation. Liturgy of the Hour Monday - Saturday 7:40AM (Church) Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesdays, 8:45am and after 6pm mass (Church) Rosary Monday- Saturday, 7:15AM (Church) Rosary for Life Every Tues after the 8am mass & Divine Mercy. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS In order to maintain our services, meet our expenses, and restore savings, the parish needs an average of $22,000.00 in its weekly collection. Dec. 27th & Dec. 28th, 2014 $24,793 Jan 3rd & Jan 4th, 2015 $25,917 ~Thank you for sharing what God has given you with our Parish. ~ Pope Francis on Twitter “May we try to listen and be silent in order to make space for the beauty of God.” @Pontifex December 24, 2014 “Christianity spreads through the joy of disciples who know that they are loved and saved.” @Pontifex January 3, 2015 January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord MASS INTENTIONS (Parish Priests: Fr. RD = Fr. Raymond, Fr. JA = Fr. Joachim, Fr. JS=Fr. Joshua ) (Visiting Priests: Fr. LP = Fr. Luis Proenca, Fr. RS= Fr. Raja Selvam, Fr. Thomas=Fr. TM, AJ=Fr. Angelo Jaballa, Fr. JC=FR. John Cordero, Fr.PP = Fr. Pius Pareja ) Monday, January 12 8:00am/ Fr. RD † Maura Rodriguez 6:30pm/ Fr. JS † Antonio & Odete Esteves Tuesday, January 13 8:00am/ Fr. JS † Mario Cruz 6:30pm/ Fr. RD † Romana Guerrero Wednesday, January 14 8:00am/ Fr. RD † Macario & Julita Salagutan 6:30pm/ Fr. JS Angela Penaredondo (Thanksgiving) Thursday, January 15 8:00am/ Fr. RD † Luis Ayos 6:30pm / Fr. JS † Herminigildo & Necitas Ramos Friday, January 16 8:00am/ Fr.JS † Federico Balacanao 6:30pm/ Fr.RD † Pablo & Petra Edrozo Saturday January 17 8:00am/ Fr. RD † Jesus Delarmena 5:00pm/ Fr. JS † Agusto Sr. & Angelina Villavert 7:00pm / Fr. RD † Nelson & Sherwin Alde Sunday, January 18 6:30am/ Fr. JS † Carmen Mireles 8:00am/ Fr. JS † José Cruz 9:45am/ Fr. RD Holy Family Parishioners 11:30am/ Fr. RD † Conrado Manalansan 1:00pm/ Fr. LP † Danielle Pettit 4:00 pm/ Fr. JS † Mavilda Gonçalves 5:30pm/ Fr. RS † Mario Cruz 7:00 pm/ Fr. RS † David Fagundes **The Priests’ Schedule is Subject to Change** REST IN PEACE We pray for and remember those who have died. Michael Cammons Whoever believes in Me,even though that person dies, shall LIVE." 3 WE PRAY FOR THE SICK Armando Adonis, Tony Agamao, Augustine Aguilo, , Debbie Allen, Olivia Aranjo, Inocencio Arriola, Jocelyn Artiaga, Benita Barrios, Carlos Barquera, Barbara Barnum, Hazel Basilio, Ray Baugh, Eva Benito, Pedro Benzon, Norma Bertrand, Frances Boudreau,Cindy Burstein, Carina Capati, Gloria Carillo, Ricardo Caunan, Maria Luisa Ceja, Noe Cevallos, Maria Chun, Joe Coelho, Ernesto Cordero, Frank Cruz, Maria Ann da Costa, Elvis Daza, Anthony, Marcelina, Sebastian de Guzman, Agapito Diaz, Marc De Guzman, Reynaldo De Jesus, Adan Delgadillo, Mayet De Joya, Yolanda Dirlam, John Doria, Isabel Doria, James Doria, Richard Doria, Marvin Dumlao, Dominic Dupuy, Virgilio Duria, Lourdes Espiritu, Mary Esteves, Rosa Faria, Dorothy Flores, Jhon Francisco,Nick & Flo Gandolfo, Olga Gomes, Rafael Gomez, Rocio Gomez, Portia Gray, Efma Grecia, Christopher Hinojos, ,Diana Kenna, Sean Kenna, Eun Wha Lee, Francis Lee, Josefina Limtao, Ernesto Llamas, Ira Llamas, Frank Lopez, Natalie Lopez, Mark London, Maria Lujano, Louis Martinez, Christine Martinez, Melinda Menchavez, Sem Mercado. Debbie Messer, Guadalupe Montoya, Becky Moss, Herminia Niebres, Andrew Nieto, Robert Norman, Estrella Nufable, Jenine Oropeza, Efigenia Pascua, Nina Pham, Hugo Pennock, Kyla Orr, Liberty Ortiz, Fernanda Otero, Eva & Irma Reyes, Margaret Reza, Tony Riola, Althea Robertson, Etelvina Rocha, Maria Rodriguez, Mario Rodriguez, John Rudolph, Phillip Ruiz, Garth Ruffner, Louie Salamanca, Rita Salas, Alfonso Sanchez, Elenita Santos, Rita Santos, Linda Sarno, Alexander Sasbone, Johnny Sepulveda, Lily Silveria, Damrong Sithichai, Rich Tahimic, Sergio Tamayo, Joseph & George Tharaniyil, Robert Regalado, Graciela Rios, Frank Tom, Ryon Tom, Jun Tan, Ray Tanguay, Cathrine Unanka, Reina Uyan, Francis Valera, Thea Van de Mortel, Nanette Vergara, Frank Viramontes III, Francis Willarvalera, Leslie Wind, Josie Yu, Joe Zamora, George Zaragoza, Sr. Wedding Banns Second Announcement Manuel Navarro & Adriana Anaya 4 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 The fullness of God’s Spirit was upon Jesus. The Spirit of God moved and worked in the lives of prophets and saints. But the fullness of God’s Spirit rested upon His Son, Jesus. The power and presence of the Holy Spirit was evident in the life of Jesus. When we open our lives to Jesus, we receive the same Spirit that strengthened and sustained Jesus during His life and ministry. ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE It’s Your Turn!!! Coro de la Misa de las 8am… El coro de las 8am necesita voces de hombres, también se necesita alguien que toca el Bajo, y otros instrumentos. Por favor, consulte Irma Ríos después de la Misa si usted está interesado. Los ensayos son los lunes de 7-9pm, en el cuarto en frente de la sacristía. If there is a star next to your name you are the Lead Altar Server for that Mass. Please be sure to call a substitute if you are not able to serve. We thank all of you for the continued commitment to your ministry. God bless! COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Saturday, January 17 5:00pm R Villegas*, R Villegas, M Tumambing, J Ancheta 7:00pm C Bornilla*, J & K Bornilla, H Casady Sunday, January 18 6:30am A & J Edquid 8:00am M Cevallos*, A & E Vazquez 9:45am N Sutandar*, M Sutandar, I Padilla, J Fominyam 11:30am C Caballes*, A,A,& C Caballes 1:00pm M Barcelos, C Avila 4:00pm J Closa*, A Vito, B De La Pena 5:30pm G Urrea*, K & N Luza 7:00pm P Zipagang*, J & J Nuguid, M Mallari SAVE THE DATE!!! ANNUAL VICTORIAN TEA SUNDAY – FEBRUARY 15, 2015 MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW! Convalidation Are you married, but not in the Catholic Church? Is it your desire to be married in the Catholic Church? Holy Family Parish is offering you the opportunity to make your wish come true on June 13, 2015. If you would like more information please call the Liturgy Office at 562 924 8024 and leave your name, or register in the rectory and someone will contact you. All information is kept confidential. Esta Casado, Pero No en la Iglesa Catolica? Desea Usted Ser Casado en la Iglesia Catolica? La Iglesia de La Sagrada Familia está ofreciendo la oportunidad de llenar este deseo el 27 de junio 2015. El equipo de “Convalidación” de esta parroquia espera su llamada. Para más información, por favor llame al (562- 9248024), deje su nombre y su número de teléfono. (Toda información personal es confidencial) January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord 5 6 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 CONFIRMATION CORNER CONFIRMATION 1 STUDENTS Confirmation 1 Classes meet January 13/15 Mass at 6:30pm and class from 7:00-9:00pm SATURDAY/SUNDAY - NO CLASS DAYS There will be no class on Saturday, Jan. 17 Nor on Sunday, January 18. Classes resume January 24 & 25. MONDAY - NO CLASS DAY There will be no class on Monday, January 19 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Monday Classes resume January 26. --------------------------------------------Religious Ed Faith Formation Program For Parents/Guardians (year 2-First Communion and Confirmation Students) Speaker: Fr. Raymond Decipeda Monday, January 12 - Hall – 7:00pm CONFIRMATION 2 STUDENTS Confirmation 2 Classes meet January 20 ALL Tu/Th students are to attend. (No Class January 22) Speaker: Fr. Raymond Decipeda Mass at 6:30pm and class from 7:00-9:00pm RETREAT DAY - Confirmation 2 Students are to attend the Retreat they were assigned. Retreat fee of $120 was due on December 16/18 Scheduled Retreat date: Thursday Students: January 23-January 25, 2015 Departure time: 6:00pm on Friday; Return time: 4:30pm Sunday SAINTS &SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord Monday: First Week in Ordinary Time begins Tuesday: St. Hilary Saturday: St. Anthony SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN PROTEGIENDO A LOS NIÑOS - Did You Know? ¿Sabía Usted? Shopping mall safety tips It’s easy for kids to get sidetracked with all the sights, sounds, and smells surrounding us at holiday time. It is especially important to monitor your children when taking them through the mall during the Christmas season. If children become separated from you, teach them to look for a “safe stranger” who can help them. For example, a mom with kids or the cash register person can help a child who is lost. Avoid telling children to go to the “manager.” Any adult in a suit, who looks important, can look like the manager to a child. Children must be told never to leave the mall or store to go looking for you in the parking lot. Let them know that you would never go outside or leave until you are reunited -- no matter what anyone else tells them. Consejos de Seguridad al ir de Compras a Centros Comerciales Es fácil que los niños se distraigan con todos los sonidos, las vistas y olores durante la temporada navideña. Es especialmente importante vigilar a sus hijos cuando los lleven a los centros comerciales durante la Navidad. Si los niños se separan de usted, enséñeles a buscar una "persona segura" que les pueda ayudar. Por ejemplo, una mamá con niños o la persona detrás de la caja registradora puede ayudar a un niño que esté perdido. Evite decirle a los niños que vayan con el "gerente". Para un niño, cualquier adulto con un traje, que parece importante, puede verse como el gerente. Los niños deben ser advertidos de no salir del centro comercial o tienda hacia el estacionamiento en busca de usted. Hágales saber a sus hijos que usted nunca saldría afuera del centro comercial o los dejaría hasta que estén reunidos. No importa lo que otras personas les digan. January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord 7 to promptly notify the Rectory of any changes in your registration information. Such changes could include changes in names, address, phone number, e-mail address, marital status, etc., or, if you no longer attend Holy Family Church. Please also let us know if you do not want to use envelopes. If you want to have a record of your contributions, however, it is important that you either use envelopes or write your family ID number on your checks. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated so that we can ensure the accuracy of our records. THE WATERS OF BAPTISM A Sign Language Interpreter will be translating at Saturday, 5pm Mass every weekend. Pews will be reserved in the front of the Altar. When new sod is put in, it needs constant saturation with water. Landscapers say that this “knits” the sod to the soil. The same when a branch is grafted onto a tree: the poultice that joins them at the splice must be kept wet at all times. Water is the stuff that binds the very cells of our bodies together. No wonder religions throughout all times and cultures have used it so prominently. When Jesus stepped into the Jordan for baptism, he “knit” himself to what had come before him. By going to the Jordan, he made himself one with the people of Israel who had crossed it into their Promised Land. With John the Baptist, Christ wove himself into the prophetic tradition that heralded the coming reign of God. He had become fully human in the waters of Mary’s womb, and by partaking in the rite of the baptism of repentance, Jesus identified himself with our sinful, frail humanity. It is through the waters of baptism that Christ continues to graft new members onto his Body, the Church; through these waters we are cleansed from sin and filled with the promise of grace, given our destiny for eternal life. For us, as for Jesus, it is also the waters of baptism that inaugurate our mission to proclaim the Good News. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PRAY FOR PRIESTS CALENDAR - Sponsored by LA Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women SUNDAY JAN. 11 Rev. Lucio Juarez ACCW Spiritual Advisor Ventura District MONDAY JAN. 12 Rev. George Reynolds ACCW Spiritual Advisor Southeastern District TUESDAY JAN. 13 Rev. James Bradley ACCW Spiritual Advisor Eastern District WEDNESDAY THURSDAY JAN. 14 JAN. 15 FRIDAY JAN. 16 Rev. Alfred Hernandez ACCW Spiritual Advisor Southwestern District Rev. Ramon Valera ACCW Spiritual Advisor West San Fernando District Rev. Norman Supancheck ACCW Spiritual Advisor East San Fernando District SATURDAY JAN. 17 Rev. Brian Cavanagh ACCW Spiritual Advisor Central San Gabriel District 8 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord 9 10 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 The Office of Life, Justice and Peace of Archdiocese of LA headed by Archbishop Jose Gomez, invites you, your friends and family to join the first ever OneLife LA on January 17, 2015. It will take place in Downtown LA! The mission of OneLife LA is to unite communities and inspire positive action through an annual event that promotes the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. It will be a family-centered event celebrating human dignity and the beauty of every human life. Please check this section for more information and to register for OneLife LA and be part of this history. OneLife LA invites all people to join us in declaring a commitment to valuing and protecting all human life, particularly the most vulnerable in our community. We look forward to seeing you, your families and your communities for our first annual OneLife LA event! The event will begin with a walk up Temple Street, across Grand Avenue and down 1st Street, culminating in a family-friendly picnic in Grand Park with music, entertainment, food trucks, and exhibits from community organizations. Date: January 17, 2015 Time:9:30 AM Location: Starts at the Kiosko at La Placita Olvera, Downtown LA. Ends at Grand Park. Directions: For List of Approved Buses www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/transportation Public Transit Information Civic Center/Grand Park Station & Union Station• Purple Line and Red Line to Civic Center/Grand Park Station• Purple Line, Red Line, Gold Line, Silver Line to Union Station Directions from Stations From Civic Center/Grand Park Station to La Placita Olvera (13 minutes), head northeast on Hill St, turn right on West Temple St, and left onto North Main St.From Union Station to La Placita Olvera (4 minutes), head North out of Union Station, walk down Marchesseault St/Paseo De La Plaza to arrive at the La Placita Olvera. Mission Statement The mission of OneLife LA is to unite communities and inspire positive action through an annual event that promotes the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. REGISTRATION FORM FOR ONELIFE LA ON JANUARY 17, 2015 NAME:_____________________________________________________________ MINISTRY:__________________________________________________________ CONTACT NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:____________________________________________________ PLEASE CHECK ONE BOX BELOW FOR YOUR TRANSPORTATION [ ] PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION [ ] RIDE RENTED BUS IF YOU CHECKED THE RENTED BUS BOX, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR REGISTRATION WITH YOUR PAYMENT. BUS ARRANGEMENT IS UNDERWAY. PRICE PER HEAD IS $15.00 PAYMENT SHOULD BE TURNED IN TO THE RECTORY, ATTENTION TO PROLIFE MINISTRY AND WRITE CHECK PAYABLE TO HOLY FAMILY CHURCH NO LATER THAN JANUARY 12, 2015. RESERVATION WILL BE ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS. YOU CAN ALSO CONTACT PROLIFE MINISTRY AT 562-412-0405 OR VINES2030@GMAIL.COM FOR REGISTRATION AND DETAILS. January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord 11 We invite as many parishioners, family and friends to attend this HOLY HOUR AND MASS for “LIFE”... JANUARY 21, 2014, AT 5:30 PM EVERY 3RD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH a life poured out in loving service of that kingdom .... the blood of Christ that all draw the strength to commit themselves to promoting life LA Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women - Eastern District . . . invites you to our district meeting. Come and listen SUBSCRIBETO LIFENEWS.COM Holy Family ProLife Ministry Meets every 2nd Tuesday of the Month Please join us in our next meeting on January 13, 2014 at 7:15 pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Room WE WELCOME NEW AND ACTIVE MEMBERS! Be the voice and protector of the unborn! Let’s stand up for life from conception to natural death! For details please contact us at 562-412-0405 or vines2030@gmail.com to inspirational words from Rev. Eugene Lee, speaking on "The Cross is the Gateway to Heaven"! Date: Monday, January 19, 2015 Place: St. Benedict Church, 1022 W. Cleveland Avenue, Montebello, CA 90640. 9:30 a.m.: Registration and Continental Breakfast: 10a.m.: Meeting called to order and speaker introduced. Mass and luncheon follow and concludes at 1:30 p.m. Fee: $12.00 per person, prepaid. Make checks payable to Altar Society of St. Benedict and mail to Dolores Perez, 1400 Via Camille, Montebello, CA 90640 before Thursday, January 15th deadline. For more information call Dolores Perez at 323-722-2563. Umbert cartoon is brought to you by the Holy Family Pro-Life Ministry. 12 The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord 13 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January 11 January 12 January 13 January 14 January 15 January 16 January 17 5:30am – 6:30pm De Colores Choir CHOIR ROOM 9:30am – 10:30\am Legion of Mary Praesidium ST. VINCENT RM 9am – 11am Knitting Group ST. VINCENT RM. 2pm – 6pm Adoration CHURCH 10am – 12pm Spanish Intercessory Group ST. SETON RM. 6:30pm JH Mass CHURCH 7pm -8pm JH Class 9:45am PS Class REL. ED. CLASSES RESUME 7pm- 9pm UTC General Mtg. JOHN PAUL II CONF. RM 7pm – 8pm Sac. Prep Class 7:00pm. Parent Faith Formation Year 2 - #3 - Hall CHURCH 7pm – 8pm Legion of Mary Praesidium ST. VINCENT RM. 7pm – 9pm De Colores Choir CHOIR RM 7pm 9pm RCIA Catech.Classes ST. JOSEPH CTR 6:30pm Mass Conf. 1 CHURCH 7pm – 9pm Lesson: Promises of Messiah CLASSROOMS 7:15pm – 8pm MOPH-Novena CHURCH 7:30pm-9 pm Youth Choir ST. ANTHONY DE PADUA 6:30pm 7pm - 9pm NO Class DAY Mass Conf. 1 RCIA - Chinese REL. ED. CHURCH GOOD 7pm – 9pm SHEPHERD RM. OLF OPEN Lesson: (PATIO RM.) HOUSE Promises of Messiah 7pm - 9pm 7pm - 9pm CLASSROOMS 7pm - 9pm Portuguese Cursillo ST. SETON RM. Grupo de Estudios Evangelización Biblicos para el ST. JOSEPH Grupo de CTR Evangelización ST. SETON RM. 7pm - 10pm Charismatic Prayer Group ST. JOSEPH CTR. 7:30pm - 9pm Bible StudyIntroduction PARISH HALL 8pm – 9:30pm Young Adult Ministry JOHN PAUL II RM Parish Priests - To contact them thru e-mail: Rev. Raymond Decipeda, MMHC - frraymondd@holyfamilyartesia.org Rev. Joachim Ablanida, MMHC – frjoachima@holyfamilyartesia.org Rev. Joshua Santos, MMHC – frjoshuas@holyfamilyartesia.org Parish Finance Council Members: Angela Amenero, Paul Barcelos, Catalina Cruz, Lance Doherty, Remy Dulguime, Danio Fajardo, Karen Hillman, Liz Juan, Noel Motus, Rina Ngo, Jeanelle Padre, Roger Pavon, Ramil Villegas, Nicole Virtucio-Moya. To contact any of the members, e-mail them thru: hfcfinancecouncil@holyfamilyartesia.org Parish Pastoral Council Members: Maria Ayerdis, Paul Barcelos, Frank Cardiel, Diosdado de Leon, Vina Dungo, Ronnie Espinosa, Josie Flores, Ed Lazzari, Maria Luisa Lapidario, Betty Lou Ormonde, Linda Sarno, Nenita Solancho, Skip Vega, Joe Vicente. To contact any of the members, e-mail them thru: hfcpastoralcouncil@holyfamilyartesia.org Parish Ministry: Adoration Chapel-Mafalda Canlas (562) 865-2185 ext. 405 Business Manager – Karen Hillman (562) 865-2185 Finance Council – Roger Pavon (562) 865-2185 Office Manager – Sofia Luna (562) 865-2185 ext. 223 Plant & Property Manager – Hope Vega (562) 865-2185 RCIA – Rudy & Mila Perpinan (562) 924-5075 Safeguard the Children-Ulises Perez-Flores (562) 865-2185 School Secretary – Jessica Perez (562) 865-1621 Young Adult Ministry – Michael Maglonso (562) 865-2185 Bereavement – Hector Gomez (562) 865-2185 Confirmation – George Zaragoza (562) 860-5973 Liturgy Coordinator – Maggie Gudino (562) 924-8024 Pastoral Council – Joe Vicente (562) 402-4496 Publication Team – Abigail de Jesus (562) 726-2735 Religious Education – Teresa Paulino (562) 860-5973 School Principal – Juan Nagore (562) 865-1621 Web Master – Bobby Canseco (562) 607-8839 Youth Ministry – Gerardo Butalid (562) 677-5166 This bulletin is printed free of charge thanks to advertising THANK YOU, ADVERTISERS! If interested in placing an ad in our bulletin please contact: Bernie Mendoza - (562) 631-1111 This week’s editor is David Spargur The Bulletin Team coordinator is Abigail de Jesus
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