Bloomington Quilters Guild Bloomington Quilters Guild PO Box 5802 Bloomington, IN 47407 January 2015 BLOOMINGTON QUILTERS GUILD NEWSLETTER What is the BQG? The Bloomington Quilters Guild is a 501-C3 organization. The purpose of the Bloomington Quilters Guild is to develop an appreciation of the history of quilting and quilters, and to promote a continuation of the art in our community. -- BQG Bylaws We are NQA As Chapter #217 of the National Quilting Association, you, too, are NQA. Visit for more information. While you’re visiting the website, be sure to sign up for the newsletter. It’s free and you don’t even need to be an individual member all we need is your email address. As Chapter #217 of the National Quilting Association, you, too, are NQA. Meetings Meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month at: North Central Church of Christ 2121 N. Dunn Street 6:00 pm: Doors open 6:30 pm: Show and Tell 7:00 pm: Program followed by Business Meeting Next Meeting: January 6, 2015 January Meeting Volunteers Greeters: Donna Molzon & Ther esa Simpson Set Up: Sue Connell & Valer ie Mer r iam Set up and Greeters arrive at 5:30 pm. President’s Message By Lisa Dodson While recently watching the online quilting show, “ScreenPrinting Serendipity”, from quilter, Leslie T. Jensen, she commented that people who quilt belong to a huge, worldwide subculture. For example, on her recent visit to Amsterdam, she posted on social media that she was visiting the city and was interested in quilting. Within a few minutes, she received a response with an invitation to join other quilters at a local quilt show. Quilter’s find it very easy to make friends no matter where in the world they are. Leslie’s comment about the quilting subculture brought a question to mind. What kind of response do you get from non-quilters when you tell them that you quilt? I posed that question on Facebook to see what the responses would be. See if you can relate to some of the responses that I got: Could you hem my pants or sew on my button? Can you make my daughter’s prom/wedding dress? My grandma or great aunt was a quilter too. My grandma could hand quilt 20 stitches per inch. How long does it take you to make a quilt? You should see the cute bows that they sell at the local craft mall. Would you make a quilt for me? I’m too young or old to quilt. Why would you make a quilt that you can’t put on a bed? Great, I have a pile of t-shirts that I want you to make in to a quilt. As for me, I often get a response of Oh…!! Followed by a long blank stare. It is obvious that many non-quilters don’t have a clue of what it takes to produce a quilt. That is why I really appreciate the numerous quilting guilds, bees and social media that make up the subculture of quilting. I love sharing my creative passion with likeminded people. I feel very comfortable in a quilting crowd with people who understand the love and labor that goes in to each quilt that I create and in turn, I greatly appreciate their work as well. Soon, it will be time to say good bye to 2014. I hope you are anticipating the wonderful programs that the BQG has to offer in 2015 and share the joy of being a member of the often misunderstood subculture of quilters. 1 Bloomington Quilters Guild 2014-2015 Programs January February March April May June Bloomington Guild Members “Bed Turning” Ebony Love from LoveBugs Studio Nysha Oren (will be doing workshops at IHQS) Jane Sassaman Laura Wasilowski Pitch In Susan Colston & Jane Pitt What a YUMMY meeting we had in December! All that good food, seeing old friends, making new ones. The hum of conversation. The joy of laughter. It was good to get together, just to "bee" together with no other agenda. If the weather cooperates we will meet again on January 6th. On that evening four quilters from our own guild will do a "bed turning" for us. Expect to come in and be seated around one of the 4 "beds" we will have set up. (really two tables pushed together but use your imagination). We will still have show and tell and a business meeting, so you might have to re-position your chairs slightly. Then when the program starts Pat Surra, Betsy Glassey, Brenda Roach and Chris Allswede will take their places next to the "beds" of quilts they have brought. They will talk about the quilts they brought to the groups around them. After around 15 minutes, we will ask the groups to stay together and move as a group to the next bed. And so on until you have had the opportunity to visit each bed. If you have questions please ask each quilter. But please, no side conversations, as it will be hard to hear your quilter if there is a lot of other conversation. You are really going to enjoy the variety of the quilts you will see! This is a can't miss it program! By the first of the year we will have the ability to sign up for the spring workshops with our quilt teachers, Ebony Love (February), Jane Sassaman (April) and Laura Wasilowski (May). If you haven't already looked them up on the web, you should. This is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of an inexpensive class with nationally known quilt teachers. Ebony Love is coming on February3rd. The program that she will present is entitled "Quilts to 'Die' For.” She will talk about her journey into die cutting, and show us how die cutting can be a very big deal if you want to make more quilts, improve your accuracy and tackle those seemingly impossible projects. There will be a trunk show of some of her own quilts. This is a perfect opportunity to learn about something you might not have tried before. The next morning, from 9-12, on the 4th, there will be a half day workshop with Ebony. She is bringing her die cutting machine and we will learn how to use it, and some tricks for piecing curves without pins as we use her pattern for the Rose Dream Table Runner. More on that next month. Class is limited to 25 so be watching for the sign up pages on the website! See you January 6th! Susan Colston Quilts for Charity Thank you to all the community quilt makers. All quilts have found a home and I am looking forward to seeing all the quilts you will make in the new year. Keep up the great work. The quilts are really appreciated. Bev Lingvai 2 Bloomington Quilters Guild Condolences It is always a challenging time when people lose loved ones and especially when people we care about are impacted. Unfortunately, we need to inform you that two members of our quilt guild family have lost their spouses, Phyllis Durnal and Mary Young. Please give them your support during this difficult time. Lisa Dodson 2014-2015 Quilt Challenge Another Houston Inspiration... Some of you who have started the Challenge Quilt have mentioned that it's harder then you thought to work with solids! I KNOW! I found out several years ago when I did a quilt with all solid fabrics that I really missed the patterns and designs and how they meshed or messed with each other. Remember, you can throw in some printed fabric to enhance the overall design of the quilt and to keep the process fun for you too! The rules of the challenge are printed below as a reminder. Also, I'm sharing another photo from the Houston International Quilt Festival as inspiration. This was a focal exhibit and features only red and white quilts in honor of the Ruby Jubilee for the 40 years of the show. Many of these quilts were entirely done with not only solids but with just 2 solids--red & white! Aren't they glorious??!! Accept the challenge and get started on those solids! Effective use of SOLIDS Must use solid fabrics in the design of the quilt Solids may be any solid fabrics including shot cottons, Cherrywoods, Moda or Kona solids Tone-on-tones are not considered solids Must be quilted and bound for entry May use printed fabrics to enhance the design No size restrictions No color restrictions 3 Bloomington Quilters Guild Raffle Quilt News Thanks to all our Guild members for selling raffle tickets for this year’s beautiful “Cozy Calendar” quilt designed by Becky Lomasney, pieced by the Friendship Bee, and quilted by Kathy Kessler. We have sold over $800 worth of tickets so far! The drawing for the quilt will be held at the June 2, 2015 Guild meeting. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. The quilt will be on display at the IHQS at the Bloomington Convention Center March 5, 6, and 7th. Please contact Kathy Sheehan (720-284-1757) or email: if you would like to volunteer for a 2 hour shift to sell raffle tickets at the IHQ show. Kathy Sheehan Batting Just a quick note from the Treasurer: Every few years, the Guild is awarded a grant from the Harvey Foundation with the stipulation that the money be used for batting to offset members' costs for making our fabulous community and charity quilts. There are still funds available from this grant. All you have to do is bring the receipt for the purchase of batting that was used in community or charity quilts to a meeting, give it to me, Pat Surra, and you will be reimbursed? What could be easier? Pat Surra 4 Bloomington Quilters Guild Winter Retreat: Spring Mill January 22-25, 2015 Plans are being finalized for our 23rd Annual Retreat at Spring Mill State Park. Sandra and I are working hard to gather all the information and get a final count to the Inn by December 16. We have around 67 members signed up (final deadline not yet here as we write this) and numbers so far are equal in requests for Oak and Elm rooms with 9 quilters each. That will make the Elm room a little crowded so if some of you want to move to Lakeview just let me know. We will have extensive information available to all who signed up for the retreat at the January meeting. We are still finalizing discounts for retreat participants and will share that information in the packet you will receive at January meeting. In the meantime, start planning on which projects you may want to take. I usually take several so that if I get one finished (whoohoo) or simply decide to do something else I will have options. This is a good time to tackle something that you feel you might need a little advice to complete, since we will have so many of us there to help! I love the winter retreat and promise that it will be a stress-free, wonderful time for all who attend. Sandra and I will be at a back table during the January guild meeting. If you signed up for the retreat please stop and see us and get your retreat packet of information. Susie Goodman Pictures from the December Guild Meeting Left: People going through the food line at the December Pitch-in. Right: Showing quilts at the show and tell part of the program. 5 Bloomington Quilters Guild Below Right: Our illustrious Program Chairs, Jane Pitt and Susan Colston entertaining us! Above and Below Right: More Show and Tell! Hats Project Report Giveaway Update: -12 long heavy scarves and 5 smaller hats were delivered to Fairview School -40 colorful, charming caps were tucked into the “Back Pack Buddies” going to low income children -6 soft caps were given to the Olcott Center for cancer patients ALL were received joyously. Most caps were made by Jane Pitt. Thanks to everyone who donated. R. J. Trubitt 6 Bloomington Quilters Guild BQG 2014-2015 Executive Board President: Lisa Dodson, 765-813-0311, President Elect: Betsy Glassey, 336-3099, Treasurer: Pat Sur r a, 331-9870, cell 916-768-3492, Secretary: Susie Goodman, 327-6459, Standing Committee Chairpersons Membership: Bever ly Br own, 876-8336, Historian: Betsy Glassey, 336-3099, Program Co- Chairs: Susan Colston, 334-0179, and Jane Pitt, 339-6531, Program Chair Elect: Becky Lomasney, 876-8486, Newsletter Editor: Ter r y Pate, 825-3143, Webmistress: Paulette Fagen, -287-8683, Community Quilt Chair: Bev Lingvai, 935-5568, Special Committee Chairpersons Fall Retreat Co-chairs: Car ol Evans, 317-272-4634,, and Ann Glass, 317-625-3665, Winter Retreat Co-chairs: Susie Goodman, 327-6459, and Sandra Siedel, 717-623-6676, Raffle Quilt: Kathy Sheehan, 720-284-1757, Challenge Quilt: Wendy Hodina, 327-3278, Quilt Show Co-chairs: Pat Sur r a, 331-9870, cell # 916-768-3492, and Kathy Kessler, 322-4934, Hats and Scarves: R.J .Tr ubitt , 339-0945 7 Bloomington Quilters Guild Other Important Dates Retreats for 2015 and 2016 Spring Mill—January 22-25, 2015 Clifty Falls—October 22-25, 2015 Clifty Falls—October 21-24, 2016 November Newsletter Articles for February Newsletter are due on January 16th, 2015, to BQG Board Meeting The January Board Meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. on January 13th, 2015. Contact a Board member for more information. Bloomington Quilters Quild P.O. Box 5802 Bloomington, IN 47407 Spring Mill Winter Retreat See You There! Visit our website, 8
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