CUMMING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development PREPARATION COURSE FOR OSCEs, SOOs AND SAMPs Saturday & Sunday, March 14-15, 2015 Health Sciences Centre, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, University of Calgary COURSE OVERVIEW MAXIMUM 42 PARTICIPANTS Early registration advised REGISTER BY FAX ONLY Registration accepted by fax only and participants must meet criteria PAPERLESS CONFERENCE Access to handouts will be available prior to conference ACCOMMODATION Registrants must make their own accommodation arrangements. We recommend: Hotel Alma 169 University Gate NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Phone 403.220.2588 Toll Free 1.877.498.3203 Email To obtain a University rate, please indicate the promotion code CONTED and show your CME&PD course confirmation/receipt upon arrival. This course is designed for practicing physicians who are preparing to undertake the Certification Examination in Family Medicine. Participants will receive information, tips and practice on the exam components of the Medical Council of Canada QEII exam (OSCEs) and College of Family Physicians of Canada (SOOs and SAMPs). COURSE OBJECTIVES The intent of the conference is for learners to: • develop skills and strategies to use in patient interviews • demonstrate the patient-centred clinical method in simulated examination stations • apply a planned approach to components (OSCEs, SOOs, SAMPs) of the Certification Examination in Family Medicine • recognize techniques to improve performance at the Certification Examination in Family Medicine WHO SHOULD ATTEND This course is designed for practicing physicians who are preparing to undertake the Certification Examination in Family Medicine. Participants will receive information, tips and practice on the exam components of the Medical Council of Canada QEII exam (OSCEs) and College of Family Physicians of Canada (SOOs and SAMPs). CREDITS This program is not eligible for MAINPRO-M1 credits. Participants can selfclaim 10.5 hours of participation for MAINPRO-M2 credits AND/OR use a Linking Learning Practice exercise to claim MAINPRO-C credit. PREPARATION COURSE FOR OSCEs, SOOs AND SAMPs | PAGE 1 OF 4 COURSE PROGRAM Saturday, March 14 Sunday, March 15 0730 Breakfast / Registration 0730 Breakfast / Registration 0800 Welcome / Overview 0800 Course Resumes 0805 PRESENTATIONS – Laura Bennion, Lara Nixon, Jean Rawling Day includes: • principles of Patient-Centered Communication discussion • introduction to the MCC QEII Clinical Examination • introduction to the components of the CCFP examination • review of SOO Marking Scheme • three practice OSCE stations • two physical exam stations • discussion of SAMPs • three practice SOO stations • SAMP Practice Exam and debrief 1300Adjournment 1630Adjournment PROGRAM MAY CHANGE DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL PREPARATION COURSE FOR OSCEs, SOOs AND SAMPs | PAGE 2 OF 4 PLANNING COMMITTEE LOCAL FACULTY Laura Bennion MD CCFP Dip Sport Medicine Course Co-Chair Laura Bennion MD CCFP Dip Sport Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Calgary; Family Physician Jean Rawling PhD MD CCFP Course Co-Chair Lara Nixon MD BEd CCFP Assistant Professor / Acting Postgraduate Program Director, Department of Family Medicine, University of Calgary; Master Teacher, Department of Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary; Family Physician Lara Nixon MD BEd CCFP Jean Rawling PhD MD CCFP Clinical Lecturer, Department of Family Medicine, University of Calgary; Executive Director, Alberta International Medical Graduate Program; Family Physician DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL FINANCIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In keeping with accreditation guidelines, speakers participating in this event have been asked to disclose to the audience any involvement with industry or other organizations that may potentially influence the presentation of the educational material. Disclosure will be done verbally and using a slide prior to the speaker’s presentation. ACCREDITATION The University of Calgary – Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS). ADDITIONAL PROGRAM INFORMATION DRESS MEALS SCENT FREE Dress is business casual. Sweaters or items of clothing that can be layered are recommended since temperature in the venue may fluctuate. In general, each course offers a light breakfast, nutrition break(s) and lunch. Please note, a vegetarian selection will be provided for lunch. We are unable to accommodate special dietary restrictions (for example, gluten free, peanut allergies). To ensure the comfort of everyone attending this event, we ask you to not wear scented products. PREPARATION COURSE FOR OSCEs, SOOs AND SAMPs | PAGE 3 OF 4 COURSE # – 10008474-10000 Preparation Course for OSCEs, SOOs and SAMPs March 14-15, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM OTHER HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL – PLEASE SPECIFY PHYSICIAN PROFESSION STUDENT / RESIDENT (FULL-TIME STUDENTS ONLY) FIRST NAME LAST NAME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE AREA CODE PHONE EXT AREA CODE POSTAL CODE FAX EMAIL CHEQ AMEX VISA MASTERCARD CARD NUMBER PAYMENT BY M M Y Y SIGNATURE EXPIRY DATE Yes, I wish to subscribe to the CME monthly electronic newsletter REGISTRANT INFO YES NO I AM A PRACTICE ELIGIBLE PHYSICIAN, AS DEFINED BY THE CFPC YES NO I AM ALREADY REGISTERED TO TAKE THE CCFP EXAM If YES, indicate exam date: ______________________________ I certify that the information provided above is correct ______________________________________________________ SIGNATURE ______________________________________________________ DATE REGISTRATION FEE $ 1575.00 GST included – UCalgary GST Registration #108102864RT0001 REGISTER BY FAX ONLY Credit Card Payment Only Confidential Fax Fax 403.270.2330 REGISTRATION SERVICES Phone 403.220.7032 Email LUNCH A vegetarian selection will be provided for lunch; indicate below if you require a vegetarian meal. YES NO I REQUIRE A VEGETARIAN MEAL Please note, we are unable to accommodate special dietary restrictions (for example, gluten free, peanut allergies). FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT Registration information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The contact information you provide is required by our Office to register you in the course, prepare material and courses for your use, plan for future courses and notify you of similar, upcoming courses offered by our Office. Financial information is used to process applicable fees and is retained for future reference. Call 403.220.4251 if you have questions about the collection or use of this information.
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