CUMMING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development BIOSTATISTICS WORKSHOP 2015 – LEVEL 1 Friday, April 24, 2015 Health Sciences Centre, 3330 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB COURSE OVERVIEW “Do not put your faith in what statistics say until you have carefully considered what they do not say.” – William W Watt REGISTER ON-LINE PAPERLESS CONFERENCE Access to handouts will be available prior to conference ON-SITE REGISTRATION Based on availability, is not guaranteed and a surcharge may be applied ACCOMMODATION Registrants must make their own accommodation arrangements. We recommend: Hotel Alma 169 University Gate NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Phone 403.220.2588 Toll Free 1.877.498.3203 Email To obtain a University rate, please indicate the promotion code CONTED and show your CME&PD course confirmation/receipt upon arrival. Health professionals are increasingly required to be able to critically evaluate research evidence as a basis for the delivery of evidence-based practice. This is an introductory course in basic statistical concepts and methods. It gives an introduction to quantitative measurement and analysis in health science research, covering topics such as modern graphical techniques, estimates, standard errors, confidence intervals and tests for both numerical and categorical data. You will learn to implement and interpret basic descriptive statistics based on case examples. You will learn the practical skills necessary to import, analyze and visualize data using STATA. No prior statistical software experience is assumed. COURSE OBJECTIVES The intent of the workshop is for learners to: • recognize quantitative research design • recognize the basic concepts of statistics with “what it means” and “when it is used” • conduct an exploratory data analysis in health research • determine and implement the appropriate Basic/Initial statistical analysis needed to answer your research question, given the type of data collected • know when to ask for help! WHO SHOULD ATTEND Physicians and other health professionals involved in health research CREDITS MAINPRO-M1 – 6.0 credits MOC Section 1 – 6.0 credits BIOSTATISTICS WORKSHOP 2015 – LEVEL 1 | PAGE 1 OF 4 COURSE PROGRAM Friday, April 24 0800 Registration / Breakfast 1300 0830 PART I Study Designs, Research Questions and the Conceptual Basis of Statistics PART III Introduction to Statistical Inference – Estimation 1430 Refreshment Break 1500 PART IV Introduction to Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing 1630 Adjournment 1000 Refreshment Break 1030 PART II Descriptive Statistics: Displaying and Summarizing Continuous Data 1200 Lunch PROGRAM MAY CHANGE DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL PLANNING COMMITTEE FACULTY Beverly Collisson PhD Co-Chair Marianne Sarah Rose PhD Biostatistician Alberta Health Services Marilynne Hebert BScN MEd PhD Co-Chair Heather Armson MD MCE CCFP FCFP Juan Antonio Garcia MD MSc (Med Edu) CCFP Maeve O'Beirne MD PhD CCFP Moné Palacios PhD Margaret Russell MD PhD FRCPC Chloe Burnett MSc MEd CME Representative Luz Palacios-Derflingher PhD Senior Research Associate/Biostatistician Faculty of Kinesiology Adjunct Assistant Professor Department of Community Health Sciences University of Calgary Diane Simpson PhD MDE CME Representative DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL FINANCIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In keeping with accreditation guidelines, speakers participating in this event have been asked to disclose to the audience any involvement with industry or other organizations that may potentially influence the presentation of the educational material. Disclosure will be done verbally and using a slide prior to the speaker’s presentation. BIOSTATISTICS WORKSHOP 2015 – LEVEL 1 | PAGE 2 OF 4 ACCREDITATION The University of Calgary – Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS). STUDY CREDITS CFPC RCPSC MAINPRO–M1 MOC SECTION 1 This program meets the accreditation criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited by the University of Calgary Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development for up to 6.0 MAINPRO-M1 credits. This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by University of Calgary Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development. Participants may claim up to a maximum of 6.0 study credits. ADDITIONAL PROGRAM INFORMATION DRESS MEALS SCENT FREE Dress is business casual. Sweaters or items of clothing that can be layered are recommended since temperature in the venue may fluctuate. In general, each course offers a light breakfast, nutrition break(s) and lunch. We are unable to accommodate special dietary restrictions (for example, gluten free, peanut allergies). To ensure the comfort of everyone attending this event, we ask you to not wear scented products. BIOSTATISTICS WORKSHOP 2015 – LEVEL 1 | PAGE 3 OF 4 COURSE # – 10008500-20000 Biostatistics Workshop 2015 – Level 1 April 24, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM PROFESSION OTHER HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL – PLEASE SPECIFY PHYSICIAN STUDENT / RESIDENT (FULL-TIME STUDENTS ONLY) PLANNING COMMITTEE FIRST NAME LAST NAME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE AREA CODE PHONE EXT AREA CODE POSTAL CODE FAX EMAIL CHEQ AMEX VISA MASTERCARD CARD NUMBER PAYMENT BY M M Y Y SIGNATURE EXPIRY DATE Yes, I wish to subscribe to the CME monthly electronic newsletter REGISTRATION FEE REGISTER GST included – UCalgary GST Registration #108102864RT0001 ON-LINE $278.25EARLY RATE on or before April 10, 2015 $315.00REGULAR RATE after April 10, 2015 $ 163.80 Student / Resident (FULL-TIME STUDENTS ONLY) BY FAX Credit Card Payment Only Confidential Fax Fax 403.270.2330 BY MAIL Cheque Payable – UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT Registration information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The contact information you provide is required by our Office to register you in the course, prepare material and courses for your use, plan for future courses and notify you of similar, upcoming courses offered by our Office. Financial information is used to process applicable fees and is retained for future reference. Call 403.220.4251 if you have questions about the collection or use of this information. Cumming School of Medicine, Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development, University of Calgary, TRW Building, 3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4Z6 REGISTRATION SERVICES Phone 403.220.7032 Email
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