CUMMING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development Chronic Disease Management Update for Primary Care June 4& 5, 2015 MacEwan Centre | University of Calgary The Cumming School of Medicine, along with the Conference Board of Canada, presents Dr Peter Sargious. Register now for this KEYNOTE event, or hear him as part of your registration for the Chronic Disease Management Update for Primary Care conference. REGISTRATION FEE Keynote $35 NOTE: Keynote included in registration fee of full Chronic Disease Management Update for Primary Care conference ABOUT REGISTRATION Phone 403.220.7032 Email KEYNOTE Peter Sargious MD MPH FRCPC (Assistant Dean, Continuing Medical Education, Cumming School of Medicine) Carter v. Canada: Relevance to Chronic Disease Management In 2001, Dr Sargious co-founded Calgary Health Region’s Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Portfolio, including the Living Well Program, which offers thousands of Calgarians support in managing chronic illness. Dr Sargious serves as the Chronic Disease Management Lead for W21C, a Health System Research and Innovation Centre within the O’Brien Institute for Public Health, and Chair of the Conference Board of Canada’s Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management. In a unanimous ruling released February 6, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down a provision of the Criminal Code prohibiting physician-assisted suicide, citing, among other compelling issues, the Charter rights of a competent, consenting adult with a grievous and irremediable medical condition that causes enduring suffering intolerable to the individual in the circumstances of his or her condition. While The Court indicated that nothing in the declaration would compel physicians to provide assistance in dying, physicians and care teams supporting citizens with complex chronic disease should consider questions that might arise in conversations with their patients. REGISTER Register for Keynote Conference Brochure COURSE # – 10010 234-10000 Chronic Disease Management Update for Primary Care June 4 & 5, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM Part 1 FAMILY PHYSICIAN PROFESSION SPECIALIST PHYSICIAN OTHER HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL – PLEASE SPECIFY FIRST NAME LAST NAME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE AREA CODE PHONE EXT AREA CODE POSTAL CODE FAX EMAIL CHEQ AMEX VISA MASTERCARD CARD NUMBER PAYMENT BY M M Y Y SIGNATURE EXPIRY DATE Yes, I wish to subscribe to the CME monthly electronic newsletter EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME REGISTRATION FEE PHONE GST included UCalgary GST Registration #108102864RT0001 Registering for Keynote(s) Only EARLY RATE on or before May 14, 2015 $650 BOTH DAYS – June 4 & 5 $350 ONE DAY – June 4 [ ] [ ] $ 350 ONE DAY – June 5 REGULAR RATE after May 14, 2015 $700 BOTH DAYS – June 4 & 5 $ 375 ONE DAY – June 4 $ 375 ONE DAY – June 5 $750 BOTH DAYS – June 4 & 5 $ 450 ONE DAY – June 4 REGISTER BY FAX Credit Card Payment Only / Confidential Fax Fax 403.270.2330 BY MAIL Cheque Payable – UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY $315 ONE DAY – June 5 ON-SITE RATE (Based on availability and not guaranteed) André Picard (June 4, 0815) Peter Sargious (June 5, 0800) $ 157.50 BOTH DAYS – June 4 & 5 $ 157.50 ONE DAY – June 4 $35 $35 ON-LINE OHCP & STUDENT RATE (FULL-TIME STUDENTS ONLY) KEYNOTE REGISTRATION / FEE $450 ONE DAY – June 5 COMPLETE REGISTRATION FORM Part 2 >> FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT Registration information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The contact information you provide is required by our Office to register you in the course, prepare material and courses for your use, plan for future courses and notify you of similar, upcoming courses offered by our Office. Financial information is used to process applicable fees and is retained for future reference. Call 403.220.4251 if you have questions about the collection or use of this information. Cumming School of Medicine, Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development, University of Calgary, TRW Building, 3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4Z6 REGISTRATION SERVICES Phone 403.220.7032 Email COURSE CONTENT INFORMATION Linda Shorting Email COURSE # – 10010 234-10000 REGISTRATION FORM Part 2 Chronic Disease Management Update for Primary Care June 4 & 5, 2015 FIRST NAME LAST NAME WORKSHOP SELECTIONS – not required if registering for Keynote(s) only Thursday, June 4 • 1030 Number 1-6 in order of preference with 1 being the most important Friday, June 5 • 1045 Number 1-4 in order of preference with 1 being the most important 1 Co-Existent CHF and COPD in the Community 13 Non-Surgical Obesity Management in Practice 2 Introducing TeamSTEPPS: A Model for Making the Most of Your Community-Based Clinic Team 14 Surgical Management of Obesity: When, Who and Where to Refer (OFFERED TWICE, REPEATS FRIDAY AT 1445) 3 Motivational Interviewing: Finding Motivation Rather than (trying to) Provide It 15 TBA 16 TBA (OFFERED TWICE, REPEATS THURSDAY AT 1530) 4 Complex Asthma Management: Case-Based Workshop 5 GP-Pharmacist Collaboration to Manage Chronic Diseases 6 Is Effective Chronic Disease Management Financially Viable in Primary Care Practice? Thursday, June 4 • 1530 Number 1-6 in order of preference with 1 being the most important 7 Complex CHF Cases for Primary Care: How Do I Keep My Patient Out of the Hospital? 8 Motivational Interviewing: Finding Motivation Rather than (trying to) Provide It Friday, June 5 • 1445 Number 1-4 in order of preference with 1 being the most important 17 Introducing TeamSTEPPS: A Model for Making the Most of Your Community-Based Clinic Team (OFFERED TWICE, REPEATS FROM THURSDAY AT 1030) 18 Acute-On-Chronic Kidney Disease Exacerbations 19 Cases in Advanced Care Planning: How Do I Start the Dialogue with My Patients? (OFFERED TWICE, REPEATS FROM THURSDAY AT 1530) 20 Leadership Skills for Making the Most of Your Team to Manage Your Patients with Chronic Diseases (OFFERED TWICE, REPEATS FROM THURSDAY AT 1030) 9 Cases in Advanced Care Planning: How Do I Start the Dialogue with My Patients? (OFFERED TWICE, REPEATS FRIDAY AT 1445) 10 Introduction to Health Change: Skills-Based Case Presentation Workshop 11 Starting and Managing Newer Oral Anticoagulants in Thrombotic and Chronic Cardiac Disease in My Practice: Pitfalls and Pearls 12TBA
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