THE M e s s e n g e r We discover, explore, embrace, and share God’s belovedness. Your mission should you choose to accept it.... One month in ministry to the Vancouver community and beyond! COURTYARD VILLAGE APARTMENTS WASHINGTON SCHOOL WHO SHELTERS SCRIP Our Mission We are companions on a spiritual journey, engaging minds, transforming hearts, and empowering hands to serve Jesus Christ in our local and global community. VOLUME 71, ISSUE 1 • January 2015 • A SPIRITUAL COMMUNITY SERVING VANCOUVER SINCE 1854! From Your PASTOR There is an old saying that goes, “Be careful what you pray for because you may just get it.” For several months I have been praying for a vision for this church that would be so powerful and transforming that it would grab hold of our hearts and engage our hands in Kingdom-building work. That prayer was answered in a huge way! A few weeks ago we got word that many of our neighbors were being evicted from their apartments in the middle of winter, right after Christmas, and with no place for them to go. All crises create opportunities for good and evil to prevail. This crisis provided us with the opportunity for our congregation to step up and be the companions we claim to be to those we call our neighbors. It gave us the chance to protect the children we have been working with for the last several years. It gave us a wonderful chance to not only practice mercy and kindness, as we take care of the immediate needs of those families who are affected, but also to push for something bigger and far-reaching – justice. I have to confess that before the notice that the Courtyard Village Apartments were being remodeled and the families vacated, I had no idea Vancouver was facing a housing crisis. I had no idea that our apartment vacancy rate was hovering way down at 2% or less and that low-income families with any kind of blemish on their record have great difficulty finding a new apartment. I had no idea that we had a major justice issue in our own backyard that needs to be resolved and that as a church we can be one of the agents of mediation. I would like to thank everyone for your immediate response of compassion and mercy. “What can I do?” has been the question we have heard over and over again. We had already set some pretty high goals for giving to our community and then this crisis came and everything was EXTRA. Extra food, extra gift cards, extra time, extra outreach, EXTRA LOVE! I have never been so proud of our church as I have been these last three weeks. We have said for years that we would like to be companions to our neighbors in significant and life-changing ways and when we had this opportunity, we rose to the challenge. All the past opportunities to serve, all the hours of walking children to school, all the tutoring, all the times of sitting with a child in the cafeteria being a lunch buddy, all the times we sent backpacks, or bikes, or all the times we served meals at Math Night or Lit Night, all of these acts built relationships so that if a crisis would ever come we would be trusted enough to be invited to help. We were the first ones called. When others will get tired and leave, we will still be serving. I keep saying this is not a sprint but a marathon. Each month as families are asked to leave, we will still be their offering assistance, hot meals, and most of all, hope. As I said earlier in this column we are called to be agents of justice. We first have to understand the issue. I confess I do not but I will do as much as I can to help us all get a better grasp of our housing crisis. I believe that our church can take a prophetic stand and be the voice of truth and grace and discover a new way forward. I will keep you posted on how that will happen. Thank you all, again, for all of your generosity and compassion. I believe we have been called to just such a moment as this in our community and that if we keep walking with God in humble obedience, we will change lives and change the future of our church. Pastor David Mark your calendar Senior Luncheon January brings a new year so help us celebrate at the Senior Luncheon on Friday, January 9, at 12:30pm in Jason Lee Hall. The menu will feature salad and a variety of pizzas. Our guest will be Liz Borromeo (daughter of Jim & Carol McGinnis) who will share her expertise in the art and science of healthy mind-body connections through creative movement. The long, dark, rainy days of winter can make us feel ‘blah’, so this will be a great way to brighten your days! Please contact the church office, 360-693-5881 or office@, by Wednesday, January 7, if you plan to attend, so we can better prepare for you. Calling All 4th & 5th Graders Club 45 is a fun opportunity for 4th & 5th graders. We meet once a month for fellowship and some fun. We will meet on January 25 from 10:00am to noon for a day of giving back. We hope that you will be able to join us. scrip Thank you to everyone who purchased scrip in 2014. We were able to make over $3300 which was used to finance some of the church’s outreach opportunities. The best part of scrip is, those who purchased cards got the full face value of the card while donating a percentage to the church. If you would like to try this win-win for the church, order forms and a full listing of vendors can be found at the information booth each Sunday. The deadline for ordering in January is January 25. STUFFED ANIMAL DRIVE We are collecting stuffed animals for the children of the Courtyard Village Apartments. This is a very difficult time for these families and often frightening and confusing for the children. We will be giving the stuffed animals to all children to help comfort them during this difficult time. This is an ongoing effort and there will be many, many more families displaced in the months to come. Stuffed animal donations may be dropped off in the the main lobby “blue bin”. Thank you for your support! Mission Possible We will continue our mission of being good neighbors through a series of outreach projects in January. Three areas in our community will be highlighted: 1) Courtyard Village: We will continue to work with the residents of Courtyard Village to make their transitions as smooth as possible. We will prepare and deliver meals to residents, collect cleaning supplies, and provide help with any paperwork needs. Watch for details of how you can help or contact Elizabeth in the church office (693-5881 or program@vanfumc. org) 2) Washington School: Washington School is one of our partner schools. As part of our support for them, we will support the entire staff by providing supplies and gift bags. We will also be providing a lunch for their staff to show our appreciation. Join us between services on January 18 to help put the gifts together for the staff. 3) WHO Shelters: We will be staffing the WHO Shelter for the week of January 25-31. In addition to serving at the shelter, we will be drawing our attention to homelessness in general. Between services on Sunday, January 25, we will be creating the Corner Bags for your cars. These are simple bags that contain some food and water. The bags can be handed out to people that you may encounter while driving around town. WHO The Winter Hospitality Overflow (W.H.O.) Shelters are in place to provide extra housing space during the coldest months of the year. Our church will man the shelter at St. Paul Lutheran Church during the week of January 25-31. There are two ways that you can help us meet this commitment: 1) Sign up for a volunteer shift during our week. There will be sign-up sheets in the church lobby throughout the month. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE 2) In lieu of taking a shift, you can donate some needed goods. We will need paper and cleaning products, trash bags, snack foods and coffee. There will be a printed list of needed items at the information booth throughout the month. United Methodist Women UMW Leadership Team meeting is January 8, 2015 at 10:00am in Hesseltine Hall. Circle Meeting Times A.W.A.K.E. Circle meeting is January 27, 2015 at Lilia Ortega's home, 1:30pm. For further information or directions, call Bev Thomas (573-0399). New folks are always welcome. Little Acorn Preschool & Kindergarten Naomi Circle will not meet the month of January. Rachel Circle meets the third Wednesday at 10:00am at a members home. This month’s meeting will be on January 21 at 11:30am to celebrate January Birthdays. Please call Mindy Ludolph (695-7185) or Marion Noe (750-5952) for further information. Anyone interested in the United Methodist Women can call Bev Thomas @ 573-0399. FINANCE Update Finance is giving thanks for receiving pledges in a time -sensitive manner. Giving thanks to be able to meet the challenge and work of the First United Methodist Church. Through November 30, 2014, the church has received $490,529.65 or 87 % of the required income for the year. We should have received $521,600.44 or 92% in order to fulfill our budget requirement. This leaves us $31,707.79 short of the required funds as of November 30, 2014. In order to fulfill the church’s commitment to the community and outreach, it is important that we continue to achieve our pledged commitment. Thank you for your continued support. Thank you, Your Finance Team Little Acorn Preschool & Kindergarten would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! Our students worked very hard learning their holiday songs, and our Winter Concerts went off without a hitch. The kids were adorable singing for their families in English and Spanish. Breakfast with Santa was a big hit! We had over 180 people attend. While they enjoyed pancakes, Santa took pictures with the kids and gave them each a gift wrapped book. It was a very special morning for our families. We had a very successful winter book fair and are looking forward to stocking up on new books for our classrooms and library. We look forward to continue to grow our program and make new friends in the New Year. Happy Holidays from the Little Acorn Staff! Katie Coop Director JANUARY 2015 S M T W T F 1 NEW YEARS DAY Office Closed 4 5 9:30 Knitting 11:30 Staff Meeting 12:00 LAPS All Staff 6:30 Leaven Group 7:00 Troop 525 9:00 Worship 9:00 Choir Rehearsal 9:15 Children/Youth Church School 9:30 Leaven Group 10:00 Leaven Group 11:00 Worship 3:00 Youth Ice Cream Party 11 9:00 Worship 9:00 Choir Rehearsal 9:15 Children/Youth Church School 9:30 Leaven Group 10:00 Youth Parent Meeting 10:00 Seekers Class 10:00 Leaven Group 11:00 Worship 2:00 Seekers / Guest Lane McGaughy 4:00 Youth Group 18 9:30 Leaven Group 6:30 LAPS Meeting 9:30 Knitting 11:30 Staff Meeting 6:30 Leaven Group 6:30 Men’s NA 7:00 Troop 525 9:30 Leaven Group 19 Office Closed 8:00 All Youth Lock-In ends 9:30 Knitting, Latte Da 6:30 Leaven Group 6:30 Men’s NA 25 5:30 Hand Drums 7:00 Praise Team 26 7:30 Leaven Group 10:00 UMW LeaderShip 5:30 Hand Drums 7:00 Praise Team 20 9:30 Leaven Group 9:30 LAPS Board 6:00 SPR 8 15 14 11:30 Staff Meeting 5:30 Hand Drums 7:00 Praise Team 9:30 Leaven Group 6:00 Leadership Team 28 5:30 Hand Drums 7:00 Praise Team 10 16 17 12:30 Senior Luncheon 23 29 7:30 Leaven Group 24 9:00 Pacific NW Camp Ambassador Training 7:30 Leaven Group SCRIP Deadline 9:30 Knitting 11:30 Staff Meeting 12:00 LAPS Teachers 6:30 Leaven Group 6:30 Men’s NA 7:00 Rtoop 525 9 1:00 Lucas Memorial 22 WHO Shelter Week 9:00 Choir Rehearsal 9:00 Worship 9:15 Children/Youth Church School 9:30 Leaven Group 10:00 Seekers Class 10:00 Leaven Group 11:00 Worship 9 12:00 Foundation 7:30 Leaven Group 21 27 2 2:00 Jean Butler Holmes Memorial Service 6:00 First Friday 7 13 12 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY 9:00 Worship 9:00 Choir Rehearsal 9:15 Children/Youth Church School 9:30 Leaven Group 10:00 Seekers Class 10:00 Leaven Group 11:00 Worship 10:00 All Youth Lock-In begins 6 S 30 31 January Celebrations HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 1 Ryan Budnik 2 Traci Mitchel Dan Payne 4 Julie Harris Jim Martin Wesley Moholt Karolyn Shoote 5Barbara Duncan 6 Nora Bell Thelma Collins Jeralyn Green 7 Kate Kraft 10 Nancy Bacon 12 Rachel Lookingbill Weyant Rebecca Winters 16 George Allen Marianne Dearborn 17 Joseph Bailey Sue Irish 20 Lorraine Dix Jack Harris 20 Virginia Lent 21 Christy Bayly Mindy Ludolph 22 Larry Kniss 23 Rhoda Laws Bonnie Weeks Marvin Windred 25 Evelyn Argo Richard Estep Teuila Kaumatule -Muli 26Dave Nutting 28 Katherine Janney Justin Nutting Jon Shaw Lauren Smith Briannah Trotter 29 Roger Bieber 31 Matt Shoemaker HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! 5Dave & Bridget Nutting 18Dave & Ceci Smith 19 Jim & Rita Toepfer 25Hal & Sheila Leonhardt 27Daryll & Carol Pierce Care Ministry Updates Care Ministry Pantry is almost full. Thank you for donations of non-perishable food items for Courtyard Village residents. The “drop-in” pantry also serves our drop-in ministry. We are able to provide a cup of coffee, conversation and a small bag of groceries to those who are in need. Youth Sunday school will begin on the third Sunday, January 18. Times are TBD, as we will be discussing what is best for the group at the parents meeting on January 11. Please see schedule below for details. In the meantime, Katelyn will be attending contemporary services January 4 and 11, and welcomes any and all youth to join her in the pews! Please meet in the church annex (next to the information booth) before service. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please email or call/text 509-670-9578. Can’t wait to see you in the new year! Thank you. This month we will be collecting cleaning supplies for Courtyard Village Apartments. Clorox wipes, spray cleaners and paper towels are needed. We are also collecting canned Chili for the drop-in ministry. Please remember Care Ministry is able to provide timely and sympathetic care and comfort to our members, their family and friends, and to the community. Where needs develop, every effort is made to address, with appropriate care, assistance for those needs. We do not always know if someone is ill, in the hospital, or in need of comfort. We hope you will let Care Ministry ( know if we can be helpful and surround you in care and prayer. youth Events in january With Sympathy Sunday, January 11 from 10:00am to 11:00am Parents of middle school and high school youth are invited to a parents meeting to discuss future plans of the youth groups. This time is also a chance for you to meet Katelyn, the interim youth director, and voice your requests and ideas for Youth Ministry. We will meet in the youth room between services. Children will be supervised in the play area next door. Our sympathies and prayers are with the families of Jean Butler Holmes, Luke Lucas, and Bob Hill. Sunday, January 11 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm We are going to get back into the swing of youth group! This will be a combined youth group during which we will catch up with our friends about our holiday adventures and get to know each other with some new and hilarious games!! Please come prepared to be active. Can’t wait to share in this time of silliness with you! Sunday, January 18, 9:00pm to Monday, January 19, 8:00am That’s right!! We are kicking off the new year with an allyouth lock-in!!! Come prepared for a night of crazy-cool fun including fun competitions, marathons of Rock Band, board games, and other secret shenanigans!! For entry to the lock-in, please bring ONE of the following: A 12-pack of soda, a snack to share (chips, candy, etc.), or a FRIEND! Note that the more friends we have, the merrier it will be! Please RSVP to Katelyn at OR by calling/texting 509670-9578 by Wednesday, January 14. Don’t miss out on one of the biggest events of the year!! A memorial service for Jean was held on Friday, January 2 at 2:00pm. We remember Jean and her dedication to Washington School. We hold her children, Kate, Betty, and Bob in our prayers. A Celebration of Life for Luke will be held on Saturday, January 17 at 1:00pm. We surround Ev with our prayers as she, and her sons, and extended family grieve their loss. Bob Hill passed away on December 17, 2014. Our prayers are with his wife, Dixie in her time of loss. FUMC Hospitality! Thanks to our WOW volunteers for January! Coffee Servers: Jan 4: Hal & Sheila Leonhardt Jan 11: Gentry family Jan 18: Rosie Porambo Jan 25: UMW (Carolann Walters) Ushers: Jan 4: John Roberts Team -(9:00am) Dave Smith Team (11:00am) Jan 11: Gerald Swanson Team Jan 18: Hal Leonhardt Team Jan 25: Jean Roberts Team Sunday Morning Hosts: Jan 4: Joyce Kleinschmidt & Donna Kirkpatrick (11:00am) Jan 18: UMW Information Booth: Jan. 4: Agnes Ekeya THE MESSENGER Your Staff Pastor....................................................................David Tinney Associate Pastor...................................................Jim McGinnis Deacon........................................................Denise McGuiness Minister of Congregational Care..........................Becki Eichner Program Director..............................................Elizabeth Owen Youth & Young Adult Director............................Katelyn Peer Facilities Manager.................................................... Steve Noll Treasurer............................................................Michelle Mehl Secretary...............................................................Becky Baxter Custodian...........................................................Debbie Barnes 9:00 Worship Leader............................................Steven Schob Sanctuary Choir Director........................................Don Appert Organist.............................................................Chris Nordwall Nursery Coordinator ....................................... Sue Bottemiller Lay Leaders ...........................................Bill Owen, Scott Sawyer Thank the Lord for opening another chapter in our lives. May we live each page with more meaning by touching people’s lives each day! HAPPY NEW YEAR! THE MESSENGER (USPS973-020) - Published by First United Methodist Church, 401 E. 33rd St., Vancouver, WA 98663. Published monthly. Postmaster: Please send address changes to FUMC, 401 E. 33rd Street, Vancouver, WA 98663. Phone: 360693-5881. Periodicals postage paid at Vancouver, WA 98663. Military Service First Church extends prayers for all who are representing our country in the armed forces. Please keep the following servicemen and women in your prayers: U.S. Army Troy Hein Scott Hedges Ian Fouts Bobby, Terry & Chris Dickinson Corey & Kelly McCoy Josh Wells David White Warren Schultz Randy Schultz Kurt Christian Alex Wellman Alice Wannamaker National Guard Ty Clemenhagen U.S. Air Force Jake LaFine Jason Daly Terry Bushnell Thomas Snell Cody Pennington U.S. Navy Stephanie Chelone Bob Nash Shannon Johnson David Dearborn Miles Wesley Giger Zac Wannamaker With a Servant’s Heart Thank you so much for your generous spirits! Because of your willingness to help we were able to: • create and deliver 71 food boxes at Thanksgiving and 62 food boxes at Christmas. • distribute 265 gifts to kids for Christmas. • give hats, gloves, and socks to 73 children (with more going out to our partner schools this month). • collect over 80 gift cards for teens and the families at Courtyard Village. • cook and deliver 2 hot meals over the holidays for 15 Courtyard Village families. • raise $3505 for Salvation Army through bell ringing. • raise over $10,400 for the relocation fund for those families displaced at Courtyard Village. Over 300 man hours of volunteering went into making this Advent season one of giving back to our neighbors, reconnecting with one another and living out the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you all for being a part of the season! first united methodist church • 360-693-5881 • 401 east thirty-third street • vancouver, washington 98663
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