FAIRVIEW NEWS Fairview Baptist Church January 6, 2015 2015 FROM THE INTERIM PASTOR What a wonderful Sunday we experienced. Attendance was good, we met our budget for the week and had a great time of worship. Zac Ashley, pastor of Fairview at River Club delivered the message at both services and his message was a blessing for all of us who were in attendance. If you could not attend, let me encourage you to go on our newly designed webpage, click the online sermons tab and click on January 4th. You will be glad you did! In the coming weeks we will have a number of “guest speakers.” The schedule through March is as follows: January 25th-Ron Lithgow February 8th-Rosemary Blankenship February 22nd-Bob Sizemore March 8th-Tim Patrick March 22nd-Alan Stanton Welcome back, Brad! I am grateful that Brad Hedrick is returning as our part-time interim administrator. He will be working on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings. Please keep Brad and Kim in your prayers as he continues to heal from his recent heart surgery and is looking forward to the next step in his journey! Valentine’s Day Breakfast Everyone is invited on February 14th at River Club downstairs in the Community Room. Doors open at 8:30, breakfast will be served at 9:00 AM, short program to follow. The 31st Annual Benefit Oyster Roast will be held on March 7th at White Oak Equipment. This year’s beneficiary is Brad Hedrick who recently required emergency heart surgery to implant an artificial heart pump. He is currently undergoing a regimen of medical treatments and physical therapy in preparation for a heart transplant. In addition, Brad and his wife are active members of Fairview Baptist Church. Volunteer sign-up sheets will be made available at both church campuses beginning in the next couple of weeks. Through your efforts and the support of the community, $787,000 has been raised over the last 30 years for families in need in our area. More information will be provided in upcoming newsletters. Page 2 Fairview News Alan’s NEWS! Children’s Church Update Just a reminder that we will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper during the worship service this Sunday (1/11). If you wish for your children to participate in the Lord’s Supper, please have them remain with you during the service instead of heading downstairs for Children’s Church. Attention Children’s Workers and Parents January 11th, 12:30-2:30 pm Following the 11:00 worship service there will be a Children’s Ministry Workshop held in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll enjoy lunch together and discuss ideas on how to continue improving our Children’s Ministry here at Charlotte Street. If you think you can make it, please let Alan Stanton know before Thursday so he can make sure enough food is available for lunch. We should wrap up by 2:30 pm. Hope to see you there. Mark your calendar for Summer Camp June 17-20 Children’s Camp June 28-July 3 Youth Camp Summer can be a time to get away from our regular routines to try “something new” for us to do in our children’s and youth ministries. These camps provide a safe, fun, Bible-centered environment where our children and youth can grow deeper in their relationship with God and make a difference in their world by serving others. If you have children and youth in your home, please reserve these dates so they can participate. We’ll need some adult chaperones, too…. Children’s Sunday School reminder We began handing out the new Sunday School drawstring backpacks this past Sunday, and they were a big hit. Please be sure to check your child’s bag each week for any notes from their teachers as well as take-home materials from class. These materials can often be used to help lead a family Bible study time, so please put them to use in your home. Remind your kids to bring their bags back next week. If any of your children do not have their own Bible at home, please let Alan know and he can help get one for them. Hashtags anyone? Our Charlotte Street campus now has a Twitter account! Please follow us @FBC_CharlotteSt to receive updates about events at the church. If you have a ministry update that needs to be “tweeted”, send your message via e-mail to Alan and he will get it sent. If you don’t know what Twitter is, Alan can help with that as well. #JoiningThe21stCentury #WhatsHappeningAtFBC#WhatIsAHastag Senior Adult SOUPER Bowl of Caring, February 1st This is the 8th year that Fairview has participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring. We will be serving homemade soups, chilis, sandwiches, and desserts after the 11:00 service in the Fellowship Hall on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st. All of the donations will be used to provide meals for hungry people by providing funds for the local food ministries we support at Fairview such as the Micah breakfasts twice a month and Micah lunches. Please plan to stay after church and support this local mission! Thank you! If you are interested in providing a crock pot of homemade soup or chili or providing a dessert, please contact me! J ~Jessica Lowery (540-850-5377) It Will Be Here Before You Know It….. Vacation Bible School 2015—Journey Off the Map! Make sure you have VBS on your calendar! The dates for VBS this year are June 22nd to 26th. This year we will be going on a jungle expedition into uncharted territory and helping children to discover that when you are faced with the unexpected, you can always listen for God’s direction! We can all seek God as our Ultimate Guide! We are looking forward to another great year of VBS! With our VBS growing each year, we are in need of lots of volunteers with a variety of jobs to be done. All you need to have is a willingness to serve! There is plenty to be done before, during, and after the week of VBS including preparing decorations, teaching, helping a teacher by being an extra set of hands, crafts, snacks, setting up, providing food, counting offering, assisting with safety procedures, and praying. Please contact Jessica Lowery to sign up to help in any way or if you have any questions (540-850-5377 or FairviewBaptistChurchVBS@gmail.com). Operation Christmas Child January Collection The monthly collections for Operation Christmas Child boxes were a huge success last year! We packed over 80 additional boxes just from the items church members brought in throughout the year. So again this year, in addition to packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child in November, we will be collecting specific items each month to create boxes at the end of the year. This month we will focus on collecting: Socks, Hats, Gloves and Scarves Please place items in the Christmas box on the piano in the fellowship hall. Feel free to donate any other items that would go in Operation Christmas Child boxes at any time. The monthly items are just a focus and suggestion. See Damon and Jessica Lowery if you have any questions. Goal: $6,500 Received to Date: $7,157.40 Dutch Treat Lunch Tuesday, January 20 11:30 AM at Golden Corral Financial Report for Charlotte Street 1/04 Weekly Amount Given $ 19,169.29 Weekly Amount Required $ 14,369.25 Total Amount Given $ 19,169.29 Total Amount Required $ 14,369.25 Amount Over Budget $ 4,800.04 Attendance Sunday School Charlotte Street River Club Total 129 297 491 788 Sunday School High Attendance Youth SERVANTS OF THE WEEK—January 11 Bus Driver—Steve Kintzel 8:30 Ushers: David Robinson, John McLeod 11:00 Service Ushers: Randy Mathews, Jim Wilkerson 11:00 Jr. Ushers: Rachel Good, Amanda Jaderborg Coffee Break Hosts: Beverly Feeney Babies Toddlers / Twos: 9:30: Mary Schatz, Penny Withers 9:30: Ginny Holland 11:00: Betty Moyers, Shannon Moyers, Amy Landman Kathryn Dawson 11:00: Mary Schatz 3’s/4’s/early 5’s: 1st & 2nd Grade 9:30: Shannon & MJ Moyers Children’s Church: 11:00: M. J. Moyers Valerie Wiss Ginny Holland Page 3 Fairview Baptist Church 900 Charlotte Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Charlotte Street Website: www.fairview-baptist.org Phone: 540-373-8377 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Permit No. 54 Fax: 540-373-9713 Interim Pastor, Willard Sawyer: fbcipastor@fairview-baptist.org Minister of Children and Youth: Alan Stanton: alan.stanton@fairview-baptist.org Church Administrator, Brad Hedrick: fbcadmin@fairview-baptist.org Secretary, Beth Webb: fbcsecretary@fairview-baptist.org River Club Website: www.fairviewatriverclub.org Phone: 540-372-7880 Fax: 540-372-7899 Senior Pastor, Zac Ashley,- zacashley356@gmail.com Student & Connections Minister-James Bauslaugh; jamesbauslaugh@gmail.com Children’s Minister, Marcey Cramsey; mdcramsey@comcast.net Steve Mudre-Minister of Administration; stevemudre@gmail.com Minister of Music & Worship- Ryan French; ryanmichaelfrench@gmail.com Sympathy is extended to Bonnie Mason in the loss of her husband, Ralph. Food Pantry News Penny got a call from Drake Riggings, Jr., a 12-yearold Boy Scout who had collected food as part of a community service project to donate to our Linda Lambert Food Pantry. Two $25 prepaid Visa cards, a $50 gift certificate, $25 in cash and several hundred pounds of food were delivered to FBC Saturday afternoon. Our pantry work table is covered with bags of food as is the floor under it! This young man chose to remember the less fortunate and our church pantry received the blessing! When you next recall God's many, many blessings, please remember to thank Him for Drake's kind heart and generous spirit! "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example...in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." Luke 4:12. Penny and Betsy Wednesday Night Supper Menu for January 14 (Menu was revised 1/7) Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Hot Rolls, Salad & Dessert Bar Kids: Chicken Nuggets & FF This Week at Fairview January 11, 2015 8:30 Worship Service 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 Worship Service Monday 7:00 am Michah Breakfast 7:30 pm Handbells Tuesday 9:30 am Golden Jubilee Choir 7:00 pm Precept Bible Study Wednesday 9:00 am Men’s Breakfast 10:00 am Bible Study 11:30 am Anne Dwyer WMU Group Regular Wednesday Night Activities Thursday 12:00 noon Brown Bag Bible Study
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