Hello Interested Volunteer Candidate Thank you for your interest in the Minnesota Zoo Volunteer Program! You are on your way to learning about the amazing opportunities available to you as a volunteer at the Minnesota Zoo. The application process is easy! Step 1 Essay Questions Please answer the essay questions below on a separate sheet of paper. Your responses may be typed or handwritten. Each response should be at least 75 words. Attach responses to pages three and four of this document when mailing to the Zoo. 1. Describe two strengths and/or talents that you would bring to the Minnesota Zoo Volunteer Program. 2. Why does volunteering at the Minnesota Zoo appeal to you? 3. How do you feel about animals in human care in a zoo setting? Step 2 Application Form Please complete the application form found on pages three and four of this document and mail to Minnesota Zoo Volunteer Office 13000 Zoo Blvd Apple Valley, MN 55124 Step 3 Attend Appropriate Information/Interview Sessions Training or Shadow Days Select the volunteer program below in which you are interested and follow the instructions for that program. . Conservation Carousel Event Farm Seasonal Interpretive ZooTeen After we receive your application, you will be sent a link to sign up on-line for an information and/or interview session. Group presentations will provide you with more information about volunteering at the Zoo and specific information about your program. Individual interviews will take place at this time as there is a selection process. Not all applicants may be accepted into the program of their choice. Pre-registration is required and sessions fill quickly. Applicants under 18 years of age must have a parent present at the session. Adult Interpretive Please call 952-431-9588 to schedule a shadow day at your earliest convenience. Complete the application form and questions. During this day, you will spend your time following a trained volunteer around the Zoo to see exactly what volunteers do during a typical day. This is a great way to find out if our volunteer program is the right program for you. This day also includes a short interview in the afternoon where you will have a chance to ask questions and get more information about the program and training. Shadow days must be completed two weeks prior to the start of the fall training program. You can find the training dates on the next page. Gift Shop and Office Assistant Volunteers Call 952-431-9202 for current openings and training. And it is just that easy! We hope to see your application in the mail soon. If you have questions, please call 952-431-9588. Keep This Page for Your Reference Minnesota Zoo Volunteer Program Information Interview & Training Calendar 2015 Select ONE program below. If you are not sure which program best meets your interest, call us at 952-431-9588. Adult Interpretive Basic Training Program Ages 18 & up Shadow day scheduled at your convenience must be completed at least two weeks before the Orientation date below. Wednesday September 9 6:00pm-8:30pm Orientation Saturday September 19 9:00am-4:00pm Northern Trail Saturday September 26 9:00am-4:00pm Minnesota Trail Saturday October 3 9:00am-4:00pm Sealife Trails Saturday October 10 9:00am-4:00pm Tropics Trail Saturday October 17 9:00am-4:00pm Farm Interpretation & Customer Service Saturday October 24 9:00am-4:00pm Make up day for a training session you missed Seasonal Volunteer Program Ages 17 and up Information & Interview Sessions Must attend one session Saturday, March 14 10:30am-12:30pm or 1:30-3:00pm Sunday, April 12 1:00-3:00pm Monday, April 27 6:30-8:30pm Training Class Saturday, May 9 Summer Camp ZooTeen Volunteer Program Information & Interview Sessions Must attend one session Sunday, March 1 1:30-3:30pm Saturday, March 7 10:30am-12:30pm or 1:30-3:30pm Family Farm Volunteer Program Ages 17 & up Information & Interview Sessions Must attend one session Saturday, March 14 10:30am-12:30pm or 1:30-3:30pm Sunday, April 12 1:00-3:00pm Monday, April 27 6:30-8:30pm 8:00am-5:00pm Ages 13-18 years of age Must be 13 by June 1 of 2015 Training Class Must attend only one date Saturday, May 9 8:00am-4:00pm OR Monday, June 22 8:00am-4:00pm Training Class Must attend both days Saturday, May 9 8:00am-2:00pm Sunday, May 17 1:00-5:00pm Conservation Carousel Volunteer Program Ages 17 & up Information & Interview Sessions Must attend one session Monday, March 9 7:00-8:30pm Saturday, April 18 10:00-11:30am Event Volunteer Program Training Class Must attend one session Saturday, March 28 10:00am-12noon Monday, April 27 5:30pm-7:30pm Ages 18 & up Information, Interview & Training Sessions Saturday, April 18 1:00-4:00pm Department and Office Assistant Volunteer Program Ages 18 & up Gift Shop Volunteer Ages 18 & up Corporate and Community Volunteer Program Call 952-431-9202 for details on available openings in the above three programs Keep This Page for Your Reference Page 3 of Application Last Name _________________________________First Legal Name__________________________Middle_____________ Prefer to be called_______________________ Address_____________________________________________________________City___________________________________Zip_______________________________ Phone Home _____________________________________Work_____________________________________________Cell______________________________________ E-mail Address _____________________________________________________________Birth Date and Year _________________________________________________ Highlighted areas must be completed if you are 17 years of age or younger Parent/Guardian_____________________________________________Relationship_____________________________________Lives in home with applicant Yes No Day Phone__________________________________Cell_________________________________E-mail______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian_____________________________________________Relationship_____________________________________Lives in home with applicant Yes No Day Phone__________________________________Cell_________________________________E-mail______________________________________________________ Emergency Contact____________________________________Relationship________________Day Phone_________________________Cell_______________________ Emergency Contact____________________________________Relationship________________Day Phone_________________________Cell_______________________ School/College_______________________________________Grade/year if currently attending__________ Major/Degree/Year Obtained_________________________ Current / Former Employer_____________________________________Position________________________How Long at Position or How Long Retired_____________ Current / Former Volunteer Positions______________________________ Are you or have you ever been a Minnesota Zoo Member Have you ever volunteered at the Minnesota Zoo How did you find out about our Volunteer Program Have you attended at the Zoo YES _________________________________ NO ____________________________________ Please list member number______________________________________ YES NO Please provide last name if different from current last name_____________________________________ Website Summer Camps Education Classes Word of Mouth SES Visiting Zoo Travel Programs Lectures Radio Social Media Conservation Fundraisers st Newspaper Beastly Balls nd Zoo Events rd Choose one program and tell us when you are available to volunteer Please indicate which day is your 1 , 2 & 3 choice Adult Interpretive Volunteer Program—18 years of age and older Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1/3 Saturday 1/3 Sunday 2/4 Saturday 2/4 Sunday (Sat. & Sun. availability will have priority when we select volunteers. Some days may be full and have no open volunteer spots) Seasonal Interpretive Program—17 years of age and older Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm 2:00-6:00pm (Sat. & Sun. availability will have priority when we select volunteers. Some days may be full and have no open volunteer spots) Summer Camp ZooTeen Volunteer Program—13-18 years of age Monday Tuesday Morning shift Wednesday Thursday Friday Afternoon shift Farm Volunteer Program—17 years of age and older All shifts are 10:00am-3:00pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday (Sat. & Sun. availability will have priority when we select volunteers. Some days may be full and have no open volunteer spots) Carousel Volunteer Program—17 years of age and older Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Morning shift Afternoon shift Sunday Morning shift Afternoon shift Morning shift Afternoon shift Morning shift Afternoon shift Event Volunteer Program—18 years of age and older Shift times vary Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Department and Office Volunteer Program—18 years of age and older Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Gift Shop Volunteer Program—18 years of age and older Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Evening shift Page 4 of Application References - Please provide two work, school or personal references, not relatives, whom we may contact regarding your application Name_____________________________________________Relationship______________________________________ Day Phone_________________________Email___________________________________________________________ Address City Zip_____________________________________________________________________________________ Name_____________________________________________Relationship______________________________________ Day Phone_________________________Email___________________________________________________________ Address City Zip_____________________________________________________________________________________ By signing below, I authorize investigation of all information contained in this application and/or provided in my interview. Any persons or organizations I have listed are authorized to provide information including, but not limited to, employment, performance, disciplinary or attendance records, volunteer history or character. I certify that the facts I have given in my volunteer application are true and correct. I understand that any false, misleading or concealment of information on this application is sufficient cause for disqualification or immediate discharge. • • • • • • I understand that there will be an interview in addition to my application. I understand that a selection process is used in the recruitment phase and not all applicants are accepted into a program. I understand that the ZooTeen, Farm and Seasonal Interpretive Programs run 12-14 weeks each summer. My summer schedule will allow me to miss no more than two weeks of volunteering from Memorial Day-Labor Day. I understand that the Adult Interpretive, Event, Gift Shop and Office are year-round programs. I understand that the Carousel Program runs from April through October weather dependent. I understand that I will need to agree to a Child Protection Background Check with Fingerprinting before I may begin volunteering. (This background check is completed on teenagers as well) __________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________ Print Name Signature Date If applicant is under 18 years of age, parent must sign below as well as the applicant above __________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________ Print Name Signature Date Minnesota Zoo Return pages three and four of this application along essay answers to Volunteer Office Volunteer Office 952-431-9588 13000 Zoo Boulevard Volunteer Office E-mail volunteer@mnzoo.org Apple Valley, MN 55124 Volunteer Office Fax: 952-431-9236
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