THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD SUNDAY – JANUARY 11, 2015 Dear Friends in Christ, Today the Church celebrates another Epiphany of the Lord: the Baptism of the Lord at the Jordan River by John the Baptist. With the baptism by John, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, that He might be revealed to Israel as its Messiah.” The one who anointed is the Father, the one who was anointed is the Son, and he was anointed with the Spirit who is the anointing.” (C.C.C #438). Do you remember the date when you were baptized? We remember the date when we were born into this world, but how about the date of our spiritual birth, the day that The Almighty God gave us “power to become children of God” (John 1:12). You and I may wonder why Jesus wanted to receive baptism from John the Baptist. The baptism from John that people received was seen as their response to John’s call to repentance and renewal of their lives. Did Jesus need to receive that baptism? Absolutely no, but He did for our sake: He is revealed as “the Beloved Son” of the Father, the Messiah, our Savior. Peace, Fr. Tien He entered into the water of Jordan River to be baptized, so the water of the world would be sanctified which later was used for our baptism in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. By receiving baptism from John, Jesus again teaches us to be humble as He always is. Today, let us remember the day we were baptized as children or adults. That was the day we “officially” were called the Children of God and became the members of the Mystical Body of Christ - the Church. On that day our souls were clean and pure as God planned when He created human beings. When Adam and Eve ignored and rejected God's plan, they “committed a personal sin, but this sin affected the human nature that they would then transmit in a fallen state. It is a sin which will be transmitted by propagation to all mankind, that is, by the transmission of a human nature deprived of original holiness and justice. And that is why original sin is call “sin” only in analogical sense: it is a sin “contracted” and not “committed”-a state and not an act.” (C.C.C #404) With the sacrament of baptism, we were freed from original sin and from our personal sins (if we were baptized as adults). On that day the virtues infused into the soul were faith, hope, and charity. Among the gifts of grace infused at baptism are the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit, which made possible the practice of the Beatitudes. Are you still living as “CHILDREN OF GOD?” And do you see others as “CHILDREN OF GOD” too? P.S. Once again I would like to say thanks to all who contributed to the celebrations of Christmas and New Year through your ministries: named or unnamed. Though this Christmas and New Year brought us with some unexpected things, the Love, Peace and Joy of the Prince of Peace did fill our family at Saint Francis of Assisi and those who visited our Church this Christmas. Thank you all. May God bless and reward you as He sees your hearts. As you have been heard that this November, my brother Fr. James (St. Benedict Church in Greensboro, NC) and myself will have another pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain and France, if you are interesting in joining us, please stop by the office and pick up the brochure and quickly make a deposit to secure the place. I think this will be my last traveling overseas with you. There are also some of my Vietnamese friends from Charlotte who will join us this time. Pray and join us. STEWARDSHIP January 3-4, 2015 BUDGETED WEEKLY NEEDS OFFERTORY TOTAL Envelopes and Cash Online Giving $4,825.00 $2,269.50 $1,909.50 $ 360.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Envelopes and Cash Online Giving $1,815.00 $1,620.00 $ 195.00 ATTENDANCE Unfortunately, the effects of original sin remains after baptism. They are: suffering and death, concupiscence and ignorance. However, baptism gives us the grace to cope with suffering in this life; the promise of deliverance from suffering after death and of bodily immortality after the Resurrection; the grace to resist concupiscence and thereby grow in holiness, and the infused virtue of faith, which enables us to believe ALL that God has revealed through Jesus Christ and through the Church built on the Rock Peter. The Sanctuary Lamp this week is in memory of Howard Shouldice by Maria Montoya. Saturday 4:00 p.m. 132 Sunday 9:00 a.m. 123 11:30 a.m. 405 Thank you to all who faithfully contribute and are so generous to our parish. Our sympathy to Diane Chovanic and family on the death of her son, Danny Chovanic. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in God’s peace. The Women’s Guild will have its monthly meeting at 10 am on January 12th in the Family Life Center. All women of the Parish are invited. Since Jim has retired from the confirmation class there has not been someone to teach it until now. If you are a student already enrolled in the class or if you would like to enroll, the next class date will be this Wednesday at 6:30 pm. New candidates must be present at this meeting along with their parent(s) in order to be enrolled. If you are not here for this meeting with your parent(s) and are not enrolled you will not be enrolled for this term of the confirmation class. -Robert Helma Many parishioners (adults and youth) will be traveling to Washington, D.C. on January 21 for the March for Life. Seats are still available for anyone who would like to attend. Call Julie Tastinger at 421-2473 for information. Financial help is needed for several of our youth. If you can help, please put your contribution in a white envelope marked “Youth” and drop it in the collection. Thank you! Thank you for your on-going support of the Food Pantry. Tuna and cereal are needed at this time. The 2015 calendars (both English and Spanish) are now available at the entrances of the church. Please limit one per family. Thank you! Handmade rosaries are a beautiful gift to give or to have for your own personal use. There are many colors and designs to choose from and are available at our Parish Office. The Combined Mission Collection will be taken next weekend. Your contribution to the good work of these organizations gives you an opportunity to participate in the missionary activity of the Church on both a local and world level. Give prayerful thought to your level of participation and respond with a generous contribution. The envelope can be found in your parish envelope packet. Pray for everyone who seeks healing: Shirley Allegretti, Betty & Paul Annulis, George Barlow, Monica Beattie, Louise Bernards, Randy Bernards, Dean Birchard, Lonnie Bishop, Clyde Blue, Jim Broadwell, Ralph Brown, Jeannie Burrows, Bill Chambless, Mary Ellen Chestnut, Orfeo Cicchetti, Ed Cope, Juanita Cox, Richard Crow, Ashley Cuthbertson, Lillianne Duong Davis, Richard DeBetta, Matthew Demond, Nadine Denis, Dorothy Dodge, Pat Dziurgot, Jim Dzurus, Irma Ebbes, J. D. Gibson, A. J. Golon, Lou Golon, Marti Golon, Eugene Gonzalez, Casper Erb, Debbie Fouts, Dorothy Gordon, Elmer Gover, Thomas Grogan, Michael Gruber, Joye Hadarits, Joyce Ann Hillard, Bill Himschoot, Charles Hoefeyzers, Peggy Holcomb, Kevin Holland, Terry Holland, Carl Huebler, Liz Hutchinson, Richard Kantner, Rachel Kay, Betsy Kendrick, Jack Lammers, Mary Ann Malloy, Christopher Marinari, Debbie Matthews, Fred Matthews, Riley Maynard, Gail McGrath, Lad Mezera, Bill Moffitt, Dee Moffitt, Nancy Montgomery, Thelma Niolet, Kathy Obenshain, Alicia Pack, Jane Putka, Giovanna “Laura” Rizzo, Terra Schear, Taylor Stacy, Richard Stodghill, Junior Stoudemire, Ed Tisdale, Kennedi Vondryk, Ed Taber, Sam Waldroop, Shy Warren, Bertha Watson, Caleb Watson, Teresa Williams, Marlene Woods, Alice Yuzzi, Marilyn Zagorski. Our elderly & shut-in parishioners: Katherine Baumann, Frances DiMarchiso, Margaret Driscoll, Barbara Elliot, Marilyn Elman, Nicole Meher, Walter Seeley. For parishioners and all serving in our armed forces: Aaron Brooks, Patrick Debo, Jeremiah Elam, Joseph Hagge, Gregory Himschoot, Christian Houston, Ben Hunter, Carol Hysell, Thomas Hysell, Raymond Hysell, Amy Hysell, and Stephen Karcher, Kyle McCormick. Pray especially for all those who are stationed in areas of conflict. Mass Schedule and Intentions Saturday, January 10 The intentions of Maggie Besignano 4:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. Sunday, January 11 The intentions of Malia Murphy Parish People’s Mass - En Español Monday, January 12 9:00 A.M. Becky Hamilton by Ronnie & Harriet Braasch 8:00 A.M. Tuesday, January 13 Irene Keswich by Helen Waneski Wednesday, January 14 5:30 P.M. Scott Lobeck by Bill & Doris Lobeck Thursday, January 15 9:00 A.M. Richard Holzlohner by Diane Holzlohner 9:00 A.M Friday, January 16 Josette Roisin by Marie Cook Saturday, January 17 4:00 P.M. Ray Romano Sunday, January 18 9:00 A.M. Irene Deptola by Walter Deptola 11:30 A.M. Parish People’s Mass - En Español Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday from 3:00 to 3:45 P.M. Wednesday at 6:15 P.M. Rosary and The Divine Mercy Chaplet The Rosary is recited everyday one half hour before each Mass except for first Saturday. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited every Friday at 3 P.M. CLASSES – MEETINGS Sunday – Faith Formation – 10:30 to 11:30 am Monday – R.C.I.A. Classes – 7:00 to 8:30 pm 1st & 3rd Tuesday – Craft & Sewing Group – 10:00 am Wednesday – Confirmation Classes – 6:30 pm Wednesday – First Communion Classes – 6:30 pm Thursday – Choir Practice – 4:00 to 5:30 pm Thursday – Adult Faith Formation – 6:30 pm Friday – Men’s Group – 7:00 am
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