January 11, 2015 – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (B) ROMAN CATHOLIC FAMILY OF DAYSLAND, HEISLER, KILLAM & PARISHES Daysland - Our Lady of the Prairies Church Heisler - St. Martin Church Killam - St. Joseph Church Polska Church – St. John the Baptist Church * Prague Church – St. John Nepomucene Church Spring Lake - St. Boniface Historical Church * Strome – St. Peter Historical Church OUR CHURCHES: Daysland - Our Lady of the Prairies Church 5202-59 Street QR Code INTRODUCTION TO THE LITURGY OF THE SUNDAY The fullness of God’s Spirit was upon Jesus. The Spirit of God moved and worked in the lives of prophets and saints. But the fullness of God’s Spirit rested upon his son, Jesus. The power and presence of the Holy Spirit was evident in the life of Jesus. When we open our lives to Jesus, we receive the same Spirit that strengthened and sustained Jesus during his life and ministry. Isaiah prophesies that God will send his servant, the one on whom God’s Spirit will rest. In our reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Peter confirms that God’s Spirit was upon Jesus at his baptism. A voice from heaven declared that Jesus was God’s beloved son, in whom he was well pleased. FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAM IN HEISLER - CELEBRATION OF ILLUMINATION We welcome Makayla preparing to receive her First Holy Communion and her family to the Celebration of Illumination Heisler - St. Martin Church 313 Manning Avenue Killam - St. Joseph Church 5214 - 50 Avenue Spring Lake Prague In the life of Christ, His baptism in the Jordan is an event of the highest importance, because it represents a significant phase in the work of redemption. We know that the liturgy of the ecclesiastical year commemorates all the phases of Christ’s redemptive work; and recently, during the season of the Nativity, we have reflected on His coming into the world, poor and solitary in a grotto at Bethlehem, and on His circumcision. Now His baptism in the Jordan marks the divinely inaugurated beginning of Our Lord’s public life. Indeed, Saint Peter states that at His baptism, in fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel, He was anointed by the Holy Spirit as the Christ, the Messiah, which means the Anointed One: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, and He went about doing good and healing all who were in the power of the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) An anointing has always been the symbolic, visible representation of an intimately established union, a specific, defined alliance or covenant between God and one of His servants. God the Father speaks at this moment, to make clear who this Person is. The foretold Saviour is His Divine Son, begotten from all eternity: “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” A feast day marking the Baptism of Jesus has been celebrated in the Church since the second century A.D. It is not only a celebration of the presence of the Holy Spirit, but also has come to be seen as the true beginning of Jesus' ministry on earth. But to make this day more than just the celebration of a moment in history, we need to remind ourselves of the connection which each of us has – through our Baptism – to Jesus himself, and to the whole Body of Christ. Baptism played a great and often dramatic role in the lives of converts to Christianity in its early centuries. The faith was new. The preaching of the evangelists made clear that those who came in were leaving an old life behind. And Baptism often marked a great cultural change - even a separation from family - for those who entered in. But after centuries of Christian history and Christian influence on everyday culture, the full meaning of the sacrament of Baptism can often be lost in the shuffle of busy lives. For those more or less of the faith, it can be little more than a nice custom: something taken for granted and limited to a specific date. For many of us, our Baptism is little more than a date in our personal history. Yet if we listen carefully to the Gospel and other New Testament messages, it becomes clear that Baptism is dynamic, not static. The message of the Gospel, and certainly of the Baptism of Jesus, is that Baptism is the beginning of the story. CONFIRMATION PROGRAM DATE FOR LESSON 3 IS CHANGED from January 04, 2015 at 7.00 PM to January 11, 2015 at 7.00 PM Polska Strome DATE CHANGE TODAY: THE END OF CHRISTMAS SEASON - THE BEGINNIG OF ORDINARY TIME PARISH BULLETIN * January 11, 2015 – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Year B) Page 1 CHURCH CLEANING SECURITY INSPECTIONS DAYSLAND DAYSLAND Jan 05 - Jan 11 Jan 12 - Jan 18 Jan 19 - Jan 25 Carol Burkard, Colette Zwack, Marg Szott Theresa & Jerry Steil, Deb Rowland Joan Florean, Martha Waldorf, Shannon Bendfeld, Colleen Froehler January February Denise Bendfeld, Sharon Bendfeld, Barb Kroetsch, Judi Beebe Sandra Sommer, Pat Smith, Louise Giedemann, Rhoda Kruchten Jan 04, 11, 18, 25 Feb 01, 08, 15, 22 Chris Kuilboer, Eileen Birkjar, Jane Birkjar, Linda Wesley ????? Jan 05 - Jan 11 Jan 12 - Jan 18 Jan 19 - Jan 25 Rodney and Nancy Kosinski June Guhle Dennis Loesch HEISLER KILLAM DAYSLAND Jan 05 - Jan 11 Jan 12 - Jan 18 Jan 19 - Jan 25 ICE AND SNOW REMOVAL Barry Burkard, Gene Chromik, Luigi Florean John Davis, Kevin Davis, Roger Wolbeck Barry Kasha, Butch Brausen, Jim Weller Jan 05 - Jan 11 Jan 12 - Jan 18 Jan 19 - Jan 25 NEXT SATURDAY – January 17, 2015 KILLAM Denis Boutin, Terry Brodie Dan Fee, Gary Klein Joe Knievel. Gary Zettel DAYSLAND Coffee and fellowship after Mass at 07.00 PM EVERYONE IS WELCOME! NEXT SUNDAY – January 18, 2015 KILLAM Coffee and fellowship after Mass at 11.00 AM EVERYONE IS WELCOME! CWL MEETINGS MONDAY - JANUARY 12, 2015 HEISLER St. Martin Catholic Women's League Meeting on Monday - Jan. 12, 2015 at 7.00 PM DAYSLAND TUESDAY - JANUARY 13, 2015 Our Lady of the Trinity CWL Meeting on Tuesday - Jan. 13, 2015 at 07.30 PM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEETING - DAYSLAND Our Lady of the Prairies Church Tuesday – January 13, 2015 at 8.00 PM (Mass at 7.00 PM) PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING HEISLER Wednesday - January 14, 2015 at 7.00 PM St. Martin Church THANK YOU VERY MUCH… Thank you to all the people who helped in any way in preparation and celebration of Christ’s birth in all our churches (Daysland, Heisler and Killam): people who removed snow, people who cleaned and decorated our churches, sacristans, organists and all people involved in choirs and music ministries, liturgy schedulers, readers, gifts bearers, Eucharistic ministers, adult servers and candle holders. May God bless you! THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CELEBRATED CHRISTMAS IN OUR CHURCHES! VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU… from Fr. Kler I want to take this opportunity and thank everyone for your prayers, Christmas cards, gifts, donations of cash and food. May God bless you for your generosity and your support! I really appreciate your goodness and kindness to me at Christmas Season and throughout the year. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS! CATHOLIC CALENDARS 2015 PLEASE, TAKE ONE OR TWO! Very special Thank You to FEE AND SONS Funeral Service for donation of Catholic Calendars 2015 for all our parishes! We still have some at the back of the church! PARISH BULLETIN * January 11, 2015 – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Year B) Page 2 THANK YOU! SHOEBOXES TO MEXICO Our shoebox campaign came to a close with 440 shoeboxes collected and delivered to Glen Fraser’s home near Devon where they will be loaded and driven to the Santa Clara and San Jose Missions, the small fishing village of La Manga, an orphanage run by the Sisters of Fatima and, if safe, an Indian Village in the mountains in Mexico. The Mexican border crossing is becoming more difficult every year, so please pray that they can enter Mexico without incident. A project like this can only happen with the help of many. A heartfelt thanks to the volunteers in each of our parishes who readied each shoebox for delivery, helped load the boxes and lent a trailer needed to deliver them. Thanks also to all who opened their hearts this year and filled the boxes with much needed items for the less fortunate bringing Christmas joy to many children - St. Joseph, Killam, St. Martin, Heisler and Our Lady of the Prairies, Daysland parishes; the families of St. Pat’s and Our Lady of Mount Pleasant Schools; the division office of Battle River Schools; and residents of Fieldstone Place in Camrose. Thank you again and BLESSINGS from Jerry and Theresa Steil. Join us for the 6th annual Nordlys Film & Arts Festival, February 13-15, 2015. Early bird Weekend Passes are on sale now for $65 ($75 after January 1 st) and includes a Saturday night concert with Mandolin Orange. Tickets are available online at www.nordlysfestival.com and in person in Camrose at The Bailey, Candler Art Gallery and the Augustana Alumni Office. If you’re interested in volunteering, please email info@nordlysfestival.com. Jean Quilt Making - In Heisler Church The annual jean quilt making will again take place in 2015 in the Heisler Church Basement: Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2015 and Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 Starting at 09.30 AM Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015 and Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 Starting at 09.30 AM Tuesday, Mar. 24, 2015 and Thursday, Mar. 26, 2015 Starting at 09.30 AM Questions? Please phone Martha at 780-374-2328 or Deb at 780-889-2143. 13TH ANNUAL SWEETHEART SUPPER Friday - February 13, 2015 Daysland - Our Lady of the Prairies Catholic Church Doors Open at 5:30 PM Supper at 6:30 PM Special Guests: Ed and Gwen Meding Meal catered by "Theresa's Catering", Donalda, AB * Ticket sales deadline is February 06, 2015 Call Denise Zimmel at 780-376-2107 for tickets * Tickets - $25/each MEETING OF JOINT PARISH PASTORAL COUNCILS - DAYSLAND, HEISLER & KILLAM Presentation of Financial Statement for all parishes for year 2014 Discussing issues concerning all the parishes Presence of all members of Parish Pastoral Councils is requested Daysland – Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 7.30 PM * (Mass at 7.00 PM) DAY OF CONFESSIONS TUESDAY – FEBRUARY 24, 2015 Archbishop Smith is inviting Catholics across the Archdiocese to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a special Day of Confessions on Tuesday, February 24, 2015. On that day, all priests in all parishes across the Archdiocese will be available all day to hear confessions. The first Archdiocese-wide Day of Confessions was held in 2013 as part of our Jubilee 100 celebrations, and was a day of great grace for both priests and thousands of penitents. The Day of Confessions will not replace the regular Lenten Penitential Service in the parish, but will provide a special opportunity for all, whether they receive the sacrament regularly or not, whether they go to their home parish or drop in to a church near their office or school. In our parishes the schedule for this "all-day confessions" event is as follows: St. Joseph Church in Killam (5214-50 Ave.) St. Martin Church in Heisler (313 Manning Ave.) Our Lady of the Prairies Church in Daysland (5202-59 St.) Confessions: 09.30 AM - 11.30 AM Confessions: 12.30 PM - 02.30 PM Confessions: 03.00 PM - 07.00 PM Next Baptism Preparation Session (Mass at 09.00 AM) (Mass at 12.00 PM) (Mass at 07.00 PM) Thursday - March 12, 2015 at 7.00 PM Killam - Basement of the Office Building (5001-53 Street) Please, register before Mar. 05, 2015. Call office at 780-385-3503 or toll free 1-877-355-3503, if you plan to attend. PARISH BULLETIN * January 11, 2015 – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Year B) Page 3 PASTOR – FR. LEON KLER Secretary – Liza McKenzie Casual – Denise Zimmel Administration Centre Street address: Killam, AB * 5001 - 53 Street Street Postal address: Box 570 * Killam, AB * T0B 2L0 Office hours Monday to Friday.......... 12.00 PM – 5.00 PM Contact us Telephone........................ TOLL FREE.............. ...... Fax................................... Email to office.................. Email to Fr. Leon............. 780-385-3503 877-355-3503 780-385-3516 office@rcfamily.ca pastor@rcfamily.ca SUNDAY MASSES 1 2 3 4 5 Sat. - 07.00 PM K H D H D Sun. - 09.00 AM D K H K H Sun. - 11.00 AM H D K D K SUNDAYS OF THE MONTH WEEKDAY MASSES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday No Mass 07.00 PM at Daysland Church 09.00 AM at Killam Church 04.15 PM at Killam Hospital 12.00 PM at Heisler Church MONTHLY MASSES FIRST THURSDAY of the month at 02.00 PM at Providence Place in Daysland SACRAMENTS BAPTISM OF CHILDREN To have your child baptized in our parish: you have to be member of our parish you have to take a preparation course for more info call office or check our website Next Baptism Preparation Session - Thursday, Jan. 08, 2015 at 7.00 PM at Killam Office Building CONFESSIONS Two Reconciliation Services - in Advent and Lent. Anytime by making appointment with the priest. MARRIAGE bride or groom has to be member of parish preparation course is mandatory for more info call office or check our website KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Contact person - Lloyd Van Slyke (780-374-2348) PARISH BULLETINS All bulletins from June 07, 2009 until most recent are on website: www.rcfamily.ca/bulletin.htm Parish website: www.rcfamily.ca Saturday 07.00 PM Intention: Sunday 09.00 AM Intention: 11.00 AM Intention: January 10, 2015 – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Heisler – St. Martin Church For the repose of the soul of Joe Zimmer January 11, 2015 – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Killam – St. Joseph Church For the repose of the soul of Laverne Borgel Daysland – Our Lady of the Prairies Church For all members of our parish communities Monday Tuesday 07.00 PM Intention: Wednesday 09.00 AM Intention: Thursday January 12, 2015 – St. Marguerite Bourgeoys; virgin No Mass January 13, 2015 – Weekday in Ordinary Time Daysland – Our Lady of the Prairies Church For CWL Members January 14, 2015 - Weekday in Ordinary Time Killam – St. Joseph Church For safe travel during the holiday season January 15, 2015 – Weekday in Ordinary Time 02.00 PM Daysland – Providence Place Intention: 04.15 PM Intention: Friday 12.00 PM Intention: For the repose of the soul of Edna Heck Killam – Hospital Chapel For the sick and hospitalized in the parish January 16, 2015 – Weekday in Ordinary Time Heisler – St. Martin Church For the special intentions of Gary and Marcy Matthiessen Saturday 07.00 PM Intention: Sunday 09.00 AM Intention: 11.00 AM Intention: January 17, 2015 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Daysland – Our Lady of the Prairies Church For personal intentions January 18, 2015 – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Heisler – St. Martin Church For the repose of the soul of Marvin Kuntz Killam – St. Joseph Church For all members of our parish communities THANK YOU FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT NEW YEAR’S DAY COLLECTION Jan. 01, 2015 Daysland - $ 618.00 * Heisler - $ 1,215.00 * Killam - $ 722.00 REGULAR SUNDAY COLLECTION Jan. 04, 2015 Daysland - $ 958.00 * Heisler - $ 1,175.00 * Killam - $ 956.00 CHRISTMAS COLLECTION Jan. 04, 2015 Killam - $ 20.00 TOGETHER WE SERVE COLLECTION Jan. 04, 2015 Daysland - $ 40.00 CELEBRATIONS OF SACRAMENTS - BAPTISM We warmly welcome into our Catholic Community: Lyla Iva Yuha Daughter of Cory & Kerri Yuha of Our Lady of the Prairies Parish in Daysland. Her baptism will be celebrated in Our Lady of the Prairies Church in Daysland on Sunday, January 11, 2015 during 11.00 AM Mass. PARISH BULLETIN * January 11, 2015 – Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Year B) Page 4
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