Sunday Bulletin - St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael’s Parish Family
St. Michael the Archangel Church
Served by:
On the corner of Ridge Rd. and Page Ave.
Rectory and Parish Office:
624 Page Ave, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Sunday Masses:
Anticipated Saturday evening at 5:00 PM
Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM (in Polish),
and 11:30 AM
Weekday Masses:
7:00 AM, 8:00AM and Noon
Holy Days: Please, see second page for
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession:
Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 PM
Weekdays: Before Mass
Miraculous Medal Novena
Mondays at 7:00 PM
Sacrament of Baptism
Call the rectory for scheduling and preparation.
Sacrament of Matrimony
Engaged couples should make arrangements
at least one year prior to their wedding. Call
the rectory to speak to one of the priests for
scheduling and preparation.
Sacrament of the Sick
Urgent calls at any time. Holy Communion
and visitation by arrangement.
With Song
St. Michael’s English Choir and St. Cecilia’s
Polish Choir welcome new members. Please,
call the rectory.
Teaching the Good News
Angel Academy: Offering Pre-K 3 & Pre-K 4
CCD on Sunday Mornings: Religious
education and Sacramental preparation for
Public School Students in grades 1-8. Class
begins with Mass at 9:00 AM in Church and
ends in the classroom at 11:00 AM. Two
years of preparation are required for the
Sacraments of First Penance and First Holy
Communion, and 8 years for the Sacrament
of Confirmation.
Rev. Stanley S. Kostrzomb, Pastor
Rev. Ireneusz Pierzchala, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Quill, In Residence
Rev. George Sharp, Assistant in Residence
Deacon Reynaldo Trinidad
Gene DeHaven and Michelle Latko, Trustees
Michael Mages Business Manager
Mary Ann Lesny, Parish Secretary
Genevieve Mazur, Director of Liturgical Music
Nick Uliano, Co-ordinator of Ushers
Roberta Pocius, Director of Angel Academy
Gene DeHaven, Director of Religious Ed
Telephone Numbers
Parish Office: (201) 939-1161
Fax: (201) 939-7571
Angel Academy: (201) 939-0350
Parish Web Site:
Parish e-mail:
Rosary Society (English): Meetings take place on
the 2nd Monday of each month (except July
and August) in the Rectory Meeting Room.
New members are welcomed.
Holy Name Society: Meetings take place on the
2nd Thursday of each month (except July and
August) in the Rectory Meeting Room. New
members are welcomed.
Śpowiedź: W dni powszednie: przed każdą Mszą
Świętą W sobotę: 16tej do 17tej.
Chrzty: W każdą niedzielę o 13tej godzinie.
Prosimy o zgłoszenie się po informacje do
któregoś z księży parafialnych.
Sakrament Malżeństwa: Nalży zgłosić się do
jednego z księży parafialnych minimum jeden
rok przed planowanym terminem ślubu.
Nauka Religii: Dla dzieci wszystkich klas szkół
publicznych odbywają się w ciągu roku
szkolnego w niedzielę od 9tej (Msza Świętą)
do 11:15. Przed otrzymaniem Sakramentów:
Pierwszej spowiedzi i Komunii Św. uczniowie
powinni uczestniczć w dwuletnim programie
przygotowawczym. Przygotowanie do
Bierzmowania trwa 8 lat.
Sakrament Chorych: W sprawie odwiedzin
chorych w domu lub w szpitalu proszę
dzwonić do Kancelarii Parafialnej.
Kancelaria Parafialna Czynna: Od poniedziałku
do piątku od 9tej do 19tej. W soboty od 9tej do
13tej. W niedziele Kancelaria nieczynna.
Polska Szkoła: Nauka odbywa się w każdy piątek
od godziny 17tej do 20tej.
Towarzystwo Różańca: Polskie towarzystwo
Różańca Świetego spotyka się w każdą
ostatnią niedzielę po Mszy. Świętej 10:15.
JANUARY 11, 2015
† Joan Ann Monaco—Family
(Baptism of The Lord)
† James Tomney—Deborah Roberts & Family
and Dolores Hill
† John Kaletka—Anthony & Joyce Machcinski
& Sons
† Sophie Holicki—Wrocenski Family
† Carmela Cefalo—Susan & Vincent Fiorito &
Cefalo Family
Sarah Navas (Birthday) - Grandparents
† John J. Gaffey—Gaffey Family
† Anthony Peter Retano—Son, Stephen
Blessings for Lucja Kurcon—Husband, Piotr
† Raymond Ciampaglia
† Louise Mancino—Winnie Evans
† James O’Keefe—Norma Hernandez
† Deceased members of the Albani & Giordano
(St. Anthony)
† Georgianna Wisniewski—Husband &
† Barbara Zignorski—Adam Wisniewski &
† Melanie Karlak—Zofia Lubas
† Joseph Beshar—Nick Uliano
† Irene Munczenski (4th Anniv) - Son, Michael
† Ann Uliano—Husband, Nick
† Offered for all parishioners
† Marian Postek—Anna Czapnik
† Marianna Serowik—Theresa Coll & Family
† Helen & Rita Kenny—Helen & Jimmie
† Antoni & Stefan Skiendziul—Vera
† Rita Ricotta—Huryk Family
For the week of January 11th, the Altar Bread used at the Altar was given in loving memory of
John Zabriskie from Maria, Charles, Luke and Leah Lesny.
The Baptism of Our Lord....
Today is the Feast of the Baptism of the
Lord, the last day of the liturgical Christmas
season. The commemoration of Our Lord's
baptism in the River Jordan recalls the institution of this Sacrament. For Him it was the
marking point of the beginning of his divine
mission. For us, however, it is the Sacrament by which original sin is taken away. In
the case of an adult who is baptized, all sins
are removed. This Sacrament not only
cleanses the soul, but it makes us adopted
children of God. We become true sons and
daughters of Him by virtue of our being incorporated into the Church which is the
Body of his Son. It follows that because of
this, we become heirs to his Kingdom. Out
Father passes on to us what is his. We
have the best inheritance of all.
No one can take this inheritance from us,
and God certainly will not go back on his
word. Only we, ourselves can give up our
right to Heaven. When a person commits a
deliberate serious sin, that person in effect
destroys his inheritance. Fortunately, it can
once again be restored through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, that is, Confession.
Having been given the wonderful gift of faith
and Baptism, as well as the other Sacraments, we should naturally desire to share
this with others. Others should see Christ in
us. We can bring others to the faith. But in
order to share this faith, we must know
it. That is why we should keep up with our
knowledge of our religion.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
(1994) is the official catechism of the
Church. It is a good reference work to have
in every household. There is always Eternal
Word Television Network on television, on
the web and on radio through the Internet.
There is a relatively new addition to radio
in our area; it's called Relevant Radio on
1430 AM. It is quite informative concerning matters of our faith. Also, check out
our parish web site -- -- for more links.
By gaining more authentic knowledge of
the Catholic faith, we have greater satisfaction. Moreover, we are better equipped
to help our friends and neighbors understand the truths God has given us and so
to love Him more and more. The more that
people know about God's Revelation, the
more can they love Him and be happy in
this life.
Fr. Stanley
We have now added a Mass to our regular
weekend schedule every Sunday at 7:00pm in
Trip to :
Warsaw & Cracow , Budapest, Vienna, Prague,
April 13—25, 2015
$3,395 + tax
Day 1 through 4—Warsaw
Day 5 through 8—Cracow
Day 9 and 10—Budapest/Vienna
Day 11—Vienna/Prague
Day 12 & 13—Prague
Price includes: Round trip airfare: from Newark ,
accommodation in 3-4 star hotels, 2 meals a day,
luxury coach, professional English-speaking
guide, transfers, entrance fees, sightseeing, hotel
taxes & portage.
Not include: Airport taxes, taxes are approximately $650 per person, subject to change, tips on
the drive and guide is approximately $8.00 per
For more information call :
Deacon Rey & Edna at 201-998-7083
Mary’s Pilgrims—1-800-VIR-MARY (8476279)/
The collections taken up last
weekend was:
1st Collection—$3,581.00
2nd Collection- $1,488.00
Christmas Collection thus far totals:
Please , pray for those who are sick, especially:
Claire Jasinski
Sakura Ibarrola
Karen Kirschenman Sophie Wiercinski
John Caracciola
Karen Rubin
Louis Bottone
Richard Fontana
Charles Fersch
Bill McGill
Valerie Pogoda
Judith Battone
Joan Morreale
Edward J. Flanagan, Sr.
Jasmine Dursun
Pat Killeen
Sharon Strickland
Denise Ayers
Carmine Morreale
Lorraine Slaby
Eleanor Hale
Josephine Toczylowski
Frank Ruff, Jr.
Paul T. Komisar, Jr.
Alma Compel
Cynthia Hower
Josephine Bednarz
John Poturaj
Alice Przybylski
Angelina Edelman
Donna Zwolinski
Victor Luiz Arena
Jean Wilczynski
Rosina Calamusa
Joseph Reilly
Vito Petrone
Jenna Cruz
Judy Gagel
Susan Goodwin
Joseph Pietrucha
Barbara Mazzerell
Robert Reilly
Louis R. Caracciola Caridad Diaz
Baby Ryan Joseph Lomuscio
Ralph Rossano
Charine Sherry
Stanley C. Dembowski
Marie Thomas
Lorraine Tartell
Please note that it is necessary to call the
rectory every two weeks if you want a name in
the bulletin for Prayer for the Sick. We cannot
accept requests that a name be on the list for
more than two weekly bulletins at a time. If you
want a name on this list, you must call the rectory or drop off a note with the name before the
bulletin goes to print. Bulletin goes to print on
We pray for those who have died this past week, especially:
Theodore Drager
Helen T. Stanton
We would like to dedicate this section of our
bulletin for any immediate family members of
parishioners who are currently active in the
Military. If you would like a family member
included on our “Service Prayer List”, please
call the Rectory.
Franklin Chapman
Laura and Brian Falk
Christopher Ruff
Anthony Avella
David Pickard
David Dillon
Michael DiGesu
Joseph Campolattaro
Ryan Lee
Thomas D. D’Alessio
Robert Tagliabue
Anthony Tagliabue
Chad Brown
Alexandra Karwoski
Parish Pilgrimage to 3 Shrines (all in or near
Presidents' Day - Feb 16, 2015
Leave 9:00 AM to, National Shrine of St.
Rita; Mass will be celebrated there
Lunch at Geno's (Philly Steak
sandwiches) - not included in
fee because there is too much
then to National Shrine of St.
John Neumann
then to National Shrine of St. Katherine
Leave for home at 6:30 PM
$40.00 per person includes bus, tip and $200
donation to each shrine -- there will be presentations (talks by a local representative) at each destination.
Food Pantry News
Monday thru Saturday—6:30am—rosary is recited
.Monday, January 12
Miraculous Medal Novena takes place every Monday evening at 7:00pm.
Tuesday, January 13
Food Pantry meets at 6:30pm in the Rectory.
Wednesday, January 14
St. Michael’s Leisure Club meets at 11:00am in the
Senior Center.
Thursday, January 15
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place
after the 7:00am Mass until 8:00pm.
St. Michael’s Youth Group takes place this week for
Grades 9-12 in the school at 7:00– 8:30pm
Bring a friend—All are welcome!!
Friday, January 16
AA meeting at 7:30pm in the Lower Church Hall.
Sunday, January 18
CCD classes begin with the 9:00am Mass immediately followed by class until 11:00am.
Mass in Polish at 7:00pm every Sunday evening.
Sacred Heart Home-School Association presents
their Annual Tricky Tray on Friday, January 16,
2015 at Sacred Heart School, 620 Valley Brook
Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ. Tickets are $10 per person—no one under 18 will be admitted. Doors
open at 6pm. Ticket includes one sheet for 1st level
prizes, coffee/tea and dessert. If you are interested,
please call the school office at 201-939-4277 or
Patty at 201-803-9580. Ticket deadline is January
6th. No tickets available at the door.
Contact: Patty Pavlica at 201-939-4277 if you have
If you would like a statement of contribution
for 2014, please drop a note in the collection
basket or call the rectory during business
hours. Statements will only be sent upon request from the parishioner.
Many, many thanks for your great generosity over
the past two months.
Our Thanksgiving food drive was a resounding
success --- we distributed 70 baskets to those in
This year’s Giving Tree was also successful due to
the enthusiastic response of everyone. We donated
approximately 410 gifts to residents at St. Joseph’s
Home in Totowa, residents of Bergen Regional
Hospital long-term care facility, Veterans housed
in several group homes and the children and adults
helped by the Center for Hope & Safety (formerly
Shelter Our Sisters.) We are pleased to thank the
students and teachers of the North Arlington Middle School who contributed 75 gifts to the Veterans
and the Center for Hope & Safety. The contributions from the North Arlington Middle School
were made possible by Andrea Shafrin, a student
in the Middle School and in our Religious Education Program.
We thank all who contributed to these efforts with
food, turkeys, money and gifts. We also note with
gratitude a $200 donation from the BarringerLoPinto-Walker American Legion Post 139 charitable golf tournament, The Polish American Club
of Lyndhurst for several food donations and the
Lyndhurst Emblem Club for their $100 donation.
God bless the volunteers who provide hours of
work to the Pantry. This includes Thanksgiving
baskets, the Giving Tree and weekly packaging &
distribution of food.
Recycle your Christmas cards
In January please feel free to donate Christmas
cards you received last year to the Food Pantry.
We will reuse the cards as the gift tags on our 2014
Giving Tree. You may place the cards in the Food
Pantry bin in the Church vestibule or drop them at
the Rectory.
CanCan Sale at Shop Rite
Once again it is CanCan Sale at Shop Rite. Please
help stock the Pantry shelves for the winter with
the basics: canned vegetables and fruit, tuna, pasta
& sauce, cereal, rice, beans, potatoes, coffee & tea,
soups. All donations are appreciated.
CHURCH NAME: St. Michael the Archangel
Date of Publication: January 11, 2014
Number of Pages Transmitted:
Special Instructions
Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6
St. Michael’s Youth Group
Thursday, December 18th —Grades 9-12
Meet at the School from 7pm—8:30pm
All are welcome!!
Bring a friend!!!