Sunday Bulletin - St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael’s Parish Family
St. Michael the Archangel Church
Served by:
On the corner of Ridge Rd. and Page Ave.
Rectory and Parish Office:
624 Page Ave, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Sunday Masses:
Anticipated Saturday evening at 5:00 PM
Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM (in Polish),
and 11:30 AM
Weekday Masses:
7:00 AM, 8:00AM and Noon
Holy Days: Please, see second page for
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession:
Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 PM
Weekdays: Before Mass
Miraculous Medal Novena
Mondays at 7:00 PM
Sacrament of Baptism
Call the rectory for scheduling and preparation.
Sacrament of Matrimony
Engaged couples should make arrangements
at least one year prior to their wedding. Call
the rectory to speak to one of the priests for
scheduling and preparation.
Sacrament of the Sick
Urgent calls at any time. Holy Communion
and visitation by arrangement.
With Song
St. Michael’s English Choir and St. Cecilia’s
Polish Choir welcome new members. Please,
call the rectory.
Teaching the Good News
Angel Academy: Offering Pre-K 3 & Pre-K 4
CCD on Sunday Mornings: Religious
education and Sacramental preparation for
Public School Students in grades 1-8. Class
begins with Mass at 9:00 AM in Church and
ends in the classroom at 11:00 AM. Two
years of preparation are required for the
Sacraments of First Penance and First Holy
Communion, and 8 years for the Sacrament
of Confirmation.
Rev. Stanley S. Kostrzomb, Pastor
Rev. Ireneusz Pierzchala, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John Quill, In Residence
Rev. George Sharp, Assistant in Residence
Deacon Reynaldo Trinidad
Gene DeHaven and Michelle Latko, Trustees
Michael Mages Business Manager
Mary Ann Lesny, Parish Secretary
Genevieve Mazur, Director of Liturgical Music
Nick Uliano, Co-ordinator of Ushers
Roberta Pocius, Director of Angel Academy
Gene DeHaven, Director of Religious Ed
Telephone Numbers
Parish Office: (201) 939-1161
Fax: (201) 939-7571
Angel Academy: (201) 939-0350
Parish Web Site:
Parish e-mail:
Rosary Society (English): Meetings take place on
the 2nd Monday of each month (except July
and August) in the Rectory Meeting Room.
New members are welcomed.
Holy Name Society: Meetings take place on the
2nd Thursday of each month (except July and
August) in the Rectory Meeting Room. New
members are welcomed.
Śpowiedź: W dni powszednie: przed każdą Mszą
Świętą W sobotę: 16tej do 17tej.
Chrzty: W każdą niedzielę o 13tej godzinie.
Prosimy o zgłoszenie się po informacje do
któregoś z księży parafialnych.
Sakrament Malżeństwa: Nalży zgłosić się do
jednego z księży parafialnych minimum jeden
rok przed planowanym terminem ślubu.
Nauka Religii: Dla dzieci wszystkich klas szkół
publicznych odbywają się w ciągu roku
szkolnego w niedzielę od 9tej (Msza Świętą)
do 11:15. Przed otrzymaniem Sakramentów:
Pierwszej spowiedzi i Komunii Św. uczniowie
powinni uczestniczć w dwuletnim programie
przygotowawczym. Przygotowanie do
Bierzmowania trwa 8 lat.
Sakrament Chorych: W sprawie odwiedzin
chorych w domu lub w szpitalu proszę
dzwonić do Kancelarii Parafialnej.
Kancelaria Parafialna Czynna: Od poniedziałku
do piątku od 9tej do 19tej. W soboty od 9tej do
13tej. W niedziele Kancelaria nieczynna.
Polska Szkoła: Nauka odbywa się w każdy piątek
od godziny 17tej do 20tej.
Towarzystwo Różańca: Polskie towarzystwo
Różańca Świetego spotyka się w każdą
ostatnią niedzielę po Mszy. Świętej 10:15.
NOVEMBER 30, 2014
† Helen Brandly—Helen O’Donnell
† Theresa Tomney—James Tomney
† Dennis Taras—Family
† Wladyslaw Kwapniewski—Marybeth &
Richard Kwapniewski
† Sam Giordano—Daughter, Gerri
† Michael O’Donnell—Helen O’Donnell
† Ann Uliano—Husband, Nick
† Johanna & Philip Graf—Sister-in-law, Jean
† John Olbricht—John & Tracy Coyle
† James Tomney—Kathy Kartanowicz &
† Casimir Golembiewski—St. Michael’s Holy
Name Society
(St. Francis Xavier)
† Matthew Super
† Mario Costa—Tony Cass Carbone
† Jacek Gorzelany (1st anniv) - Brother, Roman
and Augustyn Family
(St. John Damascene)
† Offered for all parishioners
† Helen & Rita Kenny—Helen & Jimmie Kenny
† Millie & Joseph Mascolo—Family
† James Foley—Nick Uliano
† Maria & Karol Koziol—Maria Brynczka
† Mary Eschner—Diane McCullom
O Zdrowie i Bk. Boze Jan i Krystyna Kornak
Z Rodzina—Janina Burzynska
† Helen Sluka & Jane Ubinski Sokomoto Sister, Stella Machcinski and Aunt
† Ann Uliano—Husband, Nick
† Anthony Machcinski, Sr.—Gen & Al Mazur
† Boleslaw & Rozalia Wrocenski & Family Family
† Michael & Anna Hronowski—Helen
Hronowski and Family
For the week of November 30th , Sacramental Wine used at the Altar was given in loving memory of Sam
Giordano from Daughter, Gerri.
For the week of November 30th, the Altar Bread used at the Altar was given in loving
memory of Salvatore Tita from Daughter, Eileen.
For the week of November 30th , the Altar Candles were given in loving memory of
Salvatore Tita from Daughter, Eileen.
For the week of November 30th ,the Tabernacle Candles were given in loving memory of Theresa
Tomney from Kathy Tomney.
For the week of November 30th , the Pope John Paull II Votive will burn in loving memory of
Barbara Zignorski from Ed & Bernie Pieluc.
Advent, a new Church Year....
In today's Gospel, Our Lord tells us to wake
from sleep and to watch. We have too take
time to consider what meaning our life has
here and now. As we were reminded last
week on the feast of Christ the King, Jesus
gives true meaning to each of our lives. The
Incarnation, God made man, effected a radical change to the universe. Jesus taught us
what it means to be human -- to be in the image and likeness of God. If we do not see this
clearly, it is time to remove whatever interferes with our vision.
The Church gives us this Season of Advent to
make a thorough and honest examination of
conscience and to purify our souls through
Confession so that each of us can welcome
and receive our Savior. This is the time to see
those things, attitudes and dispositions that
separate us from Him. We have to look deep
down inside ourselves to confront the root
causes of being lukewarm or cool in our relationship with Him. Through Confession,
prayer and penance, we are released from the
hold of these bad influences and traps.
Just as we look for the causes of bodily sickness or a general malaise, we examine our
hearts and souls to learn why we are not as
close to Jesus as we should be. Carefully going over the Ten Commandments is necessary. Also, it is beneficial to consider the influence of the seven capital sins: pride, covetousness, envy, sloth, lust, avarice and gluttony. How many of these are within our actions, our thoughts, our words and the way we
look at persons and things.
It is not easy to do this because we are
leaving ourselves open to a realistic
evaluation of ourselves. We have to let go
of that often false, perfect self image.
Most of us would like to see ourselves as
selfless, noble and good. We, however,
have to see the selfish and bad things lurking inside. This is the only way to spiritual
healing. Then, we bring these to Confession, and we are cleansed by Christ. His
strength and love take the place of the corruption of sin.
When Christmas arrives, the new born
King should find us with everything in order and with each of our souls ready to
receive Him.
Fr. Stanley
“Watch!” This word occurs three times in today’s Gospel passage. Moreover, it is placed at
significant points: the beginning, the center, and
the end. Though this is technically a parable, it is
quite short (four verses). The threefold repetition
of “watch” leaves no doubt as to what the story is
We often think of Advent as a time of waiting,
but it truly is a season of watchfulness, a very active form of waiting for the coming Day of the
Lord. It is that day, more than Christmas day, that
the Christian community faithfully expects, using
all of our gifts and talents for this purpose, as Paul
reminds us in the Letter to the Corinthians. When
we use these gifts in faithful watching and expectation, we become like the servants of the parable,
set to their tasks, not waiting around idly, but engaged in the master’s work until his return. May
our Advent be a time when we return or rededicate
our lives and our communities to this work—the
active and diligent faithfulness that the Lord will
expect to find.
The collections taken up
last weekend will be put in
next week’s bulletin..
Please , pray for those who are sick, especially:
Claire Jasinski
Sakura Ibarrola
Karen Kirschenman Sophie Wiercinski
John Caracciola
Karen Rubin
Louis Bottone Sr.
Richard Fontana
Charles Fersch
Bill McGill
Valerie Pogoda
Ed Pogoda
Joan Morreale
Edward J. Flanagan, Sr.
Jasmine Dursun
Pat Killeen
Sharon Strickland
Denise Ayers
Carmine Morreale
Lorraine Slaby
Eleanor Hale
Josephine Toczylowski
Frank Ruff, Jr.
Paul T. Komisar, Jr.
Alma Compel
Cynthia Hower
Josephine Bednarz
John Poturaj
Alice Przybylski
Angelina Edelman
Donna Zwolinski
Victor Luiz Arena
Jean Wilczynski
Rosina Calamusa
Joseph Reilly
Vito Petrone
Jenna Cruz
Judy Gagel
Susan Goodwin
Joseph Pietrucha
Barbara Mazzerell
Robert Reilly
Louis R. Caracciola Caridad Diaz
Baby Ryan Joseph Lomuscio
Ralph Rossano
Anna K.
Charine Sherry
Stanley C. Dembowski
Marie Thomas
Lorraine Tartell
Please note that it is necessary to call the
rectory every two weeks if you want a name in
the bulletin for Prayer for the Sick. We cannot
accept requests that a name be on the list for
more than two weekly bulletins at a time. If you
want a name on this list, you must call the rectory or drop off a note with the name before the
bulletin goes to print. Bulletin goes to print on
We welcome our Newly Baptized in Christ to
our St. Michael’s Family:
Leonardo Joseph Caprio
We would like to dedicate this section of our
bulletin for any immediate family members of
parishioners who are currently active in the
Military. If you would like a family member
included on our “Service Prayer List”, please
call the Rectory.
Franklin Chapman
Laura and Brian Falk
Christopher Ruff
Anthony Avella
David Pickard
David Dillon
Michael DiGesu
Joseph Campolattaro
Ryan Lee
Thomas D. D’Alessio
Robert Tagliabue
Anthony Tagliabue
Chad Brown
Alexandra Karwoski
Divine Mercy Novena
The Divine Mercy Novena will be take
place each Thursday during the last hour of
Adoration. It will begin at 7:00 PM and
conclude with Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament. Please, participate in this powerful devotion. This is the time of mercy!
Beginning December 4th.
St. Michael’s Youth Group
Thursday, December 4th —Grades 9-12
Meet at the School from 7pm—8:30pm
All are welcome!!
Bring a friend!!!
To watch online & for complete schedule of services
& Intentions, visit
Follow us on Facebook @ Mary’s Miraculous Medal
Angel Academy
Christmas Wreaths & Grave Blankets
Monday thru Saturday—6:30am—rosary is recited
.Monday, December 1
Miraculous Medal Novena takes place every Monday evening at 7:00pm.
Thursday, December 4
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place after the 7:00am Mass until 8:00pm.
RCIA classes take place from 7-8pm in the convent.
Friday, December 5
AA meeting at 7:30pm in the Lower Church Hall.
Saturday, December 6
New Altar Servers to meet at the Church at 11am.
Sunday, December 7
CCD Classes begin with the 9:00am Mass followed
by class until 11:00am.
Teddy Bear Sunday
December 6-7
The North Arlington Woman’s Club is sponsoring
“Teddy Bear Sunday” the weekend of December 6-7.
The tree is decorated with ornaments and you are welcome to take one as a token of your generosity, and replace it with a brand new teddy bear. Bears will be collected and given to children who are victims of domestic
violence and underprivileged children in the area. A little
child will have a teddy bear to hug, who may not receive
a present at all this Christmas. Thank you and may God
Bless You and bring you all the joys of the Christmas
Season. The tree will be on the Blessed Mother’s side of
the Altar.
If you would like to purchase a flower
for your loved one to adorn our Altar,
please fill out your info below with
what amount that you would like and
send to the rectory or place it in the
collection basket.
Given by____________________________________
In Memory of________________________________
Angel Academy will be selling Christmas
Wreaths and Grave Blankets before/after all
masses on November 29th and 30th as well as
December 6th and 7th.
Small Blanket—$15.00
Large Blanket—$25.00
If you have any questions, please contact
Karen Herman at 201-892-8490 or email at
If paying by check, please make payable to:
St. Michael’s Angel Academy.
Giving Tree
The Parish Giving Tree is up on the
Altar.. If you take a gift tag please
place your gift, with the tag attached,
under the tree by December 13/14.
This year our Giving Tree will benefit Bergen Regional Medical Center in Paramus,
injured veterans helped by the Lyndhurst American
Legion Post, the Center for Hope & Safety
(formerly known as Shelter Our Sisters) and St. Joseph’s Nursing Home in Totowa.
Bergen Regional Medical Center has a long term
care facility with permanent residents; the gift request are for these long-term residents. Gift tags for
veterans contain specific wishes for each veteran.
All tags for veterans are marked “VET” in red. St.
Joseph’s Home is run by the Little Sisters of the
Poor and provides assisted living arrangements, as
well as, acute care to residents in a comfortable,
home-like environment. The Center for Hope &
Safety provides a safe place for victims of domestic
violence, as well as, job training for a more secure
The tag should be securely attached to the outside of
the gift and instructions to wrap or not will be on
each tag.
CHURCH NAME: St. Michael the Archangel
Date of Publication: November 30, 2014
Number of Pages Transmitted:
Special Instructions
Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6