April 12 2015 - Holy Family Nutley

Holy Family Church
April 12, 2015
Rev. Joseph Ferraro
Parochial Vicars
Rev. John Gordon
Rev. Mauro Primavera
Transitional Deacon
Rev. Mr. Antonio Sarento
Director of Religious Education
Sr. Diana Yodris, MPF
Convent Superior
Sr. Gloria Doria, MPF
Good Shepherd Academy
Sr. Jane Feltz, MPF, Principal
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Eileen Hubbert, SSJ
Director of Music Ministry
Ms. Susan Loricchio
Ministers of Hospitality
John Caruso, Captain
Youth Ministry Team
Mrs. Amy DiCristo & Mr. John O’Reilly
Parish Secretary
Ms. Lynn S. Falduto (hfclynn28@aol.com)
Nursery School Supervisor
Sr. Jycinth Valenciana, FSSE
Development Committee Chairperson
Mr. Paul Grillo
Parish Trustees
Mrs. Gina Tamburri
Mr. Robert Collmier
Stewardship Committee Chairperson
Mr. Philip Hui
Saturday evening:
5:30 PM (English),
7:00 PM (Italian)
Neo-Catechumenate Liturgy: 8:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM,
12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM
Filipino Mass: 2nd Sunday of month, 5:00 PM
7:00, 8:45 AM; Saturday 8:45 AM
8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon
1:00 - 4:00 PM
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The Rectory is closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM and
4:00 - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
The office is closed on Sunday.
BAPTISM: Baptisms are scheduled once a month
on Sunday afternoons except during Lent.
Expectant parents are asked to contact the rectory
to schedule an appointment at least three months
before the desired date of Baptism. Parents must
attend a special catechetical session prior to the
MARRIAGE: Couples should contact the rectory
one year in advance of the proposed wedding date
in order to allow for the proper pre-marital
preparation. At least one person must be a
registered parishioner of Holy Family.
Rectory: 973-667-0026/Fax: 973-661-1714 Convent: 973-667-2050
28 Brookline Avenue
60 Harrison Street
sacrament not only for those who are at the
point of death. As soon as anyone begins to be
in danger of death from sickness or old age,
we encourage you to call for a priest in the
will be brought to the homebound. Please
contact the Rectory with the names and
addresses of parishioners who are ill or
VOCATION: Women and men who feel
called to the religious life, and men called to
Holy Orders, should contact the Vocations
Office at 973-497-4365.
EMERGENCY CALLS: In case of an
accident or sudden illness, call the rectory at
any hour or reach us on the emergency phone,
973-715-3108. The priest on duty will return
your call.
Community Services is an office that serves all
people in need. Please call 1-800-CCS-7413.
PARISH PAY: Have your weekly donation
sent directly to the Church! Visit
www.parishpay.com or call 1-866-PARISH1
Rel. Education Office: 973-667-6018
Nursery: 973-235-1170
Good Shepherd Academy: 973-667-2049 174 Franklin Avenue
24 Brookline Avenue; www.gsanutley.org
Page Two
2nd Sunday in Easter – 2015 - Divine Mercy Sunday
My Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!
Today we celebrate the Divine Mercy of our Lord Jesus. As we reflect on this day, we should
call to mind God’s great love for us, sending His only Son into the world to journey with us and share
in the joys, as well as the sufferings, that we are all challenged with in this life. We should remember
that He did not deny Jesus, Mary and Joseph, as well as all of the saints, a share in suffering in this
world. So we have no right to be angry with God or blame Him when things happen to us and around
us. Rather, we should be praying for the strength and perseverance to face the challenge, to grow with it
and learn from it so that we might help others in their journey. This is what the Divine Mercy of Jesus
is all about. The sharing of that gift of love for each other and for the honor and glory of our God who
loves us infinitely
Today’s Gospel message is a simple and direct invitation from Jesus to Peter, Andrew, James
and John to, “Come and follow me.” There was no hint as to where they were going or what would be
in store for them and there were no promises, yet there was no hesitation or regrets at letting go or
leaving their boats or families behind. We see ordinary people with no special training called to the extraordinary task of bringing
the knowledge and love of God to the whole world. God chooses the weak of the world to confront the strong and the simple to
confound the wise.
The mission of preaching, teaching and healing, which Jesus began in Galilee, is now the responsibility of the Church. The
call of the apostles is still the model of discipleship and, in our generation, we have both the privilege and obligation to accept His
invitation. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be servants of God and to struggle in the work of enlarging the church by
spreading the Good News of the kingdom. This is not possible unless we have begun living the new life we have received at the
moment of our baptism. Coming to faith is a gradual process and life-long struggle which is a lesson for each generation to learn. It
involves all the ups and downs of life and turning from a life of sin and self-centered existence to one of obedience to God’s call.
We need the constant light of Jesus which gradually illuminates the way ahead. It is a light that grows brighter as we become more
familiar with the Gospel. As we journey into the Easter Season, we stand at a point of opportunity. It is Jesus alone who gives us life
and hope and we should not be side-tracked in the work of our own conversion by earthly pursuits. We are in God’s hands. The
power of God is released upon the world by men and women like us, in every walk of life, who put the spiritual welfare of the
community before selfishness in everyday life. God’s great love for us and the Divine Mercy of Jesus is the central core of this. We
must always trust in His great love for us.
Fr. Joe
Many of our families are looking for various memorials for their loves ones. Since a great number of families
have chosen mausoleums as the final the resting place for their loved ones, and flowers cannot be left in the
mausoleum chapel, why not consider “In lieu of flowers...” at a wake to make donation for our parish restoration
towards the replacement/repair of the roof or steps of the Church in memory of your loved one. Many thanks for
your consideration.
The Archdiocese of Newark is, once again, preparing the annual tradition of honoring those couples in the Archdiocese who will be celebrating five, twenty-five and fifty years of Christian marriage in the year 2015. The Masses will
be celebrated by Archbishop John J. Myers in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. Any questions or
concerns should be addressed to the Office of Family Life Ministries at 973-497-4323.
The Archdiocese would love honoring every couple in the Archdiocese, who is deserving of such recognition, to be
present at the appropriate liturgy. The presence of a large number of couples will give favorable witness to the strength and stability
of Christian marriage in today’s society. Interfaith couples are welcomed!
Please fill out the form below and RETURN IT PROMPTLY to the rectory as each particular date has a deadline
Couple’s Last Name: ____________________________________ Date of Marriage: _______________________________
Wife’s First Name: __________________________________ Husband’s First Name: __________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________ City/Zip: ______________________________________________
50th Golden Anniversary - April 19, 3:00 P.M. (CALL FIRST THING MONDAY TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS!)
5th & Silver Anniversaries: May 3, 3:00 P.M. (Registration due at Holy Family NO LATER THAN April 24)
Page Three
“The community of believers was of one
heart and mind and no one claimed that
any of his possessions was his own.”
- Acts 4:32
All that we are and all that we have is a
gift from God! Think of your family,
your friends, your talents and abilities –
these are all gifts from God. We aren’t
really owners of anything, we are merely
“stewards” of the gifts God has blessed
us with.
Saturday, April 11
5:30 PM 1st Anniversary Flora Nicosia...Nicosia Family
7:00 PM Fr. Anthony Benti...Eleanor Strollo
Sunday, April 12
8:00 AM Michelina Palmieri...Patricia Little
10:00 AM Pasquale Iuele...Salvatore & Pina Cofone
12:00 PM Dec. Mem. of the Scarpa Family...Scarpa Family
5:00 PM Filipino Mass
7:00 PM People of the Parish
Monday, April 13
7:00 AM Nicholas Stefanelli...Ann Minardi
8:45 AM Thomas Chunka...Patricia Little
Tuesday, April 14
7:00 AM Michael Justice...Melinda Papaccio
8:45 AM Cresenzo & Francesca Lavecchia...Maria & Rosario
Wednesday, April 15
7:00 AM Emedio Ciccone...Louis D’Alonzo
8:45 AM Thomas Ragukonis...The O’Reilly Family
Thursday, April 16
7:00 AM Anthony LoConte...Judith LoConte
8:45 AM Librada Gonzalez...Henry & Patty Martinez
Friday, April 17
7:00 AM John Cantagallo, Jr. ...M/M Jerry Vernice
8:45 AM Theresa A. Gutowski...Lourdes Garcia
Saturday, April 18
8:45 AM Special Remembrance Mass
John & Eleanor Arthur
Barbara Stanford
Emelia D’Uva
Frank Vacca
Patricia & Michael Fisher
Elmer & Hattie Walsh
Elena Masucci
Henry & Thea Zablocki
Giuseppe Pisani
Giuseppina Zitola
Third Sunday of Easter
Saturday, April 18
5:30 PM Lena Nisovaccia...Camille Domenick
7:00 PM Vincenzo Vitale...Olympia Vitale
Sunday, April 19
8:00 AM Thomas Genna...Theresa Genna
10:00 AM Pasquale Iuele...Pietro & Marie Gabriele
12:00 PM Eva Serratelli...Lynn Falduto
7:00 PM People of the Parish
For Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015
The actual collection was $24,933.00;
$1,597.00 of which came from Parish Pay.
The 2nd Collection for the Archdiocesan Assessment was
Collection for Holy Thursday was $792.00.
Collection for Shrines of the Holy Land was $2,127.00.
Mass Attendance was 2,525.
God Bless You For Your Continued Generosity!
For Sunday, April 6, 2014,
The actual collection was $11,003.75;
$1,646.75 of which came from Parish Pay.
The 2nd Collection for the Archdiocesan Assessment was
Mass Attendance was 1,511.
Memorials for the Week of April 12, 2015
Church Sanctuary Lamp
Mary Anen...Eleanor Strollo
Altar Bread
Norman A. Lueders...Joan & Fred Ciarletta
Altar Wine
Olympia Cozzarelli...Mary Ann Carissimo
The Sanctuary Lamp in the Church, Chapel, Convent and
Rectory, Altar Candles, Altar Bread, & Altar Wine, as well
as Altar Flowers are our weekly memorials. The donation
for each Sanctuary Lamp and Altar Candles are $10. The
donation for Altar Bread or Altar Wine is $15. The
donation for Flowers on the Altar of the Blessed Virgin or
Saint Joseph is $45.
Please stop by the rectory to reserve any of the above.
Please Pray for Those Who Are Sick...
Raymond & Mary Bresko, Sr. Marie Ciamillo, MPF, Nicholas
Cifelli, Anthony D’Agostino, Jennifer Caramucci DeJesus,
Janet Farruggia, Fr. Peter Funesti, Toni LoGiudice, Josephine
Loricchio, Kenneth Matthews, Philip Napoli, Laurie Palumbo,
Kayla San Filippo, Richard Tyrpak - the entire sick list is
posted on the bulletin board in the vestibule.
Please Pray for Those Who Have Died…
John Farah, Joseph J. Cancelliere, Rosaria Faragasso
Page Four
Saturday April 11
8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC
8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC
All Weekend Masses: 2nd Collection - Catholic Home Mission
Appeal; Distribution of Baby Bottles
Sunday, April 12
8:30 AM Religious Education - GSA
10:00 AM Children's Liturgy of the Word - Church
11:00 AM Adult Confirmation Class - SJC
2:00 PM Baptism - Church
2:00 PM Special Confirmation Meeting Candidates / Youth
Group - SA/PP
2:45 PM Fatima Prayer Group - MCC
5:00 PM Filipino Mass - Church; Fellowship following - SJC
6:00 PM Youth Group - SA
Monday, April 13
7:00 PM Novena - MCC
8:00 PM K of C - SA
Tuesday, April 14
12:30 PM Adult Education - SJC
Wednesday, April 15
7:30 PM Bereavement SA
8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MSA
8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC
8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR
Thursday, April 16
7:30 PM Bible Study - SJC
Friday, April 17
6:00 AM Men's Prayer Group - SJC
7:00 PM Cursillo School of Leaders - SJC
Saturday, April 18
1:00 PM Confessions - Church
8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC
8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC
Sunday, April 19
8:30 AM Religious Education - GSA
10:00 AM Children's Liturgy of the Word - Church
11:00 AM Adult Confirmation Class - SJC
1:00 PM Bereavement - Sr. Eileen's Home
2:00 PM Baptismal Catechesis - MCC
3:15 PM Fatima Prayer Group - MCC
6:00 PM Youth Group - SJC
Liturgy Room - Rectory Basement
Mother Cabrini Chapel
Msgr. DiLuca Conf. Room (Behind the Bell Tower)
Maria SS. Addolorata Room - Parish Center
Padre Pio Room - Parish Center
Pantry Room - Rectory Basement
St. Anthony Room - Parish Center
St. Joseph Center
The Chorus of Communities, your local Choral Society, is
presenting a WW2 memorial concert featuring music of reflection
and resurrection. Uplifting and dramatic works by Rutter,
Vaughan-Williams and others will be performed Saturday, April
25, at 7:30 p.m., in St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Montclair, NJ.
Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8
Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21
Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9;
1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
Sunday: Grades K-5, 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
Tuesday: Grades 1-6, 3:30-4:45 PM ~ Classes for Spring Garden,
Lincoln and Yanticaw Schools
Wednesday Evening: (all schools) Grades 7 & 8 7:00-8:30 PM
Thursday: Grades 1-6; 3:30-4:45 PM ~ Classes for Belleville #5,
Washington & Radcliff Schools
It is registration time again for the Religious
Education Program. (2015-2016 ) From March
through April, you may register or re-register
your child/children for CCD. It also includes
Confirmation students as well. Please contact
Sr. Diana to make an appointment at 973-6676018.
The Knights of Columbus Holy
Family Council 14712 and the Holy
Family Social Concerns Committee
will co-sponsor a “Baby Bottle Boomerang”
fundraiser to benefit young mothers who have chosen
life for their babies and are in need of material support. Baby
bottles will be distributed after all Masses on April 11 and
April 12. Please consider filling the bottles with your spare
change, bills, and/or checks payable to Knight of Columbus
Holy Family Council 14712 to make a “Change for Life,” and
return them on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10.
next meeting of the Rosary Altar Society will be Monday, April 20, at
7:15 PM in St. Joseph's Center. The
Executive Committee will meet at
6:30 PM. Election of officers will take place at this meeting.
OASIS, a day of prayer and reflection for women, is
scheduled for next Saturday, April 18,
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM, at Villa Walsh. To
make a reservation for transportation on
the bus that will leave Holy Family parking lot at 8:15 AM,
please call Anne Bennett at 973-547-2608.
The Miraculous Medal Novena is every Monday at
7:00 PM, in the Mother Cabrini Chapel. Novena
consists of devotional prayers to the Miraculous
Medal and St. Jude, and the Benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament. On national holidays, Novena prayers are
offered at 8:45 AM, just prior to the 9:00 AM Mass.
Page Five
The Falsetta family, whose
children attend Good Shepherd
Academy, suffered a devastating
fire early Friday morning, March
20. They are a family of four with a first grade boy and five
year old girl. We ask for your generosity of gently used toys,
books, games or clothing for the children. Possibly credit cards
for Shop Rite, Kohl’s, Walmart, CVS, etc. Whatever you feel
would be helpful as the family adjusts to this tragic event in
their lives. Items may be delivered to Good Shepherd Academy
on Brookline Avenue. If anyone wishes to make a monetary
donation you can do so by writing a check to the GSA Home
School Association for the Falsetta Family Fund. Thank you
for your generosity.
New Family Registration is ongoing.
Please visit our website,
www.gsanutley.org, to learn more
about our school. We will have
another Open House on Tuesday,
April 21, 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.
Our Musical Theatre Club's production of
The Wizard of Oz will come to life on
our stage, Friday & Saturday, April 17
& 18, 7:00 P.M., and Sunday, April 19,
3:00 P.M. Tickets are $10/adult and $5/
child/student. Please call the school to
order tickets, 973-661-2049 ext. 100.
Shop for participating products at
ShopRite during advertised
promotions using your Price Plus
Club Card and earnings are
automatically credited to Good
Shepherd Academy. Register your Price Plus card
at shopriteformyschool.com and select “Good Shepherd
Box Tops for Education - The school is
able to receive money when they turn in
the General Mills box tops! Please save
them and drop them off in the special
box which is located in the vestibule of Church.
Used Cell Phones & Toners - The school
collects used cell phones so if you upgrade
yours, please do not discard the old one. The
school also accepts toners from computers to be
recycled. All can be dropped off in the GSA
box located in the vestibule of the Church.
Jesus wants you to see more clearly
the blessings of your sacrament of
matrimony. The Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend helps you to see
God’s plan for your marriage. For more information contact
Mike and Janet Turco at 973-427-7016 or 609-335- 6880 or
email njwwme@peoplepc.com
On behalf of the Enrico Tamburri
Memorial Foundation, we would like to
express a special thank you to all the
priests for showing their support by
attending our Beef Steak Dinner fundraiser
and especially to Fr. Joe Ferrara for his
kind words and saying Grace.
Our thanks and appreciation to all the businesses that
contributed to our event, to the people who made monetary
donations, donated gifts, baskets and baked homemade
desserts. To all those who helped with set up and clean up, and
especially to all the adults and children who provided us with a
special treat by entertaining us dressed in traditional 19th
Century Italian style costumes.
A heartfelt thank you to DJ Robert Frannicola of Unlimited
Entertainment for making our event so enjoyable. A good time
was had by all !
For the past 22 years of fundraising The Enrico Tamburri
Memorial Foundation has been very successful in raising
money for ill children and their families. As always our first
priority is to financially support these children and their
families; and because of your generosity, this year we raised
$16,000.00. Were able to make a $2,500.00 donation toward
the repair of Holy Family Church’s roof, give a $1,000.00
scholarship to a student at Good Shepherd Academy and make
a donation to one of very own parishioners who lost their home
due to a fire.
All of this was possible because of your generosity, help
and support. Our next Beef Steak Dinner will be on March 19,
2016. SAVE THE DATE and we look forward to seeing you.
Thank you and God Bless you.
Happy Easter/Buona Pasqua
Gina and Alex Tamburri
Did you know?
The Archdiocese continues
helping survivors of sexual
abuse and their families
As we start April, Child Abuse
Prevention Month, the Archdiocese of Newark wants to
reiterate that it remains committed to helping survivors and
their families heal and find peace. If you believe you or
someone you know is a victim of sexual abuse by a Church
employee or volunteer, please contact the Archdiocesan
Victims Assistance Coordinator at (201) 407-3256.
Reflections on Poverty
“Our world is entering the new millennium burdened by the
contradictions of an economic, cultural and technological
progress which offers immense possibilities to a fortunate few,
while leaving millions of others not only on the margins of
progress but in living conditions far below the minimum
demanded by human dignity.”
- Pope John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte,
Apostolic Letter at the Close of the Great Jubilee
of the Year 2000, January 6, 2001
Page Six
Filipino Mass
The Filipino Mass is held the second Sunday of every month at 5:00 P.M. The Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
(in English) is celebrated at 4:45 P.M., just prior to Mass. Merienda-Cena immediately follows Mass. Kindly bring your
favorite dish or desserts to share with everyone. For more information, please call (all 973) Sam 759-3438, Lori 6672509, or Araceli 284-0212.
Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Group - Every Sunday at 3:00 P.M. in the Chapel. - All are welcome!
MPG would like to pray for your
intentions. The prayers will be offered on
Friday of that week at our gathering.
Kindly place this intention request in the
Sunday Collection or return it to the
Please list your intentions:
If you would like a prayer card sent as an acknowledgment of
your prayer intentions, please include your name and address.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Nutley) Women’s
Auxiliary is hosting a trip to the National
Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in
Middletown, NY, Thursday, May 14. The
Shrine is situated on 60 beautiful acres in New
York State (Middletown), which is about an
hour away. Here you can witness the importance of prayer in
your life while deepening your commitment to God and
devotion to Our Lady. The cost for the trip is $40. The day will
consist of Mass, a hot lunch, a shrine tour/ talk, free time for
personal prayer, Reconciliation, browsing in the gift shop, and
full use of the Shrine’s facilities. The bus departs Mt. Carmel
9:30 a.m.; it will depart Middletown following Divine Mercy
Chaplet at approximately 3:30 p.m. Call Linda with your
reservation (973) 661-0090 or email LKR160@aol.com.
The Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows is a beautiful way to memorialize a loved one. If you are interested in memorializing someone
with a candle in the Maria SS Addolorata Chapel, please fill out this form and return it with a check, made payable to HOLY
FAMILY, in the amount of $100 to the rectory. You may request a beautiful card featuring the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows taken
in our Maria SS. Addolorata Chapel.
Inscription on the candle: (Limit 20 characters per line; limit 2 lines)
Name(s) on Memorial Candle: ______________________________________________________________
□ This is a new candle
□ Please renew this candle
Your Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________Apt. # _______________________
Town: ___________________________________________Telephone: ___________________________
Email: __________________________________________________
If you wish to receive a statement of your 2014 donations to Holy Family Church, kindly submit your name, address
and daytime phone number, along with the number of your donation envelope.
You may also email your request: hfclynn28@aol.com
Please do not call the rectory to request this information.
You may drop this form in the collection basket on any Sunday.
Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Town / Zip: ____________________________________________________
Daytime Phone: ___________________E-mail ____________________________
Envelope No. ___________________________________________________
Holy Family
28 Brookline Avenue
Nutley, NJ 07110
Lynn Falduto
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Cover + 5 text pages + this page = 7
April 12, 2015
Wednesday afternoon