Holy Family Church Nutley-Belleville May 17, 2015 SERVED BY: Pastor Rev. Joseph Ferraro Parochial Vicars Rev. John Gordon Rev. Mauro Primavera Transitional Deacon Rev. Mr. Antonio Sarento Director of Religious Education Sr. Diana Yodris, MPF Convent Superior Sr. Gloria Doria, MPF Good Shepherd Academy Sr. Jane Feltz, MPF, Principal Pastoral Associate Sr. Eileen Hubbert, SSJ Director of Music Ministry Ms. Susan Loricchio Ministers of Hospitality John Caruso, Captain Youth Ministry Team Mrs. Amy DiCristo & Mr. John O’Reilly Parish Secretary Ms. Lynn S. Falduto (hfclynn28@aol.com) Nursery School Supervisor Sr. Jycinth Valenciana, FSSE Development Committee Chairperson Mr. Paul Grillo Parish Trustees Mrs. Gina Tamburri Mr. Robert Collmier Stewardship Committee Chairperson Mr. Philip Hui MASSES Saturday evening: ANOINTING OF THE SICK: This is a 5:30 PM (English), 7:00 PM (Italian) Neo-Catechumenate Liturgy: 8:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM Filipino Mass: 2nd Sunday of month, 5:00 PM Daily: 7:00, 8:45 AM; Saturday 8:45 AM OFFICE HOURS: Daily: 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon 1:00 - 4:00 PM 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM The Rectory is closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM and 4:00 - 6:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM The office is closed on Sunday. RECONCILIATION: Saturday, 1:00 PM BAPTISM: Baptisms are scheduled once a month on Sunday afternoons except during Lent. Expectant parents are asked to contact the rectory to schedule an appointment at least three months before the desired date of Baptism. Parents must attend a special catechetical session prior to the Baptism. MARRIAGE: Couples should contact the rectory one year in advance of the proposed wedding date in order to allow for the proper pre-marital preparation. At least one person must be a registered parishioner of Holy Family. Rectory: 973-667-0026/Fax: 973-661-1714 Convent: 973-667-2050 28 Brookline Avenue 60 Harrison Street www.holyfamilynutley.org sacrament not only for those who are at the point of death. As soon as anyone begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, we encourage you to call for a priest in the rectory. MINISTRY OF THE SICK: The Eucharist will be brought to the homebound. Please contact the Rectory with the names and addresses of parishioners who are ill or homebound. VOCATION: Women and men who feel called to the religious life, and men called to Holy Orders, should contact the Vocations Office at 973-497-4365. EMERGENCY CALLS: In case of an accident or sudden illness, call the rectory at any hour or reach us on the emergency phone, 973-715-3108. The priest on duty will return your call. SOCIAL SERVICE HOTLINE: The Catholic Community Services is an office that serves all people in need. Please call 1-800-CCS-7413. PARISH PAY: Have your weekly donation sent directly to the Church! Visit www.parishpay.com or call 1-866-PARISH1 Rel. Education Office: 973-667-6018 Nursery: 973-235-1170 Good Shepherd Academy: 973-667-2049 174 Franklin Avenue 24 Brookline Avenue; www.gsanutley.org Page Two MISSION STATEMENT Holy Family Catholic Church is a spiritually and socially active parish. Rooted in the Word of God and nourished by the Eucharist, we celebrate the life of our Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming the Good News and providing spiritual growth, support and service with love. Founded by Italian immigrants a century ago, today our parish continues the tradition of extending a loving, caring and affirming welcome to all who join us as we Continue Our Journey of Faith. La Chiesa Cattolica Santa Famiglia e’ una parrocchia socialmente e spiritualmente attiva. Radicata nella Parola di Dio e nutrite dall’eucarestia, celebriamo la vita del nostro Signore Gesu’Cristo proclamando la buona novella e provvedendo crescita spirituale, supporto e servizio con amore. Fondata un secolo fa’ da immigranti italiani, oggi, la nostra parrocchia continua la tradizione di estendere un amorevole, caro e reconoscente benvenuto a tutti coloro che con noi continuano e condividono il nostro cammino di fede. Ang simbahang katoliko ng banal na pamilya ay isang masiglang parokya sa espirituwal at ugnayang panlipunan. Nakaugat sa salita ng diyos at pinalusog ng eukaristiya, ipanagdiriwant namin ang buhay ng ating panginoong hesukristo sa pagpapahayag ng mabuting balita at paguudulot ng paglago sa kabanalan, paggabay, at mapagmahal na paglilingkod. Itinatag ng mga dayuhang italiano may isang-daan taon na ang nakakalipas, ngayon ang aming parokya ay patuloy sa pag-ugit ng tradisyon ng mapag-aruga, mapagkalinga, at mapagkilang pagtanggap sa mga sumapi saamin habang patuloy sa paglalakbay sa panaampalataya. 7th Sunday in Easter 2015-B My brothers and sisters in the Lord! Sometimes people may say they pray but feel their prayers are not answered and, in today’s Gospel, we hear the prayers of Jesus. With true sincerity, Jesus prays out loud to the Father with the innermost concerns of His heart. With deep intimacy and confidence, He pours out His deepest feelings about the future mission of the disciples in the church which He was forming. He appeals to the Father to carry out His plan for the world, which will draw all people together in the common bond of love. The unity on love in these apostles is to be the pattern in His community for all ages to come. This unity among Christians announces to the world the love that Christ has for all people and His wish to share His life with them. The main point of His prayer for unity emphasizes that we will find this unity not in one another but in Jesus Himself. The more we grow like Jesus, the more we grow like one another and our differences stem from not resembling Him sufficiently; it is only by a strong unity of one generation of believers with the next and of one part of the church with the other that Christian oneness be really achieved. We must also remember that we are the living stones in the building of which there is only one foundation - - that is, Jesus Christ. Each one of us has the responsibility of promoting unity in a world so largely indifferent to the church. People will not know the presence of Jesus unless we ourselves bear witness and they see His face in our face. Our love must extend not only to friends but to strangers as well and it comes through generous and selfless giving. If the prayer of Jesus is to be realized, our oneness in the Lord must be visible. People should be able to see it. It does no good for believers to proclaim they are God’s children, baptized in eternal life, when the image they present to the world is one of division instead of unity and peace. Today is a special day in the life of our parish as we congratulate Vincent D’Agostino, who will be ordained to the order of Deacon at the 12:00 noon Mass in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. We pray for “Deacon Vincent” and his class as they continue their discernment toward the Priesthood of our Lord Jesus. Next Saturday, May 23rd, we pray for the Ordination Class 2015 to the Priesthood of our Lord Jesus. Please pray for these men as they begin their ministry in the Priesthood, that the Holy Spirit will guide them as they face the challenges which their ministry may bring. Please continue to pray for vocations and, in a special way, pray for the many priests and religious who struggle in their vocations. Deacon Antonio will celebrate his Mass of Thanksgiving here at Holy Family on Saturday, May 30th, at 5:30 PM. Peace, Fr. Joe Page Three UxÄÉäxw? |y ZÉw áÉ ÄÉäxw âá? ãx tÄáÉ Éâz{à àÉ ÄÉäx ÉÇx tÇÉà{xÜ 1 John 4:11 Saturday, May 16 5:30 PM Momma, Rosie & Min...Eleanor Strollo 7:00 PM Mercede Cifelli...Daughter Dora, & Family Sunday, May 17 8:00 AM Rosa Nguyen...Sandra & Mike Scricco 10:00 AM Anna & John B. Vitale..Husband John & Daughters 12:00 PM Josephine Condurso...Arlene & Janet Kaiser 7:000 PM People of the Parish Monday, May 18 7:00 AM George Cafone...Wife, Charlotte 8:45 AM Edward & Josephine Losi...JoAnn Losi Tuesday, May 19 7:00 AM Nancy Conlon...M/M Vincent Coffey 8:45 AM Joseph Landolfi...Wife, Geneva Wednesday, May 20 7:00 AM John Witkowski...Susan Cifelli & Family 8:45 AM Fred O’Boyle...Speckhart Family Thursday, May 21 7:00 AM Michael Pedalino...Kip Cornell & Jackie Calicchio 8:45 AM Pat Potter...Wife, Julie Friday, Mau 22 7:00 AM Joseph Hui...Family & Friends 8:45 AM Theresa Lebeda...Sister, Kathryn Saturday, May 23 8:45 AM Special Remembrance Mass John & Eleanor Arthur Aurora Mitrano Maurizio Comune Edward Morris Maria Consuelo Fred Thomas Grotenhuis Rev. Joseph J. Mirande Elmer & Hattie Walsh Shirley Zeiss Pentecost Sunday Saturday, May 23 5:30 PM Joyce LePre...The LePre Family 7:00 PM Alfred Romano...Lois Gaglione Sunday, May 24 8:00 AM People of the Parish 10:00 AM Gerry DiSanzo...Friend, Jean 12:00 PM Anthony & Nicoletta Foti & Mario Pavone ...Grandson, Joseph 7:00 PM Luisa Palma...Daughters RECEPTION FOR “FATHER” ANTONIO SARENTO Please join us Saturday evening, May 30, as Fr. Antonio celebrates his first Mass at Holy Family. The 5:30 & 7:00 Masses will be combined at 5:30. We need an approximate number of guests who will attend the reception which follows his Mass. Please fill in this form and drop it in the basket at Mass. Yes - I WILL attend Fr. Antonio Sarento’s First Mass and Light Reception which will follow, here at Holy Family. Name: __________________________________________ No. of People Attending: ____________________________ I can bring a dessert! ________________________________ STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE “Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.” – 1 John 4:15 How strong is your faith? When you have an opportunity to defend your faith or clarify a question about your faith, do you do it? Or, do you remain silent so that others don’t think you are weird? Pray for the courage to be strong in your faith and share your witness with others. For Sunday, May 10, 2015, The actual collection was $11,153.00; $1,656.00 of which came from Parish Pay. The 2nd Collection for Communicating God’s Word was $2,595.00. Mass Attendance was 1,756, God Bless You For Your Continued Generosity! For Sunday, May 11, 2014 The actual collection was $10,479.00; $1,273.00 of which came from Parish Pay. The 2nd Collection for Communicating God’s Word was $2,229.00 Mass Attendance was 1,852. Memorials for the Week of May 17 Church Sanctuary Lamp Mary Terruso...Madeline & Charles Brown Mother Cabrini Chapel Sanctuary Lamp Josephine J. Saporito...M. Salerno Altar Candles Clara Corino...Mary Ann & Family Altar Bread Attilio Conforti...Joan The Sanctuary Lamp in the Church, Chapel, Convent and Rectory, Altar Candles, Altar Bread, & Altar Wine, as well as Altar Flowers are our weekly memorials. The donation for each Sanctuary Lamp and Altar Candles are $10. The donation for Altar Bread or Altar Wine is $15. The donation for Flowers on the Altar of the Blessed Virgin or Saint Joseph is $45. Please stop by the rectory to reserve any of the above. Please Pray for Those Who Are Sick... Raymond & Mary Bresko, Sr. Marie Ciamillo, MPF, Anthony D’Agostino, Jennifer Caramucci DeJesus, Daniel DePaul, Janet Ferrugia, Fr. Peter Funesti, Toni Logiudice, Josephine Loricchio, Kenneth Matthews, Philip Napoli, Laurie Palumbo, Kayla San Filippo, Richard Tyrpak - the entire sick list is posted on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Please Pray for Those Who Have Died… Olympia Placito-Gierla, Roseann Foglia, Elsie Mangino Page Four STEWARDSHIP OF TIME Saturday, May 16 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC All Weekend Masses: 2nd Collection - Shared School Expenses Sunday, May 17 10:00 AM Children's Liturgy of the Word - Church 12:00 PM Vincent D’Agostino is Ordained a Deacon - Cathedral Basilica, Newark 12:00 PM SJC in use till 5:00 PM 2:45 PM Fatima Prayer Group - MCC 6:00 PM Youth Group - SJC Monday, May 18 - St. John I, Pope & Martyr 12:30 PM Adult Education - SJC NOTE CHANGE OF DATE 7:00 PM Novena - MCC 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal - Church Tuesday, May 19 7:00 PM Charismatic Renewal Leaders - SJC Wednesday, May 20 - St. Bernardine of Siena 7:30 PM Bereavement - SA 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MSA 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR Thursday, May 21 - St. Christopher Magallanes 10:00 AM Adult Italian Class - SA 4:30 PM Children's Italian Class - SA 7:30 PM Bible Study - SJC Friday, May 22 - St. Rita of Cascia 6:00 AM Men's Prayer Group - SJC 6:00 PM SJC in use Saturday May 23 10:00 AM Priesthood Ordination - Cathedral Basilica 1:00 PM No Confessions Today- Church 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC All Weekend Masses: 2nd Collection - Church Property Upkeep Pentecost Sunday, May 24 10:00 AM Children's Liturgy of the Word - Church 10:00 PM Confirmation Class - SJC 2:45 PM Fatima Prayer Group - MCC 6:00 PM Youth Group - SJC LR MCC MDL MSA PP PR SA KEY Liturgy Room - Rectory Basement Mother Cabrini Chapel Msgr. DiLuca Conf. Room (Behind the Bell Tower) Maria SS. Addolorata Room - Parish Center Padre Pio Room - Parish Center Pantry Room - Rectory Basement St. Anthony Room - Parish Center MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA The Miraculous Medal Novena is every Monday at 7:00 PM, in the Mother Cabrini Chapel. Novena consists of devotional prayers to the Miraculous Medal and St. Jude, and the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. On national holidays, Novena prayers are offered at 8:45 AM, just prior to the 9:00 AM Mass. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 TEACHING THE GOOD NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (CCD) FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL: 973-667-6018 Sunday: Grades K-5, 8:30 AM-9:45 AM Tuesday: Grades 1-6, 3:30-4:45 PM ~ Classes for Spring Garden, Lincoln and Yanticaw Schools Wednesday Evening: (all schools) Grades 7 & 8 7:00-8:30 PM Thursday: Grades 1-6; 3:30-4:45 PM ~ Classes for Belleville #5, Washington & Radcliff Schools It is registration time to register or re-register your child/children for the Religious Education Program. (2015-2016 ) This includes Confirmation students as well. Please contact Sr. Diana to make an appointment at 973-667-6018. One of our own - FR. SCOTT ATTANASIO will be celebrating his 20th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination on May 27th, this year! He will celebrate his anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 7, 12:00 Noon, at Queen of Peace Church, North Arlington, his assigned parish. A reception will follow in their gym. If you wish to attend, please know that you are most welcomed! Holy Family Knights of Columbus presents BINGO NIGHT to benefit Children with Disabilities Saturday, May 30, 6:30 p.m. Nutley Senior Citizens & Recreation Center 44 Park Ave., Room 300, Nutley Advance Tix: $15 / $20 at the door Includes: THREE Bingo Cards, Pasta & Salad Dinner (donated by Nanina’s in the Park), Dessert, Soda, Water & Coffee (BYOB) Call Tom Pucci: 201-463-4726 for tickets All proceeds will be donated to programs that support children with developmental disabilities. Holy Family Spring Classic Golf Outing Page Five RAISE THE ROOF Proceeds will benefit the repairs of the roof at Holy Family Church. Taking Care of God’s Things PRIZES Date: June 15, 2015 • Longest Drive Time: 8:00 Shotgun Start • Closest to the Pin • Pink Ball 50/50 Register by: May 31, 2015 • Best Score for Straight Golf Players. Entry fees: •$100 per golfer •$400 per foursome First Golfer •$20 optional entry per qualified golfers for Straight Golf Best Score Challenge(50/50 Prize) •$5 optional entry for longest drive challenge •$5 optional entry for closest to the pin challenge •$20 optional entry per foursome for Pink Ball challenge for 50/50 drawing. (Foursome gets one sleeve of 4 pink balls.) Name: Address: Email/Phone: Second Golfer Name: Address: Email/Phone: Hybrid Option of Straight Golf for Experienced players or Best Ball for new and amateurs. Name: Address: Email/Phone: Location: Hendricks Field Golf Course 220 Franklin Avenue For more information or to register call: Contact Philip Hui at: 646-431-8487 Mail form and entry fee to: Holy Family Church 28 Brookline Avenue Nutley, NJ 07110 Phone: 646-431-8487 E-mail: psh.hfc@gmail.com Third Golfer Fourth Golfer Name: Address: Email/Phone: Pick one for each golfer for Lunch Box: PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO HOLY FAMILY CHURCH 2 Hot Dogs x _____ per golfer Tuna Sandwich x _____ per golfer Turkey Sandwich x _____ per golfer Signature Date Signature of parent or guardian if under 18 years of age. Date Page Six Congratulations to our First Communicants - 2015 Kaitlyn Aguila Aliyah Alberto Aleksander Arifaj Tristan Baldevarona Sarah Berry Claudine Cabanatan Vincenzo Capozzoli Ava Cario Kristina Carneiro Kristopher Carneiro Elisa Castillo Eric Castillo Isaac Chester David Crecco Luciana Crocco Lauren Cullari Jessica DeBarros Isaac Dela Rosa Brandon Diaz Audrey Dunlay Noah Esposito James Feliciano Justin Figueroa Logan Fitzpatrick Lucas Flores Vincenza Gabriele Nina Gemino Serena Genna Gerel Gonzales Jessica Hernandez Victoria Hui Santiago Idrovo Vincenza Intili Valentina Iodice Lila Kesack Nicholas Laverde Sebastien Leon Logan Lorent Marley Madureira Janell Magante Gabriella Mariano Sofia Marino Jonathan Martinez Madison McAllister Declan McManus Juliana McMullen Emily Miller Lucia Nardone Amaya Negron Jayla Nguyen Maranda Nunez Richard Okkema GOOD SHEPHERD ACADEMY NEWS! Last Week’s Calendar Raffle Winners Monday, May 11 Nikolic Family Tuesday, May 12 Edert Family Wednesday, May 13 Rene Serilla Thursday, May 14 Alex Tamburri Friday, May 15 Annie Gonzalez Ticket #594 Ticket #2583 Ticket #3511 Ticket #31 Ticket #3618 New Family Registration is ongoing. If you are in the process of deciding on the best education for your child, GSA invites you to consider our school as one of your options. Please visit our website, www.gsanutley.org, to learn more about what we have to offer. You may also schedule a tour by calling our office, (973) 667-2049. Anthony Oramas Gianna Pinto Catarina Pita Emma Politz Jack Pontoriero Karissa Remata Brianna Rivera Josh Rivera Dayanara Sanchez Karilee Santos Sean Santos Kimi Sayson Connor Scherrer Francesca Schiavone Guilia Schwartz Steven Snoha Katherine Tan Tomas Teran Vincent Trama Ava Valdivieso Lilliana Van de Zilver Antonio Velez Taylor Verhasselt Kyle Watts Azia Wong Giana Zitola CEMETERY MASS LOCATIONS Serving God & Country: A Memorial Day Salute to Our Heroes MEMORIAL DAY, MONDAY, MAY 25, 11:00 A.M. Holy Cross, North Arlington, Most Rev. John J. Myers Gate of Heaven, East Hanover, Most Rev. Bernard A. Hebda St. Gertrude, Colonia, Most Rev. Manuel A. Cruz Holy Name, Jersey City, Most Rev. Thomas A. Donato Christ the King, Franklin Lakes, Most Rev. John W. Flesey Maryrest, Mahwah, Most Rev. Thomas P. Nydegger Holy Sepulchre, East Orange, Rev. Philip Waters INFORMATION SHEET BULLETIN I.D. 286300 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Holy Family 28 Brookline Avenue Nutley, NJ 07110 PHONE 973-667-0026 CONTACT PERSON Lynn Falduto SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0® Standard Windows Vista Business SvcPack 1 PRINTER HP® Laserjet 1012 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 5 text pages + this page = 7 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 17, 2015 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday afternoon SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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