January 2015 - KofC Sacred Heart Council #2577

The Accolade
Vol. LXXXIX No. 7
Chaplain’s Report
Msgr. Charles Parry
Yikes! Is it really 2015 already?
I can't believe that a New Year is
underway! The Christmas
celebrations are behind us, the New
Year's Day football and outdoor
hockey frenzy is in progress, and
we are entering the dark days of
winter with the weather 'who knows
what' to come. It actually won't be
long until Lent, believe it or not!
We never know what the year
ahead of us will bring. There will
be successes and celebrations,
challenges and sufferings. We take
pause at this point to thank
Almighty God for the year past - the
many graces that He bestowed upon
each of us in meeting the challenges
and responsibilities that were ours.
And, we confidently and humbly
ask Him to watch over us during the
year ahead. We don't know all that
the months ahead will bring, but we
can count on Our Lord to assist us
in any way that is necessary for our
wellbeing. Isn't it a great gift that
we have Our Lord with us every
day through every situation to lift us
up with His grace?
I encourage all to participate in
the upcoming Pro-Life March. This
is yet another way to demonstrate
our love for life from the moment of
conception until natural death. The
Catholic Church has never wavered
in its proclamation of the dignity of
the human person. Thank you for
your witness to the truth and for all
that you do to advance the Gospel
of Life. Let us continue to stand
together in this effort. We ask our
You’ll Never Walk Alone!
Lord to bless and to protect us in
every way!
Grand Knight’s Report
Jeff McMullen (301) 809-0260
Happy New Year! I hope
everyone had a very Merry
Christmas. I hope everyone
enjoyed themselves at the Council
Christmas Party this year, it was
good to see so many people
enjoying each other’s company and
food. We had a great turnout with
some great food, some I’ve never
had the opportunity to try before, it
was all great.
Please join me in congratulating
this month’s Knight of the Month:
PGK Paul Mullenhoff. Although
he has been trying to stay hidden
behind the scenes most of this year,
but Paul has been volunteering
every opportunity to server the
Knights either in the kitchen or
behind the bar. Thank you Paul, for
your support!
District Deputy’s Report
Romeo Paternoster, PGK
(301) 509-0236
Happy New Year My Brothers
all. Here's hoping you made it
through another good year and
continue into the new year.
Not too much to tell you about
now, BUT, after the mid-term
meeting starting Saturday, January
2nd in Baltimore there will be
something that will be passed along
to you.
January 2015
DGK’s Report
Dave Buckley, PGK2 (301) 390-0595
The new year has started,
and many blessings for a
prosperous year have been
given. And for our Council to
have a prosperous year, it’s
going to take all of us, as
members to do this! So let’s
band together and make this
happen! Support all the
Council activities.
The Paternoster family was
mislabeled last month and was
in fact the Family of the
Month for November. The
Family of the Month for
December is: Gary and
Bunny Harash. Gary is a
Bingo Team Captain. Gary and
his wife, Bunny, help to make
our Friday dinners the smooth
success they are! Bunny takes
orders while Gary delivers the
food to your table. They have
shown their support for our
Council for years by not only
attending the various events but
stepping forward to work
wherever they could see a need!
Thank Gary and Bunny for their
years of Council support when
you see them at the
Hall…probably working on
another function.
October 2008 Law Authorizes Veterans’ Salutes
during National Anthem
WASHINGTON -- Veterans and active-duty
military not in uniform can now render the military-style
hand salute during the playing of the national anthem,
thanks to changes in federal law that took place in
October 2008.
“The military salute is a unique gesture of respect
that marks those who have served in our nation’s armed
forces,” said then Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr.
James B. Peake. “This provision allowed the application
of that honor in all events involving our nation’s flag.”
The new provision improves upon a little known
change in federal law last year that authorized veterans
to render the military-style hand salute during the
raising, lowering or passing of the flag, but it did not
address salutes during the national anthem. Last year’s
provision also applied to members of the armed forces
while not in uniform.
Traditionally, members of the nation’s veterans
service organizations have rendered the hand-salute
during the national anthem and at events involving the
national flag while wearing their organization’s official
The most recent change, authorizing hand-salutes
during the national anthem by veterans and out-ofuniform military personnel, was sponsored by Sen. Jim
Inhofe of Oklahoma, an Army veteran. It was included
in the Defense Authorization Act of 2009, which
President Bush signed on October 14th , 2009.
The earlier provision authorizing hand-salutes for
veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel during
the raising, lowering or passing of the flag, was
contained in the National Defense Authorization Act of
2008, which took effect January 28th, 2008.
Youth Activities Report
Joe Massimini, PGK, FDD (240) 997-0402
We are giving everyone time to recover from
Christmas during January. Enjoy the children and
The Basketball Free Throw contest will be on
Saturday, February 21st, 2015 at the Bowie City Gym.
We will open the competition at 1:00PM and keep it
open until 3:00PM. We will shoot off all ties at 3 and
present awards immediately afterwards. We are in need
of volunteers to work this popular event. If you can
spare an hour or three, please contact Joe Massimini,
FDD, PGK or Greg Sava to tell them you are available
to work the event. We need people to help with
registration, judging, and organizing the children. We
could also use some folks to help with retrieving balls,
so if you know of anyone who can help with that, please
contact us. This event will be a District 3/32 event with
the State Free Throw Contest happening within the next
three weeks.
(301) 262-0704
Msgr. Charles Parry, Pastor
Mon-Fri 6:30 & 8:00am Chapel
9:30am Chapel
Vigil 4:30pm
8:00, 10:00am & Noon
Sat. 3:00-4:00pm
Rev. John Barry, Pastor
(301) 249-9199
8:45am Wed & Fri; 7:30pm Tue & Thu.
Vigil 5:30pm
7:30, 9:30 & 11:30am
Sat. 4:00 – 5:00pm
Rev. Michael Jones, Pastor
(301) 262-2141
9:00am M-F
Vigil 5:00pm
7:30, 9:00, 11:30am
Sat. 4:00 – 4:45pm
Rev. Paul Sparklin, Pastor
(410) 721-5770
9:00am Mon. - Thurs.
Vigil 4:30pm
8:00, 9:30, 11:00am & 5:30pm
Sat. 3:30-4:00pm
(301) 249-2266
Rev. Joseph Jenkins, Pastor
8:00am M, T, TH, F; 7:30pm Wed.
Vigil 5:30pm
7:30, 9:30am, & Noon
Sat. 4:30 - 5:00pm
Our Lady of the Fields
(410) 987-1551
Msgr. Jay O’Connor, Pastor
8:30am Mon. – Sat.
Vigil 5:00pm
7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00am, 12:30 & 6:00pm
Sat. 4:00 – 4:45pm
Ascension Catholic Church
(301) 262-2227
Rev. Larry Young, Pastor
9:00am Mon – Sat
8:30, 10:00, & Noon
Sat. 3:00 – 3:30pm
Vigil 4:00pm
The ACCOLADE is a Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council # 2577
newsletter that is published and distributed monthly to Members.
Correspondence should be mailed to the editor at the Council address or
emailed to rdevous@verizon.net. All articles are due, a month in advance
of distribution, at the Program Directors Meeting. Articles received after
the 10th of the month cannot be guaranteed to be published.
Follow up!
In Memoriam
Margaret T. Cooke, Wife of Harry
A. Cooke
Marge Robinson, Widow of Frank
Robinson, HLM
Sick and Memorial
George Vincent (301) 249-6399
Sick or Recovering Brothers
Calvin Blake, Jr.
Charles “Mike” Bronder, HLM
Joe Brust
Tom Burtis, PGK, HLM
Jim Conley
Mark Davis
Tony DePaul, HLM
Richard Ednock, HLM
Buck Garner, HLM
Al Golato, HLM
John Hanna
Chuck Kinzie
John Kylus, PGK, HLM
George Messenger, PGK, HLM
Frank Murphy
Tom O’Connor, Jr.
Richard Padgett, HLM
Dave Thomas, HLM
John Vorce
Sick or Recovering Relatives
Marion Brunner, Widow of Art Brunner, PGK
Louise Calmon, Wife of Gene Calmon, HLM
Claire Carroll, Wife of Paul Carroll, HLM
Audrey Conley, Wife of Jim Conley
Mary Cullen, Wife of Bob Cullen
Joanne O’Malley, Wife of Jack O’Malley
Mary Peterson, Daughter of John Curerri
Eva Poiaini, Wife of Claudio Poiani, PGK, PFN
Eileen Prevo, Wife of Bill Prevo
Kathy Salvemini, Wife of Tony Salvemini, PGK,
Lorraine Sotack, Wife of Steve Sotack
Elizabeth Stone, Wife of Tony Stone
Brian Stone, Son of Tony Stone
Josephine Tobin, Widow of John Tobin, Motherin-Law of G. Fred Robinson, HM
Theresa Vita, Daughter of Bill Vita
Membership Activities Report
George Riddle (410) 721-6104 rid1965@yahoo.com
The news is just full of bad stuff these days. Killings robberies, hostage
situations, protests, and riots seem to be the only things going on in our country.
Nothing but bad. Then I get my mail and there it is, a SPARK to pick me up! On
the cover of our Columbia magazine, the cover story, “500 Ultra sound machines
and counting” some awesome news! It rejuvenates my spirit and reminds me the
GOOD work we do as Knights. As this new year begins I would like us all to feel
rejuvenated in a mission to recruit new members to our ranks. This world needs
us to fight against all this BAD NEWS and shout about all the GOOD NEWS. So
come help out at our Recruitment Drives or speak to someone who would like to
progress in their faith and see the Good that doesn’t make the headlines.
Sacred Heart Council#2577 Charity Fund
Joe Massimini, FDD, PGK (240) 997-0402
As we open the new year all are invited to contribute to the Sacred Heart
Council #2577 Charity Fund. The fund is up and running after a hiatus. We have
restored the funds ability to take charitable contributions and have already made
contributions to the Council’s Scholarship fund. At this time the fund’s direction
is to provide scholarship money to children and grandchildren of Knights of
Columbus members from Sacred Heart Council #2577 and to provide seminarian
support to those studying to be priests. If you would like to contribute to these
worthy causes, please contact PGK, Kevin Kylus or FDD, PGK Joe Massimini.
All contributions will be acknowledged with a letter that can be used for tax
Family Activities Report
Alex Simpson (443) 745-6727 lsmft90@gmail.com
My Brother Knights and Ladies, it is my privilege to announce this month’s
“Family Night Out”! It will happen on Friday, January 16th from 5:30PM until
whenever you want to leave. We will have an exciting dinner creatively cooked
and thought up by yours truly! It will be fun for all ages and the price is right: $6
for teens and up, $3 for 3-12, and children under 3 are FREE! Please R.S.V.P. if
you can to: lsmft90@gmail.com with family name and number of adults/kids
attending by Wednesday, January 14th. We had a huge success at pizza night,
We will be having our famous Sunday Family Breakfast Buffet from 9:00AM
to Noon on Sunday, January 11th. The price is: $8.50 adults…$5.00 children (6 –
12YO) and a family max of $24.00. You are asked to spread the word about this
Family Breakfast Buffet to your family, neighbors, fellow Church parishioners,
and co-workers.
Community Activities Report
We ask that these Brother Knights
and their relatives be kept in your daily
If you know of a Brother Knight or a
member of his family who is sick or
recently deceased, please contact me so
that we may include them in our prayers.
Also we need your help managing the
sick and recovering list. So when
someone has recovered or wishes to
remove his or her name please call me
at (301) 249-6399 or email me at:
Bill Fish (301) 809-6706 bilmyor6@yahoo.com
The Tootsie Roll Drive went well, although there were limited locations
available for collections. This year we only had the three Giant stores and the
times for collections were limited to only four hours at each location. We
collected $1531.63 total, which was much below that which was collected in the
past. I hope the coming year will be better. I believe we will need to start looking
at other locations in July or August.
Our next Blood Drive will be held on Monday, January 12 th from 2:00 –
7:30PM at the Hall. Make an appointment to donate by calling the Red Cross at
1-800-RED-CROSS. Your donation can save up to three lives.
The Blood Drive dates for the rest of 2015 are: March 23 rd, May 18th, July
13 , September 4th, and November 9th from 2:00 – 7:30PM. These are all
Mondays! Mark your new 2015 calendars now!
Pro-Life Report
Rob Van Rite, PGK (301) 910-4524 JTCoulton@gmail.com
The New Year is upon us. It is a time for a reassessment of goals as individuals…as families. It is a time to take stock
of where “we” have been and where we are headed. It is a time to accept the “status quo,” or embark on an adventure of
change (always a risky notion!) For those of us living in a stable environment, this exercise, though difficult and
involving some weeping and gnashing of teeth, doesn’t far remove us from our comfort zone. For those with uncertain
futures, many of whom form the basis of the Gabriel Network’s clientele, this exercise is even more foreboding. A young
woman, about to become a young mother, faces enormous stress given the responsibility for the life growing within her.
The Gabriel Network seeks to answer the many questions that arise after the affirmation of life has been made. For this
reason, when we as Pro-Life Catholics make our New Year’s resolutions, one of them should be an invigorated
commitment to the unborn and the new lives struggling to survive. Prayerfully consider a contribution to the Gabriel
Network. More information can be found on its website: http://www.gabrielnetwork.org. This frontline defender of the
right to life is a worthy recipient of our donations, prayers and service. Speaking of service, the Annual Rally and March
for Life is scheduled for Thursday, January 22nd, 2015 on the National Mall (12th Street, Wash DC.) Beginning at Noon
and continuing throughout the day, this landmark testament to life brings together all those for whom life—in all its
stages—is sacred.
Vivat Jesus!!!
Fraternal Activity Report
Frank Italiano (301) 213-7491 frankiwop@verizon.net
Brothers and Sisters who walk in the footsteps of Fr. McGinvey: Here we go again, another
opportunity this year to serve Jesus Christ, our parish, our own family, our Knights of Columbus family
and the human community which we are member. What are YOUR New Year’s resolutions?
Happy Birthday to the babies of January: Patrick Hogan (01), Bernard Mulhern (01), Adel Saba
(01), Patrick Saba (01), Daniel Grasso (02), John Monahan (02), Paul Mullenhoff (02), Thomas Villemi
(02), Earle Amey (03), Eli Casper (03), Dominic DiGregory (03), Gregory Sava (03), John O’Malley (04),
Rev. Charles J. Parry (04), Cristian Taffo (04), Paul Vaughn (04), Jon Whitacre (04), Walter Gedrich (05),
Leo Green, Jr. (07), Americo Allegrino (08), Msgr. Bernard Yarrish (08), Kevin Meagher (09), Raymond
Melago (09), Patrick Twomey (09), Andrew Dobson (10), Joseph Cox (11), Warren Jamison (11), William
Karlson (11), Gerard Murchie (11), David Spess (11), Michael Kelley (12), Richard Napolitano (13),
Joseph Salser (13), Salvatore Bente (14), Gerald George (14), Bert Gregory, Jr. (15), Steve Italiano (15),
Patrick Thornton (15), Bret Hardman ((16), William Yates (16), Steven Dobrosielski (17), Michael
Hammond (19), Francis Francois (19), Jeffrey Seal (20), Richard Kelly (21), John McGee (21), James
Godar (22), Mark Conto (23), John Gott (23), John Reyes (23), David Robinson (23), Matthew Stevick
(23), Joseph Merton (24), Mark Dinsmore (25), William Hastings (26), Jeffry Snyder (27), Steven
Sheckells (28), John Gazda (29), Craig Kovach (29), James Looney (29), Myles O’Reilly (29), William
Smith (29), Thomas Holland (30), George Talbert (30), Michael Vaughan, Jr. (30), Timothy O’Neil (31).
Church Activities Report
Neil Baldwin (410) 353-8673 baldwinn02@gmail.com
There will be NO First Friday Mass and Mini-Supper in January.
The Council is preparing a Clergy Appreciation Dinner for this coming mid-February in thanks to the local clergymen’s
service for the good of the community. All should take advantage of the local parish services especially the Sacrament of
Confession and times of prayer. Sacred Heart parish offers Confession Saturday 3:00-4:00PM or anytime by request. At St.
Edward the Confessor parish Reconciliation is offered every Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00PM and by appointment. St. Pius X
parish offers weekday Mass at 9PM. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish has Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday, 9:30 to 4:00PM. All
are encouraged to get more involved with their parishes offering their services in any way they can.
Council Activities Report
Fraternal Benefits Report
NaciemCra Yousif (240) 476-1159 nacdy101@yahoo.com
Can you believe it is 2015? I hope that 2013 was a
healthy, prosperous year for you and your family. It’s said
that time flies, and the older we get, the more that
statement seems true. As we review the past year and
prepare to welcome a new one, we wonder where the time
If you’re like most people, you’ve made some
resolutions for 2015. If I may, I’d like to make two
suggestions regarding your resolutions. First, write them
down. A resolution is really a goal for the year and, until
you commit a goal to writing, it’s nothing more than a
wish. Writing a resolution down is the first step towards
achieving it. Whether your goal is to lose weight,
contribute more time and money to charity,
watch less television, you’re more likely to accomplish it if
you write it down.
Second, schedule some time to visit with me, your
professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent. The
“insurance check-up” that I’ll provide (free of charge, by
the way!) will quickly identify any gaps in your family’s
life insurance program. And you’ll want to fill those gaps
now, not later. Because unlike many other products, you
need more than money to obtain life insurance. You also
need good health, and no one will ring a bell warning you
when your health is about to change.
Knights of Columbus life insurance offers something
precious few other financial products can guarantee. As
long as you pay your premiums, the policy proceeds will
be there for your beneficiaries should something happen to
you. We call that peace of mind, and that’s (as they say in
the credit card commercials) priceless.
Call John Canter, FICF, (301) 261-3231 or Stephen
Clites, FICF at (240) 375-1372.
There are many events coming up in January, so please refer to the
calendar for dates, times, and prices (if applicable). I would like to
highlight the annual Bull and Oyster Roast honoring PG County Police
and Fire & EMS Departments as the next big event. Please support
your local Police and Fire/EMS by spreading the word about this
wonderful event to family, friends, parishioners, co-workers and
buying tickets to join in the festivities!
Care Packages for the Troops
Frank Italiano, PGK. PFN (301) 336-6113
Caring package: to provide toiletries, leisure time books, snacks
and our best wishes to our troops serving in foreign lands, especially
those in harm’s way. The Sacred Heart Council and St John N
Neumann Assembly are soliciting voluntary donations of $5 or more
to send these caring packages. Write your donation check to St. John
N Neumann Assembly and mail to Faithful Comptroller at 2111
Wintergreen Avenue, District Heights, MD 20747-2433.
REPORT: CARING FOR TROOPS: Purchased coffee, several
snack items, laundry soap packets, dryer sheets, personal toiletries and
several bags of Halloween candy. Two separate boxes were sent: c/o
Chris Brown, USN in Afghanistan package weighing 42lbs; c/o
Chaplain LTC Lawrence Bleboo in Iraq weighing 33 lbs. Cost of
items purchased was $124.96 with a cost of APO shipping & handling
of $149.93 for a total cost project $274.80. Additional items will be
purchased and sent in January. We are hopeful that we could send
these items on a quarterly cycle. It depends on the money members
Supreme Council Report
Pope Francis meets Supreme Knight
On behalf of the 1.8 million members of the Knights of Columbus,
the Supreme Knight presented the Holy Father with a contribution of
$1.6 million from the Vicarius Christi Fund, for the Pope’s personal
charities. In addition, the Supreme Knight spoke about the Knights of
Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund and provided the Pope with a
contribution of $400,000 from that fund to supplement the relief efforts
of the Holy See in the Middle East.
The Supreme Knight was also present at the special Mass celebrated
by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica to mark the feast of Our Lady of
Guadalupe. At the conclusion of the Papal Mass, Msgr. Eduardo
Chavez, postulator of the cause of St. Juan Diego, and co-author with
the Supreme Knight of a book on Our Lady of Guadalupe, presented
the Holy Father with a silver rose. Over the past few months, the silver
rose was hand-carried by Knights of Columbus from Canada, through
the United States, to Mexico City as a symbol of unity in the continent
of America. For more than 50 years, the Order has sponsored the Our
Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose Program to honor the Blessed Virgin
under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas.
In 2001, Supreme Knight Anderson dedicated the Order to Our
Lady of Guadalupe. Since that time, the Order has organized and
supported numerous spiritual initiatives and academic conferences to
promote devotion to the Virgin of Guadalupe.
State Council Report
Stephen J. Adamczyk, State Deputy
Welcome to the New Year. Best wishes for a
Holy Happy Healthy Year for all of us.
Got any resolutions? How about we consider
some for the Knights: 1) At our Supreme Knight’s
request, we consider it a moral obligation to offer
membership to every Catholic male over the age of
18, and 2) again at Carl Anderson’s request, we hold
Degrees for candidates…not hold candidates for
Degrees. I think if we follow his simple suggestions,
we can double Our Order in the state of Maryland.
Hopefully every Grand Knight and Deputy Grand
Knight will attend the mid-term meeting Saturday,
January 3rd. For the GK’s it will have a revitalizing
message to complete the year with resounding
SUCCESS. For the DGK’s it will be a preparation
for your advancement to GK, and a “how to” course
for a SUCCESSFUL year. Our Goal as a State
TEAM is to make this your Council’s most
SUCCESSFUL year ever.
Lastly, as a part of my New Year’s resolution, I
will be praying more for all of my Brother Knights
and your families. Your health, your wellbeing, and
your children mean a lot to me and to our Church.
We are the future of our Catholic faith. I can only
ask that you continue prayers for me and the
leadership of the Knights in Maryland.
Dr. Ivan J. Nosacek, P.A.
Family Foot Care
John Canter, F. I.C. F.
(301) 261-3231
Steve Clites, F.I.C.F
(240) 375-1372
North Oak Professional Park
3006 Mitchellville Road
Bowie, MD 20716
(301) 390-3338 - FAX: (301) 390-7738
Fraternal Benefits Advisors
Annuities – Long Term Care
Ron Treacy
ASE Certified
Master AAA
Four Legs Animal Hospital
Dr. Natalia Nosacek Bassford
1329 W. Central Avenue
Davidsonville, MD 21035
(410) 798-5222
MD EmissionTechnician
Hi-Tech Mobile Auto Care
All Types of Repairs – Foreign & American
7110 Crain Highway
Bowie, MD 20715
MD Route 450 & Route 3
Boswell Hall
Cardinal Room
Columbian Room
Weddings, Meetings, Parties, etc.
(301) 262-1041
(301) 352-6141
Fourth Degree News
Tom Torrell, Faithful Navigator (301) 262-8062
St. John N. Neumann Assembly #1763
December was a very busy month for our Assembly. I hope everyone had a Happy and Blessed Christmas. We had our Wagon of Cheer
drawing after the December Assembly meeting and the winner was SK Amancio Pascaran. Congratulations Amancio. The proceeds from the
Wagon of Cheer will be distributed evenly between Blankets of Hope and the Gabriel Project, both very worthy causes. The Wreaths Across
America campaign was held on December 13th and I am not sure how many from our Assembly were able to attend the ceremony at Arlington
Cemetery but on behalf of St. John N. Neumann Assembly, I would like to thank our worthy Faithful Captain, Joe Massimini for representing
our Assembly. Thank you to all who attended. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 15th, 2015 and I would like to remind
everyone that our Renewal of Obligations will be held during the meeting. All officers are requested to wear a black tuxedo; other Sir Knights
attending are reminded to wear a suit and tie. January is Pro-Life month and this year’s annual March for Life will be held on Thursday, January
22nd on the National Mall beginning at Noon. Many people will be attending from all across our nation and we who live close by should show
our support by attending the March, or attending Mass on that day at our Church. Our Assembly continues to provide caring packages for our
troops overseas who are in harm’s way defending our country. This is one way we can express our gratitude. We are accepting articles like
toiletries, books, snacks, coffee or donations of cash or check for $5 or more made payable to the St. John N Neumann Assembly. You may
bring items to any of our meetings. Recruitment of new members for our Degree is ongoing. If you have candidates, we need to get the Form
4’s in by the deadline of March 10th, 2015. Registration and payment of fees can be done online at www.awddistrict.org Remember, you will
still need to have a paper copy of Form 4 filled out and handed in. I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2015 filled with hope peace
and joy!
McNamara Chapter News
The McNamara Chapter of Grand Knights will have their monthly chapter meeting on Wednesday, January 21st at
Maurice J. McDonough Council #12128 in Pomfret, MD. Council Health (R and R) will be discussed. Grand
Knights, Deputy Grand Knights and Council Officers are urged to attend.
January 2015
7:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Coming in Feb.
1 Super Bowl
6 Mass
8 Breakfast
14 Valentine Day
Coming in Mar.
1 Super Bowl
6 Mass
8 Breakfast
17 St. Patrick’s
23 Blood Drive
5 CWC/BA Mtg.
6 Bingo 7:00PM
7 Cornhole
Bingo Team #1
1 New Year
2 No Mass
8 York Club 11AM
16 Family
Business Mtg. 8PM
PDM 7:00PM
Buffet 9:00 –
12 Blood Drive
13 Bingo 7:00PM
14 Cornhole
2:00 – 7:30PM
Bingo Team#2
20 Bingo 7:00PM
Bingo Team #3
27 Bingo 7:00PM
Bingo Team #4
21 Cornhole
Chapter at
Maurice J.
Council in
Pomfret, MD.
28 Cornhole
15 York Club 11AM
4 Degree Mtg.
Knight Out
York Club 11AM
Social Mtg. 8:00PM
29 York Club 11AM
Bull and
Oyster Roast
4:00 – 10:00PM
Steve Mihaly, Bingo Director (410) 721-9014; Faris Kahwajy, Bingo Setup (301) 262-8674; Steve Dobrosielski, Bingo Coordinator (301) 262-6860
Jan. 6
Team #1
Ohlen Hunt (410) 793-0650
L. Josleyn J. McMullen
K. Carroll B. Cartney, Jr.
M. Mulroy R. Burkhardt
Kitchen Team # 1
B. Benitez, Captain
C. Hedley, Kitchen Prep
T. Seppi M. Sonnefeld
L. Sickels, Kitchen Prep
Setup #1
J. Lienesch, Captain
B. Schaffer
E. Amey
R. McElligott
Jan. 13
Team #2
Gary Harash (301) 464-2335
A. Marmo
R. Ideo
R, Dacquel
M. Mihaly
L. Schumacher D. Achikeh
G. Patterson
Kitchen Team # 2
J. Mulqueen, Captain
P. Heleen, Kitchen Prep
S. Dougherty, Kitchen Prep
W. Hubbert B. Prevo
W. Hostetler J, Schablein.
Setup #2
F, Kahwajy T. Wieber .
J. McCloskey
Jan. 20
Jan. 27
Feb. 3
Team #3
Team #4
Team #5
Mark Seidleck (410) 956-0195 Bruno Seppi (301) 249-7412 Jim Hannan (301) 464-0528
A. Dobson
J. Seidleck
M. O’Reilly R. Spargo
B. Potts
F. Hebert
J. A. Seidleck C Leshinsky
J. Ruzzi
J. Brust
J. Schmidt
J. Rodgers
J. Lyons
J. Woodward
J. Simpson D. Crosby
C. Keplinger D. Parks
R. Padro
M. Scott
G. Kiley
R. Bonccelli
Kitchen Team # 3
Kitchen Team #4
Kitchen Team #5
F. Italiano, Team Captain
B. Burkhardt, Kitchen Prep
R. Paternoster, Captain &Prep
T. Looney P. Connolly
R. Van Rite, Captain A. Saba D. Scholfield, Kitchen Prep
T. Weiber, Kitchen Prep
T. Wieber, Kitchen Prep
A. Lopata.
T. Ruthemeyer
B. Burkhardt, Kitchen Prep
M. Constantine J. Nelson
G. Ratte, K.P. N, Yousif
Setup #3
D’Orsaneo, Co-Captain
J. Lonergan , Co-Captain
C. Hedley
Setup #4
T. Young, Captain
B. Martin B. Kennedy
Setup #5
R. McElligott
B. Schaffer E. Amey
Floor Substitutes: Bill Dziwura (301) 262-7278, Riick Foster (301) 262-5676, Bob Icaruso (410) 721-8211, Liam Benton (443) 336-6528, Mike Allen
Kitchen Substitutes: Ken Urasek (410) 419-2486, Adel Saba (Cell (240) 381-4223, Home (301) 464-9244)
The Accolade
Knights of Columbus
Sacred Heart Council #2577
6111 Columbian Way
Bowie, MD 20715-4302
The Council’s webpage: www.kofc2577.org and Accolade can be accessed on your camera equipped smart devices by using the QR Code
application available for downloading where you download from. Using your phone’s camera and the QR Code application, click on the
code above.
The Maryland State Council webpage and their many activities details can be found at: www.kofc-md.org
Have you paid your 2015 dues?
Sacred Heart Council #2577 Knights of Columbus presents their
SATURDAY, January 31st, 2015
Boswell Hall, Bowie, MD
Doors open at 4:00PM
BAR OPEN 4:30 TO 10:00PM – FOOD SERVICE 5:00 TO 8:00PM
DANCING 8:00 – 10:00PM
TICKETS – $35 (reserve a table of 8 or more and pay $30 per person)
CONTACT: Donnie Restley (301) 262-1041 Naciem Yousif (240) 476-1159
Ray DeVous (301) 641-8054