June 2015 - KofC Sacred Heart Council #2577

The Accolade
Vol. LXXXIX No. 12
Chaplain’s Report
Msgr. Charles Parry
The duties of daily life require an
enormous amount of grace so that we can
handle all of the responsibilities that are
ours. In the midst of it all we are called
to a holy way of life in which we remain
morally sound. Seeking out and doing
the good is not always easy. Determined
to live a chaste life, honest, wholesome
and with integrity of spirit cannot be
accomplished on our own. We need
grace! In His mercy grace in abundance
is given to us through the Sacraments!
Our sins deprive us of life, weigh us
down, deplete our energy and destroy our
zest for life. It is only the mercy of Jesus
that brings forgiveness of our sins. He
willingly suffered and died on the cross
in obedience to the Father in a perfect act
of charity. In this sacrifice He won for
us a blessed release from our sins! We
need forgiveness! In His mercy we are
washed clean!
Our human body is a treasured gift
from Almighty God. Our human frame
endures sickness, physical weakness and
eventual death. It cannot be avoided.
But Our Lord Jesus is raised from the
dead – in this He reveals that death is but
the doorway to eternal life. When the
time of our earthly existence comes to an
end, we have a heavenly home that
awaits our presence. We need life! In
His mercy He will raise us up from death
to eternal glory with Him in heaven!
Friday, June 12th is the Feast of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus. Attend Mass in
your local parish on that day to celebrate
the wonder and the joy of the mercy of
Jesus – Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Have Mercy On Us!
Grand Knight’s Report
Jeff McMullen (301) 809-0260
The Fraternal Year is not over
yet...We still have plenty of things going
You’ll Never Walk Alone!
on to finish out the year. First Friday
Mass and Mini-Supper is June 5th, and
our Father's Day Sunday Family
Breakfast Buffet is June 21st in the
Cardinal Room, just to name a few, so
stay tuned.
Well…this is it…my last article as the
Council’s Grand Knight. It has been my
pleasure serving you as the Grand Knight
this past year, I look forward to continue
serving this Council and the new
incoming Grand Knight in whatever
capacity I am able. Thank you for your
patience, understanding and support.
Please join me in congratulating this
month’s Knight of the Month:
Jonathan Tallmadge. Jonathan is one
of those who have been quietly working
behind the scenes for a long long time on
many of the programs that we support.
Thank you, Jonathan, for your years of
June 2015
Surge with Service Program Supreme
Nomination- Council Activities Award
Well done guys.
Fr. Kidd Council won all 6 First Place
Awards in their Division and 1 Supreme
Congratulations to George Riddle for
being elected Grand Knight of Sacred
Heart Council. I know he'll do a great
job with our support.
Deputy Grand Knight’s Report
Dave Buckley, PGK2
(301) 390-0595
I would like to thank all my Brother
Knights and their families, for having the
confidence in me to be Deputy Grand
Knight this past Fraternal Year.
Congratulations to Grand Knight Jeff
McMullen and the Council officers,
chairmen and directors for their hard
work, and awards won by the Council at
the State Convention.
District Deputy’s Report
And most of all congrats go out to our
Romeo Paternoster, PGK
members for all the time that you
(301) 509-0236
volunteer at the events, and the support
you gave to all the Council fund raisers.
Let us not forget to do God’s work in
Guess what? I made reservations for
charity; we must always stay fraternal
Sharon and I to attend the Grand Knights
and patriotic in our works, and always
seminar in Frederick. That must mean
united through His name, Jesus Christ.
the good people of the state haven't
To the new Council officers, you will
found reason to replace me or someone
always have my continued support.
to replace me with.
I encourage all our Council members
They must have confidence in this
to become more active in Our Council.
District to carry on with the programs we
The life and future of Our Council is in
have been doing, here are some of the
YOUR hands.
highlights at the Knights Convention:
The Family of the Month for June
Surge with service program awardis: All the families of Sacred Heart
thanks to PGK Dave Buckley for making
Council. After all…support of family is
sure all reports were done on time.
one of the principles the Knight of
2 Place Division A:
Columbus was found on. Is there
General Excellence Award
anything more important to you then
Family Activities Award
your family members and their
Council Activities Award
wellbeing…whether it’s your home
1 Place Division A:
family or your Knights family?
Community Activities Award
Youth Activities Award
Culture of Life Award
Important Events
Ray DeVous, PFN (301) 641-8054
Congratulation to Brother Knight Justin McClain
and his wife, Bernadette on the birth of their daughter,
Theresa Elizabeth on Saturday, May 2nd.
Mary Jo Sierco, 117th Convention Honoree
Mary Jo Sierco, Widow of Past State Deputy Michael
Sierco was named the Honoree for the 117th Maryland State
Convention held in Ocean City, MD on May 1 st –3rd, 2015.
On November 5th, 1961 Michael became a Knight of
Columbus at Sacred Heart Council #2577 in Bowie, MD. In
1964 he was elected Grand Knight and Mary Jo served as First
Lady of the Council. Thus began her long service to the K of
C as adjunct to Mike throughout his raise as Grand Knight and
through District and Maryland State Council officer positions.
She served as First Lady of the Maryland State Council from
1972 – 74 during her husband’s tenure as State Deputy. She
was Perfect of Sacred Heart Parish Ladies Sodality from 1962
– 64 and again for 1990 – 91. She served as President of
Sacred Heart Council K of C Ladies Auxiliary in 1989.
As a self-taught organist (never a formal lesson) she served
as organist for the Maryland State Council K of C for seven
State Deputies’ administrations: 1982 – 92, 2002 – 04, 2014
to current. Locally, she is organist for Sacred Heart Council
#2577, St. John N. Neumann Assembly #1763 and St. Edward
the Confessor parish for over thirty years, for ten years the
former weekly Masses for St. Pius X School and currently for
St. Pius X Parish for monthly Adoration/Benediction, Lenten
Stations of the Cross, for their Ladies Sodality and for
Christmas and other Masses as needed. She is also organist
for Sacred Heart Parish Christmas Mass, Lent Stations of the
Cross, Holy Hour/Benediction Liturgies and for Ladies
Sodality. She is pianist for a local Nursing Home weekly
Catholic Prayer/Communion Service and for “Sing Along
With Mary Jo” sessions.
Building Association Annual Meeting
The Building Association Annual Meeting will be
held on Thursday, July 11th following the 8:00 PM
Council’s business meeting. This meeting is open to all
Council members in good standing.
Friday Night Bingo Report
Joe Massimini, PGK, FDD (240) 997-0402
The Council will hold their Friday Night Bingo on
June 12th. Doors open at 6:00PM and we should be
done by 11:00PM.
I want to thank all the Brother Knight and their
family members for their help and support with this
Overall we are doing very well and will continue to
grow. We still have room for people to play so come
on out and bring your friends for a fun evening outing!
Youth Activitiy Report
Joe Massimini, FDD, PGK (240) 997-0402
This year we will be collection items for Northview
Elementary School. We will need pencils, erasers, black
and white composition books, filler paper, pencil cases,
file folders with pockets, pencil grips and backpacks. We
need a new item for this year, which are the thicker
pencils designed for younger hands. We are waiting for
the complete list of requested items, which should get to
us soon. In the meantime, you cannot go wrong. We
will have a box set up in the Hall for Bingo, YORK, and
all Knights meetings. Last year we provided Northview
Elementary with over $1,000 worth of school supplies.
We hope to do just as much this year. If you would
prefer to make a contribution to the campaign, please feel
free to send a check to the Knights of Columbus Sacred
Heart Council #2577, or stop any officer and give them
the contribution. Educating all children has always been
something near to the Heart of the Catholic Church. It
makes things quite a bit easier to educate the children
when they have the tools they need to facilitate learning.
For those into long term planning, we will be holding
a Soccer Shootout the first weekend in February, once
again in conjunction with the Saint Edward’s Parish
Family Fun Fair. One of the traditions for the past three
years has been the Soccer Shootout T-shirt. If you own a
business, or would just like to advertise on the back of
the t-shirt, feel free to contact Joe Massimini at
joemassi@comcast.net. We are hoping to pay the entire
costs for the t-shirt through donations from area
businesses. The t-shirts are free to participants and
volunteers and cost around $800 for 100 t-shirts. If we
get eight businesses to contribute $100 each, there will be
no cost to the Councils participating in the shootout. Last
year’s businesses which contributed to the t-shirts were
Romeo Paternoster Home Improvements, TJ Elliot’s
restaurant, Saint John N. Neumann Assembly and SK
Motors. We thank these businesses for their past
contributions and hope we can count on them again for
making the Soccer Shootout a great event.
The ACCOLADE is a Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council # 2577
newsletter that is published and distributed monthly to Members.
Correspondence should be mailed to the editor at the Council address or
emailed to rdevous@verizon.net. All articles are due, a month in advance
of distribution, at the Program Directors Meeting. Articles received after
the 10th of the month cannot be guaranteed to be published.
Follow up!
In Memoriam
Clara Hickly, Cousin of Joe
Massimini, PGK, FDD
Sick and Memorial
George Vincent (301) 249-6399
Sick or Recovering Brothers
Deacon David Barnes
Calvin Blake, Jr.
Charles “Mike” Bronder, HLM
Joe Brust
Tom Burtis, PGK, HLM
Bryson Cochoran
Mark Davis
Tony DePaul, HLM
Richard Ednock, HLM
Buck Garner, HLM
Al Golato, HLM
John Hanna
Chuck Kinzie
John Kylus, PGK, HLM
Jim Lienesch
Bill Mecca
George Messenger, PGK, HLM
Tom O’Connor, Jr.
Richard Padgett, HLM
Adel Saba
Rocky Seppi
Alex Simpson
Michael Smigielski
Dave Thomas, HLM
Eric Van Rite
John Vorce
Sick or Recovering Relatives
Marion Brunner, Widow of Art Brunner, PGK
Louise Calmon, Wife of Gene Calmon, HLM
Claire Carroll, Wife of Paul Carroll, HLM
Audrey Conley, Wife of Jim Conley
Mary Cullen, Wife of Bob Cullen
Joanne O’Malley, Wife of Jack O’Malley
Mary Peterson, Daughter of John Curerri
Eva Poiaini, Wife of Claudio Poiani, PGK, PFN
Eileen Prevo, Wife of Bill Prevo
Kathy Salvemini, Wife of Tony Salvemini, PGK,
Lorraine Sotack, Wife of Steve Sotack
Elizabeth Stone, Wife of Tony Stone
Brian Stone, Son of Tony Stone
Theresa Vita, Daughter of Bill Vita
We ask that these Brother Knights and their
relatives be kept in your daily prayers.
If you know of a Brother Knight or a member of
his family who is sick or recently deceased, please
contact me so that we may include them in our
Also we need your help managing the sick and
recovering list. So when someone has recovered or
wishes to remove his or her name please call me at
(301) 249-6399 or email me at: k3gv@verizon.net.
Membership Activities Report
George Riddle (410) 721-6104 rid1965@yahoo.com
Since this month marks the end of our Fraternal Year, I would just like to say a
few words about my year.
I had a lot of fun. I got to do something in Lecturing that I never thought I
would do and really enjoyed it.
I thank you for putting up with my jokes both good…and bad. The ones I
couldn’t tell in here were even better…kidding.
I hope I did edify you at least a little with some of my articles. Doing the
research on what message that I wanted to get across was at times frustrating
because I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for, or very rewarding because
I learned something and was able to share it with you.
There are a few people I would like to thank. Of course our Grand Knight for
trusting me enough to do this job, it could have gone reeeeaaallly bad.
Our PGK’s…they are always there with their advice and experience.
Ray DeVous….for not heckling me…too much!
Last…but not least…Luther, for always having my back and telling me that I
can do the job.
Grand Knight’s Appreciation Night
Saturday, June 14th
4:00 – 8:00PM in the Cardinal Room
Grand Knight Jeff McMullen invites you to the
Hall so he may thank you for your support.
Please let a Council Officer know if you are attending and
the size of your group so we can prepare food.
Family Activities Report
Alex Simpson (443) 745-6727 lsmft90@gmail.com
First this month…I want to thank all who have sent me messages of support and
prayers for a speedy recovery from injuries from my car accident. Secondly…I want
to thank my Brother Knights for electing me as Our Council’s Chancellor for the new
Fraternal Year.
My Brother Knights and Ladies, May’s “Family Night Cookout” was another
SMASHING success! I am very thankful for Naciem Yousif and Carissa (Our new
First Lady) Riddle stepping forward and cooking a delicious meal! May's Family
Night Out dinner was our last one of this Fraternal Year.
We will be having our famous Father’s Day Sunday Family Breakfast Buffet from
9:00AM to Noon on Sunday, June 21st. The price is: $8.50 adults…$5.00 children (6
– 12YO) and a family max of $25.00. Fathers eat FREE! You are asked to spread
the word about our Sunday Family Breakfast Buffets to your family, friends,
neighbors, fellow Church parishioners, and coworkers! Also please thank all the
Fathers in your life, the Knights wouldn't exist without our Fathers!!!
Community Activities Report
Bill Fish (301) 809-6706 bilmyor6@yahoo.com
Our annual Tootsie Roll Campaign will be in October, and I am thinking of
looking for more locations that we can use for the donations. Last year we were
limited to only three area Giant grocery stores. We got a late start and as a result
the funds we collected were down considerably from previous years. I am looking
forward to a better outcome this year. I would like to encourage all Brother
Knights to make suggestions and take part in this evolution.
Our remaining Blood Drives for 2015 are: July 13 th, August 10th (emergency
Blood Drive), September 14th and November 9th. These dates are all Mondays. Be
sure to call the Red Cross for an appointment time at 1 800 RED CROSS.
Pro-Life Report
Rob Van Rite, PGK (301) 910-4524 JTCoulton@gmail.com
During the course of the Fraternal Year 2014 -2015, the Pro-Life activities of the Council have had as a first priority
the recognition of the right to life by the unborn. Events, such as the Cemetery of the Innocents, brought into stark
contrast the horror and devastation wreaked upon vulnerable pregnant mothers and their babies. Thanks to the efforts of
the Pro-Life community, it is no longer so easy to turn a blind eye to those in crisis. Though gains have been made
(abortion mills have been closed and pregnant women considering abortion are seeking counseling in greater numbers)
there is no respite for weary Pro-Life heralds. The Culture of Death, a.k.a. modern society, is tenacious and loath to
relinquish its death grip on those who have become “spiritually numb.” As a Council we have held up the Living Rosary
of Our Blessed Mother as our weapon of choice to wage the war against the secular evil that by ourselves—in our
brokenness—are powerless to overcome. As Knights we are reminded of our pledge to carry the Rosary of Mary, our
patroness, daily, and to pray it as often as we can. Perhaps the high point of the Pro-Life year is the March for Life on the
National Mall. It is a fitting testament to the commitment of Knights and their families that we stand firm in our
recognition of life at conception and until natural death. Perhaps for as long as a decade, Brother Knight Steve
Dobrosielski and his wife Marguerite have been the standard bearers of Pro-Life for the Council. Over that time they have
won numerous “accolades” including several Supreme Awards for Quarterly Culture of Life reports sent to the Maryland
State Council. Having set the bar for achievement at so high a level, it was a daunting task to assume the honor of
Program Director from them. Thanks be to God, the Council’s Culture of Life Program for this Fraternal Year was voted
best in the Maryland State Council Jurisdiction (Division A) and received honors for the same at the just concluded 117th
State Convention in Ocean City. As this Fraternal Year draws to a close, Pro-Life efforts will focus on the Gabriel
Network’s Dave Grabowski Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, June 19th. Have a wonderful summer . . . see you next
Fraternal Year.
Vivat Jesus!
Fraternal Activity Report
Frank Italiano (301) 213-7491 frankiwop@verizon.net
My Brothers and Sisters who walk in the footsteps of Fr. McGivney: I am still requesting information from YOU for
other organizations which are planning trips. Please submit proposals to me from families who have children under 12 to have
activities to accommodate them at the Hall or otherwise. Please have a safe summer and remember to visit the local Church
when you are traveling.
Congratulations to the babies of June: Chester Rose (1), Brian Mcmullen (2), James Conley (3), Charles Knapp (3), Michael
Scott (3), Daniel Snead (3), Michael Frymark (4), Fred Gentile, III )4), Al Golato (4), William Kelley (4), Douglas Veres (4),
John Parent (5), John Pedri (5), Gary Seppi (5), Richard Sisas (5), Partrick Buzzerd (6), James Higgins (6), James Conway, Jr.
(6), Frank Hebert (8), Col. Frank Herrelko (8), Jack Craig (9), Richard Logue (9), Christopher DePaul (10), Robert Kennedy
(10), Miguel Boluda, Jr. (11), Timothy Flanagan (11), Albert Sellan (11), Thomas Wieber (11), Gerald Jenkins (12), Ramond
Sheriff (12), Charles Moore, (13), Mark Seidleck (13), Gary Harash (14), John Simpson (14), Raymond Barrett (15), Michael
Fritz (15), Thomas Whittington (16), Jeffrey Ferony (17), Louis Newman, Jr. (17), Robert Reedy (17), Alfonso Sullivan (17),
George Billand (18), Robert Benitez (19), Thomas O’Connor (19), James Vaughn (19), John Schaaller (21), Bill Fish (22),
Denis Kelly (23), Michael Mulroy (23), Ray DeVous (24), Robert Flick (24), Oliver Martin, Jr. (24), Carl Ranger (24), Andre
Reininger (24), Timothy Walsh (24), Emidio Cicolini (25), Steve Mihaly (25), Stephen Banko (27), John Vorce (27), William
Bixby (28), Robert Henretty (28), Robert Kilner (28), James Svoboda (28), Theodore Umeh (28), Edward Bush (29), Paul Velky
(29), John Hensen (30), John McKenna (30), Edward Medeiros (30), Jeremey Wroblewski (30).
Church Activities Report
Neil Baldwin (410) 353-8673 baldwinn02@gmail.com
Chef Rober’ will be joined in the kitchen by guest Chef Carissa Riddle for the final Mini-Supper of this Fraternal Year. With Mass at the
Hall on Friday, June 5th at 7pm, congregants will be treated to the following family-style meal served immediately thereafter:
Garden Salad
Vegetable Medley
Penne Pasta Penultimate (ancient family secret recipe)
Dinner Roll
$5 for Council Members and their families
$5 for Assembly Members and their families
$5 for anyone who comes in off the street and their families.
Council Activities Report
NaciemCra Yousif (240) 476-1159 nacdy101@yahoo.com
We start the month of June off with our last First Friday Mass and MiniSupper of the Fraternal Year at 7:00PM. We start back up in September. See
the Church Activities Report on page 4 for the menu.
We will hold our annual Grand Knight’s Appreciation at the Hall in the
Cardinal Room on June 14th from 4:00 – 8:00PM. Please mark your calendar.
Let the Grand Knight or any Council Officer that you will attend. Notify them
of the number in your group so we can cook for everybody attending!
The next Sunday Family Breakfast Buffet gathering is Father’s Day, June,
21st, . All fathers on Father’s Day will be treated to a free breakfast buffet
courtesy of the Council.
State Council Report
Congratulations to all the newly elected Council officers for the
2015 – 2016 Fraternal Year. As soon as possible schedule your
Council’s Officer Installation with the State Council so we can
schedule State Officers to officiate the Installation.
Remember that we at the State Council look forward to helping you
with recruiting during your Council’s Fraternal Year…Don’t hesitate
to contact us for advice!
Supreme Council Report
Canada’s National March for Life
Knights and their families were among the nearly 25,000 Canadians
gathered on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill on May 14th to participate in the
country’s 18th annual March for Life.
The demonstration brought together Knights, Catholics and other
pro-lifers for a pro-life rally and march through the streets of the
nation’s capital city.
Citizens from across all of Canada’s provinces first gathered for a
candlelight vigil at the Human Rights monument adjacent to Ottawa’s
City Hall on Wednesday evening. In addition, prayer services for prolifers of various Christian dominations and several Catholic Masses
were celebrated during the three-day event, highlighting the
importance of spiritual intercession in the pro-life movement in the
nation and throughout the world. In his homily at the vigil Mass,
Montreal’s Archbishop Christian Lépine remembered the victims of
abortion, urging all Catholics to trust in God’s mercy.
Other speakers shared the archbishop’s sentiments at the Thursday
rally on the steps of Parliament Hill, among whom were New York
Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas and Cardinal Thomas Collins of
The Knights of Columbus in Canada have been regular supporters
and participants in the national demonstration, which held particular
significance this year following the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent
decision in the Carter v. Canada case, which declared it is
unconstitutional to ban physician-assisted suicide.
In addition to the Ottawa event, a rally and march sponsored by the
Knights of British Columbia and the Yukon State Council, the
Columbus Charities Association, and the March for Life Joint
Committee was held in Victoria, British Columbia. Knights and their
families were among thousands who gathered at the British Columbia
Legislature to declare that every life, from conception to natural death,
is worth living.
Fraternal Benefits Report
Since its addition to the Order’s product portfolio
in 2000, long-term care insurance has provided the
Order with an excellent opportunity to further serve
Knights and their families. And every Knights of
Columbus long-term care policy comes with an
added value. That added value is in the form of a
service called “Provider Pathway,” a program
offering access to a network of long-term care
providers at discounted rates. The network covers:
home health care, personal emergency response
systems, adult day care, assisted living, skilled
nursing facilities and durable medical equipment.
Eligibility for participation in this program is
open to Knights of Columbus long-term care
insurance policyholders, their spouses, dependent
children, parents and parents-in-law. All providers
are fully credentialed and meet state licensing
If you are not currently an LTC policyholder, I
suggest that you and I get together so that I can
provide additional information on how you can avail
yourself of this valuable, value-added benefit.
Call John Canter, FICF, (301) 261-3231 or
Stephen Clites, FICF at (240) 375-1372.
Bowling League Report
The Knight’s League keglers traveled to New
Castle, Delaware to bowl in the Knights of
Columbus International Tournament. Almost from
the beginning, it was apparent that the Knights from
Council 2577 had brought their “A” game. It was
during the team competition that the true mettle of
Knights Mike Warboy, Rob Van Rite, Alan
Andrysiak, and Dave Buckley was surely tested.
Throughout the first game, no team member had an
open frame. Incredible! As the last frame of the day
was bowled, the gallery numbering in the high single
digits, rose to its feet and with a collective roar—that
otherwise deafened the cacophony of rolling bowling
balls and smashing strikes—cheered wildly as the
team posted a score of nearly 2600 scratch! With
official results still unavailable, the team stands
alone in Second Place out of 419 team entries.
In other bowling news, the Council’s Bowling
League concluded its 35-week Fall season with the
team of Alan Andrysiak and the Holly Rollers
besting runner-up champions of the 1st Session
Vinny and the Pits. Alan also finished the year as the
league’s top bowler with a 210 average.
See you in September! We start September 9th.
CWC Annual Meeting
Immediately following the regular Council Meeting on
Thursday, June 25th the Annual Columbian Way
Corporation [CWC] meeting will be held. The meeting is
open to all members in good standing. Following the
President’s report and open discussion there will be an
election of CWC Board Directors to fill the seats of those
whose terms are expiring at the end of the Fraternal Year.
Dr. Ivan J. Nosacek, P.A.
Family Foot Care
John Canter, F. I.C. F.
(301) 261-3231
Steve Clites, F.I.C.F
(240) 375-1372
North Oak Professional Park
3006 Mitchellville Road
Bowie, MD 20716
(301) 390-3338 - FAX: (301) 390-7738
Fraternal Benefits Advisors
Annuities – Long Term Care
Ron Treacy
Four Legs Animal Hospital
Dr. Natalia Nosacek Bassford
1329 W. Central Avenue
Davidsonville, MD 21035
(410) 798-5222
ASE Certified
Master AAA
MD EmissionTechnician
Hi-Tech Mobile Auto Care
All Types of Repairs – Foreign & American
7110 Crain Highway
Bowie, MD 20715
MD Route 450 & Route 3
Boswell Hall
Cardinal Room
Columbian Room
Weddings, Meetings, Parties, etc.
(301) 262-1041
(301) 352-6141
Fourth Degree News
Tom Torrell, Faithful Navigator (301) 262-8062
St. John N. Neumann Assembly #1763
It is June and the end of the month will mark the beginning of a new Fraternal Year. I would like to take this
opportunity to thank everyone who helped to make this a successful year. From our Installation to the Patriotic
Breakfast, Wagon of Cheer, Soccer Shootout, Basketball Free-Throw, Wreaths across America, Care packages for
Troops, March for Life, Spring Getaway Charity Raffle, Memorial Day ceremonies, and finally the Exemplification .
Thanks also to our Color Corps who showed up for the Veterans Day and Memorial Day ceremonies and the Wakes
and Funerals they attended. A job well done. Our incoming Faithful Navigator will be Sir Knight and Faithful
Captain, Joe Massimini and I know he will receive the same cooperation I was given. Our last meeting of the
Fraternal Year will be on Thursday, June 18th and we will have a Pot Luck dinner beginning at 6PM, followed by a
short meeting and dessert; let us know what dish you will bring. The winner of the Spring Charity Raffle will be
drawn on Sunday, June 28th at the Grand Knight’s Appreciation Night. Flag Day is June 14th. What better way to show
our patriotism than by flying our flag. Flag Day has been celebrated since a June 14th, 1777 resolution by the
Continental Congress, however it wasn’t until 1916 that president Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that
officially established June 14th as Flag Day. I will close by wishing all our Brother Knights, Sir Knights and their
families a safe and happy summer. Sir Knights, remember…..recruiting is an ongoing mission!
McNamara Chapter News
The McNamara Chapter of Grand Knights will have their monthly chapter meeting on Wednesday, June 17th at Our
Lady of Guadalupe Council #12127 in Gaithersburg, MD. The Exchange of Jewels will take place. Grand Knights,
Deputy Grand Knights and Council Officers are urged to attend.
June 2015
1 CWC/BA Mtg.
2 Bingo 7:00PM
Bingo Team #2
7:00 PM – 11:00 PM
9 Bingo 7:00PM
14 GK
Knight 4:00 –
21 Father’s
5 Mass and
at the Hall
11 York Club 11AM
12 Friday
19 Family
Business Mtg.
16 Bingo 7:00PM
17 McNamara
Bingo Team #4
Chapter Mtg. at
Our Lady of
Council #12127 in
Gaithersburg, MD
4th Degree Mtg.
25 York Club 11AM
23 Bingo 7:00PM
4 York Club 11AM
Bingo Team #3
Chapter Ball
3:00 – 7:00PM
PDM 7:00PM
7 McNamara
18 York Club 11AM
Knight Out
Coming in July
13 Blood Drive
23 BA Annual
26 Steak Dinner
Coming in Aug.
Bingo Team #5
Day Sunday
Social Mig. 8:00PM
Annual CWC Mtg.
30 Bingo 7:00PM
Bingo Team #1
Steve Mihaly, Bingo Director (410) 721-9014; Faris Kahwajy, Bingo Setup (301) 262-8674; Steve Dobrosielski, Bingo Coordinator (301) 262-6860
Jun. 30
Team #1
Ohlen Hunt (410) 793-0650
L. Josleyn J. McMullen
R. Burkhardt B. Cartney, Jr.
M. Mulroy A. Simpson
G. Patterson
Kitchen Team # 1
B. Benitez, Captain
C. Hedley, Kitchen Prep
T. Seppi M. Sonnefeld
L. Sickels, Kitchen Prep
Setup #1
J. Lienesch, Captain
B. Schaffer
E. Amey
R. McElligott
Jun, 2
Team #2
Gary Harash (301) 464-2335
A. Marmo
R. Ideo
R, Dacquel
M. Mihaly
L. Schumacher D. Achikeh
L. Benton
Kitchen Team # 2
J. Mulqueen, Captain
P. Heleen, Kitchen Prep
S. Dougherty, Kitchen Prep
W. Hubbert B. Prevo
W. Hostetler J, Schablein.
Setup #2
F, Kahwajy T. Wieber .
J. McCloskey
Jun. 9
Jun. 16
Jun. 23
Team #3
Team #4
Team #5
Mark Seidleck (410) 956-0195 Bruno Seppi (301) 249-7412 K. Carroll (301) 805-9493
A. Dobson
J. Seidleck
M. O’Reilly R. Spargo
B. Potts
F. Hebert
J. A. Seidleck C Leshinsky
J. Ruzzi
J. Brust
J. Schmidt
J. Rodgers
J. Lyons
J. Woodward
J. Simpson
D. Crosby
C. Keplinger D. Parks
R. Foster
M. Scott
R. Bonccelli B. Curran
Kitchen Team # 3
Kitchen Team #4
Kitchen Team #5
F. Italiano, Team Captain
B. Burkhardt, Kitchen Prep
R. Paternoster, Captain &Prep
T. Looney P. Connolly
R. Van Rite, Captain A. Saba D. Scholfield, Kitchen Prep
T. Weiber, Kitchen Prep
T. Wieber, Kitchen Prep
N. Yousif.
T. Ruthemeyer
B. Burkhardt, Kitchen Prep
J. Nelson
G. Ratte, K.P.
Setup #3
D’Orsaneo, Co-Captain
J. Lonergan , Co-Captain
C. Hedley
Setup #4
, Captain
B. Martin B. Kennedy
Floor Substitutes:Bill Dziwura (301) 262-7278, Rick Foster (301) 262-5676, Bob Icaruso (410) 721-8211, Liam Benton (443) 336-6528
Kitchen Substitutes: Ken Urasek (410) 419-2486, Adel Saba (Cell (240) 381-4223, Home (301) 464-9244)
Setup #5
R. McElligott
B. Schaffer E. Amey
The Accolade
Knights of Columbus
Sacred Heart Council #2577
6111 Columbian Way
Bowie, MD 20715-4302
The Council’s webpage: www.kofc2577.org and Accolade can be accessed on your camera equipped smart devices by using the QR Code
application available for downloading where you download from. Using your phone’s camera and the QR Code application, click on the
code above.
The Maryland State Council webpage and their many activities details can be found at: www.kofc-md.org
Have you paid your 2015 Council and Assembly dues?
Father’s Day Sunday Family Breakfast Buffet
June 21st, 2015
Sacred Heart Council #2577’s Cardinal Room
Bowie, MD
9:00 AM – Noon
Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage links, fried potatoes, French toast sticks, biscuits and
sausage gravy, cinnamon apples, made-to-order pancakes, coffee, hot tea, and juices
$8.50 Adults ~~ $5.00 Children (6–12) ~~ under 6 – free ~~ Family max – $25.00