Board of School Trustees Mary Pat Burkel Mary Joan Dickson Connie Sterkowitz James Sakelaris Dennis Wilkening Central Office Thomas L. Taylor, Ed.S. Superintendent of Schools REGULAR MEETING of the Board of School Trustees to be held in the Hanover Administration Building Board Room 9520 W. 133rd Avenue Cedar Lake, Indiana 46303 219-374-3500 Organizational Meeting (0151) This meeting is a meeting of the School Board in public for the purpose of conducting the School Corporation’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There will be a time for public participation on agenda items as indicated in item VII (0167.3) and for non-agenda items in item XIII (0167.3). _________ Board adopted Policy numbers providing authority for the agenda item are noted within the parentheses beside each item. AGENDA (0166) Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:15 P.M. I. II. Call to Order (0164) - The Superintendent of Schools will call the Board meeting to order and will preside over the meeting until the election of the President. (0151) Pledge of Allegiance (0166) Hanover Board of School Trustees’ Regular Meeting Agenda – January 13, 2015 III. Moment of Silence IV. Roll Call to Establish a Quorum (0162) V. Organization of Board of School Trustees (0151) A. Nominations for the office of President of the Board of School Trustees B. Nominations for the office of Vice-President of the Board of School Trustees C. Nominations for the office of Secretary of the Board of School Trustees D. Appointments to Committees: School Board members are appointed to committees as representatives of the School Board: 1. St. John Town Council 2. St. John Redevelopment Commission 3. Cedar Lake Town Council 4. Cedar Lake Redevelopment Commission 5. Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative (NISEC) 6. Indiana School Boards Association (ISBA) Legislative Committee 7. Communication Committee 8. St. John Ethics Commission VI. Commendations A. Commendations to Hanover Central High School Thespians Senior Lindsey Lanham who starred in The Nutcracker as the lead character, Clara, on December 3-4, 2014, at the Star Plaza Theatre in Merrillville, IN and Freshman Hope Johanssen who starred in The Philadelphia Story on December 5-14, 2014, as the lead character, Tracy, with the Drama Group of Chicago Heights, IL. B. Congratulations to Hanover Central High School Pom Cats who competed at Marion High School in Mishawaka, IN, on December 13, 2014. Coach Coleen Darnell led the girls to a 1st Place finish in Hip Hop Dance (Varsity) and Whole-team Sportsmanship and a 3rd Place finish in Hip Hop Dance (JV) and Duet. C. 2014 Distinguished Young Women of Cedar Lake Pageant (formerly Jr. Miss) was held on Sunday, December 14, 2014. The following seniors competed for prize money and all won at least $100 in various categories-Margaret Lanham, Megan Erickson, Patia Hunt, Suzanne Grill, and Lindsey Lanham. Megan Erickson was crowned queen and won $700 in prize money and will compete in the state competition in Kokomo, IN in February. Page | 2 Hanover Board of School Trustees’ Regular Meeting Agenda – January 13, 2015 D. American Miniature Horse Registry is a nationally recognized organization for people who wish to raise and compete with miniature horses. Hanover Central High School Sophomore Brittany Haskell recently took 7th Place nationally for her showmanship, 10th Place with her horse, Flicka, in Country Pleasure Driving and Reserve Champion Solid Color Name, 3rd Place in Roadster Stake, and, 5th Place in Open Roadster. Her twin sister, Sophomore Angela Haskell, took 10th Place with her horse, Honey, in the Youth Halter Division and 6th Place in Solid Color Mare. Both girls won 5th Place in Youth Halter with their horse, Price of Hearts. E. Commendations to the following Jane Ball Elementary Students who participated in the American Mathematical Competition in November 2014. This test serves students from grades 4 through high school and has twenty test questions with ranges of difficulty in those questions. The test also identifies students with exceptional mathematical ability. The students were all under the direction of Mrs. Bea Cak, High Ability Teacher at Jane Ball. The following students participated: 5th graders – Michael Vega (received a gold), Nathan Faraher (received a silver) and Joshua Ondack (received a bronze); 4th graders – Isaac Coleman (received a gold), Ali Lopez and Travis Henderson (received a silver), and Kameron Thurston-Casper (received a bronze). VII. Comments and Discussion Relative to Items on the Agenda (0167.3) – 15 minutes The Board requests that patrons express ideas in three minutes or less and refrain from personal attacks or derogatory statements about any school employee, a fellow citizen, student, or anyone else, whether in the audience or not. The President will limit discussion whenever he/she deems such action appropriate to the proper conduct of the meeting. A. Public VIII. Approval of the Agenda (0166) IX. Reports A. Administration 1. Jane Ball Elementary School 2. Lincoln Elementary School 3. Hanover Central Middle School 4. Hanover Central High School 5. Athletics 6. Food Service 7. Buildings and Grounds 8. Custodial Services 9. Technology 10. Business Services – Mr. Eric Kurtz 11. Superintendent – Mr. Thomas L. Taylor Page | 3 Hanover Board of School Trustees’ Regular Meeting Agenda – January 13, 2015 B. School Board 1. St. John Town Council – James Sakelaris 2. St. John Redevelopment Commission – James Sakelaris 3. Cedar Lake Town Council – Dennis Wilkening 4. Cedar Lake Redevelopment Commission – Dennis Wilkening 5. Northwest Indiana Special Education Cooperative (NISEC) – Mary Pat Burkel 6. Indiana School Boards Association (ISBA) Legislative Committee – James Sakelaris 7. Communication Committee – 8. St. John Ethics Commission – James Sakelaris X. Approval of Consent Agenda (0166.1) A. Approval of the Minutes of Previous Meetings (0166) 1. Executive Session a. December 9, 2014 (4:45 P.M.) b. December 9, 2014 (8:00 P.M.) c. December 22, 2014 2. Regular Meeting a. December 9, 2014 3. Special Meeting a. December 16, 2014 B. Approval of Payroll and Expense Claims in the amount of $ C. Extra-curricular accounts 1. Jane Ball Elementary School a. December 2014 - $ 2. Lincoln Elementary School a. December 2014 - $ 3. Hanover Central Middle School a. December 2014 - $16,361.60 b. Athletics - $7,687.01 4. Hanover Central High School a. December 2014 - $86,414.43 b. Athletics - $19,816.97 Page | 4 Hanover Board of School Trustees’ Regular Meeting Agenda – January 13, 2015 D. Approval of Facility Requests - It is understood that the requesting groups will only use the facilities that were requested and approved by the Board of School Trustees 1. REVISED REQUEST (originally presented to Board on 12/9/14) – St. John Softball requests to use the Hanover Central High School Fieldhouse (court 1) to host a girls’ softball clinic on Saturday, March 14, 2015, Sunday, March 15, 2015 (date changed from original request) from 9:45 A.M. to 1:15 P.M., except when school is not in session. It is understood that in-school activities will take precedence with the use of the facilities. Custodial charges of $25.00 per hour apply if the group remains in the building after 9:00 P.M. and custodial charges of $25.00 per hour will also apply for weekend facility usage. A Site Supervisor may be assigned to the event in the amount of $15.00 per hour. Current insurance is from 4/1/14 to 4/1/15. 2. Cedar Lake Chamber of Commerce requests to use the Hanover Central High School Fieldhouse (all courts) for the Business and Organization Showcase on Friday, March 13, 2015(set-up) from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. and Saturday, March 14, 2015 from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., except when school is not in session. It is understood that in-school activities will take precedence with the use of the facilities. Custodial charges of $25.00 per hour apply if the group remains in the building after 9:00 P.M., and, custodial charges of $25.00 per hour will also apply for weekend facility usage. A Site Supervisor may be assigned to the event in the amount of $15.00 per hour. Current insurance is from 7/20/14 to 7/20/15. 3. Cedar Lake Chamber of Commerce requests to use the Hanover Central High School West Gym for the Northwest Indiana Symphony concert on Saturday, July 18, 2014 (request for facility usage in the event of inclement weather only), from 1:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., except when school is not in session. It is understood that in-school activities will take precedence with the use of the facilities. Custodial charges of $25.00 per hour apply if the group remains in the building after 9:00 P.M., and, custodial charges of $25.00 per hour will also apply for weekend facility usage. A Site Supervisor may be assigned to the event in the amount of $15.00 per hour. Current insurance is from 7/20/14 to 7/20/15. Page | 5 Hanover Board of School Trustees’ Regular Meeting Agenda – January 13, 2015 4. XI. REVISED REQUEST (originally Board approved on 12/9/14) - Cedar Lake Youth Baseball requests to use the Hanover Central High School Fieldhouse (all courts) for baseball tryouts on Saturday, February 7, 2015, from 10:00 9:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., except for when school is not in session. It is understood that in-school activities will take precedence with the use of the facilities. Custodial charges of $25.00 per hour apply if the group remains in the building after 9:00 P.M. and custodial charges of $25.00 per hour will also apply for weekend facility usage. A Site Supervisor may be assigned to the event in the amount of $15.00 per hour. Current insurance is from 2/1/14 to 2/1/15. Approval is contingent upon receipt of renewed Certificate of Liability Insurance. Personnel (0166) Employment is contingent upon new hire screening and required certification. A. Certified Recommendations - NONE B. Non-Certified Recommendations RESIGNATION 1. General Supervisor at Jane Ball Elementary, retroactive to November 25, 2014 RETIREMENT 1. Nurse at Lincoln Elementary School, effective June 15, 2015 EMPLOYMENT 1. General Supervisor at Jane Ball Elementary, retroactive to December 8, 2014 2. General Supervisor at Jane Ball Elementary retroactive to November 25, 2014 3. Bus Driver for Hanover Community School Corporation, retroactive to November 11, 2014 4. ELL Assistant at Jane Ball Elementary, retroactive to January 5, 2015 5. Title I Assistant at Jane Ball Elementary, retroactive to December 8, 2014 C. Extra-Curricular Recommendations EMPLOYMENT 1. Spell Bowl Sponsor at Lincoln Elementary, retroactive to December 19, 2014 2. Co-Coach Math Academics at Hanover Central Middle School, retroactive to December 19, 2014 3. Boys Head Track Coach at Hanover Central Middle School, retroactive to January 5, 2015 Page | 6 Hanover Board of School Trustees’ Regular Meeting Agenda – January 13, 2015 4. 5. 6. 7. 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Hanover Central Middle School, effective the 2014-2015 school year 6th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Hanover Central Middle School, effective the 2014-2015 school year Varsity Assistant Baseball Coach, Hanover Central High School, effective the 2014-2015 school year Varsity Assistant Softball Coach, Hanover Central High School, effective the 2014-2015 school year RESIGNATIONS 1. 6th Grade Girls Basketball Coach at Hanover Central Middle School, effective December 9, 2014 2. Assistant Football Coach at Hanover Central High School, effective December 10, 2014 3. Hanover Central Middle School Head Track Coach at Hanover Central Middle School, effective January 5, 2015 4. Head Wrestling Coach, Hanover Central Middle School, effective January 7, 2015 5. 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Hanover Central Middle School, effective January 7, 2015 6. Head Boys Track Coach, Hanover Central Middle School, effective December 8, 2014 XII. Other (0166) A. Informational 1. Policy - First Reading - NONE 2. Conflict of Interest 3. Construction Bond Update B. Action 1. Request Approval of the 2015-2016 School Calendar 2. Request Approval of Resolution 14-15/09 – Resolution of Support for Indiana to Observe the Central Time Zone 3. Request From Cedar Lake Fire Department to Waive Facility Usage Fees 4. Request for Hanover Central High School Boys’ Varsity Tennis Program Page | 7 Hanover Board of School Trustees’ Regular Meeting Agenda – January 13, 2015 XIII. Comments and Discussion Relative to Items Not on the Agenda (0167.3) – 15 minutes The Board requests that patrons express ideas in three minutes or less and refrain from personal attacks or derogatory statements about any school employee, a fellow citizen, student, or anyone else, whether in the audience or not. The President will limit discussion whenever he/she deems such action appropriate to the proper conduct of the meeting. A. Public XIV. Board of School Trustees’ Comments and Questions XV. Adjournment (0166) The meeting site is fully accessible. Any person requiring further accommodation(s) should contact Mr. Thomas L. Taylor, Superintendent of Schools, at the Administration Building at 219-374-3500 or by visiting it at 9520 W. 133rd Avenue, Cedar Lake, Indiana 46303. Page | 8
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