1 Self-organized fission control for flocking system Mingyong Liu, Panpan Yang, Xiaokang Lei, Yang Li Abstract—This paper studies the self-organized fission control problem for flocking system. Motivated by the fission behavior of biological flocks, information coupling degree (ICD) is firstly designed to represent the interaction intensity between individuals. Then, from the information transfer perspective, an “maximum-ICD” based pairwise interaction rule is proposed to realize the directional information propagation within the flock. Together with the “separation/alignment/cohesion” rules, a self-organized fission control algorithm is constructed that achieves the spontaneous splitting of flocking system under conflict external stimuli. Finally, numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Index Terms—Flocking system; fission control; information coupling degree; self-organization; pairwise interaction I. I NTRODUCTION The fission behavior of flocking system is a widely observed phenomenon in biology, society and engineering applications [1]. A bird flock may sometimes split into multiple clusters for food foraging or predator escaping [2]. An unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) swarm often needs to segregate into small sub-groups for the multi-site surveillance mission [3]. In these cases, members in the flock are often identical ones with limited sensory ability and only rely on the local interaction with their neighbors. Therefore, the fission phenomenon of flocking system is virtually an emergent behavior that arises in a self-organized fashion [4] [5]. How a cohesive flock splits and forms clusters remain a fascinating issue of both theoretical and practical interests. Currently, the research on flocking system mainly focuses on the consensus based problems such as aggregation and formation [6][7], of which the central rules are separation, alignment and cohesion [8]. Mingyong Liu, Panpan Yang, Xiaokang Lei and Yang Li are with the School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shannxi, 710072, China. Corresponding Author: Panpan Yang (E-mail address: yangpanpan1985@126.com). These rules have been extensively used in the distributed sensing of mobile sensor networks, formation keeping of satellite clusters, cooperative control of unmanned ground/aerial/underwater vehicles and etc [9]. On the other hand, the “average consensus” property of these rules gives the flock a “collective mind” [10] and leads to a group-level ability of “consensus decision-making” [11][12], which may dispel the conflict information and encumber the process of group splitting [13]. At present, literatures that address the fission control problem seem diverse. By predefining the leaders/targets to different individuals, fission behavior emerges in the multi-objective tracking issue [14][15][16]; in [17], Kumar et al. assign different coupling strength to heterogeneous robot swarm that leads weak coupling robots to separate and the strong coupling robots form clusters; In addition, a long range attractive, short range repulsive interaction as well as an intermediate range Gauss-shaped interaction is employed for flock aggregation and splitting in [18]. In this paper, we tend to study the self-organized fission control problem for flocking system without predefining the leaders or identifying the differences between individuals. Motivated by the fact that interaction intensity plays a key role in the fission behavior of animal flocks [2][11][19], information coupling degree (ICD) is used as an index to denote the interaction intensity between individuals. Then, a “maximum-ICD” based pairwise interaction rule is proposed to achieve the effective information transfer within the flock. Together with the traditional “separation/alignment/cohesion” rules, a selforganized fission control algorithm is formulated, which realizes the spontaneous splitting of flocking system under conflict external stimuli. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the fission control problem for flocking system is formulated; in Section 3, the biological principle for fission behavior is de- 2 scribed and an information coupling degree based fission strategy is provided; in Section 4, a selforganized fission control algorithm that combines the pairwise interaction rule is proposed and the theoretical analysis is given; in section 5, various numerical simulations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the fission control algorithm; Section 6 offers the concluding remarks. II. P ROBLEM FORMULATION Consider a flocking system consisting of N identical individuals moving in the n-dimensional Euclidean space with the following dynamics ½ p˙i = qi (1) q˙i = ui , i = 1, 2, · · · , N where pi ∈ Rn is the position vector of individual i, qi ∈ Rn is its velocity vector and ui ∈ Rn is the acceleration vector (control input) acting on it. For notational convenience, we let p1 q1 p2 q2 Nn p= (2) ... , q = ... ∈ R pN qN The neighboring set of individual i is defined as Ni (t) = {j : kpi − pj k ≤ R, j = 1, · · · , N, j 6= i}, where k · k is the Euclidean norm and R is the sensory range of each individual. Also, we define the neighboring graph G = (V, E, A) [20] to be an undirected graph consisting of a set of nodes V = {v1 , v2 , · · · , vN }, a set of edges E = {(vi , vj ) ∈ V × V : vi ∼ vj } and an adjacency matrix A = [aij ] with aij > 0 if (vi , vj ) ∈ E and aij = 0, otherwise. The adjacency matrix A of G is symmetric and the corresponding Laplacian matrix is L = D − A, N ×N where D = diag{d1 , d2 , · · · , dN } ∈ RP is the in-degree matrix of graph G and di = N j=1 aij is the in-degree of node vi . Essentially speaking, flocking behavior is a selforganized emergent phenomenon of large numbers of individuals by interacting with its neighbors and surrounding environment [21]. Correspondingly, the control input acting on an individual member can be written as out ui = uin (3) i + gi ui where uin i is the internal interaction force between individual i and its neighbors, uout i is the force acting on individuals from external environment. Usually, not all the members are directly influenced by the environment, here we utilize gi to denote whether individual i can sense environment information, where gi = 1 means the environment information can be directly obtained by individual i and gi = 0, otherwise. Fission behavior often occurs when a cohesive flock encounters obstacles/danger on their moving path or observes multiple targets for tracking [2][15] [22][23]. In such occasions, only a small portion of individuals (lie on the edge of the flock) are directly influenced by the environment information and often response with fast maneuvering like abrupt accelerating or turning [2][22], the motion of other members are only governed by their local interaction force uin i . Therefore, environment information can only be seen as the trigger event of fission behavior, whether the whole flock has the ability to split is essentially determined by the internal interaction force uin i [5]. The objective of this paper is to design the distributed local interaction rules and synthesize the control input ui for a flocking system such that when conflict environment information acts on part of individuals in the flock, it can segregate into clustered sub-groups spontaneously. To better describe the fission behavior in a quantitative way, we first give the mathematical definition of fission behavior as follows: Definition 1: A flocking system is said to be segregated (or a fission behavior occurs) if and only if it satisfies the following conditions: (1) The distance between individuals in the same sub-group remain bounded, i.e., kpi (t) − pj (t)k ≤ δ, i, j ∈ Gk , where δ is a constant value and Gk denotes the sub-group k. (2) For individuals in the same sub-group, their velocities will asymptotically converge to the same value, i.e., kqi (t) − qj (t)k → 0, i, j ∈ Gk . (3) For any distance D > R, there exists a time after which the distance between individuals in different sub-groups is at least D, i.e., min kpi (t) − pj (t)k ≥ D, i ∈ Gk , j ∈ Gl , which means that the sub-groups will ultimately lose connection with each other and the fission behavior emerges. It’s worth mentioning that the fission behavior studied in this paper is a spontaneous response to external stimuli, during which only a small portion of members can directly sense the external stimuli A new paragraph is added to highlight the main difference of our work from existing literatures. 3 and the whole flock governed by the fission control algorithm will segregate autonomously in a selforganized fashion. Therefore, there is an essential difference from the aforementioned fission control approaches like assignment, identification or centralized control [14][15][16] [17]. III. I NFORMATION COUPLING FISSION RULE Some facts are added to support our method. DEGREE BASED individuals. As individuals are usually sensitive to some specific behavior of their neighbors like abrupt accelerating or turning [19], we design ωij as k(qi − qj ) × q¯i k ¯i k j∈Ni (t) k(qi − qj ) × q ωij = µij P (6) P where q¯i = N1i j∈Ni (t) qj is the average velocity of the neighbors of individual i, Ni is the number of its neighbors, µij > 0 is the coefficient of velocity coupling term. Here, k(qi − qj ) × q¯i k reflects the degree of the difference between (qi − qj ) and q¯i , with (qi − qj ) being the relative velocity between two individuals. The bigger k(qi − qj ) × q¯i k is, the motion of individual j is more different from the neighbors of individual i, the more attention will be paid by individual i to individual j and they will tend to have a tighter correlation, correspondingly. From the information transfer perspective, fission behavior can be generalized as the conflict stimulus information propagation process among members within the flock [2][23][29]. Individuals which change their direction of travel in response to the direction taken by their nearest neighbors can quickly transfer information about the predator or food source [29]. Therefore, we propose a “maximumICD” based strategy to maximize the stimulus information transfer, where individuals tend to have closer relation with the neighbor that has maximum ICD with it [19][30]. Based on the above description, we formulate the “maximum-ICD” strategy as Fission behavior is the result of “collective decision making” in the presence of motion differences (conflict information) of individuals in the flock [2][24]. Couzin et al. revealed that for significant differences in the preferences of individuals, the decision dynamics may bifurcate away from consensus and lead to the emergence of fission behavior [11]. In addition, research from biologists also suggests that fission behavior, to a large extent, depends on the mutual interaction intensity between individuals [1]. Individuals with larger interaction intensity tend to have tighter correlation and form clusters in the presence of significant differences in the preferences of individuals [2][11]. Accordingly, we construct a new index named information coupling degree (ICD) to denote the mutual interaction intensity between individuals. ICD is a motion dependent variable that is relevant to many factors, e.g., individuals are usually more influenced by the close neighbors (distance) [25], they tend to be more sensitive to fast moving neighbors (velocity) [19][26] and individual with more neighbors are usually more dominated (number of neighbors) [27]. In particular, we choose the two fi = {j| max cij , cij > c∗ , j ∈ Ni (t)} (7) most dominating factors, the relative position and ∗ value of the fission berelative velocity between individuals, to design ICD where c is the threshold ∗ havior. When c > c , fission behavior occurs, ij in the following form otherwise, it is not disturbed by conflict environment cij = ξij · ωij (4) stimuli and moves in stable formation. In this paper, ∗ where ξij is the position coupling term determined we choose c to be a appropriate value to prevent by the relative position between individuals. As the the unexpected fission behavior due to random flucinfluence of each individual is decreasing with the tuation or other unknown factors. Utilizing the “maximum-ICD” strategy, we proincrease of their relative distance due to the sensory ability [28], we write the position coupling term as pose a pairwise interaction rule to realize the directional information flow among individuals. The infollows rij (5) ternal interaction mechanisms of individuals during ξij = 1 + kpi − pj k2 the fission process is illustrated in Fig. 1. Assume t−∆t where rij > 0 is the coefficient of position coupling that at time t − ∆t, individual fi (locates at pfi with velocity qft−∆t ) is propelled by external stimuterm. i In addition, ωij is the velocity coupling term lus and changes its motion rapidly to a new position that is relevant to the relative velocity between ptfi with velocity qft i in a small time interval ∆t. 4 t i u p t u tf' i p R t fi , q tfi t 't fi t , q tf' i ¦u t 't i i Reply 2: Give a specific form of external stimuli movement change of individuals and evokes the fission behavior, gi denotes whether individual i can sense external stimuli. Usually, fie has diverse forms according to different environment stimuli, such as the direction to a known source or a segment of a migration route [11][31]. Here, for the convenience of analysis, we design the external stimulus term as the following simple position feedback form fie = −(pi − pei ) (10) where pei is the desired position driven by external Fig. 1. Internal interaction mechanisms of individuals based on stimuli and it is supposed to be a constant value at every sampling time interval. “maximum-ICD” strategy Reply 3: The desired position is supposed to be a constant value Obviously, the internal interaction force uin i conat every sampling time interval. 4: 1) Explain the reason why sists of three components: Reply employ the attraction/repulsion force According to (4), individual i is more influenced by (1) fip is used to regulate the position between fi and tends to have a relatively tighter correlation individual i and its neighbors. This term is responwith it. Therefore, at time t the force of neighbors sible for collision avoidance and cohesion in the acting on individual i can be written as flock, that is, when individuals are too far away N i −1 X from each other, the attraction force will make them ui (t) = ut−∆t + uit−∆t (8) move together; when individuals are too near to fi i=1 each other, the repulsion force will propel them where ut−∆t is the pairwise interaction force of the away to avoid collision. It is derived from the field fi most correlated neighbor f acting on individual produced by a collective function which depends i PNi −1 t−∆t denotes the sum of the forces on the relative distance between individual i and its i and i=1 ui of other neighbors acting on it, with Ni being the neighbors, and is defined as number of neighbors. X ¡ ¢ fip = − ∇pi ψij kpij − pfij kσ (11) Remarks 1: It can be seen from (4)∼(6) that information coupling degree combines both the position j∈Ni (t) and velocity information between individuals and the σ-norm k · kσ their neighbors, meanwhile they also tend to have where ∇ is the gradient operator, n of a vector is a map R → R+ defined by p closer relation with the fast maneuvering neighbors 2 a parameter that are near to them, which is consistent with the kzkσ = (1/²)[ 1 + ²kzk − 1] with T ² > 0 and z = [z1 , z2 , · · · , zn ] ∈ Rn . Note property of real flocking system [19]. that thep map kzkσ is differentiable everywhere, but kzk = z12 + z22 + · · · + zn2 is not differentiable at IV. S ELF - ORGANIZED FISSION C ONTROL z = 0. This property of σ-norm is used for the A LGORITHM Based on the above fission control principle, we construction of smooth collective potential functions take the most correlated neighbor to form a pairwise for individuals. To construct a smooth pairwise interaction with individual i. By integrating the potential with finite cut-off, we follow the work of motion information of the most correlated neighbor [7] and integrate an action function φα (z) that varies into the coordinated law and together with the “sep- for all z ≥ rα . Define this action function as aration/alignment/repulsion” rules, the distributed (12) φα (z) = ρh (z/rα )φ(z − dα ) fission control algorithm is formulated as 1 φ(z) = [(a + b)σ1 (z + c) + (a − b)] (13) ui = fip + fiv + fif + gi fie (9) 2 | {z } |{z} √ uout uin i i where σ1 (z) = z/ 1 + z 2 and φ(z) is an uneven is represented by sigmoidal function with where the environment force uout i √ parameters that satisfy 0 < the external stimulus term fie , it causes the rapid a ≤ b, c = |a − b|/ 4ab to guarantee φ(0) = 0. Reply 1: We integrate the external stimuli force into the fission control algorithm, which is a universal control law for all the individuals Reply 4: 2) Explain the reason why use such $\sigma$ norm and $\psi_{ij}$. Give the detailed process of constructing a smooth potential function. 5 Reply 4: 2) Construct the smooth adjacency matrix The pairwise attractive/repulsive potential ψα (z) is Remarks 3: Note that in our fission control algodefined as rithm (9), the most correlated neighbor of individual Z z ψα (z) = φα (s)ds (14) i is chosen according to (7), and it is dynamically updating during the fission process of the flock, dα which realizes the implicit stimulus information Additionally, pij = pi − pj is the relative position transfer among members in the flock. Thus, there vector between individual i and j, pfij = pfi − pfj is an essential difference between our work and the is the relative position vector between the most research of [14] [15] and [16], as the latter assume the leader (virtual leader) or target of each member correlated neighbors of individual i and j. v (2) fi is the velocity related term that regulates is predefined and fixed during the fission process. Remarks 4: From (7) we can also see that if cij < the velocity of individuals X c∗ , the most correlated neighbor of individual i does aij (qij − qfij ) (15) not exist. In this case, the fission control algorithm fiv = − j∈Ni (t) (9) degrades into X where qij = qi − qj is the relative velocity vector ui = − ∇pi ψij (kpi − pj kσ ) between individual i and j, qfij = qfi − qfj is the j∈Ni (t) X relative velocity vector between the most correlated − aij (qi − qj ) + gi fie (19) neighbors of individual i and j. Moreover, A(t) = j∈N (t) i [aij (t)] is the adjacency matrix which is defined as ½ which is equivalent to the first flocking control law 0, if j = i aij (t) = (16) proposed in [7]. This situation occurs when the difρh (kpj − pi kσ /krkσ ), if j 6= i ferences of motion preference between individuals are relatively small and hence the fission behavior with the bump function ρh (z), h ∈ (0, 1), being dose not occur. Therefore, algorithm (19) in [7] z ∈ [0, h) 1, can be seen as a special case of ours. However, 1 z−h [1 + cos(π )], z ∈ [h, 1] ρh (z) = (17) algorithm (19) is not able to achieve the spontaneous 1−h 2 0, otherwise fission behavior due to its average consensus property. A detailed comparative simulation and analysis (3) fif is the pairwise interaction term that pro- is demonstrated in part 5. duces a closer relation between individual i and its Here, we define the sum of the total artificial most correlated neighbor fi , which is used to guide potential energy and the total relative kinetic energy the motion preference of individual i. Specifically, between all individuals and the external stimuli as we employ an attractive force and velocity feedback follows: approach to generate fif as ¶ N µ 1X T Ui (p) + (qi − qfi ) (qi − qfi ) (20) fif = −k1 ∇pfi Ufi − k2 (qi − qfi ) (18) Q(p, q) = 2 i=1 Reply 5: Energy function is defined before Theorem 1 Reply 6: 1) Redefined the energy function according to the newly designed control input where k1 , k2 > 0 are the constant feedback gains, where Ufi = 21 (pi − pfi )2 is the potential energy of its Ui (p) = Vi (p) + k1 (pi − pfi )T (pi − pfi ) most correlated neighbor. This term guarantees the X ¡ ¢ velocity convergence of individual i to its most = ψij kpij − pfij kσ correlated neighbor fi and ultimately induces the j∈Ni (t) fission behavior. Reply 4: Address the reason why design +k1 (pi − pfi )T (pi − pfi ) such potential function and adjacency matrix (21) +gi (pi − pei )T (pi − pei ) Remarks 2: The specifically designed pairwise attractive/repulsive artificial potential ψα and adjacent matrix aij here are to guarantee the smoothness of the potential function and Laplacian matrix, which will facilitate the theoretical analysis with the traditional Lyapunov-based stability analysis method. Obviously, Q is a positive semi-definite function. We have the following result: Theorem 1: Consider a flocking system consisting of N individuals with dynamics (1). Suppose the 6 Prove the stability according to the newly designed fission control algorithm and the energy function initial energy Q0 (Q0 = Q(p(0), q(0))) of the flock Due to the symmetry of the artificial potential is finite and the initial graph G is connected before function ψij and adjacency matrix A, we have the fission process, when conflict external stimuli ∂ψij (k˜ pij kσ ) ∂ψij (k˜ pij kσ ) ∂ψij (k˜ pij kσ ) cause the rapid maneuvering of individuals that lie = =− (26) ∂ p˜ij ∂ p˜i ∂ p˜j on the edge of the flock, under the fission control law (9), a cohesive flocking system will segregate Take the derivative of Q, we can obtain à into clustered sub-groups due to the differences of Ni X X information coupling degree between individuals. Q˙ = 1 ψ˙ ij (k˜ pi − p˜j kσ ) 2 i=1 Then, the following statements hold: j∈Ni (t) ! (i) The distance between individuals in the same sub-group is not larger than δ, where δ = (Ni − p +2k1 q˜iT p˜i + 2˜ qiT ui + 2gi (p˜˙ei )T p˜ei 1) 2Q0 /k1 and Ni is the number of individuals in à the sub-group. Ni X X 1 (ii) The velocities of individuals in the same = p˜˙Ti ∇p˜i ψij (k˜ pi − p˜j kσ ) 2 sub-group will asymptotically converge to the same i=1 j∈Ni (t) X value. − p˜˙Tj ∇p˜j ψij (k˜ pi − p˜j kσ ) + 2k1 q˜iT p˜i (iii) The distance between different sub-groups is j∈Ni (t) larger than R as time goes by. µ X Proof 1: We take a cluster of Ni individuals in the T ∇p˜i ψij (k˜ pi − p˜j kσ ) +2˜ qi − neighborhood of individual i into consideration and j∈Ni ¶ assume that graph GNi is connected in the sampling X e time interval from t to t1 . − aij (˜ qi − q˜j ) − k1 p˜i − k2 q˜i − gi p˜i (i) Let p˜ei = pi − pei be the position difference j∈Ni (t) ! between individual i and the external stimuli, p˜i = pi −pfi , q˜i = qi −qfi be the position difference vector +2gi q˜iT p˜ei and velocity difference vector between individual à ! Ni i and its most correlated neighbor fi , respectively. X X Then the following equations hold = q˜iT − aij (˜ qi − q˜j ) − k2 q˜i pij − pfij = p˜i − p˜j = p˜ij (22) qij − qfij = q˜i − q˜j = q˜ij (23) i=1 T j∈Ni (t) = −˜ q [(L(˜ p) + k2 INi ) ⊗ In ] q˜ (27) where L(˜ p) is the Laplacian matrix of graph G(˜ p), p˜ = col(˜ p1 , p˜2 , · · · , p˜Ni ) ∈ RNi ×n , q˜ = Accordingly, the control input ui can be rewritten col(˜ q1 , q˜2 , · · · , q˜Ni ) ∈ RNi ×n , INi is the Ni dimenas sional identity matrix. X As L(˜ p) is positive semi-definite, Q˙ < 0, hence ui = − ∇p˜i ψij (k˜ pi − p˜j kσ ) Q is a non-increasing function. As the initial energy j∈Ni (t) X Q0 of the sub-group is finite, for any time interval − aij (˜ qi − q˜j ) t ∼ t1 , Q < Q0 . Form (25), we have k1 p˜Ti p˜i ≤ j∈Ni (t) 2Q0 . Accordingly, the distance between individual −k1 p˜i − k2 q˜i − gi p˜ei (24) i and its most correlated neighbor is not greater than p 2Q0 /k1 . Due to the connectivity of the sub-group, there exists a joint connected path from individual i Substituting (22) and (23) into (20) yields to Ni in the small time internal t ∼ t1 , the distance Ni µ X X between any two individuals is less than δ = (Ni − 1 p ψij (k˜ pij kσ ) + q˜iT q˜i Q = 2Q /k 1) 0 1. 2 i=1 j∈Ni (t) (ii) From above, Q < Q0 , the set {˜ p, q˜} is closed ¶ and bounded. Therefore, the set T e T e +k1 p˜i p˜i + gi (˜ pi ) p˜i (25) o n£ ¤ (28) Ω = p˜T , q˜T ∈ R2Ni ×n |Q ≤ Q0 7 is a compact invariant set. According to the LaSalle’s invariant set principle, all the trajectories of individuals that start from Ω will converge to the largest invariant set inside the region Ω = {[˜ pT , q˜T ] ∈ R2Ni ×n |Q˙ = 0}. Therefore, the velocity of individual i will converge to that of its most correlated neighbor fi , i.e., A. Simulation Setup Suppose the 40 individuals lie randomly within the region of 20 × 20m2 and their initial distribution is connected. The initial velocities are set with arbitrary directions and magnitudes within the range of [0 10]m/s. The sensory range of each individual is constrained to R = 5m. The other simulation parameters are chosen as: rij = 0.5, µij = 5, qi = qf i (29) c∗ = 0.3, ∆t = 0.005s, ² = 0.2, k1 = k2 = 1. In particular, we consider the case where a flock Without loss of generality, we assume the Ni th segregates into two clustered sub-groups by tracking individual in the sub-group is the only one that two moving targets towards different directions. senses the external stimulus and it responses with Before the fission behavior takes place, we first let fast maneuvering. According to (4), Ni is the most individuals aggregate and move in formation with correlated neighbor with largest information cou- the same velocity of [5 0]T m/s. Suppose that at pling degree. In the small time internal t ∼ t1 , there t = 7s, two individuals (e.g., lie on the edge of exists a joint connected path from individual i to the flock. Without loss of generality, we let them Ni , the velocities of all the individuals in the sub- be individual 1 and individual 2) sense two targets group will converge to that of the Ni th individual moving towards different directions, other members asymptotically. Hence, we have are not able to sense the external stimuli and hence we have g1 = g2 = 1, gi = 0, i 6= 1, 2. Meanwhile, q1 = q2 = · · · = qNi −1 = qNi (30) the desired positions of individual 1 and individual 2 are updating according to (1) with the updating where qNi is the velocity of individual Ni that senses speed q e = [5 3]T m/s and q e = [5 − 5]T m/s, 2 1 the external stimuli. respectively. (iii) For individuals i and j in different subgroups, as has been illustrated in (i) and (ii), their motion is substantially determined by their most B. Simulation Results Steered by the fission control algorithm (9), a correlated neighbors. Therefore, if the most correlated neighbors of individual i and j move in self-organized fission behavior will occur and the opposite directions under different external stimuli, simulation results are shown in Fig. 2∼5. Fig. 2 (a) is the snapshot of the flocking systhe motion of the two individuals will diverge as tem at t = 6s, from which it can be seen that time goes by. Hence, we will ultimately have individuals aggregate from random distribution and lim D > R (31) form a cohesive formation; Fig. 2 (b) shows the t→∞ response of flock when individual 1 and individual where D = kpi −pj k is the relative distance between 2 (denoted by red solid dots) sense the moving targets, individuals in the flock tend to change individual i and j. their movements to different directions due to the From the above proof, we can conclude that under pairwise interaction rule; In Fig. 2 (c), the flock the fission control algorithm (9), the sub-groups are segregates into sub-groups and two clusters emerge; gradually moving out of the sensory range of each In Fig. 2 (d), the sub-groups run out of the sensory other. Meanwhile, the sub-group itself will keep a range of each other and the segregated sub-groups cohesive whole and move in formation separately. move in formation separately. Fig. 3 (a)∼(b) give the plot of the velocities of individuals during the simulation in both X and Y V. S IMULATION S TUDY axis. From which we can see that before two moving To verify the effectiveness of the proposed fis- targets appear (t < 7s), individuals move in forsion control algorithm, we choose 40 individuals to mation and their velocities asymptotically converge perform the simulation in two dimensional plane. to [5 0]T m/s; At t = 7s, under the fission control 8 30 30 25 20 20 y/m y/m 15 10 10 5 0 0 −5 −10 −10 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 x/m (a) t=6s 60 70 (b) t=9s 40 40 30 30 20 20 y/m y/m 50 x/m 10 10 0 0 −10 −10 −20 −20 10 20 30 40 50 60 x/m 70 80 20 40 60 80 x/m (d) t=15s (c) t=12s Fig. 2. Snapshots of the trajectories of individuals during the fission process, where ‘◦’ represents the initial position of individuals, ‘•’ denotes the finally position of each individual. Specifically, ‘•’ are the two individuals that sense external stimuli with ‘→’ being their desired directions. vx/m ⋅ s−1 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 time/s (a) Velocity in X axis 15 20 vy/m ⋅ s−1 10 0 −10 −20 algorithm, fission behavior occurs and the velocities of the two sub-groups tend to that of the individuals who sense the moving targets. Consequently, the velocities of individuals in sub-group 1 converge to [5 3]T m/s while the velocities of individuals in sub-group 2 converge to [5 − 5]T m/s. In addition, we utilize the average distance of individuals to illustrate the fission behavior in a more intuitional way. The average distance davg is represented by davg = 0 5 10 time/s (b) Velocity in Y axis Fig. 3. Velocity of individuals during the fission process 15 Ni X Ni 1 X kpi − pj k Ni i=1 j=1 (32) where Ni is the number of individuals in the flock. Fig. 4 shows the average distance between individuals during the simulation, where blue line denotes the average distance of all the individuals while red dash line and black dash dot line represent the average distance of individuals in sub-group 1 9 0.8 0.7 0.6 1 0.5 ICD and sub-group 2, respectively. We can easily see that the three lines tend to converge to a fixed value before segregation (t < 7s). When the fission behavior occurs, the average distance of all the individuals increases with time, denoting the divergence of the two sub-groups. On the contrary, the average distances of the two sub-groups tend to maintain a constant value (about 3m), which demonstrates that the two sub-groups are moving in stable formation. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 35 Average Distance of all individuals Average Distance of individuals in Sub−group 1 Average Distance of individuals in Sub−group 2 30 0 5 10 15 t/s 12 25 10 Fig. 5. Information coupling degree between individual 1 and its neighbors davg/m 8 20 6 fission behavior of animal flocks, which is also more feasible, robust and efficient in engineering 2 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 10 6.5 application than the centralized approach. To better understand the size distribution of sub5 groups, we define the size ratio S as a specification 0 to evaluate the fission behavior 0 5 10 15 t/s Nmin (33) S= Nmax Fig. 4. Average distance of the whole group and two separated subgroups where Nmin and Nmax are the size of the smallest sub-group and biggest sub-group, respectively. Fig. 5 gives the information coupling degree Obviously, S ∈ [0, 1], the bigger S is, the size between individual 1 and its neighbors during the difference between the two sub-groups is smaller. fission process, which clearly demonstrates that be- Particularly, when S = 1, the numbers of individufore the two moving targets appear (t < 7s), the ICD als in the two sub-groups are the same. between individual 1 and its neighbors converge to a constant value. This is because in the steady forma90 tion state, the relative position and velocity between 80 individual 1 and its neighbors remain stable. With 70 the introduction of the two moving targets, the ICD between individual 1 and its neighbors begins to 60 vary due to their rapid movement variation, and the 50 ICD between individual 1 and its neighbors in the 40 same sub-group converge to a steady state, while 30 ICD of individual 1 and other individuals in the 20 other sub-group quickly decreases to 0 for the loss 10 of connection between each other. 0 From the above simulation results (Fig. 2 ∼ Fig. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 S 5) we can conclude that the proposed fission control algorithm is capable of realizing the self-organized Fig. 6. Histogram statistics for the size ratio of the separated subfission behavior when the introduction of the mov- groups ing targets cause the motion information conflicts Fig. 6 is the histogram of the size ratio of 40 in the flock. Particularly, our approach is neither negotiation nor appointment based but mimics the individuals for 100 times of simulation. From which 15 4 Further explain the shortcomings of the traditional "average consensus" based control rules in the fission behavior 10 we can see that about 80% of the results show the size ratio equal to 1 and nearly 10% are close to 1 , only a very small portion of the size ratio are randomly located from 0 to 1. Therefore, it can be concluded that, from a probabilistic perspective, the algorithm proposed in this paper can realize the equal-sized fission control. Finally, we carry out a comparative simulation using the first algorithm (19) proposed in [7] based on “separation/alignment/repulsion” rules. At t = 7s, we introduce two moving targets the same as the above simulation and the flocking system are then following the algorithm formation state. The simulation result demonstrate that the flocking algorithm (34) decrease the flexibility and maneuverability of flocking system especially in the case of danger/obstacle avoidance or multiple objects tracking. As a matter of fact, under algorithm (34), fission behavior only occurs when all the individuals can directly sense external stimuli, which is essentially different from our work. The main reason for the above result lies in the “average consensus” approach adopted in (34), which counteracts the external stimuli and leads the flock move towards the average direction of the stimulus signal. Therefore, the traditional “separation/alignment/cohesion” based coordination rules X X for flocking system may dispel the conflict inforui = φα (kpj − pi kσ )nij + aij (p)(qj − qi ) mation and encumber the fission behavior, which, as j∈Ni j∈Ni a result, decreases the maneuverability of flocking (34) system. +gi (pi − pei ), (g1 = g2 = 1) With the same simulation parameters, the moving trajectories of individuals are shown in Fig. 7. VI. C ONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK This paper addresses the fission control problem of flocking system. To overcome the shortcomings 10 25 of the “average consensus” based interaction rules 8 20 that encumber the fission behavior, a new pairwise 6 40 60 80 interaction rule is proposed to implement the fis15 sion behavior. Firstly, we propose an information 10 coupling degree based approach to describe the 5 internal interaction intensity between individuals. 0 Then, by choosing the neighbors with largest in−5 formation coupling degree as the most correlated −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 neighbor, we integrate the motion information of x/m the most correlated neighbor into the distributed fission control algorithm to form a strong correlated Fig. 7. Trajectories of individuals under the external stimuli with the pairwise interaction, which realizes the directional algorithm (34) information flow of external stimuli and induces Fig. 7 demonstrates the simulation results with the fission behavior of the flock in a self-organized the flocking algorithm (34), where two blue solid fashion. Moreover, theoretical analysis proves that circles represent the moving targets with the arrow a flock will segregate into clustered sub-groups being their moving direction, red lines are the when external stimuli cause the motion information trajectories of individual 1 and individual 2 after conflict in it. Finally, simulation studies demonstrate they sense the moving target. From which we can the effectiveness of the proposed fission control clearly see that only two individuals that sense the algorithm. moving target can split from the group while the rest move in a cohesive formation along its previous trajectory. It can also be seen from the amplified C ONFLICT OF I NTERESTS figure that when individual 1 and individual 2 split The authors declare that there is no conflict of from the flock, the motion of other individuals tend to fluctuate, but they finally return to the cohesive interests regarding the publication of this paper. 35 y/m 30 14 12 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 51179156 and 51379179. The authors are also grateful for the constructive suggestions from anonymous reviewers that significantly enhance the presentation of this paper. R EFERENCES [1] I. D. Couzin and M. E. Laidre, “Fission–fusion populations,” Current Biology, vol. 19, no. 15, pp. R633–R635, 2009. [2] I. L. Bajec and F. H. Heppner, “Organized flight in birds,” Animal Behaviour, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 777–789, 2009. [3] H. M. La and W. 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