January 2015 Weld County 4-H Dog and Cat Vaccine Clinic Highlights in this issue: 4-H Re-enrollment 4-H and Non 4-H Scholarships Important workshop and meeting dates Club Re-enrollment 4-H Club re-enrollment is due in the Extension office January 19, 2015. Please remember that re-enrollment cannot be accepted until the following items are on file: 1. Re-enrollment check list 2. Enrollment Fees The enrollment deadline to be eligible to exhibit at the Weld County Fair is March 1, 2015. Project add/drop deadline is March 1, 2015. www.Weld4h.org The Dog Project members would like to invite you to our fundraiser of a vaccination clinic for dogs and cats on Saturday, January 10th from 8 – 10 am in the Exhibition Building at Island Grove Park, Greeley. This will help the kids earn money to purchase equipment and materials for the program. Services will be provided by Dr. Powell of Kersey. The cost of the vaccinations are: Rabies (1 year) $15.00 per animal, distemper/ parvo $18.00 per animal, bordetella (kennel cough) $18.00 per animal and cat leukemia $33.00 per animal. We ask that cats be caged and dogs are on leashes at all times. Please RSVP to the Extension office 970-304-6535 by Wednesday, December 31, 2014 so that we are able to have enough vaccinations on hand. If you have any questions feel free to email Denise Miller at denmile@hotmail.com. The Extension Office can only accept enrollment forms and fees from 4-H Organizational Leaders. Western Region Forum 4-H 101 New parent and volunteer welcome night. Join us for an evening of learning, meeting new people & fun! February 19, 2015 Complimentary dinner begins at 6:00 pm and program begins at 6:30 pm at the 4-H Building, Island Grove Park, Greeley. Prizes! Materials! Fun! Please RSVP by February 12, 2015 Call 970-304-6535 ext. 2076 4-H Makes a Difference We all know what a difference 4-H makes in our lives and in our community, but do all of your friends and classmates know about 4-H? Invite them to your club meetings and tell them what you love about 4-H. The first 25 members who enroll and bring one new person into 4-H will win a prize! You must be enrolled by January 15th. To qualify email Markley with your name, club name and the new members name. Weld County will be hosting all three leader sessions at the Extension office. To register please contact Markley Walsh at 970-304-3565 ext. 2086 or mwalsh@co.weld.co.us. All 4-H Leaders, Parents and senior members are encouraged to attend. If you would like more information on the different sessions please visit http://oregon.4h.oregonstate.edu/wrlf2015 Fiber Fun Fest Club Challenge Fiber Arts Workshops including: Rake Looming, Cable Knitting, Kumihimo, Beginning Crochet, Counted Cross Stitch and more will be held February 21, 2015 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm at Larimer County Fairgrounds, McKee 4-H Building, The Ranch, Loveland. We are challenging clubs to a competition to generate new 4-H membership (does not include 2014 members that transfer to your club from another club). Cash awards of $100 will be awarded to the club with the most new members and to the club with the highest percentage of new members. Members must be new to 4-H. To enter, send All fiber arts workshops require pre-registration. Go to Index an email to Markley at www.larimer.org/ext (Click on 4-H button) for a complete General/Natural Resource….…...5 workshop list and registration information. If you have questions, mwalsh@co.weld.co.us by Family Consumer Sciences…….5 March 4, 2015. contact Nicole Wright at 970-498-6000. Colorado State University Extension, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. 1 Member/Leader…...……………..1-8 Small Animals……………..8, 10-11 Livestock…………………..8-10, 12 County Fair………...…………..…13 Calendar.……..…….……………..14 Members/Leaders What is the 4-H re-enrollment deadline for re-enrolling members? The deadline for re-enrolling members and clubs is January 15, 2015. You must have your enrollment completed and fee turned in to your club leader by the club deadline so they can get them turned into the Extension Office. The 4-H enrollment deadline for new members and for all members who wish to exhibit at the 2015 Weld County Fair is March 1, 2015. There are other deadlines associated with specific projects. Check with your leader if you have questions. 4-H Membership The 4-H year runs from October 1 to September 30. 4-H age is the age of the individual on December 31 of the current 4-H year. - Cloverbud: 5-7 years old - Junior member: 8-10 years old - Intermediate member: 11-13 years old - Senior member: 14-18 years old 4-H Enrollment will be Online! What is the enrollment fee? The annual enrollment fee is $35.00 when submitted by the January 15th deadline. The 4-H Cloverbud member fee is $25.00. The fee is an additional $10.00 for each when submitted after the January 15th deadline. How do I choose my projects for the year? There are lots of resources to help you choose your projects. You can ask 4-H leaders for help. You can go the state 4-H website (www.colorado4h.org) click on “Projects and Record Books” and then click on the “Resource” tab at the top, check out the 4-H Clover Guide, the 4-H Project Selection Guide, and the exhibit requirements. You can come to project workshops scheduled throughout the year. You can call the 4-H Agents and you can talk to other 4-H members about their projects. How do I get my 4-H manuals and record books? All 4-H manuals are ordered when your leader submits re-enrollment forms and fees to the Extension Office. The State 4-H Office sends the manuals directly to your leader who will distribute them to club members. Record books are available online at the State 4-H website: www.colorado4h.org. Click on “Project Resources and Record Books” to find the right e-record for your project. What is a Self Determined Project? The self determined project is designed for 4-H members who have an interest in a topic that is not included in the 4-H Project List. Self determined projects include these county projects that are not offered as state projects: Crops, Pocket Pets and Restoration. If you wish to re-enroll in a self determined project, use the project name next to “self determined.” For example: Self Determined/ Pocket Pets. County projects are not eligible to qualify for state fair. How to enroll for Weld County CWF? The Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is not included in the project list in 4-H online. Please follow these instructions to enroll. CWF is for members who will be 15 years old by June 1, 2017 or have completed the 9th grade. Instead of clicking continue when you get to the Groups page, you need to go to the “Add a Group” box. Go to the first box and click on the down arrow and select the CWF Group you are associated with. Now click the “add to group” button. Once you have added the CWF Group you are associated with in the Group section you can click continue and submit your enrollment. The Extension Office will ONLY accept enrollment forms and fees from 4-H club leaders. 2 Members will be able to enroll in 4-H once there club has been Chartered by the state 4-H Office. We will notify the Organizational Leader when their club has been chartered. Re-enrolling in 4-H as a member or a leader is easy. Each family will login using their family email address and password to enroll electronically. If you don’t remember your family email to start this process, please get with your Organizational Leader to verify your family email. Members will be able to log in at any time to refresh their memory of what projects they are enrolled in! Signatures for the forms are electronic this year. AN ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE IS TYPING THE FIRST AND LAST NAME OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Initials and partial names are not accepted. So, you will not have to print and sign forms this year. The only paperwork you will have to print out is the Animal Care and Housing Form if your animals are located at a different property. Once families submit their enrollment, organizational leaders will be able to confirm your enrollment. The 4-H staff in our county will view and approve each enrollment. Families will continue to be able to make some changes throughout the year – such as address, email address, phone number, etc. You can add or drop a project after your initial enrollment by updating your online account or fill out the add/drop form prior to March 1 and give it to your club leader. We are excited for this way to enroll in 4-H. After confirming your family email with your leader, 4-H members and leaders can enroll themselves online at www.4honline.com. There will be step by step instructions to help you enroll posted on the Weld County 4-H website www.weld4h.org. Considerations in Selecting a 4-H Project Select a project you like Select a project that can be completed Consider the costs (check the Project Selection Guide for cost estimate) Consider the space and equipment that will be needed Consider parental support for the project Be aware of the opportunities for growth in the project Select only the number of projects that you can complete A 4-H project should be fun, serve a purpose and be worth the effort! In addition to the guide, talk with other members, leaders and 4-H staff to learn more about the project. 4-H Scholarships The 2015 Weld County 4-H Scholarship Packet is now available! Did you know that the Weld County 4-H Program offers over 20 scholarships to graduating 4-H members? You could be eligible to receive one of them, or more! Applicants must be presently enrolled and active in a Weld County 4-H Club (Exception: college students applying for the Martin Produce, Norgren, Ben Wilson or Youth Executive Council Scholarships) and must have completed at least three (3) years of project work immediately prior to current year of enrollment. All you have to do is fill out one application to be considered for most scholarships (some require additional application information). You can find the application at www.weld4h.org. Applications are due to the Extension Office by 5:00 pm on March 2, 2015. Brief descriptions of scholarship opportunities are listed below: $500 Weld County 4-H Dairy Scholarship and $500 Alvie Rothe 4-H Dairy Scholarship Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Dairy Advisory Council. Members must be enrolled in the Weld County 4-H Dairy project. Must have completed at least three years of dairy project work immediately prior to current year enrollment. $1000 Weld County 4-H Family Consumer Science Special supplemental page must be completed and submitted Scholarship - Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Foundation. with scholarship application. Member must be currently enrolled in a family consumer Two $500 Weld County 4-H Youth Executive Council science 4-H project. Scholarships - Sponsored by Weld County 4-H Executive $1000 Weld County 4-H Agriculture Scholarship— Council. Members may be enrolled in any 4-H project. Sponsored by the Weld county 4-H Foundation. Member must Demonstrated leadership in 4-H activities beyond the local club be currently enrolled in an agriculture 4-H project. level will be a major determining factor in selecting recipients. Two $1500 Paul and Jean Hoshiko Family 4-H Scholarships Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Foundation. These scholarships will be awarded to outstanding 4-H members based on demonstrated 4-H leadership, community service and 4-H accomplishments. Three $1000 Weld County 4-H Foundation Scholarships Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Foundation. Member may be enrolled in any 4-H project. $1000 Martin Produce Company 4-H Scholarship for High School Senior or a College Student - Sponsored by Martin Produce Company. Eligible college students must be enrolled in a college program leading to a degree in an agricultural discipline. Must have at least 4 years of project work in the Weld County 4-H program. $1000 Norgren Family 4-H Scholarship for College Students - Sponsored by the Norgren family through the Weld County 4-H Foundation. Must have completed one year of college working towards a degree in agriculture. Preference will be given to upper classmen. Must have at least 4 years of project work in the Weld County 4-H program. $1000 Ben Wilson Memorial Scholarship for College Students - Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Foundation through a donation in the memory of Ben Wilson. Must have completed one year of college. Must have a minimum of 4 years of project work in the Weld County 4-H program. Must be enrolled in a college program leading to a degree in an agricultural discipline. $500 Weld County 4-H Shooting Sports Scholarship Sponsored by the Weld County Shooting Sports Council. Members must be enrolled in the Weld County Shooting Sports program. Special supplemental page must be completed and submitted with scholarship application. Two - $500 – Weld County 4-H Horse Scholarships – Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Horse Council. Eligible applicants must have completed three years of 4-H horse project work. Applicant must be an incoming freshman or be actively enrolled in an accredited institution. $500 Mary C. Barnett Memorial Scholarship - Sponsored by Weld County 4-H Leader’s Council. Member may be enrolled in any 4-H project. $500 Weld County 4-H Youth Executive Council Leadership Award - For high school or college students. Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Youth Executive Council. Must have served and been active on the Weld County Youth Executive Council for three years. Special supplemental page must be completed and submitted with scholarship application. $500 Greeley Kennel Club 4-H Scholarship - Sponsored by the Greeley Kennel Club. The member must have completed two years of dog obedience in 4-H to be eligible. This scholarship would be renewable for the recipient’s second year at college if established criteria are met. Special supplemental page must be completed and submitted with scholarship application. $500 Gene Inloes Memorial 4-H Livestock Judging Scholarship - Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Foundation. Members must have participated in the Weld County 4-H Livestock Judging program for three years. Special supplemental page must be completed and submitted with scholarship application. $400 – Leaders Council Scholarship – Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Leaders Council. Member may be enrolled in any 4-H project. $300 Helmut Brunner Memorial 4-H Scholarship -Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Foundation. This scholarship will be awarded to a member enrolled in an agricultural project and who will be attending Colorado State University. $250 Kenneth & Clarice Benson Memorial 4-H Scholarship Sponsored by the Weld County 4-H Foundation. Member may be enrolled in any 4-H project. $100 Josh Jarman Memorial 4-H Scholarship - Sponsored by the Josh Jarman Memorial Fund in memory of Jarman, a former 4-H member. The recipient should show exemplary leadership in 4-H community service. This scholarship may be awarded to an applicant who is receiving another county 4-H scholarship. Member may be enrolled in any 4-H project. PLEASE LET FORMER 4-H’ERS IN COLLEGE WHO MEET THE DEGREE CRITERIA KNOW ABOUT THESE 3 SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES! Members/Leaders Colorado State University Conducts Background Checks on all Volunteers Volunteers serve at the request of Colorado State University Extension. That request can be withdrawn for any reason, or no reason, at any time. Volunteers agree to abide by the 4-H Code of Conduct and to enforce the Code of Conduct with 4-H members they supervise. Interested in being a Key Leader? If you have an interest in sharing your time and talent to help 4-H members with a particular project please give us a call. You can help by being a resource leader, key leader, or by simply offering a single workshop. Colorado 4-H Foundation Scholarships The 2015 Colorado 4-H Foundation Scholarship application form is now available on the Colorado 4-H Foundation website: www.co4hfoundation.colostate.edu/scholarships.shtml. 2015 Scholarship Application Procedure • All application materials will be submitted using the electronic universal application form. • No letters of reference, transcripts or signature pages are required. Students will supply the names of three people we may contact for references. Needed transcripts will be requested directly from the High Schools. • All applications will be evaluated for the Holthaus, Murdoch’s and Smith scholarships. Helpful Hints: • Fill out and submit only one electronic 4-H scholarship application form. • Review the requirements for the CADA, Kimberling, Portouw and Sandstead scholarships. If you meet the requirements, highlight the boxes on the electronic application form. • Questions. please contact the Colorado 4-H Foundation at 970-491-1537 or 970-491-2768. Winners are selected by the Colorado 4-H Foundation Scholarship Committee Colorado Agri-Women Scholarship The Colorado Agri-Women are proud to offer a $400 scholarship to one high school senior woman who will be continuing in a vocational or traditional collage setting in any area of agriculture. This scholarship application is due by February 10, 2015. For more information and application, please go to www.weld4h.org. The application is on the right side on the homepage. Colorado Association of Fairs and Shows Scholarship The Weld County Fair is a member of the Colorado Association of Fairs and Shows (CAFS) who is offering a scholarship to any active 4-H or FFA member that volunteered at their local county fair. This scholarship is open to High School Seniors or a Graduate with a minimum of a "B" average in both the junior and senior year of high school. This scholarship application is due by March 20, 2015. For more information and application, please go to www.weldcountyfair.com/ScholarshipOpportunities.html. 4 For General & Natural and Family Consumer Science projects call Markley at ext. 2086. For Livestock and Horse projects call Larry at 2093. Becoming a Leader The Weld County 4-H program is a team effort. The volunteers, Extension staff, parents and members work together to plan and carry out a program for the growth and development of young people. If you or someone you know are interested in becoming a volunteer leader, here are the steps that need to be completed to become an approved leader in Weld County 4-H: 1. Fill out and submit a volunteer leader 2. 3. 4. 5. application Have 3 positive references Have a background check Complete an orientation training Have an interview with the 4-H agents (all organizational leaders and others in some cases) Once you are approved as a leader you must complete and submit an enrollment form and continue to do so on an annual basis in order to stay active in the system. If you do not submit enrollment annually, the system will drop you as a leader and will be required to reapply. If you are active in a specific club, the organizational leader will submit your enrollment form along with the rest of the club. If you are a key leader, resource leader, or an activity leader, you may submit your enrollment form directly to the Extension office. Until these steps are completed, you are not authorized to act as a 4-H leader and are not covered by CSU insurance. Members & Leaders Do you love the Shooting Sports Project? To become a shooting sports instructor, individuals are required to become an authorized Weld County 4-H Leader and to complete the shooting sports certification workshop (see schedule below). To find out more about this wonderful volunteer opportunity and becoming a shooting sports instructor, contact Markley at ext. 2086. Shooting Sports Certification Workshop Interested in being apart of the growing Weld County Shooting Sports program? Then mark your calendars because Weld County will be hosting one of 6 Leader and Jr. Leader Shooting Sports Certification workshops in the state. You can register for this workshop through 4honline, registration will be open until the day of the workshop but don’t delay because the price of the workshop will go up after February 20th. Workshop Information: Date: February 27 (evening start)-March 1, 2015 Location: 4-H Building at Island Grove Park Cost for teen members and enrolled leaders: $95 before February 20th and $105 until February 27, 2015 Cost for non 4-H individuals: $120 before February 20th and $130 until February 27, 2015 Please contact the Weld County Extension office for more information or visit http://www.co4hshooting.org/leader-trainingworkshops/index.php# 4-H Shooting Sports Last year 226 youth enrolled in the Shooting Sports project here in Weld County. Ask any one of those members why they love the project and you are likely to hear about how much fun they have, about the life skills they learn like discipline, concentration and confidence. It is just as likely that they will tell you about the amazing leaders who plan and organize the project and serve as instructors. Shooting Sports takes a lot of volunteer power to make it happen! Without parent and other adult participation, this experience would not be possible for 4-H’ers. In order to keep this project going strong in the 2014-2015 4-H year we need your help. Having a county program REQUIRES the use of trained and certified 4-H instructors. You can become certified by participating in a workshop and it requires no special skill to start beyond being an involved parent who cares about young people. There are many other ways that you can support this project as well. The 4-H Shooting Sports Council is a group of dedicated, hard working leaders who have made it possible for your child to have this wonderful opportunity. Now we need your help. Please plan to attend a special meeting! Wednesday, February 4, 2015, 7-8 pm at the Extension Office A light supper will be served beginning at 6:30 pm. Together, we can make sure the Shooting Sports project continues to change young lives in Weld County 4-H. There are only 6 shooting sports certification workshops in the state including: Lincoln County (Limon), January 2-4, 2015 La Plata County (Durango), February 6-8, 2015 Weld County (Greeley), February 27 - March 1, 2015 Pueblo County (Pueblo), March 27-29, 2015 Mesa County (Grand Junction), March 27-29, 2015 Grand County (Kremmling), April 10-12, 2015 Model Rocketry Interested in Model Rocketry? Phil Rouse is willing to come to your club and put on a workshop if there is an interest of 3 members or more. Phil will provide a level I model rocket workshop at the club meeting to any junior member in their 1st year of model rocketry. If you are interested please contact Markley at ext. 2086. Model Rocketry workshops will be held at 7:00 pm on April 23rd, May 9th and May 23rd in the Outrider Building (the green building at the 11th Avenue entrance close to the Grandstand Arena), Island Grove Park, Greeley. Dog Sport Day OPEN TO THE PUBLIC The Weld County 4-H Dog Team are planning a fun Dog Sport Day. Mark your calendar for this fun event. Watch the February 4-H newsletter for more details. March 21, 2015 Exhibition Building, Island Grove Park, Greeley, Colorado 5 Members & Leaders Working with Club Officers 4-H Club Officer Information The officers of the club sit at the table in the front of the community building and nervously wait for the noise to stop so they can start the meeting. Finally, the leader speaks loud enough to get everyone’s attention and calls for order. The club president asks what they need to talk about first. The leader tells her and things begin. With every item of business, parents and leaders talk about the pros and cons of issues to ensure the members make the right decisions. The president was disorganized, there was no agenda, the group didn’t focus on discussion items and there was continuous personal chit chat going on. Does any of this feel familiar? 4-H club meetings are great opportunities to teach life skills such as decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, contributing to the group effort and teamwork. However, it takes some intentional effort to create a climate where those life skills can best be developed. People feel frustrated, disorganized and question the use of their time at 4-H club meetings when an effort hasn’t been made to create a productive experience for the meeting. The best organizational leaders that work as facilitators and advisors acknowledge five characteristics of all productive meetings. 4-H Club Officers Congratulations! It is an honor to be selected by your fellow 4-H members to serve in the important position of a club officer. 4-H Club Officer guides are available at the Extension Office. Call to arrange to pick up a copy. 1. Purpose - There is a goal or reason to meet. 2. Setting - There needs to be an atmosphere that encourages participation and discourages cliques. 3. People - Who needs to be at the meeting and who has the authority and responsibility to follow-up on decisions? 4. Agenda - Is the plan for the group defined from beginning to end? 5. Follow-up - Dividing responsibilities among members, taking notes, gathering information and doing the work. The responsibilities of the leaders and parents are to help the members achieve goals and get things done by providing influence and guidance. Leadership is no accident. Notify - members and parents of time, place and expectations. Organize - resources, information and agendas with the officers ahead of time. Acknowledge - people. Trust needs to be built by getting to know one another. Contact - prior to meeting contact the officers to discuss business at hand. Communicate - to avoid breakdowns and keep everyone informed. Identify skills - so that no one’s strengths are overlooked. Divide and delegate - responsibilities among the group with committees that can support individuals. Encourage - sparks of interest and enthusiasm. They are contagious! Notes - are the record of what needs to be done and what is accomplished. Thank you - are the two powerful words which help value the efforts of others. Helping 4-H clubs and their members requires you to advise them in decision making. They learn by practicing their skills and facing challenges and failures. Jim Fey, an educational consultant said, “The price of learning is as cheap now as it will ever be.” Explore how you can work with youth to define problems, gather information, explore alternatives, weigh the consequences, decide on an action and evaluate the results. It’s a blue light special now, while the price is right! —Jean Glowacki 6 An Officer Training will be held on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 6:30 pm at the 4-H Building at Island Grove Park, Greeley. For more information, contact Teresa at 970-304-6535 ext. 2070. 4-H Club Secretary Serving as 4-H secretary is certainly an honor, but it also includes many duties and responsibilities. You should become familiar with these so you can serve your club well and keep a good record of all the club’s activities through the year. You are required to keep accurate minutes of meetings and records of attendance. You also will maintain the 4-H Club Activities calendar. A complete list of your responsibilities and all of the forms that you need are included in the 4-H Secretary Book. The book is available on the web at: www.colorado4h.org or you may call and arrange to pick up a copy at the Extension Office. Clubs are required to submit a copy of their Secretary Book to the Extension Office at the end of the 4-H year! 4-H Club Treasurer You have a very important job! The treasurer is responsible for taking care of the club’s money and bank accounts. This responsibility requires honesty, integrity, cooperation and communication with the members of your club. 4-H clubs must complete an Annual Financial Summary report and submit it to the Extension Office. This report creates an open, public record of each nonprofit group receiving public donations and it also fulfills the audit concerns of CSU and federal requirements for financial accounting by 4-H clubs. The USDA requires that 4-H clubs file financial statements and plans with the Extension Office. You should review all of your responsibilities as treasurer with your club leader. The complete 4-H Treasurer Book, which includes all of the forms that you need is available on the web at www.colorado4h.org or you may call to arrange to pick up your copy at the Extension Office. World of 7 Billion Video Contest Back by popular demand, the World of 7 Billion student video contest can help you bring technology and crea vity into your high school classes. The contest challenges your students to create a short (60 seconds or less) video illustra ng the connec on between world popula on growth and one of three global challenges dealing with either the sixth ex nc on, available farmland, or global educa on. Students can win up to $1,000 and their teachers will receive free curriculum resources. The contest deadline is February 19, 2015. Full contest guidelines, resources for research, past winners, and more can be found at www.worldof7billion.org/studentvideo-contest. 7 Judging Teams Youth Executive Council Happy New Year Weld County 4-Hers! The long awaited 2015 year is finally here! Hopefully we'll find a way to complete our New Years resolutions. Maybe one of these will include trying a new 4-H project, or even joining an activity such as livestock judging or Youth Executive Council. There's always a new opportunity for everybody! The Youth Executive Council will be holding an upcoming event for those who are interested in officer positions and learning team building skills. These positions include president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian, reporter, and district 2 senator. This event will be held on February 3, 2015 at 6:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join. Just remember, if you are interested, please remember to RSVP to Teresa Johnson by January 30! Are you planning on joining YEC for the 2015 4-H year? Do you want to interact with other youth leaders in your community? Do you want to be an involved member within the Weld County 4-H? These are only a few of the amazing skills and opportunities you could have when you join the Youth Executive Council! If you are interested, our next meeting will be held on January 6 at 7:00 pm in the 4-H Building. Madison LaBorde, Mattea Klein, and Michael Kocherha - YEC Reporters Larimer County Horse and Livestock Save the Dates Livestock Field Day - Saturday, March 7th 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Larimer County Fairgrounds at The Ranch in Loveland Horse/Livestock Tack Swap and Garage Sale Saturday, March 21st, 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Larimer County Fairgrounds at The Ranch in Loveland Horse Levels Field Day – Saturday, April 18th 8:30 a.m., Larimer County Fairgrounds at The Ranch in Loveland Judging Opportunities for 4-H Members Judging is a great opportunity for 4-H members to improve decision making, communication, problem solving, and time management skills in a fun, team-oriented setting. Members do not have to be involved in any specific project to take part in judging programs. Some potential benefits of judging include college scholarships, opportunity to travel, personal and team awards. Check out one or more of these judging opportunities! Horse Judging Develop an eye for horses and understand what exactly goes on in the show ring. Workouts generally start in January or February. The State Horse Judging Contest is held in Fort Collins in conjunction with the State 4-H Conference in June. There are opportunities for members of top placing teams to travel to national level contests. For more information contact coach Dave Moore at 970-378-8835. Horse Bowl By participating in Horse Bowl, you can learn about the horse in a fun setting. The team competes in knowledge bowl contests that demonstrate understanding of equine science and management. Work-outs generally start in October or November. The State Horse Bowl Contest is held in conjunction with the State 4-H Conference in June. There are opportunities for members of top placing teams to travel to national level contests. For more information contact coach Teresa Johnson at 970-302-9040. Horse Hippology Very similar to Horse Bowl is the Hippology program. It’s a fun and competitive setting for youth enrolled in a horse project to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge and understanding of equine science, and in particular the practical application of this knowledge and skill. A hippology contest consists of four phases: judging, written test, stations, and team problem. Top state teams have the opportunity to travel to national level contests. Practices normally start in October or November. For more information contact coach Teresa Johnson at 970-302-9040. Livestock Judging Workouts for Livestock Judging normally start in early March. Generally, the team will also compete in several county contests prior to the State contest in June, held in conjunction with the State 4-H Conference in Fort Collins. Team members will learn livestock evaluation skills for beef, sheep and swine. Top placing teams have the opportunity to participate in national level contests. For further information contact coach Steve Gabel at 970-396-6881. Dairy Judging Dairy judging is a state-based program where members participate on an individual basis. Following the State Contest, generally held in July, the top individuals are chosen and have the opportunity to participate in national level contests. In dairy judging members will learn about the parts of a dairy cow and dairy cattle evaluation skills. Workouts normally start in June. For more information contact coach Keith Maxey at 970-304-6535 ext. 2075. Rabbit Judging Team members learn the basics of rabbit judging – body types and how to pose them; point schedule on specific breeds and what characteristic(s) earn the most points; breed identification; and how to give reasons. Practices normally start in January. The team will participate in various contests prior to the State Contest which is held in Pueblo in conjunction with the Colorado State Fair. For more information contact coach Teri Peterson at 970-301-6530. Meats Judging Members will learn how to evaluate various qualities and yield differences in beef, pork, and lamb meat products. In addition, they will be required to identify the species, location (primal) and cooking method of over 100 retail cuts derived from beef, pork, and lamb carcasses. Members will also be taught safe meat handling practices. Practices began in October. The State Contest will be in Fort Collins in April. The State winning team has the opportunity to travel and participate in a national level contest. For more information contact coach David Jacobs at 303-886-6620. 8 Livestock Weld County 4-H/FFA Dairy Heifer Replacement Project (DHRP) The purpose of the program is to provide 4-H and FFA members an opportunity to: Learn how to select a dairy heifer that has the potential to be a good producing cow. Learn how to raise a good quality animal, demonstrating approved management principles. Offer for sale a top quality dairy replacement animal at the conclusion of the program. Give non-farm members the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the dairy industry. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Weld County 4-H Dairy Advisory Council will oversee and assist in managing this project. Eligibility 1. Any duly enrolled Weld County 4-H or FFA member is eligible for this program. 2. The member must enroll, or be enrolled, in a 4-H or FFA dairy cattle project. 3. The member must specifically enroll their project heifer in the DHRP by March 1 of the project year. Forms are available at the County Extension Office or online at www.weld4h.org, then click on “forms”. Requirements 1. Members may enroll up to three (3) heifers each year. All nominated heifers may be shown, but you are limited to showing one (1) heifer in the DHRP class and to selling that same one (1) heifer. Members must designate their DHRP heifer on their Fair entry. 2. Member must be the sole owner of the animal. A copy of the brand certificate or bill of sale must be submitted with enrollment. Two photos of the heifer, one of each side, must be included with the enrollment. 3. The animal must be: a. Born September 1 – November, 2013 (21-23 months old at Fair time). b. From a registered sire (AI or natural breeding). c. From a dam that is either registered or grade. Production records must accompany enrollment. d. Positively identified by a 4-H Leader, FFA Advisor, Extension Agent, or member of the Council. e. A minimum of 40 days pregnant as of March 1. A certificate of pregnancy from a licensed veterinarian or other qualified individual must be turned in with enrollment. Heifers should not be bred to calve before September 1. 4. Any breed of dairy is acceptable. Heifers must be bred to a registered service sire (AI or natural) of their same breed. 5. Heifers must be exhibited at the Weld County Fair. All heifers enrolled in this project will show in a separate “Dairy Replacement Heifer” class. 6. Members are strongly encouraged to participate with their project heifer at the Colorado Dairy Youth Extravaganza, May 31 - June 2, 2015 at Island Grove Park in Greeley. Sale 1. Heifers will be sold at the Weld County Fair. 2. Heifers will be inspected and pregnancy checked at the Weld County Fair prior to the sale. Heifers will not be allowed to sell if: a. They are not at least six (6) months pregnant, b. They are not healthy or in good condition according to breed standards. Heifers are expected to meet the following height and weight measurements (measurements listed are for Holstein heifers; for other breeds contact the Weld County Extension Office): i. 21 month old heifer – 1086-1372 lbs; 52-56” at withers ii. 22 month old heifer – 1148-1420 lbs; 52-57” at withers iii. 23 month old heifer – 1148-1420 lbs; 53-57” at withers 3. Members will receive all proceeds from the sale less a five percent (5%) commission, as long as they have turned in a completed record book after the Fair. 4. Members are encouraged to contact potential buyers for their animals. Buy back opportunities will be available for businesses that purchase animals. 9 Livestock Market Beef Identification Day 4-H Livestock Manuals Each household will receive one manual to be shared by siblings for the projects they are enrolled in. If a family wishes to purchase additional manuals they are welcome to do so at the Extension Office. The manuals are for all livestock and horse projects, including the dog project. Animal Care and Housing Form February 7, 2015 To be eligible for the 2015 Weld County Fair and Junior Livestock Sale, all market beef animals must be identified. Identifying will be done ONLY on Saturday, February 7, 2015 at the following location: GREELEY PRODUCERS SALE YARD, 711 “O” Street, Greeley, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm All 4-H members with animal projects will be required to have a completed, signed and approved Animal Care and Housing Form for Colorado 4-H Livestock Projects on file at the Extension Office. This form will be provided in two ways; 1. 4-H online for those that have their animals at their place of residence and 2. on our 4-H Website www.weld4h.org/Forms.html for those that have their animals some place other than their residence. If your animal project is housed at your place of residence you can fill out this form while filling out your paperwork during the enrollment process online. If your animal project is not housed at your place of residence then you will need to go to our 4-H Website, print the Animal Care and Housing form and fill out both sides of that form. This gives us additional information about your specific situation and helps with the approval process. Please give us detailed information or we will send them back for you to adjust your comments. Talk to your club leader, or contact Larry at ext. 2093 if you have any questions. Premises ID Premises identification will provide quick and accurate traceability of livestock and locations in the event of an animal health concern, which will help maintain the health of all Colorado livestock. For this program, a premises is defined as a location or site where livestock are born, handled, housed, managed, marketed, processed, or exhibited. Premises ID is managed by the Colorado Department of Agriculture. For the 2014 – 2015 project year, 4-H members with livestock projects (beef, dairy, goat, horse, sheep, swine, poultry, and rabbit) are strongly encouraged to obtain a Premises ID. It is required to exhibit at the Weld County Fair and Colorado State Fair. It is also required for other livestock shows. If you don’t already have a Premises ID, you can obtain one by calling the Colorado Animal ID coordinator at 303-869-9134. Youth Loan Program American AgCredit’s AgYouth Program provides interest-free loan funds for qualifying projects to 4-H and FFA members. For information, please contact Steve Sterkel at American AgCredit in Greeley at 970-330-4071. National Western Stock Show January 10-25, 2015 Premium books are available on-line. Visit the National Western Stock Show webpage at www.nationalwestern.com and be sure to check the changes they are making for the 2015 Junior Livestock Shows. 10 Animals will be weighed for a beginning weight. Retinal scans, and/or DNA will be collected on ALL market beef for the Weld County Fair and as requested for the Colorado State Fair and AK-SAR-BEN. AK-SAR-BEN is a 4-H only show for member 10 years old & older (4-H age). A $4.00 fee for retinal scans, ear tags and brand inspection will be collected at this time. Checks can be made payable to Weld County Fair (AK-SAR-BEN will be extra). Calves will be brand inspected. You need to bring the following documentation with you: Valid proof of ownership Out-of-state animal from a brand state needs a brand certificate Out-of-state animal from a non-brand state needs a witnessed bill of sale In-state animal needs a brand certificate unless home raised Health papers for all out-of-state animals There will be NO make-up date. All cattle need to be identified on February 7, 2015. Youth Livestock Field Day Weld, Larimer, Adams, and Boulder counties are teaming up to present the 6th annual Youth Livestock Field Day, March 7, 2015. The event will be held at The Ranch (Larimer County Fairgrounds) in Loveland. Many workshops and activities are being planned to help 4-H members learn about their Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goat, Poultry, and Rabbit projects. Included at this event is your opportunity, if applicable, to become Meat Quality Assurance (MQA) and Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) certified! Mark your calendars now and reserve this date! More about this exciting program, including registration information and location will be coming. Please look for more details in the February 4-H Newsletter. 2015 Weld County Goat Extravaganza No matter what breed of goats you might have, there is sure to be something for you at the 2015 Weld County Goat Extravaganza, April 24-26, 2015. Activities will take place in the Livestock and Exhibition Buildings at Island Grove Park, Greeley. Stay tuned for details, go to our website, www.wcgoate.com or call Larry at 970-304-6535 ext. 2093 if you have questions. Livestock/Small Animals Enrolling in Poultry If you are registering for poultry you need to register for everything that you are going to show. Example: Ducks, Geese, Pigeons, Turkeys market or breeding, Market chickens. If you are going to show all these at fair than you need to sign up for all of them. If you are going to do the egg production then you will sign up for the breeding. If you are just showing your chickens than you will sign up for show birds. Poultry Bands available at Extension Office Weld County Extension Office has four (4) sizes of poultry bands available for sale. Bands cost $0.50 each. Rabbit Project Info Our show will once again be American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and Rocky Mountain High Shows, Inc. (RMHS) sanctioned. If you are not a member of ARBA or RMHS, you can still show, membership is not required. But do understand that our show will be following ARBA rules. If you are a member of ARBA and/or RMHS, this will be an opportunity for you to earn some sweepstakes points at our show. If you want your breed sanctioned as well, you will have to pay for that by 30 days prior to the fair show. Again, to be clear…YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF ARBA NOR RMHS to show at ARBA/RMHS sanctioned shows. There are currently 48 breeds of rabbits that are recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association. These breeds come in all kinds of sizes, colors, purposes and temperaments. How do you find the breed best suited for your project? An excellent place to start your 2015 Poultry Meeting Schedule research is the American Rabbit Breeders Association website: January 15th at 6:30 pm in the Outrider Building www.arba.net. You will find links to specific breed sites. Another good This is a green building at the 11th Avenue Entrance place to do some research is at a local all breed show. There are a February 19th at 6:30 pm in the Bunkhouse couple of local shows you can visit and talk to the exhibitors. January March 19th at 6:30 pm in the Bunkhouse 10, 2015 is the Platte River Rabbit Fanciers Show at the Adams April 16th at 6:30 pm in the Bunkhouse County Fairgrounds. The second show is the Long’s Peak Rabbit May 21st at 6:30 pm in the Bunkhouse Breeders Association show February 7, 2015 at the Larimer County Fairgrounds. Both shows will run until late afternoon if you are June 18th at 6:30 pm in the Bunkhouse interested. You can find dates and places of other shows on the ARBA website also. Meet the breeders, learn about the breeds they Identification Form for are showing, ask questions about any breed you may be interested in Rabbit Project Members raising/showing. And you will get to see how a rabbit show works. Rabbit project members who plan to show meat pens at Market Rabbit Project members do not forget that we now have two the 2015 Weld County Fair will need to identify their classes in the Market Rabbit Project. This means you have two does that are used to kindle the litters of meat pen opportunities to exhibit a Market Rabbit Project at fair – the Meat pen of rabbits. This form, titled DOE IDENTIFICATION FOR RABBIT MEAT PENS must be completed and filed with Three and/or the Single Fryer. Rules for the single fryer are similar to the meat pen. The rabbit cannot be over 10 weeks of age, minimum the Extension Office by May 1, 2015. weight of 3 pounds and maximum weight of 5 pounds. The meat pen If you are anticipating showing a meat pen of rabbits at has the same age and weight requirements except the meat pen is to the County Fair, please contact the Extension Office and be made up of 3 animals of the same breed and variety. All disqualifirequest this form, or you can download a copy at cations apply to the single fryer and meat pen rabbits except body smut www.weldcountyfair.com and then click on Fair Book and non-descended testicles. The rules for both Meat pen and Single Divisions and Entry Forms, then Livestock/Animal DiviFryer will be in the Weld County Fair Book. sions or go to www.weld4h.org and then click on Forms. If you are interested in raising a meat pen, and end up having one or two extra fryers – show them in the single fryer class. If you were 2015 Weld County Rabbit unable to put together a meat pen of three fryers, show the one or two Judging Schedule rabbits in the single fryer class. Unfortunately single fryers will not be in 1/10/15 – Platte River Rabbit Fanciers show; Adams the sale. County Fairgrounds Don’t forget the Rabbit 101 workshop scheduled for February 28, 2015. 1/17/15 – Rabbit Judging Practice; Outrider building The workshop will be held at Adams County Fairgrounds, in the Al th (green building at 11 Avenue entrance) from Lessor Building. There will be area breeders exhibiting different breeds, 9 am-12 pm workshops on feeding, general care, raising meat pens and single fry1/24/15 – Rabbit Judging Practice; Outrider building, ers, how to check for disqualifications. Tentatively we will have a cage from 9 am -12 pm vendor and a feed vendor. Want to learn a little more about rabbits 2/7/15 – El Paso County Rabbit Judging meet; Larimer before purchasing your project animal(s)? Want to talk to area experts County Fairgrounds one on one? Come to the Rabbit 101 workshop. The workshop will 2/7/15 – Long’s Peak Rabbit Show; Larimer County from 9am-2pm. Lunch will be available for purchase. Contact Teri P at Fairgrounds the phone number/email address listed below to register for workshop. 2/14/15 – Elbert County Rabbit Judging meet; Elbert Rabbit judging team starts the season with a practice on January 17, County Fairgrounds 2015 in the Outrider Building 9 am-12 pm. If you are interested in 2/21/15 – Rabbit Judging Practice; Outrider building, checking out Rabbit Judging please join us at that time. The only thing from 9 am -12 pm you need to bring is your eagerness to learn about rabbits. 2/28/15 – Rabbit 101 Workshop; Adams County Fairgrounds, Al Lessor Building Any questions please call or e-mail Teri Peterson at 970-301-6530or Setup 8-9 am; workshops 9 am -2 pm; teribunnies@gmail.com 11 clean up 2-3 pm Horse/Livestock/County Fair 4-H Horse Project Night A Mandatory Horse Project Night is scheduled for Monday, February 23, 2015 in the 4-H Building at Island Grove Park, Greeley, pizza at 6:30 pm and meeting at 7:00 pm. Some of the items to be covered are: Horse ID requirements ID packets will be available from last year to update and resubmit by the June 1st deadline. Advancement Levels Recognition of individuals who attained levels certifications in 2014 Opportunities for levels certification in 2015 Weld County Fair information Colorado State Fair information Horse project opportunities (Judging, Horse Bowl, etc.) For more information on Horse Project Night, contact Larry at 970-304-6535 ext. 2093. Horse Advancement Levels for 2014 Congratulations to the following individuals for their accomplishments in achieving one or more certifications in the Colorado 4-H Horse Advancement Levels program in 2014! English Level I Kayla Bean Amanda Bush Courtney Carr Molly Koslosky Connor Lovell Aubrey Luckeroth Jonathan Malovich English Level II Shaylee Baum Kayla Bean Amanda Bush Courtney Carr Micaiah Culbertson Jonathan Malovich English Level III Amanda Bush English Level IV Andie Jensen Ranch II Shaylee Baum Ryleigh Carr Hallie Carroll Micaiah Culbertson Jaynee Halverson Jonathan Malovich Coy Shoemaker Bryana Tannehill Western Level I Caitlyn Anderson Madison Buckridge Amanda Bush Hallie Carroll Quirt Carroll Blake Fabrizius Tyne Killip Molly Koslosky Jonathan Malovich Lanie Payton Samuel Scanga Coy Shoemaker Sadie Smith Bryana Tannehill Savannah Vermeulen Western Level II Amanda Bush Ryleigh Carr Hallie Carroll Micaiah Culbertson Jonathan Malovich Coy Shoemaker Bryana Tannehill Western Level III Kassandra Shoemaker Western Level IV Andie Jensen Ranch III Kassandra Shoemaker Any corrections to this list should be reported to Larry Hooker at the Extension Office, 970-304-6535, ext. 2093. 12 Weld County Beef Seminar Weld County Extension and Weld County Livestock Association is presenting a 2 annual Beef Cattle Seminar on EPD’s or Indexing, Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus, Meat Cutting Demonstration and a Niche Marketing segment. It will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015 in the Exhibition Building, Island Grove Regional Park, Greeley, CO, from 10:00 am – 3:30 pm (Check-in 9:00 am— 10:00 am). Go to www.weldextension.com, click on Livestock Seminar/ Beef Cattle Seminar/Beef Cattle Seminar Registration form, or call 970-304-6535 for more information. Registration is due by Monday, February 13, 2015. See you there! Royalty Corner Hi everyone, my name is Nicolle Conner and I am the 2015 Weld County Fair Queen. I am from Keenesburg, Colorado. I am a sophomore at Weld Central High School. I am involved in volleyball and FFA. I also, am a Secretary for my 4-H club, Hudson Shamrocks. I enjoy showing and riding my horses in different events. I am so greatly honored to be this year’s Fair Queen and hope to bring much honor to Weld County. In October, we got the opportunity to attend the CAFS (Colorado Association of Fairs and Shows) Convention in Colorado Springs. The two princesses and I had an amazing and unforgettable time there! We had to make our own poster, bring items to trade with others, and we also got to go to the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame. We all got to socialize with many different people, and learn about their fairs and rodeos. During this, we also got to meet Miss Rodeo Colorado and Miss Lady-in-waiting Colorado. We learned many things that will help us all out during our reign as royalty, such as team work, hurry up and wait, basic hat care, hair and makeup basics, and getting ready on the fly! The princesses, Amelia Hatch and Lauren Weaber, got to be in a fashion show, which was a bunch of fun. At the end of November, we got the opportunity to have Greeley Hat Works sponsor all three of us black hats. Which is incredibly appreciated and I cannot wait to be able to wear it with my tiara! I am super excited to be going to National Western Stock Show this year and have the opportunity to meet many different people. As my year is just beginning to start, I am so very thrilled for all the activities royalty get to be in. I hope to see you at National Western Stock show! 2015 Weld County Fair Queen, Nicolle Conner County Fair Attention All Youth Ambassadors 2015 Camping Space Reservations The Weld County Sale Committee Youth Ambassador Program is a great way to be involved and thank the people that make the sale happen. All ages are welcome to apply to be a part of a prestigious service group that makes a difference. 30 Youth Ambassadors will be selected from the applicants. Reservations for camping spaces for the 2015 Weld County Fair will open up January 5, 2015. Due to limited space, camping spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis and must be paid in full at the time of reservation. Having a specific camping space in previous years does NOT guarantee a space. When making reservations, you must to know the ELECTRICAL AMPERAGE on your camper/RV (30 or 50 amp) – Reservations WILL NOT be made without this information. Applications are available on the Weld County Fair website www.weldcountyfair.com, then click on Junior Livestock Sale or at the Extension Office. Applications are due by May 29, 2015 in the Extension Office. Attention Livestock Exhibitors The following are changes that the Fair Board has approved for the 2015 Fair. Please read them carefully – they may affect you. Any market animal is eligible for release between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm the day of their specie show and can leave the grounds. Any animal that does not leave in their specie release window (6:00 pm to 9:00 pm the day of their specie show) must remain on the grounds until release time on Sunday. All sale nominated, buy back and carcass contest animals must remain until Monday. Any market Animal that leaves the grounds will not be allowed to return. Goat and Lamb set up day is Monday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm for tack and bedding only. Goats may not arrive until Tuesday and Lambs may not arrive until Wednesday. Please be aware that all Non Livestock 4-H and FFA members will be bringing their projects to be judged. Weld County 4-H Newsletter Is an official publication of Colorado State University Extension– Weld County 4-H The publication is published 11 times per year (July/August edition combined), is mailed or e-mailed to all 4-H families and is available on the Weld County Extension website: www.weld4h.org 525 N. 15th Avenue Greeley, Colorado 80631 (970) 304-6535 FAX (970) 351-0415 www.weld4h.org Colorado State University Extension’s programs are available to all without discrimination. The information contained herein is provided as a public service with the understanding that Colorado State University makes no warranties or endorsements, either expressed or implied. Colorado State University Extension, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. January 2015 For your convenience and safety this year, camper check in will be Friday, July 24th-Sunday, July 26th ONLY. Check out will be after 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 2nd (must be out by the morning of Tuesday, August 4th). Campers will not be allowed to come in and out throughout the week as in years past. Exact time for check in will be announced at a later date. Reservations will close June 30th, 2015 and no spaces will be reserved thereafter. More information and rates can be found online at www.weldcountyfair.com on the homepage. Reservations can be made beginning January 5th with Jenn Eastwood at 970-304-6535 ext. 2069. Please feel free to contact the editors at any time at (970) 304-6535. We are here for you and welcome your comments and suggestions. Sincerely, Sincerely, Sincerely, Markley Walsh 4-H Youth Agent mwalsh@co.weld.co.us Extension 2086 Larry Hooker 4-H Youth Agent/Livestock lhooker@co.weld.co.us Extension 2093 Keith Maxey Director/Livestock Agent kmaxey@co.weld.co.us Extension 2075 Any mention of company names and/or products doesn't imply an endorsement of those entities or their services nor does it imply a criticism of their competitors and products. Items mentioned are strictly for educational purposes only. 13 Master Calendar March January 1-2 Weld County Extension Office Closed 1 Last Day to Enroll in 4-H 2-4 Shooting Sports Certification Leader Training, Lincoln County 1 Project Add/Drop Deadline 1 Dairy Heifer Replacement Form Due to EO 2 Weld County 4-H Scholarships due in EO 2 Western Region Forum, 7:30 - 9:00 pm, EO 6 Registration is due for LDC in EO 6 Leaders Council, 7 pm, EO 6 Youth Executive Council, 7 pm, 4-H 7 Shooting Sports Council, 7 pm, EB 3 Leaders Council, 7 pm, EO 10 Dog and Cat Vaccine Clinic, 8—11 am, EB 3 Youth Executive Council, 7 pm, 4-H 15 4-H Re-Enrollments due to Club Leaders 4 Shooting Sports Council, 7 pm, EB 7 Shooting Sports Safety Day, 8 am—1 pm, EB 7 Speech Arts Contest 7 Livestock Field Day, The Ranch, Loveland 21 Dog Sport Day, EB 10-25 National Western Stock Show, Denver 19 Re-enrollment check list and enrollment fees due to EO from Organizational Leaders 23-25 Leadership Development Conference, Denver 27 Western Region Forum, 7:30 - 9:00 pm, EO 27-29 Colorado Farm Show, Greeley 30 Last day to sign up for Youth Fest 27-29 Shooting Sports Leader Certification Training, Pueblo County 27-29 Shooting Sports Leader Certification Training, Mesa County February April 3 Leaders Council, 7 pm, EO 3 Youth Executive Council, 7 pm, 4-H 2 Shooting Sports Council, 7 pm, EB 3 Officer Training, 6:30 pm, 4-H 4 4 Shooting Sports Parents Night, 7 pm, EO Shooting Sports Safety Day, 8 am—1 pm, Southeast Weld Fairgrounds, Keenesburg 6-8 Youth Fest, Larkspur, CO 7 Leaders Council, 7 pm, EO 6-8 Shooting Sports Leader Certification Training, La Plata County 7 Youth Executive Council, 7 pm, 4-H 7 Market Beef ID Day, 8 am - 2 pm, Producers, Greeley 12 Western Region Forum, 7:30 - 9:00 pm, EO 16 Weld County Extension Office Closed 19 4-H 101, 6 pm, 4-H 23 Horse Project Night, 7 pm, 4-H 27- Shooting Sports Leader Certification Training, Mar 1 Weld County 10-12 Shooting Sports Leader Certification Training, Grand County 18 Babysitter Training, 9 am—4 pm, Outrider Building 24-26 Goat Extravaganza, LB, 4-H, EB Due to the many events scheduled at Island Grove and through our 4-H program, locations, dates, & times are subject to change. Please CHECK THE WEBSITE (www.weld4h.org) regularly for the most up to date & accurate information! Guide to Location Codes Island Grove Park is 525 N. 15th Avenue, Greeley 4-H = 4-H Building, Island Grove Park EO = Extension Office, Island Grove Park EB = Exhibition Building, Island Grove Park 14 BH = Bunkhouse, Island Grove Park LB = Livestock Barn, Island Grove Park
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