ZIA RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB 12231 ACADEMY RD. NE #301-289 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87111 www.ziarifleandpistolclub.com Phone: 505-828-0790 affiliated with New Mexico Shooting Sports Association MEMBER Officers President Tate Moots 1st Vice President Charlie Robertson 2nd Vice President John Winder Secretary Rick Dotson Treasurer Jack Cleary president@ziarifleandpistolclub.com firstvicepresident@ziarifleandpistolclub.com secondvicepresident@ziarifleandpistolclub.com secretary@ziarifleandpistolclub.com treasurer@ziarifleandpistolclub.com January 2015 Zia Rifle and Pistol Club Annual Meeting Thursday, January 8, 2015 Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. New Location! Sheraton ABQ Uptown Ref ! s e res Ambassador Room, (1st floor) z i r P hm r 2600 Louisiana (N.E. corner of Louisiana and Menual) ent Doo s! Parking ! K Oation! LO c w Lo Sheraton ABQ Uptown Ne Parking Menaul Louisiana Indian School Road I-40 Zia BOD Minutes, November 20, 2014 The Zia November 20, 2014 BOD Meeting began at 0700 p.m. with President Tate Moots presiding. A quorum was obtained with 20 of 24 Board members present. Item I-Approval of Minutes and Agenda- The minutes of October 16, 2014 were approved with no changes. The agenda was approved with additions by Secretary Dotson, Chairman Dristoll, and Member At Large Watkins. All were entered into new business. Item II-Treasurer's Report - Treasurer Cleary presented the Treasurer's report covering Shotgun Activity target fees income ($4368), the income neutrality of the Ladies First Steps Program under Ms. Heidi Chowning (Member at Large) and Membership renewal and new member income. The Treasurer's calculation of membership via deposits is a total to date of 1619 regular, senior and associate members. Junior members are 11 and there are 4 Honorary Members on the roles. Mr. Cleary proposed updating the signature cards of the closure fund by deleting three out of date signatures and adding the Secretary to the signing authority with the Bank of America account and all Wells Fargo accounts. This proposal was approved to delete Tom Tomasi, Jo Ann Gibson and David Orchard and to add Patrick S. Dotson to the above accounts. The remainder of the Treasurer's report was accepted without comment. Item lll-Old Business-Web Site- Construction and development of the new web site continues, with the new site on line and in use. The inclusion of the Newsletter will be included on the web site within the next few days, and several updates have been made to the Activity sections, notably Rimfire Benchrest Silhouette, and ARA Benchrest. More pictures and descriptions are needed from several other activities. BOD Nominations- The BOD nominations for Membership Year 2015-16 will be included in each forthcoming newsletter through the month of January 2015. By-Law Changes- A copy of the completed changes to the By-Laws was passed to the BOD. These changes will be included in the December and January Newsletters. The By Law changes will be presented to the membership at the annual meeting for acceptance. Item IV-New Business- Request for Funds- Ms. Toma Shaver presented a request for $300ea. for travel expenses to Emily Fitzgerald and Devlon Shaver. The request was approved. Annual Meeting- It was reported by the Secretary that the Annual Meeting facility has changed hands and will not be available for the next annual meeting, scheduled for January 08, 2015. An alternate location of the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown was approved by the BOD, with a cost of ~$610.96 expected plus other expenses as may occur. Shotgun-Chairman Evans noted the new storage facility had been installed and requested funds to replace targets expended. The BOD decided that target purchases could be considered operational expenses and Chairman Evans could have the authority to maintain up to one year's supply of targets for shotgun use. Also in this motion, $300 was approved for purchase cost overage of the 48 foot storage trailer and $280 for a pallet jack for the facility. Precision Rifle- Chairman Dristoll requested funds to purchase an In Motion Portable Moving Target System for installation on the East Range Known Distance Range near the 600 meter location. This item was approved providing proper coordination with 3-gun tactical activity, centerfire prone activity and other agencies as required is accomplished. The approved amount to date for this action is $10,000. Precision Rifle Activity is to be the action agency on development, installation, and maintenance of this project. No resolution was made on electrical requirements, future target requirements or future use of the equipment, which will remain the discretion of the BOD. There was one Nay to the request for lack of information, otherwise the motion passed. Lobbyist authorization- C.Q. Watkins (Member at Large) requested and was approved as Zia lobbyist for Firearms related issues and legislation with the State of New Mexico. The Secretary will maintain currency in this area. Item V-Adjournment- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 0745 p.m. The next meeting will be December 18, 2014 at American Legion Post 49, 0700 p.m. Time to Renew Your Membership! Do It Now, Avoid the Rush! HERE WE GO AGAIN: NEW MEXICO LAWMAKER PRE-FILES HB 44, RESTRICTING PRIVATE FIREARM TRANSFERS Although the New Mexico Legislature will not convene its 2015 Regular Session until January 21st, one lawmaker has already prefiled a familiar, ill-conceived gun control measure. On Friday, anti-gun State Rep. Miguel Garcia (D-Albuquerque) has re-introduced House Bill 44, legislation criminalizing non-dealer firearm transfers at gun shows and taking the first step toward a universal ban on private gun sales. Although similar measures have died in previous legislative sessions, now is not the time to let our guard down! Here is a link to the bill: http://www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/legislation.aspx?Chamber=H&LegType=B&LegNo=44&year=15 There have been a significant number of changes in the New Mexico House due to legislative retirements and results from the November 2014 General Election. State lawmakers are moving offices and their contact information will likely change, incoming members have yet to be sworn in and committee assignments may not be available for several weeks. NRA-ILA will provide you that information as it becomes available, as well as an update on which committees HB 44 is referred to and whether additional anti-gun proposals are introduced. In the meantime, please spread the word about HB 44 and the talking points below to fellow gun enthusiasts, self-defense proponents, shooting clubs and sporting organizations. Urge them to sign up for FREE legislative updates from NRA-ILA during the session by clicking on the link below. This is the easiest way to stay informed on bills affecting our Second Amendment rights in the Roundhouse. Link to sign up for alerts: https://www.nraila.org/get-involved-locally/secure/stay-informed.aspx Why You Should Oppose HB 44 ! This is just the first step toward criminalizing ALL private transfers of firearms; in fact, as mentioned above, the introducedversion of HB 77 in the 2013 session did just that. No background check legislation will ever be “universal” since criminals simply ignore the law. ! It’s an ineffective crime control proposal. In April of 2013, PoliceOne conducted a national survey of 15,000 active and retired law enforcement officers of all ranks and department sizes on the topics of gun & crime control. Nearly 80 percent said that a prohibition on private non-dealer transfers of firearms between individuals would not reduce violent crime. ! Current laws are not being enforced. According to a 2012 report to the U.S. Department of Justice, more than 72,000 people were turned down on a gun purchase in 2010 because they didn’t clear a background check. Only 44 of those cases – or just .06 percent – were prosecuted. A 2013 study by Syracuse University showed that gun prosecutions had hit a decade low, down 40 percent from 2004. Existing laws are not even being enforced and proponents are calling for expanding background checks to cover private firearms transactions. ! Gun shows aren’t a source of crime guns. A U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of state prison inmates who had used or possessed firearms in the course of committing their crimes found that 79 percent acquired their firearms from “street/illegal sources” or “friends and family.” This includes theft of firearms, black market purchases of stolen firearms and straw purchases. Only 1.7 percent obtained a firearm at a gun show. ! Most importantly, because a January 2013 internal U.S. Department of Justice memorandum summarizing so-called “gun violence” prevention strategies stated that the effectiveness of “universal background checks” depends on “requiring gun registration.” Even though HB 44 currently contains prohibitions on the development of a state or local registry of gun buyers, supporters of the bill are likely to eventually claim the need to repeal these important protections in order to enforce its provisions. It is time to renew your Zia Membership. A couple of points to remember: This year, you don’t have to fill out a separate application for an associate. Everything is on one application. Please make sure you and your associate sign the application. Custom Molded Ear Plugs Discount for Zia Members! You can go to the Zia web site @ www.ziarifleandpistolclub.com and fill out your application and test on line. But you must print it out and mail it in with your check. Do not email it. Please do not forget the self addressed stamped envelope for returning your membership card to you. Do not send your key in. For More Info Contact: Mark Reid 505-275-PLUG Email: mark.reid@hpssw.com Send your application to: PO Box 16, Cedar Crest NM 87008. Do not send it to the general address for Zia. And finally, do not forget to include your proof of NRA membership...Yes, even if you are a life member. That is an NRA rule not mine. So please refrain from sending in nasty notes about it. Just do it! Installation of the new storage container for the shotgun range happened on November 19th. The container will be used to store clay targets. The ability to store large volumes of targets allows Zia to keep the activity shoot prices quite low. Thanks goes to Frank Shoemaker and John Winder who were a big help in getting this accomplished. nd in ! e s al t to w e e g n r ’t fo rship re n o D m be e m your For ale Eley Tenex $150/500, $275/1,000, $500/2,000 Bausch & Lomb Ray-Ban shooting glasses @ half-price aviator frames, yellow lenses, hard case, nearly mint condition $85 Bill Swantner 856 6863 S&H Instruction LLC Steve & Heidi Chowning NRA Certified Instructors • Competition Shooters NM Concealed Carry Classes Gun Safety, Handling & Marksmanship Group & Private Lessons Ladies Classes Available For More Info Contact Us At: (505) 897-6700 hchowning@aol.com Trap Results December 6, 2014 Members are expected to pick up their own trash, used targets, spent cases, etc. and place them in the receptacles provided. Always pick up a little extra, if previous range users “forgot” to clean up. Zia Rifle and Pistol Club Member Guidebook #7 - Zia Rifle and Pistol Club Code of Conduct S&H Instruction LLC Steve & Heidi Chowning www.sandhinstruction.com NM Concealed Carry Classes February 7-8 • March 7-8 $99.00 Refresher $25.00 • Renewal $50.00 For More Info contact Us At: (505) 897-6700 hchowning@aol.com For ale Ruger New Model Single Six convertible, .22LR and .22WRM, like new in box, blued, 5.5" barrel, adjustable sights, black hard rubber grips. $400. Hitler Youth knife, 'bayonet' style (like a hunting knife) with sheath, both in very good to excellent condition $350. WWII bomber compass: A.F.U.S. Army, Type D-12 Aviation Compass made by The Bendix Aviation Corporation, excellent condition $200. Contact John at jbauer@unm.edu 877-004 Wild Bird Flush With fall in the air and winter knocking on the door, bird hunters might be envisioning fields of wild birds flushing. Days of wild birds flushing are truly cherished since they are not always easy to come by. Yet don’t despair bird hunters, Zia has now added a shotgun game called “Wild Bird Flush”. Wild Bird Flush is an instinctive shotgun shooting game in which a team of up to 5 shooters are challenged by having multiple clay birds thrown at one time; with as many as 7 clays thrown at once. As a round of 125 birds progresses, the number of multiple clay birds thrown at once increases. For a bird hunter they may start to day dream of being in the field with wild birds flushing in all directions; incomer, out goers, a crosser and one landing. Bird hunters & shot gunners, the next Wild Bird Flush will be on January 3, 2015. Watch for the announcement in Zia’s activity calendar and come on out to enjoy Zia’s latest shotgun activity. Contact Lindsey Evans, Shotgun Activity Chairman (299-6888) for additional info. Action Pistol November 29, 2014 Action Pistol November 29, 2014 Action Pistol December 13, 2014 Action Pistol December 13, 2014 Action Pistol December 13, 2014 Zia Rifle & Pistol Club Club Practice Match December 6, 2014 Unlimited Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Name Johnny Montgomery Jay Sullivan Earl Baugher Rick Dotson Art Stuart David Ill Rick MacHale Outdoor Agg 2100.00 2000.00 1906.25 1900.00 1846.25 1783.75 1491.25 # Tgts Tgt 1 1975 1850 1825 1700 1675 1825 1635 Tgt 2 2100 1850 1975 2000 1850 1825 1650 4 Tgt 3 2250 2150 1900 1750 1925 1635 1385 Tgt 4 Total 2075 2150 1925 2150 1935 1850 1295 8400 8000 7625 7600 7385 7135 5965 Points Agg+Pts 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 2128.00 2024.00 1926.25 1916.00 1858.25 1791.75 1495.25 HOF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This was our first practice match since the end if the official ARA season. The weather was great and it gave us a chance to try different setups and in some cases different guns. We had a new shooter joins for this match, Rick MacHale. It is always a pleasure to have new shooters give ARA try. We hope he returns for the next match. Zia Rifle and Pistol Club Membership Application Membership Year - April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016 *Legibility and correctness are critical to your application being processed promptly* Your Key Card # (last 5 digits on key card) Date of Application Primary Member Primary Member Assoc. Proof of NRA Membership Zia requires all members to be current NRA members in order for the club to qualify for various NRA benefits. Please attach current proof of NRA membership in the form of an official NRA letter, label from your NRA magazine, or a copy of your NRA membership card or other documentation. Use of “Zia Renewal” as below qualifies for proof of membership without being current as of the date of application. Your application will be returned without action absent proof as above. First Name Last Name Address Also include with your application, your proof of NRA Membership and your completed Zia Annual Test. City State Zip Acknowledgment, Declaration and Waiver Must be signed Phone Hm. I am applying for membership in the Zia Rifle and Pistol club of Albuquerque, NM (Zia) and have received, read, understand and agree to abide by all of the rules and regulations. I also understand that activities at this club involve firearms. I am aware of the risks and hazards and agree to hold harmless Zia, its officers, agents, employees and anyone acting on behalf of the club from any and all liability while I am using the Zia range facility. I also assume responsibility for any harm caused by me or any guest I sponsor at the range. I also state under pain and penalty of perjury that I am not prohibited by any Federal, State or Local law from possessing or using firearms. Cell E-mail Date of Birth Associate Member Associate member must be a spouse, significant other or a dependent offspring over 21 years of age. Further, they must reside in the household of the primary member. Does not have to be NRA member. Signature Primary Signature Associate Date First Name Membership Dues Last Name Self Addressed Stamped Envelope Requirements Adult Membership - $140.00 Please use a standard 9.25 x 4.125 business envelope with the Member address in the “send to” and “return address” locations. Attach one first class stamp. Adult Membership 65 or older - $95.00 Mail to: Junior Membership - $10.00 Zia Rifle and Pistol Club Membership PO Box 16 Cedar Crest , NM 87008 membership@ziarifleandpistolclub.com Associate Membership - $25.00 NRA Membership Dues Zia Renews NRA - Adult $35.00 Circle One: American Hunter American Rifleman American’s 1st Freedom Zia Renews NRA Junior - $15.00 Newsletter Delivery (Please check only one) I would like my newsletter emailed to the email address above I would like my newsletter mailed USPS to the address above Late Fee - $35.00 Postmarked after April 30, 2015 Total Membership Fees and NRA Dues Please do not send cash! Personal checks, cashiers check or money orders only. Zia Rifle and Pistol Club Annual Membership Test Membership Year 2015-2016 Questions taken fm Zia By-laws & Mem. Guidebook-Available on website. Name:__________________________ Date:______________ Fill in the Blanks: 1. When a “Cease Fire” is called, each Shooter Must: (Briefly as necessary)(Guidebook, Responsibilities & Procedures) a. ________________________________ b. ________________________________ c. ________________________________ d. _________________________________ e. __________________________________ f. ___________________________________ g. ____________________________________ h. ____________________________________ i. ____________________________________ j. _____________________________________ TRUE/FALSE 2. ____ Only the Range Officer (RO) may declare the range hot. 3. ____ All shooters should acknowledge the Range Officer commands. 4. ____ If someone reminds you of a range rule, he/she has done you a favor. 5. ____ Shooting beyond sunset +30 is permitted only on the indoor range, Tunnel, Action Pistol and Practice Ranges. 6. ____ Do not use any magnum, Armor Piercing, or other ammo that will damage steel targets. 7. ____ Do not place targets on top of the impact berms at any range. 8. ____ The Smallbore Silhouette, Bulls-eye Pistol, and Benchrest Ranges are considered as one for Range Officer control. 9. ____ You should use your own targets on your own frames or target panels provided. Do not attach targets to target frames, cross members, steel gongs or hangers. Do not destroy the target frames or use shotguns on Zia target frames. 10. ____ Legally registered class III and bump-fire weapons are limited to the western practice (plinking) ranges. 11. ____ The practice ranges are the only berms where other than standard paper or steel targets are permitted. All debris should be removed when complete. 12, ____ Each Action Pistol range is considered separate for Range Officer control. 13. ____ Steel Targets are not permitted on the eastern-most Action Pistol range. 14. ____ The Tunnel Range hatch cover is not a target stand. It serves as a gate when firing is in progress. 15. ____ Turn out lights, turn off the fan, clean up the area and secure all doors before leaving the tunnel range. 16. ____ On the Shotgun Range, fire only in the direction of west to south between the white posts. 16a. ___ The area west of the main Shotgun Range is closed except for specific activity functions. Firing direction is controlled by the setup by the activity chairman. 17. ____ The Shotgun Range is considered separate from the High Power and Metallic Silhouette Ranges. 18. ____ On the Shotgun Range do not use shot larger than 7 ½. 19. ____ It is unsafe to leave clay bird launchers in a cocked condition when you leave the Shotgun Range. 19a____ You must pick up spent shells when shooting is complete on the Shotgun Range. 20. ____ The High Power (known distance) and Metallic Silhouette ranges are considered as one for Range Officer control. 21. ____ Before using either the High Power or Metallic ranges, and the flag is already raised, and no one is evident, you must physically inspect the ranges before beginning shooting activity. 22. ____ Do not mount targets on the T-stands or gong hangers on the Metallic Silhouette Range. Shooters are expected to bring their own target stands on this range. Personal target stands should be placed close to the berms and between the T- stands. 23. ____ Always keep the barrel of a firearm pointed in a safe direction. 24. ____ Always keep your firearm unloaded until ready to use it. 25. ____ Be sure of your target and what is behind it 26. ____ Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. 27. ____ The first shooter on a range is the acting Range Officer for that range. 28. ____ You may pack up your equipment and firearms during a cease fire. st 29. ____ Memberships expire on April 1 of each year. Keys may be de-activated at any time after this date. 30. ____ There is no penalty for mistakenly calling a cease-fire. 31. ____ On the East range, if the range flag is down, you may assume no one is down range and begin firing. 32. ____ Law enforcement officers and those with carry permits may carry loaded firearms on Zia. 33. ____ You may loan your range key to a friend if absolutely necessary. 34. ____ Place your targets in front of the berms, not on top of the berms. 35. ____ You may handle, load and fire your weapon(s) only after the Range Officer has called the range “hot”. 36. ____ Magnum calibers, armor piercing rounds and other enhanced penetration designs may not be fired at steel targets. 37. ____ You must case or bag your loaded firearm before bringing it to the firing line. 38. ____ Incendiary, exploding and /or tracer ammunition is strictly prohibited on all Zia Ranges due to extreme fire danger. 39. ____ Hunting is permitted on Zia during the appropriate season. 40. ____ Any individual member may be suspended or expelled for conduct contrary to or in violation of, the By-Laws of the Club, or the Club Range Safety Regulations and rules of Conduct, false or misleading statements to obtain membership, or other reason(s) deemed sufficient by the club. (By-Laws). 41.____ Members are expected to pick up their own trash, used targets, spent cases, etc. and place them in the receptacles provided. 42.____ Members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes a safe and friendly environment. Foul language, displays of anger and unsportsmanlike conduct could be grounds for a member being suspended or expelled from Zia. 43. ____ Any reported safety violation will result in appearance before the Board of Directors (BOD) and repetition of the range safety course. 44. ____ Members of all categories are responsible for knowing the contents of the Range Safety Regulations and Rules of Conduct and complying therewith. 45. ____ The Board of Directors meetings are open to all club members. 46. ____ Any member present may be given the floor at BOD meetings and be heard at the discretion of the Chairperson, but only members of the Board have a vote in the proceedings. Remember to send your test along with your application! And don’t forget your self addressed, stamped return envelope as well! Zia Caps Available at Cabelas ZIA Logo Caps are now available for ordering from Cabelas. There is an assortment of hats available, all with the Zia Logo, based on our 50th Anniversary pin design. They look great and are very affordable at prices between $10 & $15. Instructions for ordering Zia Logo Caps from Cabelas 1. Look up desired cap(s) on Cabelas.com website to get the specific item number code. (At the bottom of Home page, click on “Corporate Sales”, then “View Catalog”. There are at least 10 styles of caps, all of good quality (use price as your guide) and they are 10% less than listed to Zia members. 2. When you know the cap(s) you want to order, Call Cabelas Embroidery at 1-877-892-4424. Tell them you want to order a or some customized cap(s) using account # 54204738. the Zia oval is #30021361: The “Right to Keep and Bear Arms, etc. is #30021359. Some caps can’t be sewn on the back, because of the design of the cap. The base colors for the logo are: Yellow center, Red outline around the oval, red Zia symbol: black Zia lettering inside. Thread color changes for the desired contrasts are available at no charge. The sales reps will help you with color selection if you desire. The application is free and all you pay is for the listed price (less 10%) and shipping. 3. If you have a problem, email Rick: wlknhoss1@aol.com. Zia Rifle and Pistol ~ Committees and Contacts Members at Large Joel Baca Heidi Chowning Jo Ann Gibson CQ Watkins John Yeager ... memberatlgbaca@ziarifleandpistolclub.com memberatlgchowning@ziarifleandpistolclub.com memberatlggibson@ziarifleandpistolclub.com memberatlgwatkins@ziarifleandpistolclub.com memberatlgyeager@ziarifleandpistolclub.com Administrative Committees Membership/Newsletter Lois Blanchard New Member Orientation Roy Gideon membership@ziarifleandpistolclub.com or newsletter@ziarifleandpistolclub.com newmemberorient@ziarifleandpistolclub.com Web Site Manager Jeremy Gill web@ziarifleandpistolclub.com Activity Committee Chairpersons Smallbore Rifle Silhouette Rimfire Benchrest - ARA Rimfire Benchrest Silh. Cast Bullet Rifle Silhouette Cowboy Rifle (Rf & Cf) and Long Range Pistol Silhouette Hunter Pistol Silhouette Centerfire Prone Junior Training Action Handgun Cowboy Action 3-gun Tactical Precision Rifle Shotgun Activities Ruger Rimfire Steel Challenge Ann Overstreet David Ill Chad Trainum smallboreriflesilh@ziarifleandpistolclub.com rimfirebenchrest@ziarifleandpistolclub.com rimfirebenchrest@ziarifleandpistolclub.com Andy Overstreet castbulletriflesilh@ziarifleandpistolclub.com David Orchard cowboyrifleandlrpistol@ziarifleandpistolclub.com Dennis Barnhart John Dink Bob Nagel Ron Bjourberg Ted Simmons John Reid Reid Driscoll Lindsey Evans Mike Walker hunterspistolsilh@ziarifleandpistolclub.com centerfireprone@ziarifleandpistolclub.com juniortraining@ziarrifleandpistolclub.com actionhandgun@ziarifleandpistolclub.com cowboyaction@ziarifleandpistolclub.com threegun@ziarifleandpistolclub.com precisionrifle@ziarifleandpistolclub.com shotgunactivties@ziarifleandpistolclub.com rugerrimfiresteelchallenge@ziarifleandpistolclub.com Zia Activity Calendar JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 SATURDAY INDOOR/ SHOTGUN EAST RANGE Wobble Trap, Wild Bird Flush Sign In 0830 - 0930 Shoot 0930 Lindsey 299-6888 Junior Practice 0930-1530 Joel 550-7988 Cowboy Rifle Long Range Pistol 0900 David 269-6578 Junior Practice 0930-1530 Joel 550-7988 SUNDAY INDOOR/ SHOTGUN EAST RANGE WEST RANGE ARA .22BR 4 TGT Match 0800 Setup 0900 Match Dave 235-4581 JANUARY 3 JANUARY 4 MR Prone F-Class 0800 John 414-7562 Action Handgun 0900 Ron 293-3707 JANUARY 10 JANUARY 11 Rimfire B/R- R&P 0730 Setup 0800 Match Chad 315-8467 JANUARY 18 Hunter Pistol Silh. RF & CF Pistol cal. Levergun Silh. Setup 0800 Match 0900 Cast Bullet Rifle Setup 11:30 Match 1200 WEST RANGE SB Rifle Silhouette 0900 Setup 1000 Start Match Cowboy Action Practice 0900 3 Gun Tactical 0900 John 366-3622 Cowboy RF 1300 Junior Practice 0930-1530 Joel 550-7988 Junior Practice 0930-1530 Joel 550-7988 3 Gun Tactical 0900 John 366-3622 p / 5 Stand n 0830 - 0930 oot 0930 y - 299-6888 Wobble Trap, Sporting Clays Practice Sign In 0830 - 0930 Shoot 0930 Lindsey 299-6888 Junior Practice 0930-1530 Joel 550-7988 Cowboy Rifle Long Range Pistol 0900 David 269-6578 Junior Practice 0930-1530 Joel 550-7988 JANUARY 17 Action Handgun 0900 Ron 293-3707 JANUARY 24 Action Revolver 0900 Ron 293-3707 JANUARY 31 ARA .22BR 4 TGT Match 0800 Setup 0900 Match Dave 235-4581 Action Handgun 0900 Ron 293-3707 FEBRUARY 7 FEBRUARY 14 3 Gun Tactical 0900 John 366-3622 Junior Practice 0930-1530 Joel 550-7988 FEBRUARY 21 Action Handgun 0900 Ron 293-3707 FEBRUARY 28 email Sign In: ziasignup@gmail.com Precision Tactical Rifle Sign In 0730 JANUARY Match 0800 25 Reid 269-9189 .22 NSSF Rimfire Challenge 0900 - 1200 Berms 2, 3 & E. Plinking Mike 281-2818 FEBRUARY 1 MR Prone F-Class 0800 John 414-7562 SB Rifle Silhouette 0900 Setup 1000 Start Match FEBRUARY 8 Rimfire B/R- R&P 0730 Setup 0800 Match Chad 315-8467 3 Gun Tactical 0900 John 366-3622 FEBRUARY 15 Hunter Pistol Silh. RF & CF Pistol cal. Levergun Silh. Setup 080 Match 0900 Cast Bullet Rifle Setup 1130 Match 1200 Cowboy RF 1300 Junior Practice 0930-1530 Joel 550-7988 Sporting Clays Sign In: 0830 Match: 0930 Lindsey 299-6888 Cowboy Action Practice 0900 Sporting Clays Sign In: 0830 Match: 0930 Lindsey 299-6888 email sign in: ziasignup@gmail.com Precision Tactical Rifle FEBRUARY Sign In 0730 22 Match 0800 Reid 269-9189 MARCH 1 MR Prone F-Class 0800 John 414-7562 .22 NSSF Rimfire Challenge 0900 - 1200 Berms 2, 3 & E. Plinking Mike 281-2818 SB Rifle Silhouette 0900 Setup 1000 Start Match Cowboy Action Practice 0900 Indoor range may be used by ARA competitors on a non interference basis when approved by a board member. Rick - 350-5186 Zia Rifle and Pistol Club Ballot and Absentee Ballot Officers, Members at Large and Activity Chairpersons For 2015 - 2016 Membership Year Nominees as approved by the Board of Directors Office Name ZIA RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB Instructions for voting Officers 1 2 3 4 5 President 1st Vice Pres 2nd Vice Pres Secretary Treasurer Tate Moots Charley Robertson John Winder Rick Dotson Jack Cleary 1. Members eligible to vote: Charter, Regular Senior. 2. Vote only for the number of Board Members indicated on the Ballot. Excessive votes will void your ballot for that particular office. 3. Your complete Name, Return Address and Key Number must be on the envelope containing your Ballot. This will be used to determine voter eligibility. No correlation between envelopes and ballots will be made. 4. All mail in ballots must be received by January 7, 2015 in order to be counted at the January 8, 2015 BOD meeting. Members At Large- Vote for Five(5) 6 7 8 9 10 Joel Baca Heidi Chowning JoAnn Gibson C.Q. Watkins John Yeager Activity Chairpersons 11 SB Rifle Silhouette 12 Rimfire Benchrest - ARA 13 Rimfire Benchrest - Silh. 14 Cast Bullet Silhouette 15 Cowboy Rifle 16 Hunter Pistol Silh. 17 Centerfire Prone 18 Junior Training 19 Action Handgun 20 Cowboy Action 21 3-Gun Tactical 22 Precision Rifle 23 Shotgun 24 NSSF Rimfire Challenge Ann Overstreet David Ill Chad Trainum Andy Overstreet David Orchard Dennis Barnhart John Dink Bob Nagel Ron Bjornberg Ted Simmons John Reid Reid Dristoll Lindsey Evans Mike Walker Address for mailing Ballots: Ron Bjornberg 11704 Candelaria NE Apt. A Albuquerque, NM 87112 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, January 8, 2015 5:30 pm Signup - 7:00 pm Start Time The annual membership meeting will be conducted Thursday January 8, 2015, IAW Article 5, Section 6 of the Zia Rifle and Pistol club By-Laws for the election of Club Officers for the 2015 - 2016 membership year. Other business such as dues, schedules, and revision of By-Laws will be conducted as necessary. The 2015-2016 ballot is published above. E-mail newsletter ballots may be copied and forwarded by USPS as well as those received in USPS mailed newsletters. All mailed absentee ballots are due to the club secretary by January 7, 2015 or ballots may be handed in at the meeting. E-mailed ballots are not approved. Instructions for ballot completion are as above. Ballots will be available at the meeting. Refreshments and numerous door prizes will be offered to attendees. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, January 8, 2015 Zia Rifle and Pistol Club By-Law Changes Proposal Jan 2015 Annual Meeting The following changes, in italic, are presented to the membership for change in order to eliminate confusion as to qualified members for conducting business of the Club; correct the By-Laws to be consistent in all areas with regard to quorum requirements for changes to the By-Laws. Changes also add requirements for membership which have been BOD policy for some time. Several minor typos, additions and corrections are presented for administrative action. Page 2, Line 29, Unstated requirement-(“applies to Regular and Senior Members only”)-Clarification. Page 2, Line36- Added-(“Associate Member instructions are found on the same application”) Added information. th” Page 2, Line 43, “May 1st to - “April 30 - Correction to previous administrative error. Page 2, Line 44, Previously unstated- (“applies to Regular and Senior Members only”) Clarification. Page 3, Lines 2-3, Previously unstated “All applicants must attend a New Member Orientation (NMO) in order to complete eligibility requirements” Adds BOD policy which has been in place for some time to the By-Laws. Page 8, Lines 25, 26, Delete “By Law changes will be submitted to the entire membership by written ballot in the next newsletter”. Redundant- already currently required in Article XI. Page 8, Lines 27, 28, Delete-“Ten percent of the voting membership (Regular and Senior) must vote on the changes for them to go into effect” Deleted to be consistent with Article XI as is currently in force to avoid conflicting requirements. Page 9, Lines 22-26, Added after “A quorum for the transaction of business at the special meeting”- “is the total of eligible voting members in attendance. Eligible voters shall be as described in Article IV, Section 5(a) (2) of this Document. A successful vote requires 66 percent of qualified voters in attendance, proxies are not allowed. At least 50 percent of the current BOD must be in attendance for changes to By-Laws to be considered.” Changes requirements to agree with Article Xl and adds requirement for BOD member attendance in order for By-Laws to be considered at a Special Meeting. Page 13, Line 14, Change “AMENDMENTS” to “Changes to By-Laws”- Changes title to more closely describe content/intent of Article Xl. Page 13, Line 17, Change “Section 5). (A))” to “Section 7” Corrects previous administrative error. Page 13, Lines 21, 22, Change after “such vote is taken.” to “In addition, 50 percent of the current BOD members must be present for any changes to be considered.”- Adds credibility to Article Xl that a significant number of BOD members are to be present and eligible to speak and vote for/against By-Law changes. Remainder of article unchanged. Entire Document- Several typos, errors, additions as deemed appropriate by Club Secretary. ZIA RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB 12231 Academy NE #301-289 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87111 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID t Ballosed Enclo ALBUQ. NM PERMIT NO. 1356
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