Faber polynomial coe¢ cients of classes of meromorphic bi-starlike functions Jay M. Jahangiri1 and Samaneh G. Hamidi2 1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University, Burton, Ohio 44021-9500, U.S.A. 2 Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Correspondence should be addressed to Jay M. Jahangiri: jjahangi@kent.edu Applying the Faber polynomial coe¢ cient expansions to certain classes of meromorphic bi-starlike functions, we demonstrate the unpredictability of their early coe¢ cients and also obtain general coe¢ cient estimates for such functions subject to a given gap series condition. Our results improve some of the coe¢ cient bounds published earlier. Let be the family of functions g of the form (1) g(z) = 1 X 1 + b0 + bn z n ; z n=1 that are univalent in the punctured unit disk D := fz : 0 < jzj < 1g : For the real constants A and B (0 B 1; B A < B) let (A; B) consist of functions g 2 so that zg 0 (z) 1 + A'(z) = g(z) 1 + B'(z) P1 n where '(z) = n=1 cn z is a Schwarz function, that is, '(z) is analytic in the open unit disk jzj < 1 and j'(z)j jzj < 1: Note that jcn j 1 (Duren [8]) and the functions in (A; B) are meromorphic starlike in the punctured unit disk D (e.g. see Clunie [7] and Karunakaran [12]). It has been proved by Libera and Livingston [15] and Karunakaran [12] that jbn j Bn+1A for g 2 [A; B]: The coe¢ cients of h = g 1 , the inverse map of g; are given by the Faber polynomial expansion (e.g. see Airault and Bouali [3] or Airault and Ren [4, p. 349]) h(w) = g 1 (w) = 1 1 X 1 + Bn wn = w w X1 K n (b0 ; b1 ; : : : ; bn )wn ; n n+1 b0 n=0 n 1 where w 2 D, n Kn+1 (b0 ; b1 ; : : : ; bn ) = nbn0 + n(n 1 1)bn0 b1 + n(n 1)(n 2)(n 3! 2 3) 1 b2 + n(n 2 bn0 4 1)(n (b4 + 3b1 b2 ) + 2)bn0 X bn0 3 (b3 + b21 ) j Vj j 5 and Vj is a homogeneous polynomial of degree j in the variables b1 ; b2 ; ; bn . In 1923, Lowner [16] proved that the inverse of the Koebe function k(z) = z=(1 z)2 provides the best upper bounds for the coe¢ cients of the inverses of analytic univalent functions. Although the estimates for the coe¢ cients of the inverses of analytic univalent functions have been obtained in a surprisingly straightforward way (e.g. see [13, page 104]), but the case turns out to be a challenge when the bi-univalency condition is imposed on these functions. A function is said to be bi-univalent in a 1 Jahangiri and Hamidi 2 given domain if both the function and its inverse are univalent there. By the same token, a function is said to be bi-starlike in a given domain if both the function and its inverse are starlike there. Finding bounds for the coe¢ cients of classes of bi-univalent functions dates back to 1967 (see Lewin [14]). The interest on the bounds for the coe¢ cients of subclasses of bi-univalent functions picked up by the publications [6], [17], [9], [1] and [10] where the estimates for the …rst two coe¢ cients of certain classes of bi-univalent functions were provided. Not much is known about the higher coe¢ cients of subclasses bi-univalent functions as Ali, Lee, Ravichandran and Supramaniam [1] also declared …nding the bounds for jan j; n 4 an open problem. In this paper, we use the Faber polynomial expansions of the functions g and h = g 1 in (A; B) to obtain bounds for their general coe¢ cients jan j as well as providing estimates for the early coe¢ cients of these types of functions. We shall need the following well-known two lemmas, the …rst of which can be found in [11] (also see Duren [8]). P 1 n Lemma 1. Let p(z) = 1 + 1 n=1 pn z be so that Re(p(z)) > 0 for jzj < 1: If 2 then p2 + p21 (2) 2 + jp1 j2 : Consequently, we have the following lemma, which we shall provide a short proof for the sake of completeness. Lemma 2. Consider the Schwarz function '(z) = then c2 + c21 (3) P1 n=1 cn z 1+( n where j'(z)j < 1 for jzj < 1: If 0 1)jc1 j2 : Proof. Write p(z) = [1 + '(z)]=[1 '(z)] where p(z) = 1 + n=1 pn is so that Re(p(z)) > 0 for jzj < 1. Comparing the corresponding coe¢ cients of powers of z in p(z) = [1 + '(z)]=[1 '(z)] shows that p1 = 2c1 and p2 = 2(c2 + c21 ). By substituting for p1 = 2c1 and p2 = 2(c2 + c21 ) in (2) we obtain P1 zn 2(c2 + c21 ) + (2c1 )2 or 2 + j2c1 j2 c2 + (1 + 2 )c21 1 + 2 jc1 j2 : Now (3) follows upon substation of = 1 + 2 0 in the above inequality. In the following theorem we shall observe the unpredictability of the early coe¢ cients of the functions g and its inverse map h = g 1 in [A; B] as well as providing an estimate for the general coe¢ cients of such functions. Theorem 1. For 0 B [A; B]. Then 8 B A < p2B A ; (i): jb0 j : B A; 8 B A 1 A < 2 2(B (ii): jb1 j : B A 2 ; (iii): b1 (iv): jbn j 1 and B A < B let the function g and its inverse map h = g if 2B A 1; otherwise: 2B 2 A) jb0 j ; B A 2B A 2 b ; 2(B A) 0 2 B A ; if bk = 0 for 0 k n+1 if 0 A otherwise: n 1: 1 2B; 1 be in Meromorphic bi-starlike functions 3 Proof. Consider the function g 2 given by (1).Therefore (see [3] and [4].) zg 0 (z) = g(z) (4) 1 X 1 Fn+1 (b0 ; b1 ; b2 ; ; bn )z n+1 n=0 where Fn+1 (b0 ; b1 ; b2 ; ; bn ) is a Faber polynomial of degree n + 1. We note that F1 = b0 , F2 = b20 2b1 , F3 = b30 + 3b1 b0 3b2 , F4 = b40 4b20 b1 + 4b0 b2 + 2b21 4b3 and F5 = b50 + 5b30 b1 5b20 b2 5b0 b21 + 5b1 b2 + 5b0 b3 5b4 : In general (Bouali [5], p.52) Fn+1 (b0 ; b1 ; X ; bn ) = ; in+1 ) bi01 bi12 A(i1 ; i2 ; binn+1 i1 +2i2 + +(n+1)in+1 =n+1 where A(i1 ; i2 ; Similarly, for the inverse map h = g wh0 (w) = h(w) (5) where Fn+1 (B0 ; B1 ; B2 ; Fn+1 = +(n+2)in+1 (i1 ; in+1 ) := ( 1)(n+1)+2i1 + 1 1 + i2 + + in+1 1)!(n + 1) : (i1 !)(i2 !) (in+1 !) we have 1 X Fn+1 (B0 ; B1 ; B2 ; ; Bn )wn+1 ; n=1 ; Bn ) is a Faber polynomial of degree n + 1 given by n(n (n + 1))! n n(n (n + 1))! B0 B n 2 B1 n!(n 2n)! (n 2)!(n (2n 1))! 0 n(n (n + 1))! B n 3 B2 (n 3)!(n (2n 2))! 0 X n n(n (n + 1))! n (2n 3) 2 B0n 4 B3 + B1 B0 (n 4)!(n (2n 3))! 2 j Kj ; j 5 Kj is a homogeneous polynomial of degree j in the variables B1 ; B2 ; (6) B0 = b0 ; and Bn = ; Bn 1 and 1 n K (b0 ; b1 ; : : : ; bn ): n n+1 Since, both g and its inverse map hP= g 1 are in [A; B], P by the de…nition of subordination, there 1 n and (w) = n exist two Schwarz functions '(z) = 1 c z n=1 n n=1 dn w so that (7) zg 0 (z) = g(z) 1 + A'(z) = 1 + B'(z) 1+ wh0 (w) = h(w) 1 + A (w) = 1 + B (w) 1+ 1 X (A B)Kn 1 (c1 ; c2 ; ; cn ; B)z n B)Kn 1 (d1 ; d2 ; ; dn ; B)wn : n=1 and (8) 1 X (A n=1 In general (see Airault [2] or Airault and Bouali [3]), the coe¢ cients Knp (k1 ; k2 ; ; kn ; B) are given Jahangiri and Hamidi 4 by Knp (k1 ; k2 ; ; kn ; B) = (p + (p + (p + (p X + p! p! k1n B n 1 + k n 2 k2 B n 2 n)!n! (p n + 1)!(n 2)! 1 p! k n 3 k3 B n 3 n + 2)!(n 3)! 1 p! p n+3 2 k n 4 k4 B n 4 + k3 B n + 3)!(n 4)! 1 2 p! k n 5 k5 B n 5 + (p n + 4)k3 k4 B n + 4)!(n 5)! 1 k1n j Xj ; j 6 where Xj is a homogeneous polynomial of degree j in the variables k2 ; k3 ; Comparing the corresponding coe¢ cients of (4) and (7) implies (9) Fn+1 (b0 ; b1 ; b2 ; ; bn ) = (A 1 B)Kn+1 (c1 ; c2 ; ; kn . ; cn+1 ; B): Similarly, comparing the corresponding coe¢ cients of (5) and (8) gives (10) Fn+1 (B0 ; B1 ; B2 ; 1 B)Kn+1 (d1 ; d2 ; ; Bn ) = (A ; dn+1 ; B): Substituting n = 0, n = 1, and n = 2 in equations (6), (9) and (10), respectively, yield b0 = (A B)c1 ; b0 = (A B)d1 ; (11) and 2b1 b20 = (B 2b1 + b20 = (A (12) A)(c21 B B)(d21 B c2 ); d2 ): Taking the absolute values of either of the equation in (11), we obtain jb0 j B A: Obviously, from the equations (11) we note that c1 = d1 . Solving the equations in (12) for b20 and then adding them gives 2b20 = (B A) c2 + d2 Bc21 Bd21 : Now in light of equations (11), we conclude that 2b20 = (B A) c2 + d2 2B b2 : (B A)2 0 Once again, solving for b20 and taking square root of both sides we obtain s (B A)2 (c2 + d2 ) B A p jb0 j : 2(2B A) 2B A Now the …rst part of Theorem 1 follows since for 2B A > 1 it is easy to see that B A p < B A: 2B A Adding the equations in (12) and using the fact that c1 = 4b1 = (B A) (d2 c2 ) (d21 d1 we obtain c21 )B = (B Dividing by 4 and taking the absolute values of both sides yield B A jb1 j : 2 A)(d2 c2 ): Meromorphic bi-starlike functions 5 On the other hand, from the second equations in (11) and (12) we obtain 2b1 = (B A)(d2 + Ad21 2Bd21 ): Taking the absolute values of both sides and applying Lemma 2 it follows 1 jb1 j (B A) d2 + Ad21 + 2Bjd1 j2 2 1 (B A) 1 + (A 1)jd1 j2 + 2Bjd1 j2 2 B A 1 A 2B = jb0 j2 : 2 2(B A) This concludes the second part of Theorem 1 since for 0 < A < 1 2B we have B A 1 A 2B B A jb0 j2 < : 2 2(B A) 2 Substituting the equations (11) in the equations (12) we obtain 8 B < 2b1 b2 = (B A) b2 c2 ; 0 (B A)2 0 (13) B : 2b1 + b2 = (A B) b2 d 2 : 0 (A B 2 0 Following a simple algebraic manipulation we obtain the coe¢ cient body b1 Finally, for bk = 0; 0 k n (14) 2B 2(B A 2 b A) 0 B A 2 : 1 the equation (9) yields (n + 1)bn = (A B)cn+1 : Solving for bn and taking the absolute values of both sides we obtain B A jbn j : n+1 Remark 1. The estimate jb0 j Theorem 2(i)). pB A 2B A given by Theorem 1(i) is better than that given in ([10], Remark 2. In ( [12], Theorem 1) the bound jbn j Bn+1A was declared to be sharp for the coe¢ cients B A 1 A 2B 2 pB A and jb1 j of the function g 2 [A; B]. The coe¢ cient estimates jb0 j 2 2(B A) jb0 j 2B A given by our Theorem 1 show that the coe¢ cient bound jbn j Bn+1A is not sharp for the meromorphic bi-starlike functions, that is, if both g and its inverse map g 1 are in [A; B]. Finding sharp coe¢ cient bound for meromorphic bi-starlike functions remains an open problem. References [1] R. M. Ali, S. K. Lee, V. Ravichandran and S. Supramaniam, Coe¢ cient estimates for bi-univalent Ma-Minda starlike and convex functions, Appl. Math. Lett. 25(3) (2012), 344–351. MR2855984 (2012h:30105) [2] H. Airault, "Remarks on Faber polynomials", Int. Math. Forum, 3 (2008), no. 9-12, 449–456. MR2386197 (2009a:30037) [3] H. Airault and A. 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