Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Brooklyn, NY Permit #84 The Children’s Hearing Institute Educational Outreach Program Karen L. Anderson, PhD Director Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss Controversial Issues in Pediatric Audiology Thursday, February 26, 2015 Friday, February 27, 2015 Thierry Morlet, PhD Nemours/Alfred I. DuPont Hospital for Children Head, Auditory Physiology & Psychoacoustics Research Laboratory Susan Nittrouer, PhD Professor and Director of Research Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Ohio State University Medical School Patricia A. Roush, AuD Director of Pediatric Audiology University of North Carolina Hospitals Associate Professor Department of Otolaryngology University of North Carolina School of Medicine Richard G. Schwartz, PhD Director, Language and Hearing Research Lab at the Ear Institute Presidential Professor PhD Program in Speech-LanguageHearing Services CUNY Graduate Center Day 1 – AVT Day (2/26) is offered for a total of 0.60 CEUs Day 2 – AUD Day (2/27) is offered for a total of 0.55 CEUs Attending both days you can earn up to a total of 1.15 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate Level, Professional Area) The Children’s Hearing Institute is approved by the American Academy of Audiology to offer Academy CEUs for this activity. The program is worth a maximum of 1.15 CEUs. Academy approval of this continuing education activity does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/CE Provider and not necessarily of the American Academy of Audiology. Dana Selznick M.A, M.Ed Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Hearing Education Services and Educational Consulting Selznick Services LLC Controversial Issues in Pediatric Audiology The Children's Hearing Institute 380 Second Avenue – 9th Floor New York, NY 10010 Faculty CONFERENCE LOCATION: Weill Cornell Medical College New York Presbyterian Uris Auditorium 1300 York Avenue (@ 69th Street and York Avenue) New York, NY Zara Waldman DeLuca, MS Doctoral Candidate, CUNY Graduate Center Research Assistant, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary at Mount Sinai Conference sponsored by The Children’s Hearing Institute Note: Registration is non-refundable. Should you need to cancel, a credit in the amount of your registration fee will be given for you to take any other course offered by CHI and is good for 1 year from the date of cancellation. About the Program: Presentations on Day 1 will focus on meeting the communicative demands of a general education classroom, encompassing the development of listening, social language, and written expression in children with hearing loss. Day 2 is designed to present the continuum of clinical practices addressing auditorybased disorders, including Auditory-Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder, unilateral hearing loss, and vestibular deficits. Auditory Therapy Day – Thursday, February 26th (CEUs - 0.60) Registration Form REGISTER ONLINE at 8:30am REGISTRATION & BREAKFAST 9:00am Supporting Language Acquisition Across Childhood Susan Nittrouer, PhD 10:30am BREAK 10:45am Writing Workshop: Strategies to Support Classroom Writing Curriculums and Inspire Young Authors – Dana Selznick, M.Ed 12:00pm LUNCH 1:00pm Beyond Language Excellence: Developing Self-Advocacy and Independence in the Classroom – Karen L. Anderson, PhD I authorize Children’s Hearing Institute to charge my account for the fee that is indicated on this form. ■ Prepare young writers on how to expand basic “kernel” sentences to “juicy” detailed sentences. 2:30pm BREAK Authorizing Signature:__________________________ ■ Describe strategies for assessing and developing 2:45pm Working Memory and Executive Functions in Children with Cochlear Implants Richard G. Schwartz, PhD and Zara Waldman DeLuca, MS Please check one: February 27th Learning Outcomes: Participants will be able to: ■ Explain the fundamental principles that should underlie the design of language intervention across the first decade of life. communication repair skills and self-advocacy. ■ Describe developing expectations for independence 4:00pm Speaker Panel – Questions and answers ■ Select and administer working memory and executive 4:30pm CONFERENCE ADJOURNS ■ Identify the audiological profile and medical characteristics of children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) Card Number:_________________________________ Expiration Date: _______________________________ with hearing devices. function tasks in children. ____ I enclose a check made payable to The Children’s Hearing Institute. ____ Please charge my credit card. Circle one: VISA/MASTERCARD/AMERICAN EXPRESS ____ PO coming from__________________________ School District/Program. Audiology Day – Friday, February 27th (CEUs - 0.55) Professionals February 26th Both Days Full Time Students ❑ $135.00 ❑ $85.00 ❑ $135.00 ❑ $85.00 ❑ $240.00 ❑ $140.00 Name REGISTRATION & BREAKFAST Address ■ Describe the outcomes of children with auditory neuropathy managed with observation, amplification, or cochlear implantation. 8:30am 9:00am City ■ Estimate audibility of the student with hearing loss when listening to teacher/peers. Diagnosis and Management of Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD) in Children – Patricia A. Roush, AuD 10:30am BREAK – EXHIBIT HALL OPENS ■ Describe means to identify the “listening gap” and 11:00am Estimating Access to Classroom Communication – Karen L. Anderson, PhD ■ Describe the characteristics of objective vestibular 12:00pm LUNCH & EXHIBITS Work Affiliation and balance tests and discuss management options for the options for the dizzy child. 1:15pm Assessment and Rehabilitation of the Dizzy Child - Thierry Morlet, PhD Program director’s signature for student rate (required) ■ Describe the currently available technologies to assist 2:45pm BREAK ❏ Please order me a Kosher Lunch for $15.00 ❏ Check here for Special Services 3:00pm Audiologic Management of Unilateral Hearing Loss in Children: Weighing the Options – Patricia A. Roush, AuD 4:00pm Speaker Panel – Questions and answers 4:30pm CONFERENCE ADJOURNS appropriate accommodations needed. children with Unilateral Hearing Loss. To view the Controversial Issues in Pediatric Audiology 2015 Disclosure document for information on speaker’s financial and non-financial interests relevant to the content of their presentation please visit our website at State Zip Phone number with area code E-mail Address Mail to: The Children's Hearing Institute 380 Second Avenue – 9th Floor New York, NY 10010 Info: Melissa Willis Tel: 646-438-7819 Fax: 646-438-7859 E-mail:
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