O O H O O T O N V A L L E Y T I M E S I N D • X D E N M A R K ' P E C U L I A R SCHOOL. Coming's Automobile club takes is,ue with the Rochester organization's ;lalm that it was the originator of No Examinations Required and Open to All Comers. the Stapley nut; mobile legislation The Danish "high school" was the now a law, by the governor's i igna lure. The five__ priut.pal points ot outcome of a recent period in Danthe law were advocated first by the ish history when the nation passed through a crucial period of trouble, Corning club, it claims. loss and humiliation, when its lanA survey of some .of the larger orcn guage and even its nationality were Paragraphs of Interest to Read- ards throughout the section of MOD threatened from without and when it roe county, near..Ch:ll and the open seemed for a time as If even its iners of Empire State ing of numerous varieties of fruit tellectual and spiritual independence buds from different lo-jalities, glvea might be destroyed or absorbed, says promise of u good fruit crop this the London Post. During such periods Interesting News of All Kinds Gath- year. This is not only true of apples when "the reproof of chance" lay heavy on one of the smaller nations, ered From Various Points In the but the fruit crops in general. Sixty-five intimate friends of the the true proof of its men and women State and So Reduced In Size That Steuben County society gave, a testi- was tested to the utmost, and DenI I t W i l l Appeal to A l l Classes of monial dinner to Patrick E. Crowley, mark at this crisis in hex history Readers. in New York city, in recognition of was not found wanting. After the storm had passed and the province ot State. Elks will convene in Buffalo his election to the presidency of the Schleswig-Holstein had been wrested New York Central lines. Mr. Crowon June 1 to 1 from the nation, Grotwig and other Geneva has a barber shop exclu- ley was a former president of the so- patriots conceived and carried out the ciety and h now tne of its goversively for women and children. "high school" scheme and finally sucnors. ceeded in attracting to these schools Nine doga have been poisoned In Childhood sweethearts of the early all that was best and most aspirationCorning lately, according to police sixties became man and wife when al in the life of the peasantry and peoMports. Luther Wells- of Burhamville and ple. The aim of the teachers was not Counterfeit $10 bills nave appearMrs. Abble Roberts of Union Corners ed at Geneva. Three are known to were wed. Both were over 70 years so much to impart knowledge as to stimulate the reflective powers, so as have been passed. old. Both Mr. and Wells and his to arouse In the minds of -their pupils Records show that in Rochester one bride were born :n Durhamville, Onei- thoughts on the value and purpose of fa every Ave automobiles in use do da county, and were playmates to- life. damage each year. gether. With this object in view the foundHorn oil, with a population of 15,000, The yield of maple sugar in North- ers of the scheme took into special consumed 100,000 hot cross buns in ern Chautauqua this season is the consideration when choosing their The need—and advantage of—good appearance no longer requires emphathe Easter season. largest It has been in several years teaching staff the personal qualities sis. The real Clothes question is—where to get the utmost in value and serThe council of th% Castile fire de- An average of se**en carloads a week of the teacher, the amount of magpartment has contracted for the pur- ifeve been shipped from the different netism In his personality*, so to speak, vice. Price has no significance until you absolutely know what you're getting] chase of a hose truck. towns in the county, the syrup being and placed these qualifications above per dollar for it. Klanamen, without masks, visited loaded to 50-gallon tanks. The most those of academic attainments. The South Alabama church and present- of the shipments so far have been to warden or head of each school Is tne That is why we particularly call your attention to our interesting assorthost and the head of the family gathed the pastor with r, purse of $35. cities in Vermont. ments injthe Spring showing. We want you to note the excellent tailoring-.! ered together under his roof; for the Thomas Honohan, secretary of the A delegation of close to 200 mem students board in his house during State Firemen's association, is dead bers of the Salamanca lodge of Elks t he finished character of the garments—and you will be pleased with the num.] the school terms. As most of the at Frankfort at the age of 77 years. is to represent the city at the New pupils are drawn from the class of ber of Single and Two-Trouser Suit models we are showing here now. Rochester is one of the 24 large York state convention to be held at agricultural laborers and small farm.cities., of. .the United States which Buffalo on June 1 to 4. The Sala- ers, the men "take the winter term •hows a 10 per cent increase of rents manca representatives are to distrib- from November till April, and the this year, ute souvenir tomahawks along the women the summer term from May Buffalo and the Tonawandas are line of march, advertising Salamanca to August. The course is really a among the 36 cities of New York as the gcteway to Allegany .state two years' one, but it ia~at the option of the pupils to attend for a park v State which are Under daylight sav tng time this year. Harold Whitford and t Ephriam term only. The inclusive cost for Gifford Wooster of Cuylerville had Fitch of Hornell, engaged in a coffee board and teaching is thirty-three shilone of his legs amputated at a Roch drinking marathon contest in an ef- lings a month, and the poorest of the ester honpital. Infection came from fort to learn whether that beverage students who cannot save enough to is intoxicating. Fitch quit after quaf- pay this sum, or who cannot afford an ingrowing toe nail. to spend so much time away from Qf the 26 registered members of fing 24 eight-ounce cups, but Whit- their farms without pecuniary assistComing's post of the G. A. R., only ford managed to drink ' 36 in threo ance, are helped by the State with six are able to attend the meetings hours. Whitford had to be carried about two-thirds of their expenses. and take part in the work of the or- home by his friends. He was not.in " No examination is required of pupils toxicated. der.''." either on entering or on leaving r the Olean is struggling along on two schools, and as the principal aim in A rainbow trout with an estimated age of 20 years, weighing 3% pounds, times now. Most of the city is stick, teaching is to arouse the intellectual Newark long distance girls1 recently was caught in Seneca lake by two ing to Eastern standard, but there a life, the course of study consists of students attending Hobart college at number of offices* in Olean that have lectures on history, poetry and biog- encountered one of the longest and switched to the daylight saving. Of- raphy. The "high schools"," in which hardest telephone calls in their exGeneva. ..." ... ; there are npw altogether over 6,000 perience, when a youug lady calling Sheriff Hudson of Livin students, have taken as their motto for Long Distance, said "I want the t y has placed a ban on "petting par- plpe line companies are on the sumthe quotation, "I am a man; there•* • • ~ ' t ties" by automobile drivers. He hats mer time, as are brokers' offices and' fore everything that concerns a man Canadian Bank at Shellbrook, Canother doing business on wires from 3C -ada." The operator, assuming that had many complaints fn the vicinit.' DC is of interest to me," Before each New York. of Geneseo. lecture a national or religious song Shellbrook could be found easily, The church edifice of the St. Paul Two large additions have been from -the rich stores of the Danish thinking it was* near Montreal, told Luthern society at Tripnock, near Colanguage is sung by the pupils, and the subscriber she would be called. started at the plant of the Simonds -—-the spiritual life that is inculcated by After all available records had been Saw and Steel company of Lockport hocton, is being razed and will be and when completed in about 60 days taken to Sprlngwater, where It will example even more than by precept consulted, however, it almost seemed that Shellbrook was not on the telewill provide work for considerable be used in the construction of a is not one of asceticism or of selfgrange hall. This church was built denial, but of full, well-balanced de- phone map. Not to be discouraged, new help. 60 years ago. In 1869 part of the con velopment and self-expression. however, the Newark operator called The clerical force at the New York gregation left the church and built Central offices at Corning has started the Evangelical Luthern Zion church The Danes themselves attribute the up the headquarters of the Canadian marked rise and intellectual develop- Bank at Montreal, where the informaon the summer schedule when the two miles away. .,...--' ment of the peasantry and the power tion came that their Shellbrook employes begin the day's work 30 Robert Moses of New York has minutes earlier and finish earlier in been elected chairman and Albert T. of combination displayed by the tillers branch was in Saskatchewan. Then of the soil to ever-increasing Influence the afternoon. Fancher -of Salamanca, vice-chair- of the "high school" movement. The came the work of building up this difficult circuit, from one country to anThe grave of Isaac Andrews, pri- man of the state park council, (j%h>ch vate secretary to George Washington was created by a recent act o f t h e agriculturist's save money and make other, a distance of over 3,000 miles. sacrifices In order that their sons and i n the school grounds on Seneca legislature. The council consists of daughters may enjoy the Intellectual It was ohly two and half hours before street, in Dundee,, near Seneca lake, the conservation commissioner of the and spiritual culture that the "high the Newark subscriber was talking •will be marked by the Daughters of state, the heads of the several narjfe>, schools" offer. The only analogous with the land of the "Northwest the American Revolution of Geneva. commissions of the state and other movement we have in Great Britain Is Mounted," and the resourcefulness ot Penn Yan taxpayers In an election state bodies having to do with con- the burning desire on the part of the the Newark operators had made it posIn which 1,276 votes were cast defeat- servation. Scotch peasantry and small Scotch sible. ed a proposition to build a junior The Chautauqua board of supervis- farmers for education. In England high school and purchase a play- ors voted a bond issue of $2,000,000 it would appear difficult t o create a ground for. $2,500, bujt carried three for financing a highway Improvement similar demand ataong our rural poppropositions to repair certain schools. program-covering a period of five ulation. This may be because in 'the & DC DC According to a report to the Erie ears, the bonds to be issued as the past country life has not been synonymous with intellectual life, except for work progresses. In addition $300,county supervisors by George C. the rich and well placed. Diehl, county ongineer, there are 684 000 was appropriated for the payNow that the intellectual needs of Why are there two holes on the end, bridges in the county that are unsafe. ment of highvray work already in various classes are being more scien- of the telephone receiver hook? This progress or under contract. There Mr. Diehl recently made a survey of tifically studied, an intimate knowlall the bridges on highways in the was not a dissenting vote on the edge of the working of these Danish is not a riddle, nor is there any parboard on either proposition. ticular use tor these rings, such as a county. schools, which have been so successCompensation for five days at the The, sand and gravel pit on the ful in revolutionising intellectually pencil-holder, screw-eyes for a padNolan farm in the northeast part of rate of $20 a week has been granted and spiritually the rural life of Den- lock, says The Telephone Review. As the town of Caledonia, until recently by a New York state compensation mark, might be of special value to a matter of fact the rings at the end owned by the Continental Products commission to a workman who re- members of rural educational councils of the telephone hook have bean evolvCorporation, has been sold to the cently was struck in the eye by a In England. Mrs. Browning wrote; ed by a process of elimination. Early Consolidated Materials Corporation, sparrow. The workman was ordered "It takes a soul to move a body." In types of desk telephones had hooka to turn off the steam on a boiler used Denmark of today the body, through ending in a pair of upturned herns. a Rochester firm. When you hear an old-timer sigh for the days in outdoor construction work. As he Its steadily growing cooperative un- This arrangsmsnt was unsatisfactory, Char'e-i E. Blood, 88 years old, cor approached the boiler a passing au- dertakings, can be seen moving and his forefathers, smile quietly to yourself and thii oner of (*hauf,»uqua county for 43 tomobile frightened a flock of spar- gaining in strong and healthy national however, because careless «ubee*ribyears, and at the time of his retire- rows and one of them flew straight life. It is claimed by the more patri- era were apt to set the receiver down of this: ment two years ago, the oldest coro- into his eye, forcing him to lay oft otic and Intelligent among the Danes oa the horns so as to injure the diaThe ancients got along without automobiles, sos ner in point of service in New York work for five days. thait the soul which moves and quick- phragm. The hooks were then made state, dird in Brooks Memorial hosens this body was reborn in the daily wttli points turning downward, but stoves, tooth-brushes, window-glass, breakfast fo< A school for clerks in the state bo- life and aspiration of the "high pital in Dunkirk. He had been ill 10 this had the disadvantage of catching nus commission who will handle the schools." telephones—without practically all of the things" days. on clothing. Telephone' engineer* detail in paying the state bonus to Prospects are bright for a good veterans of the World war, Is now solved the problem by terminating the consider the bare essentials of life. fruit crop In Onondaga county this under way at the veterans' bureau hooks In disks, with a hole in the cenSAGE SAYINGS. There never has been a time when life bcttt year, according to Don D. Ward, farm at Albany. Every clerk will be thorter like a doughnut, thus saving metal. bnreau manager, who recently com- oughly instructed In his or her duty All in your mind—thoughts. itself so rapidly and so consistently as now. pleted an inspection »tour. Buds so that when the actual work is unThe lacrease in the number of teleconveniences and new comforts are continually It tells on many people—gossip. were appearing slowly*, lessening der way delay will be reduced to a phonos in the United States daring m any chances of damage by frost, Mj. minimum. Compilation of the card thought out and brought out for your benefit. It seems to come to nought—the 1M1 was greater than the increase in Ward said. index of veterans has been virtually dude's mail. the number of telephones in all In order to reap the advantages that are y< Newark onion growers, who have completed and it is expected that rest of the world combined. been holding their crops for the pur- the first payment will be made about The haughty centaur never came today, you must read the advertisements, pose of disposing at top figure, are July 1. down off his high horse. Bismarck's Precaution. bring you news of all that the world of invent* busy getting rid of them and thousIt la customary in the cheaper The Erie and Niagara Agricultural When a man sees an oppertunlty ands of bushels that have started to societies will receive from the stats classes of German inns to substiand discovery is doing to make your work east that the time he ought to sleze i t ' sprout have been dumped along the $4,000 each as their share of $391 tute chicory for coffee. Bismarck your home life more pleasant, your clothing railroads on the muck lands during 930.71 to be paid out by the state to was aware of this, so one day when The scene shifter doesn't need much the past few veeks. he cam* to a small Inn, after a long food problems less difficult. They keep y°tt reimburse them for premiums paid faith to move mountains. journey, he sat down and called Tests of tuberculosis in cattle or. at their fairs for poultry and the do formed of all that is new in the markets and sto« the innkeeper to him. the Salamanca and Leon stock farms mestic arts. These two societies r e A worn-out hat sometimes seems to "Hav* you any chicory!" said h*. of ex-Senator A. T. Fancher of Sala ceived the maximum amount which have been racked to pieces. They tell you not only about the goods, the styj "To*, sir," said the lankeeper. manca, shows that his herds are en the state can disburse. Other agri"Wall, bring all you hare here to the varieties and prices, but also where and 1 Even a man who speaks good Engtirely free from tuberculosis, it has cultural societies in Western N. V. me," ordered Bismarck. been announced by veterinarians. will receive the amounts: Allegany lish uses bad language sometimes. these things are to be had. The innkeeper was gone a few There are about 180 head of cattle County Agricultural society, $2,. minutes, and returned with an lav The advertisements are messages from tnC No one should hare more than one la the two herds and they were test 142.54; Cuba Fair and Racing associamease armful Of chicory. 04 by state and federal veterfnarles. tion, 13,639.11; Cattaraugus County friend to whom he tells his trouble**, 1 * that all the chicory yea t»v« ness world to you. Read them. and. In time, if he Is smart, he win In the h*-a*otw asked Wmnerck. who were surprised at the outcome Agricultural society, $3,448.68; Chau The veterinarians have bwn making taaqua County Agricultural society, learn to lop o f that piece of extrava"Tea—an." extensive tests In Cattaraugus conn $8,620.41; Genesee County Agricultu- tanc*. TW -Well, then." sala Bismarck. ty. Dairymen in that section say ral society, $4,000; Livingston CounThere is at least one thing positively 1 ty M r , $2,M1; Ontario County Afri-. »• a known about the man who claims to -flUaral society $4,000; Orleans * t o t y Agricultural society, $3,260. bo a hypnotist— that he la a liar. J NEW YORK NEWS ITEMS IN BRIEF Here, Mr. Man, is Style Headquarter^ For Your Spring and Summer Clothes.' Value is the Keynote! $25 -, ft STAR $30 $35 CLOTHING Main at Church St., HORNELL, Newark Operators Explore Canada HOUSH New York] Particular Printing for Particular Peoi TIMES-INDEX PRESS mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm^mm ir Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Paper at This Office Here's History of Telephone Hook HE Were the "Good 01< Days" Really Good] ! Don't Overlook the Advantages Are Yours. Read the Advertiser!* t Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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