Friar’s Musings: Friar Clifford Augustine, OFM CHURCH OF ST MARY OF THE ANGELS 5 Bukit Batok East Ave 2, Singapore 659918 | | The Spiritual Path of the Parish The current Parish Pastoral Council was formed in 2014 and an Ex-Co was subsequently elected. The office bearers of the Ex-Co are; Edwin Lim (Chair), Bijay Joseph (Assist), Bernice Wilson (Secretary) and Jeannette Yeo (Assist). What is the Ex-Co supposed to achieve? The PPC, together with the parish friars will set the pastoral directions for the Community . This IS challenging. We need to care for the sick and aged. Our youth and young adults must find a home with us where their spiritual growth is nourished by prayer, programmes and social activities. Parishioners must know that the parish is not like a petrol station, where they come weekly to fill up but a place where strangers become friends because of our faith. The PPC has identified three areas of focus. These are the spiritual, human and intellectual formation of the parish. While these three areas are inter-linked, they can be focused on separately since different parishioners have different needs. The PPC recognises that before these areas can be actively engaged, a primary target must be achieved. And this is the personal encounter of Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Without this encounter, any well thought of programmes and activities will only lead to a short-lived ‘spiritual high’ that would not be of any benefit to our parishioners. For 2015, a road map has been drawn. For this road map to achieve anything worthwhile, the parish must first orientate towards a spirituality that is turned towards the Lord. The liturgies of the Church are incredible opportunities for us to experience God’s love for us. When we celebrate the Sunday masses, are these real encounters with something greater than ourselves? Are our lives changed at every Mass we celebrate? They can be changed, I am confident of that. Maybe it is about time that we discover more about the wonders of the liturgies that we celebrate. Mass Timings Novena Intercessory Tue, 10am-11.30am Sat: 6.55am, 5.45pm (Sunset Mass) To Our Lady: Sat, 5pm Sun: 7.30am (Mandarin), 9am, 11am, To St Anthony: Tue, 7pm Thu, 7.45pm-9.15pm (except Feast Days & PH) 12.45pm, 5.30pm, 7.15pm Rosary Devotion 3rd Mon, 7.45pm-9.15pm 3rd Sun: 3.30pm (Indonesian) Mondays Saturdays: 4th Sat: 7.30pm (Tamil) Pastoral Services Weekday: 6.55am (with Morning Prayer) after Morning Masses Family Rosary: For Baptisms, Weddings and & 6.30pm (Adoration at 6pm) Every Sat, 4.30pm Anointing of the Sick, please Reconciliation call the Parish Office. 20 mins before Sunday Masses Infant Baptisms: 1st and 2nd Sunday Parish Office Tel: 6567 3866 | Fax: 6562 1824 Columbarium Office Tel: 6560 6361 Parish Priest Asst Parish Priest Asst Parish Priest Asst Parish Priest Friar Clifford Augustine, OFM Friar Joseph Lee, OFM Friar Justin Lim, OFM Friar Derrick Yap, OFM 10 / 11 January 2015 BELOVED SON “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” When Jesus came out of the baptismal waters, he saw the Spirit, like a dove, come down on him. Conceived as the Spirit overshadowed Mary, Ever-Virgin Mother, Jesus is attested now by the Father: “You are my Beloved Son; my favour rests on you.” Through the Easter mystery, Christ Jesus passes The Baptism on the same Holy Spirit to the church. We are transformed. Sharing of the Lord, the Spirit we share God’s life. Lord, be gracious to us. Kyrie eleison! Next Sunday’s Readings: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. All rights reserved. Jn 1:35-42 Year A. Evangelising With Joy “I have baptized you with water; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” A sacrament is the visible sign of God’s love for Man. How beautiful it is that we, who have received the Sacrament of Baptism are called to share in the same Spirit of God! That Christ, through the priest, anoints us with the Holy Spirit and makes us heirs in His kingdom. Yet, it is unfortunate that most times, we live our lives not fully conscious of this gift that we have received. In our modern world, we sometimes get caught up in our accolades and accomplishments, our talents and our careers to build up our identity that we often forget that our identity as Christians, made through Baptism is the greatest thing to brag about. That we are God’s chosen people who have died and risen to a new life with Him, answering each day our universal call to holiness. The Church and her Liturgy beckons us each week to remember our baptism. When we sign ourselves with Holy Water each time we go for Mass, we remember. When the Easter candle is lit, we remember. When the priests commission us to announce the Gospel, we remember. This week, let us pause for a few moments to consider how else we can remember our baptism and what it means to each of us. | Download the bulletin: NCC MEETINGS 12 Jan to 18 Jan 2015 Bukit Batok Area Regent Height, Tower A | Wed 14 Jan 10am Regent Height NCC | Idawidjaja 9863 3697 Blk 526, Bukit Batok St 51, Mon 12 Jan 8pm Faithful Disciple NCC | Christine 9634 4491 Bukit Timah Area Blk 654, Senja Road | Fri 16 Jan 8.30pm Bukit Batok NCC | Rey 9680-4761 Blk 544, Jelapang Road | Tue 16 Jan 8:00pm JLP Jelapang NCC | Wendy 9278 0505 Choa Chu Kang Area Blk 681, Choa Chu Kang Crescent | Fri 16 Jan 8:30pm Yew Tee Branch NCC | Elmer 9724 4531 Hillview Area 26, Hillview Regency, Bukit Batok East Ave 2 | Fri 16 Jan 8:00 pm Hillview Regency NCC | Lily 9686 5595 Please contact the respective NCC coordinators for more details. CHURCH EVENTS | Facebook: COMMUNITY NEWS Palms for Ash Wednesday Please bring your palms from last year to be used for this year’s Ash Wednesday. Leave them near the Piety Shop. Primary 1 and 2 Children’s Liturgy Parents of Primary 1 & Primary 2 children: Please note that Children’s Liturgy will commence on 17 Jan (Sat, 5.45pm mass) & 18 Jan (Sun, 9am mass). For parents with children assigned to the Saturday session: There will be a compulsory briefing session at 5pm (St Clare’s Hall) on 17 Jan 2015. Please attend with your child. For parents with children assigned to the Sunday session: There will be a compulsory briefing session on Friday 16th Jan at 7.30pm at St Clare Hall. Catechism Classes Catechism classes for primary and secondary levels will open on the following dates: 1) Children’s Liturgy P1 and P2 – 17th and 18th January 2015 2) Primary 3 to 6 – Saturday 17 January 2015 3) Sec 4 – Sunday 18th January 2015 4) Sec 3 – Sunday 18th January 2015 5) Sec 2 – Sunday 4th January 2015 6) Sec 1 – Friday 2nd January 2015 Ecumenical Session Inviting all youth & young adults to join in on an Ecumenical Session which will be taking place at the St Clare Hall on 31st January 2015. Chinese New Year Dinner Date: 28 February 2015 (Saturday) Patrician Meeting Time: 7.30pm Join us for a lively discussion on the Venue: Blossom Garden Restaurant topic “Genesis and Evolution: Conflict HOME TEAM BUKIT BATOK CLUB HOUSE or Complimentary?” In Oct, Pope 2 Bukit Batok West Ave 7 Francis got lots of attention when he Singapore 659003 spoke about creation and evolution. (Near to Bukit Gombak MRT Station) The media said that he “declared” evoRegistration: $60/$600 (person/table) lution to be right. Did he say that? How does the church view evolution and the creation story in Genesis? Join us on 11th Jan in Classroom 1 and 2 from 3-5pm to find out more. For enquiries, contact Keenan Tan - keenanmax@ Parishioners, their families and friends are welcome to join us for the celebration of CNY dinner with its programme and lucky draw. Please contact Angela (96521903) or Teresa (96287896) for further details. | Twitter: | LITURGICAL UPDATE Asperges (in Latin it means to cleanse) Many parishes use the rite of sprinkling at every Mass during the Easter season because this blessing is so appropriate during this time of baptismal renewal.At the beginning of every funeral, the Presider blesses the casket with holy water and says, “In the waters of Baptism N. died with Christ and rose with him to new life. May he/she now share in Christ’s eternal glory.” Holy water is found at the entrance to the church to remind us that it was through Baptism that we entered the community called church. During this rite of sprinkling some people cringe and duck to avoid getting wet, while others beam with joy and excitement. Both reactions are appropriate. Baptism makes us one with Christ in His death and resurrection. We cringe at what it calls us to do: die to self. We are overjoyed at what it makes us: children of one Father, members of Christ’s body, heirs of the kingdom. In the words of the Peace Prayer of St. Francis, our baptism promises us that “it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” Copyright © 2010 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. ANNOUNCEMENTS Bible Course Conducted by Fr Eugene Vaz Title: St Mark’s Gospel – Full of Faith, Passion and Choice Dates: 14 Tuesdays (from 20 Jan to 5 May 2015) Time: Morning session 9.30am to 11.30am OR Evening session 7.45pm to 9.45pm Venue: CAEC, 2 Highland Road, Singapore 549102 Contribution: $100 To register: Online: Email: Call: 84332683 Diocesan Vocation Discernment Recollection Theme: “Come Away” (Mk 6:31) Date & Time: 6 Feb (7.30pm) to 7 Feb (2pm) 2015 Venue: St Francis Xavier Major Seminary Eligibility: Single male Catholics aged 18-35 years old Registration: (Closing date: 30 Jan 2015) Come and learn how to discern your vocation! At Home Retreat 2015 by Cenacle Sisters and Team Date: Feb 9 – Apr 13, every Monday (7.30 - 9.30pm) Venue: St Joseph’s Parish,Victoria St. Description: A ten-week programme based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which enables one to know Jesus Christ more intimately in the midst of the daily routine of life. It includes a weekly meeting of faith sharing, daily prayer using Scripture, and spiritual direction. Contribution: $150.00
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