Friar’s Musings: Friar Clifford Augustine, OFM Change a life with our faith The Office of New Evangelisation (ONE) in our Parish has initiated a project that is not only about sharing our food with others, but is about breaking down social barriers. The Agape Kitchen, as the project is aptly named is an occasion where we eat with others whom we generally would not notice among us, let alone share a meal with. These are not just the cleaners and foreign workers – whom the Pope reminds us are people whom God loves and Jesus died for – but our fellow parishioners who worship with us every weekend. Why is the parish team of friars supporting such a project? CHURCH OF ST MARY OF THE ANGELS 5 Bukit Batok East Ave 2, Singapore 659918 | | Parish Office Tel: 6567 3866 | Fax: 6562 1824 Columbarium Office Tel: 6560 6361 Parish Priest Asst Parish Priest Asst Parish Priest Asst Parish Priest Friar Clifford Augustine, OFM Friar Joseph Lee, OFM Friar Justin Lim, OFM Friar Derrick Yap, OFM 28 Feb / 1 Mar 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT The Lord tries us out, even tantalizes us, before choosing to work with us. God did this with Abraham, with Peter, James, and John, even with Jesus! But Jesus, God’s own Son, stands and pleads for us now that we not be led into temptation or put to the test beyond our means. God is on our side and who now can be against us? With the Trinity’s prompting and our willing obedience during this Lent, we can come closer to salvation. Firstly, we are aware of the social barriers that exist among our parishioners. We have people from different socio-economic backgrounds worshipping together. The Agape Kitchen is just one way of ensuring that our differences do not break up the Body of Christ, instead we will continue to work towards building up this Body with the gifts of our diversity. Secondly, we are thrilled with the idea that the youths of our parish are involved with the Agape Kitchen. I watched them last week at the opening, and they were very sincere in wanting to serve. They needed to overcome their initial anxiety of waiting tables and talking to strangers, but they did it. It was truly edifying. They taught us something. Thirdly, the Archbishop of Singapore has been strongly asking us not to be complacent about introducing people to the Church. He has more than once mentioned that the turnout at Mass are mainly due to our sisters and brothers from other countries. At the Rite of Election last week, he said that the number of new converts has been dropping steadily from a high of 1500 per year. If we truly believe in the value of our faith, then we share that value with others. The Agape Kitchen can be a wonderful way of introducing others to the Church in a non-threatening environment. It is not about aggressive proselytizing. It is all about bringing the Good News of Jesus to those whom we care to share it with and at the same time making time to engage and just be friends with strangers. So invite someone to the Agape Kitchen and eat with us. A life can be changed. Mass Timings Novena Intercessory To Our Lady: Sat, 4pm Tue, 10am-11.30am Sat: 6.55am, 4.30pm, 6.15pm Sun: 7.30am (Mandarin), 9am, 11am, To St Anthony: Tue, 7pm Thu, 7.45pm-9.15pm (except Feast Days & PH) 12.45pm, 5.30pm, 7.15pm Rosary Devotion 3rd Sun: 3.30pm (Indonesian) Mondays - Saturdays: Pastoral Services 4th Sat: 7.30pm (Tamil) Morning Masses For Baptisms, Weddings and Weekday: 6.55am (with Morning Prayer) after Family Rosary: Anointing of the Sick, please & 6.30pm (Adoration at 6pm) call the Parish Office. Every Sat, 3.30pm Reconciliation 20 mins before Sunday Masses Infant Baptisms: 1st and 2nd Sunday Second Sunday of Lent, year B. Illustration © 2011. M. Erspamer, OSB. All rights reserved. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 1997, OCP.All rights reserved. Next Sunday’s Readings: Ex 20:1-17 1 Cor 1:22-25 Jn 2:13-25 OUR PARISH FAMILY We pray ... For the sick and the housebound: that Christ’s healing power will give them comfort and peace. For those who have died, especially Michael Loh and for those who mourn. Lord, we ask you, hear our prayers. We continue to pray for the repose of the souls of all victims of wars, disasters and tragedies around the world; that peace and harmony will prevail, and that all people will be comforted in their mourning and loss. Welcome to the Family We congratulate and keep in our prayers the families of the following little ones who will be receiving the sacrament of Baptism this weekend: Franciscus Rylee Matthias Ho Jeanette Lee Jia Hui Ryler Toh Ibarrola Joshua Weiyi Fowler Nicholas Jim Shaw Sau Yi Hon Rui Jie Nixon Xavier Luei Yue Qi Sarah | Download the bulletin: NCC MEETINGS 2 to 8 Mar 2015 Bukit Batok Area Blk 203, Bt Batok Road St 21 | Wed 4 Mar 8.00pm West Mall NCC | Raymond 9060 6050 Blk 539, Bukit Batok St 52 | Wed 4 Mar 8pm St John NCC | John 9185 3052 Regent Height, Tower A | Wed 4 Mar 10am Regent Height NCC | Cheryl 9637 0505 SMOTA Room 2 | Mon 2 Mar 8.00pm Mary’s Soldiers NCC | Gina 9637 2440 Blk 265 Bukit Batok East Ave 4 | Sat 7 Mar 7:30pm St Francis Anbiam NCC | John 9384 8957 Blk 367, Bukit Batok Street 31 | 6 Mar 8.00pm 1 Sam 3:9 NCC | Joan 9743 6022 Bukit Timah Area Toh Tuck Place | Wed 4 Mar 10.30am Mystical Rose NCC | Monica 9870 0668 15, Jalan Bangket | Wed 4 Mar 8.00pm Mayfair NCC | Timothy 9835 9798 Bukit Panjang Area Blk 654, Senja Road | Fri 6 Mar 8.30pm Bukit Batok NCC | Rey 9680 4761 Hillview Area 26, Hillview Regency, Bukit Batok East Ave 2 | Fri 6 Mar 8:00 pm Hillview Regency NCC | Lily 9686 5595 Choa Chu Kang Area Blk 681, Choa Chu Kang Crescent | Fri 6 Mar 8:30pm Yew Tee Branch NCC | Elmer 9724 4531 Blk 36, Quintet Condominium | Sun 8 Mar 7:30pm Bread & Water NCC | Harold 9785 9398 | Facebook: COMMUNITY NEWS Rite of Election The celebration of the Rite of Election by the Archbishop was held last weekend. This marks the beginning of the period of final and more intense preparation for those preparing for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. The catechumens are now called ‘Elect’ since they have the disposition that makes them fit to celebrate these sacraments.We have 34 Elects from our parish this year. Let us hold them in our prayers. Friday Mass in Lent The morning masses on Fridays in Lent will be celebrated at 6.55 AM followed by the Stations of the Cross. | Twitter: | LITURGICAL UPDATE Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross is a traditional devotion during Lent. It is usually held on Friday evenings. The stations themselves are depicted in icons or pictures arranged around the interior of the church building. Sometimes everyone walks together from station to station. Or, especially if there are a large number of participants, a representative group, such as a presider with altar servers, walk the stations together while the rest of the people remain in their pews and participate in the prayers, responses, and songs from there. Some parishes, retreat houses, and other religious organizations have outdoor representations of the stations for people’s prayerful reflection. Copyright © 2014 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. CHURCH DECORUM The evening masses on Fridays in Lent will be celebrated at 7 PM followed by the Stations of the Cross. Mass is a communal celebration LEGION BOOKBARROW 2015 RESUMES ON 14/15TH MARCH 2015 Thanks once again for your support throughout the Year 2014. Brothers & Sisters, How often do we greet each other at St Mary’s? Let us remember that Mass is a communal celebration. Let us acknowledge that we are one community, one body that has chosen to come together to sing and participate at Mass. We can begin the New Evangelisation right here. Piety Shop During the month of Lent, piety shop will be opened on Friday from 6 to 7pm. Let us be Christ for one another. Patrician Meeting - An Open Forum Discussion Join us on 8 March at 3pm in Classroom 1 for a lively discussion on the topic of the Immaculate Conception. For more information, email Keenan, The Patrician Meeting is brought to you by the Legion of Mary. RCIA When people contact us to enquire about RCIA, we don’t tell them that ‘admission is closed’ and ask them to come back next year. With our revolving door enquiry, (pre-catechumenate), anyone can approach us and we will journey with them. So introduce someone to the faith today. Contact Travel Photography Workshop by Luminaire photography ministry Sat, 21 March 2015 | 9 AM - 12 PM | Classroom 6 Fee: $20. Register at: or contact Melvin at SPIRITUALITY Agape Kitchen Throughout the Sundays of Lent, 5-7pm, Agape Kitchen will be a place where a meal will be provided to anyone & everyone. Bring a friend, a relative or anyone who might benefit from a good meal. #PayAsYouCan Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office for this Sacrament, which can be given prior to admission to the hospital for surgery. If a member of your family is ill or hospitalized, please inform us. FORMATION Courage Inviting all boys/men aged 13 years and above to come together for a time of prayer held at the Assisi Room from 6:45pm - 7:30pm on every Sunday of Lent. This Prayer Service will be praying and interceding for those struggling with sexual sin and working in the sex industry. ANNOUNCEMENTS Carpark - Important Notice For safety requirements Level 2 - No Double Parking - All Day and Night Level 1 - No Double Parking Sat: Novena – 4pm Mass – 4.30pm Level 1 - Double and triple Parking allowed when lots are full Sat: Mass – 6.15pm Sun: All Masses Please follow instructions from Carpark Wardens. Anyone who parks at Level 1 during mass timings will not be able to leave till mass ends due to double or triple parking.
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