www.lincolnadvertiser.com POSTAL PATRON ECRWSS The prsrt std ecrwss u.s. postage paid davenport, washington Volume 32 Number 24 Published Weekly by Parks Print, 701 12th Street- PO Box 837, Davenport, WA 99122 permit no. 14 E-mail: ads@lincolnadvertiser.com OR parksprint@centurytel.net • 509-725-8007 • 1-800-725-8047 • FAX 509-725-8026 January 7, 2015 Mailed FREE to all Postal Patrons in: Almira-Creston-Davenport-Edwall-Ford-Fruitland-Harrington-Hartline-Hunters-Mohler-Odessa-Reardan-Sprague-Wilbur www.lincolnadvertiser.com Deadline Monday 3 p.m. • Noon for 1/4 page or larger HIGH SPEED INTERNET SERVICE Only $49.99 Per Month Total Cost! FREE Install with service agreement. Superior to any Satellite or Phone based Internet Service! Get the best! We have served this community since 1995! Business Web Sites - Network and Computer Repair Services - E-mail 509-535-1169 B- Fit Open 24 hours Time to meet those New Years “Get in Shape” Resolutions! 509-725-2348 (509) 244-3768 (Formerly John Baldwin Service) 14024A Hwy. 2 W. Airway Heights (Next to old Tesoro Station) • Full Service of All Makes and Models • We Accept All Extended Warranty Work 537 Morgan • Davenport There’s no place like home....except All Major Credit Cards Accepted or www.asisna.com Serene Meadows I, II & III The Davenport School District has an opening Now open 7 days week! for the following positions: • Substitute Certificated Pet Parlor Teachers All Breed Grooming • Substitute Bus Drivers (anticipate up to 3 FT poTo schedule an appointment sitions open 2015-2016) for your pet at the Parlor n Fun Applications Client: areKickavailable call Crystal: 509-647-0404 Max Camp 2010 on line at www.davenport. Like Us Onartcocreative@gmail.com Facebook! Art #: 40154 509.723.7766 Mickey Olson • www.personaltouchpetparlor.com • 114 NW Main, Suite 2 • Wilbur, WA wednet.edu orDate:come 6/16/2010by the 802.999.3831 Artist:If Chrisyou L. District Office. have questions please contact Firearm Safety/ Ladder Found on Hawk Cindy Duenwald at 509Hunter Education Creek Ranch Road. Call 725-1481. starts February 11. Call to identify. 715-654-5082 Steve (509) 939-7576 (Davenport) Where love surrounds us and the coffee pot is always on! A Personal Touch ARTCOCREATIVE Commercial/Residential 2 Openings •Comfortable, affordable, just-like-home. •All phases of care •Wheelchair accessible •Private Rooms available •Respite Care available •Two Openings available. Contact Lana 509-721-0877 or Barb 509-990-7142 FORT SPOKANE FRAMING Tuesday & Thursday 9 am - 5 pm or by appointment For all your matting and picture framing needs. 907 Washington, Davenport 509-725-3881 Computer Repair •Repairs •Networks •Tuneups •installs •Virus Repair •Credit Okay Call John: 509-991-6772 509-725-5900 Affordable Custom Cabinetry leave the air and water to us ultra custom and everything in between... for every room in the home: From entry level to www.kysarmechanical.com we have something for everyone! Remodels New Construction Service/Repair Sewers Drain Cleaning Water Heaters Gas Piping Troubleshooting Remodels New Construction Service/Repair Heat Pumps Geothermal Radiant Efficiency Tune-Ups Duct Cleaning Davenport, Washington License KYSARMI 922CF FRONT FRONT • Industrial • Commercial • Residential 725-7005 (509) Lic# MIDLAEI935LL www.MidlandElectricInc.com BACK BACK Cornerstone Custom Framed Cabinetry Millennia Custom Frameless Cabinetry Katana Semi-Custom Frameless Cabinetry Newcastle Entry-Level Cabinetry Closets Plus Storage and Organization 504 Morgan • Davenport www.tramco.biz • TRAMC**953JQ 509-725-0045 • 509-721-0227 2 January 07, 2015 Lincoln Advertiser HERE’S YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Are you looking for Job Security, Growth Opportunity, A Great Benefits Package with a Strong Progressive Company that wants you to grow with them? If so, we’re ready to invest in you! Fertilizer/Chemical Technicians needed. Quality, self-motivated/self-starting team players please apply. Call Shawn Groh at 509-639-2421 or stop by our office in Almira. PIANO TUNING Barefoot Music Studio Call Jim Adams 509-990-7770 NEED LIVESTOCK HAULED? Going to Stockland every week. 509-981-5160. Precious AKC Miniature Schnauzer puppies, born Christmas Eve. Ready for Valentines Day! Four females and three males. $550.00. Pick yours out today. 509-725-8319 or 509-998-1855 SWANNACK VET CLINIC Rabies Clinic Saturday , January 17 • 9 a.m. to 12 Noon Rabies Shots: $15.00 301 S. Colfax St., Sprague, WA 509-257-2230 Wilbur Mini Storage 509-660-0321 Quick-N-Fair Mobile Services Handyman & Farm Mechanic wilburministorage@hotmail.com Small engines to Rv’s • Yard work to Carpentry Just about anything you need help with! Don’t sweat the small stuff! You name it, we fix it! • Units starting at $25.00/month • RV & Boat Storage • Outside storage 954 Main • Wilbur Odessa, WA & Surrounding areas Call John Ossman (owner) • 509-948-3055 ALPINE HOT TUB & APPLIANCE REPAIR 509-348-0003 509-725-4362 Doug Nachtigal - CEO/President PORTABLE TOILET RENTAL Specializing in Urological and Incontenence Supplies Approved Provider For L & I/Medicare/Medicaid/Private Insurance The Potty Barn Sporting Events - Construction - Graduation - Parties Locally Owned and Operated Davenport, WA Lincoln County is accepting applications for Communications/Corrections Deputy. Notice is hereby given that an examination will be given by the Lincoln County Civil Service Commission to establish an eligibility list for the above position. Written and physical ability testing will be held o February 6, 2015. To receive an application and additional information, contact us via: online at www.co.lincoln.wa.us OR Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office 509-725-3501 OR Lincoln County Civil Service, PO Box 28, Davenport, WA 99122 EOE “Where Every Customer Receives Personal Service!” Local ~ 725-7008 Toll Free ~1-888-378-2206 www.rocklynmedical.com (509) 348-0239 On-Site RV Pumping Available No Job too Big or Too Small Heritage Pork All natural. Order now for custom butcher of whole or half hogs. Paul Knittel- Scabland Farm 801-228-8487 SMALL STRAW BALES $3.50 each Call Fred: 509-721-0120 Public Notice: SURPLUS VEHICLES FOR SALE Pursuant to RCW 28A.335.180, the Columbia School District No. 206 has declared the following items surplus and offered for sale. 2001 International/Bluebird 47-passenger bus, 7.3 L diesel, manual transmission. Excellent condition, WSP inspected for 2014-15, 168,084 miles. Minimum bid: $2000 1991 Dodge Caravan AWD, good running condition, 176,020 miles, Minimum bid: $500 Individual bids must be sealed and marked "Bid for Surplus Bus" or “Bid for Surplus Van” and received at the Business Office of Columbia SD 206, PO Box 7, 4961 B Hunters Shop Rd, Hunters, WA 99137. Any bids received will be opened on 1/15/2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the Business Office, Columbia SD. Public and Private Schools will be given first opportunity to bid on these vehicles and they will only be made available to the public if no bids are received. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid that best serves the interest of the school district. Contact Columbia School District No. 206, (509) 722-3311, for additional information. By order of: Board of Directors, Columbia SD#206 Jemara Floyd Cell: (509) 348-0222 e-mail: jemara@inlandcellular.com 215 Park Street • Davenport, WA Located in Machinery Co. Bldg. Ask about our $100.00 switch over credit . c In , n o ti a v a c x E n o s r e d n Todd A #TODDAEI1971DC • Licensed & Bonded • • • • • Excavator Backhoe Dump Truck Dozer Loader Work •Gravel Delivery •Road Building & Repair •Ditching •Septic Systems •Lot Development •Residential Site-Prep For New Homes Office: 509-796-3030 • Cell: 509-721-0168 January 07, 2015 Lincoln Advertiser Saint Croix Lambs for sale. Bottle babies. $25.00 each. Call 509-721-0233; leave message. LINCOLN SAWMILL STORAGE Located next to Lincoln Launch, 509-636-3642 TARBERT WELL DRILLING Since 1963 509-725-0703 Lic. #TARBED*954CJ Minnkota I-Pilot trolling motor, 54” shaft, 70lb. thrust, 24 volt. All papers, instructions; excellent condition. $550.00 OBO (new $1,037). Call 509-647-5309 Seasoned Firewood: $40/half-cord - not split. Cut to length 16” $120 for cut and split cord, $30 for seasoned logs. 509-721-1498; 509-720-4311 Fast Weight Loss Informational Workshop Sponsored by Dr. Deanna Davidson, Ideal Protein Physician Tuesday, January 20 • 5:30 p.m. at Dr. Davidson’s Office at Lincoln Hospital (use Physical Therapy entrance) RSVP to 725-6560 For more information call 509-725-6560 23623 SR 28 N. Davenport, WA MIKE’S AUTOMOTIVE 725-1765 We are your DODGE DIESEL PICKUP maintenance specialists. To help insure maximum performance from your rig visit us for your maintenance needs. YOUR COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR ON DOMESTIC VEHICLES, GM, FORD & CHRYSLER ~FREE Pickup and Delivery~ Specializing in HIGH PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2012 Dodge Ram 3500, Laramie pkg. fully loaded, leather interior, nav., auto, 4x4, crew cab, longbox, $45,950. 2004 DODGE STRATUS, 4 door, V6, automatic, ES model, new tires and brakes, $3,800. Miss Hemi’S PICK OF THE WEEK 1997 DODGE DAKOTA, 4x4, V8, auto, quad dr, new motor, $4,850. 2006 CUMMINS DIESEL, 1 ton dually, quad door, Laramie pkg., long box, 4x4, $26,500 2015 2500 DODGE SLT, 4x4, st. cab, auto, 6.4 Hemi, V8, tow package, $44,450. 1993 FORD LM 9000, L10 Cummins engine, 350hp Jake Brake, 10spd. trans, tandem axle, 20’ Grainmaster box, 3/8 frame, 30 ton hoist, $28,500. 2006 PETERBILT 379 ext. hood, day cab, 500 hp Cat motor, C-15, 13 spd. trans, 3/8 frame. $57,500. 2004 Int. 4400 T.A., DT 530, 300 hp 6sp Allison Auto, 90% rubber, new Grainmaster 20’ bed with 54” sides, 30 ton hoist w/SRT rollup tarp, 58,000 GVW, $69,850. 2006 PETERBILT 379, short hood, C15 Cat, 13 sp., dual exhaust, dual air cleaner, 11-24-5 tires, $42,500. 2005 DODGE CUMMINS DIESEL, 3/4 ton Laramie pkg, leather int., quad dr., short box, canopy, tow pkg., spray in bed liner, auto, 4x4 $18,850 1999 DODGE 1500 1/2 TON, 4x4, quad-door, sport pkg, 5.9 V8 gas, leather int, short box, auto $4,850.00 We can help you find the vehicle of your dreams!! ~Not responsible for typographical errors~ GRAIN TRAILERS FOR RENT: 2325 Rainbow St. Seven Bays, 3bdrm/2bath, W/D hook up, A/C, Large Shop, 1st/last/security deposit + non refundable cleaning deposit; email cdex8789@ yahoo.com or call 360-3877070 Authorized Grainmaster Beds & Hoists Dealer for the State of Washington For rent in Reardan: 2-bedroom home, $500; 1-bedroom duplex, $475; 1-bedroom home, $475. 509-796-4731 ABANDONED/JUNK VEHICLE REMOVAL All Service Towing specializes in the removal of those unsightly vehicles at no cost to you. For more information or to schedule removal today, call 509-534-2268. 3 Davenport Little Guys Wrestling Have you heard? The Wrestling Room is the place to be! Did you know??? Wrestling develops self-confidence, brotherhood, discipline, self-sufficiency, nutritional awareness, respect for others, and the ability to face problems head-on. We are having a parent meeting Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m., in the Elementary School Library. If you are interested in having your kids wrestle this year, you must be present at this meeting or contact Matt Schneider as soon as possible. We practice twice a week. Practice starts Thursday, January 8th at 5:30 p.m. in the Wrestling Room. Any questions, please call Matt Schneider at 721-0446 SEE YOU ON THE MATS! Big Bend Excavating, LLC • Excavator • Back Hoe • Dump Truck • Dozer & Grader DC Auto Glass CASEY’S ROOFING, INC. 509-215-0998 Repairs & Replacements Free mobile service Grimmer Schmidt pull behind air compressor, 125 CFM, 130 PSI, 302 Ford, $2000. 509-290-0411. • Retaining Walls • Gravel • Road Building (509) 725-8100 • Septic Systems Office: (509) 725-6543 • Site Development Tim Leipham #BIGBEBE941MM ’S ROOFI NG, Inc. EY S CA Let us put a roof over your head! Serving All of Eastern Washington Tear Off • Re-roof • Repair Flat EPDM Rubber Roof Composition • Metal • Siding • Remodel Pole Buildings • General Contracting 509-239-0103 • 509-721-1613 CASEYRI947LH • Bonded • Insured 19722 Gravelle Road North, Edwall, WA 99008 Caregiver needed: Part-time, am/pm, pay based on experience. Only serious need apply. Please send resume to PO Box 1300, Davenport, WA 99122 ONE & TWO BDRM. APARTMENTS for rent: Davenport Court apartments. Call 509-770-0916. The Reardan Food Bank hours Every 2nd calendar Wednesday, 1:30 - 3 pm and every FOURTH calendar Thursday, 5:30 - 7 pm The Reardan Food Bank serves families residing within the Reardan-Edwall School District. It is located at 100 S. Oak St. in Reardan, just south of US2, downstairs from the Reardan Memorial Library. Reardan Hardware Store GRAND OPENING at our New Location January 21st Refreshments 9:00 to 3:00 Burgers and Hot Dogs 11:00 to 1:00 810 W. Broadway Street, Reardan Call Travis at 796-2611 for your hardware needs 4 January 07, 2015 Lincoln Advertiser the porch AntiqueShop Now open Sunday 12am-4pm! Hwy. 2 in Creston, WA Hours: Sat-Wed 10am-4pm 1-208-661- 2358 We buy and sell! ADVANTAGE TAXIDERMY Bringing your trophies to life. . . Dave Hubbard & Chuck Berg Taxidermist & Wildlife Artists 29701 Telford R. N. Davenport, WA 99122 Dave - 509.721.0383 c / 509.725.5678 h Chuck - 509.641.0662 c Like us on Facebook dchubbard15@gmail.com web: advantagetaxidermywa.com CONCRETE Copenhaver Construction, Inc. is delivering concrete in Lincoln County and the surrounding areas. Discounts for ordering 3 days or more in advance. For questions or to place an order, please call 509-636-2121 Custom Remodeling Contracting, Inc. 30 Years Experience Lic. CCPINERC1911OS (509) 725-8006 (509) 721-1816-cell Michael Van Pevenage, RPT 506 Morgan, Davenport A department of Lincoln Hospital Individualized Physical Therapy Care • Work or Sports Injury Rehabilitation • Low-back, neck, or joint pain • Joint replacement/surgery rehabilitation • Balance Training & Strengthening "Superfeet" and custom Orthotics Experience the benefits of Peak Fitness! 725-PEAK (7325) Ben Foley 509-725-DOOR (3667) Serving Eastern Washington Since 1996 Overhead Doors • Electric & Remote Openers New Construction • Repair • Replacement Lic. # ALLSTGD966DK • www.allstargaragedoors.com For Rent: Nice 3 bedroom house available Jan. 3rd. $650/mo. 509499-6926 SAVE THE DATE BETH KRAUSE will be turning 90 on January 14, 2015. Nanny Needed. Monday - Thursday, 8am – 5pm. Starts March 2nd. Call or text Carey for more info. 307-699-4649 Due to the uncertainty of January weather, there will be a birthday celebration held in her honor at the Davenport Memorial Hall on MARCH 14, 2015. The Davenport School District is seeking a FT Maintenance/Groundskeeper/ Custodian. Qualifications: HS Diploma or equivalent, HVAC experience preferred, Minimum 3 year building maintenance experience or equivalent training, working knowledge of computers, valid driver’s license, pass the WA State Patrol/FBI background check. Job Closes: Tuesday, January 13, 2015. Job descriptions can be found at the district office, website and requested by phone. Contact: Cindy Duenwald, 509-725-1481, 801 7th Street, Davenport, WA. www.davenport.wednet. edu, cinduenwald@davenport.wednet.edu, Davenport School District is an equal opportunity employer. FOR SALE: 1991 TOYOTA 4-RUNNER, V-6, 3.0 EFI, 4x4, 5 spd., 270,710 miles, sun roof, power windows, new tires, battery, tune-up, rebuilt radiator and new muffler in 2013. $1,950.00 OBO. Call 509-990-7670. NORTH STAR HALL If you have any memorbillia, artifacts, photos and/or stories we can acquire, borrow, photograph or reproduce, we’d love to hear about it! We are putting together a wall of history to share the history of the building, people and communities who congregated at the old school and North Star Hall/Grange. Val, 509-725-0841 Hope to see you there! (Details to Follow) Reardan United Methodist Church! Reardan United Methodist Church invites you to worship with us! Sunday, January 11th Welcome! Wed., Jan 7 ...................................................... There will be no Evening Service Thurs, Jan 8 6:00 p.m., Soup dinner followed by planning meeting for this year’s church calendar, please plan to attend, we welcome your input. Sat, Jan 10 6:p.m., Saturday night at the movies “Singing in the Rain.” Sun, Jan 11 9:45 a.m., Sunday School Classes - All Ages Adult class “Why Worry”.................................................................... Andy Stanley 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship Service Romans 12...................................................................Pastor Larry Anderson 6:00 p.m. • Revival Reflections Prayer Meeting At Highland Park UMC............................................ Rev. John Southwick All are welcome - PLEASE JOIN US! 155 S. Oak Street • Reardan WA 99029 • 509-796-2315 DAN B JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Over 30 Years Experience Personal Injury • Medical • • • Malpractice Insurance Claims • Wrongful Death • Legal Malpractice Family Law • Dog Bites • Auto & Motorcycle Accidents General Litigation • Federal Criminal Defense Criminal Defense • • DUI Juvenile Law • • Felonies Misdemeanors DIVORCE - CHILD SUPPORT STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS Former Deputy Prosecutor 1982-1988 509-483-5311 Northtown Office Building 4407 N DIVISION, SUITE 601 • Spokane TOPNOTCH DRYWALL Residential • Commercial • Remodel Hanging • Taping • Texture • Painting Steve Donohue - (509) 936-1044 E-mail: topnotchwa@gmail.com Licensed • Bonded • Insured • TOPNOD*019C4 January 07, 2015 Lincoln Advertiser “I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something. 509-725-3500 • 509-721-1289 Complete Electrical and Well Pump Service Commercial • Industrial • Residential Info@halmeelectricandpump.com WA License # HALMEEP877RU Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. Davenport/Edwall United Methodist Church 509-725-7901 Pastor Dirk Robinson Davenport Edwall Sunday School.................... 8:30am Sunday School and Adult Bible Study............. 10:00am Sunday Service*.................. 9:00am Sunday Service*...............11:00am **Bible Study, Tuesday........ 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal,Wed........ 6:30pm Dec. 2 & 4 - No Bible Study Dec. 14, 4:30pm **Bible Study, Thursday..... 6:30pm Carols & Candlelight at Zion Lutheran *Nursery Provided ** “The Journey” by Adam Hamilton Davenport United Methodist Church 201 6th St.•Davenport 5 Tiny micro-teacup pigs Born December 23, 2014. So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life. Fat, healthy, handled every day, and litter trained. Mom and Dad onsite. These won’t last long. Come see them. Ready in February. Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it. 509-639-2393 • 1-888-214-9820 Make your mistakes, next year and forever.” ― Neil Gaiman Christmas Eve Services Edwall 5:00 p.m. Davenport, 7:00 p.m. 5 Edwall United Methodist Church 16711 Washiington St. N•Edwall Linda 509-253-4416 Harrington, WA sSs Short Septic Service, Inc. Septic Tank Pumping • Portable Toilet Rental Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Tank Locating Serving You Since 1988 • Larry Short • Almira, WA Licensed • Bonded • Insured Custom Shops, Barns, Garages, etc. POLE BUILDINGS or STICK FRAME Doing Business Since 1999! “A Better Way To Advertise” WANT ADS Deadline: Monday at 3:00 p.m. 15 Words or Less = $5.00 • Additional Words = 10¢ each Mail to. . .PO Box 837, Davenport, WA 99122 Please enclose payment with order. HOURS: Monday thru Friday, 830 a.m. to 4 p.m. • CLOSED weekends ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Number of words this ad ____________________ First 15 words $5.00 ____________________ Extra words 10¢ each ____________________ Cost per week ____________________ Number of weeks ____________________ YOUR COST$___________________ FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED The STIMSON GUARANTEE... OUR IN-HOUSE CREWS INSURE YOU... ✓ Start Date & Completion Date on EVERY CONTRACT! ✓ One-on-One Daily Contact with YourForeman ✓ Quality Materials from Local Distributors ✓ More Control Over Your Project ✓ Polite, Honest, Cordial Crews ✓ Clean & Tidy Building Site For ads 1/4 page or Larger, deadline is Monday at noon. 509-725-8007 • 800-725-8047 FAX 509-725-8026 parksprint@centurytel.net 11515 W. Sunset Hwy. Airway Heights,WA 509 244-2636 Financing Available OAC Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Licensed, Bonded & Insured STIMSC1930MQ www.stimsonco.com 6 January 07, 2015 Lincoln Advertiser It takes a village to keep Davenport Theatrical alive! All of us at Davenport Theatrical are volunteers but there aren’t enough of us! Please consider joining us backstage (or on stage) for our next production (coming in February - which means there will be lots to do between November and Valentine’s day!). We need helpers for everything from set construction to makeup, from distributing posters to hosting intermission. No experience necessary, no big time commitment, and it’s fun - come join us! Contact us at: volunteeratdt@gmail. com THANK YOU to those who have responded - we look forward to working with you! 509-253-4352 Deadline: 3 p.m. Monday (Noon for display ads) 509-725-8007 • 800-725-8047 FAX 725-8026 e-mail: ads@lincolnadvertiser.com Information or opinions expressed by advertisers in no way reflect the opinions of the Lincoln Advertiser, any affiliate, nor any employee thereof. The Lincoln Advertiser, nor any of its affiliates or employees, makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, opinion, apparatus or product advertised herein. The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions or connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in a subsequent issue or the refund of monies paid for the advertisement. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or pre-printed insert. The publisher reserves the right to change advertising rates as necessary. Small and Large Animal Services • Large Animal Mobile Clinic Number One in Diesel Performance at an unbeatable price! 1202 Monroe • Davenport • Dale Erickson, D.V.M. General Construction For All Your Building Needs P.O. Box 1332, Davenport, WA 99122 ty@fnaperformance.com fnaperformance.com (509) 290-4400 DIAMOND • Roofing • Siding • Remodels • Additions CONSTRUCTION • Pole Buildings (Kits or Complete) Toll FREE 1-888-982-2192 Tom VanDer Ende DIAMOC*088NE BUSINESS DIRECTORY t: 509-725-2000 f: 509-725-4231 Stacie Nichols, O.D. “A Better WayTo Advertise” ~Please Call for an Appointment~ Real Estate Certification FnA Davenport Clinic Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Davenport: 877-335-4213 or 725-7448 Local Hunters: 877-365-9223 or 722-4131 Local 40 Years Reliable Service Programmers, Chips, Cold Air Intake, Hitches, Exhaust, Air Bags and much more! Davenport Veterinary Clinic davenport000@centurytel.net PO Box 27, 506 8th Street Davenport, WA 99122 Hours: M-Th 8-5, Fri & Sat by appointment Specializing in Family Eye Care - Contact Lenses - Quality Eyewear Knute J. Hernas, DDS, PS Exceptional Dentistry New Hours: Monday & Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Closed Friday Phone: 509-725-6281 Lincoln Medical Center Davenport, WA 99122 VALLEY CONTRACTORS Davenport Family Dentistry "Your Local Steel Building Contractor" Don Staley Dr. David Turner 707 Logan • Davenport 725-1181 • 1-800-432-5687 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday Vallec101KS 509-725-2044 Lincoln Hospital & NBMC COUNSELING LINCOLN COUNTY ALCOHOL/DRUG CENTER Lincoln Davenport Reardan Wilbur HospitalClinicClinicClinic 509-725-7101 509-725-7501 Your Comfort Is Our First Concern 509-796-2737 509-647-5321 1-888-474-2728 Deanna Davidson, DO, General Surgeon 509-725-6560 To Advertise in this Space for ONLY $9.45 per week call 509-725-8007 or 1-800-725-8047 Jan Wigen, Director * DUI Assessment 510 Morgan • Davenport • 725-2111 Hours: Monday thru Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. A Community Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Treatment Center serving Lincoln County 1211 Merriam, Davenport - 725-3001 or 1-888-725-3001 Mon. - Fri., 8 - 4:30 Mental Healthcare Crisis Line 1-888-380-6823 (509) 215-0990 Siding Specialists • All types Roofing • Carpentry • Windows • Bathrooms Financing Available • FREE Estimates • Professional • 40 Years Experience WA Lic JMJEANJ88OM3 J.M. Jeanneret, General Contractor • 509 496-5807 Christine K. Anderson, MA, LMHC Davenport Chamber of Commerce Counseling and Psychotherapy counseling@christinekanderson.com 100 Third Street, Suite 2 Lincoln Medical Center Davenport, WA 99122 www.davenportwa.org January 07, 2015 LOST CHIHUAHUA Tan and White Has Davenport City tag. Female. Older owner is missing her chihuahua. Lost since Friday, January 2, 2015. Last seen at 1006 Park St., Davenport. Lincoln Advertiser 7 Have you been diagnosed with Pre-Diabetes? Pre-diabetes affects more than 79 million Americans, are you one of them? If you or someone you know is at risk for or has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, please join us. This is a two-part class series. All participants will receive a free testing meter. Class 1: Jan. 12, 5:30—7:30 Class 2: Jan. 19, 5:30—6:30 Kembel Conference Rm Lincoln Hospital Davenport, WA Get PRINCESS Home to Momma. Please call 509-215-0558 or 509-215-0207 Please Help! Thank you! Cost is $30, support partners are free! Register by visiting www.cherspokane.org or by calling (509) 232-8145 Questions? Call (509) 725-7501 ext. 455 Memorials & Donations Almira Cemetery Endowment Assoc., Julie Jones, PO Box 114, Almira, WA 99103; Almira, Coulee, Hartline Dollars for Scholars, Gina Boutain 509-639-2541, Almira/Creston/Wilbur Museum, c/o Daryll Bahr, Treasurer, Big Bend Historical Society, 14727 Rux Rd. E., Wilbur, WA 99185; American Cancer Society Lincoln - North Adams Counties, Memorials, Margaret Ensor, 1312 Jefferson St., Davenport, WA 99122, Donations-Doris Ensor, 925 14th St., Davenport, WA 99122; American Heart Association, 140 S. Arthur, Suite 610, Spokane, WA 99202; American Trauma Society, Partners in Savings Lives, Washington Division, Susan Dietrich, 5009 Dubois Drive, Vancouver, WA 98661, 360-695-0339; The Bar 41 Children's Ranch, Brad McDowell, 44500 SR 21 N, Wilbur, WA 99185, 509-647-0117; Care & Share, P.O. Box 217, Davenport WA 99122; Christian Heritage School, P.O. Box 118, Edwall, WA 99008; Claire's Legacy Swimming Pool Fund, PO Box 67, Davenport, WA 99122; Creston Alumni Association, Joanne Hopkins, 35841 Welch Creek Rd. N., Creston, WA 99117, 509-636-2334; Creston Ambulance Fund, Karen Paulsen, City Clerk, Creston, WA 99117; Creston Cemetery Fund, Karen Paulsen, City Clerk, Creston, WA 99117; Creston Christian Church Endowment Fund, Dale Vaughan, 26691 E. Mill Drive, Lincoln, WA 99117. Creston Christian Church Memorial Fund, Claudine Angstrom, P.O. Box 85, Creston, WA 99117; Davenport Ambulance, P.O. Box 704, Davenport, WA 99122; Davenport Community Memorial Hall, for donations contact Dick Wandling. Distinguished Young Woman, P.O. Box 933, Davenport, WA 99122; Davenport Memorial Swimming Fund, P.O. Box 26, c/o City Hall. For future new pool; Davenport Ministerial Association, Ted Broadway-Treasurer, P.O. Box 318, Davenport, WA 99122; Davenport Pioneer Plaza, Davenport Branch, Wheatland Bank. Davenport Public Library, P.O. Box 1169, Davenport, WA 99122. Davenport Public Library, P.O. Box 1169, Davenport, WA 99122; Davenport Senior Center, P.O. Box 1055, Davenport, WA 99122. Davenport Theatrical, 33880 Raugust Rd. E., Davenport, WA 99122; Don Spinning Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 585, Davenport, WA 99122; Edwall Fire & Rescue, Sue Lani Madsen, P.O. Box 107, Edwall, WA 99008; Edwall Public Library, Edwall, WA 99008; Esta Rolfe Memorial Scholarship Fund, The Wheatland Bank, P.O. Box 249, Wilbur, WA 99185. Family Resource Center, P.O. Box 1130, Davenport, WA 99122. Fox's Den Animal Rescue, P.O. Box 244, Sprague, WA 99032; Friends of the Library, Hesseltine Public Library, PO Box 185, Wilbur, WA 99185, Cathy Miller, 509-647-5598. Foundation for Davenport Schools, P.O. Box 196, Davenport, WA 99122; Goosecreek Opry Association, P.O. Box 323, Wilbur, WA 99185, 509-647-0167; Gorilla Booster Club, P.O. Box 1026, Davenport, WA 99122; Habitat For Humanity Lincoln County, Linda Piazza, 42049 Porcupine Bay Rd. N., Davenport, WA 99122; Harrington Food Bank, 204 N. Third St., Harrington, WA 99134, 509-253-4588; Harrington Opera House Society, P.O. Box 618, Harrington 99134; Jake Booth Memorial, PO Box 196, Davenport, WA 99122; Davenport School,725-4021 or Bonnie Booth, 725-8840; Jim Merriott and Orville Widmer Memorial, c/o Jeanie Campbell, Lincoln County Horse Leaders, 32553 Crick Rd. N., Wilbur, WA 99185; Lincoln County 4-H Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 228, Sprague, WA 99032; Lincoln County Cemetery District #1, Buddi Williams, 23912 W. Jacobs Rd., Reardan, WA 99029; Foundation for Davenport School, P.O. Box 196, Davenport, WA 99122; Lincoln County Fair Memorial Fund, P.O. Box 490, Davenport, WA 99122; Lincoln County Museum/Historical Assoc. P.O. Box 585, Davenport, WA 99122; Lincoln Hospital Auxiliary, Glenda Mitchel, P.O. Box 1165, Davenport, WA 99122; Lincoln Hospital Foundation, 10 Nichols St., Davenport (specify if you wish it to go to the endowment fund); Lions Club Care Project, Sydney Schneider, 27750 Evers Rd. Davenport; Maccabee Cemetery Fund, c/o Kathy Harding, 39770 Harding Rd. E., Sprague, WA 99032, 509-257-2818; Mary Queen of Heaven Church Memorial Building Fund, P.O. Box 358, Sprague, WA 99032. Mondovi Cemetery, Rosemary Reagan, 33921 N. Bald Ridge, Davenport, WA 99122; Moses Lake Senior Center 509-762-9115; Odessa Library c/o Odessa Readers Club, P.O. Box 218, Odessa, WA 99159; Odessa Military Monument Memorial, c/o City of Odessa, Odessa, Washington 99159; Okanogan Regional Home Health & Hospice, 1-800-442-0779; Reardan Community Hall, Richard Morrison, P.O. Box 322, Reardan, WA 99029. Reardan Elementary Library Fund, P.O. Box 225, Reardan, WA 99029; Reardan FFA Memorial Scholarship Fund, Casey Nonnemacher, 24399 Janett Rd. N., Davenport, WA 99122. 4-H Leaders Council, P.O. Box 228, Sprague, WA 99032. Reardan Fire & Rescue, P.O. Box 151, Reardan, WA 99029, (509) 796-2623. Reardan Memorial Library, Suzanne Schulz, Librarian, P.O. Box 227, 120 S. Oak, Reardan, WA 99029-0227; Reardan Ministerial Association, P.O. Box 209, Reardan, WA 99029, Pastor Bill Ward, 509-796-2141; Wheatland Little League, P.O. Box 561, Davenport, WA 99122; Reardan Park Improvement Fund, Town of Reardan, P.O. Box 228, Reardan, WA 99029-0228; Reardan/Edwall Float Association, P.O. Box 12, Reardan, WA 99029; Reardan Community Hall, Richard Morrison, P.O. Box 322, Reardan, WA 99029. Sprague Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 17, Sprague, WA; Volunteer Chore, Tootsie Keller, P.O. Box 587, Wilbur, WA 99185; Wheatland Little League Field of Dreams, PO Box 561, Davenport, WA 99122; Wilbur Alumni, P.O. Box 187, Wilbur, WA 99185; Wilbur Cemetery Association, Becky Rettkowski, PO Box 168, Wilbur, WA 99185; Wilbur Community Center, P.O. Box 124, Wilbur, WA 99185, Dick Miller, 509-647-5598; Wilbur Community Swimming Pool Foundation, Roxane Sherwood, Treas., P.O. Box 472 Wilbur, WA 99185. Wilbur Senior Center, P.O. Box 516, Wilbur, WA 99185.; WildCat Booster Club, P.O. Box 268, Wilbur, WA 99185;Wilbur/Creston Girl Scouts, 438 SE County Rd., Wilbur, WA 99185. o e Ai k a Your “LOCAL” Firearms and Ammo Dealer m Need a firearm Transferred? Looking for something in particular? Need help finding a firearm or ammo? Let’s TAKE AIM on your next “Gotta Have”! ATTENTION CUSTOMERS: Santa just put in his order with us for handguns and ammo. (509) 215-0267 Khshortstop2@gmail.com We want you to have an opportunity to get them before he loads them on his sleigh! • Smith & Wesson 380 and 40 cal • keltec-9mm •SCCY 9mm •Walther PPX • Taurus 38spl ... to name a few. 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