Huyton Pastoral Area St. Brigid Aloysius Dominic 1934 477 0250 A registered charity No. 232709 11th Jan 2015 The Baptism of the Lord MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK: THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD (B) SATURDAY 10th January St. Dominic’s 4:00 pm Michael Morrin (anniversary) St. Aloysius 6:00 pm The Parishioners SUNDAY 11th January St. Aloysius 9:00 am Francis Keegan (1st anniversary) St. Dominic’s 10:45 am Pat Doolan MONDAY 12th January St. Dominic’s 8:15 am St. Aloysius 9:15 am TUESDAY 13th January St. Dominic’s 8:15 am St. Aloysius 9:15 am Ray Hunter Moira Pearson (anniversary) Sister Barbara Dooley (Sp. Int) Rose & John Lynch (B/Day.Rem) WEDNESDAY 14th January St. Dominic’s 8:15 am Fr. G. Robson SDB (Sp. Int) St. Aloysius 9:15 am Catherine Russell ( 1st anniversary) THURSDAY 15th January St. Dominic’s 8:15 am Sister Jo (Sp. Int) St. Aloysius 9:30 am Requiem: Caroline (Molly) Errity FRIDAY 16th January St. Dominic’s 8:15 am James Murphy (B/Day.Rem) St. Aloysius 12 Noon Requiem: Edith (Edie) Flanagan SATURDAY 17th January St. Aloysius 9:15 am Mgr. James Judge Rigby SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (B) SATURDAY 17th January St. Dominic’s 4:00 pm Doreen McCabe (B/Day) St. Aloysius 6:00 pm Joan McLoughlin MBE & Bill McLoughlin (ann) SUNDAY 18th January St. Aloysius 9:00 am Jim Armstrong (anniversary) St. Dominic’s 10:45 am The Parishioners PARISH DIGEST CONFESSIONS WILL BE HEARD ON SATURDAY NEXT St. Dominic: 3.30 pm St. Aloysius 5:30 pm until there is nobody waiting COLLECTIONS ST. DOMINIC £291.67 ST. ALOYSIUS £530.41 Thank You “The Lord who sees all that is done in secret will reward you” Matt 6:4 Fr. Ealey Email Fr. Ealey: Parish Internet Site Address is: St. Aloysius Facebook Page/Groups: St Aloysius Church Roby St. Dominic’s Church Huyton Primary Schools Internet Site Address is: Phone numbers: Fr. Ealey: Parish No. 0151 477 0250 Fax: 0151 477 0254 Primary Schools: Hope 0151 477 8300 St. Aloysius 0151 477 8110 Sister Jo: 0151 228 8064 BAPTISM The next preparation meetings at St. Aloysius will be held on WEDNESDAY 28th January 2015 at 7:30 pm St. Dominic’s will be held on THURSDAY’S 5th & 12th February 2015 at 7:00 pm If you would like your child to be baptised, then please collect a pre-Baptismal form from either the Presbytery or the Sacristy. Prayer intentions of Pope Francis for JANUARY 2015 His universal Prayer intention is: That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. His prayer intention for evangelization is: That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal © VATICAN CITY, 2014 (VIS) Knowsley is Taking Control in 2015 The Take Control team will return to Knowsley this month helping to raise awareness of the importance of getting checked out straight away if you spot any of the signs of cancer. The team will be visiting the following parts of the borough this month: Monday 12 January, Huyton town centre Thursday 15 January, Kirkby Saturday 17 January, Prescot Monday 19 January, Halewood Wednesday 21 January, Stockbridge Saturday 24 January, Huyton town centre Take Control is Knowsley’s public health campaign promoting the importance of early detection, as finding cancer early can really improve the chances of treatment being successful. Find ‘TakeControlKnow’ on Facebook or follow ‘TakeControlKnow’ on Twitter. BUILDING FUND ST ALOYSIUS Last week we received: £156.10f rom the box in Church, giving us a grand total of £22,371.38 ST DOMINIC Last week we received: £133.40 Giving us a grand total of £7,068.16 Thank you to you all for your continued support. PRAYER REQUESTS Your valuable prayers are asked for: Margaret Anderson, Baby Alice, James Barton, Paul Barton, Alex Basnett, Alison Bentley, Agnes Bird, Bob Bleasdale, Joan Boyce, Anne Brophy, Rebecca Brown, Ronnie Brown, Danny Bruns, Patrick Anthony Byrne, John Callon, Lallan Campbell, Sarah Campbell, Shirley Campbell, Stephen Philip Campbell, Nora Capper, Eileen Carson, Flo Carter, Ann Jane Clark, Ann & Bert Coomres, Lu Corbett, Maisie Corcoran, John Day, Peggy D'Cruze, Vera Dealing, Fr. Peter Dooley SDB, Colette Duncan-Ventre, Victoria Hill Edmondson, Alan Edwards, Michael Edwards, Mark Fairclough, Ann Finegan, James Finegan, Ursula Mary Erfani, Sheila Evans, Barbara Farley, Paul Fillis, Ann Fulton, Peter Furlong, Anne Gavin, Barbara Gallagher, Anne & Billy Gerrity, Marie Gibbons, Gerrard Gibbons, Winnie Gray, David Graham, Eddie Grayley, Margaret Hannah, Florence Harris, Mrs Haydn, Jimmy Healey, Tom Heeley, Michael Houghton, Barbara Jones, Joanne Jongeneelen, Kathy Keegan, Marie Keelan, James Keelan, John Kelly, Robert Kelly, Fr. Michael Lee, Jean & Bob Levy, Alan Lewis, Daniel Lowe (age 6), Pat Mahoney, Peggy Maitland, Carol Marshall, Beryl McCall, Joan McCardle, Frances McShane, Gary McClure, Ann McCoy, Joan McGuire, Jennifer McKeown, Geraldine, James Miller, Billy Moran, Kenny Moran, Eddie Monroe, Julie Morgan, Saul Morley, Betty Morris, Joyce Morris, Joe Murphy, Mary Murphy, Tommy Murphy, Margaret Murray Kathy Nolan, Jimmy O'Donnell, Alfie O'Sullivan, Michael Owen, Barbara Owens, Jonathan Owens, Mary Patton, Claire Pendleton, Stevie Perry, Helena Pike, Denis Ratcliffe, Dave Renshaw, Jean Riley, Winifred Robinson, Fr. George Robson SDB, Pauline Ryder, Rose Saunders, Maureen Scanlon, Keith Stanyer, Betty Taylor, Mr Billy Taylor, Gary Taylor, Ruth Terry, Terry Thompson, Nell Till, Josie Trundle, Dave Tully, Lily Ungi, Collette Ventre, Lynn Walker, Harry Weetly, Katie Westwell, James Whittaker, Fiona Wilson, Lee Woods, Pauline Wright and residents of Crawshaw Court, Edenhurst Court, Finch Manor, Paisley Court, St. Bartholomew's Court and Whitestone Lodge Care Homes. who are sick. HEAL THY SERVANTS, O LORD, WHO ARE SICK AND PUT THEIR TRUST IN THEE.SEND THEM HELP,O LORD, AND COMFORT, FROM THY HOLY PLACE. Responding to the Call Vocation Discernment Group To support those exploring Vocations to the Priesthood in our diocese, a monthly day of recollection has been organised for the first Saturday of each month. These days will help men who feel called to ordained ministry to discover more about diocesan priesthood and meet others discerning a call to priesthood. There will be an opportunity to talk with and hear from priests who minister in the diocese, and also a time for prayer and discussion. The first day of recollection will take place on Saturday 7th February at St. Charles’ Presbytery, 224 Aigburth Road, Liverpool. For further information, please contact Fr James Preston, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Liverpool, at or telephone: 0151 727 2493. Regular updates will be posted on our Facebook page: Archdiocese of Liverpool Vocations “How does one become a priest? This is an initiative which the Lord takes. The Lord calls. He calls each of those whom he wills to become priests. Perhaps there are some young men present who have heard this call in their hearts… If some of you have heard this call in your hearts, it is Jesus who has placed it there. Pay attention to this invitation and pray that it might grow and bear fruit for the whole Church.” Pope Francis OF YOUR CHARITY PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF Maureen Powell, Marie Elaine Walsh, Caroline (Molly) Errity, Joseph (Joe) Robinson, Edith (Edie) Flanagan, Herbert Coombes, Michael Morrin, Ray Hunter, Rose & John Lynch, James Murphy, Mgr. James Judge Rigby and Bill McLoughlin who have died and Francis Keegan, Moira Pearson, Catherine Russell Joan McLoughlin MBE, Jim Armstrong , Canon John O’Connor (1996), Father Bernard Boardman (2000) and Father Richard Coughlan (2006) whose anniversaries occur around this time. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. Advance Notice ANNUAL MISSION APPEAL 2015 Will be given by “The Columban Fathers” They will be appealing at all the Masses on the weekend of 30th & 31st May 2015 at both St. Aloysius and St. Dominic’s. Please pray for the work of The Columban Father’s, especially their cross - cultural mission work in Asia, the Pacific and Latin America. SYMPATHY We offer our deepest sympathy to the family of: MAUREEN POWELL who died on 22nd December, age 63. formerly of: Princess Drive, Liverpool 14. A Requiem Mass was celebrated for Maureen, at St. Dominic’s Church on Wednesday7th January 2015. This was followed by a short Interment service at Ford Cemetery. MARIE ELAINE WALSH who died on 26th December, age 67. formerly of: Cuper Crescent and lately of Oran Way, Huyton There will be a Full Committal Service for Marie, at St Helens Crematorium, Rainford Road, St. Helens, WA10 6DF at 2 pm on Tuesday 13th January 2015. With Cremation following on. CAROLINE (Molly) ERRITY who died on 2nd January, age 87. formerly of: Cotsford Road, Huyton and lately of The Orchard Nursing Home. There will be a Requiem Mass for Molly, at St. Aloysius Church on Thursday 15th January 2015 at 9:30 am. This will be followed by a short committal service of interment at Springwood Crematorium, Springwood Ave, Liverpool. L25 7UN. JOSEPH (Joe) ROBINSON who died on 30th December, age 68. formerly of: Hurst Park Drive, Huyton There will be a Funeral Service for Joe, at St. Aloysius Church on Thursday 15th January 2015 at 1 pm. This will be followed by a short service of Interment at Knowsley Cemetery, Fox’s Bank Lane, Whiston, L35 3SS. EDITH (Edie) FLANAGAN who died on 2nd January, age 87. formerly of: Western Avenue, Huyton and lately of John Joseph Powell Nursing Home. There will be a Requiem Mass for Edie, at St. Aloysius Church on Friday16th January 2015 at 12 Noon. This will be followed by a short committal service of interment at St Helens Crematorium, Rainford Road, St. Helens, WA10 6DF HERBERT COOMES who died on 27th December, age73. formerly of: Murcote Road, Liverpool 14 There will be a Funeral Service for Herbert, at St. Dominic’s Church on Monday 19th January 2015 at 11:00 am. This will be followed by a short committal service at Anfield Crematorium, Priory Road, Liverpool L4 2SL Requiescant In Pace (May they rest in peace) Feasts and Memorials Wednesday, 14th January 2015 Memorial of St. Kentigern, Bishop Born about 516. Brought up in the discipline and piety of St. Servanus, Abbot of Gilross, he was sent to Glasgow and became Bishop there. Known as Mungo, one dearly beloved‘, he was vigorous in defence of the faith against Pelagianism, and he was outstanding in piety and missionary zeal. Saturday 17th January 2015 Memorial of St. Anthony, Abbot Born in Upper Egypt in 251, from 286 to 306 he lived in complete solitude in a deserted fort. He left his solitude to guide his disciples who had gathered around him and from his monastery went to Alexandria to encourage the confessors during the persecution of Maximinus. Other Saints this week: Monday 12th January 2015 Optional Memorial of St. Aelred of Rievaulx, Abbot Born in 1110, Aelred entered the recently founded abbey of Rievaulx in 1134. Tuesday 13th January 2015 Optional Memorial of St. Hilary, Bishop and Doctor Hilary was born at Poitiers c.315 of wealthy pagan parents. He became an orator, married, and had a daughter. In 350 he became a Christian through a long process of study. Sunday 18th January 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (year B) Order of Divine Office and Mass Compiled, edited and © 2014 by Rev. John Ealey. Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom my soul delights. I have endowed him with my spirit that he may bring true justice to the nations. (Isaiah 42:1) DIVINE MERCY Taken from Saint Faustina’s Diary Love casts out fear. Since I came to love God with my whole being and with all the strength of my heart, fear has left me. Even if I were to hear the most terrifying things about God's justice, I would not fear Him at all, because I have come to know Him well. God is love, and His spirit is peace. I see now that my deeds which have flowed from love are more perfect than those which I have done out of fear. I have placed my trust in God and fear nothing. I have given myself over to His holy will; let Him do with me as He wishes, and I will still love Him. NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR This Novena will be celebrated this WEDNESDAY morning immediately after the 9:15 am morning mass at St. Aloysius. Many who follow this novena receive many graces and blessings. All are Welcome. Days of Reflection at Sandymount Retreat House near Crosby Saturday 28th February Lenten Day of Reflection Led by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon Archbishop of Liverpool DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS These will be recited for about 15 mins before the 6:00pm Mass at St. Aloysius each Saturday (at around 5:45pm). Saturday 14th March Preparing for Easter Led by Father Daniel O’Leary Author and Spiritual Guide £20 per day, simple lunch included More information at or This Novena is celebrated this and every Tuesday at 7:30 pm at St. Aloysius Church, in the Main Church, entrance via the side door of Church. Many who follow this Novena receive many blessings through the powerful intercession of St. Anthony. Prayer Week 5 All Are Very Welcome FCJ Vocations Weekend FCJ House, Wavertree, Liverpool 23rd - 25th January 2015 For young women considering the vocation to religious life. There will be input from FCJ sisters on different aspects of vowed life, prayer, reflection and discussion with other young women who are considering the vocation to religious life For more information od to book a place, contact Sr Lynne FCJ: FAITHFUL COMPANIONS OF JESUS ORDINARY TIME WINTER During Ordinary Time (Winter), i.e. up to Lent, we are asked to pray for these intentions: Peace on Earth; Christian Unity; Students and Teachers; Victims of Trafficking and Those who Work to Combat it; The Sick and Those Who Care for Them; The Unemployed Peace Day Sunday 18 January [2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time] Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January Education Day Sunday 1 February [3 Sundays before 1st of Lent] Day for Victims of Trafficking Sunday 8 February [St Josephine Bakhita] World Day for the Sick Wednesday 11 February Day of the Unemployed Sunday 15 February [Sunday before 1st Sunday of Lent] ORDINARY TIME WINTER With You Always Sacramental Programme 2014 - 2015 Archbishop Malcolm McMahon will be coming to St. Dominic’s Church on Friday 27th March 2015 at 4 pm. During a simple service he will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on all the children from both St. Dominic’s and St. Aloysius parishes who are on the this year’s sacramental programme.
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