Pastor: Michael O’Rourke, O.P. 333-2635 Parochial Vicar: John Dominic Sims, O.P. Deacon: John S. Pippenger Deacon: Lloyd E. Huck 416-3113 Dominicans in Residence Daniel Shanahan, O.P., Prior Richard Archer, O.P. Richard Bontempo, O.P. Victor Brown, O.P. David Caron, O.P. Thomas Condon, O.P. Philip Neri Powell, O.P. David Keong Seid, O.P. Roger Shondel, O.P. Religious Education Coordinator/CCD John Smestad, Jr., M.R.E. 486-9731 Pastor’s Secretary: Marlene Hug Sacristan: Joseph Monistere Maintenance Supervisor: Timothy Todd 715-3995 St. Dominic School 6326 Memphis Street New Orleans, LA 70124 482-4123 Principal: Adrianne M. LeBlanc Assistant Principal: Sr. Marie Jo Lazzeri, S.S.N.D. Special Events Coordinator: Pam McKay Falter 775 Harrison Avenue New Orleans, LA 70124 (504) 482-4156 Fax: (504) 488-0906 St. Dominic Church 775 Harrison Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70124 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 504-482-4156 Fax 504-488-0906 Parish Ministries and Contact Persons ADULT CHOIR Timothy Todd Simmons ALTAR SERVERS George Voulgarakis 451-4544 CCD John Smestad, Jr., M.R.E. 486-9731 CONTEMPORARIES Beverly McSweeney 296-1236/833-0035 CYO John Smestad, Jr., M.R.E. 813-3003 DOMINICAN LAITY Dr. John Patrick Jordan 282-5360 EMMAUS RETREAT MINISTRY Men's: Brad Murret 481-8012/288-1480 Women: Annalaura Natal 496-6674 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Pamela Rieth 452-2435 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS/HOME VISITOR Richard Kethley 570-0260 FAMILY LIFE /EVENING FOR THE ENGAGED Deacon John and Linda Pippenger835-6479/610-3858 FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred Yoder 415-4242 FRIENDS OF ST. VINCENT dePAUL Jim Kenny 218-4428 HOLY NAME SOCIETY Charlie Meaux 486-4420 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Victor J. Welker 284-8377 LAY CARMELITES Rachael Plaisance 251-1580 LAY PRESIDERS Charlotte Crusta 282-9519 LECTORS John Keenan 812-1634 LITURGY COMMITTEE Deacon John Pippenger 835-6479 MEN'S CLUB Michael Lizano 812-8032 MONDAY NIGHT ROSARY Rose Testa 288-0717 MOTHER'S CLUB Arlea Keller 289-3129 Michelle Stroud 273-3770 MOTHERS with YOUNG CHILDREN Brittany Huling PASTORAL COUNCIL Mary Moises 486-6777 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Shelley Wild 909-9991 PRAYER BLANKETS Debbie and Ron Landry 488-6003 PRAYER LINE 483-9786 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Fr. John Dominic Sims, O.P. 482-4156 ROSARIANS Barbara Cina 288-8804 ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Cynthia Schulin 282-7097 Tricia Patterson 486-6130 SCHOOL BOARD Cheryl Pittman 283-0512 SERRA VOCATION CHALICE Kay Fitzmorris 304-2789 ST. MONICA PRAYER GROUP Marilyn Turner 828-2291 USHER'S Victor J. Welker 284-8377 Mass Schedule Matrimony Daily Masses: Monday through Friday 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM Saturday: 8:30 AM Baptism Classes: Contact the Parish Office to register. Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM Arrangements must be made at least six months in Sunday Masses 8:00 and 10:30 AM, 12:15 and 5:30 PM advance. Contact one of the priests or deacons of the parish. Masscare (Babysitting) ages 9 mos. and up during the Baptisms 10:30 Mass in the Rectory Siena Room. By prior arrangement. Reconciliation Saturday 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM and Monday through Friday before each weekday Mass First Communion and Confirmation The candidate must have at least 2 consecutive years of religious instruction (Catholic school or CCD) prior to reception of these sacraments. Please contact the CCD director for more information. We offer Assisted Listening Devices for those with hearing difficulties. Please ask an Usher. December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent Page 3 this week, may we embrace God's will in our lives with the same joy and openness that ultimately allowed Mary to embrace the infant Jesus in her arms on Christmas Day. And the angel said to her in reply, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God." - Luke 1:35 "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word." Mary chose to cooperate with God. She didn't completely understand how his plan was going to unfold. She couldn't have known exactly what it all meant for her future. But she chose to offer herself to God's service nonetheless. And thanks to that generosity, the first Christmas happened nine months later. Mary gives us a powerful example of saying yes to God. For her, the divine plan was revealed through the visit of the angel Gabriel. For us, it is usually revealed in less dramatic ways. We hear God's voice through the readings at Mass, through the homily, through the wise counsel of a trusted friend, through a spiritual book, through an inspirational speaker, or just in the prayerful silence of our own hearts. Regardless of how God speaks to us, we are in a similar situation to Mary's. We are faced with the choice either to accept God's will in our lives, saying yes as Mary did, or to say no and choose a different path. It may be tempting to stick to more familiar ground or to avoid the challenge of surrendering our plans to God. But just look what happened when Mary decided to let God lead: the greatest miracle in all of history! God became man because of a faithful woman. And God wants to work miracles through us too. Every time we cooperate with his will, he transforms us into more loving, more generous people. As we round the corner toward Christmas CHRISTMAS EVE VIGIL MASSES will be at 3:30 PM After the 3:30 PM Mass, we will ask that everyone exit the church with all their belongings and then we will admit folks for the 5:00 PM Children’s Mass 5:00 PM (Children’s Mass) Midnight Mass CHRISTMAS DAY MASSES 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:15 PM Adoration Chapel closes December 23rd night at midnight and will reopen December 26th at 8:00 AM. Thursday, January 1st, is the Octave of Christmas, SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD - HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION. Vigil Mass on December 31st at 5:30 PM January 1st Masses: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:15 PM Rectory will be closed December 25, 26, and January 1, 2. 4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 Monthly Financial Statement YTD 2014-15 Nov. 14 Ordinary Collections $ $ Other Income1 Total Income $ 85,817 4,213 90,030 $ $ $ 423,602 21,064 444,666 Ordinary Expenses $ Parish Assessment/ Insurance2 $ Total Expenses $ 48,967 $ 305,193 33,741 82,708 $ $ 168,706 473,899 Surplus/(Shortfall) $ 7,322 $ (29,233) 1 Other Income includes certain rental agreements and some special donations to the parish. Income from these sources is pro-rated over the year. Page 4 MASS INTENTIONS WEEK OF DECEMBER 20-26 2014 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20TH 8:30 AM ST. MONICA PRAYER GROUP 4:00 PM MILDRED & JOSEPH LAURENT (D) VINCE “ROCKY” RUSSO (D) PEGGY, JEFFREY & DR. DENNIS JORDAN (D) ALINE MARY WEBRE DASTUGUE (D) PAUL SCHNEIDER, SR. (D) ROBERTA LEININGER (D) REBECCA DEBOISBLANC (D) KORNOVICH FAMILY (L&D) WATKINS FAMILY (L&D) TERRI ORDENEAUX LEBOEUF (D) POOR SOULS LIONEL ADAMS (L) BONNIE SCHULTZ & FAMILY (L&D) THANKSGIVING TO BLESSED VIRGIN MARY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21ST 8:00 AM PRO-POPULO 10:30 AM MICHAEL MCNALLY (FOR HEALING) LENA & WHITNEY A. FULTON, SR. & STELLA GENEROSE (D) ANNA GIOE & ROCCO TOMMASEO (D) LINDA GUASTELLA (D) MAE LESTELLE & JOSEPH ALBERT PRIEZ (D) GLORIA, DRAGO, JOANIE & MARYANN BATINICH (L) MICHAEL FRADY (D) GEORGE & JEAN MARIE AITKEN (D) JEAN DAVIS AITKEN (D) JOSIE PELICANO LOBELLO (D) JOYCE BROWN CADENHEAD (D) MARY MARSOLAN (D) DONALD HUG (D) ROSALIE GENTRY (D) TRUDY BECNEL (D) CHARLES & PARRIS ARNOULT (D) DANIEL MIDKIFF (L) BERTHA BECNEL VICKNAIR (D) ELLEN COMEAUX (D) PAUL W. METZLER (L) JOHN & PEARL FERRAN (D) DELLA MARIE BURKE (D) 12:15 PM CAROL & STEVEN LETTELIER (L) 5:30 PM KEVIN ABASCAL (D) 2 Assessment is the parish’s contribution to the operating expenses of the Archdiocesan administration. Insurance is property and liability insurance for the parish and school buildings and employees. These expenses are prorated over the year. MONDAY, DECEMBER 22ND 8:30 AM EDWARD EGAN (D) 5:30 PM LITA & GERALD LANNAN (D) TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23RD 8:30 AM JOSEPH DECKERT (D) 5:30 PM DOROTHY & NATHAN TANNER (D) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24TH RCIA PROGRAM SUNDAY 8:45 AM-10:15 AM AQUINAS HALL st December 21 topic: Sacraments: Marriage &Holy Orders; Sacramentals January 4th topic: Life in Christ January 11th topic: Commandments 1,2,& 3 ALL ARE INVITED 8:30 AM DEAN LAURENT (D) 3:30 PM PRO-POPULO 5:00 PM PRO-POPULO MIDNIGHT PRO POPULO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25TH 8:00 AM PRO POPULO 10:30 AM PRO POPULO 12:15 PM PRO POPULO FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26TH 8:30 AM MARIA & LINDA GUASTELLA (D) 5:30 PM VIRGINIA & SYLVESTER WITTE (D) 4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 Page 5 Congratulations! Adrianne LeBlanc of New Orleans was December 14, 2014. our winner on Join us after the 10:30 Mass and see who will be the winner of this week's drawing. Baptisms We welcome the Catholic Family. following into our Hollis James Arnemann son of Paul Frank Arnemann & Brittany Boasso Knox David Roberts son of Jacob Roberts & Candace Rovira Need a special gift for a special person? Do you want that gift to last all year long? Do you want it to be something meaningful? Ponder no more! Membership in the St. Dominic Thousand Torch Club is a wonderful Christmas gift for those special people on your list. Please complete the application on page 8 and return it to the rectory office. Adrienne Williams Haines and Joseph Anthony Haines, III were united in Holy Matrimony on December 13, 2014. Please join us ON Christmas day after the 10:30 Mass for the SPECIAL $1,500 CHRISTMAS DRAWING. If you would like to donate to our Christmas Flowers, you will find a special envelope in your packet and in the vestibule. Please place the name of the person you wish to remember on the envelope. This envelope may by placed in any collection. A Mass will be celebrated for all who participate. December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent The CYO will sponsor a Junior High Christmas th Dance for 6 and 7th graders in the parish and their guests on Monday, December 22nd, from 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM in the Knights of Columbus Hall on Vicksburg Street. Students must arrive by 8:00 PM and remain until 9:30 PM. Christmas-themed attire is encouraged. Admission is $10 per person and includes light refreshments. Pizza will be on sale. Page 6 The SERRA VOCATIONAL CHALICE PROGRAM is seeking families to volunteer to receive the chalice at one of the Masses and place it in their home for one week. The family is pledged to saying special prayers each day for vocations to the priesthood in general and our parish in particular. If you are interested please contact Kay Fitzmorris at 304-2789. The CYO will have its Winter Retreat from Friday, December 26 – Sunday, December 28, at the Camp Abbey Retreat Center near Covington. The teenagers on the Peer Ministry Team have planned the retreat around the theme: It’s going to be a Sweet Retreat, and includes small group discussions, activities, free time, and the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. It will be a great opportunity for community -building and faith-building. Check your CYO newsletter or call the director for more information. The last two retreats have had over 80 teens participate each time – don’t miss this one! Space is limited and Confirmation candidates are reminded that this CYO retreat can meet your Confirmation retreat requirement. The deadline to register is December 22nd. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Thursday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:1114; Lk 2:1-14Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Friday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Saturday: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent Page 7 Men’s Emmaus Retreat January 23-25 Put aside the “hustle and bustle” of daily life and attend the Men’s Emmaus Retreat the weekend of January 23-25. The retreat is held at Rosaryville Spirit Life Center and retreat house in beautiful, peaceful Ponchatoula, Louisiana. The retreat is based on the scripture passage “The appearance on the road to Emmaus” (Luke 24: 13-35) and is an uplifting experience that has a profound effect on men’s lives. The retreat begins at 5:00 PM Friday and ends after the 5:30 PM Mass on Sunday. Round trip transportation is provided from St. Dominic Church. Please don’t ignore this opportunity, but pray on it instead. Something special definitely awaits you at Rosaryville! Registration forms can be found on the table in the back of church. Please fill one out and drop it off at the church office or contact one of the men below. Adoration Partners Needed We have a growing list of committed adorers who are in need of a partner to share their adoration hours. If you've been thinking about taking an hour but are unsure that you can attend it every week, one of these hours may work well for you: Sundays at 2PM, 6PM and 9PM Thursdays at 1PM and 5PM Fridays at 1AM and 9AM Saturdays at 10AM and 2PM For more information or to commit, call Shelley at 504-909-9991 or email or StDominic@Adorat For additional information please contact: Norman Madere, (504) 481-0411 or Rick Valadie, (504) 655-8932. Do you have a gluten allergy? We now have a supply of low gluten hosts that the Bishop’s Conference has approved for use in Catholic liturgies. Please advise the priest or deacon before the Mass you attend that you would like to receive a low gluten host and then go to him for communion. Please pray for those who have died. Mary Crosby Brigtsen If you are unable to attend Mass but would like to receive Communion, please call Richard Kethley at 5700260. 4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 Page 8 St. Dominic Parish Thousand Torch Club Tradition has it that St. Dominic of Guzman’s mother, Bl. Jane of Aza, had a dream while she was pregnant with Dominic. In her dream she saw a dog with a lit torch in its mouth, running around the globe, setting the earth on fire. Since the founding of the Order of Preachers, the image of the dog with a lit torch in its mouth has been associated with Dominic and his sons and daughters, the Dominicans, as they seek to spread the fire of the Gospel to the whole world. The Thousand Torch Club is one way that you can help in the mission St. Dominic entrusted to his Order by supporting St. Dominic School, which seeks to instill that fire in the hearts of our children. We are now accepting registrations for the St. Dominic Thousand Torch Club for 2015. The annual membership fee is $50.00 and we will hold 54 drawings – each of which all members will be eligible to win, regardless of whether they have previously won! On the first Sunday of each month, we will draw the number of one member who will receive $1,000.00. On the other Sundays of each month, we will draw the number of one member who will receive $100.00. On Christmas and Easter, we will have an extra drawing in which the winner will receive $1,500.00. We will accept a maximum of 1000 members. The proceeds of the Thousand Torch Club will, as always, support St. Dominic School. If you would like to become a member of the Thousand Torch Club, please fill out the registration form below and return it, along with your $50.00 membership fee for 2015 to St. Dominic Rectory. You may drop these off at the rectory at your convenience, or you may mail them to: The Thousand Torch Club St. Dominic Rectory 775 Harrison Ave. New Orleans, LA 70124-3155 Please select from one to three numbers, between 1 and 1000, as your number for the year. If one of those is available, it will be yours; if none are available, we will assign a number to you. If you are renewing your membership and would like to keep your current number, please indicate that on your registration form. (If you enrolled late this year, your number will remain in the 2015 drawing until your year expires.) Please enroll me in the Thousand Torch Club. Enclosed is my $50.00 membership fee for 2015. The first drawing will be January 4, 2015. My first three choices for my number are (please pick one to three numbers, between 1 and 1000; if none of these are available, we will assign a number to you.): 1. Name: Telephone: E-Mail: 2. 3. Use my number from last year Address: _______ December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent Page 9 The next movie in the "Faith and Film" series on Consecrated Life will be "Doubt" with Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman. It will be shown on Wednesday, January. 21, at 6:30 PM in the Rectory Siena Room. 20th Anniversary of Supper and Substance Saturday January 24, 2015 7:00 p.m. St. Dominic Parish School Gym The Staff of St. Dominic Parish and the Dominican Friars in residence wish you all a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year.
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