Pastor: Michael O’Rourke, O.P. 333-2635 Parochial Vicar: John Dominic Sims, O.P. Deacon: John S. Pippenger Deacon: Lloyd E. Huck 416-3113 Religious Education Coordinator/CCD John Smestad, Jr., M.R.E. 486-9731 Pastor’s Secretary: Marlene Hug Sacristan: Joseph Monistere Maintenance Supervisor: Timothy Todd 715-3995 Dominicans in Residence Daniel Shanahan, O.P., Prior St. Dominic School Richard Archer, O.P. Richard Bontempo, O.P. 6326 Memphis Street Victor Brown, O.P. New Orleans, LA 70124 David Caron, O.P. 482-4123 Thomas Condon, O.P. Principal: Adrianne M. LeBlanc Philip Neri Powell, O.P. Assistant Principal: Sr. Marie Jo Lazzeri, S.S.N.D. David Keong Seid, O.P. Special Events Coordinator: Pam McKay Falter Roger Shondel, O.P. 775 Harrison Avenue New Orleans, LA 70124 (504) 482-4156 Fax: (504) 488-0906 St. Dominic Church 775 Harrison Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70124 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM 504-482-4156 Fax 504-488-0906 Parish Ministries and Contact Persons ADULT CHOIR Timothy Todd Simmons ALTAR SERVERS George Voulgarakis 451-4544 CCD John Smestad, Jr., M.R.E. 486-9731 CONTEMPORARIES Beverly McSweeney 296-1236/833-0035 CYO John Smestad, Jr., M.R.E. 813-3003 DOMINICAN LAITY Dr. John Patrick Jordan 282-5360 EMMAUS RETREAT MINISTRY Men's: Brad Murret 481-8012/288-1480 Women: Annalaura Natal 496-6674 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Pamela Rieth 452-2435 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS/HOME VISITOR Richard Kethley 570-0260 FAMILY LIFE /EVENING FOR THE ENGAGED Deacon John and Linda Pippenger835-6479/610-3858 FINANCE COMMITTEE Fred Yoder 415-4242 FRIENDS OF ST. VINCENT dePAUL Jim Kenny 218-4428 HOLY NAME SOCIETY Charlie Meaux 486-4420 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Victor J. Welker 284-8377 LAY CARMELITES Rachael Plaisance 251-1580 LAY PRESIDERS Charlotte Crusta 282-9519 LECTORS John Keenan 812-1634 LITURGY COMMITTEE Deacon John Pippenger 835-6479 MEN'S CLUB Michael Lizano 812-8032 MONDAY NIGHT ROSARY Rose Testa 288-0717 MOTHER'S CLUB Arlea Keller 289-3129 Michelle Stroud 273-3770 MOTHERS with YOUNG CHILDREN Brittany Huling PASTORAL COUNCIL Mary Moises 486-6777 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Shelley Wild 909-9991 PRAYER BLANKETS Debbie and Ron Landry 488-6003 PRAYER LINE 483-9786 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Fr. John Dominic Sims, O.P. 482-4156 ROSARIANS Barbara Cina 288-8804 ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Cynthia Schulin 282-7097 Tricia Patterson 486-6130 SCHOOL BOARD Cheryl Pittman 283-0512 SERRA VOCATION CHALICE Kay Fitzmorris 304-2789 ST. MONICA PRAYER GROUP Marilyn Turner 828-2291 USHER'S Victor J. Welker 284-8377 Mass Schedule Matrimony Daily Masses: Monday through Friday 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM Saturday: 8:30 AM Baptism Classes: Contact the Parish Office to register. Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM Arrangements must be made at least six months in Sunday Masses 8:00 and 10:30 AM, 12:15 and 5:30 PM advance. Contact one of the priests or deacons of the parish. Masscare (Babysitting) ages 9 mos. and up during the Baptisms 10:30 Mass in the Rectory Siena Room. By prior arrangement. Reconciliation Saturday 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM and Monday through Friday before each weekday Mass First Communion and Confirmation The candidate must have at least 2 consecutive years of religious instruction (Catholic school or CCD) prior to reception of these sacraments. Please contact the CCD director for more information. We offer Assisted Listening Devices for those with hearing difficulties. Please ask an Usher. February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 and to set us free, both through his teachings passed on to us in the Bible and in the Church, and through his action in our lives. We only need to follow his lead. All were amazed and asked one another, "What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him." His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee. Mark 1:27-28 "The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes." Jesus was doing something different. His teaching was new, fresh, surprising. The Jewish people were used to the teaching style of their scribes, the scholars who interpreted the Scriptures and taught the corresponding laws. The scribes were legalists by trade, who focused on what was required of the Jews based on the holy writings. For them, the law was dominant. But when Jesus showed up in the synagogue and began to teach, he was dominant. As the incarnate Son of God, he spoke with an authority that was greater even than the religious laws. And just in case those who heard him doubted his legitimacy, Jesus proved his authority by more than words; he cast out evil spirits. When the people witnessed Jesus commanding "even the unclean spirits" and saw that these spirits obeyed him, they were "amazed" at this "new teaching with authority." What our Jewish ancestors experienced is recorded for us to bolster our own faith. Although we were not there to see these events unfold, if we meditate on the reality of today's Gospel story we will also be astonished and amazed. Jesus is more than a teacher. He is more than a kind man with an attractive philosophy. Jesus has power over the spiritual world! His authority over us is real. And he exercises this authentic authority for our own good. He has the power to do away with evil We will observe the tradition of the Blessing of the Throats in honor of St. Blaise on Tuesday, February 3rd. Throats will be blessed after the 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM Masses. Congratulations! Yvonne Blount of New Orleans was our Torch Club winner on January 25, 2015. Please join us in the Rectory after the 10:30 Mass for coffee and see who will be the lucky $1,000 winner of this week’s Torch Club drawing. It’s easy to join, just fill out the Torch Club application found on page 6, and return to us as quickly as possible. MAINTENANCE COLLECTION We ask you to continue your generosity in contributing to this collection as the utility cost for our church is staggering. This collection will be taken up at all the Masses next weekend. February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time RCIA PROGRAM SUNDAY 8:45 AM-10:15 AM AQUINAS HALL WEEK OF JANUARY 31-FEBRUARY 6, 2015 SATURDAY, JANUARY 31ST 8:30 AM CECILA & BRUCE LONGTIN (D) 4:00 PM February 1st topic: Commandments 7-10 February 8th topic: Prayer ALINE MARY WEBRE DASTUGUE (D) MILDRED & JOSEPH LAURENT (D) SIDNEY JOSEPH BEAULIEU, JR. (D) VINCE “ROCKY” RUSSO (D) BONNIE SCHULTZ & FAMILY (L&D) NANCY BALLAS (D) MARY ELLEN CROSBY BRIGTSEN (D) SPECIAL INTENTION ALL ARE INVITED SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST 8:00 AM PRO-POPULO 10:30 AM MICHAEL MCNALLY (FOR HEALING) LENA & WHITNEY A. FULTON, SR. & STELLA GENEROSE (D) ANNA GIOE & ROCCO TOMMASEO (D) TRUDY BECNEL (D) ELLEN P. COMEAUX (D) SHEILA & RAY NEWTON (L) MELISSA DRAGON (L) MAE LESTELLE & JOSEPH ALBERT PRIEZ (D) GILBERT ST. GERMAIN (D) 12:15 PM DANNY RICCA (D) 5:30 PM KEVIN ABASCAL (D) Page 4 The CYO will have its Mass & Monthly Meeting with 5:30 PM Mass in St. Dominic Church and a meeting in the gym from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on Sunday, February 8th. Presentations will include information on the 2015 summer and mission trips. We hope to see all members there; all interested teens are invited MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND 8:30 AM CLINTON RAY NEWTON (D) 5:30 PM ANTHONY & ANNA RIZZUTO (D) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD 8:30 AM CHARLES & CLEO ZIMMERMAN (D) 5:30 PM KRISSY & GARRETT HEIDINGSFELDER (FOR HEALING) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH 8:30 AM EMMA MARY HUMBRECHT (D) 5:30 PM VIRGINIA & SYLVESTER WITTE (D) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH 8:30 AM SOULS IN PURGATORY 5:30 PM DEAN LAURENT (D) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH 8:30 AM LORENZ FAMILY (L&D) 5:30 PM JOHN & ENID DIMICELI (D) NEW BIBLE STUDY - THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Please plan to join us on February 3, 10, 24 and March 3, 10, & 24 at 7:00 PM in the School Cafeteria for a bible study on the Gospel of Matthew presented by John Fitzmorris. February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time MONDAY NIGHT FATIMA ROSARY GROUP will meet this Monday at the home of Jo-Ann & James Hebert, 735 Jewel St. at 6:45 PM. All are invited. For more information call Rose Testa at 288-0717. Page 5 Statements of Contribution are now available for pick up at the rectory, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. This information comes from the use of envelopes and ACH deposits. B IBLE S TUDY -T HE G OSPEL OF MATTHEW, Tuesday, February 3rd, 7:00 PM School Cafeteria. All are welcome. MEN OF ST. JOSEPH meet every Wednesday at 6:30 AM in Aquinas Hall. For more information contact David Cusimano at 504-343-7229, or visit ST. MONICA PRAYER GROUP will meet on Wednesday, February 4th, 5:30 PM Mass. For more information call Marilyn Turner at 828-2291. MOTHERS WITH YOUNG CHILDREN meet with their children in the Rectory every Thursday from 10:00 AM til noon. For more information contact Brittany Huling at PLEASE PLAN TO JOIN US for MASS on Thursday, February 5th, at 7:00 PM in the ADORATION CHAPEL. Besides offering thanksgiving for all that we have, Mass will be offered for all of the intentions that have been requested. Do you have a gluten allergy? We now have a supply of low gluten hosts that the Bishop’s Conference has approved for use in Catholic liturgies. Please advise the priest or deacon before the Mass you attend that you would like to receive a low gluten host and then go to him for communion. We welcome the following into our Catholic family. Hayes Michael Schaefer son of Leo Schaefer, Jr. & Stephanie Lynn Cheralla Joseph Charles Somers son of Sean Charles Somers & Heather Anne Silbernagel THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! To Father Mike, Miss LeBlanc, Parish and School Staff, The members of the St. Dominic Family Advisory Board, Knights of Columbus #3729, CYO and to all who attended the 20 th Anniversary of Supper and Substance at St. Dominic Parish, thank you for making it a hugh success. Deacon John Pippenger If you wish to have flowers placed on the altar in memory of a loved one, please call Beverly Biondo or Pat Lassalle at 482-8807. Cost $50 per arrangement. 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 Page 6 St. Dominic Parish Thousand Torch Club Tradition has it that St. Dominic of Guzman’s mother, Bl. Jane of Aza, had a dream while she was pregnant with Dominic. In her dream she saw a dog with a lit torch in its mouth, running around the globe, setting the earth on fire. Since the founding of the Order of Preachers, the image of the dog with a lit torch in its mouth has been associated with Dominic and his sons and daughters, the Dominicans, as they seek to spread the fire of the Gospel to the whole world. The Thousand Torch Club is one way that you can help in the mission St. Dominic entrusted to his Order by supporting St. Dominic School, which seeks to instill that fire in the hearts of our children. We are now accepting registrations for the St. Dominic Thousand Torch Club for 2015. The annual membership fee is $50.00 and we will hold 54 drawings – each of which all members will be eligible to win, regardless of whether they have previously won! On the first Sunday of each month, we will draw the number of one member who will receive $1,000.00. On the other Sundays of each month, we will draw the number of one member who will receive $100.00. On Christmas and Easter, we will have an extra drawing in which the winner will receive $1,500.00. We will accept a maximum of 1000 members. The proceeds of the Thousand Torch Club will, as always, support St. Dominic School. If you would like to become a member of the Thousand Torch Club, please fill out the registration form below and return it, along with your $50.00 membership fee for 2015 to St. Dominic Rectory. You may drop these off at the rectory at your convenience, or you may mail them to: The Thousand Torch Club St. Dominic Rectory 775 Harrison Ave. New Orleans, LA 70124-3155 Please select from one to three numbers, between 1 and 1000, as your number for the year. If one of those is available, it will be yours; if none are available, we will assign a number to you. If you are renewing your membership and would like to keep your current number, please indicate that on your registration form. (If you enrolled late this year, your number will remain in the 2015 drawing until your year expires.) Please enroll me in the Thousand Torch Club. Enclosed is my $50.00 membership fee for 2015. My first three choices for my number are (please pick one to three numbers, between 1 and 1000; if none of these are available, we will assign a number to you.): 1. Name: Telephone: E-Mail: 2. 3. Use my number from last year Address: _______ February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Dominic Parish Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Listed below are our current needs. Committed Adorers are needed for the following hours: Tuesdays at 3 PM Saturdays at 1 PM Saturdays at 2 PM Saturdays at 4 PM Saturdays at 5 PM WE HAVE WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO WILL SUB FOR YOU IF YOU CANNOT MAKE YOUR HOUR! Partner Adorers Needed The Committed Adorers for the following hours are requesting partners: Sundays at 6 PM Thursdays at 5 PM Fridays at 1 AM and 9 AM Saturdays at 10 AM Page 7 Covered in prayer: Prayer Blanket Ministry Prayer Blankets… relief to the suffering … peace to the fearful The Prayer Blanket Ministry here at St. Dominic is thriving. Though most of you have heard of this ministry, we want to remind you about its benefits and opportunities to help. At the Masses on the first weekend of each month, the celebrant blesses special blankets, which were made by volunteers and laid over the altar rail. Then at the end of all of the Masses, the congregation is invited to pray over the blankets as they leave the church. This is your first opportunity to help. Please, Come up to the altar rail after Mass and say a special prayer for the ill who will receive the blankets. A blanket and a special prayer card will then be given to parishioners who request them for someone who is physically, emotionally or mentally ill. A blanket can be for anyone, not just parish members. Next opportunity: think about someone who would benefit from such a gift and request one! WE ALSO WELCOME ANYONE WHO IS WILLING TO COMMIT TO AN HOUR ON A TEMPORARY OR OCCASIONAL BASIS. OR, PERHAPS TWO OR MORE PEOPLE COULD GET TOGETHER AND SHARE SOME OF OUR AVAILABLE HOURS. We are grateful that this ministry has been sustained by donations of time, talent, and materials. There are more opportunities. If you want to donate your time and talent to make blankets but don't have the material, we can provide that for you. If you have material but don't sew, we welcome your material donation. In other words, anyone can get involved in this ministry! For more information or to commit, call Shelley at 504-909-9991or email In order to request a blanket, volunteer to help make blankets, or donate materials, please contact Debbie or Ron Landry at 488-6003. February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 8 The ARCHDIOCESAN GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY celebration will take place on Sunday, June 14, 2015, 3:00 PM at St. Philip Neri Church, in Metairie. This year’s celebration will not be a Mass, but a Prayer Service. Attendance of Mass for Sunday obligation will have to be met within one’s parish. To register, please complete the form below and return to the to the Rectory by February 25, 2015. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32] Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22:26b-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18a; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Please join the Sisters of Mount Carmel at our Motherhouse for Open House and Evening Prayer as part of our celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life. 420 Robert. E. Lee Blvd, New Orleans Sunday, February 8, 2015 4:30 p.m. Open House 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer St. Dominic Parish February 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 2 Prayer Blankets Baptism Class 7PM (R) RCIA 8:45 AM-10:15 AM (A) Monday Night Rosary-see bulletin School Family Mass 10:30 AM K & 7th grade Wed St. Blaise 3 Throats blessed after 8:30 AM & 5:30 PM Masses Bible Study-Gospel of Matthew-7 PM (SC) Thu Fri 4 Men of St. Joseph 6:30 AM (A) CCD CLASSES K-6 4-5:30PM (A) 7-11 7-8:30PM (A) Sat 5 6 7 School Liturgy 8:30AM (C) Mothers w/Young Children 10AM (R) Adoration Chapel Mass 7PM (A) Men’s Club Mtg. 7 PM (S) RAS 10:30 Mass/Mtg. (R) St. Monica Prayer Group 5:30 PM Mass (C) 8 World Marriage Day 9 St. Vincent DePaul 7PM (A) 10 Mothers’ Club Mtg. 6:45 PM (S) Bible Study-Gospel of Matthew-7 PM (SC) RCIA 8:45 AM-10:15 AM (A) Men's Emmaus 8 PM (A) 11 Men of St. Joseph 6:30 AM (A) 12 School Liturgy 8:30AM (C) 13 Little Flower 4:30 PM (R) 14 Food for the Poor Mothers w/Young Children 10AM (R) CCD CLASSES K-6 4-5:30PM (A) 7-11 7-8:30PM (A) CYO 5:30 Mass/Mtg. KC Mtg. 6:30 PM (K) Fatima Rosary 7 PM (AC) Men's Emmaus 8 PM (A) Confirmation Rite of Welcome HNS Radio Rosary 6 PM Confirmation Class 7 PM (A) 2nd Collection-Maintenance 15 Food for the Poor 16 No School-Mardi Gras holidays February 16-20 17 18 Masses 8:30 AM & 5:30 PM Ash Wednesday Rectory closed. Men of St. Joseph 6:30 AM (A) Day of Fast & Abstinence 19 Mothers w/Young Children 10AM (R) Men's Emmaus 8 PM (A) 20 Day of Abstinence 21 St. Monica Prayer Group 8:30 AM Mass (C) Stations of the Cross 6 PM(C) Masses 7:00, 8:30 AM, 12:15 & 6:00 PM 22 RCIA -10:30 AM Mass Dominican Laity 1PM (R) 23 School Classes resume Dominican Laity Inquiries 2 PM (A) School Stations of the Cross 2:30 PM (C) Confirmation Class 6:30 PM (A) Monday Night Rosary-see bulletin Pastoral Council 7 PM (R) 2nd Collection: Church in Central & Eastern Europe St. Vincent DePaul 7PM (A) School Board Mtg. 8 PM (S) 24 25 New student registration Parishioners for 2015-16 school year 8:30 AM (S) Men of St. Joseph 6:30 AM (A) Bible Study-Gospel of Matthew-7 PM (SC) CCD CLASSES K-6 4-5:30PM (A) 7-11 7-8:30PM (A) Book Club 7PM(A) Confirmation Class 7 PM (A) Confessions 7-9 PM (C) 26 New student registration NonParishioners for 2015-16 school year 8:30 AM (S) School Liturgy 8:30AM (C) Mothers w/Young Children 10AM (R) Lakeview Crime Prevention 6 PM (R) Men's Emmaus 8 PM (A) 27 Day of Abstinence Stations of the Cross 6 PM(C) Parish Fried Catfish Dinner 6 PM (SC) 28 (S) School (C) Church (R) Rectory (G) Gym (A) Aquinas Hall (K) KC Hall (AC) Adoration Chapel (SC) School Cafeteria
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