South Carolina - Central Savannah River Chapter Serving the entire Central Savannah River Area of South Carolina and Georgia as well as the Midlands and Coastal South Carolina Scan this code on your smart phone to view our website Inside This Issue: CAB & Committees Newsletter Information 2 Pant Fitting Workshop 3 Neighborhood Group Contact Information 4 2015 Sewing Retreat 5 Annual Meeting Photos Bias Cut Blueprint Workshop Member Savings Classified Ads 6-7 8 News from Neighborhood Groups 9-13 NG Group News (cont’d) New and Renewing Members 14 A Word from Our Advertisers 14-15 Calendar of Events 16 ASG Conference 2015 Membership Application 17 Find a Neighborhood Group Near You 18 Happy New Year!!!!!! Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy, productive and fun 2015. Hope everyone had a good holiday season. I did, but I was still making gifts on December 23rd. Every year I plan to start earlier……but that never happens. Maybe my New Year’s resolution should be to start Christmas projects in the summer. For those that were not able to attend the annual meeting in November, you really missed a fun event. The Chapter celebrated its 10th anniversary with a special cake for dessert and recognized all of our past presidents. Those in attendance were presented with a bouquet of flowers to show our appreciation for their service. A special presentation was made to Barbara Dorn, our longest standing member in ASG. A certificate and 1 year of ASG membership was presented to Barbara at her NG meeting later in November, as she was not able to attend the annual meeting. Barbara was been a member since 1988. As a special bonus, first time attendees at an annual meeting received an ASG lapel pin. The silent auction, with over 20 very nice items to bid on brought in just over $210.00, and $38.00 was received from the buy a bag of fabric sale (all proceeds go to the chapter for use in programs and events). Twenty ladies participated in the Mega talent/fashion show. What a thrill to see all the wonderful creations. We have so much talent in our chapter and thanks to those that shared their works. Try to attend next year and join in the fun. We all met new people and renewed friendships! Events scheduled for the first part of this year are filling up, so make sure you get your registration mailed to our treasurer. Don’t wait until the last minute, as supplies need to be ordered, confirmations called in and events have maximum participation levels. There is still space in level 1 and 2 of the Mary McCarthy Pant Fitting Workshop in January (level 3 with personal fitting is full, but you can put your name on the waiting list). The Annual Sewing at the Beach Retreat in April has a few spaces left. (see registration forms in the newsletter) Three days of just sewing and being with friends. What could be better than that (OK, add some chocolate and that will make it better!) Get your projects rounded up to make the most of you sewing time. Remember: no meals to cook, no kids, no husbands, no housework...just a time to enjoy sewing and friends. I am excited about this event. Plans are being made for a variety of programs end events during the year that I hope you will find interesting and educational. In addition to our own ASG events, don’t forget about Sew Expo in Atlanta in March. Let me know if you are interested in attending and I will coordinate names and set a meeting spot at the convention center where we can congregate and plan evening meals together. Check their website for classes, demos and prices. Many of the vendors offer ASG discounts so bring your membership card and don’t forget to ask for the discount with each purchase. Are you making the most of your ASG membership? In addition to NG meetings and chapter events the ASG website has tons of information that is all free with your annual fee. Review other chapter newsletters and get ideas for your group, read Notions magazine on line, and best of all there are over 75 videos and tutorials covering everything from learning to sew, purchasing a machine, advanced sewing techniques and tools, pattern drafting, sergers and their use, projects and now a new section on machine embroidery. There is also an extensive list of links to vendors for all your sewing needs. Make this your New Year’s resolution to become an active user of the website. Happy Stitching with whatever type of project you are working on! Judie’s Journal Judie Travis Seams Sew Simple 1 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 Chapter Advisory Board 2014-15 President Judie Travis 803-798-5479 1st VP—Communications/Outreach VACANT 2nd VP —Education/Events VACANT Secretary Becky Smith 706-228-3051 Treasurer Mary Plexico 803-781-5271 Committee Positions Advertising & Publicity VACANT Chapter Give-back Event Planner VACANT Community Service Coordinator Joyce Bowers 803-644-4084 Education Programmer Cheri Dowd 803-644-0576 E-Mail Coordinator Chris McDowell 803-279-7078 Group Communications Coordinator VACANT Historian VACANT Membership Coordinator Rhonda Wise 803-348-1291 Neighborhood Group Leader Ellen Macklin 803-617-7909 ellemack@bellsouthlnet Newsletter Sandy Costanzo 803-644-8140 Nominations VACANT Retail Liaison Susan Molina 803-298-5113 Retreats & Trips Organizer VACANT Social Events Coordinator VACANT Website Coordinator Marie Lussier 843-875-6633 Newsletter—Seams Sew Simple Editor—Sandy Costanzo Seams Sew Simple is published six times a year: Jan/Feb; March/April; May/June; July/Aug; Sep/Oct & Nov/Dec Advertising Rates for CameraReady Ads — 6 editions/Yr. E-Mail all ads to Editor: Full Page $50 - $175 Half-Page $25 — $90 Quarter Page $15 — $50 Business Card $10 — $35 (Discounted rates available for multiple ad placements) Advertising Checks Payable to: ASG SC/CSRA Chapter Mail to: Mary Plexico 112 Caladium Dr Columbia, SC 29212 Classified Ads (Sewing Related) Newsletter Deadlines: Members: Up to 40 words— FREE Non-Members: (Up to 40 words) $10.00 December 10 Jan.-Feb. issue February 15 March-April Issue April 15 May-June Issue June 15 July-August Issue August 15 Sept.—Oct. Issue October 15 Nov.—Dec. issue All Paid Advertising will be posted as soon as Treasurer confirms payment. Service Directory Ads Members: Up to 40 words—Free Non-Members: (Up to 40 words) $10.00 Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) Meetings Meetings are open to all members. Non-Board members are asked to call the President in advance to RSVP. Meetings are normally held every other month and alternate between cities where our NGs are located. Next meeting to be announced soon ASG Membership For Changes of Address or Chapter Affiliation: Master membership data is managed at ASG Headquarters in Texas. If your address changes for any reason, you must notify ASG directly. Otherwise, you may not receive your newsletter or other important information. If you want to change your chapter affiliation to a different chapter other than the original one you joined, you must notify ASG to that effect in addition to any address changes. The changes can be made on-line or you can mail them using the address below. Send address changes to: The American Sewing Guild 9660 Hillcroft, Suite 510 Houston, TX 77096 Contact ASG: E-mail: Website: New members joining ASG or anyone needing to renew their membership, please use the form in this newsletter or renew on-line. The SC/Central Savannah River Chapter of the American Sewing Guild is a local chapter of a national nonprofit organization. Its officers and leaders are all volunteers. Our purpose is to provide education on sewing to our members and the community. We hope to encourage and inspire people to sew. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in sewing. For more information, contact the President or Membership chair. The American Sewing Guild, Inc. (ASG) is a not-for-profit education-based organization, founded in 1978. ASG is comprised of 136 chapters plus over 1,000 community and special interest groups within the chapter umbrella. ASG’s over 20,000 members promote the mission to “Advance sewing as an art and life skill” by providing a network of sewing education and support for sewing enthusiasts of all skill levels, serving as preservers of the sewing arts in America., promoting community engagement through service projects, sharing sewing arts with new generations and being key participants in key consumer & industry-wide sewing events. Membership in the Guild is open to anyone. Dues include quarterly publications of the Chapter Newsletter & ASG’s Notions Magazine. Seams Sew Simple 2 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 SC Central Savannah River Chapter Presents A Pant Fitting Workshop With Mary McCarthy Yearning for a pant pattern that fits YOU? Interested in learning pant fitting skills? This workshop with Mary McCarthy will meet your needs! Mary McCarthy Palmer Pletsch Certified Sewing Instructor Date & Time: Location: Saturday, January 31, 2015 - 9 am to 4 pm Cumberland Village Clubhouse, 3335 Wise Creek Lane, Aiken, SC Mary is a Palmer-Pletsch Certified Sewing Instructor with fitting expertise. Join her for a lecture/demo on fitting a classic pant pattern (level 1). Stay for the day to observe and learn as Mary fits a range of shapes and sizes (level 2). Or, you can get a personal fitting, adjust your pattern and go home with a pattern that fits YOU! Fees: Member Level 1- Lecture/ Demo only Level 2- All day observation/learning (includes lunch) Level 3- Personal Fitting (includes lunch & pattern) Non-Member $ 40.00 $ 60.00 $105.00 $ 25.00 $ 45.00 $ 90.00 Please Note: Level 3 has already been fully subscribed — a wait list is available if interested. Registration Form—Pant Fitting Workshop with Mary McCarthy Name Phone Number E-Mail: Deadline to Register Member # Levels 1 & 2 — January 25, 2015 If Level 3 is selected, please include your fullest hip measurement made over undergarment only. Full Hip Measurement _________ inches. Make Checks Payable to: ASG/CSR Chapter Amount Submitted— Please Circle Send checks to: Level 1: $ 25 Member $ 40 Non-Member Level 2 $ 45 Member $ 60 Non-Member Mary Plexico (Treasurer) Level 3 $ 90 Members $ 105 Non-Member 112 Caladium Drive, Columbia SC 29212 Seams Sew Simple 3 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 Neighborhood and Special Interest Groups Your opportunity to share your passion, grow your skills and make new sewing buddies. Plan to attend as many NG meetings as you can fit into your schedule. See calendar for dates and topics for each month. Material Material Girls Girls——Aiken Aiken NG Sewn Sewn Together Together —— North North Augusta Augusta NG Joanne Cheri GurielDowd (803) (803) 341-4934 644-0576 Marge Mitchell (803) 226-0165 Meets 2nd Monday @ 10:00 a.m. MeetsRoom, 2nd Monday 10:00 a.m. Community Harbor @ Chase, Community Room, Harbor Silver Bluff Road, Aiken, SC Chase, Silver Bluff Road, Aiken, SC Margaret Margaret Shearhouse Shearhouse (706) 860-4763 (706) 860-4763 Roxanna Roxanna Mills (706) Mills 868-5995 (706) 868-5995 MeetsMeets 2nd Tuesday 2nd Tuesday @ 10:00 @ 10:00 a.m. a.m. Fairview Fairview Presbyterian Presbyterian Church, Church, 1101 Carolina 1101 Carolina Ave., North Ave., North Augusta, Augusta, SC SC Rockin Rockin Bobbins Bobbins —— Columbia Columbia NG Moonlight Moonlight Stitchers Stitchers —— Lexington LexingtonNG LillianLillian Lester Lester 803-364-5039 803-364-5039 Sally Kluttz Sally Kluttz 803-808-6997 803-808-6997 Meets 3rd Monday @ 6:00 p.m. Meets Lexington 3rd Monday County@Library 6:00 p.m. Highway 1, Lexington CountyLexington, Library Highway SC 1, Lexington, SC Meets Meets 2nd Thursday 2nd Thursday @ 10:00 @ 10:00 a.m. a.m. Hilton Hilton Garden Garden Inn Inn Harbison Harbison Boulevard, Boulevard, Columbia, Columbia, SC SC Garment Garment Group Group — Special — Special Interest Interest Designing Designing Women— Women— Greenwood Greenwood NG Diane Diane Lackey Lackey — 803-960-9859 — 803-960-9859 Marie Marie RaabRaab — 803-778-2258 — 803-778-2258 Sue McFarland Sue McFarland 864-227-8175 864-227-8175 Lisa Hawthorne Meets 3rd Monday 864-223-0190 @ 2:00 p.m. Meets The 3rd Paper Monday Rabbit, @ 2:00 1835p.m. Montague The Paper Avenue, Rabbit,Ext., 1835Greenwood, Montague SC Avenue, Ext., Greenwood, SC Meets Meets 3rd Saturday 3rd Saturday @ 10:00 @ 10:00 a.m.a.m. Creative Creative Sewing Sewing Machine Machine Center Center 519 519 12th12th Street, Street, WestWest Columbia Columbia SC SC Seaside Stitchers — Beaufort Mary Corsaro — 843-379-5731 Seaside Stitchers — Beaufort Connecting Threads — North Charleston Mary Corsaro — 843-379-5731 Meets 1st Monday 10:00—2:00 Meets 1st Thursday 10:00—2:00 p.m. p.m. Beaufort Public Beaufort Public Library Library Louise Schmidt 843-559-1103 Meets 3rd Monday @ 7:00 p.m. Life Industries, 4060 Bridgeview Drive, N. Charleston Myrtle Beach (To be Named) Sew Little Time—Summerville Eve Hutchinson — 843-450-0848 Ann Mace 843-553-7372 Meets 2nd Saturday at Accent Fabrics Meets 2nd Wednesday @ 6:00 p.m. People, Places and Quilts, Summerville If you are interested in starting a new Neighborhood Group, contact Ellen Macklin, our NG Coordinator Seams Sew Simple 4 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 Sign-up Now for our 2nd Annual Sewing Retreat The fun begins at 3pm Sunday, April 26th and continues until 2pm Wednesday, April 29th. The cost is $245 per person (member) $295 (non-member) and includes your room and eight meals, beginning with Monday’s breakfast*. Rooms are double occupancy (two double beds per room) with a very limited number of single room options ($335 member/$385 non-member). Linens are provided. Our facilities also include the large well lit conference room with picturesque views for inspirational sewing! Pre-registration began July 1, 2014 and requires a $65 deposit. Email reminders will be sent out on September 1, October 1, November 1, December 1, and January 1 encouraging you to make another $35 payment or the remainder of your balance, whichever is less. Whether making incremental payments or a deposit and one payment, ALL balances are due January 10, 2015. We have room for only 24 participants so don’t delay...sign up today! *If a person has signed up for the retreat and cannot attend, they must find a replacement for their spot. The SC ASG Chapter will maintain a waiting list. If you cannot find a replacement, NO Refund. Emergency cases will be evaluated by the Board on a case by case basis (death in family). *On Sunday night, an optional group dinner at one of the local restaurants will be arranged. (cost is extra) 2015 Sewing Retreat (Please submit form with payment—final payment must be received by January 10) Name & Member # Phone Number E-Mail: Room Preference Do you have food allergies? □ yes □ no □ Double If yes, describe: $65 Members $125 Non-Members Full Payment: $245 Members $295 Non-Members Seams Sew Simple □ Single ($335 member) My room mate is:__________________________________ Amount Submitted—double occupancy (circle one) Deposit only: Emergency Contact # Send checks to: Mary Plexico (Treasurer) 112 Caladium Drive, Columbia SC 29212 5 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 Celebrating 10 Years —Memories from the Annual Meeting Chapter President, Judie Travis, gives “State of the Chapter” report to open the meeting. Past Presidents in attendance received flowers in honor of their service. Left to Right—Lillian Lester, Judie Travis, and Joyce Bowers. Community Service Chair, Joyce Bowers, gives her report for 2014 Barbara Dorn is presented with a certificate for membership longevity by Diane Lackey. She was an ASG member before the Chapter was formed. Roxanna Mills and Becky Smith show off some of the items made in their Sewn Together NG during the year. The Silent Auction table was a very popular as members reviewed items before placing bids. Seams Sew Simple 6 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 Celebrating 10 Years —Memories from the Annual Meeting The “Buy a Bag” of fabric table offered a chance to add new or different fabrics to our collection. Current President, Judie Travis, is assisted by past Presidents Lillian Lester and Joyce Bowers as they cut the 10th Anniversary cake. Lillian Lester and Diane Lackey show off a quilt to be donated to Quilt of Valor. It was completed by the Moonlight Stitchers NG Joyce Sinclair showcases one of her award winning pillow covers. Joyce Bowers, Cheri Dowd and Charlene McDaniel were among the models for the garment portion of the fashion show. Seams Sew Simple 7 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 BIAS CUT BLUEPRINTS CLASS for skirts, tops, tunics & dresses Learn the bias tube skirt technique and take it to another level with tops and dresses! This class will be taught by Cheri Dowd at Farmhouse Fabrics on February 25, 2015, from 9am to 4pm. A $40 fee will include a 37 page guide excerpted from the book by Julianne Bramson and Susan Lenahan plus an additional information handout based on Cheri’s experience with this technique. If you have the book, Bias Cut Blueprints, please deduct $14 and bring your book to class. Class size will be limited to 20 and you will need your sewing machine and your own lunch. Information regarding fabrics and yardage will be emailed to you in January. Farmhouse will have appropriate fabrics if you are not able to find it in your personal resource area. Send registration form and fee to: Cheri Dowd, 3191 Montcastle Dr., Aiken, SC 29803 Email: Your Name___________________________ E-Mail Address___________________________ 10% of your fee will be donated to the CSR Chapter Charity Fund. Special Offers for ASG Members Only Classified Ads Local Retailers Offering Discounts to ASG Members when you show your membership card: B & B Cloth in Evans GA — 10% Jeff’s Sewing & Vacuum Center in Martinez, GA — 15% excludes machines & maintenance Southern Fabrics in Aiken, SC — 10% off ASG Notions advertisers are making very special offers on sewing-related products, events, and services only to ASG members. The list of offers will change quarterly to correspond with the mailing of each new issue of ASG Notions. Check out all discount offers at this link: FOR SALE: Baby Lock Ellisimo embroidery/ sewing machine with upgrades. $5,000. Call Kathy Ashley at 803-920-8362 for more info. Do you have a sewing-related item you would like to sell? Classified ads are free to our members. Non-members please see rates & instructions on page 2. Seams Sew Simple 8 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Neighborhood Group (NG) Coordinator Report Ellen Macklin New Years Greetings to all! help in anyway we can. Also for those of you who don't have Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and finished a neighborhood group in your area I can help you start one. all your sewing and craft projects on time with no stress! I ran You just need three people and we'll help! It isn't hard and sewing or doing projects together is so much fun. There is down to the last minute almost and stopped! So my New Years resolution is to start preparing in January for Christmas something about the camaraderie in the doing that is so satisfying to you that you just have to share it! this 2015, finish all my UFOs and sew a new wardrobe for each season. Said these all before so I think I'll get real and I know some of the groups have new leaders, please email me stick with just planning! I'll make a list in January and see how and add me to your membership list so I can get information it pans out to February and then the rest of my year. I'll keep out to you as it comes to me. It's going to be a great year and you posted! I can't wait to see all of you! Another thing I want to do this year is to visit all of our neighborhood groups. I got to some of you last year but not all. I just want to remind you that the chapter is here for you to Moonlight Stitchers — Lexington, SC What’s Been Happening: We enjoyed meeting at Becky Robinson’s new Sew Suite Studio in Lexington for our November meeting. Thank you, Becky for hosting us. If you have not been to the studio, be sure and put it on your “must go to list”, you will not be disappointed. This year’s challenge, making a tote of your choice, was met with a variety of styles. They came large and small, quilted, embellished, and embroidered. We had totes, purses, a duffle bag, and a cosmetic bag. As a bonus some shared how it was made and the free patterns from the internet. Oh what a talented group of friends! In December we had our Christmas dinner, at Private Property, a restaurant on Main Street in Lexington. We had a gift exchange, a homemade holiday theme wrapped gift. It is always fun to see how creative everyone is and what they make to exchange. bels. Three were turned in at our November meeting with the fourth to be turned in after the Annual Meeting. What’s Ahead: In January we will meet at Libby’s, a restaurant in Lexington, to make plans for 2015. Above, Terri Foster is back from her journeys in time for the November meeting. Below is a sampling of the completed totes and three of our Quilts of Valor. Our charity this year was making four Quilts of Valor. It was a group project with several participating. Quilt tops were made by four of our members, then machine quilted by a local long arm quilter, while others made pillow cases and the la- Seams Sew Simple 9 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Sewn Together — North Augusta, SC What’s been happening in North Augusta: It's hard to believe we've finished another year in Sewn Together. In November we had a UFO sewing day. Most things we brought were various projects we had started at a monthly meeting. It was fun to see things come together. During this meeting Marilyn Bendorf was working on One Hour Table Runners and we all watched so we could make some ourselves!! At our December meeting Margaret Shearouse had an amazing day planned for us by transforming our usual meeting space into a holiday workshop and went all out to decorate with a tree, tablecloths and table decor. We were especially blessed by the attendance of a few of our sewing sisters who have not been well in the last few months. Their being with us was so nice since we had missed them. Margaret had a project for us that her students loved when she taught art before retiring. It was beautiful poinsettias made from pipe cleaners and fabric using white glue to hold them together. She also had some cute little Santa's ready for us to make for a magnet decoration or to hang on the tree. We surely do benefit from her years of teaching! Margaret (and her sweet husband) made us a wonderful lunch of her family's favorite chicken dish with veggies and homemade chocolate chip cookies. Our NG tradition is to have a "Chinese" gift swap, but this year, no one "stole" anyone else's gift and we all loved what we received. It was a wonderful Christmas gathering and was enjoyed by all. We look forward to next year and all our new Above, Marilyn Bendorf, guest Linda Montz, Chris McDowell, Becky Smith, Linda Mabry and Roxanna Mills work on their flower petals and leaves. Below are two of our completed ornaments and flowers. adventures in sewing. What’s Ahead: On January 13, the group begins the year with a little Stash Busting/Community Service project by making hygiene bags for a local homeless shelter and also for the Honduras Medical Team. We will continue to use up our stash of flannel to make baby blankets for infants in the mountains of Honduras. The last time did this, we sent nearly 400 hygiene bags and nearly 70 baby blankets to Honduras so we will see what unfolds this year. On February 10, Marilyn Bendorf will take us through the process of making the table runner that had us mesmerized at the November meeting. Sew Little Time — Summerville, SC What’s Been Happening: and children. In December, we also planned our 2015 activities Please note change—Meetings: 2nd Wednesday each month at up through April. Members suggested and volunteered to present; we feel using brainstorming and collaboration to put to6 pm at People Places and Quilts in Summerville gether our programs really underscores meeting the needs of November and December’s project was sewing back packs for the members. children removed from their homes by DSS. December’s proWhat’s Ahead: gram was the founder of a local charity, Clap Your Hands. This charity serves handicapped children. We understand their need. We plan a sew in for January; February, sweatshirt jacket demo; January’s meeting will be a “Sew-In” to put together items (bibs, March, infinity scarf sewing; sensory stimulating items, weight blankets) needed by the clients of Clap Your Hands. They have a Facebook page for anyone interested in learning more about their efforts to help families Seams Sew Simple 10 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Rockin’ Bobbins — Columbia, SC What’s Been Happening: Rockin’ Bobbins in November played with paper, scissors and scotch tape learning how easy it is to change a bust dart from the side to the armsyce to the shoulder, etc. We just didn’t know it was so easy. Lillian came prepared with small patterns to use and everyone got to play. In December we celebrated Christmas and the Holidays with a luncheon at Macaroni Grill in Harbison. We had a cookie and ornament exchange. Even the waiter got some cookies. See pictures of a couple of the ornaments. What’s Ahead: January - Your favorite sewing/quilting tool. Bring your favorite tool and share with the group why it's your favorite and how you use it. February - Color of the year, Marsala, challenge. Make something in the color of the year to bring and share the directions. Connecting Threads — North Charleston, SC What’s been happening: nue, Summerville, SC. Time: 6:00 p.m. until. This is a community Our November 17th meeting started with a guest presentation by service project for Clap Your Hands to make weighted blankets Clap Your Hands, a non-profit organization, that provides thera- for disabled children, or other products of your own choice. Participants are asked to bring sewing machines, sewing tools and peutic products for children with cognitive and physical disabilifabric donations for this event. (Irons, ironing boards and cutting ties. Weighted blankets, vests, lap pads, sensory lap pads, bibs, looped clothing and therapy hand socks are made by volunteers boards are available at PPQ.) in the Lowcountry. January 19, 2015: Field Trip to the West Ashley Jo-Ann Fabric Louise Schmidt gave an in-house presentation on her methods of and Craft Store. This trip will consist of a tour of the store for fabric organization, which included an innovative method of stor- discovery of the latest developments of sewing notions and tools ing fabric in numbered fabric envelopes that are kept in hanging as well as of the current trends in fabrics. Two members, Kristy Granberg and Susan Clark, will demonstrate how to make a selffile folders, as well as cataloging the fabric with index cards, which can be modified whenever a section, or a total amount, of binding blanket during this meeting. the material is used. Additional ideas discovered online were provided to the members. Spring Mother and Child Sew-In: The date is not set at this date, but the decision was made for this to occur on a Saturday. The December 15th meeting was the Christmas party for members and guests. During the meeting, individuals presented favorite sewing notions and/or shared sewing tips. One member requested suggestions as to how to archive sewing related family heirloom pieces such as articles of clothing, pin cushions, etc. Members were reminded of the Annual Sewing Retreat in April, 2015, of the Pants Fitting Workshop by Mary McCarthy in January, 2015, and of the Bias Cut Skirt Class in February, 2015. Notification was also made of the ASG NY Fashion Tour scheduled for May 17-23, 2015. Grab-N-Go Bags for HALOS: The date is not set for this community service project, but it was decided that the project will be the making of back packs. Members are to bring fabrics to this event. Sewing Workshops are scheduled for every other month, starting in February of 2015. Louise Schmidt and several other members are to contact churches, etc. in search of a meeting place for these all-day workshops. Logo Design for CONNECTING THREADS: Sketches, based upon ideas given by fellow members, are to be presented in the next meeting for members to view and consider for developing the What’s ahead: January 14, 2015: Come join the Sew Little Time neighborhood group logo. at their sew-in at People, Places & Quilts, 129 W Richardson Ave- Seams Sew Simple 11 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Seaside Stitchers — Beaufort, SC What’s Been Happening: The Beaufort group is settling in at the library. In November we worked on our calendar for the next few months. Members were asked to bring samples or pictures of potential projects. We came up with an interesting mix of projects for next year. The November project was the microwave potato bags. Several ladies brought their sewing machines and we cut and sewed the bags together. We had fun coming up with ways to incorporate decorative stitching on the bags and were pleased the final projects. December is the month for decorating. Members were asked to bring examples of different ways to embellish projects. Shirley Woods brought a 4 patch wall hanging that had silk flower petals sewn on one square, each of the other squares had different techniques. Mary Carter brought a fabulous Baltimore Quilt that she made over several years. The designs in the squares were embellished using different techniques. The bird in the center was surrounded by a circle of 3 dimensional yo-yo yellow flowers (Black-eyed Susan) Mary Corsaro showed different techniques for adding jewels using hot glue and jewel glue. She also had sheets of predesigned jewels that you iron on. The last technique we explored use the Perfect Blade, which is a rotary blade that made small slits in fabric. Mary Corsaro led the group in using crochet yarn and hook to crochet an edge on a piece of fleece. We discussed several ways this could be used on garments and accessories. What’s Ahead: The library will not be available to us in January (New Years Day) so we have canceled the meeting. We will resume meeting in February on the first Tuesday of the month at the Beaufort Library at 10 am. Our project will be a four-season placemat. Designing Women — Greenwood, SC What’s Been Happening: In November, the program for Designing Women in Greenwood was to bring in sewn items that could be used for Christmas gifts. We had some very creative items, such as an Origami gift bag, a unique tissue cover designed with an extra fold in it, and a folded fabric ornament. There seems to be a trend here! Origami designs were in abundance. We all got lots of inspiration for Christmas gifts, and clever hostess gifts, such as wine bag covers and decorated kitchen towels. We also discussed our favorite websites for fabric and patterns. In December, we had a Christmas Party at Evie Galloway's home. Evie had her collection of vintage machines on display, and spoke to our group about the history and development of the sewing machine. Did you know that during the Civil War, the Union uniforms were all stitched by machine, and the Confederate uniforms were all stitched by hand? We all learned so much, Seams Sew Simple 12 and her collection is truly museum quality! [See photos at the bottom of pages 12 & 13.] We all brought finger food to share. It was a delightful afternoon, and we all appreciated Evie's hospitality. What’s Ahead: Our next meeting will be January 19, from Noon to 4:00 PM. (Note early starting time.) We will be having a community service day, and are starting early to allow more time to sew. We have many organizations that we like to support, and welcome ladies to sew for their favorite cause on this day, so we might have numerous projects available. On February 16, we will be meeting from 2:00 - 4:00. Sandy Lovette will be doing the program, showing us how she recycles a man's sport coat, and turns it into several totes and smaller bags, using the details of the sport coat as design features on the bags. Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups Garment Group — West Columbia, SC What’s Been Happening: Garment Group had another fabulous year! We focused on construction of jeans and really had a great time learning and sharing. We tend to think that “jeans are jeans.” But we did see a number of styles emerge through the use of various patterns, fabrics, embellishment, color and construction technique. What’s Ahead: So what will we be doing in 2015? A number of exciting things actually! We are going to have a number of focus areas to choose from next year, including: Making Lingerie (slips, bras, panties); Sewing Tools and How to Use Them (a featured item each month); Fabric Uses (what fabric to use for greater success in various garment construction); and Altering/Upscaling Ready-to-Wear. As you can see, lots of interests and ideas that we want to delve into! Our first meeting will be held at Creative Sewing Machine Center, 519 12th Street, West Columbia, SC on Saturday, January 17, 2015. Chris McDowell has graciously agreed to demonstrate a technique for sewing shirt collars and achieving a professional result (a Louise Cutting technique). Looking forward to it! Wishing everyone a healthy and happy holiday and new year! Material Girls — Aiken, SC What’s been happening in Aiken: We held a “white elephant” gift exchange, where the anonymous gifts were all something handmade. Cheri even fed us all a delicious lunch, too! We did not meet as a neighborhood group in November, in lieu of the annual Chapter meeting that was held on November 8th. What’s Ahead: In December, Cheri Dowd graciously hosted our Christmas meeting at her beautiful house. We began with a planning session to discuss programs for next year. We brainstormed for ideas of what members would like to do at the monthly meetings in the upcoming year. The new Neighborhood Group leaders for the Material Girls in 2015 will be Cheri Dowd and Marge Mitchell. January 12 - For our first meeting in 2015, Cheri Dowd will lead us on a “Mystery Adventure” road trip. Members should meet at Harbor Chase facility at 10am, and we will leave from Members revealed projects from the grab bag “trash to treas- there. Bring a little spending money (she says $20 should be ure” challenge. They created some very imaginative items more than sufficient). Intrigued? Bring your sense of advenusing the miscellaneous materials found in their grab bag. ture and join in! These included clutch purses, a Christmas angel, a doll, an February 9 - February’s meeting will be a follow-up discussion eyeglass case, and a doll’s outfit. A few ladies mentioned that to what was discovered during January’s mystery road trip. they are still working on projects or have ideas to use their materials in the future. Seams Sew Simple 13 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 News from Our Neighborhood Groups New NG — Myrtle Beach, SC No Report was provided by press time. Please contact the NG Leaders for meeting and Project information. Renewal Reminders for Jan./Feb.2015 Welcome New Members Thanks for Renewing 10/23 thru 12/28/14 10/23 thru 12/28/14 Mary Carter Bonnie Fell Kristina Granberg Mary Robertson Bonnie Seymour Irene Thomas Courtney Wilson Transfers—11/01 thru 11/30 Vanessa Wideman Fran Buchmueller Sandy Costanzo Terri Foster Jeanne Kingsley Diane Lackey Tammy Newman Faye Reighley Jeanette Smith Lynne Ulreich Eva Ward January Expirations: Mary Corsaro Pat Dabkowski Ellen Macklin Cindy McMenamin Charlene Meetze Rebecca Robinson Maryann Roof-Thompson Glenda Streevy Susan Franz Erika Neil Jeanette Partis Please don’t let your membership lapse February Expirations: Patricia Blute-Salkind SOUTHERN FABRICS Quality Fabrics & Laces Custom Children’s Clothing Embroidery & Alterations LIBBY’S DOLL CLOSET 18” Doll Clothing for American Girl or My Generation Dolls Accessories and Furniture (803) 648-9664 1613 Whiskey Road, Aiken, SC 29803 Mon.-Thurs.: 9:30-4:30 ▪ Fri.: 9:30-5 ▪ Sat: 10-3 Seams Sew Simple 14 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 Introducing your newest source of creative inspiration 120 Ellis Avenue, Suite A ▪ Lexington, SC 29072 (on the street next to the post office and near Food Lion/Kmart Shopping Center) Sewing & Quilting Classes for all ages Custom Embroidery & Monograms Monogram Jewelry ▪ Team Spirit Wear Embroidery Software & Designs by Designs in Machine Embroidery (see our insert for a special invitation event coming in November) 803-957-0677 Sew Suite Studio is looking for talented teachers for classes (any & all fiber arts) starting in the first quarter of 2015. If you would like to be placed on the teacher list please contact Becca at or 803-957-0677. Seams Sew Simple 15 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 Chapter Events Shown in Red — NG Events Shown in Black Calendar of Events January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed January 6— Seaside Stitchers (Beaufort) - No meeting this month. January 8 — Rockin Bobbins (Columbia) -- Bring your favorite sewing or Quilting Tool and share techniques with group Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 January 12 — Material Girls (Aiken) — “Mystery Adventure” Road Trip 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 January 13 — Sewn Together (N.Augusta) — Community Service Projects for Homeless & Medical Mission 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 January 14 — Sew Little Time (Summerville) — Community Service Projects for Clap Your Hands 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 10—Myrtle Beach — TBA January 17 — Garment Group (W.Columbia)— Sewing Professional Looking January 19 — Moonlight Stitchers (Lexington) — Meet at Libby’s Restaurant to plan 2015 meetings. February 2015 January 19 — Designing Women (Greenwood) — Community Service Day — Note early starting time Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat January 19 — Connecting Threads (N. Charleston) — Field trip to a Jo-Ann Fabrics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 January 25 — Deadline to register for Pant Fitting Workshop Levels 1 & 2 January 31 — Pants Fitting Workshop with Mary McCarthy February 3 — Seaside Stitchers (Beaufort) — Four Season Placemats February 9 — Material Girls (Aiken) — Follow-up for “Mystery Adventure Road Trip” February 10 — Sewn Together (N.Augusta) — One Hour Table Runner February 11 — Sew Little Time (Summerville) — Sweatshirt/Jacket Demonstration February 12 — Rockin’ Bobbins (Columbia) — Color of the Year Challenge — Make something in Marsala February 14 — Myrtle Beach — TBA February 16 — Moonlight Stitchers (Lexington) — TBA February 16 — Designing Women (Greenwood) — Recycle a man’s sport coat into tote bags February 16 — Connecting Threads (N.Charleston) — TBA February 21 — Garment Group (W.Columbia) — TBA February 25 — Bias Cut Blueprint Class at Farmhouse Fabrics Seams Sew Simple March 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 16 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 SC/Central Savannah River SC/Central Savannah River Seams Sew Simple 17 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015 501 Valmire Drive Columbia SC 29212 TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL— PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY Policy for Re-Use of Information: We do appreciate being asked when another Chapter intends to re-use our articles. Articles and other material in this publication are intended for the benefit of ASG members only. When reprinting, credit should be given to the authors by including the author’s name and the Chapter newsletter name. Use of information contained in our articles for any other purpose must have permission from the author and/or newsletter editor. Our Chapter’s Neighborhood Groups are popping up all over the state — look for the NG symbols to find a group near you, Not close enough to where you live? Think about starting a new group close to your home or office. To start a new neighborhood or special interest group, contact Ellen Macklin our NG Coordinator. Seams Sew Simple 18 Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2015
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