BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 SCHEDULE UJI PROFISIENSI (BANDING) TAHUN 2015 A. Food and Baverages 500$ Close Registration 23 Feb 15 Distribution Sample 23 Maret 2015 Participant Report 06 April 2015 Proficency Report 13 April 2015 50 Pcs 500$ 16 Maret 2015 20 April 2015 04April 2015 11 Mei 2015 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 11 Feb 2015 18 Maret 2015 11 Maret 2015 18 Maret 2015 As Sitrat, Cyclamate, Saccharine, As Benzoat, pH Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 16 Feb 2015 20 April 2015 04 Mei 2015 11 Mei 2015 Magnesium, Mangan, Kalium, Selenium Kalsium, Magnesium, pH, Kalium, Gula (Total) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 05 Maret 2015 12 Maret 2015 02 April 2015 09April 2015 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 07 Agt 2015 14 Agt 2015 04 Sept 2015 11 Sept 2015 No. Comodity Parameter Type/C 1 AMDK I (Air Minum Dalam Kemasan) TDS, Sulfat, Klorida, pH Z Score (References Value) 2 AMDK II (Air Minum Dalam Kemasan) Merkuri, Selenium Z Score (References Value) 3 Minuman Berkarbonasi As Benzoate, Caffein, Saccharine 4 Minuman Ringan (Soft Drink) 5 Minuman Berenergi (Isotonik) 6 Juice Aple (Juss Apel) Available Sample 50 Pcs Price Page 1 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 7 Biscuit Moisture (130 C), Abu, Lemak Total, Nitrogen, Total Dietery Fiber Kadmium, Cromium, Timbal, Merkuri/Hg (Total), Selenium (Se) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 15 April 2015 22 April 2015 06 Mei 2015 13 Mei 2015 8 Sereal Bayi (Baby Cereal) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 13 Feb 2015 20 Feb 2015 13 Maret 2015 20 Maret 2015 9 Roti (Remah) Moisture, Abu, Nitrogen, Karbohidrat, Natrium, Total Dietary Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 07 April 2015 14 April 2015 28 April 2015 05 Mei 2015 10 Jagung B1, B2, G1, Total Aflatoxin Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 03 Juni 2015 09 Juni 2015 23 Juni 2015 30 Juni 2015 11 Tepung Terigu Abu, Moisture (130 C), Nitrogen, Total Dietry Fiber Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 18 Feb 2015 25 Feb 2015 11 Maret 2015 18 Maret 2015 12 Ikan Kaleng I (Sarden) Aren, Cadmium, Mercury Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 08 Mei 2015 15 Mei 2015 29 Mei 2015 05 Juni 2015 Page 2 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 13 Ikan Kaleng Histamin Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 21 Mei 2015 03 Agt 2015 18 Agt 2015 25 agt 2015 14 Daging Kaleng Total Lemak, id Faty A Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 21 Mei 2015 18 Agt 2015 25 Agt 2015 01 Juni 2015 15 S As benzoate, As Sirat, pH, As Sorbat Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 23 Maret 2015 11 Mei 2015 25 Mei 2015 0 Juni 2015 16 Saus Tomat As Benzoad, pH Natrium, Klorida Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 01 Okt 2015 08 Okt 2015 22 Okt 2015 30 Okt 2015 17 Cabe Bubuk Arsen, Cadmium, Timbal Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 03 Nov 2015 10 Nov 2015 24 Nov 2015 01 Des 2015 18 Susu Bubuk I Aflatoxim M1 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 24 Agt 2015 20 Okt 2015 03 Nov 2015 10 Nov 2015 19 Susu Bubuk II Arsen (Total) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 16 Feb 2015 20 April 2015 11 Mei 2015 18 Mei 2015 20 Susu Bubuk III Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 05 Maret 2015 12 Maret 2015 02 April 2015 09 April 2015 21 Kakao (Bubuk) Nitrat (sebagai NaNO3), Nitrit (Sebagai NaNO2) Kadmium, Timbal Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 01 April 2015 08 April 2015 22 April 2015 29 April 2015 Page 3 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 22 Pakan Hewan (Cereal Basic) Aflatoxin : B1, B2, G1, G2 dan Aflatoxin Total Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 20 Feb 2015 27 April 2015 18 Mei 2015 25 Mei 2015 23 Pakan Ternak I Abu, Nitrogen, Lemak Total Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 07 April 2015 15 April 2015 29 April 2015 05 Juni 2015 24 Pakan Ternak II Calsium, Magnesium, Mangan, Timbal Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 02 Okt 2015 09 Okt 2015 23 Okt 2015 30 Okt 2015 25 Cemaran Microba Pada Air Angka Lempeng Total, Total Coliform, E-coli, Salmonela Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 19 Okt 2015 26 Okt 2015 09 Okt 2015 16 Nov 2015 26 Grape Juice (Jus Anggur) Kalsium, Magnesium Total, pH Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 29 Juni 2015 07 Sept 2015 21 Sept 2015 28 Sept 2015 27 AMDK III (Air Minum Dalam Kemasan) Besi, Residu Klorin Bebas, Kadmium, Tembaga Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 13 April 2015 11 Mei 2015 05 Juni 2015 12 Juni 2015 Page 4 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 B. Environment Available Sample 50 Pcs Close Registration 30 Januari 2015 Distribution Sample 06 Februari 2015 Participant Report 27 Feb 2015 Proficency Report 06 Maret 2015 500$ 06 Februari 2015 10 Februari 2015 24 Februari 2015 02 Maret 2015 50 Pcs 500$ 06 Maret 2015 13 Maret 2015 27 Maret 2015 06 April 2015 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 07 Agt 2015 14 Agt 2015 04 Sept 2015 11 Sept 2015 NO2 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 02 Nov 2015 09 Nov 2015 23 Nov 2015 30 Nov 2015 Gas Emisi III SO2 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 16 Okt 2015 23 Okt 2015 13 Nov 2015 20 Nov 2015 Gas Emisi IV H2S Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 01 Sept 2015 08 Sept 2015 29 Sept 2015 05 Okt 2015 No. Comodity Parameter Type/C 1 Air Limbah I Timbal (Pb), Tembaga (Cu), Besi (Fe), DHL, pH Z Score (References Value) 2 Air Limbah II (Waste Water) Arsen, Merkuri, Timbal Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 3 Air Limbah III ( Waste Water) Kromium, Tembaga, Mangan Z Score (References Value) 4 Gas Emisi I Karbon Dioksida 5 Gas Emisi II 6 7 Price 500$ Page 5 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 8 Tanah I Tributiltin (TBT), Volatil, Organic Compouds, Fenol Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 11 Mei 2015 18 Mei 2015 08 Juni 2015 15 Juni 2015 9 Tanah II Tembaga, Seng (Zn), Besi (Fe) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 04 Mei 2015 11 Mei 2015 25 Mei 2015 01 Juni 2015 10 Air Permukaan Silika, pH Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 10 April 2015 17 April 2015 04 Mei 2015 11 Mei 2015 11 Mikroba Dalam Air Total Coliform, EColi, Angka Lempeng Total Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 19 Maret 2015 26 Maret 2015 16 April 2015 23 April 2015 Page 6 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 C. Oil and Gas No. Comodity Parameter Type/C 1 Pelumas Otomotif Kinematic Viscosity (400 C & 1000C): Specific Gravity, Flash Point COC, Pour Point, Total Acid Number, Metal Content (calcium, Magnesium, Zinc), visco city at low temperature (CCS), Evaporation Loss (Noack), Foaming Tandency/ stability (Seq III) Z Score (References Value) 2 Pelumas Hidrolik Particle Counting (> 4, 6, 14 µm) Z Score (References Value) Available Sample 50 Pcs 50 Pcs 18 Februari 2015 Distribution Sample 25 Februari 2015 Participant Report 18 Maret 2015 Proficency Report 25 Maret 2015 09 Maret 2015 16 Maret 2015 30 April 2015 06 April 2015 Price Close Registration 500$ 500$ Page 7 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 3 Minyak Lumas Industry Water Separability, non metal Content ( sulphur, Poshpor) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 4 Bensin Premium Research Octane Number (RON), Destiny at 150C/ SG at 60/600F, Pb Content, Distilation (10, 50, 90, EP, Residue), Raid Vapor Presure (RVP), Sulphur Content, Washed Gum Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ Page 8 of 19 05 Mei 2015 12 Mei 2015 26 Mei 2015 03 Juni 2015 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 5 Minyak Solar Centane Number, Density at 150C/SG at 60/600F, Kinematic, Viskocity at 400C, Distilation (10,95), Flash Point PMCC, Pour Point, Micro Carbon, Residue Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 17-Apr-15 24 April 2015 15 Mei 2015 22 Mei 2015 6 Bahan Bakar Gas Komposisi GHV (Specific Gravity), Z (Compressi Bility Factor) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 09 Sept2015 16 Sept 2015 07 Okt 2015 15 Okt 2015 Page 9 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 D. Mining 500$ Close Registration 07 Sept 2015 Distribution Sample 14 Sept 2015 Participant Report 28 Sept 2015 Proficency Report 05 Okt 2015 50 Pcs 500$ 14 Sept 2015 21 Sept 2015 05 Okt 2015 12 Okt 2015 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 21 Sept 2015 28 sept 2015 12 Okt 2015 19 Okt 2015 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 01 Juni 2015 08 Juni 2015 22 Juni 2015 28 Juni 2015 No. Comodity Parameter Type/C 1 Batu Bara/ Arang Kadar Air, Kadar Abu, Nilai Kalori Z Score (References Value) 2 Biji Emas (Gold Ore) Z Score (References Value) 3 Konsentrat Seng (Zinc Consentrate) Emas (Gold), Perak (Ag), Besi (Fe), Cadmium (Cd), Tembaga (Cu) Seng, Perak, Alumunium (Al), Tembaga (Cu), Timbal (Pb), Silica (Si) 4 Konsentrate Besi (Consentrate Besi Sulfida) Besi (Fe), Silica (sebagai SiO2), Nikel (Ni), Tembaga Sulfur (S), Cobalt (Co) Available Sample 50 Pcs Price Page 10 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 5 Tanah Silica (sebagai SiO2), Alumunium (sebagai Fe2O2), Lost of Ignition (LOI), Titanium (sebagai TiO2) Magnesium (Sebagai MgO), kalsium (sebagai CaO) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 06 April 2015 13 April 2015 27 April 2015 04 Mei 2015 6 Sedimen Sungai Besi, Timbal, Nikel, Moisture, Carbon, Sulfur, Lost of Ignition (LOI) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 20 April 2015 27 April 2015 18 Mei 2015 25 Mei 2015 Page 11 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 7 Diorit Alumunium (sebagai Al2O2), Kalsium (sebagai CaO), Besi Total (Fe2O3), Besi (sebagai FeO), Magnesium (Sebagai MgO) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 12 Okt 2015 Page 12 of 19 19 Okt 2015 09 Okt 2015 16 Okt 2015 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 E. Agriculture 500$ Close Registration 02 Feb 2015 Distribution Sample 09 Feb 2015 Participant Report 02 Maret 2015 Proficency Report 09 Maret 2015 50 Pcs 500$ 10 Feb 2015 17 Feb 2015 03 Maret 2015 10 Maret 2015 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 25 feb 2015 04 Maret 2015 07 April 2015 25 April 2015 Besi, Tembaga, Mangan, Seng (Zn) Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 11 Maret 2015 18 Maret 2015 08 April 2015 15 April 2015 Pupuk An Organik II Timbal, Arsen, Mercury, Cobalt Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 17 April 2015 24 April 2015 11 Mei 2015 18 Mei 2015 6 Tanah Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 22 Mei 2015 29 Mei 2015 19 Juni 2015 26 Juni 2015 7 Daun I pH (H2O), pH (KCL), Natrium, Kalsium, Magnesium Kalium, Kalsium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Besi Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 04 Agt 2015 11 Agt 2015 25 Agt 2015 01 Sept 2015 No. Comodity Parameter Type/C 1 Pupuk Urea Kadar Air, Nitrogen, Kadar Biuret Z Score (References Value) 2 Pupuk NPK Kadar Air, Nitrogen, Fosfat (K2O) Z Score (References Value) 3 Pupuk Organik pH, Nitrogen, Fosfor, Kalium 4 Pupuk An Organik I 5 Available Sample 50 Pcs Price Page 13 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 8 Daun II 9 Daun/Jaringan Tanaman Cadmium, Seng, Tembaga, Timbal, Mangan Sulfur, Nitrogen, Fosfor, Nitrat, Silikat Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 03 Sept 2015 17 Set 2015 15 Okt 2015 22 Okt 2015 Z Score (References Value) 50 Pcs 500$ 20 Okt 2015 27 Okt 2015 18 nov 2015 25 nov 2015 Noted: Cost exclude Tax, shipping and packaging sample. Term of Services (Important notes to read before register) The lab candidate for proficiency test must read and understand this agreement before deciding to register as participant. All participant must agree with this term of services as become our client. This Term of Service is an integrated with the request form of proficiency test in separated pages. A. Service description As a service provider the BMD Laboratory, located in Paradise Serpong City, Cluster Vista Blok F.15 No.15 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya Tangerang Selatan providing these services: Technical Guidance of Proficiency test performance, joint cooperation in doing the Proficiency test performance and Proficiency test program for public. Page 14 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 B. Terms of Condition This Term of Services Agreement between BMD Laboratory and the participants from government institution, private sector and others in these program: 1. Proficiency Test Program for Public organized by BMD Laboratory is an annual schedule that has been created and organized each month according to tentative agenda. With the implementation of the program could be provided if the minimum number of participants is 10 laboratory for assessment type of the Consensus Value and the minimum number of participants is 10 for laboratory assessment type of Reference Value. If number of participant laboratory is less in the program specified ischedules than it will be re-schedule shall be in the specified time, and the reschedule will be informed by email/phone at most 14 days (2 weeks) prior to implementation. 2. Technical Guidance Program, This program provide mentoring for a laboratory to conduct proficiency test (test appeal), later BMD Laboratory consultant team will help both in the preparation, technical, and reporting. This program were given from the the introduction stage of in the form of training and direct technical implementation in the lab. With the scope and parameters according to the needs of the laboratory as well as the participants who will take part are already specified or already planned (prepare) the laboratory. 3. For Request a Program Proficiency test Implementation, whether you are one of the main managers of laboratories which are currently in need of a proficiency test program as a form to meet the requirements of standard laboratory quality control external controls..?? when you are reading our annual Schedule page and you do not get the proficiency test program as you need, or it has not been scheduled, missed or not perform in the near future. Do not worry, we are ready to help you in doing the proficiency test based on your need. Please fill in the request form data that you can download directly on our website, as well as the schedule for our annual scheme. Page 15 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 C. Registration and Administration We are very excited to be a part of your lab activities, so that our existing system of standardization in the Proficiency test Program can be fulfilled as expected, please note the following things. Administration: 1. To participate in the proficiency test program which we have held in public all the laboratory participants must fill out the REGISTRATION FORM complete with the signatures and seals in charge of the organization. The Form is sent by email to: Cc: 2. For those of us who want the lab to open the new schedule in accordance with his needs, must fill out the REQUEST FORM complete with the signatures and seals in charge of the organization. The Form is sent by email to: Cc: 3. For you who want to cooperate with us in conducting internal laboratory proficiency test in your program can be implemented, if there is already a work contract between the bond you with BMD Laboratory. Please contact us for joint cooperation as soon as possible. Registration: 1. If you have already submitted an application form to us, projected for the next Proficiency Test Program for public registration or Request a Proficiency test Program, After we make sure of the program suited with the agenda then you are required to make payment immediately to our company account for registration and the invoice bill will send by our financial section along with a letter of confirmation (participants’ Conform Letter) in the email. Page 16 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 2. If the participation fee for the completion of the proficiency test program cannot be done in accordance with our procedures due to administration the process in your lab / organization or you need a prolong time, and i.e if you still want to remain registered. the laboratory/company must send us letters of Guarantee stating that the payment will be done at a certain time after the completion of the internal administration process in your lab completed. 3. Our fees do not include taxes and shipping samples, please come at a time when technical meeting (for the socialization of schemes and the distribution of samples) in doing or if you wish us to send samples to your address then the cost of the courier is in your responsibilities. And you should know that not all the samples can be send by courier due to requires special handling, of course we will inform you of this at the beginning so that you can prepare your technical operational laboratory participation in the proficiency test program that we have held. D. Conditions and circumstances To maximize the operational service and a smooth, of course we strongly emphasize comfort when you work with us, therefore please do not do the following things: 1. When you are stayed outside of the venue for the proficiency test are kindly requested not to make transactions that are related to your business, such as ordering a ticket (plane, bus, train), lodging and other related purposes when we haven’t sent out a conform letter and you have to make payment in accordance with the due date on the invoice stated. 2. If you’ve ever been proficiency test program participants that we have held, not once in a times in the subsequent program opportunities which we will arrange your part directly transferring cost participation program proficiency who want to test the laboratory you are taking before receiving conform letter and invoice the Bill. Because if the agenda you mean not fulfilled, result in an amount of money that you transfer cannot be refunded and can only be used to pay for the cost of the participation of the laboratory test profisiensi you if you want to follow can be established at a later date. Page 17 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 Circumstance Force majeure state of The Circumstances happened outside BMD power Laboratory, such as: Proficiency test Program is cancelled or rescheduled due to natural disasters: Earthquake, flood, fire, transportation and other similar Incidents experienced by the team of experts on the program. And in this case the BMD Laboratory with good will and must approved by all parties issued a joint consensus policies related to disaster happened. Implementation of proficiency test moved from the allocated place if the place designated were having catastrophe, such as: Earthquakes, floods, fires and other Events. And in this case the BMD Laboratory in good faith and will issue a joint consensus policies the policy associated with the disaster happened and must approved by all parties. D. Sanctions and penalties Sanctions or penalties, such as: 1. If your lab has been officially registered as participants in our profisiensi test program and stated to cancel your participation then it is an obligation to inform us both in written and by phone to confirm the cancellation officially to us 2 weeks prior to the implementation of the agenda. The cost has been paid cut at 25% for administration fee and will return at most 2 weeks after we have received the official statement. 2. For cancellation less than 2 weeks prior to implementation,we will cut 50% for administrative fee. 3. For cancellation of participation less than 1 week before the execution then we cut 75% for administrative fee. 4. For cancellation of participation in the execution of the day the there is no cash return. Page 18 of 19 BMD Laboratory – Provider of Proficiency Testing Program Paradise Sepong City Cluster Vista F.15 No.18 Jl. PUSPIPTEK Raya , Tangerang Selatan Tlp: 021-32805064, 32805074 Mobile: 0813 8280 7230 5. a Reschedule proficiency test participation by the participants can be done at most 2 weeks prior to implementation by notifying, in written and by telephone officially by management of the company/institution/laboratory in charge upon us Indemnification will be borne 100% by BMD Laboratory if: The cancellation of the proficiency test program partially by BMD Laboratory without a clear description and make no sense whereas the participants already have done technical operations such as for booking: booking a ticket (plane, bus, train), lodging and other services. registration fees that you have paid will be refunded 100% uncut. E. Closing We would like to thank you, for believe in us and we were pleased collaborating with laboratory participants in the proficiency test. Make sure you have read this page and has understood it, If you have any doubt please contact us for further clarification. Tangerang Selatan , 02 January 2014 On behalf of BMD Laboratory (PT Bisa Mandiri Strategi Investasi ) Ir. Renaldo Moontri, MM (Managing Director) Page 19 of 19
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