RANGLA PUNJAB 2015 SATURDAY, April 4, 2015, 7 PM, Meadows Club Banquets, Rolling Meadows, IL. Organized by: Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago P.O. Box 1244, Palatine, IL.60078, Phone (847)359-5PCS, Email: info@PCSChicago.org website: www.PCSChicago.org PARTICIPANT/ITEM REGISTRATION FORM Type of Registration (Check One): □ Team □ Individual Item Type: ___________________________________________________________ □ Song □ Dance □ Skit □ Bhangra □ Gidha Title of the item/ Team (if any):___________________________________________ Name of Song: ____________________________________Time of Performance _____ Minutes. Contact Person/Coordinated by (if any) ___________________________________ Phone No. ___________________________ E-mail address: _____________________________ Any Stage Setting required………………………YES □ NO □ Rehearsal Space required YES □ NO□ Music/ CD Player required……..YES □ NO □ CD shall be submitted at/before final rehearsal no exception. This form must be completed & handed over to a PCS Chicago Item Coordinator or mailed to P.C.S., P.O. Box 1244, Palatine, IL 60078 by February 14, 2015 noon. Or email your Participation interest to P.C.S. email address info@PCSChicago.org or register online www.PCSChicago.org Name of Participant Phone # M/F Age (if under 16) 1. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 2. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 3. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 4. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 5. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 6. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ (Use backside for listing more participants) All performers shall abide by the following rules and regulations: 1. Participants can’t perform in more than two items excluding Prayer (Shabad item). 2. Each item time shall not exceed 6 minutes or the length of the original recorded song. 10 minutes maximum allowed for Bhangra, Gidha & Skit item. All dance, bhangra, gidha item performers shall wear Cultural dresses, no street clothes allowed. 3. Minimum age requirement for participant/performer is 5 years old (on the day of the event) excluding shabad item. 4. Minimum six participants must perform in a dance items, i.e. no solo dance allowed. 5. All teams shall submit the name of the songs they will be using during their performance/item no later than March 4th. Reserve your song first come first reserved, No song will be allowed to be repeated during the program, for mix- song dances, beginning song shall not repeat. 6. Teams shall register their items by February 1, 2015 noon. New participants will be allowed to register to an already registered item no later than February 15, 2015 subject to the acceptance of that item coordinator. 7. A mandatory selection/screening Rehearsal will be held on March 29th, 10-2 pm @ Palatine Park District and shall submit their related CD/Cassette on March 15th. All performers must attend mandatory FINAL Rehearsal on March 29, 2015. 8. Participants are fully responsible for their behavior during rehearsal and at the stage. PCS Chicago holds all the rights to dismiss any participant’s participation due to his/her misbehavior. 9. Items prepared for “Rangla Punjab 2015” shall be presented as PCS Chicago’s items after the event. PCS Chicago will hold all legal copy/reproducing/website posting/media release rights to all material related to “Rangla Punjab 2015” including but not limited to Photos, Video, printing names of participants. 10. Each “Rangla Punjab 2015” participant will receive: refreshment at/to the event, name recognition at the stage and in the brochure and video, honored at Youth Graduation Night (admission, dinner & party included). 11. Weekly Rehearsals starts Sun. January 18, 2015 thru March 29th, 10-2pm @Palatine Park District. 12. I/We hereby agree to abide by the Punjabi Cultural Society of Chicago (PCS) rules, and I will not institute any suit or action of law or otherwise against PCS or it’s officials, nor institute, prosecute or in any way aid the prosecution of any claim, demand, action, or cause of action for damages, costs, loss of service, expenses or compensation for or on account of any and all known and unknown foreseen and unforeseen bodily and personal injuries, damage to property, and the consequences thereof, resulting from my participation in the PCS Chicago’s Rangla Punjab 2015 program practice, preparation & performances. Date: _________________Signature___________________________ continued page 2 of 2 Name of Participant Phone # M/F Age (if under 16) 7. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 8. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 9. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 10. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 11. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 12. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 13. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 14. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 15. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 16. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 17. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 18. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 19. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ 20. ________________________________ __________________ ____ ______________ Any comments:. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional notes: Participant registration for rehearsals at Palatine Park District is required to work under PPD rules. Any team that practice under PCS paid location (like PPD) should not perform at any non-PCS supported organization’s event.
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