Newsletter Week 2 Term 1 4 February 2015 From the desk of the Principal... Welcome back to school. The second week of the new school year is upon us. Surprisingly we are also already into the second month of the year. Time is racing away but PCS is endeavouring to maximise every moment. There is such a wonderful sense of excitement and positive energy around the school. We are a blessed community with our great teaching staff, which in collaboration with you our nurturing parents are working to educate the most amazing students. As Principal, I am so grateful to everyone in the school community for such a positive start to the year. We as a community look forward to going through the joys and trials of this year united in our effort to see the children in our care flourish. I hope to see every parent at school this evening for our Parent Information Night. Teachers will start a presentation in their classes at 5:30pm and again at 6pm with the aim of giving you an insight to your child’s daily school life. I will be in the library where I would love to chat, while we enjoy light refreshments. Our doors are always open to parents and we want to work closely with you. Please let us know if you would like to be more involved in the school community. Thank you to the parents who have already helped in the uniform shop as well as in the classes. As a school we have noticed parking is a significant issue mostly in the afternoon at pick up time. Our School Executive Team will endeavor to address this issue and find solutions to the congestion. One request is that the no parking in the pick up and drop off zone is respected. The congestion is for a very short period of time and can be alleviated if some parents are willing to pickup / drop off at a slightly latter time, 3:15 or 3:20 thereby spreading the load on the limited space. I would be happy to hear your suggestions. We had a successful launch of our Palmerston Christian School after school care program run by Camp Australia. I would encourage you to utilise this service. For more information, please feel free to contact Camp Australia ( or 1300 105 343) or come and see this great new addition to our school in action. There is lots of flexibility in how the service operates and the staff are both professional and friendly. All primary aged students are expected to pre-enrol for this service so that students can be safely cared for even in unforeseen circumstances. As a school there is a presumption that with the start of our after school care program the PCS bus service will be phased out by semester 2. We do however want to consult you before making any changes and we will be seeking feedback via survey forms that will be sent home shortly. In regards to unfirmorms, last year the council resolved that boys may wear white socks. The intention is to standardise all socks to white socks across the school and make the acquisition of socks easier for parents. Some families have a good stock pile of grey socks or recently bought new grey socks. The wearing of grey socks for primary boys is still acceptable and as they wear out (get lost) we ask that parents transition towards the white socks. I am so excited about this year and expect it to be a great year of learning and growing for your child. If issues for your child arise at any point through out the year, please come and let us know. Thank you to all the families who continue to share positively with others about our school. Continued next page 50 Waler Rd, Marlow Lagoon / PO Box 113 Palmerston NT 0831 Ph: 8932 3377 Email: I was recently deeply touched by the life story of Charles Townes ( nobel-laureate-and-laser-inventor-charles-townes-dies-at-99/) This is a quote from UC Berkley News Centre ““He (Charles Townes) was one of the most important experimental physicists of the last century. To those who knew him as colleagues or students, he was a role model, a wonderful mentor and a deeply admired person. His strength was his curiosity and his unshakable optimism, based on his deep Christian spirituality.” Charles Townes was a Nobel laureate for his work as a scientist and among many things invented the laser. He was also known as a “deep Christian”. I pray that our students at Palmerston Christian School today will be totally committed to their Christian faith and grow to be highly regarded adults with in the community. I look forward to chatting with you tonight. Kind regards Ken McAllister Principal We would like to extend a HUGE thank you to Sally Carney and the helpers during the very hectic time in the uniform shop. They helped make sure that everything ran smoothly. Their service was greatly appreciated and valued. T E RM C A L E ND AR D A T E S February mation Parent Infor Night Tonight Wednesday 4 February 5.30pm—6.30pm Wed 4th Parent Information Night Tues 10th Yr 10 Trip Information Night (MCC) Thu 12th MOPS Tue 17th School Photos Thu 26th MOPS March Thu 12th MOPS Tues 13th NTCC Swimming Carnival (MCC) Wed 18th 1st Round Vaccinations HPV all Yr 7, Yr 8 Varicella, Come along to your child’s classroom and meet the teacher! The Principal, Ken McAllister, will be hosting Yr 10 Indigenous Pneumoccoccal Thu 19th ICAS testing– Digital Technology Thu 26th MOPS April Thu 2nd Last Day of Term 1 Fri 3rd Good Friday Mon 13th First Day of Term 2 light refreshments in the Library. 50 Waler Rd, Marlow Lagoon / PO Box 113 Palmerston NT 0831 Ph: 8932 3377 Email: We are all happy to be back and welcome our new families into our community. We’re looking forward to an exciting year, extending our range of activities and adding to our equipment. Tracy and Stephanie are in the Geckos Room. Jo, Shelley and Emiliya are in the Dragonfly Room. Please note any comments, suggestions or ideas in our communication book on the sign-in table. We welcome your involvement and work together to enrich our children’s life. At this time, I would just like to share this poem with you. Blessings, Matty The lives you have been given to nurture and develop are fragile and tender and filled with great wonder. They are just like a sponge soaking up knowledge and learning, filled with numerous questions which all must be answered Guide carefully these jewels you have been given Open their minds and let them discover what precious gifts they are. God has given you the opportunity to change the world one life at a time. Jack Countryman - Transition Here are some of our transition students having fun in their first week of school. We hope they enjoy their time here at PCS! 50 Waler Rd, Marlow Lagoon / PO Box 113 Palmerston NT 0831 Ph: 8932 3377 Email: PCS—Newsletter Term 1—Week 2 Prayer and Thanksgiving Pray for all PCS children, Kingdom kids and teachers as they settle back into the school routine. Praise God for our wonderful Parent helpers. Afterschool Care at PCS Camp Australia is now operating an afterschool care facility at PCS. To register your child or to collect an information pack, please visit Or visit the PCS Website and follow the link. For more information you can call Camp Australia from Monday to Friday (8am to 6pm AEST) on 1300 105 343. Praise the Lord for the many blessings He has given to PCS. PE/Library Lessons Primary Library Lessons: Tuesday – Transition Thomsen Wednesday – 1/2 Kirkham, 1/2 Manning & 2/3 Shawel Thursday – 6 Kennedy, 4/5 Quinn & 3/4 Dempster Primary P.E.: Tuesday – Transition Thomsen Wednesday – 1/2 Kirkham, 1/2 Manning & 2/3 Shawel Thursday – 6 Kennedy, 4/5 Quinn & 3/4 Dempster Middle School P.E: Tuesday – 7/8 Taylor Wednesday – 7 Carter Thursday – 9 Smith Friday – 8 Abbott School Photos School Photos will be held on Tuesday 17th February. Forms have been sent home on Monday 2nd February. Warmly welcome you to join us! Tuesday 10th June @PCS Additional forms are available at the Office. Please hand in completed forms with correct payment no later than Friday 13th February. PCS—Newsletter Term 1 Week 2 P ri ma ry S c h oo l A s s embl y D a t es Assemblies will commence at 8:40am and will be held in the Library. Important Notes PCS Uniform Shop Now Available: Primary Girls Shorts – Size 4 and 6 Term 1 Term 2 Friday 6th February Friday 24th April Friday 20th February Friday 8th May Friday 6th March Friday 22nd May Friday 20th March Friday 5th June Friday 19th June Term 3 Term 4 Friday 14th August Friday 30th October Friday 28th August Friday 13th November Friday 11th September Friday 27th November Friday 25th September Middle School Caps Please complete a new order form and return to the office. We will fill the order as soon as we can and advise when it is ready for collection. School Banking School banking will be on Thursdays starting this week.
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