Catholic Parishes of Penticton St. Ann / St. John Vianney / Sacred Heart 1296 Main St., V2A 5G2 361 Wade Avenue West, V2A 1V2 Native Reserve Phone: (250) 492-3169 Fax: (250) 492-9884 Email: Website: Pastor: FR. REX M. VELMONTE 492-3162 PARISH OFFICE HOLY CROSS SCHOOL Office Hours: Mon – Fri (9AM - 2:30PM) Telephone.....................................................492-4480 Fax................................................................490-4602 Shawn Campbell............................................Principal Gail d’Aoust......................................School Secretary Website……………………………. Office Manager: Melinda Edis................492-3169 Religious Education: Pat Styles….…........488-5803 Email: Maintenance: Chairperson (St. Ann) – Steve Bank........493-8947 St. Ann– Elmer Villar….........................486-2834 St. John Vianney – Manny Sebastian ...809-4701 NEW PARISHIONERS If you are interested in registering with the parish, please contact the Parish Office! PARISH ORGANIZATIONS BAPTISMS Knights of Columbus: St. Ann: Dallas Elliott...........................492-3653 4th Degree: John Dorosz…....……778-476-4904 St. John Vianney: Randy Carson.........499-2917 Catholic Women’s League: St. Ann: Sharon Vaillancourt………..492-5938 St. John Vianney: Maria Raymond…..492-4869 Parish Council: Erwin Ploner………….493-7103 Prayer Group: Bernadette Barry..............492-3478 Secular Franciscans: Diane Schmid..........492-0541 Prayer Chain – Beverley Binfet…....…….492-0705 Finance Committee – Norm Lynch ……..492-0293 Contact the Parish Office at least two months in advance to allow sufficient time for our Baptism preparation program. BIRTHRIGHT OF PENTICTON MINISTRY TO THE SICK/ HOSPITAL VISITS 200 Bennett Ave. Penticton, V2A 2P5 Open Mon, Wed. & Friday from 10am – 2pm If you are expecting a child and are feeling confused; if you are thinking that there is no way out of this situation; if you want to talk to someone about your situation, call Sandy ~ 250 492-4901 or 1-800-550-4900! Parishioners unable to attend Mass due to disability or illness either at home or for requests for hospital visits and wish to receive Communion or be visited by a Priest or a Eucharistic Minister, please contact the Parish Office or Marianne Moeliker at 778-476-0176! DISCOVERY HOUSE CANADIAN FOOD FOR CHILDREN 397 Wade Avenue W, Penticton V2A 1V2 Contact: Jerome Abraham ~ 250 490-3076 1132 Commercial Way Hours: 9am to 3pm (Tuesday & Friday) Phone: Maryse ~ 250 492-0042 MARRIAGES Contact the Pastor at least six months in advance in order to allow sufficient time for our Marriage preparation program. EXPOSITION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT St. John Wednesday St. Ann Thursday 9:30am - 4pm 9:30am - 4pm RELIGIOUS ARTICLES & FAIR TRADE COFFEE Sharon Vaillancourt………..………….250-492-5938 SOCIETY of ST. VINCENT de PAUL Phone (message service): 250 492-2082 NATIVE MINISTRY Sr. Shelley Grant…………………..…..250-492-4411 361 Wade Avenue West, PentictonV2A 1V2 SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATORS Dallas & Carolyn Elliott 250 492-3653 --- WEEKEND MASSES --ST. ANN: SATURDAY ~ 5PM SUNDAY ~ 11AM & 6PM ST. JOHN VIANNEY:: SUNDAY~ 9AM Byzantine Ukrainian Mass: Saturday ~ 4PM Sacred Heart Heart Native Reserve --~ 2nd Sunday of each month at 12:30pm WEEKDAY MASSES --- Please refer to schedule inside St. John ~ 8am – 8:30am (Sunday) RECONCILIATION: St. Ann ~ 4pm– 4:30pm (Saturday) ST. ANN’S NEWS ST. JOHN VIANNEY NEWS CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE --- General Meeting – NO JAN. GENERAL MEETING! GREETERS & GIFT BEARERS th Sunday, January 18 – Alberto & Delfina Figueira COFFEE SUNDAY th Sunday, January 11 – Lorne Raymond Sunday Collection Year-to-date st Executive Meeting 1 Thursday 6:30 pm nd rd CWL Luncheon 2 Sunday 11am; CWL Mass 3 Sunday 11am rd General Meeting 3 Thursday 6:30 pm You may pick up your receipts, membership cards and minutes in the red basket at the back of the Church. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE: To purchase articles, SUNDAY COLLECTION REPORT ACTUAL BUDGET $ 2,436.86 $ 2,436.86 $ CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE VARIANCE please visit before or after weekend Masses! Great variety available. $ MINISTRIES – January 18th Did you know… That the Penticton Parish’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul - has no paid employees – we’re all volunteers - has very little administration expenses - has partnered with IGA, Shopper’s Drug Mart, and Save on Foods all of whom give us their lowest advertised price (sometimes better) with no limits on the amount we purchase. - buy in bulk to stretch our available funding - buys shopping cards from Holy Cross School (HCS Fund raiser) to pay for our purchases from these and other Penticton businesses. - we could use your help! Please contact Rene at 493-1588 or Sharon at 493-1208 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is always looking for substitute people to help deliver hampers to the needy. We might only enlist you once or twice a year, or at most, once every two months or so. Our drivers sometimes do double duty, and often need to be away on short notice. It would be so kind of you to volunteer for these occasions. If you want to help, please phone Rene at 493-1588 or Sharon at 4931208…thank you so much! Our prayers and great wishes to Anne Noel, who’s moving to Edmonton, to be closer to family! Thank you for being a part of our parish family! May God bless you always! FOR YOUR INFO --On Thursdays, we now celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick & Communion Service to the following homes: 1st Thursday Sun Village 10AM nd 2 Thursday Haven Hill 10:30AM 3rd Thursday Village by the Station 10AM If you want to help in any of these homes, at least once a month, call Fr. Rex or the Parish Office. Come and share the love and joy of the Gospel…thank you! ---------------- A reminder to all parishioners that the Sunday Evening Mass time is now changed to 6pm…thank you very much! ALTAR SERVERS: 5PM Angelina & Isabelle 11AM Rhys, Hana, Angela, Meg Lynn 6PM Ashleigh, Samantha READERS: 5PM Lorie Meyer Grace Lank 11AM Catholic Women’s League 6PM Minke Mazzocato Christine Davidson EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 5PM Rene Barone (H1/Prep), Imma Cormano (C1/Cleanup), Lupita Rios (C2), Roy de Pourcq (C3), Faye Oliver (C4), Frank Viktorin (H2) & Bill Binfet (H3) 11AM Catholic Women’s League 6PM Peter Ruocco, Livio Mazzocato SUNDAY COLLECTION REPORT ACTUAL Collection (Jan 1) $ 3,046.30 Sunday Collection (Jan 4) $ 5,192.87 Year-to-date $ 8,239.17 BUDGET $ $ VARIANCE $ $ $ PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Please keep these individuals in your prayers that God will grant them healing and strength: Maria Afonso, Beatrice Anton, Laurette Bremault, Juanita Bright, Janette Charlton, Veronica Caione, Malcolm Coulter, Donna Courneya, Joe Cuzzocrea, Sarah Desrochers, Shawna Desrochers, Disilda Doucette, Vince Fergus, Alice &Vince Fischer, Bernie Fransen, Ellen Girourd, Evelyn Grant, Greg Greenslade, Mary Jane Hardoway, Mary Hanz, Angeline Hauser, Margaret Helfrich, Mary Kantz, Aaron Kumpf, Margaret Leahy, Deena & Howard Luther, Emilia Matias, Betty McNally, Will McCarron, Aeson Moen, Buck Pacholzuk, Victoria Penko, Maria Pinheiro, Jim Remming, Doris Sauerbier, Michael Siller, Bryan & Gwen Schmidt, Danielle Schmidt, Donald Schmidt, Emily Schulz, Phyllis Sommer, Lou Tassoni, Helen Wheeler, Flora Zhou. ALL CWL MEMBERS: 2015 membership dues are due. The $30 membership can be paid at the monthly meeting or by placing your cheque or cash in the collection basket. Remember to indicate "St Ann's or St John's CWL Membership" on the envelope. Cheques are payable to St Ann's CWL or St John Vianney CWL. Please contact Nella at 250493-9944 (St Ann) or Irene MacDonald at 250-492-0630 (St John) if you have any questions ….thanks! -- BAPTISM OF THE LORD---- January 11, 2015 MONDAY, January 12th 9am St. John – NO MASS TUESDAY, January 13th 9am St. John – Repose: John Pellicano & Bill Kuzemchuk WEDNESDAY, January 14th 9am St. John – Repose: Yuk Tong Wong THURSDAY, January 15th 9am St. Ann – Repose: Lorrain Biagioni & Betty-Ann Timm FRIDAY, January 16th 9am St. Ann – Repose: Rudy Cervantes, Joe Reichert & the bereaved SATURDAY, January 17th 5pm St. Ann – Repose: Joy Ehman SUNDAY, January 18th 9am St. John – Repose: Edith Welsh & Margaret Quevillon 11am 6pm St. Ann – Repose: Joan McDonald St. Ann – Intention: Parish Families ------------------------------------From the Office of Faith Formation: We are cleaning out our library! There is a large selection of VHS video tapes on subjects such as Lent, Advent, Faith Formation (children & adults), parish ministries, etc. If you are interested, stop by at the Catholic Pastoral Centre and take a look. We will accept a small donation for any of the tapes you want. Contact the Office of Faith Formation at 250448-2725 for further information. Reminders: --- Please pick up your 2015 collection envelopes at the entrance of the church! If you are new to the parish, or want to begin using collection envelopes, take a box designated for “New Parishioners” and complete the form inside and return the form to the office. --- If you haven’t submitted our Parish Census Form, we encourage you to do so! If you lost the form or are not registered in the parish, they are available at the entrance of the Church. We encourage you to fill in the form then drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Thank you and God bless! The OKANAGAN LIVE-IN is offering a weekend in Kelowna on February 20-22, 2015. The Live-In will be held at Immaculata High School (1493 KLO Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 3NB) The Live In, is an experience of God's Love through Jesus, through an experience of the Live In faith community. If you have made your Live-In weekend, consider deepening your faith by being part of the back-up community. In serving others, we serve Jesus. Contact: Darlene Heaney 250 542 8690 UPCOMING EVENTS: Sunday, January 11th (St. Ann) - CWL Luncheon (Noon) - Tuesday, January 13th (St. Ann) - Liturgy Committee Meeting (7pm) - Thursday, January 15th (St. Ann) - CWL General Meeting (6:30pm) - Friday, January 16th (St. Ann) - Parish Council Meeting (10am) - Saturday, January 17th (St. Ann) - Funeral – Margaret Reilly (10:30am) - Sunday, January 18th (St. Ann) - Knights Breakfast (10am – 1pm) - Monday, January 19th - K of C Exec. Meeting (St. Ann - 7pm) - K of C General Meeting (St. John - 7:30pm) - Wednesday, January 21st (St. John) - CWL General Meeting (7pm) - Wednesday, February 11th (St. John) - World Day of the Sick: Mass & Anointing of the Sick (10:30am) ********************************** The Catholic Health Association of BC will be awarding two bursaries valued at $250 each to two 2015 graduating students enrolled in a Catholic secondary school, or who are members of a BC or Yukon parish and enrolled in a public secondary school or are homeschooled. Students are asked to submit a 500 word essay that demonstrates an awareness and understanding of the significance of Spirituality in Health Care. Submissions must be received on or before February 28, 2015. For further details, please refer to the poster on display in the vestibule of the church, or check the CHABC website at under upcoming events. - Shekinah Prayer Group will have a series of talks on “There’s always more”. The first 3 topics are: Jan 13 – More Love Jan 20 – More Love through Prayer Jan 27 – More Love through Purification Attend as many as you wish. Everyone is welcome!!! There will be a combine Liturgy Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 13th at 7pm St. Ann’s Oblate Room. Please plan to attend… thank you! C yah der! Fr. Rex is looking for an electrician in the parish who would like to do some volunteer works to add a couple of speakers in St. Ann’s Church! If you would like to volunteer or want more info, please call or talk to Fr. Rex! Thank you in advance! Penticton Laundromat Self-serve coin laundry & Full service drop off or pick up Hours: 8am-8pm M-F 8am-7pm Sat 9am-6pm Sun 976 Eckhardt Ave. W. Snairs Plumbing Services Cell (250) 488 9430 Ph: 250-493-7899 Stephen Snair Qualified Dedicated Honest Plumber Bonded with over 30 years experience FREE ESTIMATES 10% Discount for seniors Nicole Stawarz Owner/Operator Head Office 331 Martin St. Penticton, BC V2A 5K6 293 Martin Street Penticton, BCV2A 8G1 THRIFT SHOP: 464 MAIN ST 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM MONDAY – SATURDAY CONTACT: (250) 493-9149 IODE… women dedicated to a better Canada For more information about our group Visit Ph: 778-476-5990 Fax:778-476-5991
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