SAINT ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH 5101 Charlotte Avenue Nashville, TN 37209 615-298-1782 Reverend Philip Breen Pastor Rev. Mr. Marty Mulloy Deacon Pastoral Associate and Director of Religious Education Rev. Mr. John Casey Deacon Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am Sunday 11:00am Communion Service: Monday 7:30am Tuesday 8:00am Weekday Services: Wednesday 8:00am Thursday 8:00am Friday 8:00am Saturday 8:00am Hispanic Mass: Sunday 6:00pm Welcome If you are new to the Saint Ann Catholic Church, we encourage you to register as soon as possible. Forms are available in the back of church as well as the parish office. Rev. Mr. Jim Holzemer Deacon Church Office: School Office: Phone: (615) 298-1782 Fax: (615) 297-4326 Phone: (615) 269-0568 Fax: (615) 297-1383 Rita Raymer Associate Administrator Adelaide Nicholson, Ed.D Principal Kelly Braniff Director of Development and Stewardship Judy Graham Assistant Principal Krystal Johnson Parish Facility Manager Kim Cherry Administrative Assistant Jami May School Office Manager For more information, please visit FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT NOVEMBER 30, 2014 CYCLE B Readings for Sunday, December 7, 2014 Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 Prepare the way of the Lord. Psalm 85 “Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.” 2 Peter 3:8-14 We await new heavens and a new earth. Mark 1:1-8 Make straight the paths of the Lord. This weekend there will be no second collection. Flowers for this weekends liturgy were given by Mary Frances Johnson in memory of deceased members of the Johnson and Simpsons Families. Mass Intentions Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday 12/01/14 12/02/14 12/03/14 12/04/14 12/05/14 12/06/14 12/06/14 12/07/14 12/07/14 7:30am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am Communion Service Communion Service Communion Service In memory of Patrick Nelson In memory of Rachel Harrington Reese In memory of Tom Shacklett Deceased members of the Calton/Richards Family In memory of Minh Hoang Vo In memory of Leslie Denton Please prayerfully consider naming Saint Ann Catholic Church or Saint Ann School in your will or estate plans. For more information or to inform us of your intention, please contact the parish office at 615298-1782 so we can appropriately thank and acknowledge your generosity! SACRAMENT INFORMATION RECONCILIATION/CONFESSION: Saturdays 4:30-4:45 p.m. and by appointment with the pastor BECOMING A CATHOLIC (RCIA): involves the reception of three sacraments. Call if you or anyone you know is interested in this process. Catholics who wish to receive the following sacraments should be registered in the parish, attend Mass regularly, participate in stewardship and be in good standing with the Church. BAPTISM: Infants—6 yrs old. Parents are required to register and attend a Baptismal Class prior to your child's Baptism. CONFIRMATION: Preparation is included with your attendance in one of our religious education programs. EUCHARIST: Please call if you or someone you know cannot attend Mass and desire Communion to be received at home or another facility because of illness or advanced age. MARRIAGE: Please call four months in advance of the desired date. An actual date can only be set by the Priest or Deacon after meeting with the couple. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: This can provide spiritual strength and healing to those dealing with serious health issues. Do not wait until someone is critical and unable to participate in prayer. Contact the Priest in advance of elective surgery so that you can receive the Sacrament before entering a health facility. Upon registering at a facility, state you are a Catholic and member of St. Ann Church. For additional information about sacraments or to discuss scheduling, please contact Deacon Marty Mulloy at 298-1782 ext. 3665 or Parish News: Community Events: RCIA-Next Sunday we will celebrate the Rite of becoming a Catechumen( those never baptized) and Welcoming for Candidates (those baptized Christians) at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Please offer them your congratulations, prayers and support as they take this first step on their RCIA journey. Coffee and Fellowship is seeking a C&F Coordinator for this ministry. The coordinator will send out monthly emails for volunteers to submit their hosting date, as well as restock the pantry once a month. This service will take about 3 hours (or less) of your time per month. Those interested may contact Andi White 400-4029 or Kelly Braniff 277-9663 with additional questions. Ladies Guild will meet on Tuesday, December 9th @ 6:30pm in Breen Hall. **The Fr. Breen and the Parish would like to thank the Guild, Ladies Auxiliary and Knights of Columbus for their generous donation of the chair coverings in the Chapel and Cry Room. If you have not had a chance to visit the Chapel or Cry Room, please do so and see the beautiful coverings.** The Parish received a kind note of thanks from the Ladies of Charity Welfare Office for the recent Food Drive to help stock their pantry. All items were much needed and appreciated. The food will go to help feed many families. NEWS FROM THE KNIGHTS: Knight of Month is Deacon Marty Mulloy and Family of the Month is Bill and Barbara Krispin. The Ladies Guild will be collecting for Christmas Flowers after all Masses the weekends of December 7 and 8 and December 13 and 14. Thank you for your continued support and donations. Attention all K-8 boys interested in Wrestling! The Nashville Catholic Wrestling (NCW) Club team starts its season with an informational meeting, signups, and practice on Sunday Dec. 7 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm in the Father Ryan Wrestling Room. All boys K– 8th grade are encouraged to participate and no experience is necessary. Cost is $150.00 and there are numerous tournaments, where boys wrestle others their size and age group. NCW Coaches provide complete instructions and everyone makes the team. This is a great winter sport that ends about the same time as the beginning of baseball and soccer, and there are numerous High School State Champs who started with NCW. Financial aid is available and for more info visit Father Ryan Placement testing date ~ Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014. All students applying for admission to Father Ryan must take a placement test to determine the student's placement in the school's academic program. Required pre-registration is available at Please contact Admissions Office at (615) 383-4200 with any questions. Attention Children Pre-K thru 4th Grade: ST. NICK’S BAZAAR is Dec.14 after 8:30 & 11:00 Mass downstairs in the School. Children secretly shop for Christmas gifts while parents wait upstairs. All gifts cost $1 and are wrapped; maximum of 2 gifts per child. More details to follow. Also, join the Knights of Columbus for a Pancake Breakfast with St. Nick after the 8:30am Mass. School News: **Our SPOTL.I.G.H.T. Series welcomes CHARLES STROBEL, on Monday, Dec. 15th @ 6pm in Neidert Hall. As founder of Room in the Inn, Mr. Strobel will discuss homelessness in our area. This is a pot luck event. Child care will be available. More details to follow.** Are you a Master Gardener? Do you have a green thumb? Do you garden as a hobby? Saint Ann School is reviving the learning gardens on the school playground. We would love to have extra hands in the dirt! Please contact the school office if you are wiling or interested in assisting with this curriculum based gardening service project. Parish Prayer List: Please continue to pray for the following members of the Saint Ann Catholic Community: Mary Wright, Linda Forte, Bobby Draper, Angela Drennan, Paul Picquet , Joe Bradley , Rob Cheney, Eric Freund **SAINT ANN PARISH MINISTRIES** Arts & Crafts Ministry (Wee Care Baby Project)…………………..Ruth Neal - 500-5181 Children’s Liturgy for grades 1-4…………………………………….Kelly Braniff - 298-1782 ext. 3663 English Class…………………………………………………………...Patricia Kelly or Marnie Huff Flowers for weekend liturgy…………………………………………..Kim Cherry - 298-1782 Knights of Columbus…………………………………………………..Jeff Hooper - 339-8436 Ladies Auxiliary…………………………………………………….....Lisa Bennett 353-9005 Ladies Guild/Altar Society………………………….………………...Carol Fike - 376-7721 Mass Intentions or Prayer List………………….…………………….Kim Cherry -298-1782 8:30 & 11:00 Nursery……………………….…………………………Renee Schultz or Michelle Gawley Parish Council………………………….……………...........................Ruth Neal - Sacristans…………………………………………………………...….Mike Patenaude—945-4089 or Becky Smith - 512-6719 Senior & Junior CYO………….….…………………………………..Brandon & Abbie Huinker 319-400-4318 Sunday School of Religion…….………………………………………Deacon Mulloy - 298-1782 ext 3665 COLLECTION FOR LAST WEEK Regular Collection: $13,400 Catholic Campaign for Human Development: $1,525 December 7th there will be no second collection. Thanks to all for your continued support of Saint Ann Catholic Community. Your generosity is very much appreciated! BEING AN ACTIVE MEMBER of SAINT ANN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY…… …………...involves not only receiving the privileges of our Catholic faith (Mass/ Eucharist, other sacraments, education/formation opportunities, parish activities), but also giving of your time, talent and treasure. We are many parts but all one body” Each of us has skills and talents to offer. Saint Ann Catholic Community will thrive with each of us sharing our God given abilities. Please prayerfully join one or many of the ministries offered within the faith community. You can be an active member by attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days as well as volunteering your time/talents in one of our many ministries. Regular use of the parish envelopes, even if you are only able to contribute minimally, is a gesture of support and unity. Initially (if you are new to the parish or have never filled out information), it involves some minimal paperwork so that we have some basic information on your family, including reception of the sacraments. Registering with the parish is required if you would like to have a child baptized, desire to be married, need a letter of recommendation for sponsorship, request last rites or apply for tuition subsidy. A record of your support in regards to time, talent and treasure is important in those regards. We are grateful for each and every one of you, as together we make up the Body of Christ.
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