SAINT ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF 3RD STREET S. AND 9TH AVENUE S. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm Closed Tuesday from 1:00pm - 3:00pm PARISH OFFICE 475 9th Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102 T: (239) 262-4256 F: (239) 262-4296 ST. JOACHIM CHAPEL (ADJACENT TO PARISH OFFICE) Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm DECEMBER 21, 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT LITURGY SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL .................................................................................................................... 4:00PM SUNDAY ..................................................................................... 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 6:00PM DAILY ...................................................................... MONDAY - THURSDAY, SATURDAY 8:00AM ................................................................................................................................................. FRIDAY 8:30AM ..............................................................................................................MONDAY - FRIDAY 12:15PM HOLY DAY ............................................................................... (CONSULT BULLETIN FOR TIMES) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION (St. JOACHIM Chapel) ............. EVERY FRIDAY 9:15AM TO 11:30AM RECONCILIATION WEDNESDAY (IN THE PARISH OFFICE) ........................................................................................................................ 1:00PM - 3:00PM SATURDAY (IN THE CHURCH) ............................................................................................................2:30PM - 3:45PM ALSO AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ANOINTING OF THE SICK FIRST SATURDAY .................................................................................................................................. 8:00AM ALSO AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT VISION STATEMENT: To be a spirit-filled people who Live Jesus, in a community of stewardship, welcoming all to the presence of God. MISSION STATEMENT: As the wellspring of Catholic faith in Collier County, our Parish family continues to offer welcome and living water by sharing the Word of God, celebrating Christ in the Eucharist, serving others with the gifts of the Spirit, and practicing faithful stewardship. SAINT ANN IS ADMINISTERED BY THE OBLATES OF SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES, A CONGREGATION OF PRIESTS AND BROTHERS DEDICATED TO THE SPIRIT OF SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES AND THEIR FOUNDER BLESSED LOUIS BRISSON. WELCOME TO SAINT ANN PARISH We welcome the following newly registered parishioners to our Saint Ann Parish Family: Eugene R. and Kay Anderson Bruce and Joanna Kiselica Melissa Skiles UPCOMING AT SAINT ANN SAINT ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH December 2014 475 9th Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102 (239) 262-4256 21 Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Advent Saint Ann Parish and School Hayride 7:30pm (outside Rooney Hall) PASTORAL STAFF 22 Monday: Contemplative Prayer Group 7:00pm (Chapel) PASTOR Rev. Michael C. Vannicola, O.S.F.S. ..................... Ext. 201 PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. John A. Hanley, O.S.F.S. ............................. Ext. 200 Rev. Joseph P. Jocco, O.S.F.S. ............................ Ext. 200 RETIRED PRIEST In RESIDENCE Rev. Thomas J. Gillespie, O.S.F.S. ....................... Ext. 200 PARISH DEACON Deacon M. Donald Healy .................................... Ext. 211 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT to the PASTOR/ OFFICE MANAGER Mrs. Karen Reeb Hedstrom ................................. Ext. 201 COMMUNICATIONS cooRDINator Mr. John Esquivel .............................................. Ext. 206 DIRECTOR OF LITURGY AND MUSIC Mr. M. Raymond Santiago .................................. Ext. 209 DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATON Ms. Sybil Jean Steuart ....................................... Ext. 203 BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Barbara Szwed ........................................... Ext. 207 FACILITIES MANAGER Mr. Victor Mundia .............................................. Ext. 208 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Chair: Mrs. Maureen Minker ............................... 777-7118 Nicholas Giannone, Natalie Kraemer (Vice Chair), David LaCharite, Florence Little, Liz Ross (Secretary), Leo Stec PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Chair: Ms. Bettina McKee .................................... 261-6258 Jack Conroy, Tim Conroy, Bailey Geeslin, Dan Herrick, Stacey Moody (Secretary), Brett Oley SAINT ANN SCHOOL 542 8 th Ave. S., Naples, FL 34102 (239) 262-4110 Pre-K3 through Grade 8 Mrs. Gina Groch (Principal) .............................. Ext. 303 23 Tuesday: Morning Coffee after 8:00am Mass (Rooney Hall) Saint Ann Nativity Pageant Practice 5:00pm 24 Wednesday: Christmas Eve Saint Ann Nativity Pageant 3:30pm Masses at 4:00pm, 7:00pm and 10:00pm No Confessions Parish Office and Saint Joachim Chapel Closed 25 Thursday: Christmas Day Masses at 8:00am and 10:00am (No 12:15pm Mass) Parish Office and Saint Joachim Chapel Closed 26 Friday: Parish Office and Saint Joachim Chapel Closed 28 Sunday: Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 29 Monday: Contemplative Prayer Group 7:00pm (Chapel) 30 Tuesday: Tuesday Morning Coffee after 8:00am Mass (Rooney Hall) STEWARDSHIP: A WAY OF LIFE Collection totals for December 14, 2014 were not available at time of printing due to early submittal requirement. These will be included in the next bulletin. This Week December 21st: To assist parishioners in sending their children to Saint Ann School. Next Week December 28th: To assist parishioners in sending their children to Saint Ann School. Saint Ann Parish QR Code: Scan this QR (Quick Response) code with your smart phone camera and you will immediately access QR reader apps can be downloaded for free. Fourth Sunday of Advent The angel Gabriel confronts Mary with a mystery. The mystery of salvation in Christ is not a mystery that is solved, but a reality beyond our comprehension that we must choose to enter into. In the liturgy of the Eastern Church, everyone waits to see if Mary will enter into the mystery: God waits, Adam and Eve and all the souls of the dead who long for paradise wait, angels wait for new heavenly companions. And there is much rejoicing when her decision is “yes.” We have less dramatic choices offered to us, but the mystery of our salvation in Christ is by no means “solved.” We may understand it a bit better due to Mary’s “yes.” We may be a bit closer to it through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it still remains a mystery to which we all must give our own “yes.” Soon we will be singing “O come, let us adore him.” May our Advent prayer, our echo of Mary’s “yes,” continue then, so we may enter into the mystery of our salvation in Jesus Christ, God among us. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: I will fix a place for my people. (2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16). Psalm: For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord Saint Francis de Sales PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers/Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors and Sacristans (Scheduling) Mr. M. Raymond Santiago...................................... 262-4256 Arimatheans Mrs. Mary Cunningham ......................................... 261-4689 Adult/Youth Choir Mr. M. Raymond Santiago .................................... 262-4256 Bereavement Mr. Paul Timko .................................................... 262-4640 Mr. Richard Pluta ................................................. 774-2429 Homebound Ministry Mrs. Irma Lesser .................................................. 262-5810 Hospital Ministry (Psalm 89). Mrs. Karen Reeb Hedstrom .................................... 262-4256 Second Reading: To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be glory forever and ever (Romans 16:25-27). Mrs. Natalie Kraemer ........................................... 595-4211 Gospel Reading: Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word (Luke 1:26-38). MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS MONDAY December 22 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 8:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. † Mark Allan Straub † Joseph Markson TUESDAY December 23 Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 8:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. Laity for Life † Halie Lynn Guelfi WEDNESDAY December 24 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 8:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. THURSDAY † LaMoine Flaig † Sylvia Rose Creel The Szwed Family People of Saint Ann Anthony Aruta December 25 Social Committee Ushers Mr. Lou Carran .................................................... 370-0885 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Contemplative Prayer Group Mrs. Betty Tanner ................................................ 434-2916 Mrs. Irma Lesser .................................................. 262-5810 Gabriel Project Mrs. Carol Dangler ............................................... 601-7330 Lay Carmelites Mrs. Betty Tanner ................................................ 434-2916 Family-2-Family Mrs. Carol March .................................................. 417-0983 Respect Life Mrs. Loretta Huenefeld ......................................... 262-8953 Mrs. Kathy Bartels ................................................ 262-3271 ORGANIZATIONS WITH PARISH AFFILIATION Catholic Charities of Collier County Ms. Allegra Belliard .............................................. 793-0059 Crisis Pregnancy Line—Local 777-8343 Knights of Columbus Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 1113; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Mr. Nick Giannone ................................................ 353-4629 8:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. Mrs. Anne Shean ............................................ 585-370-1540 FRIDAY † William J. Harmless, S.J. † Norman D. Pagel No Mass December 26 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 8:30 A.M. 12:15 P.M. SATURDAY Victor and Caroline Mundia † Donald Domingue December 27 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 8:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. SUNDAY † George and Faye Williams † Doris Farah December 28 Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 1719; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. † William Lascheid People of Saint Ann † R. Paul Aenzl † Julius Lesser M.O.M.S. Saint Vincent de Paul Administrative Offices .......................................... 775-1667 ORGANIZATIONS ENDORSED BY THE PARISH Community Pregnancy Clinic (Formerly Collier Pregnancy Center ) Mr. Gary Ingold ................................................... 450-5852 Hope for Haiti Mrs. JoAnne Kuehner ............................................ 434-7183 Mother Frances de Sales Auxiliary to the Homeless Mrs. Rebecca Foxhoven ......................................... 434-0102 Providence House Mrs. Nancy Farren ................................................ 434-0579 Saint Ann School Foundation Mrs. Pamela Macia ............................................... 595-3495 DECEMBER 21, JUNE 29, 2014 NOVEMBER 10,2014 2013 Page 4 FROMANN THESCHOOL PASTOR SAINT Saint Ann Catholic Church Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings to you in this Advent season! I pray that you are well and enjoying this hope-filled time in the Church year. I write to share with you that our Parish will be changing its organization from an unincorporated association to become a Florida nonprofit corporation. The idea of incorporation has been under consideration for many years. Priests and laity alike have suggested that the Diocese consider incorporation for many reasons, especially to have the civil structure of a corporation mirror Canon Law. The parish operations and ministries shall continue to serve our community with little change in procedure. One reason is to help resolve a conflict between theological identity and civil identity of our parishes. Parishes are recognized under Canon Law as separate juridic persons with right of ownership of their own property and the right to enter into business transactions and agreements; however, they have no such right under civil law. Establishing a separate nonprofit Florida corporation will mirror Canon Law. The Pastor, who serves as the spiritual leader of the parish will serve as the President of the nonprofit corporation. The Pastor, Vicar General, and Chancellor have moral obligations to the Bishop imposed by Canon law and shall serve as the initial Board of Trustees of the corporation. Thereafter, two (2) lay persons who are members of the Parish will be elected to the Board of Trustees, one of whom will be from the Parish Finance Council. May God continue to bless you abundantly! (Rev.) Michael Christopher Vannicola, OSFS Pastor Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! NOVEMBER 21, DECEMBER 10,2014 2013 Page 5 LITURGY Preview of Next Sunday's Scripture Readings Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Reflections on Scripture Jack Conroy, Ph.D. I. Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3 The “Promise.” Reflection: First, a detail about translations. The first words of this reading in Hebrew are “The word of the Lord was to Abram.” We say it “came” to Abram; but the past tense of the verb “to be” is very powerful. It implies something more than mere “hearing;” it happened to him. Second, note 15:6. “And he believed the Lord; and the Lord reckoned it to him as righteousness.” This phrase was critical for St. Paul, for he realized that Abram was considered by God to be “righteous” by his Act of Belief. Third, the “Promise” of a large progeny has been crucial to Jews (and us), as it is God’s Promise. This is what Pope St. John Paul II was referring to when he said that God always fulfills his promises. This is part of why we Catholics must recognize Judaism as being a valid way of honoring God. II. Hebrews 11:8, 11-121, 1719 A Reminder of “The Promise”. Reflection: The Letter to the Hebrews reflects the First Reading, as a means of exemplifying Faith. So have countless commentators on Scripture looked to Abraham as a model. For when God made the Promise in the first reading, Abraham was said to be 100 years old, and Sarah 90. He also refers to the fa- III.Luke 2:22-40 Nunc Dimittis mous story of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son, who was to be the source of the immense progeny. For God was “testing” him. The central principle here is something that we can tend to dismiss in the critical nature of an interior, personal “Act of Faith,” a sense of personal conversion. As we honor the “Holy Family,” perhaps we can see that such an Act of Faith becomes most concrete in our Family life. Perhaps demands are made in it that appear unreasonable; perhaps the Act of Faith there will bring us to “Righteousness,” which really means the “Right Relationship with God.” Reflection: The first item we notice about this Lucan story is the care with which Jesus' parents observed the Law. This expressed the atmosphere within which Our Lord was brought up. Note also that Luke captured the Jewish custom in a blessing: a person "Blessed" God! In other words, the standard Jewish blessing (still) reads: "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, our God, King of the Universe, ...etc." Further, Luke has borrowed from the words of Second Isaiah when he points out the Salvation that God has brought (Is. 52:10) and that he has brought a light to the Gentiles (Is 42:6). Finally, we see the re-affirmation of the fulfillment of all the requirements of the Law and a return to Nazareth where Jesus was "filled with Wisdom." Remember, Wisdom was with God at the creation of the world and Jesus was seen by St. Luke as the embodiment of Divine Wisdom during his ministry. Simeon, having beheld the Messiah, felt nothing more was required in his life. St. Luke makes him a noble model. DECEMBER 21, 2014 Page 6 Advent / CHRISTMAS REFLECTIONS Fourth Sunday of Advent How Can This Be? O Most High, you who sent beautiful and fearsome Gabriel to Mary, we rejoice in that moment. Troubled, she pondered. How not to fear? Yet she met his eyes with her question. She listened: the Holy Spirit, the power of the Most High, the Son of God. All this you prepared and proposed to give us yourself. We ask for her courage, to receive you, to meet your eyes, to ask, to ponder, to be a faithful handmaid. We ask this through the same Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Sunday, December 21, 2014 Faithfulness and Kindness Today’s Readings: 2 Samuel 7:1–5, 8b–12, 14a, 16; Psalm 89: 2–3, 4–5, 27, 29; Romans 16:25–27; Luke 1:26–38. The connection between the First Reading and the Gospel today is hard to miss. In the First Reading, David is told of the heir that will come from him, and in the Gospel, Mary hears that her son will receive “the throne of his ancestor David.” With that throne comes a kingdom. David is told that his kingdom will never end and Mary hears the same of her son’s kingdom. The attitude of the main characters in these stories, though, varies greatly. Mary, who is a model of discipleship, appears to rest in the Lord. She waits and listens for the Lord. When the angel Gabriel has delivered the message, her willingness to do God’s will is apparent. King David, sure that he needs to do something for God, plans to build a house for the Lord. Through Nathan, David hears that it is the Lord who has accomplished much for him and will continue to look after him. David need not establish a house for the Lord; the Lord will establish a house for David. Should you look up the Second Reading in the Bible, you will find that it is a doxology concluding St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Sometimes these doxologies are hard to understand out of context. It is best to read the doxology slowly. When read phrase by phrase, we see that St. Paul is telling the Church in Rome that God is their strength and should be glorified. The Church has come to understand this strength through the Good News that Paul has spread, Christ’s proclamation, and the prophetic writings. With Christmas only days away, these readings help us consider how we listen for God and how our words and deeds glorify him. DECEMBER 21, 2014 Page 7 Advent / CHRISTMAS REFLECTIONS THIS WEEK AT HOME Monday, December 22, 2014 O Rex Gentium, O King of the nations Both of today’s readings tell of improbable births. In the First Reading from 1 Samuel, we hear of Hannah, who had been sterile, but upon praying to the Lord she bore Samuel. In the Gospel, Mary visits Elizabeth, who in old age bears a child. As Mary meets Elizabeth, she proclaims how God has come to her in her lowliness. In these days before Christmas, you might want to make Mary’s prayer yours. Consider praying the Magnificat each evening before the family meal. Today’s Readings: 1 Samuel 1:24–28; Psalm: 1 Samuel 2:1, 4–5, 6–7, 8abcd; Luke 1:46–56. Tuesday, December 23, 2014 St. John Kanty, Priest O Emmanuel, O Emmanuel John of Kanty (1390–1473) was a humble priest who shared what he had with the poor. He was able to do so because he placed his trust in God. Today’s Gospel portrays the trust that Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father, had in God. After John the Baptist was born, Zechariah would not allow the baby to be named after him. The child’s name would be John, the name given by the angel. Is our trust in the Lord evident to others? Today’s Readings: Malachi 3:1–4, 23–24; Psalm 25:4–5ab, 8–9, 10 and 14; Luke 1:57–66. Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Blessed Be the Lord! Today’s Gospel contains the Canticle of Zechariah. You have been encouraged to pray the words of the Magnificat, the Canticle of Mary, at the evening meal. In the Liturgy of the Hours, the Canticle of Zechariah (the Benedictus, Luke 1:67–79) is prayed during Morning Prayer. Consider adding this prayer to your daily prayers. People from around the world celebrate the Nativity of the Lord in various ways. What are the traditions that you cherish? Today’s Readings: 2 Samuel 7:1–5, 8b–12, 14a, 16; Psalm 89:2–3, 4–5, 27 and 29; Luke 1:67–79. Thursday, December 25, 2014 The Nativity of the Lord Even though you have read and heard the story of Jesus’s birth many times, try to take a few minutes alone today to reflect on verses 8–14 from today’s Gospel. In these verses, heaven reaches out to the shepherds, penetrating their senses and emotions. The glory of the Lord shines before them, and they are fearful. The angels sing and they leave with haste to find the Savior. How do you allow the message to reach your senses? Today’s Readings (Mass during the Night): Isaiah 9:1–6; Psalm 96:1–2, 2–3, 11–12, 13; Titus 2:11–14; Luke 2:1–14. Friday, December 26, 2014 Feast of St. Stephen, the First Martyr Stephen died as Jesus did: falsely accused and condemned to death because he spoke the truth fearlessly. Do people in your community face discrimination for their beliefs? Pray for all who face discrimination for proclaiming their faith and belief in Jesus Christ, especially those who face a martyr’s death. Can you recall the names of some modern day martyrs? Today’s Readings: Acts 6:8–10; 7:54–59; Psalm 31: 3cd–4, 6 and 8ab, 16bc and 17; Matthew 10:17–22. Saturday, December 27, 2014 Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist We might be surprised to read an account of the Resurrection just two days after Christmas. This reading clearly links the Incarnation with the Resurrection, a unity celebrated throughout Christmas Time. Considering the connection of Christmas to Easter may enrich our celebration. We may move beyond just celebrating the birth of an infant to rejoicing that God loved us enough to send his Son to die and rise for us. Today’s Readings: 1 John 1:1–4; Psalm 97:1–2, 5–6, 11–12; John 20:1a, 2–8. NOVEMBER 21, DECEMBER 10,2014 2013 Page 8 Fourth Sunday of Advent Theme: God's Spirit comes to us in ways we least expect. Breaking Open the Word: Today’s 2nd Reading from Romans 16:25-27 Step One: Listen to the Word: As you hear this reading about Mary today, what words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: If you were to tell someone one thing about Jesus’ mother, Mary, what would you say? Question for Youth: Gabriel's greeting to Mary was, "Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you." This is God's greeting to each of us – he loves us just as we are. What are some of your personal strengths that God rejoices in? Saint Ann Parish and School Hayride Saint Ann will hold their Annual Parish and School Hayride on Sunday, December 21st After 6pm Mass outside Rooney Hall Come Join us for a hayride through downtown Naples, Christmas Caroling and refreshments. Question for Adults: Name one area of your life where God has surprised you with love, abilities, or even a pregnancy. How is God’s Spirit upon you in this dimension of life? The Social Committee Tuesday Morning Coffee: December 23, 2014 after the 8:00am Mass in Rooney Hall. Ministry Spotlight: Mother Frances de Sales Aviat Auxiliary to the Homeless The Mother Mary Frances de Sales Aviat Auxiliary to the Homeless exists to raise money for area organizations which aid the homeless and to form young women into dignified women with a strong sense of volunteerism. Named for a late 19th century saint who actively addressed the social issues of the working poor in France, the Auxiliary is always open to women interested in working for these two goals of charity and service. Members of the Auxiliary help to support young ladies being formed into “dignified ladies of service” during their two and a half year formation program. That formation culminates in the biennial Rose Ball which serves to recognize those young women who have completed the program as well as to help raise funds to aid organizations serving the homeless. The Auxiliary meets four times a year, in January, March, October and November. The time commitment is as much or as little as the member desires or is able to give. Committee help for the 2015 Rose Ball is especially needed. Women interested in becoming part of the Auxiliary please contact: Rebecca Foxhoven 239-434-0102 or by email Please bring an unwrapped gift (a learning toy or a book ) for a child between Birth and Three Years Old (Please, no stuffed animals). Thank you. Gifts are for Caring Hearts Saint Ann Nativity Pageant December 24th at 3:30pm All children and youth of Saint Ann are invited to participate Practices will be in the church on the following dates: December 23rd at 5:00pm If you have any questions please contact Sybil Steuart at 239-262-4256 ext. 203. Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! OCTOBER 13, DECEMBER 21,2013 2014 Page 9 Requesting Infant Baptism? Those parents who have never had an infant baptized at St. Ann parish are to attend and complete a required parish Baptismal Preparation program. May the great yet small Infant of Bethlehem be the delight and love of our heart!...If I contemplate Him upon the knees of His holy mother or in her arms, with His little mouth like the bud of a rose...I see my God more splendid on this throne than Solomon on his throne rich with gems...May the great Saint Joseph help us to partake in his joy; may the most holy virgin give us His love; may the Child deign to fill and infuse the grace of His merits into our hearts! ~ St. Francis de Sales (Letters 940; O. XVI, pp. 120-121) Wishing Our Saint Ann Parish and School Families a safe and healthy Merry Christmas! Live Jesus! Father Michael Vannicola, OSFS and Saint Ann Staff Little Rock Scripture Bible Study Praying the Scriptures Starting January 7th 2015 On Wednesdays at 1:30pm in the Gathering Room. For more information, please contact Sybil Stuart at 262-4256. “Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life with fear; rather, look upon them with strong hope that, as they arise, God, whose child you are, will deliver you from them. “ ~ St. Francis de Sales Programs are from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on the following dates: January 18th, and March 15th. For more information or to register for one of these classes, contact the Faith Formation Office at 239-262-4256, ext. 203 or email Saint Ann Parish Commitment On First Mondays, Come and Pray for One Hour: On Mondays, abortions are performed at Planned Parenthood on the corner of Creech and Goodlette-Frank Roads. Please join our Saint Ann parishioners, along with Saint William parishioners, in seeking a conversion of heart for all those involved in procuring an abortion. We pray on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood on the first Monday of every month between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. If you have any questions, please call Kathy Bartels at 239-250-1854 or Loretta Huenefeld 239-290-0998. Homebound Parishioners: If you are homebound and currently not receiving Holy Communion from an Extraordinary Minister, please call the Parish Office at 262-4256. We will be happy to have you placed on the visitation schedule. If you would like to have one of the priests visit you to administer the Sacrament of the Sick or administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please contact the Parish Office. Tribute To Our Military: We offer prayers and thanks to all men and women currently serving in the United States military. If you have a loved one serving in our military, please call or email us their name and rank so that we can pray for them. 2ndLt Max Caggiano; David James Clark, Army; SSGT Vincent Colombo; LCP Marc Dinanno, USMC; A1C Thomas Dolan; Lt Paul Farnan, USN; SSgt Andrew LeBlanc; Justin LeBlanc, USCG Fireman; Matthew Malecky, Army; Capt. Richard Santiago Pluta; Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Matthew Pluta; Capt. William Prindiville, USMC; Major Jason P. Ward, USAF; Katie Yancosek, Army. Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! NOVEMBER DECEMBER 21, 10, 2014 2013 Page Page 10 10 CHRISTMAS FLOWER DONATIONS CHRISTMAS FLOWERS DONORS Thank you to the following families who generously contributed through Christmas Flower donations (Donations through December 11, 2014) DONOR M/M Joseph Arciere M/M Robert Allard M/M John Azzinaro Mrs. Marie Arrigo Mrs. Patty Andreoli M/M Edward Andrews Hon/Mrs. Victor Beretta Ms. Darryl Briscoe Ms. Sandy Bruzzese M/M Timothy Bolgar Mr. Len Berringer M/M John Bolgar Ms. Gail Budgin Mrs. Ann Berry M/M Andrew Branka M/M William Bradt M/M John Burris M/M Salvatore Bonnici M/M William Bennett M/M John Bartels M/M John Bartels M/M Clyde Craig Mrs. Aurelia Crouch Ms. Eva Calder Ms. Jodi Colgate Mrs. Lois Caprata M/M Steve Corvaia Mrs. Mary Cunningham Mrs. Frances Casey Dr./Mrs. Lawrence Caliguiri M/M Andrew Chu Mrs. Amelia Castenir M/M Jacques Dreyfuss Mrs. Patricia Daniel Ms. Diane Dumas Mrs. Mary Louise Donkersgoed M/M David Devine M/M Kiernan Day M/M Gregory Donahue Ms. Joan Euler M/M George Fitzpatrick Ms. Dorothy Frommer Mrs. Susan Frasso M/M William Gallagher M/M Paul Gladdys Ms. Fran Guelfi Mrs. Anne Gorman Mr. Kevin Geithmann Ms. Alessandra Higgs Mrs. Marguerite Henderson M/M Parker` Heinemann Mrs. Blanche Hintz IN HONOR/MEMORY OF … Saint Joseph Family Intentions The Azzinaro Family Lawrence Arrigo Frank and Dolores Fragroli Family Intentions Family Intentions Family Intentions Family Intentions Family Intentions Dorothy Berringer Martin and Winifred Forgash Family and Friends Kenneth D. Reed Joseph Branka Family Intentions Gladis Ryan M/M Paul Bonnici Family Intentions Stacy Bartels The Bartels Family Family Intentions Lewis and Linda Crouch Family Intentions Gary Colgate Nancy Caprata Family Intentions Family Intentions Family Intentions Family Intentions Shirley Tio Family Intentions Family Intentions Louis M. Daniel Claire DiChiara Robert Donkersgoed Family Intentions Family Intentions John F. Korotko Family Intentions John and Mary Escoda William and Josephine Frommer Andy Frasso Jenny Centanni Paul and Karol Gladdys Family The Mottola Family The Gorman Family Lisa Butterfield Angelo DiCicco and Family Family Intentions Dan Curley Family R. A. Hintz DONOR M/M Michael Hackleman Mrs. Joyce Hand M/M John Jarvis M/M John Kennedy Ms. Margaret Kennedy M/M Robert Koch Ms. Bernice Kreke M/M John Lahey M/M Hugh Lonergan Mrs. Frances Lasko M/M James Lowe Ms. Christine Lonergan Mr. Samuel Madonia M/M Brian McArdle Mrs. Lynn Montgomery M/M Filippo Mastrocola Mrs. Marie McAuliffe Mrs. Mary McCourt Ms. Mayra Maya M/M David Moritz Dr. Caren Mikesh Mr. John McGillicuddy Mr. Robert Nolan Mr. Donald Olen Mrs. Theresa Porcelli Mrs. Jessica Palumbo M/M David Poorman M/M Michael Poff M/M Frank Peter M/M James Perreault Ms. Nelly Rodriguez Dr./Mrs. Salvatore Reda M/M Thomas Riscili M/M Albert Robinson Mrs. Rosemarie Ryan Ms. Coralie Stranger M/M Charles Sullivan M/M George Szabo M/M Eric Strachan M/M Charles Szuberla Mr. Albert Sneed Mr. John Stanley M/M Victor Serrano M/M Michael Sullivan M/M Peter Smith M/M Steven Trapasso M/M Richard Tusa Mrs. Janet Tremblay Mrs. Mary Vertin Mrs. Dorothy Wise Dr./Mrs. Antonino Zampogna IN HONOR/MEMORY OF … The Glosup Family Timonty Hand The Jarvis/Metz Families Family Intentions Thomas Kennedy The Koch Family Family Intentions Mr. and Mrs. James Bruzzi Luke Doloughty Frank Langan Pamela Kelly M/M Luke Doloughty Family Intentions Family Intentions Violet Miksa Family Intentions Thomas McAuliffe Jack McCourt Mr. Jose Maya Jerry Moritz Mary Beth Mikesh Family Intentions Marie E. Nolan Family Intentions Danny Procelli Joseph Randazzo Ike Poorman Pauline and Kenneth Hollis Bertha and Frank Peter, Sr. Howard and Margaret Sweet Family Intentions Family Intentions Rose Riscili Ted Robinson Family Intentions Paul A. Hadnagy, Jr. Family Intentions Family Intentions Skippy Sheda Deceased Members of the Ducharme Family Jean Sneed Family Intentions Louise and Vic Serrano Family Intentions Peter Smith Family Intentions Family Intentions Raymond Trembley Family Intentions Louise Mooser Family Intentions DECEMBER 21, 2014 Page 11 CHRISTMAS AND New Year’s 2014 Christmas and New Year’s Mass Schedule Saint Ann Parish Office and Saint Joachim Chapel will be closed Wednesday, December 24th and re-open on Monday, December 29th. CHRISTMAS EVE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24th 3:30 PM NATIVITY PAGEANT 4:00 PM MASS - YOUTH CHOIR 7:00 PM MASS 9:30 PM PRE-SERVICE CAROLS BEGIN 10:00 PM MASS - ADULT CHOIR CHRISTMAS DAY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25th 8:00 AM MASS 10:00 AM MASS - ADULT CHOIR NEW YEAR’S EVE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31st 5:30 PM VIGIL MASS SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD NEW YEAR’S DAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD 8:00 AM MASS 12:15 PM MASS Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! DECEMBER 21, 2014 Page 12 SAINT ANN SCHOOL Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! DECEMBER 21, 2014 PAGE 13 New Members: To those of you who are new to Naples or to the parish, welcome to Saint Ann! We are an active and vibrant parish. To initiate the registration process, please register on our website at, you may alternately complete a form and drop it into the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Any usher will be happy to show you where the forms are located. To All Registered Parishioners: Weekly donations are tracked through the envelope system, that is, through your parish registration number. This is one reason we encourage all to register with us regardless of whether you are full-time or seasonal parishioners. Please call the parish office if your address changes. This saves us postage and keeps our census up-to-date. It may take up to eight weeks to make changes. Thank you. Electronic Giving: Would you find it helpful to have your donations to Saint Ann Church debited directly from your bank account or credit card as you do with other monthly bills? Saint Ann offers electronic giving for those who wish to have your contribution transferred electronically to the church. If you are a seasonal parishioner, this is particularly helpful in keeping up with your intended offerings. Electronic giving makes life easier for you and yields significant benefits for your church. You can sign up for Electronic Giving at any time by completing an authorization form which is available in the parish office. PARISH INFORMATION Safe Environment: As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and trained in Safe Environment. For further information, visit the Diocesan website at Report all abuse to the Florida Department of Children and Families 800-962-2873. To report abuse by Diocesan personnel or volunteers, call the Diocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator, Barbara Di Cocco at 941-416-6114. Retrouvaille: Marriage in crisis? Retrouvaille can help. Call 800470-2230, or go to Sick and Homebound: If you or a loved one is hospitalized or homebound, please contact the Parish Office to arrange for the reception of the Eucharist and/or for the Anointing of the Sick. Holy Orders and Religious Life: Any member of the parish staff is willing to assist you if you are considering a vocation as a Sister, Brother or priest in a religious order, or as a deacon or priest in a diocese. In addition, the vocation directors of the Oblates and of the Diocese of Venice are available for assistance in discernment. For the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales, contact Father Alan Zobler, O.S.F.S., 419-724-9851 or at For the Diocese of Venice, contact Father Cory Mayer, 941-484-9543 Mayer Saint Ann Phase 1 Bereavement Support: This group will serve those who have experienced a more recent loss or still feel they may need more help. The goal is to assist the bereaved through the stages of their grief. Contact Paul Timko at 239-2624640 or Cathie Mollo at 239-435-0873 to learn about the next scheduled class. Registration is required! Bulletin Announcements are to be submitted by email to Bulletin Editor John Esquivel at by 9:00 am Thursday, ten days prior to the requested publication date. Announcements normally run in the bulletin for three weeks and are edited as space permits. Saint Ann Bereavement Support Group: This group is normally for those individuals who have completed Phase 1 Bereavement Support. Find support in the loss of a loved one. The Bereavement Support Group usually meets the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Saint Joachim Chapel from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Contact: Richard Pluta at 239-774-2429. Library: The library is located in the Faith Formation Room. Library is opened by appointment. Contemplative Prayer Group: All are welcome to join in “quiet time” before the Blessed Sacrament and to pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. The Prayer group normally meets Monday evenings in Saint Joachim Chapel from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Contact: Betty Tanner at 239-434-2916 or Irma Lesser at 239-2625810. Prayer Line: Is there someone you want the Contemplative Prayer Group to pray for? Contact Karen Reeb Hedstrom at 239-262-4256. Faith Formation: Meeting days and times for programs etc. are as follows: Faith Formation classes K - 8 are held Sunday morning, 10:15 - 11:45 am. 9th-10th Grade, Confirmation, First Communion and First Reconciliation programs meet on select Sunday afternoons during the school year. RCIA attends night classes and meets Sunday mornings 9:00 - 10:00 am. Contact Sybil Steuart or call 239-262-4256, Ext. 203. Gabriel Project: Gabriel Project is a friendship and mentoring program for pregnant women. If you need assistance or would like to volunteer, contact 239-601-7330. Volunteers are also needed to drive women to doctor’s appointments. Contact: Carol Dangler. M.O.M.S. Ministry Of Mothers Sharing: M.O.M.S. is an 8 week spiritual journey that leads a group of women through the discovery of their individual gifts, peer ministry, self value, mutual guidance and prayer. Contact Anne Shean at 585-370-1540. Ads: Contact J.S. Paluch Co. at 800-432-3240 Infant Baptism: Registered parishioners should contact the Faith Formation Office at least three months prior to the planned Baptism (239-262-4256, Ext. 203 or Godparent documentation must be received at least two weeks prior to the scheduled baptism. Parent(s) requesting infant Baptism for the first time at St. Ann’s parish are to attend and complete a required, scheduled parish Baptismal Preparation program. If for some reason, the parents are unable to attend the required program, they are to contact the Faith Formation Office to reschedule the date of the Baptism until a time after this requirement is met. Infant Baptism may be held in or outside of Sunday Mass. Children over 7 are normally baptized through the RCIA process which culminates at Easter. Marriage: Couples wishing to marry must meet with a priest before setting a date and at least six months in advance of an anticipated wedding in order to complete the preparation process. For residents of Collier County, one member of the engaged couple must already be a registered Saint Ann parishioner for at least six months before the couple can make a request to be married here. A couple may also request to be married here if a parent or grandparent of either the bride or groom is a regular practicing parishioner. In this case they must have the permission of both their Pastor/ Administrator and the Pastor of Saint Ann and will usually complete their marriage preparation in their parish of origin. Contact: The Parish Office. Funerals: After a funeral director has been contacted but before any arrangements have been made public, please contact the Parish Office in order to arrange for a funeral time, vigil service and liturgy planning. Contact: Karen Reeb Hedstrom. PARISH OFFICE 239-262-4256 FAX 239-262-4296 WEBSITE
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