SAINT ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF 3RD STREET S. AND 9TH AVENUE S. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm Closed Tuesday from 1:00pm - 3:00pm PARISH OFFICE 475 9th Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102 T: (239) 262-4256 F: (239) 262-4296 ST. JOACHIM CHAPEL (ADJACENT TO PARISH OFFICE) Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm JANUARY 11, 2015 FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD LITURGY SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL ..................................................................................................... 4:00PM, 5:30PM SUNDAY ..................................................................................... 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 6:00PM DAILY ...................................................................... MONDAY - THURSDAY, SATURDAY 8:00AM ................................................................................................................................................. FRIDAY 8:30AM ..............................................................................................................MONDAY - FRIDAY 12:15PM HOLY DAY ............................................................................... (CONSULT BULLETIN FOR TIMES) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION (St. JOACHIM Chapel) ............. EVERY FRIDAY 9:15AM TO 11:30AM RECONCILIATION WEDNESDAY (IN THE PARISH OFFICE) ........................................................................................................................ 1:00PM - 3:00PM SATURDAY (IN THE CHURCH) ............................................................................................................2:30PM - 3:45PM ALSO AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ANOINTING OF THE SICK FIRST SATURDAY .................................................................................................................................. 8:00AM ALSO AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT VISION STATEMENT: To be a spirit-filled people who Live Jesus, in a community of stewardship, welcoming all to the presence of God. MISSION STATEMENT: As the wellspring of Catholic faith in Collier County, our Parish family continues to offer welcome and living water by sharing the Word of God, celebrating Christ in the Eucharist, serving others with the gifts of the Spirit, and practicing faithful stewardship. SAINT ANN IS ADMINISTERED BY THE OBLATES OF SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES, A CONGREGATION OF PRIESTS AND BROTHERS DEDICATED TO THE SPIRIT OF SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES AND THEIR FOUNDER BLESSED LOUIS BRISSON. WELCOME TO SAINT ANN PARISH We congratulate the newest baptized member of the Catholic Church: Baptized Sunday, January 4, 2015 Samuel Mark Elwell son of Mark and Lauren Elwell SAINT ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH 475 9th Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102 (239) 262-4256 PASTORAL STAFF PASTOR Rev. Michael C. Vannicola, O.S.F.S. ..................... Ext. 201 UPCOMING AT SAINT ANN January 2015 11 Sunday: Feast of The Baptism of The Lord Saint Ann School 8th Grade-Car Wash after all Morn ing Masses (outside of the Jubilee Center). Knights of Columbus-Traveling Chalice 9:00am Mass PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. John A. Hanley, O.S.F.S. ............................. Ext. 200 Rev. Joseph P. Jocco, O.S.F.S. ............................ Ext. 200 12 Monday: Contemplative Prayer Group 7:00pm (Chapel) RETIRED PRIEST In RESIDENCE Rev. Thomas J. Gillespie, O.S.F.S. ....................... Ext. 200 14 Wednesday: Little Rock Scripture Study 1:00 pm Praying the Scriptures (Gathering Room) PARISH DEACON Deacon M. Donald Healy .................................... Ext. 211 15 Thursday: Phase I Bereavement Support Group 9:30am (Parish Conference Room) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT to the PASTOR/ OFFICE MANAGER Mrs. Karen Reeb Hedstrom ................................. Ext. 201 COMMUNICATIONS cooRDINator Mr. John Esquivel .............................................. Ext. 206 DIRECTOR OF LITURGY AND MUSIC Mr. M. Raymond Santiago .................................. Ext. 209 DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATON Ms. Sybil Jean Steuart ....................................... Ext. 203 BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Barbara Szwed ........................................... Ext. 207 FACILITIES MANAGER Mr. Victor Mundia .............................................. Ext. 208 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Chair: Mrs. Maureen Minker ............................... 777-7118 Nicholas Giannone, Natalie Kraemer (Vice Chair), David LaCharite, Florence Little, Liz Ross (Secretary), Leo Stec PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Chair: Ms. Bettina McKee .................................... 261-6258 Jack Conroy, Tim Conroy, Bailey Geeslin, Dan Herrick, Stacey Moody (Secretary), Brett Oley SAINT ANN SCHOOL 542 8 th Ave. S., Naples, FL 34102 (239) 262-4110 Pre-K3 through Grade 8 Mrs. Gina Groch (Principal) .............................. Ext. 303 13 Tuesday: Tuesday Morning Coffee - After 8:00 am Mass (Rooney Hall) 18 Sunday: Second Sunday In Ordinary Time Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast after 7:30am and 9:00am Masses (Rooney Hall) 19 Monday: Contemplative Prayer Group 7:00pm (Chapel) Office and Chapel Closed–Martin Luther King Jr Day 20 Tuesday: Tuesday Morning Coffee after 8:00am Mass (Rooney Hall) Teaching Tuesdays Series on Sacraments: Baptism 9:30am and 6:30pm (Rooney Hall) Bereavement II Support Group 4:00pm (Chapel) STEWARDSHIP: A WAY OF LIFE Sunday Christmas Dec. 28th Jan. 4th 1st Collection: $ 69,053.00 $ 24,339.00 $ 44,196.00 Scholarship Collection: $ 3,264.00 $ 4,280.00 $ 4,775.00 This Sunday last year 1st Collection: $ 58,764.00 $ 27,546.00 $ 31,095.00 Scholarship Collection: $ 4,280.00 $ 4,380.00 $ 4,783.00 This Week January 11th: Vocations/Seminary Support Next Week January 18th: To assist parishioners in sending their children to Saint Ann School. Saint Ann Parish QR Code: Scan this QR (Quick Response) code with your smart phone camera and you will immediately access QR reader apps can be downloaded for free. THE WATERS OF BAPTISM When new sod is put in, it needs constant saturation with water. Landscapers say that this “knits” the sod to the soil. The same when a branch is grafted onto a tree: the poultice that joins them at the splice must be kept wet at all times. Water is the stuff that binds the very cells of our bodies together. No wonder religions throughout all times and cultures have used it so prominently. When Jesus stepped into the Jordan for baptism, he “knit” himself to what had come before him. By going to the Jordan, he made himself one with the people of Israel who had crossed it into their Promised Land. With John the Baptist, Christ wove himself into the prophetic tradition that heralded the coming reign of God. He had become fully human in the waters of Mary’s womb, and by partaking in the rite of the baptism of repentance, Jesus identified himself with our sinful, frail humanity. It is through the waters of baptism that Christ continues to graft new members onto his Body, the Church; through these waters we are cleansed from sin and filled with the promise of grace, given our destiny for eternal life. For us, as for Jesus, it is also the waters of baptism that inaugurate our mission to proclaim the Good News. TODAY’S READINGS Saint Francis de Sales PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers/Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors and Sacristans (Scheduling) Mr. M. Raymond Santiago...................................... 262-4256 Arimatheans Mrs. Mary Cunningham ......................................... 261-4689 Adult/Youth Choir Mr. M. Raymond Santiago .................................... 262-4256 Bereavement Mr. Paul Timko .................................................... 262-4640 Mr. Richard Pluta ................................................. 774-2429 Homebound Ministry Mrs. Irma Lesser .................................................. 262-5810 Hospital Ministry First Reading: Behold my servant with whom I am pleased; he shall bring forth justice to the nations Mrs. Karen Reeb Hedstrom .................................... 262-4256 (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11. Mrs. Natalie Kraemer ........................................... 595-4211 Psalm: The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29) or Isaiah 12:2-6. Second Reading: God anointed him with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:34-38) or 1 John 5:1-9. Gospel Reading: You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased (Mark 1:7-11). MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS MONDAY January 12 Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 8:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. † Edward Ryan Maureen Robinson TUESDAY January 13 Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Social Committee Ushers Mr. Lou Carran .................................................... 370-0885 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Contemplative Prayer Group Mrs. Betty Tanner ................................................ 434-2916 Mrs. Irma Lesser .................................................. 262-5810 Gabriel Project Mrs. Carol Dangler ............................................... 601-7330 Lay Carmelites Mrs. Betty Tanner ................................................ 434-2916 Family-2-Family Mrs. Carol March .................................................. 417-0983 Respect Life Mrs. Loretta Huenefeld ......................................... 262-8953 Mrs. Kathy Bartels ................................................ 262-3271 12:15 P.M. Benefactors and Volunteers of Providence House † Ralph J. Reeb WEDNESDAY January 14 Ms. Allegra Belliard .............................................. 793-0059 8:00 A.M. Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 8:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. † Roger Bernashe † Frank Auer THURSDAY January 15 Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 8:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. FRIDAY People of Saint Ann For the Souls in Purgatory January 16 Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 8:30 A.M. 12:15 P.M. SATURDAY Yolanda Esquivel † John Shea January 17 Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 8:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. People of Saint Ann † Mary Maroun † Thomas Sandleitner SUNDAY January 18 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. † † † † Carol Jean Carpenter Hubert J. Braun, Jr. Antonio Corsetto Lillian Burke ORGANIZATIONS WITH PARISH AFFILIATION Catholic Charities of Collier County Crisis Pregnancy Line—Local 777-8343 Knights of Columbus Mr. Nick Giannone ................................................ 353-4629 M.O.M.S. Mrs. Anne Shean ............................................ 585-370-1540 Saint Vincent de Paul Administrative Offices .......................................... 775-1667 ORGANIZATIONS ENDORSED BY THE PARISH Community Pregnancy Clinic (Formerly Collier Pregnancy Center ) Mr. Gary Ingold ................................................... 450-5852 Hope for Haiti Mrs. JoAnne Kuehner ............................................ 434-7183 Mother Frances de Sales Auxiliary to the Homeless Mrs. Rebecca Foxhoven ......................................... 434-0102 Providence House Mrs. Nancy Farren ................................................ 434-0579 Saint Ann School Foundation Mrs. Pamela Macia ............................................... 595-3495 NOVEMBER JANUARY 11, 10, 2015 2013 Page 4 FROM OUR BISHOP Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JUNE 29, 2014 NOVEMBER JANUARY 11, 10, 2015 2013 Page 5 SAINT ANN SCHOOL A Moment With De Sales Rev. Michael S. Murray, OSFS Renewing our commitment Baptism of the Lord A Salesian Reflection Today we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. The Baptism of Jesus marks the beginning of his ministry. St. Francis de Sales notes that from time to time we need to reenergize the resolution we made in baptism to be children of God: The first Christians celebrated the anniversary of their Baptism, the day that they dedicated themselves to becoming children of God. We also ought to renew our commitment to the service of the Divine Goodness. In celebrating our baptismal vows, we strengthen our fervor, renew our promises and reaffirm our good resolutions. A good lute player has the habit of testing the strings of his instrument to see if they need tightening or loosening in order to sound harmonious. Likewise it is necessary for us to examine our affections that are not in balance, and our neglected resolutions. We need to see what we must do to recover what, by our weakness or negligence, we have lost. We must not be surprised at this because it seems that even the sun needs to start its course anew once a year to repair in spring the losses the earth suffered in winter. Just by renewing our commitment we can start to repair our faults. We can also regain lost time by fervor and diligence in totally uniting ourselves again to Our Lord. During our journey on this earth, Our Lord leads us by the hand, causing us to walk in virtue, or he carries us in the arms of his Divine Providence. His goodness is willing to lead us and to carry us, but he also wants us to take our little steps alone, doing on our part all that we can, helped by his holy love. Happy are the souls, who travel through life doing what they can in the practice of virtue and good works, and still holding on to the hand of our Lord! They are the children who sing the canticle of the glory of God because they dedicate themselves to the service of Divine Goodness as Jesus did at his baptism. Ministry Spotlight: Saint Ann Catholic School Saint Ann Catholic School, a ministry of St. Ann Parish, has educated children from age three through eighth grade since 1956. Our devoted clergy and parish ensure daily faith formation of our students. The talented faculty and staff create learning programs that build on the strengths and interests of our students. We educate the total Catholic student – an education of Spirit, Mind and Body. Our school is a thriving environment full of active learning, with various clubs and programs and after-school activities. Volunteers from the parish are most welcome and needed to support our school community through tutoring students, working in the library, serving in the cafeteria, assisting on the playground and lunch area, coaching a team, assisting teachers and helping in the school office. Please consider volunteering some of your time and talents to our wonderful St. Ann students. Your help can make such a difference for our students, faculty and administrators. Each volunteer must clear the fingerprinting background check and take the Safe Environment Class in order to volunteer at the school. If you are interested, please contact the school office at 239–262–4110 for further information. Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 11, 2015 Page 6 BAPTISM OF THE LORD A Word to Embrace O Word of God, sent forth from the mouth of the Father, baptized by John in the Jordan River consecrated by the Holy Spirit, and proclaimed beloved Son, be for us God’s Word of wisdom and salvation. Like God’s words through his prophets, sent to shower earth and hearts and make them fruitful, come into our hearts! Drench us with understanding of your ways and let your will for us be done. We ask this through the same Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Sunday, January 11, 2015 Pondering the Word of God Today’s Readings: Isaiah 55:1–11; Psalm: Isaiah 12:2– 3, 4bcd, 5–6; 1 John 5:1–9; Mark 1:7–11. Unlike the evangelists Matthew and Luke, Mark does not provide an account of the events surrounding Jesus’s birth. We do not find angels, shepherds, wise men, or a manger in Mark. The evangelist introduces his account of the Gospel with the prophecy from Isaiah, John’s proclamation of a baptism of repentance, and the baptism of the Lord. With the baptism by John, Jesus begins the life that will lead to the Cross. In a few months, we will hear today’s First Reading during the Easter Vigil. With candidates for the initiation sacraments in our midst, the relation of the text to Baptism will be evident. Today, we might look at the reading’s last verse: “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; / it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, / and succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” Christ, the Word that the Father sent, is beginning his ministry. He will accomplish salvation, thus succeeding in the reason he was sent. In the Second Reading, Peter explains that salvation is for all who fear the Lord and do what is right. Peter notes Jesus’s anointing by the Spirit, the good that Jesus did, and the message of peace. In succeeding paragraphs, Peter asserts that the resurrected Jesus appeared to the chosen, who were to preach him to all. On this last day of Christmas Time, we might consider how we stand in awe of God and how we preach the message of peace through Jesus Christ. Would others desire to come to the water because of the way we live? JANUARY 11, 2015 Page 7 THIS WEEK AT HOME Monday, January 12, 2015 Counted Time Today we return to Ordinary Time, derived from ordinal, meaning counted time. We move from Sunday to Sunday, counting them as we go. Yet there is nothing ordinary about Ordinary Time. Each Sunday we celebrate Dies Domini, the Day of the Lord. In July 1998, Saint John Paul II issued an apostolic letter on the Lord’s Day. We may want to pledge to take on our lips the words from Psalm 118:24, “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad,” as we begin each Sunday during this new year. January 18–25, 2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity On January 25, 1958, St. John XXIII announced there was to be a convening of a major ecumenical council in the Church. One of the greatest fruits of the Second Vatican Council has been the strengthening of the unity among the Christian ecclesial communities. As we observe the fifty-plus anniversaries of the Council documents, consider reading the Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio, and continue to pray that “all will be made one.” Save the Date The Anniversary Mass Respect Life 9 Days for Life (January 17-25) Your prayers matter. Your sacrifices make a difference! Pray with the Bishops to end abortion. On Thursday, January 22 our nation will mark the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the U.S. Since that tragic decision, more than 56 million children's lives have been lost to abortion and many suffer that loss - often in silence. Join Catholics across the country coming together in prayer for a "culture of life." There are different ways to join the novena that begins on the eve of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: use the 9 Days for Life app via the App Store or Google Play; text 9DAYS to 55000 to sign up to receive a daily email or download the novena at For questions please contact Jeanne Berdeaux at or 941-441-1101 All couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or more than 50 years of marriage are invited by Bishop Frank J. Dewane to an Anniversary Mass in their honor. To accommodate all couples, as in the past, there will be two celebrations. The Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in two locations: Saturday, February 7 at 11 o'clock at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice and March 14th at 11 o'clock at St. Leo the Great Parish in Bonita Springs. Please contact Karen Reeb Hedstrom, Office Manager for additional information and reservations*. Although space limits attendance at the Mass to celebrating couples only, family and friends may join us for a reception in the Parish Center following the Mass. You may reach Karen Reeb Hedstrom at (239) 262-4256. *Must have a reservation and be registered one week before the event you choose to attend. Thank you. Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! NOVEMBER JANUARY 11, 10, 2015 2013 Page 8 LITURGY Preview of Next Sunday's Scripture Readings Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflections on Scripture Jack Conroy, Ph.D. I. I Samuel 3:3b-10, 19. God's Call to Samuel. Reflection: We need just a bit of "context" to understand this reading. First, the mother of Samuel was named "Hannah," and she was one of the barren women whom God made fruitful as the result of a prayer. Many scholars think that she was the model for St. Ann, the mother of Our Lady, who is not known from Scripture, but only from apocryphal literature of the third and fourth centuries. When Hannah had a child, Samuel, she dedicated him to God, and gave him to the priest Eli of Shiloh, where the Ark of God was housed. The reading reflects a young Samuel, and his difficulty in understanding the voice of God; but Samuel would be a great prophet, and would be the instrument for the creation of King Saul and King David. So, the beginning of this Book of Samuel explains how close God was to his chosen one. The Hebrew of the last line says that God did not let a "single word that he told him to fall to the ground." A great image! II. I Corinthians 6:13c-15a Dense with Theology! Reflection: There has been a strand of Christianity from the earliest times that deprecated the body in order to empha- size the value of the soul or spirit. I suspect that this strand was beginning to be felt at the time of St. Paul, although it would not blossom in the Church for another 50 to 100 years, at which time it was called "Gnosticism." Here we see St. Paul affirming the value of our bodies, calling them the "Temple of the Holy Spirit." Now this itself was an enormous move; for we must recall that St. Paul was a Jew, and the "Temple" where God's Spirit resided was the building in Jerusalem. So we see a double movement, not only the affirmation of the value of our bodies, but the affirmation that God's Spirit resides within us, and not within a building. We know that St. Paul re-interpreted the Torah in such a manner that we, Gentiles, could become part of the People of God. This is one moment in that re-interpretation. Finally, the idea that we are "members" of the Lord, are mystically identified with Him, forms the intellectual basis of all works of charity and constitutes our "marching orders" to make Christ concretely present in the world. So these few lines pack an enormous quantity of theology, or theory of God's Presence to us. III. John 1:35-42 Early Recognition of Who Jesus Was. Reflection: While the Gospel of John is the one that is most clearly written with a theological view, and while most scholars suggest that its "historicity" is mostly suspect, this reading includes elements that may have historical relevance. For we first see John the Baptist identify Jesus as Messiah to two of his own disciples, one of whom was Andrew. Thus, Andrew (and maybe his brother, Simon) were likely part of the cult that followed the Baptist. Second, we might ask what Jesus was doing at the banks of the Jordan with John. Was he a follower of John as well? How did John know that Jesus was the "Lamb of God?" Finally, we see an independent (from the Synoptics) source of the name of the man we Catholics acknowledge as the first "Pope." Simon (a common Aramaic name) was to be called Kepha, which in Aramaic means "Rock." Its translation into Greek yields Petrus, which also means "Rock." (Recall: Petroleum is "oil from rock", and Petrified wood, "stone-like wood.) This also announces that Jesus is the "Messiah," the Anointed One, or Christos. If we read further in 1 Samuel, we find that the Prophet identifies the Kings of Israel by pouring oil on their heads, or anointing them. It is God who has anointed Jesus. Ministry Spotlight Respect Life “Respect Life” at St. Ann parish is a three-tiered effort. On the practical and personal level is the Gabriel Project. The Gabriel Project, in which St. Ann joins with other parishes, seeks to meet the material and emotional needs of pregnant women in the local area. On a spiritual and educational level, the Laity For Life group arranges for a parish Mass to be celebrated on the 25th of each month to pray for the end to abortion and for the needs of all those affected that tragic choice. On the level of prayer and action, the Respect Life group seeks to educate the parish on a variety of Pro-Life issues as well as to provide physical, prayerful witness at the local Planned Parenthood office on the first Monday of the month (when abortions are performed) and throughout the “40 Days For Life” campaign held throughout Lent. The Respect Life group invites the people of St. Ann parish to participate as “Prayer Warriors” at Planned Parenthood. The prayers there have an immediate impact on an urgent situation. Yes, God hears and answers prayers, no matter where they are said. But when women are arriving for their abortion procedure and see the public vigil, they know and understand that at that moment they need it most, someone is praying specifically for them. Your presence there is the last sign of hope before the abortion and the first sign of mercy after the procedure. Many of the mothers who have chosen life, and every former abortion worker, say the prayer presence outside turned them away from abortion. They saw that someone was there, just for them. The frequency of abortions performed at the Naples Planned Parenthood has decreased in recent time. We firmly believe that prayer and prayerful physical witness have helped to bring this decrease about. Your help is needed to address what St. John-Paul II referred to as America’s “culture of death” with a visible affirmation of life. Contact Loretta Huenefeld at 290-0998 ( or Kathy Bartels at 250-1854 ( for more information how you can help proclaim a “culture of life” in our parish, city and nation. OCTOBER11, JANUARY 13,2015 2013 Page 9 Baptism of the Lord Theme: Baptism gives us new life. Breaking Open the Word: You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased (Mark 1:7-11). Step One: Listen to the Word As you hear the story of Jesus being baptized, what line or word touches you? What lingers in your memory after hearing this amazing reading? Requesting Infant Baptism? Those parents who have never had an infant baptized at St. Ann parish are to attend and complete a required parish Baptismal Preparation program. Programs are from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on January 18th and on March 18th. For more information or to register for one of these classes, contact the Faith Formation Office at 239-262-4256, ext. 203 or email Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: Why does Baptism make you special? Saint Ann Parish Commitment On First Mondays, Come and Pray for One Hour: Question for Youth: You were baptized as a member of the Christian community. What does it mean to you to belong to this community? How is it a support in your life? On Mondays, abortions are performed at Planned Parenthood on the corner of Creech and Goodlette-Frank Roads. Please join our Saint Ann parishioners, along with Saint William parishioners, in seeking a conversion of heart for all those involved in procuring an abortion. We pray on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood on the first Monday of every month between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. Question for Adults: What meaning does your Baptism have for your everyday life? “True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.” ~St. Francis de Sales Catholic Charities New Year’s Resolutions You either love them or hate them! Have you thought about making changes in your life for the New Year? Are you struggling with how to take steps toward a healthier, more balanced life? Are you at an impasse? Could you use some help? Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice, Inc. in Collier County can help. Licensed and bilingual therapists are available to assist you. A bilingual psychologist who specializes in therapy for children also is available. Fees are based on a sliding scale and some insurance plans are accepted. Counseling Services are by appointment only. Catholic Charities is located at: 2210 Santa Barbara Boulevard in Naples. Let us help you and your family. For information, please call 239-455-2655. Volunteers needed: The Family Resource Center of Catholic Charities in Naples is looking for volunteers for the food pantry on Friday mornings to help pack bags, sort food, stock shelves, and with light housekeeping. For more details, please contact Allegra at 239-793-0059. If you have any questions, please call Kathy Bartels at 239-250-1854 or Loretta Huenefeld 239-290-0998. Homebound Parishioners: If you are homebound and currently not receiving Holy Communion from an Extraordinary Minister, please call the Parish Office at 262-4256. We will be happy to have you placed on the visitation schedule. If you would like to have one of the priests visit you to administer the Sacrament of the Sick or administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please contact the Parish Office. Tribute To Our Military: We offer prayers and thanks to all men and women currently serving in the United States military. If you have a loved one serving in our military, please call or email us their name and rank so that we can pray for them. 2ndLt Max Caggiano; David James Clark, Army; SSGT Vincent Colombo; LCP Marc Dinanno, USMC; A1C Thomas Dolan; Lt Paul Farnan, USN; SSgt Andrew LeBlanc; Justin LeBlanc, USCG Fireman; Matthew Malecky, Army; Capt. Richard Santiago Pluta; Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Matthew Pluta; Capt. William Prindiville, USMC; Major Jason P. Ward, USAF; Katie Yancosek, Army; C.W. 3 Sean Doyle McNally, Army. Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 11, 10, 2015 NOVEMBER 2013 Page 10 Tuesday Morning Coffee: January 13th, after the 8:00am Mass in Rooney Hall. Hope to see you there. Street Closing for the Naples Half Marathon Next Sunday, January 18th The following street closing and areas of traffic concern: CHRISTMAS FLOWERS DONORS Thank you to the following family who generously contributed through Christmas Flower donations: DONOR Ann Benson Harris 5th Ave. S to 8th Ave. S. Closed 6:00 am to 11:30 am 8th St. S. to 2nd St. S. Closed 7:00 am to 10:00 am Please try to avoid 3rd St. S. between 5th Ave. S. and 9th Ave. S. between 7:30 am to 9:45 am. Thank you. Little Rock Scripture Bible Study Praying the Scriptures January 14th, 21st and 28th On Wednesdays at 1:30pm in the Gathering Room. For information, contact Sybil Jean Steuart at (239) 262-4256 or Regional Safe Environment Training As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults. As they participate in activities within or sponsored by our diocese, it is our commitment to provide an environment which is safe and nurturing. In accordance with the Diocese of Venice policy to offer continued Safe Environment Awareness to all employees and volunteers, the following parishes will hold Regional Safe Environment Awareness training sessions. All diocesan employees...clergy, religious, laity, and those volunteers who have routine contact with children or vulnerable adults, MUST BE TRAINED in safe environment awareness issues. No one should attend Safe Environment Training until their fingerprints have cleared. Continued employment/volunteer status requires that you attend one of these sessions. Please contact the parish secretary at the location you wish to attend with your name and telephone number at least two weeks prior to the training. Please share this information with all parish/school staff and volunteers. Due to the sensitive nature of this training, no children are permitted to attend. Directions to the training site may be found at February 5th 6:00-8:00pm Saint Peter the Apostle (239) 774-3337 February 7th 9:30-11:30am Saint Peter the Apostle (239) 774-3337 March 5th 6:00-8:00pm Saint Finbarr (239) 417-2084 March 7th 9:30-11:30am Saint Finbarr (239) 417-2084 These are the only regional trainings that will be held in the Winter/Spring. The next trainings will be scheduled in the Summer/Fall 2015. IN HONOR/MEMORY OF … Mr. & Mrs. WM E Benson, Jr. Ms. Margret M. Benson Mr. Francis M. Harris Teaching Tuesdays at Saint Ann Saint Francis de Sales referred to Education as the “Eighth Sacrament of the Catholic Church”. He felt strongly about his role as teacher and educator of the faithful in his care. In that same spirit, Saint Ann Parish is committed to the continued education of its adult parishioners. Classes on topics of the Catholic Faith will be offered on select Tuesdays in Rooney Hall beginning at 9:30 am and at 6:30 pm. Each class will be about an hour long. Series on The Church’s Sacramental Life January 2015 January 20th Baptism January 27th Completing the Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist and Confirmation February 2015 February 3rd Forgiveness in The Sacraments February 10th Sacrament of Reconciliation: What it is and What it isn’t February 17th Anointing of the Sick: The Unknown Sacrament February 24th Christian Marriage Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 11, 2015 Page 11 Come join us at the Saint Ann Parish Picnic Sunday, February 1st at 12:00 pm in the Jubilee Center We will supply the food! You supply the Beverages & Desserts! (cookies, cupcakes and brownies) Please RSVP Saint Ann Parish Office 239-262-4256 Wednesday January 28TH 6:30PM St. Ann Jubilee by January 29th Thank You SAVE THE DATE “KNIGHT” AT THE RACES Saturday, February 28 at 6:00 PM Sunday, January 18th, after the 7:30am and 9:0am Masses Proceeds will go to help Community Pregnancy Clinics save more babies. Every $720 we raise will save a baby! Saint Ann Jubilee Center 525 9th Ave. South Join Saint Ann Knights of Columbus For an evening of Sociable FUN and EXCITEMENT Simulated Horse Racing Food – Drink – Raffles – Mint Juleps Advance ticket and at the door donation: $15.00 Purchase Early to Reserve a Table for Eight Ladies are encouraged to wear hats to add to the race atmosphere! Tickets may be purchased at Saint Ann Office, from K of C members, or at the door. Proceeds to benefit St. Ann Church and K of C Charities. Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 11, 2015 Page 12 SAINT ANN SCHOOL Save The Date! Save The Date! Date: April 18, 2015 Place: Naples Sailing and Yacht Club Time: 6:00pm Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 11, 2015 PAGE 13 New Members: To those of you who are new to Naples or to the parish, welcome to Saint Ann! We are an active and vibrant parish. To initiate the registration process, please register on our website at You may alternately complete a form and drop it into the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Any usher will be happy to show you where the forms are located. To All Registered Parishioners: Weekly donations are tracked through the envelope system, that is, through your parish registration number. This is one reason we encourage all to register with us regardless of whether you are full-time or seasonal parishioners. Please call the parish office if your address changes. This saves us postage and keeps our census up-to-date. It may take up to eight weeks to make changes. Thank you. Electronic Giving: Would you find it helpful to have your donations to Saint Ann Church debited directly from your bank account or credit card as you do with other monthly bills? Saint Ann offers electronic giving for those who wish to have your contribution transferred electronically to the church. If you are a seasonal parishioner, this is particularly helpful in keeping up with your intended offerings. Electronic giving makes life easier for you and yields significant benefits for your church. You can sign up for Electronic Giving at any time by completing an authorization form which is available in the parish office. Saint Ann Phase 1 Bereavement Support: This group will serve those who have experienced a more recent loss or still feel they may need more help. The goal is to assist the bereaved through the stages of their grief. Contact Paul Timko at 239-2624640 or Cathie Mollo at 239-435-0873 to learn about the next scheduled class. Registration is required! Saint Ann Bereavement Support Group: This group is normally for those individuals who have completed Phase 1 Bereavement Support. Find support in the loss of a loved one. The Bereavement Support Group usually meets the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Saint Joachim Chapel from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Contact: Richard Pluta at 239-774-2429. Contemplative Prayer Group: All are welcome to join in “quiet time” before the Blessed Sacrament and to pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. The Prayer group normally meets Monday evenings in Saint Joachim Chapel from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Contact: Betty Tanner at 239-434-2916 or Irma Lesser at 239-2625810. Prayer Line: Is there someone you want the Contemplative Prayer Group to pray for? Contact Karen Reeb Hedstrom at 239-262-4256. Faith Formation: Meeting days and times for programs etc. are as follows: Faith Formation classes K - 8 are held Sunday morning, 10:15 - 11:45 am. 9th-10th Grade, Confirmation, First Communion and First Reconciliation programs meet on select Sunday afternoons during the school year. RCIA attends night classes and meets Sunday mornings 9:00 - 10:00 am. Contact Sybil Steuart or call 239-262-4256, Ext. 203. Gabriel Project: Gabriel Project is a friendship and mentoring program for pregnant women. If you need assistance or would like to volunteer, contact 239-601-7330. Volunteers are also needed to drive women to doctor’s appointments. Contact: Carol Dangler. M.O.M.S. Ministry Of Mothers Sharing: M.O.M.S. is an 8 week spiritual journey that leads a group of women through the discovery of their individual gifts, peer ministry, self value, mutual guidance and prayer. Contact Anne Shean at 585-370-1540. PARISH INFORMATION Safe Environment: As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and trained in Safe Environment. For further information, visit the Diocesan website at Report all abuse to the Florida Department of Children and Families 800-962-2873. To report abuse by Diocesan personnel or volunteers, call the Diocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator, Barbara Di Cocco at 941-416-6114. Retrouvaille: Marriage in crisis? Retrouvaille can help. Call 800470-2230, or go to Sick and Homebound: If you or a loved one is hospitalized or homebound, please contact the Parish Office to arrange for the reception of the Eucharist and/or for the Anointing of the Sick. Holy Orders and Religious Life: Any member of the parish staff is willing to assist you if you are considering a vocation as a Sister, Brother or priest in a religious order, or as a deacon or priest in a diocese. In addition, the vocation directors of the Oblates and of the Diocese of Venice are available for assistance in discernment. For the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales, contact Father Alan Zobler, O.S.F.S., 419-724-9851 or at For the Diocese of Venice, please contact Father Cory Mayer, Mayer or Father Eric Scanlan, by email at or by phone at (941) 484-9543. Bulletin Announcements are to be submitted by email to Bulletin Editor John Esquivel at by 9:00 am Thursday, ten days prior to the requested publication date. Announcements normally run in the bulletin for three weeks and are edited as space permits. Ads: Contact J.S. Paluch Co. at 800-432-3240 Library: The library is located in the Faith Formation Room. Library is opened by appointment. Infant Baptism: Registered parishioners should contact the Faith Formation Office at least three months prior to the planned Baptism (239-262-4256, Ext. 203 or Godparent documentation must be received at least two weeks prior to the scheduled baptism. Parent(s) requesting infant Baptism for the first time at St. Ann’s parish are to attend and complete a required, scheduled parish Baptismal Preparation program. If for some reason, the parents are unable to attend the required program, they are to contact the Faith Formation Office to reschedule the date of the Baptism until a time after this requirement is met. Infant Baptism may be held in or outside of Sunday Mass. Children over 7 are normally baptized through the RCIA process which culminates at Easter. Marriage: Couples wishing to marry must meet with a priest before setting a date and at least six months in advance of an anticipated wedding in order to complete the preparation process. For residents of Collier County, one member of the engaged couple must already be a registered Saint Ann parishioner for at least six months before the couple can make a request to be married here. A couple may also request to be married here if a parent or grandparent of either the bride or groom is a regular practicing parishioner. In this case they must have the permission of both their Pastor/ Administrator and the Pastor of Saint Ann and will usually complete their marriage preparation in their parish of origin. Contact: The Parish Office. Funerals: After a funeral director has been contacted but before any arrangements have been made public, please contact the Parish Office in order to arrange for a funeral time, vigil service and liturgy planning. Contact: Karen Reeb Hedstrom. PARISH OFFICE 239-262-4256 FAX 239-262-4296 WEBSITE
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