Bulletin - Saint Ann Catholic Church, Naples, FL

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:00pm
Closed Tuesday from
1:00pm - 3:00pm
475 9th Avenue South
Naples, Florida 34102
T: (239) 262-4256
F: (239) 262-4296
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 4:00pm
JANUARY 25, 2015
SATURDAY VIGIL ..................................................................................................... 4:00PM, 5:30PM
SUNDAY ..................................................................................... 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 6:00PM
DAILY ...................................................................... MONDAY - THURSDAY, SATURDAY 8:00AM
................................................................................................................................................. FRIDAY 8:30AM
..............................................................................................................MONDAY - FRIDAY 12:15PM
HOLY DAY ............................................................................... (CONSULT BULLETIN FOR TIMES)
WEDNESDAY (IN THE PARISH OFFICE)………………………………………………………………………………1:00PM - 3:00PM
SATURDAY (IN THE CHURCH)…………………………………………………………………………………………...2:30PM - 3:45PM
FIRST SATURDAY .................................................................................................................................. 8:00AM
VISION STATEMENT: To be a spirit-filled people who Live Jesus, in a community of stewardship, welcoming
all to the presence of God.
MISSION STATEMENT: As the wellspring of Catholic faith in Collier County, our Parish family continues to
offer welcome and living water by sharing the Word of God, celebrating Christ in the Eucharist, serving others with
the gifts of the Spirit, and practicing faithful stewardship.
We welcome the following newly registered
parishioners to our Saint Ann Parish Family:
Vincent Cunningham
Barbara Morawski
Michael Stueve
January 2015
475 9th Avenue South
Naples, Florida 34102
(239) 262-4256
Rev. Michael C. Vannicola, O.S.F.S. ..................... Ext. 201
Rev. John A. Hanley, O.S.F.S. ............................. Ext. 200
Rev. Joseph P. Jocco, O.S.F.S. ............................ Ext. 200
Rev. Thomas J. Gillespie, O.S.F.S. ....................... Ext. 200
Rev. Mr. Ryan P. Cronshaw, O.S.F.S. .................. Ext. 211
Deacon M. Donald Healy .................................... Ext. 211
Mrs. Karen Reeb Hedstrom ................................. Ext. 201
Mr. John Esquivel .............................................. Ext. 206
Mr. M. Raymond Santiago .................................. Ext. 209
25 Sunday: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Donut Sunday after 9:00am and 11:00am Masses
(Rooney Hall).
26 Monday: Contemplative Prayer Group 7:00pm
27 Tuesday: Tuesday Morning Coffee - After 8:00am
Mass (Rooney Hall)
Teaching Tuesdays Series on Sacraments
9:30am and 6:30pm (Rooney Hall)
28 Wednesday: Little Rock Scripture Study 1:00pm
Praying the Scriptures (Gathering Room)
The Play -“The God Box” (Jubilee Center) 7:00pm
29 Thursday: Phase I Bereavement Support Group
9:30am (Parish Conference Room)
February 2015
Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Picnic 12:00pm (Jubilee Center)
Monday: Contemplative Prayer Group 7:00pm
Tuesday: Tuesday Morning Coffee after 8:00am
Mass (Rooney Hall)
Teaching Tuesdays Series on Sacraments
9:30am and 6:30pm (Rooney Hall)
Bereavement II Support Group 4:00pm (Chapel)
Ms. Sybil Jean Steuart ....................................... Ext. 203
Mrs. Barbara Szwed ........................................... Ext. 207
Mr. Victor Mundia .............................................. Ext. 208
Chair: Mrs. Maureen Minker ............................... 777-7118
Natalie Kraemer (Vice Chair), David LaCharite,
Florence Little, Liz Ross (Secretary), Leo Stec
Jan 18, 2015
1st Collection:
Scholarship Collection:
$ 42,125.55
$ 5,589.00
This Sunday last year
1st Collection:
Scholarship Collection:
$ 30,934.00
$ 4,307.00
This Week January 25th: the Church in Latin America
Chair: Ms. Bettina McKee .................................... 261-6258
Next Week February 1st: To assist parishioners in sending their children to Saint Ann School.
542 8 th Ave. S., Naples, FL 34102 (239) 262-4110
Pre-K3 through Grade 8
Mrs. Gina Groch (Principal) .............................. Ext. 303
Saint Ann Parish QR Code: Scan this QR (Quick
Response) code with your smart phone camera and
you will immediately access www.naplesstann.com. QR
reader apps can be downloaded for free.
Jack Conroy, Tim Conroy, Bailey Geeslin, Dan Herrick, Stacey
Moody (Secretary), Brett Oley
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s first reading, Jonah, sent by God to warn the people,
storms through Nineveh, frightening the citizens out of their wits.
It works! They repent before Jonah makes his way through a
third of the city, and God sees “by their actions” how they have
turned from evil.
Then we hear Paul telling the Corinthians that “the world in its
present form is passing away.” He calls for a change of heart. He
stops short of telling them to set aside their everyday lives, but
still he urges them—rather mysteriously—to live as though they
aren’t doing the things they’re doing.
Finally, Jesus stands on the shore and cries, “The Kingdom of
God is at hand!” The apostles-to-be abandon their nets and follow him. Thus in all the readings we hear an invitation to a radical and immediate change in our lives.
Saint Francis de Sales
Altar Servers/Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors and Sacristans (Scheduling)
Mr. M. Raymond Santiago...................................... 262-4256
Mrs. Mary Cunningham ......................................... 261-4689
Adult/Youth Choir
Mr. M. Raymond Santiago .................................... 262-4256
First Reading: The Ninevites turn from their evil way in response to Jonah’s message (Jonah 3:1-5, 10).
Mr. Paul Timko .................................................... 262-4640
Mr. Richard Pluta ................................................. 774-2429
Psalm: Teach me your ways, O Lord (Psalm 25).
Mrs. Irma Lesser .................................................. 262-5810
Second Reading: The world in its present form is passing
away (1 Corinthians 7:29-31).
Mrs. Karen Reeb Hedstrom .................................... 262-4256
Gospel Reading: Jesus proclaims, “Repent, and believe in the
gospel.” The new disciples abandon their nets and follow him
(Mark 1:14-20).
January 26
Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 3:22-30
8:00 A.M.
Dave and Katie LaCharite
12:15 P.M.
† Michael Szwed
January 27
Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35
8:00 A.M.
† Shirley van Setter
12:15 P.M.
† Gabrielle Lamy
WEDNESDAY January 28
Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20
8:00 A.M.
† Agnes Finnegan
12:15 P.M.
† Mark R. Lynett
January 29
Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25
8:00 A.M.
† Cheryl Mensel
12:15 P.M.
† Gordon Mansfield
January 30
Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34
8:30 A.M.
† Lillian P. Battles
12:15 P.M.
† Walter Allen
January 31
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41
8:00 A.M.
† Palmira Baffa
4:00 P.M.
† Dell and Joe Miera
5:30 P.M.
† Edith D. Throrpe
February 1
Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk1:21-28
7:30 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
6:00 P.M.
People of Saint Ann
Living and Deceased Members of the
Braun Family
† Robert O’Brien
† Mae Akey
Homebound Ministry
Hospital Ministry
Social Committee
Mrs. Natalie Kraemer ........................................... 595-4211
Mr. Lou Carran .................................................... 370-0885
Contemplative Prayer Group
Mrs. Betty Tanner ................................................ 434-2916
Mrs. Irma Lesser .................................................. 262-5810
Gabriel Project
Mrs. Carol Dangler ............................................... 601-7330
Lay Carmelites
Mrs. Betty Tanner ................................................ 434-2916
Mrs. Carol March .................................................. 417-0983
Respect Life
Mrs. Loretta Huenefeld ......................................... 262-8953
Mrs. Kathy Bartels ................................................ 262-3271
Catholic Charities of Collier County
Ms. Allegra Belliard .............................................. 793-0059
Crisis Pregnancy Line—Local 777-8343
Knights of Columbus
Mr. Jon Kierczynski............................................... 593-1998
Mrs. Anne Shean ............................................ 585-370-1540
Saint Vincent de Paul
Administrative Offices .......................................... 775-1667
Community Pregnancy Clinic
(Formerly Collier Pregnancy Center )
Mr. Gary Ingold ................................................... 450-5852
Hope for Haiti
Mrs. JoAnne Kuehner ............................................ 434-7183
Mother Frances de Sales Auxiliary to the Homeless
Mrs. Rebecca Foxhoven ......................................... 434-0102
Providence House
Mrs. Nancy Farren ................................................ 434-0579
Saint Ann School Foundation
Mrs. Pamela Macia ............................................... 595-3495
JANUARY 25, 2015
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Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JUNE 29, 2014
Page 5
A Moment With De Sales
Rev. Michael S. Murray, OSFS
Come Follow Me
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel we experience
Jesus preaching, “The kingdom of
God is at hand,” as He invites several fishermen to come after him.
St. Francis de Sales notes:
God has many ways of calling men
and women to service. God uses
preaching more than any other
form to convert individuals.
Through the ministry of preaching
God has touched the hearts of
many people, and called them to
special vocations. Preaching is like
a divine seed cast into the ground
of our hearts by the words of
God touches others while they are
reading good books. Still others
when they hear the holy words of
the Gospel while being read. There
are others who were disturbed by
the misfortunes, troubles and sufferings that befell them in the
world. Still, even if God is allpowerful and can do anything, God
does not want to take away the gift
of freedom given to us. Whenever
God calls us to service, He wants us
to come willingly, and not out of
force or compulsion.
Nonetheless, even if some people
come to God’s service because they
are disgusted with the world or because some sorrows and afflictions
trouble them, they can still give
themselves to God freely and willingly. Our sufficiency is from our
Redeemer who taught us how to be
fit ministers and capable of doing
God’s will. One who abides in Christ
partakes of his divine Spirit, who is
in the midst of our hearts as a living fountain. Through the love the
Holy Spirit pours into our hearts,
the frail reeds of our actions are
turned to gold. Our hearts, flooded
with the love of the Holy Spirit, produce sacred actions that tend towards immortal glory and carry us
to it.
Ministry Spotlight:
“When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph, who was himself a disciple of Jesus.
He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus; then Pilate ordered it to be handed over. Taking the body, Joseph wrapped it in clean linen and laid it in his new tomb that he had hewn in the rock. The he rolled a huge stone
across the entrance to the tomb and departed.”
Matthew 27: 57-60
The Arimatheans is a branch of the St. Ann Bereavement ministry. Its name comes from Joseph of Arimathea who
provided the tomb for Christ. Their ministry is simple—to attend funerals at St. Ann parish so that no parishioner
goes to his or her eternal reward without the presence and support of parish members. Won’t you consider being a
part of this comforting and necessary ministry? There is no meeting schedule, no training; no requirement other
than a heart that can care for others and the availability to attend services as your schedule allows. No death should
go un-mourned; no life un-noted. Please consider giving the gift of your prayerful presence as your heart and your
schedule allows.
For more information, please contact the parish office parish office at 239-262-4256.
Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! NOVEMBER
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Preview of Next Sunday's Scripture Readings
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reflections on Scripture
Jack Conroy, Ph.D.
I. Deuteronomy 18:15-20
A Promise of a Prophet.
Reflection: The early Church considered
this an important text. First, because
Moses (often called "Prophet") promised
a successor, a "New Moses," whom God
would raise up from the Jewish people.
Second, the promise of Moses was reaffirmed by God. This passage was quoted by St. Luke when he wrote the Acts of
the Apostles, having put it in the mouth
of Stephen, when he was addressing the
Sanhedrin, immediately before his death.
Stephen identified Jesus as precisely that
prophet that God had raised up, and who
had not been recognized by his fellowcountrymen. St. Matthew's Gospel portrays Jesus as the "New Moses," the
"New Lawgiver." Further, Moses had
promised one who would speak the
words that God put into him; the message came not merely from a human,
but from the Source of Being. Hence,
when the early Church read those lines,
it was not hard to recognize just who
Jesus was.
II. I Corinthians 7:32-35
Paul on Marriage-continued.
Reflection: Last week we began to
read in the middle of St. Paul's discourse
on Marriage. This week, we continue in
the middle. (I urge you to read Chapter 7
from the beginning.) Unfortunately, this
short reading, if taken out of context,
can give the impression that the unmarried person is being favored by the apostle. This is simply not true. For St. Paul,
being married or unmarried was immaterial; what was important was whether
each person exercised his or her specific
"gift" from God. St. Paul, himself, chose
to remain in the unmarried state.
(Whether he was ever married is unknown, but many Pauline scholars think
it likely that at one time he was married.)
The critical issue is to live within the
framework of the world-altering event of
the death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ. We are to live in this world "as if
it were not," and the state within which
we live in this world is utterly immaterial.
III. Mark 1:21-28
Jesus is Recognized-but by whom?
Reflection: We continue from last
week's Gospel reading, and see how
Jesus was acknowledged as one who
taught with "authority." Now the Scribes
represented the forces of opposition to
Jesus, for Mark. They are mentioned 20
times in his Gospel, and always in a negative manner. As we move to the story of
the person possessed by an unclean spirit, we find that this spirit is the one who
recognizes Jesus. This same event occurs
Happy New Year Arimatheans:
Thank you for your support of Saint Ann Arimathean
Ministry. Your attendance at the funerals is greatly appreciated by the families of the deceased. Please remember Friday, January 30th following the 8:30am Mass,
we will be celebrating my retirement party as your leader
for the past 16 years.
This retirement party will include food, fun, games,
many giveaways... and a chance for me to thank you all
again in person for your participation and especially,
your friendship. You have come through, in so many different ways and so many times and I will forever be
Our party is in the Rooney Hall. Bring all your friends,
house guests, and potential Arimatheans!
Please contact me (Mary Cunningham) if you have any
questions at 239-261-4689. Thank you again, Mary.
in several subsequent Marcan stories,
that Jesus is identified as the Messiah,
the Holy One of God by these unclean
spirits; but his own disciples never really
get it. But there is an issue that arises:
How did Jesus' hearers know his teaching to be authoritative? Did he just sound
good? Or is it possible that what he said,
when put within the framework of the
Hebrew Scriptures (as well as the established folk-wisdom of the time) simply
created a framework within which everything finally made sense. Jesus obviously
taught out of his cultural experience. He
was "authoritative" in how he said had to
elucidate, clarify, and make existentially
meaningful the Torah, Writings and
Prophets that were understood at that
time as having their source in God. We
even have the same problem today...we
struggle to understand what is
"authoritative," especially since it usually
involves interpretation. Let us be "UnMarcan" and recognize authoritative
teaching in the Gospels, neither as unclean spirits nor as Scribes!
The Anniversary Mass
All couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or more
than 50 years of marriage are invited by Bishop Frank J.
Dewane to an Anniversary Mass in their honor. To accommodate all couples, as in the past, there will be two
The Anniversary Mass will be celebrated in two locations:
Saturday, February 7 at 11 o'clock at Epiphany Cathedral
in Venice and March 14th at 11 o'clock at St. Leo the
Great Parish in Bonita Springs.
Please contact Karen Reeb Hedstrom, Office Manager for
additional information and reservations*. Although space
limits attendance at the Mass to celebrating couples only,
family and friends may join us for a reception in the Parish Center following the Mass. You may reach Karen Reeb
Hedstrom at (239) 262-4256.
*Must have a reservation and be registered one week
before the event you choose to attend.
Thank you.
13, 2015
Page 7
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Theme: We are called.
Requesting Infant Baptism?
and believe in the gospel.” The new disciples abandon their
nets and follow him (Mark 1:14-20).
Those parents who have never had an infant baptized at
St. Ann parish are to attend and complete a required parish Baptismal Preparation program.
Step One: Listen to the Word
As you hear Jesus calling others to be fishers of people, what words or phrases strike you? What in this
reading touches your heart?
For more information or to register for one of these classes, contact the Faith Formation Office at 239-262-4256,
ext. 203 or email faithformation@naplesstann.com.
Breaking Open the Word: Jesus proclaims, “Repent,
Programs are from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on March 18th.
Step Two: Look into Your Life
Question for Children: What do you think it was
like for the people in today's Gospel to be called by
Jesus? What did they have to give up in order to follow him?
Question for Youth: At the start of Jesus' ministry,
Jesus invites people to "believe in the Good News."
What are some ways that you could be more open to
the truth and challenge contained within the Gospels?
Question for Adults: If someone asked you, "To
what work has Jesus called you?” how would you answer
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick:
Individuals who would like to receive
the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
on the first Saturday of the month at
the 8:00 am Mass are asked to contact
the Parish Office at 239- 262-4256
prior to noon on the Friday before the
first Saturday. You are asked to present your name and the reason why
you are requesting to receive the sacrament. Following the homily at Mass, your name will be called and
you will come forward to receive the Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick. The parish community will keep
you in prayer during the month.
Thursday, at 1:00pm
Grief is a journey that sooner or later we all must take.
It's how we take the journey that makes the difference.
For anyone who has lost a loved one, we can help you on
your journey. We use the New Day Journey in combination with a structured support group. We Meet this Thursday, at 1:00pm in the parish conference room and will
continue until Thursday March 19th.
The facilitators are John Tuccinardi (617) 212-8873 and
Paul Timko at (239) 262-4640. If you should have any
questions on Bereavement support feel free to contact
John or Paul. Thank you.
Saint Ann Parish Commitment On First
Mondays, Come and Pray for One Hour:
On Mondays, abortions are performed at Planned
Parenthood on the corner of Creech and Goodlette-Frank
Roads. Please join our Saint Ann parishioners, along with
Saint William parishioners, in seeking a conversion of
heart for all those involved in procuring an abortion. We
pray on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood on
the first Monday of every month between 9:00 am and
2:00 pm.
If you have any questions, please call Kathy Bartels at
239-250-1854 or Loretta Huenefeld 239-290-0998.
Homebound Parishioners:
If you are homebound and currently not receiving Holy Communion from an Extraordinary Minister, please
call the Parish Office at 262-4256. We will be happy to
have you placed on the visitation schedule. If you
would like to have one of the priests visit you to administer the Sacrament of the Sick or administer the
Sacrament of Reconciliation, please contact the Parish
Tribute To Our Military:
We offer prayers and thanks to all
men and women currently serving in
the United States military. If you
have a loved one serving in our military, please call or email us their
name and rank so that we can pray
for them.
2ndLt Max Caggiano; David James
Clark, Army; SSGT Vincent Colombo;
LCP Marc Dinanno, USMC; A1C
Thomas Dolan; Lt Paul Farnan, USN; SSgt Andrew
LeBlanc; Justin LeBlanc, USCG Fireman; Matthew Malecky, Army; Capt. Richard Santiago Pluta; Navy Petty
Officer 3rd Class Matthew Pluta; Capt. William Prindiville, USMC; Major Jason P. Ward, USAF; Katie Yancosek, Army; C.W. 3 Sean Doyle McNally, Army.
Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 25,10,
Page 8
Tuesday Morning Coffee:
January 27th, after the 8:00am Mass in Rooney Hall.
Hope to see you there.
“When you encounter difficulties and contradictions, do not try to break them; bend them
with gentleness and time. “
~St. Francis de Sales
Little Rock Scripture Bible Study
Praying the Scriptures
January, 28th
On Wednesdays at 1:30pm in the Gathering Room. For information, contact Sybil
Jean Steuart at (239) 262-4256 or
Regional Safe Environment Training
As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility
and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and
physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults. As they
participate in activities within or sponsored by our diocese, it is
our commitment to provide an environment which is safe and
nurturing. In accordance with the Diocese of Venice policy to
offer continued Safe Environment Awareness to all employees
and volunteers, the following parishes will hold Regional Safe
Environment Awareness training sessions. All diocesan employees...clergy, religious, laity, and those volunteers who have
routine contact with children or vulnerable adults, MUST BE
TRAINED in safe environment awareness issues. No one should
attend Safe Environment Training until their fingerprints have
cleared. Continued employment/volunteer status requires that
you attend one of these sessions. Please contact the parish
secretary at the location you wish to attend with your name
and telephone number at least two weeks prior to the training.
Please share this information with all parish/school staff and
volunteers. Due to the sensitive nature of this training, no children are permitted to attend. Directions to the training site may
be found at http://www.dioceseofvenice.org
February 5th
Saint Peter the Apostle
(239) 774-3337
February 7th
Saint Peter the Apostle
(239) 774-3337
March 5th
Saint Finbarr
(239) 417-2084
March 7th
Saint Finbarr
(239) 417-2084
These are the only regional trainings that will be held in
the Winter/Spring. The next trainings will be scheduled
in the Summer/Fall 2015.
Teaching Tuesdays
at Saint Ann
Saint Francis de Sales referred to
Education as the “Eighth Sacrament of the Catholic Church”. He
felt strongly about his role as
teacher and educator of the faithful in his care.
In that same spirit, Saint Ann Parish is committed to
the continued education of its adult parishioners.
Classes on topics of the Catholic Faith will be offered
on select Tuesdays in Rooney Hall beginning at 9:30
am and at 6:30 pm.
Series on The Church’s Sacramental Life
January 27th
Completing the Sacraments of
Initiation: Eucharist and Confirmation
February 3rd
Forgiveness in The Sacraments
February 10th
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
What it is and What it isn’t
February 17th
Anointing of the Sick:
The Unknown Sacrament
February 24th
Christian Marriage
Save The Date:
The Diocese of Venice in Florida
Catholic Women's Conference
The 2015 Diocese of Venice
Women's Conference will be held
Saturday, February 14 at Bishop
Verot High School in Fort Myers.
Speakers this year include TV
and radio personality Dr. Ray
Guarendi and atheist-turnedCatholic, Jennifer Fulwiler.’
Dr. Ray Guarendi
Dr. Ray Guarendi is the father of 10, clinical psychologist, author, public speaker and nationally syndicated
radio and television host.
Registration: www.dioceseofvenice.org/womens
Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 25, 2015
Page 9
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion,
Homebound, Hospital and at Mass:
Training will be held in the Church on Tuesday, January
27th at 1:00pm, on Saturday, February 7th at 9:00am
and on Friday, February 13th at 9:30am. All must attend one of the training sessions. Any questions, please
contact Mr. Raymond Santiago at 262-4256 or
email at liturgy@naplesstann.com. Thank you.
Football coach, active
sportscaster, author and
motivational speaker.
All women are invited to a breakfast sponsored by Magnificat, a ministry to Catholic women. The breakfast will
be held Saturday, January 31, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM at
the Holiday Inn Airport at Gulf Coast Town Center, Fort
Myers. Our speaker is Renee Marazon, Parish Outreach
Coordinator for the Diocese of Toledo Ministry to the
Catholic Charistmatic Renewal and council member of
the Catholic Charismatic Renewal National Service Committee.
Please call Joanne Tarantino at 239-887-0060 or Shirley
Ruehl at 239-949-7015.
Saturday, February 28 at 6:00 PM
Saint Ann Jubilee Center
525 9th Ave. South
Join Saint Ann
Knights of Columbus
Save The Date
March 14th
The Emerald Ball
Ritz Carlton Beach Resort
Please join us on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at the Ritz
Carlton Beach Resort, Naples, as we celebrate the 30th
anniversary of Emerald Ball, the premiere fundraising
event that supports Catholic Charities of Collier County,
Diocese of Venice, Inc.
For more information, please contact Star Barto at:
(239) 455-2655 or e-mail: star@catholiccharitiescc.org
For an evening of Sociable
Simulated Horse Racing
Food – Drink – Raffles
Advance tickets $10.00 each
At the Door: $15.00 each
Purchase Early to Reserve a Table for Eight
Tickets are available through: St. Ann Office,
K of C members, and at the door.
Questions contact Terry Hewitt at 643-5495.
Proceeds to benefit St. Ann Church and K of C Charities.
Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! NOVEMBER
Page 10
Come join us at
the Saint Ann Parish Picnic
Sunday, February 1st
12:00 pm
in the Jubilee Center
We will supply the food!
You supply
the Beverages & Desserts!
(cookies, cupcakes and brownies)
Please RSVP
Saint Ann Parish Office
by January 29th
Thank You
Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 25, 2015
Page 11
This Wednesday,
January 28th 6:30PM
Saint Ann Jubilee Center
Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 25, 2015
Page 12
Save The Date! Save The Date!
Date: April 18, 2015
Place: Naples Sailing and Yacht Club
 Time: 6:00pm
For tickets and more information
please contact 262-4110 ext. 333
or foundation@stann.net
Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! JANUARY 25, 2015
New Members: To those of you who are new to Naples or to the
parish, welcome to Saint Ann! We are an active and vibrant parish.
To initiate the registration process, please register on our website
at naplesstann.com. You may alternately complete a form and drop
it into the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Any usher
will be happy to show you where the forms are located.
To All Registered Parishioners: Weekly donations are tracked
through the envelope system, that is, through your parish registration number. This is one reason we encourage all to register with
us regardless of whether you are full-time or seasonal parishioners.
Please call the parish office if your address changes. This saves us
postage and keeps our census up-to-date. It may take up to eight
weeks to make changes. Thank you.
Electronic Giving: Would you find it helpful to have your donations to Saint Ann Church debited directly from your bank account
or credit card as you do with other monthly bills? Saint Ann offers
electronic giving for those who wish to have your contribution
transferred electronically to the church. If you are a seasonal parishioner, this is particularly helpful in keeping up with your intended offerings. Electronic giving makes life easier for you and yields
significant benefits for your church. You can sign up for Electronic
Giving at any time by completing an authorization form which is
available in the parish office.
Saint Ann Phase 1 Bereavement Support: This group will
serve those who have experienced a more recent loss or still feel
they may need more help. The goal is to assist the bereaved
through the stages of their grief. Contact Paul Timko at 239-2624640 or Cathie Mollo at 239-435-0873 to learn about the next
scheduled class. Registration is required!
Saint Ann Bereavement Support Group: This group is normally
for those individuals who have completed Phase 1 Bereavement
Support. Find support in the loss of a loved one. The Bereavement
Support Group usually meets the first and third Tuesday of each
month in the Saint Joachim Chapel from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Contact: Richard Pluta at 239-774-2429.
Contemplative Prayer Group: All are welcome to join in “quiet
time” before the Blessed Sacrament and to pray the Rosary and
Divine Mercy Chaplet. The Prayer group normally meets Monday
evenings in Saint Joachim Chapel from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Contact: Betty Tanner at 239-434-2916 or Irma Lesser at 239-2625810.
Prayer Line: Is there someone you want the Contemplative Prayer
Group to pray for? Contact Karen Reeb Hedstrom at 239-262-4256.
Faith Formation: Meeting days and times for programs etc. are
as follows: Faith Formation classes K - 8 are held Sunday morning,
10:15 - 11:45 am. 9th-10th Grade, Confirmation, First Communion
and First Reconciliation programs meet on select Sunday afternoons during the school year. RCIA attends night classes and
meets Sunday mornings 9:00 - 10:00 am. Contact Sybil Steuart or
call 239-262-4256, Ext. 203.
Gabriel Project: Gabriel Project is a friendship and mentoring
program for pregnant women. If you need assistance or would like
to volunteer, contact 239-601-7330. Volunteers are also needed to
drive women to doctor’s appointments. Contact: Carol Dangler.
M.O.M.S. Ministry Of Mothers Sharing: M.O.M.S. is an 8 week
spiritual journey that leads a group of women through the discovery of their individual gifts, peer ministry, self value, mutual guidance and prayer. Contact Anne Shean at 585-370-1540.
Safe Environment: As part of the Safe Environment Program, the
Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers
who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted
and trained in Safe Environment. For further information, visit the
Diocesan website at www.dioceseofvenice.org. Report all abuse to
the Florida Department of Children and Families 800-962-2873. To
report abuse by Diocesan personnel or volunteers, call the Diocesan
Victims Assistance Coordinator, Barbara Di Cocco at 941-416-6114.
Retrouvaille: Marriage in crisis? Retrouvaille can help. Call 800470-2230, or go to www.HelpOurMarriage.com.
Sick and Homebound: If you or a loved one is hospitalized or
homebound, please contact the Parish Office to arrange for the
reception of the Eucharist and/or for the Anointing of the Sick.
Holy Orders and Religious Life: Any member of the parish staff
is willing to assist you if you are considering a vocation as a Sister,
Brother or priest in a religious order, or as a deacon or priest in a
diocese. In addition, the vocation directors of the Oblates and of
the Diocese of Venice are available for assistance in discernment.
For the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales, contact Father Alan Zobler, O.S.F.S., 419-724-9851 or at zobler@oblates.us. For the Diocese of Venice, please contact Father Cory Mayer, Mayer
@dioceseofvenice.org or Father Eric Scanlan, by email at Scanlan@dioceseofvenice.org or by phone at (941) 484-9543.
Bulletin Announcements are to be submitted by email to Bulletin
Editor John Esquivel at communications@naplesstann.com by 9:00
am Thursday, ten days prior to the requested publication date.
Announcements normally run in the bulletin for three weeks and
are edited as space permits.
Ads: Contact J.S. Paluch Co. at 800-432-3240 www.jspaluch.com.
Library: The library is located in the Faith Formation Room. Library
is opened by appointment.
Infant Baptism: Registered parishioners should contact the Faith
Formation Office at least three months prior to the planned Baptism
(239-262-4256, Ext. 203 or faithformation@naplesstann.com).
Godparent documentation must be received at least two weeks
prior to the scheduled baptism. Parent(s) requesting infant Baptism
for the first time at St. Ann’s parish are to attend and complete a
required, scheduled parish Baptismal Preparation program. If for
some reason, the parents are unable to attend the required program, they are to contact the Faith Formation Office to reschedule
the date of the Baptism until a time after this requirement is met.
Infant Baptism may be held in or outside of Sunday Mass. Children
over 7 are normally baptized through the RCIA process which culminates at Easter.
Marriage: Couples wishing to marry must meet with a priest before setting a date and at least six months in advance of an anticipated wedding in order to complete the preparation process. For
residents of Collier County, one member of the engaged couple
must already be a registered Saint Ann parishioner for at least six
months before the couple can make a request to be married here.
A couple may also request to be married here if a parent or grandparent of either the bride or groom is a regular practicing parishioner. In this case they must have the permission of both their Pastor/
Administrator and the Pastor of Saint Ann and will usually complete
their marriage preparation in their parish of origin. Contact: The
Parish Office.
Funerals: After a funeral director has been contacted but before
any arrangements have been made public, please contact the Parish Office in order to arrange for a funeral time, vigil service and
liturgy planning. Contact: Karen Reeb Hedstrom.
PARISH OFFICE 239-262-4256 FAX 239-262-4296 WEBSITE www.naplesstann.com